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Wash your nose correctly. Nasal rinsing solution: recipes and rules. Traditional medicine recipes

Nasal rinsing– an effective procedure for cleansing the nasal sinuses, used in medical institutions and at home. Our detailed instructions on how to rinse your nose at home will help you carry out the procedure simply and painlessly.

Nasal rinsing is an effective sinus cleansing procedure that can be done at home.

Is it useful to rinse your nose?

Irrigation, also known as nasal douche, is a useful, effective and harmless measure used for runny nose and nasal congestion caused by bacterial and viral infections.

Nasal douche is used for the following diseases:

  1. For rhinitis of different types: vasomotor, atrophic and hypertrophic, allergic, rhinitis of pregnant women.
  2. For sinusitis of any paranasal sinuses: for sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis.
  3. For colds and flu with a severe runny nose, but without complete nasal congestion.
  4. For acute and chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, adenoiditis.
  5. For the prevention of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Rinse your nose if you have a runny nose or congestion.

In addition, lavage is used for preparation and during rehabilitation after surgical interventions in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.

To prevent washing from harming the body, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and correctly perform the procedure technique.

How many times a day can you rinse your nose?

Rinsing the nose with any solution can be done no more than 4 times a day. Exceeding the number of rinses can cause irritation and dryness of the mucous membrane, cause an allergic reaction and swelling.

To treat an infection, it is optimal to rinse your nose 3-4 times a day, with breaks of 4-5 hours between procedures. To prevent diseases of the ENT system, 1 wash per day is sufficient.

Nasal rinsing technique and devices

In a hospital setting, nasal lavage is performed using a cuckoo vacuum suction, as well as a sinus catheter. It is impossible to use these devices at home.

The following devices are used for self-washing:

  • syringe;
  • syringe without needle;
  • neti pot or teapot;
  • Esmarch's irrigator;
  • pharmacy kits for nasal rinsing.

Nasal rinse kettle

Despite the design differences between the devices, the washing technique is the same for them:

  1. Pour 150-200 ml of rinsing solution into the container. The optimal temperature of the liquid for the procedure is 37-38 degrees.
  2. Lean over a sink, bathtub, or basin at a 90-degree angle, then turn your head slightly to the side so that one nostril is higher than the other.
  3. Insert the tip of the selected device into the upper nostril, open your mouth, inhale deeply and hold your breath.
  4. Start feeding the solution into the nasal cavity by pressing on the vessel or changing its position. Avoid strong pressure so as not to provoke otitis media!
  5. Allow the solution to flow through the lower nostril and mouth, then blow your nose and repeat the procedure for the second nostril.

The remaining fluid in the nasal cavity can be sucked out using a syringe. To do this, you need to empty the device, press on the bulb and insert the tip into the nostril. Then you should begin to smoothly and slowly open the device: at this moment the solution will begin to be drawn into the tip.

To avoid complications, follow these precautions:

  • do not close your mouth while blowing your nose after the procedure;
  • do not take a horizontal position for 30-50 minutes;
  • do not go outside for the next 2-3 hours.

For better results, before rinsing, you need to clear your nose; if necessary, you can use vasoconstrictor drugs (Naphthyzin, Nazivin).

The best rinsing solutions

Rinsing the nasal cavity and sinuses can be done using pharmaceutical preparations and folk recipes. Each group has effective and efficient remedies that help in the fight against rhinitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the ENT organs.

Medicines in the pharmacy

At the pharmacy you can purchase ready-made nasal rinsing kits and other pharmaceutical products, the solution of which you will have to prepare yourself.

Aqualor - a ready-made pharmaceutical product for rinsing the nose

Aqualor is available in the form of drops and spray. The main component of the product is sea water; additional therapeutic effects are provided by plant extracts: chamomile flowers, aloe.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.

Use Dolphin powder to prepare a solution

Dolphin rinse solution is sold in the form of a nasal spray. It contains hydrochloric, sulfuric and carbonic acids, zinc, silicon, licorice and rosehip extracts.

Method for preparing the solution:

  1. Pour the powder into an irrigator bottle.
  2. Pour in 240 ml of water at room temperature.
  3. Close the lid and shake until the powder is completely dissolved.

Contraindications: age under 4 years, neoplasms in the nasal cavity, allergies, nosebleeds, obstruction of the nasal passages.

Aqua Maris

Aquamaris - ready-made set with washing products

Spray and drops based on a hypertonic sterile solution of sea water containing sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, and sulfate ions. Used to cleanse the nasal cavity by adults and children over 6 months.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the composition of the product.

Rotokan is an effective anti-inflammatory agent for preparing an aqueous solution

Pharmaceutical extract of yarrow herb, calendula flowers and chamomile. Concentrated product, used for rinsing in the form of an aqueous solution.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat 100 ml of water to room temperature.
  2. Add 5 ml of product to water.
  3. To stir thoroughly.

Contraindications: intolerance to the drug.

Use Miramistin antibiotic solution to cleanse the nasal cavity

Antibiotic in the form of a 0.01% solution for topical use with a spray nozzle. Active substance: Benzyldimethyl 3 - (myristoylamino) propylammonium chloride monohydrate.

Contraindications: allergy to components.

Dissolve the Furacilin tablet in water to obtain a nasal rinse.

An antibacterial drug based on nitrofural, produced in the form of tablets, solution, alcohol tincture, ointment and paste.

Cooking method:

  1. Crush 1 tablet of the drug.
  2. Pour 1 liter of water, stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Pour 200-250 ml of product into the rinsing device.

Contraindications: bleeding, allergic dermatosis, intolerance.

Rinse your nose with a prepared solution of pharmaceutical Chlorhexidine

A 0.05% solution with the active ingredient of the same name is sold in pharmacies in the form of a bottle. Washing with Chlorhexidine is performed in its pure form, without dilution with water or other means.

Contraindications: dermatitis, allergies.

To effectively cleanse the nose, add an ampoule of Dioxidin to the saline solution.

1% antibacterial solution in the form of ampoules, the active ingredient is hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide. Washing with Dioxidin helps with bacterial infections of the ENT organs.

Cooking method:

  1. Warm 50 ml of saline solution to room temperature.
  2. Add 50 ml of Dioxidin to the solution.

Contraindications: age under 16 years, pregnancy, kidney disease.

Solutions based on Protargol are used in the most difficult cases

Drops with silver ions in the composition, used for purulent rhinitis, severe forms of sinusitis, nasopharyngitis and inflammation of the middle ear.

Washing will be performed with the following solution:

  1. Boil 200 ml of water, cool to 35-38 degrees.
  2. Add 3-4 drops of the product.
  3. Stir, add salt if necessary.

Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergy to the product.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes for washing include solutions with table and sea salt, decoctions of medicinal herbs, juice of various plants and other means.

Saline solution

Making a saline solution is the easiest way to cleanse your nose.

Rinsing the nose with salt water effectively cleanses the sinuses, stimulates the flow of mucus, and relieves swelling and irritation.

The nasal shower solution is prepared as follows:

  1. 1 tsp. table salt dissolves in 250 ml of warm water.
  2. The mixture is drawn into the device and poured into the nasal cavity.

When using sea salt, it is necessary to increase the concentration by 2-3 times.

Herbal infusions

Medicinal herbs with an antiseptic effect clear the nasal cavity of mucus, kill bacteria and stimulate the strengthening of the immune system.

Decoctions based on medicinal herbs have not only a cleansing, but also an antiseptic effect.

The following herbal ingredients should be used in infusions:

  • liquorice root;
  • clover flowers;
  • plantain leaves;
  • calendula flowers;
  • sage leaves;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • coltsfoot leaves;
  • willow bark;
  • clarity.

The herbs are mixed in equal parts and, if necessary, crushed using a coffee grinder. The infusion is prepared in the ratio of 1 tbsp. l. herbs per 100 ml of boiling water.

Plant juice

Add aloe juice to any homemade nasal rinse solution to enhance the healing effect.

The juice of the following plants helps fight the inflammatory process:

  • aloe;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • beets;
  • carrots.

Their juice is added to herbal infusions and saline solutions, 2-3 drops per 100 ml of liquid. The best effect is achieved by using all types of juice simultaneously.

Baking soda

Use baking soda as an addition to saline solution

Baking soda is an effective anti-inflammatory agent used in the treatment of various infections. It is used in combination with salt to rinse the nose.

  1. Mix 0.5 tsp. baking soda and table salt.
  2. Dilute the mixture with 200 ml of hot water.
  3. Cool the solution to room temperature and rinse your nose.

Washing with soda can be done 2-3 times a day.


Dilute a few drops of propolis infusion and the solution for cleansing the nose is ready

Pharmaceutical propolis is used to treat the nose and throat for various inflammations of the respiratory tract. The rinsing solution is made as follows:

  1. Dilute 1 tsp in 200 ml of water at room temperature. salt.
  2. 15 drops of propolis are added to the mixture.
  3. The solution is thoroughly mixed and used as directed.

Propolis can be used up to 4 times a day.

Tincture of calendula

A solution with calendula will help reduce swelling of the nasal passages

Rinsing the nose with calendula stimulates the outflow of mucus, cleanses the nasal passages, reduces swelling and dryness of the mucous membrane. The mixture is prepared as follows:

  1. 10-15 drops of alcohol solution are diluted in 100 ml of water.
  2. The mixture is infused, warmed to room temperature and used.

The nose is washed with the resulting solution 1-2 times a day.

Iodine and potassium permanganate

A solution of potassium permanganate should be used for acute forms of nasal congestion

A recipe using manganese and iodine is used for acute and chronic sinusitis, persistent runny nose, adenoiditis and pharyngitis.

  1. Prepare 200 ml of a weak, pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. 2-3 drops of iodine are added to the solution and rinsed.

The mixture is used no more than 1-2 times a day.

How to rinse a child's nose?

Rinsing a child's nose should be done with extreme caution: strong fluid pressure on the nasal area can cause bleeding, swelling and infection of the paranasal sinuses.

You can rinse a newborn’s nose using a pipette and a special aspirator with a disposable nozzle. The method of its application is as follows:

  1. Place the child in a sitting position and use an aspirator to suck out the mucus from the nasal passages. Then place the baby on his side.
  2. Pour the selected solution at room temperature into the pipette, drop 3-4 drops of the product into the upper nostril.
  3. Lift the baby in your arms so that the solution comes out, then lay it on the other side and repeat the procedure for the second nostril.
  4. If there is any fluid left in your nose, use an aspirator to suck it out.
  5. Dry your nostrils with a rolled-up cotton pad, then wipe the inside of your nose with olive or peach oil.

For children over 1 year old, small-volume syringes and syringes can be used for the procedure. From the age of 12, the procedure is carried out in the same way as washing the nose of an adult.

The best solutions for rinsing a child’s nose are:

  • products with sea salt;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • green tea;
  • mineral water;
  • saline.
  • Is nasal rinsing with saline solution completely safe during pregnancy?

    Before using herbal mixtures, make sure there are no allergic reactions.

    Contraindications to the procedure

    You will have to refuse nasal rinses in the following situations:

    • with complete nasal congestion;
    • with a deviated septum;
    • for tumors in the nasal cavity;
    • with a tendency to nosebleeds;
    • with inflammation of the middle ear;
    • if you are allergic to the components of the solution.

    You should also refrain from using a nasal shower if after the procedure it is not possible to spend 1-1.5 hours indoors without going outside.

    Nasal rinsing, or nasal douche, is an effective procedure for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases. For it to be beneficial, you must follow the recommendations and washing technique.

Nasal rinsing or lavage is one of the treatment methods that makes it easier. It allows you to get rid of mucus, relieve swelling, wash away pathogens and reduce inflammation. Some experts recommend carrying out the procedure as a preventative measure in the autumn and winter, others even advise including it in the list of daily hygiene measures.

Types of lavage

The modern nasal rinsing procedure has quite a few options, united under this general name. These in ENT practice include:

  • Nasal irrigation. This type of lavage is considered one of the softest. A balloon is brought to the nostril, from which the active substance is evenly sprayed (usually sodium chloride, that is, ordinary salt). Nasal irrigation is carried out using special pharmaceutical preparations (Dolphin, Rhinolife). A nebulizer operates in a similar way. There is known data on the penetration of drops of the drug into the maxillary sinuses. This method is recommended for patients with damaged and sensitive nasal mucosa.
  • Rinsing with a bulb or mug. This method is the most common. It is suitable for use at home. When washing, it is important to follow safety precautions. Otherwise, the infection may spread from the nasal cavity and sinuses to the middle ear.

Goals of the procedure

During nasal rinsing, the following therapeutic and hygienic effects are achieved:

If we exclude the hygienic purposes that this procedure serves, it is recommended to carry out it in the following cases:

Rules for nasal rinsing at home

Nasal shower

You can independently use the lavage method using a pear or a nasal mug. It consists of several stages:

Important! It is better to refrain from excessive blowing of the nose during the procedure, since the liquid along with the infectious agent can enter the middle ear and cause.

Rules for rinsing your nose at home:

  • To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to prepare a fresh, warm solution.
  • The ideal temperature of the liquid is 36-37°, as close as possible to the temperature of the human body.
  • When sick, it is recommended to rinse up to 3 times a day, for hygienic purposes – daily.
  • After the procedure, it is better not to go outside for 1-2 hours.

Washing is contraindicated when:

  1. Nose is stuffed;
  2. There are either malignant neoplasms in the cavity;
  3. (in this case, the doctor should decide whether washing will be useful);
  4. The cold is complicated by otitis media;
  5. The patient often experiences nosebleeds.

Contraindications for nasal rinsing

Comment. It is better if a specialist first shows you how to rinse your nose correctly. This will reduce the risk of undesirable consequences and will allow you to correct errors in the procedure if they occur.

Nasal irrigation

The procedure is carried out using commercially available drugs: Dolphin, Rhinolife. During irrigation, no back draft of the solution is created; it flows out solely under the influence of gravity. This measure is one of the most gentle. It is not suitable for people with severe nasal congestion.

Irrigation is also used at home. Along with the powder for preparing the solution, the kit includes a nozzle and detailed instructions for performing the procedure. The patient should be in an inclined position during nasal irrigation; this may be uncomfortable for older people. The method has no other disadvantages; it is extremely simple to implement. The patient simply needs to press on the bottle presented to the nostril until the solution flows out of the other.

Nasal rinsing in pediatric practice

Irrigation procedures performed on young children have recently been highly valued by ENT specialists. Aspiration as a type of nasal lavage can be performed from birth. In a child under one year old, the nasal canal is narrow and short, so when there is a cold or allergy, it easily becomes clogged . Breastfed children eat poorly and sleep with nasal congestion, as a result their health worsens and their body weight decreases.

At home, aspiration is most often used. Modern experts recommend using the Otrivin nasal aspirator to remove mucus instead of a pear. In the article by E.P. Karpova and E.E. The vagina, published in the Independent Publication for Medical Practitioners, states: “ Uncontrolled intensity of aspiration [bulb] can lead to negative consequences. Blowing air into the baby's nose entails pushing the secretions deeper“.

Many mothers of infants note that it is quite difficult to gain the skill of using a douche bulb. In addition, kids do not like unnecessary manipulations, so it is undesirable to delay the process. All these arguments speak in favor of professional aspirators.

Otrivin baby consists of detachable parts that can be easily boiled and replaced. A spout with a cotton swab is inserted into the child's nostril, on which the mucus settles. Next comes a hose and a mouthpiece, through which the adult sucks out the liquid secretion. Spout attachments can be replaced to prevent re-infection. Even in this way, rinsing a child’s nose is not at all easy. It is better if both parents carry out this procedure: one to fix the baby, and the other to perform aspiration.

For older children, methods such as nasal douche and irrigation can already be recommended, described above. They can be carried out starting from 4 years. When using pharmaceutical drugs, you must pay attention to possible additional restrictions specified in the instructions.

Making your own rinsing solution

The most common ingredients for nasal rinses at home are:

For the youngest children, you can rinse your nose with just warm water. This method is suitable if their discharge is liquid, transparent and does not contain pus.

If it is determined that the runny nose is of a non-allergic nature, then decoctions of the following herbs can be used as an alternative:

The decoctions should not be made too strong; when rinsing, there should be no burning or tingling sensation.

Important! If you have allergic rhinitis, you should refrain from rinsing your nose with components of plant origin, as they can increase unpleasant symptoms.

Pharmacy preparations for nasal rinsing

Such medicines include:

Important! Some doctors advise using chloramphenicol as a medicine. This should not be done; the antibiotic solution is intended only for injection or eye drops. Levomycetin is well absorbed through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and can cause allergies.

Separately, it is worth considering preparations with sea water. Their action and composition are almost identical. Such drugs include:

  1. Aqualor;
  2. Aquamaris;
  3. Quicks.

They differ from self-prepared saline solutions by the presence of trace elements in their composition - magnesium, potassium, selenium, iodine and others. They provide complete nutrition to the mucous membrane and increase the therapeutic effect of other nasal products used after rinsing.

Pros and cons of the procedure

What Advantages can be noted for this washing compared to other therapeutic methods:

  1. Local action without unnecessary trauma. In Soviet medical practice, it was possible to deliver medicine into the sinus only through a puncture, which, of course, created a risk of infection and was extremely unpleasant for the patient. Modern drugs make it possible to clean the cavity by rinsing and achieve the desired therapeutic effect without the intervention of a surgeon.
  2. For sinusitis, rinsing the nose helps prevent the spread of infection. The maxillary sinuses are located close to the meninges and frontal sinuses. In case of stagnant purulent phenomena, washing reduces the likelihood of infection.
  3. Opportunity for independent implementation. The patient can rinse his nose at home, so no hospital visit is required. In addition to obvious comfort for the patient, this situation creates opportunities for bed rest, eliminates hypothermia and contact with other carriers of infections.
  4. Price is another important advantage. The simplest rinsing with a solution of table salt is available to any patient, regardless of his income level.
  5. The procedure can be performed at any age; it is suitable even for infants from the first day of life.

Nasal rinsing also has negative aspects:

Nasal rinsing is a procedure that is effective for colds and eases their course. The issue of its daily use is controversial and not fully understood. When making a decision about hygiene of this kind, you need to be attentive to your feelings and the condition of the mucous membrane.

Video: nasal rinsing in the program “Live Healthy!”

Every morning after waking up, we necessarily perform hygiene and water procedures, which are the key to our health, beauty and good mood. We put ourselves in order, take a shower, brush our teeth, ears, and use a whole arsenal of cosmetics for this. And then he goes to a new day...

But we often forget to do something very important. We don't pay much attention to our nose. Most often, out of ignorance, due to a banal lack of awareness that the nasal cavities need to be washed, rinsed and cleaned according to the rules in order to avoid frequent colds and maintain your health. In this article we want to explain to everyone and prove that it is wrong to refuse the mandatory procedure of water nasal hygiene, because otherwise we seriously harm our health in a difficult environmental situation.

Nasal breathing: features, meaning and functions

Let's first evaluate how important free nasal breathing is for us. Many people don’t even know that our nose not only performs the function of breathing, but also warms, moisturizes and purifies the air entering our body. In addition, it provides our sense of smell. And how difficult it is for a person if nasal breathing is disrupted. Everyone knows the feeling of discomfort when it is difficult to breathe through the nose. To ensure breathing, you have to compensate for the respiratory process with the help of your mouth.

But the oral cavity is not able to clear the air of microparticles that can settle in the lower respiratory tract, and prolonged breathing through the mouth will sooner or later lead to inflammatory processes in the pharynx and larynx. In the future, laryngitis and pharyngitis, or even bronchitis, may develop. And it’s all due to congestion in the nasal cavities and the inability to breathe through the nose.

So how does the process of purifying air in the nasal cavity occur? As you know, it is divided by a partition into two equal parts. In turn, in each of them there are three nasal conchae, formed by bony protrusions, under which three passages lie. They contain openings leading to the paranasal sinuses. All these formations in the nasal cavity are lined with a mucous membrane of a special structure.

The air in the nasal cavity has to travel in a winding arc towards the nasopharynx, and due to this complex trajectory, it has to come into contact with a large surface area of ​​the nasal cavity. This feature allows you to more thoroughly clean the air from microparticles of dust, bacteria, allergens, viruses, warm it and humidify it.

The process of air purification is carried out by small bristly hairs and mucus produced by special cells. The hairs trap larger particles in the air flow, and small particles stick to the mucus and are expelled out. Nasal mucus generally has a very interesting structure; it contains antibodies, mucin and lysozyme. They are able to effectively fight microorganisms due to their ability to exhibit bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects against pathological microorganisms.

And the more and more pronounced the bacterial aggression, the more the nasal cavity has to work to produce mucus, which after its service must be regularly removed, because not only the microorganisms themselves accumulate in it, but also the toxic products of their vital activity or decay.

If nasal breathing is not difficult and free, then with the help of the same mucus, lymph, which seeps into the nasal cavity through the epithelium, and even tear fluid, the air entering the lungs is constantly moistened. The abundantly developed vascular network of capillaries in the mucous membrane is capable of effectively heating the inhaled air. Purified, warm and humidified air will not force our lungs to work with tension.

In a healthy person, the mucous film lining the nasal surface is renewed with a new one every 10-20 minutes. Cell cilia carry the used film into the digestive tract. But this whole process goes smoothly only in a healthy body, when the nasal cavity performs all its functions of purifying a considerable volume of air - approximately 100 thousand liters per day!

But what if the mucous film, due to external influences or bacterial aggression, becomes thin, liquid or, conversely, thick and difficult to remove? In such situations, complete blockage of the nasal sinuses occurs, which creates an obstacle to the free passage of air and mucus. This is when the need arises for nasal rinsing, the purpose of which is to deeply cleanse the nasal passages.

>>We recommend: if you are interested in effective methods of getting rid of chronic runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and persistent colds, then be sure to check out this site page after reading this article. The information is based on the author’s personal experience and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. Now let's return to the article.<<

The benefits of nasal rinsing that you didn't know about

It would be wrong to assume that rinsing the nasal cavities should be carried out only when pathological processes appear and difficulty breathing due to inflammatory processes. Even a completely healthy person, adults and children, would benefit from clearing the nasal passages from time to time to maintain the healthy functioning of the respiratory system.

One can only regret that few people now resort to this effective method of personal hygiene. We are used to washing our faces every day, brushing our teeth, monitoring the condition of our skin, and cleaning our ears. We don’t use homemade nasal rinses. Moreover, many have no idea how to do it!

But first, let us bring to your attention all the advantages and useful features of nasal rinsing at home. How and why this procedure is carried out during inpatient treatment of diseases of the nasal cavity, we will omit for now. So the benefits are as follows:

  1. prevention of the development of allergic reactions, because Not only dust microparticles are removed, but allergens are removed;
  2. prevention of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, because removal of dust and mucus either prevents the development of the inflammatory reaction or significantly reduces its manifestations;
  3. strengthening local immunity by strengthening capillaries and improving the functioning of the cells lining the nasal cavities;
  4. easier breathing, increased tone, which will be felt by everyone who can breathe easily and freely.

By the way, yogis are sure, and there is a huge amount of truth in their words, that cleansing the nasal cavities calms a person and leads to cleansing... of the mind. And Muslims, the majority of whom live in hot regions where deserts predominate, practically do not suffer from respiratory diseases, for example, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. And all this is only because before prayer they perform the obligatory ablution process, which includes the procedure of washing and cleansing the mouth and nasopharynx.

Why is breathing through the nose dangerous?

The inability to breathe fully (nasal congestion) is a very painful feeling. And it is especially difficult for children who experience a lot of suffering due to the fact that they cannot breathe freely through their noses. After all, their lymphoid tissue is highly developed, and its swelling and proliferation causes many problems. In addition to physical discomfort, if difficulty in nasal breathing persists, over time the following may occur:

  1. disturbance of appetite and sleep;
  2. decreased activity, attentiveness, and ability to learn;
  3. delayed growth and development;
  4. disruption of the functioning of the brain and nervous system;
  5. bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases;
  6. chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  7. decreased vision;
  8. formation of malocclusion;
  9. enlargement and growth of adenoid tissue;
  10. speech defects and disorders.

You should not hope that the disease will not occur or will go away on its own. And don’t listen to stories that a runny nose, even if treated or not treated, still goes away in a week. It is not true! You can get rid of it in a few days. Otherwise, there are many examples when rhinitis becomes chronic and lasts for weeks and even months. This prospect is unlikely to make anyone happy.

Which solution should I choose for rinsing my nose?

Most likely, you no longer need convincing; you understand that rinsing the nose for both children and adults is a very favorable and useful procedure. But you don’t know where to start and how to carry out this treatment and prophylactic procedure. We come to your aid to explain all the subtleties and nuances of this process.

Let's start with what solutions and products can be used to rinse the nose. The choice is quite large. Ordinary drinking water, sea water, saline solutions, tinctures and decoctions of medicinal herbs, herbal teas, mineral water, soda-salt solutions, beet juice with honey, solutions of medicinal preparations, etc. can be used. Each of them is used according to indications, depending on the situation and the need to achieve the goal.

And if you are a beginner and want to start cleaning your turbinates with solutions for the first time, then first consult with your doctor to make sure that you can use this procedure, and find out which rinsing solution is preferable for you to use. Now let’s look at the types and methods of preparing solutions for nasal rinsing, their purpose and conditions of use.

1. Water is a universal helper

The most popular solution for rinsing the nasal cavities, of course, will be plain water. The main thing is that it is heated and not hard in composition. If you live in an area where drinking water is very hard due to the high content of various salts in it, then it is enough to boil the water, which will make it softer, and cool it. Soft water, unlike hard water, does not dry out the mucous membranes. But it is better to use plain water only for preventive and hygienic purposes. Moreover, ordinary water can cause a burning sensation in the nose during the procedure, so it is recommended to use it with salt, more on this in the next paragraph.

The use of any non-carbonated mineral water will be useful. If you purchased highly carbonated water, first open the bottle and allow all the gas bubbles to escape from the water for some time. Remember, chilled water cannot be used for rinsing!

2. Sea water and salt solutions

Sea water has healing properties; it has a beneficial effect on the nasopharynx, relieving us of many diseases, even those that have become chronic. Therefore, if it is possible to use real clean sea water to rinse the nose, then it is better to immediately take advantage of this opportunity. At home, it would be a good idea to purchase sea salt in advance at the pharmacy, which is always on sale, and use it to rinse the nasal passages as needed.

Procedures using sea salt will help destroy pathogenic microorganisms and suppress their reproduction processes, because sea water is essentially an antiseptic. Rinsing the nasal sinuses with salt will help effectively remove purulent and mucous secretions, traffic jams, accumulations of dust saturated with allergens, and restore physiological breathing.

By the way, even babies can have their noses washed with salt. After all, the use of familiar and popular medications that have a strong vasoconstrictor effect is often prohibited for children. And salt showers for their noses will be a real godsend for the prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases.

It is only important to make the solution correctly, observing all the proportions of salt and water, and then it will never give side effects or lead to the development of allergic reactions. To prepare the solution, add a maximum of one level teaspoon of sea salt to two glasses of boiled water (this corresponds to 7 grams of salt) and stir until completely dissolved. As a base, you can use heated, unboiled, but pre-filtered water.

In some recipes you can find suggestions to use 2 teaspoons of sea salt per glass of water. Be very careful here, because in this case you will get a hyper-concentrated salt solution, and rinsing with it will lead to severe drying of the nasal mucosa. Hypertonic solution is recommended only for those who work in very dusty areas. It can be quite successfully used for gargling, rinsing the nose for inflammatory diseases, acute and chronic sinusitis. Only the dosage of sea salt per liter of boiled water is only 15 grams or two level teaspoons.

To maintain a more accurate dosage for preparing a saline solution, you need to remember that 2 grams of salt should be dissolved in 200 ml of boiled water. Why is this particular concentration the most acceptable? Yes, all because the concentration of salt in the blood plasma is 0.9%, no more and no less. The same concentration is used to prepare physiological solutions for intravenous administration of drugs. This concentration of saline solution will be most suitable for rinsing the nose.

As for children, the dosage of salt for them should be reduced. It is enough to dissolve a third to a quarter of a teaspoon in a glass of water, and the result will be a saline solution for rinsing the nose of children!

But sea salt is not always at hand, and preparing a saline solution that has the healing properties of the Atlantic turns out to be an impossible task. Then it is quite possible to use the most common table salt that we use for cooking. It will perfectly replace sea salt while maintaining all the advantages of salt therapy.

Yogis recommend using a saline solution prepared in a ratio of 1 teaspoon of salt per 500 ml of water. We agree with their recommendations and say that rinsing the nose with salt water is a reliable and very popular remedy for relieving congestion and difficulty breathing. This has been proven by many years and centuries of practice.

You cannot ignore the soda-salt solution, which has strong bactericidal properties. To prepare it, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of soda and salt in a glass of heated boiled or purified water. This solution is considered medicinal; it can be used no more than twice a week, preferably only during illness, and not as a preventive measure or hygienic procedures.

3. Folk remedies, herbs, infusions

Infusions, decoctions and teas made from herbs, which are used for preventive purposes, have become very popular. Herbs such as chamomile, sage, calendula, string, oak bark, St. John's wort and eucalyptus, which have antiseptic properties, are suitable for rinsing the nose. In their absence, ordinary black and green teas will be very useful. But the concentration of antibacterial substances in herbal decoctions is very small, so they will have to be used much more often than solutions with medications, i.e. approximately once every two hours, if it is necessary to defeat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It’s very easy to brew and keep herbal tea warm; just use a thermos. For rinsing only, the solution should have a temperature of 40-42°C.

As a remedy, a folk method is used using beet juice and honey. To treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, you need to use a diluted solution. To do this, you need to dissolve two tablespoons of natural honey in a glass of beet juice. And then dilute this solution with boiled warm water one to one. After rinsing with this solution, you will need to blow your nose harder, free your nose from all accumulations of mucus and remnants of the healing liquid. And only after a few hours it will be possible to rinse your nose again with clean water.


At home, it is useful to know how to rinse your nose with saline solution using special devices. The treatment procedure accelerates the removal of sinus congestion, improves airway patency, and stimulates the human immune system. It is useful to do it every day when you have a runny nose, sinusitis or a cold, plus use it to prevent the occurrence of rhinitis. Find out how to rinse your nose correctly, how it is more convenient to do it, and what medications to use.

How to rinse your nose correctly

Rinsing the nose with a salted solution or medicinal liquids is considered a very useful procedure. Some yogis actively use the process daily, for others it will help improve their condition during congestion or a cold. Regular water:

  • removes accumulated mucus from the sinuses;
  • restores normal breathing;
  • reduces swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • reduces the amount of discharge.

Popular technologies will tell you how to rinse your nose. The frequency of the procedure depends on the person’s condition: for a healthy person, rinsing can be done every day in the morning before meals. For rhinitis, the procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day, 1-2 hours after meals. This will help relieve sore throat, avoid laryngitis and otitis media. It is good to cleanse the nasopharynx, pharynx with sore throat, tonsillitis, which lead to swelling of the mucous membrane.


To irrigate the nasal cavity, it is good to use a small rubber syringe without a tip. Bend your head forward and to the side, rather than resting it on your shoulder. Pour the liquid into the upper nostril, blow your nose, turn your head to the other side and repeat. Gently press the syringe so that the liquid does not enter the middle ear and cause otitis media. If your sinuses are severely congested, apply vasoconstrictor drops for a runny nose (Naphthyzin) within 10-15 minutes.


An option for clearing your nose is to use a regular syringe without a needle. Pour in the solution, insert the tip into one nostril, lean over the sink and pour in carefully. If there is no obstruction of the airway, water will pass through the nasopharynx and flow out through the second nostril. Part of the solution may flow out through the mouth - this is correct. Rinse your mouth with boiled water to remove any remaining mucus.

Vessel for washing

There are special vessels for washing - small teapots with a long spout. They are called neti pots and are made of ceramic, metal, plastic or rubber. Instead of a teapot, you can use plastic or rubber watering cans. For each device, it must be individual; after rinsing, it must be washed and cleaned. Doctors use Esmarch circles, suction aspirators, and sinus catheters. It is convenient for children to take pipettes and saucers.

Nasal rinse solution

Making your own nasal rinse solution at home is easy if you know the recipes. In addition, it is allowed to use special pharmaceutical preparations based on saline solution. Ready-made mixtures are more convenient due to their sterility, while those prepared independently are cheaper. Before rinsing the nasopharynx, it is recommended to consult a doctor and watch training videos with the correct technique.


The simplest saline solution for rinsing the nose is prepared from clean water and table salt. The result is a physiological solution whose concentration of sodium chloride will be close to its concentration in the blood plasma. Proportions: 9 g of salt per liter of water or half a teaspoon per 1 glass. It is better to take warm boiled water and first-ground salt without impurities. If the resulting drug is concentrated, the mucous membrane will burn. Afterwards, instill vasoconstrictor drugs.


A solution of salt and soda has a strong bactericidal effect. For a glass of clean, boiled, lukewarm water, take half a teaspoon of sodium chloride and the same amount of sodium bicarbonate. Rinse your nose with the resulting mixture using a convenient device. You need to use it twice a week and if you are sick; constant use of soda water harms the mucous membrane.

With iodine

If the nasal passages are already blocked, where viruses enter, information on how to rinse your nose with iodine will be useful. For a glass of warm water, take a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of soda and 10 drops of alcohol tincture of iodine. There is an option to combine a basic saline solution with a drop of iodine. You can rinse your nose with the mixture several times a day, but not longer than three days. Then continue the procedure with just salt water or saline solution.

With sea salt

A less concentrated solution of water and sea salt should be prepared. Buy it at a pharmacy or store, preferably without fragrances or other additives. Dilute a teaspoon of salt in half a liter of boiled warm water, stir until completely dissolved. Maintain concentration, otherwise a weak solution will cause burning and discomfort, and a strong solution will dry out the mucous membrane.

To increase the benefits of the solutions, add a couple of drops of tinctures of chamomile, sage, calendula or eucalyptus. Similar essential oils will also work. You can use still mineral water, weak black or green tea for the procedure. Traditional methods include aloe juice diluted with water and honey in a 1:1 ratio. After an hour, the nose is additionally rinsed with clean water.

Pharmacy drugs

There is a nasal rinse available. Its advantages include sterility and readiness for the procedure without preparation. Popular drugs sold in pharmacies are:

  1. AquaMaris - with sterile water of the Adriatic Sea, it is used to replace saline solution. Due to sea water, the product has an antiseptic effect, removes the contents, relieves swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane. Used from the first day of life, suitable for pregnant women, eliminates chronic and acute inflammatory processes, allergic and vasomotor rhinitis.
  2. Aqualor – contains sea water, without preservatives. Available in the varieties Baby (for children), Soft (for infants and pregnant women), Norm (for the whole family), Forte (with chamomile extract). All options remove secretions and are available in drop, spray and jet formats.
  3. Marimer - a solution of sea water treats acute and chronic runny noses, kills viruses, eliminates allergies, and facilitates nasal breathing. Can be used by infants.
  4. Humer is 100% isotonic sea water. The bottle is equipped with a nozzle for convenient use, intended for children older than a month, suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers.
  5. No-Salt is a hypotonic sodium chloride solution. Due to osmotic pressure, it dissolves mucus, liquefies it and removes it. Available in the form of drops and spray, it moisturizes mucous membranes, softens and removes crusts and thick mucus.

Nasal rinsing at home

As a preventive measure, rinsing the nose with saline solution at home is carried out daily - morning and evening. For runny nose, sinusitis, colds and congestion, carry out the procedure more often - up to 2-3 times a day. For an hour after the process, you should not go outside, so as not to cause local hypothermia due to the water remaining in the sinuses.

For sinusitis

Your doctor will tell you how to rinse your nose if you have sinusitis. Due to the procedure, purulent accumulations are removed from the maxillary sinuses, which avoids painful puncture (puncture to facilitate breathing). You can rinse your nose yourself or in a hospital. Popular solutions for the treatment of sinusitis are:

  • AquaMaris;
  • Humer;
  • Aqualor Soft;
  • Dolphin;
  • Furacilin solution is contraindicated for dermatitis, bleeding, hypersensitivity to the drug.

With a runny nose

Experts advise studying the question of how to rinse your nose with a runny nose thoroughly in order to prepare for the cold season. The procedure helps eliminate mucus, relieve congestion, ease breathing, restore healthy sleep and prevent complications from occurring. Popular ways to treat a runny nose are:

  • Pour saline solution or mineral water into your palms or saucer, bend over, carefully draw the liquid into your nostrils one by one, blow your nose, and rinse your mouth. Repeat every two hours.
  • For sore throat or enlarged tonsils, prepare a saline solution with iodine, fill a soft bulb, bend over the bathtub, open your mouth, stick out your tongue, insert the tip into the nostril, slowly squeeze out the contents so that the liquid pours out of the mouth, rinse the cavities.
  • For a runny nose, rinses with a solution of honey, beet juice, onion infusion, decoctions of chamomile, sage, string, calendula, and eucalyptus are useful.
  • A ready-made preparation of furatsilin or dissolved two tablets in a glass of water - carry out the procedure for treating rhinitis three times a day for 5-7 days.

For congestion

Your doctor should explain how to properly rinse your nose when you have a stuffy nose. This process is gentle on the mucous membrane and is highly effective. Doctors recommend the following options:

  • sea ​​water or a solution of sea salt is poured into the spout of the teapot (jala-neti), then into one nostril so that the required amount of liquid flows out of the other;
  • saline solution, decoction of medicinal herbs;
  • salt water with the addition of a quarter teaspoon of soda, a couple of drops of iodine.

For a cold

For the treatment of colds associated with a sore throat, it is better to use aseptic preparations. The following options are suitable:

  • Pour the saline solution (composition: 250 ml of water with 2-3 teaspoons of sea or table salt) into your palms, inhale through one nostril, and blow the remainder;
  • Pour saline solution or Rotokan into a teapot, Esmarch mug or saucer, repeat the process described above.

What and how to rinse your nose

Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, age and disease, they choose what to rinse the nose with. It is recommended to use special devices and solutions. According to the indicators, the frequency changes with the duration of use. ENT offices offer devices, suctions, catheters, Esmarch mugs, and liquids - saline solution, special mixtures. You can rinse your nasal cavity with salt water yourself using a syringe or syringe.

For an adult

The following considered ideas for carrying out the procedure will help answer the question of how to rinse the nose of an adult:

  1. Yoga style: lean over the sink, open your mouth slightly, lower your head and tilt to the side. Bring the vessel to the upper nostril, pour in water, wait until the liquid flows out from the opposite side. Pour out the glass, change nostrils. Blow your nose to remove any remaining water.
  2. Flowing - if both nostrils are blocked, tilt your head to the side, pour liquid into the upper nostril, make the sound “and” so that the water does not enter the throat.
  3. Active movement of fluids (cuckoo) - carried out by the doctor using a suction-aspirator, puts the patient on his back, inserts two soft tubes. The first carries liquid, the second pumps it out. At the same time, the patient makes the sounds “ku-ku” so that the solution does not enter the throat.
  4. With an Esmarch mug - pour half a liter of salt water, hang it 50 cm above the sink. Breathe through your nose so that the liquid flows into one nostril and flows out of the other. Blow your nose carefully afterwards.
  5. Compression inhaler - place saline solution inside the inhalation container, breathe through your mouth.

To kid

Doctors give advice that will help you understand how to rinse a child’s nose, even an infant:

  • if the child is already an adult, demonstrate the technique on yourself, ask him to hold his breath while inhaling;
  • Place infants on their backs, turn their heads to the side, drop 2-3 drops of saline into the upper nostril, lift the head, let the remaining liquid drain out;
  • Another option for the baby’s nose is to lay it on the back, drip in salt water, soak a cotton wool bandage with oil, clean the cavity of the baby’s nose, screwing the bandage no deeper than 2 cm.

When not to rinse your nose

The following factors are contraindications for the nasal cavity cleansing procedure:

  • severe swelling of the mucous membrane - due to strong pressure, there is a chance of introducing the pathogen into the middle ear;
  • carrying out less than half an hour before going outside;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • tumor formations in the nasal cavity;
  • tendency to nosebleeds;
  • ear diseases;
  • allergies to medications.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Nasal rinsing at home for children and adults - products and solutions, indications and contraindications

Allows you to get rid of nasal congestion, which becomes normal with age, morning cough and hoarseness and returns acute auditory sensations.

How to rinse the ears and nasopharynx, says Pyotr Kochetkov, ENT surgeon, otorhinolaryngologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, head of the department of endoscopic microsurgery of the upper respiratory tract of the ENT clinic of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov.

Upper respiratory hygiene has a significant place in ancient texts - the traditional system of Indian Vedic medicine, documented 5 thousand years ago. Irrigation of the nasopharynx, for example, is part of the teachings of yoga and is considered as a procedure that cleanses the body and organizes thoughts.

In Western reality, flushing procedures are called “irrigation therapy.” In order to better understand the purpose and mechanisms of such treatment, let's imagine the structure of our head.

Nose depths

The nasal cavity, as well as the sinuses and nasopharynx, are covered with a mucous membrane, which plays a very important role in the life of the whole organism. It contains special cells that have special hairs, or cilia. These hairs create the so-called “beating”: this mechanism ensures normal drainage from the sinuses and removes the mucus formed there. Normally, we produce mucus constantly, and we practically do not notice its removal.

Snot is not a diagnosis!
Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The causative agents of rhinitis, as a rule, are. Therefore, this type of runny nose should not be treated with antibiotics. For rhinitis, it is recommended to take antiviral drugs, for example, based on human interferon.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. In an advanced stage, such inflammation can even affect the bones of the skull that form these sinuses. The causative agent of sinusitis is bacteria. This inflammation can be successfully treated with antibiotics.

Only a doctor can distinguish one type of runny nose from another. So, if your “snot” does not go away for more than a week, do not be too lazy to see an ENT doctor to avoid the development of complications.

How does your nose hurt? Once it gets on the nasal mucosa, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. It swells, swelling begins, and mucus production increases significantly. Therefore, when we get sick with ARVI, we feel nasal congestion, and we need a lot of handkerchiefs. This is rhinitis.

If it successfully passed and disappeared along with fever, weakness and malaise, then - happiness! You are free from disease. If the disease drags on, it has every chance of developing into sinusitis.

Sinusitis is a process that is usually purulent. It occurs due to swelling. The ducts leading from the sinuses to the nasal cavity are closed by the swollen mucous membrane, and mucus stagnates and suppurates in the sinuses.

When mucus fills the entire sinus, a person begins to feel discomfort and pain in this place. These are, as a rule, diseases such as sinusitis or sinusitis - the first is localized in the maxillary sinuses (to the left and right of the nose), the second - in the frontal sinuses (above the nose).

From nose to throat

Most often, rhinitis is combined with inflammation of the nasopharynx and pharynx. Nasal congestion is complemented by pain in the throat, both at rest and when swallowing, a feeling of rawness, and a sensation of a foreign body in the throat. All these symptoms characterize.

As the disease progresses, inflammation can spread below the level of the pharynx - into the larynx. And then - hello, laryngitis! It is characterized by hoarseness and hoarseness - inflammation creeps up to the vocal cords. When it overcomes the cords, the voice will disappear completely for a while.

Window in the ear

The ear is connected to the nasopharynx through a small canal called the auditory tube. This formation is necessary in order to balance the pressure on the eardrum from the outside and from the side of the nasal cavity, which, in turn, ensures free mobility of the eardrum and normal hearing. The auditory tube is also covered with mucous membrane.

Nasal devices
As mentioned above, you can rinse using a syringe, douche or teapot (regular teapot or special one, which is called “jala neti” in yoga stores). There are also special devices that, as a rule, are sold in pharmacies along with a rinsing preparation. These include special syringes and devices for supplying solution under pressure. Which is better to choose? Everything is individual - choose the device that gives you the least discomfort.

From a safety point of view, only adults can rinse their noses under pressure. In children, the respiratory tract has not yet fully formed, so it is better for them to rinse their nose with a teapot.

When a person gets rhinitis, swelling can spread to the mouth of the auditory tube. It begins to close, and when it closes, the middle ear loses its ability to drain - cleanse, in addition, the pressure of the middle ear and atmospheric pressure become different. All this leads to the development of otitis media. It most often affects children, because in children the auditory tube is quite short and wide, and therefore it is possible for the infection to penetrate quite easily directly into the middle ear.

Root of Evil

So, we figured out that the root of all troubles (the source of inflammation) is, as a rule, a virus that has taken root in the nasal cavity. So you need to start by rinsing your nose.

The purpose of such washing is to remove plaque, excess mucus and pus from the surface of the mucous membrane. After all, these substances are the ideal environment for the growth of the virus.

In addition, rinsing the nose allows you to make the best use of medications - sprays, drops, ointments. In order for the medicine to act on the mucous membrane, it must be cleansed. If it is covered with mucus or pus, the entire drug will fall on these secretions and, along with them, will eventually be evacuated.

The easiest way to rinse your nose is to take a syringe or regular syringe (without a needle!), insert the tip into one nostril, lean over the sink and inject the solution into your nose under pressure. If the airway is not obstructed, then the solution should pass through the nasopharynx and flow out through the second nostril. Some of the solution may leak out through the mouth as some goes into the throat. This .

Perhaps the first time everything will not look as elegant as described. But, having learned to relax, you will be able to pour water into one nostril, and it will pour out in an even stream from the other.

What to wash with?

Pharmacies today offer a large number of drugs for washing the upper respiratory tract. All these drugs contain an isotonic solution - that is, a solution of sodium chloride (salt) at a concentration of 0.9%. This is one of the types of physiological solution, the osmotic pressure of which is equal to the osmotic pressure of human blood. You can also find preparations based on sea water in pharmacies.

You can prepare a rinsing solution at home by dissolving half a teaspoon of regular salt in a glass of water. If the drug turns out to be too concentrated, you will quickly feel it: the mucous membrane will sting strongly. Everyone has their own sensitivity threshold, so don’t be patient - make a new solution weaker.

The temperature of any one you choose should preferably be close to body temperature - 36.6 degrees.

When not to rinse

When the mucous membrane swells and blocks normal breathing. If in this state you apply a solution under pressure into the nose, you can force the fluid into the middle ear. And along with the liquid, all the components of inflammation and the causative agent of the disease itself will go there.

Therefore, before rinsing, make sure that your nose is breathing, although poorly. As a last resort, 10 minutes before rinsing, you can drip vasoconstrictor drops into your nose.

In addition, nasal breathing may be blocked. In this case, the washing efficiency will be extremely low. It is also useless to rinse a nose in which polyps have grown. Such diseases require qualified, often surgical, care.


The goal is to remove plaque, excess mucus, or pus from the surface of the throat. Regular isotonic solutions, as well as antiseptic solutions: furatsilin, chlorhexidine, are excellent for gargling. Herbal infusions are also used: chamomile, sage.

The main safety condition: a person should not be allergic to the components of the solution. Plus, it is not recommended to swallow antiseptic solutions. For children who cannot control their swallowing reflex, it is better to give herbal infusions.

One of the most common solutions, which perfectly removes bacteria from the pharyngeal mucosa, can be prepared by taking 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Dilute the mixture in 1 liter of water.

As an operating surgeon, I perform a lot of operations on various structures of the nasal cavity. After operations, I prescribe it to almost all patients for quick healing. Sometimes, when they come for a second examination, some of them say that they may forget to brush their teeth in the morning, but they definitely wash their nose. Therefore, when they ask me whether it is necessary to rinse the nose in a healthy state, I always answer: “Well, you do oral hygiene, brush your teeth, use rinsing solutions. Why is the nose worse than the mouth? Considering the environmental conditions in which we live and what we breathe, this brings nothing but benefit.”

However, if your problems with the respiratory tract are not limited to the banal - there is constant nasal congestion, snoring, voice problems, persistent pain in the throat, then it’s time to give up all self-medication and go to an ENT doctor who will determine the cause of the problem and prescribe treatment.

Nose from the inside

The nasal cavity is divided into two parts by a septum and has turbinates, which regulate the inhaled air flow. surrounded by paranasal sinuses: maxillary, frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid. At the back, the nasal cavity continues into the nasal cavity, which connects the nasal cavity with the pharynx and oral cavity.