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The benefits and harms of compression stockings for varicose veins. My leg hurts after taking off my compression stockings every day. Why do my compression stockings hurt my legs?

How to choose and wear stockings and socks for varicose veins correctly? Phlebologists often hear this question from people who have been diagnosed with varicose veins. This disease is a fairly common pathology of the superficial veins of the lower extremities, caused by circulatory disorders and malfunctions in the functioning of the valve apparatus. In the absence of timely treatment, varicose veins are prone to progression, so the fight against it must be started in the early stages. Modern treatment of the disease is carried out in 2 ways: with the help of drug therapy and surgery. In both the first and second cases, doctors recommend that patients wear shapewear made of compression knitwear (stockings, knee socks, etc.), which normalizes blood flow, prevents swelling and relieves heaviness in the legs.

Compression garments have a therapeutic effect due to the constant dosed distribution of pressure along the walls of diseased vessels. Wearing it regularly helps avoid further expansion of the veins, improves the functioning of the valves, supplies the tissues with oxygen, and prevents blood stagnation in the legs. Indications for the use of stockings and socks for varicose veins are:

  • prevention of the appearance of venous diseases in people prone to their development;
  • prevention of further progression of venous diseases;
  • period after surgical treatment of veins;
  • high probability of thrombus formation if it is necessary to adhere to bed rest.

To choose the right knee socks and stockings for varicose veins, the patient needs to become familiar with their main varieties. Any elastic anti-varicose products are divided into compression classes. The smallest tightening effect is observed in preventive stockings and knee socks. Average pressure on the venous walls is provided by elastic knitwear of compression classes 1, 2 and 3. The highest pressure is found in hospital products intended for people with severe forms of varicose veins.

Each compression class has its own characteristics and indications for use. Preventive stockings and socks for varicose veins are recommended for people who have a tendency to develop venous diseases. They exert a pressure of 15-18 mm Hg on the veins. Art. and help prevent varicose veins with the following factors:

First-class compression knitwear exerts a pressure of 18-22 mm Hg on the lower extremities. Art. Indications for wearing it are:

  • prevention of varicose veins in pregnant women;
  • initial stage of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI);
  • the presence of spider veins and dilated veins on the lower extremities;
  • complaints of pain, heaviness and swelling in the legs in the evenings.

Second class compression underwear has a pressure of 23-33 mmHg. Art. and is prescribed for the following problems:

Elastic stockings and third-class compression socks put a pressure of 34-46 mm Hg on the legs. Art. This type of underwear is shown:

  • with varicose veins, accompanied by swelling and trophic ulcers;
  • with severe CVI;
  • for lymphedema;
  • with lymphovenous insufficiency.

Wearing hospital stockings and knee socks for varicose veins allows you to create a compression of over 49 mm Hg on the walls of blood vessels. Art. This type of underwear is recommended under the following conditions:

  • surgical treatment of varicose veins;
  • childbirth and the postpartum period in women suffering from venous diseases;
  • bed rest;
  • treatment in a hospital setting.

Shape socks or stockings for varicose veins should be purchased only on the recommendation of a phlebologist. The doctor will advise the patient on the required compression class and explain how to wear therapeutic knitwear correctly. When should you choose compression socks for varicose veins, and when should you give preference to stockings? For illnesses localized below the knee, it is necessary to purchase knee socks. If the pathology affects the entire leg or areas above the knee, then it would be more advisable to buy compression stockings.

Selection and use of products for varicose veins

How to choose compression socks or stockings? A correctly selected product should correspond to a person’s height and weight, fit tightly around his legs and not slip when walking. If the size of the shapewear is chosen incorrectly, it will not bring a therapeutic effect. It is necessary to purchase models of stockings and knee socks for varicose veins in pharmacies on the recommendation of a doctor.

How to wear stockings for varicose veins correctly? Experts advise putting them on immediately after waking up and only then getting out of bed. Therapeutic stockings are worn throughout the day and removed before bed. Do the same with elastic knee socks.

Put on compression underwear as follows: turn the product inside out, pull it over the sock, and only then begin to slowly distribute it along the leg in the direction from bottom to top. For the best therapeutic effect, you need to put on stockings and knee socks with your legs raised to the ceiling. At the end of each day, the laundry is washed with soap.

Knitted products against varicose veins are produced for both women and men.

Women's models of stockings and knee socks are available in various styles and colors and can be used instead of regular oversized tights or socks. Men's models of compression underwear have a discreet color and are intended to be worn exclusively under clothing.


How to wear compression stockings correctly

Wearing compression hosiery prevents varicose veins and the appearance of spider veins. Stockings and tights support the normal functioning of blood vessels and the tone of the skin of the legs. The use of medical products eliminates pain and discomfort associated with varicose veins.

Compression stockings can be used independently as a preventative measure, but only after consultation with a doctor. Knitted products are selected individually, taking into account the length of the foot and the entire leg, the volume of the thigh and lower leg.

Wearing compression tights or stockings is prescribed for the following conditions and diseases:

· pregnancy;

· varicose veins;

· swelling;

· overweight.

According to the degree of pressure, compression knitwear is divided into 4 classes:

- first class (18–21 mm Hg) is used as a prophylactic against venous diseases;

- second (22–32 mm Hg) - at the first manifestations of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.

— the third (33–46 mm Hg. Art.) and fourth (from 47 mm Hg. Art.) classes are used in the complex treatment of severe diseases.

How long you need to wear compression stockings is determined by a phlebologist. The minimum period for using knitwear is 3 months. If varicose veins are detected, constant wearing of compression stockings may be required.

The products are put on after waking up, in a relaxed position, like regular stockings or tights. You need to wear them throughout the day, take them off only before going to bed or resting. When wearing compression garments, it is allowed to wear shoes with heels no higher than five centimeters. Otherwise, the course of the disease may worsen.

The use of compression stockings is contraindicated for diseases such as:

· Atherosclerosis;


pulmonary and heart failure;

· diabetes;

thromboangiitis obliterans (Winiwarter-Buerger disease);

· osteoarthritis.

In addition, the use of medical knitwear is not recommended for cuts or skin diseases.

Compression stockings support your legs during everyday activities. Thanks to the wide selection, such products can be used every day; they are practically no different from ordinary stockings.


Can I wear compression stockings for varicose veins?

Wearing compression stockings for varicose veins is not only possible, but also necessary. However, you need to understand that anti-varicose stockings are a medical product, the choice of which must be approached responsibly. Intex compression stockings differ in the degree of pressure they apply to the legs. The stronger the pressure, the higher the compression class (expressed in mmHg) indicated on the packaging.

If with severe varicose veins (a network of dilated superficial veins covers the legs from the shin to the thigh, severe swelling) wear stockings low compression class, elastic stockings will not have the desired effect. If in the initial stages of varicose veins (mild swelling without external manifestations) you wear high-class compression stockings (for example, compression class 2 (23-32 mm Hg)), the stockings can cause blood stagnation and aggravate the condition.
Thus, before purchasing compression stockings (primarily this applies to compression class 2 stockings), it is recommended consult a phlebologist.

How to wear compression stockings for varicose veins correctly?

In order for Intex therapeutic stockings to be beneficial, you need to learn how to wear them.
How to wear compression stockings for varicose veins
Before putting on stockings, you need to insert your hand inside the product, grab the heel part and turn it inside out to the heel area.

Therefore, you need to place your foot in the foot part of the stocking, carefully distributing the fabric over the heel. Then you need to grab the stocking, distribute it along the ankle and, intercepting the inverted part of the knitwear, distribute the product along the leg. In this case, you need to ensure that the stocking does not twist or form wrinkles.

How long to wear compression stockings for varicose veins
Varicose veins are a difficult to cure disease. Even vein surgery cannot guarantee a complete recovery, so compression stockings must be worn throughout life. However, if the condition improves after compression therapy, the phlebologist will allow you to replace class 2 compression stockings with products of a lower class (1 or preventive compression class).

How long should you wear compression stockings for varicose veins?
For varicose veins, you need to wear compression stockings every day for 5-7 hours a day. In this case, you should put on stockings immediately after waking up, when swelling is minimal. If this is not possible, then before putting on stockings, you need to lie down for 10-15 minutes with your legs elevated on a pillow.


Therapeutic effect of compression tights for varicose veins?

Previously, before the large-scale production of high-quality medical underwear, elastic bandages were widely used, the use of which has a number of disadvantages:

  • firstly, they must be applied very correctly each time, which does not always work out and takes a lot of time
  • secondly, the appearance of the bandages does not allow them to be worn, for example, to work
  • thirdly, their low price turns out to be deceptive, since the bandages very quickly become unusable, which negates all savings.

What is the effect of using medical therapeutic knitwear? When squeezing dilated veins, compression garments for varicose veins help accelerate blood flow through the deep veins, thereby eliminating venous congestion (more about the mechanism of varicose veins). Moreover, high-quality modern compression hosiery provides for a graduated, that is, gradual decrease in pressure from the lower leg to the thigh, or from the hand to the shoulder.

For example, in the lower part of the lower leg the pressure created by compression stockings or tights is a maximum of 100%, and in the upper part of the thigh it is 40%. This is the most appropriate and physiologically determined change in pressure, which has a therapeutic effect. This mode of pressure distribution on the veins stimulates and normalizes the upward flow of blood due to:

  • improvement and normalization of the valve apparatus
  • reduction of the expanded lumen of the peripheral, especially saphenous veins of the thighs and legs
  • increasing the effect of a muscle pump - when muscles contract due to physical activity, blood is pushed upward.

However, it should be remembered that treatment with compression garments for varicose veins does not eliminate the deep causes of venous insufficiency, and it is used before radical surgical treatment. This knitwear simulates the situation - that dilated veins are sealed or removed.

In addition, non-surgical conservative treatment of leg diseases should be comprehensive. The maximum effect can be obtained if you use creams and ointments recommended by your doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle, wear compression socks or tights every day, and also use folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins (see treatment of varicose veins).

Contraindications for the use of compression stockings

As with any treatment, each product or medicine has a number of contraindications, and therapeutic medical knitwear is no exception. Some people should absolutely not use compression garments, while others should use them with caution after careful diagnosis and consultation with a doctor. If relative contraindications occur, you should consult a dermatologist, cardiologist, or endocrinologist.

  • Such underwear is absolutely contraindicated in cases of atherosclerosis, thromboangiitis obliterans, endoarteritis, orthoarteritis. With such chronic diseases of the arteries of the legs, leading to a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels and systolic blood pressure less than 80 mm. rt. Art. It is strictly forbidden to reduce pressure in the lower extremities using medical knitwear.
  • People with overly sensitive skin should use therapeutic knitwear with caution.
  • It is not advisable to use compression garments for inflammatory skin diseases, allergic reactions on the skin, various dermatitis, bedsores, open wounds, acute thrombophlebitis and eczema.
  • A relative contraindication is diabetes mellitus, since if the blood vessels in the legs are damaged due to diabetes, such underwear should also not be used.
  • In case of septic phlebitis and severe cardiopulmonary failure, when circulatory disorders occur at rest, compression hosiery should also not be used.

Many are afraid to start wearing compression garments due to the fact that there is an opinion that knitwear provokes the development of atrophy of the muscular layer of the vein walls, and when their use is stopped, the opposite negative effect may occur - when the venous wall will not be able to counteract the blood pressure in the lumen of the vessel. Therefore, due to atrophy of the vein walls, existing varicose veins will progress even more.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to conduct clinical studies on every vein subject to compression, but phlebologists believe that this opinion is erroneous, because:

  • The patient cannot wear compression garments 24/7
  • In veins that are subject to compression, the flow of blood decreases rather than stops altogether.
  • Atrophy of the muscle wall most often occurs due to a genetic disposition and a local specific inflammatory process during venous stagnation and filling of the vein. And this all decreases when using knitwear.
  • This can only happen based on the initial sensations of patients when the use of underwear is stopped. In this case, a temporary deterioration in condition and well-being occurs for some time, which is explained not by atrophy and progression of varicose veins, but by a temporary decrease in the tone of the venous wall.
  • Reviews and feelings of patients when they stop using compression stockings for varicose veins - most find it difficult to get used to starting to walk after using compression stockings. Many claim that when using a medicinal product, their legs become as if light and many do not want to give up using them anymore.

The opinion of British scientists - does compression hosiery really help with varicose veins?

How to choose compression garments

Medical compression garments and knitwear are divided into: hospital, which is used only in hospitals, preventive and therapeutic. We will look in detail at the compression classes of therapeutic anti-varicose compression hosiery, how to choose compression garments, how to wear them and how to care for them.

The most important point is that you should buy compression stockings, tights, and knee socks exclusively in specialized orthopedic salons or dealer salons of famous brands. In them, trained staff know how to accurately select the size of underwear, since the wrong size can turn the treatment completely ineffective. In a special store, the seller will measure your leg in 4 places and select the size of tights or stockings according to a special table.

There are 4 compression levels:

  • 18-21 mm. rt. Art. Compression class 1 is a preventive compression that can and even should be worn constantly by persons:
    • prone to varicose veins
    • pregnant women
    • persons with initial signs of varicose veins, when the veins under the skin stand out strongly, if after prolonged sitting or standing there is pain in the legs, if spider veins are pronounced and swelling appears in the area of ​​​​the feet and ankles at the end of the day.
    • healthy people whose lifestyle and work requires them to sit or stand for a long time - office workers, drivers, hairdressers, salespeople.
  • 23 – 32 mm. rt. Art. Compression class 2- this is the best, most popular class, which is used to treat thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.
  • 34 – 46 mm. rt. Art. Compression class 3- used for trophic disorders and severe venous insufficiency.
  • 49 and more Compression class 4- used extremely rarely, for lymphatic edema.

Those who are choosing anti-varicose jersey for the first time should not immediately buy expensive underwear of 2nd degree compression, it is possible that your vascular system will not be able to withstand it. When you wear inexpensive underwear for some time, get used to it; if you feel comfortable in it, you can then select higher quality and more expensive compression underwear.

For prevention, of course, you should use only compression class 1 underwear, and if varicose veins develop, the compression class is determined by a phlebologist. Compression underwear cannot cure varicose veins, since the causes of its appearance are very deep and with external influence it can only be stopped and prevented from developing further, that is, compression tights for varicose veins are designed to prevent the appearance of new varicose veins. In the summer, of course, it is impossible to wear knitwear, so in the warm season you should take medications orally or use other methods of treatment.

You should also know that any compression garment maintains compression for no more than 5-7 months.

Reviews from some women about the quality of compensation underwear from various manufacturers - knitwear from the Sigvaris company, the average price for which, within 4,500 rubles, is almost no different from Copper, which costs about 2,500 rubles. Also quite good quality underwear made in Germany is Ortho and Venotex, the prices for which are quite reasonable 1000-1500 rubles.

What to look for when buying and how to avoid counterfeiting?

There are quality standards for therapeutic compression garments for varicose veins, one of the most significant and strict is the European standard RAL-GZ-387. In order for a manufacturer to use the logo of this standard, it must undergo strict certification in Germany or Switzerland. If the underwear has such a certificate, it means it is really high quality, creates a distributed pressure of 40-70-100% and is therapeutic; you can learn about this standard from the packaging and the label on the product.

It is worth choosing the manufacturer very carefully, since there are a lot of fakes on the Russian wild market, so it is better to purchase compression stockings or compression tights either in dealer stores or in specialized stores, where specialists will accurately select the appropriate model according to your standards.

Since such knitwear should be worn every day, it must be hypoallergenic; in order to determine this, the purchased product must bear the Oeko-Tex Standard 10 European environmental safety standard mark.

Are there any special features when putting on compression stockings, tights, or knee socks?

You should know that even the second class of compression hosiery, which is considered the most common, is sometimes “beyond the patient’s strength”:

  • This often occurs due to the inconvenience and difficulty of putting underwear on your legs. The peculiarity of such knitwear is that it cannot be worn like children's tights, gathered into an accordion and then pulled up. Both stockings and tights should be put on gradually, straightening them on the leg. If a person has a large belly, and tying a shoelace is already a problem, then putting on underwear will also be difficult.
  • To make it easier to put on, many people use special devices offered in the same salons. And also gloves, which should definitely be worn, they can be both household and medical, since expensive linen can be ruined by a manicure and the linen will slide better if your hands are in gloves.
  • Naturally, toenails should be trimmed and filed, there should be no calluses or roughness, otherwise the underwear will quickly tear or there will be a lot of puffs.
  • It is also important that your feet are dry, as well as your underwear; you should wear compression stockings in the morning, when your feet are not swollen and rested.
  • It is especially difficult to put on compression class 3 products - it is a lot of work, and if the patient trusts his phlebologist and is sure that he needs such treatment, then he should be patient, otherwise he should not start treatment with this class. It is usually recommended to wear compression classes 3 and 4 using a special special device.

How to care for compression garments?

  • It is best to have 2 pairs of compression tights, since you should wash it every day - this is necessary to get rid of the smallest debris, dust, and skin particles, since they can damage the fibers of the laundry faster than detergents.
  • You should only wash it by hand with baby soap, as it cannot be washed in washing machines. The water temperature when washing should not be higher than 40 C, and you should also not iron or bleach laundry.
  • Any rinse aids and conditioners have a destructive effect on the structure, so they should not be used when washing.
  • Linen should be dried flat on a horizontal surface; under no circumstances should it be wrung out, but only gently pressed lightly into a towel. Do not dry knitwear on a radiator, on a conventional dryer in a vertical position, or in the open sun or using a hairdryer.
  • You should also treat silicone strips on stockings with care; they quickly lose their fastening properties after contact with water; try not to wet them when washing, but wipe them with an alcohol wipe.


Why do you need men's orthopedic stockings for varicose veins on the legs?

For proper prevention and treatment of varicose veins on the legs, doctors recommend wearing products made from elastic compression material, elastic stockings for varicose veins on the legs. Stockings are designed to strengthen muscle fibers, the venous system of the lower extremities, reduce swelling in the legs and pain.

Effect of medical special compression stockings and tights consist of squeezing dilated veins using a special elastic fabric. As a result, blood actively circulates, does not stagnate in the veins and does not form prerequisites for the formation of blood clots and clots.

Patients who systematically wear compression stockings for varicose veins note contraction of veins, a decrease in heaviness in the limbs and an improvement in overall well-being.

How to choose compression stockings for varicose veins

Having decided to purchase corrective knitwear, people with varicose veins are interested in the composition, quality, strength of the material, and comfort. For women, the aesthetic appearance of a product is of great importance. These are not all the qualities to consider.

To avoid undesirable consequences, it is not recommended to purchase elastic stockings for varicose veins on the legs on your own; you should consult your doctor. Only a phlebologist can determine the degree of compression based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Mediven duomed - Mediven:

The following types of stockings are available: classic, with an open part. For patients with large limbs, silicone rubber bands and a belt.

Elastic stockings for varicose veins on the legs

Elastic underwear classes:

  1. Zero and 1 class are used for preventive purposes. To purchase, no specialist consultation is required. Recommended for use during a sedentary lifestyle, daily weight lifting, pregnancy, and minor swelling.
  2. Class 2 and 3 are used for swelling, pain, spider veins, and after surgery. Prescribed by a phlebologist.
  3. Class 4 is used in advanced stages of varicose veins, the postoperative period and long-term bed rest.

For correctional models and simple socks, knitwear density units (DEN) are typical. The measurement parameters are millimeters of mercury. For prevention, zero class models are recommended; their density should not exceed 18 millimeters of mercury.

At a certain stage of varicose veins, it is necessary to adhere to the following classification of the degree of compression. Compression underwear for varicose veins, therapeutic elastic stockings for varicose veins on the legs are divided into categories:

  • The emphasis on the limbs is 18 - 21 millimeters of mercury. Recommended for initial signs of the disease, heavy bearing and minor pain in the limbs;
  • The stockings have compression of 23-32 millimeters. Indicated specifically for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • The pressure on the limbs that the product exerts can range from 34 to 46 millimeters of mercury. Recommended for advanced deterioration and progressive course of the disease, trophic disorders;
  • Fourth grade. Compression exceeds 49 mm and is prescribed in exceptional cases.

Be sure to pay attention to the size. Using a measuring tape, measurements are taken of the hips, lower and upper parts of the lower leg, ankle, length of the foot and leg, after which the dimensions are checked against the table. If the measurements do not match, these stockings cannot be used.

The best time The best time to measure parameters is in the morning, since in the evening there is a high probability of swelling in the legs.


Compression underwear differs from ordinary ones, as it is made using special technology. The stockings contain elastane, which creates a compression effect. A characteristic feature of the product is that they stretch with difficulty and create maximum comfortable comfort. They keep out the cold in any season of the year and breathe in the summer.

There are rubber and cotton lines of compression products. Stockings that act as a bandage are produced especially for males. Visually, they resemble long black socks.

How to choose and wear therapeutic stockings for men

Phlebologists advise wearing stockings for varicose veins for three months. You should put them on in the morning and walk all day, regardless of the time of year and temperature. At night you should let your body rest and take off your underwear. In hot weather, the product can cause some discomfort, but for the sake of healing from an unpleasant disease like varicose veins, you can put up with temporary inconvenience.

As a last resort, you can consult a doctor who will prescribe stockings with a lower degree of compression.
You need to wear correction tights or stockings carefully so that they do not get snagged. It is better to get rid of manicure during treatment.

To avoid stretching your knees, you should squat as little as possible. Ordinary thin silk socks, which are worn on top, will help protect the heel from rubbing and the appearance of holes.

So that elastic stockings varicose veins on the legs last longer, you should follow some rules for caring for them:

  • Wash by hand only;
  • The product cannot be twisted or squeezed;
  • Washing water should be warm, but not hot;
  • Dry away from radiators and heaters;
  • Avoid damaging the product, may lose effectiveness;
  • Stockings should be changed at 3-6 months.

It is better to buy two pairs so that you can wear them without interruption. While one pair is drying, the second one is used.

Advantages of compression class 2 stockings

Compared with medical elastic bandages, correction stockings for varicose veins of the lower extremities have many advantages:

  1. They are of high quality and attractive in appearance.
  2. No different from regular stockings.
  3. They don't slip.
  4. A wide range of products allows you to choose tights to suit your taste.
  5. Provide uniform pressure throughout the body on veins and blood vessels.
  6. With careful use they last a long time.

Elastic stockings for varicose veins on the legs are more expensive than elastic simple bandages. Mathematical calculations show that buying stockings is more economically profitable, since you will need a lot of bandages.

Healing properties

The compression pressure method is not innovative; since ancient times, trophic ulcers have been treated using pressure bandages and bandages. A distinctive property of correctional stockings is their ability to create a load of a certain force on different areas of the legs during wearing.

Elastic stockings for varicose veins on the legs are a great help; you will begin to notice the first results after the first uses within 24 hours. You will feel a new sensation when wearing it.

In the lower part of the limb the pressure is 100%, the veins will need to make every effort to lift blood from this area. As the blood moves upward, the compression will weaken. On the legs it will be 70%, on the hips – 40%. Stockings compress the veins, forcing the blood to push out and move through the vessels.

Blood flow directed to the heart will be activated in the process of load distribution. The healing properties of orthopedic stockings include:

  • Creating protection against vein stretching;
  • Stabilization of blood flow;
  • Preventing the formation of blood clots and pathological nodes;
  • Relief from pain and swelling in the legs.


Special indications for use and wearing of products:

  1. Spider veins, swelling, fatigue in the limbs.
  2. Heritage by family ties.
  3. Pregnancy period.
  4. Swollen, protruding veins.
  5. Postoperative period (stockings are recommended for surgery).
  6. The period after the intended treatment course of injections.

Correction stockings can be worn for disease prevention purposes. Even for users who regularly experience stress on their lower limbs, such as athletes.

Contraindications for use are:

  1. Skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis).
  2. Traumatized areas of the skin.
  3. The occurrence of diabetes mellitus.
  4. Detection of cardiovascular insufficiency in the patient's body.
  5. Atherosclerosis.

Video blog of Elena Malysheva

Video from Elena Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy” - how to choose the right compression tights, socks, stockings for varicose veins on the limbs.

Stockings for pregnant women

During the period of bearing a child, wearing corrective products is desirable for preventive purposes against the disease. If a woman had signs of varicose veins on her legs before pregnancy, it is imperative to wear stockings for pregnant women against varicose veins.
For expectant mothers, there are special products that do not have a compressive mesh and have a belt for fixation.

Tip: Tummy support tights. Such models have strong inserts that reduce pressure on the vessels. Sometimes orthopedic tights can cause irritation in pregnant women; the use of a moisturizer is recommended.

Photo of elastic stockings with a zipper

How to wear and put on compression socks after surgery

Before the procedure, you need to tidy up your feet using a file to remove peeling and calluses and remove jewelry from your hands. You can wear gloves, this will make it easier to slide the stockings up.

Corrective stockings for varicose veins: where to buy, prices

You can purchase shapewear in specialized stores, salons and pharmacies. The range is quite wide, the cost of the product ranges from 1,500 to 6,000 thousand rubles. Doctors do not recommend purchasing cheap models; they will serve the owner for a short period of time.

When purchasing, you should inquire about all the quality standard documents. The most famous suppliers of compression garments are German, Italian and Swiss brands.

They performed an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) plastic surgery on me.
Everyone buys these stockings now (they have replaced an elastic bandage), since after surgery there is a risk of blood clots.

Stockings are universal, they are worn by both men and women. In the hospital, huge guys were jumping on crutches along the corridor in cute little white stockings)

There is a silicone insert at the top to prevent them from slipping off your feet. Although at first they curled at the top. I lowered it lower and they sat down well.

Below, on the sole under the toes, there is a hole. Apparently for better ventilation.

In terms of the volume of my legs, size 1 (our size 42-44) suited me (even with a margin). A friend who is 44-46 took a deuce for herself (also for surgery).
They are very difficult to put on - they are tight. But it is possible.

At first I liked them - they were so cute and cute. It's not hot in them. She even laughed, saying that it could be used as regular clothing. But it was not there..
If it was normal to be in them during the day, nothing particularly interferes, then sleeping in them is simply unbearable! My heels hurt like crazy. I don’t know why, my friend didn’t have this. And I was exhausted.
I could only sleep in them with my leg turned to the side. If you lie down and touch the sheet/blanket with your heel, the wildest pain begins. That’s when I realized how people felt when they put a “Spanish boot” on their feet... I woke up screaming, rubbed my heels, fell asleep again, woke up again... And so on all the time.
I don't know what's wrong. It was my size. But this thing happened.
As a result, I took off the stocking from my healthy leg 5 days after the operation; I endured it for 10-12 days on the sick leg. In principle, no more is needed.

Others wear them, and for some reason I haven’t seen or heard that someone’s heels hurt and burned so terribly like mine (I asked people at the hospital), but they didn’t fit me.

Phlebological center Question to the phlebologist< УТОЧНЕНИЕ.Ношу компрессионные чулки, ноги стали болеть и отекать - вопрос №3823

CLARIFICATION: I wear compression stockings, my legs began to hurt and swell - question No. 3823

"Question: Hello! Help with advice, please. Now I am 21 weeks pregnant. I have varicose veins on the calf of my left leg. The doctor (ordinary surgeon) prescribed to wear medical knitwear of class 2 compression (stockings), and after giving birth to undergo surgery. I bought it and wear it sixth day, two days of which my legs began to hurt very much in the evening, severe heaviness and swelling appeared around the toes. Previously, there was no swelling at all. It’s very hot outside, but nevertheless I consume liquids in moderation, no more than 1, 5 liters per day. Can the appearance of heaviness and swelling be associated with wearing stockings? What should I do in this situation? I’m really looking forward to your answer, this is extremely important for me. Thank you. I purchased knitwear on a doctor’s prescription at a specialized pharmacy. This is what is indicated on the package: "Venotes Therapy Clinic 2 Medical compression stockings (Article 8, size S, 23-32 mm Hg). The size of the stockings was selected according to the table. My data: ankle circumference = 18cm (size S=18-20cm); calf circumference = 28.5 cm (size S = 26.5-37); hip circumference 5cm below the gluteal fold = 40.5 (size S=40.5-56)

Answered by Kalitko I.M.

This may be due to the fact that you purchased a tightening knitwear, and not a therapeutic one (Medi, Sigvaris, Venosan). What kind of knitwear do you have?

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Compression stockings are typically used to improve blood flow to the extremities. In most cases, tights and stockings are made from such knitwear, which are recommended to be worn for problems such as thrombosis, phlebitis and swelling of the legs.

Stockings and tights made of compression jersey

The knitwear from which such stockings are made is designed specifically to compress the limbs, improving blood circulation in them. As a rule, the tissue exerts the strongest pressure on the lower leg area, and its density decreases higher up. This stimulates the flow of blood from the legs up to the heart.

Compression hosiery helps relieve pain, discomfort, and swelling caused by varicose veins. However, there is still no clear opinion on whether such stockings and tights prevent the worsening of the symptoms of varicose veins and the appearance of new varicose veins. Research has mixed results, but this may be due to the fact that many people don't wear compression products regularly. Therefore, you need to carefully choose the design of such stockings or tights and wear them in accordance with your doctor’s recommendations.

In most cases of varicose veins, doctors recommend wearing compression stockings or tights with light to moderate compression. Strong compression stockings can be recommended for problems such as atrophy, dermatosclerosis, secondary varicose veins , post-thrombolytic venous insufficiency.

If the stockings purchased at the pharmacy do not suit you, you can order stockings that will be made according to your individual characteristics.

Typically, compression stockings or the claws should be put on in the morning and removed only before bed. Pull the stockings carefully so that they apply the required amount of pressure to each area of ​​the leg.

Wearing compression stockings all the time can be uncomfortable, especially in warm weather, but it is necessary to get the most benefit from them.

Sometimes compression hosiery products cause dryness and flaking of the skin; in this case before bed moisturizer should be applied to the skin. Talk to your doctor if this doesn't help and/or the skin becomes very flaky and itchy. .

Compression stockings need to be replaced every three to six months as they gradually stretch and stop performing their function. Compression jersey should be washed by hand, in warm water, and dried at a sufficient distance from heat sources (under no circumstances should you dry it on a radiator - this will very quickly reduce the effectiveness of the jersey).


One of the common diseases of the cardiovascular system is varicose veins. Among vascular pathologies, varicose veins generally occupy first place in frequency of occurrence. This disease is associated with an increase in the diameter of the superficial veins of the lower extremities and a deterioration in the outflow of blood from them.

As you know, blood pressure in the veins is much lower than in the arteries. This is due to the fact that blood flows through arteries away from the heart, and through veins towards the heart. Therefore, it is quite natural that the acceleration set by the cardiac impulse decays more and more as it moves away from the heart. It follows from this that in the veins the inertia from cardiac contraction is generally minimal. How does venous blood return from the lower extremities to the heart, especially taking into account the fact that it has to rise upward through the vessels, overcoming the force of gravity?

It turns out that on the inner surface of the venous vessels there are special valves that have a semi-lunar shape and face upward. As blood moves down through the veins, it fills the pockets of these valves; they open and block the entire lumen of the vessel, preventing the return of venous blood. This is why venous blood in the lower extremities (as well as in other parts of the venous bed) cannot flow down. What makes it move upward, towards the heart? Firstly, these are the same systolic heart contractions, which, although not so significant, still play a role in moving blood along the bloodstream. Secondly, venous vessels, like arterial vessels, have muscle fibers in their walls, which have a certain effect on the movement of blood. And thirdly, the most important factor is the contractions of the skeletal muscles of the lower extremities, which massage the veins and give the blood flow the desired direction. This phenomenon is called the muscle pump. That is why, when standing for a long time, after some time we feel a feeling of expansion in the supporting leg, which causes an urgent need to change the position of the body and forces us to change the supporting leg. In the process of “changing” the leg, the stagnant vein is compressed by the muscles, and the blood is pushed further through the vessels, and we experience a certain relief. In this case, the semilunar valves are not able to completely block the lumen of the vessel, the blood is pushed through the veins worse and worse, and the patient begins to experience an unpleasant feeling of fullness in the legs. By the end of the day, your legs become very tired and swollen. The veins themselves become very clearly visible, first in the form of vascular “stars”, and then in the form of swollen snakes. Over time, the skin in the area where the affected vessels are located begins to suffer, which is manifested by the appearance of ulcers. The reason for their appearance is the deterioration of microcirculation and impaired blood supply to the skin, which means less oxygen and essential nutrients are supplied. That is why such ulcers are called trophic (that is, associated with poor nutrition).

Treatment with compression stockings

For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins, one of the most accessible, painless and effective methods is the use of compression hosiery. The material for this is high-strength fabric (cotton, elastoden), capable of exerting constant, uniform pressure on the superficial veins, preventing them from expanding. Stockings and tights made of compression knitwear should be used after surgical interventions in the venous system, during pregnancy, during intense strength training (especially for weightlifters), during long treks or even moving, as well as for people whose profession involves prolonged standing (turners). , milling operators, salesmen and so on). For constant wearing, compression hosiery is recommended for patients diagnosed with varicose veins to avoid progression of the disease.

A prerequisite for the effective operation of compression hosiery is compliance with the rules for putting on appropriate underwear. This should be done while still in bed so that the blood does not have time to overfill and “stretch” the veins. It is also advisable to take off your underwear in bed. Compression jersey should be washed daily, but without strong detergents. After washing, it is better to dry the material in air, but without direct sunlight and not on a radiator - this can reduce the elastic and compression properties of knitwear.

Compression stockings can apply varying amounts of pressure to the superficial veins. The degree of compression depends on the diagnosis, so this issue should be carefully discussed with your doctor.

Zhigula Andrey

Hello! Help me clarify one question: a 22-year-old guy has grade 1-2 varicose veins. We consulted several doctors. One of the doctors who is preparing the guy for surgery (this is a private clinic) says that the guy has phlebitis. Since January, he has been undergoing treatment with various means: tablets, rubbing, herbs, droppers (in the clinic). Changed nutrition. But the pain in my legs remains. The leg that does not have varicose veins also hurts. One thing scares me: why does my leg turn red? The guy walks around in a stocking and bandage. When the stocking is removed, redness appears first in one leg, now a slight redness appears in the second leg. Why is this happening? Thank you.

Shamray Natalya, Nikolaev

ANSWERED: 07/21/2013

There are several options. The exact cause can only be named after familiarization with the appearance of the extremities, the result of the CBC, the blood coagulation system and the protocol for duplex scanning of the vessels of the lower extremities. One thing can be said with 100% certainty - among all the possible causes of the symptoms you described, phlebitis is one of the last places.

Clarification question

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 22.07.2013 Shamray Natalya, Nikolaev

Thank you very much. Duplex scanning of the veins of the lower extremities on July 3, 2013 gave the following result: the lumen is free, compression is complete, the valves are healthy. Blood test for coalogram: prothrombin index 86, amount of fibrogen 2.7% fibrin -12, fibrogen “B” - (-). This analysis was done on April 3, 2013. We consulted another vascular surgeon in our city. After an external examination of the legs two weeks ago, he said that there were no varicose veins on the right leg, and grade 1-2 varicose veins on the left leg. Regarding the redness of the legs, the doctor advised me to consult a neurologist. The neurologist was unable to answer our questions. Could pain in the legs and their redness be associated with pinched nerve endings? And are there any other options for the cause of leg pain and redness that you wrote about? To be honest, we no longer know where to go or who else to turn to. Thanks in advance for your answer.

ANSWERED: 07/23/2013

Based on the presented duplex protocol, nothing definite can be said. The lumen of which veins is free, which valves are healthy, the characteristics of blood flow in the superficial and deep veins, the condition of the perforators, etc. There is none of this. And based only on the information presented, there is no evidence for varicose veins. Then on what basis does a vascular surgeon diagnose varicose veins?

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 08/05/2013 Krasilnikov Andrey Viktorovich Samara 0.0 Head of the center. Surgeon-phlebologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor

Post the ultrasound protocol in full

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 08/30/2013

I would like to note that the diagnosis of “varicose veins” is established not by ultrasound (no matter what is described), but by the clinical picture - that is, by the presence of varicose veins in the saphenous veins. Assessment of perforating veins in the absence of trophic disorders is meaningless. All this is perfectly set out both in the Russian recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of venous diseases, and in many foreign national and international recommendations. I agree with my colleagues that there is no way to judge the condition of the veins. Ask a question on the forum of the Association of Phlebologists of Russia, attach scans of examinations and studies, take photos of problem areas on your legs - we’ll try to figure it out. P.S. Evaluation of the coagulation system is not necessary to diagnose venous disease.

Clarification question

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