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Using baziron ac against acne - analogues, reviews and prices. Gel Baziron AS is an effective method of fighting acne

The composition of Baziron AS is as follows: gel 2.5% contains 2.5 g water , in the gel 5% contains 5 g of the active substance, in the gel 10% - 10 g of the active substance.

The gel also contains a number of excipients: poloxamer , methacrylic acid copolymer , , edetate disodium , propylene glycol , sodium docusate , sodium hydroxide , colloidal silicon dioxide , water .

Release form

It is produced as a cream and gel for external use, sold in 40 g tubes, which are packaged in cardboard boxes.

pharmachologic effect

Baziron AC has a pronounced antimicrobial effect on the body, acts against Staphylococcus epidermidis And Propionibacterium acnes. The drug also has comedolytic and anti-inflammatory effects, it activates tissue oxygenation . Under the influence of the product, the secretion of sebum in the sebaceous glands is reduced, ensures the absorption of excess sebaceous secretions and helps moisturize the skin.

Benzoyl peroxide is an active oxidizing agent that provides a bactericidal effect on microorganisms that subsequently can no longer produce strains that are resistant to benzoyl peroxide.

The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug consists of inactivating free radicals at the site where the inflammatory process occurs, as well as in the process of inhibiting free fatty acids.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Benzoyl peroxide does not penetrate the skin particularly well. Basically, benzoyl peroxide gradually turns into benzoic acid . After absorption, it ends up in the bloodstream and is subsequently actively excreted through the kidneys. There is no accumulation in tissues. When applied topically, Baziron AS ointment does not provoke the development of systemic side effects.

Indications for use

The medicine is used for. The drug is also sometimes used to treat comedones without acne. The ointment is also used for trophic ulcers of the leg .


Contraindications for treatment with the drug are as follows:

  • high sensitivity to the components of the product;
  • The patient's age is up to 12 years.

Side effects

In rare cases, the following side effects occur in the place where the product is applied:

  • skin irritation;
  • allergic manifestations ;
  • dry skin ;
  • peeling ;
  • burning sensation.

Instructions for Baziron AS (Method and dosage)

The gel is applied to dry and clean skin where there is acne. The ointment should be applied 1-2 times a day. This can be done in the morning or evening. The instructions for use of Baziron contain information that the course of therapy usually lasts three months. The appearance of a therapeutic effect should be expected four weeks after the start of treatment.

If there is such a need, a second course of therapy may be carried out.


If a large dose of the product was accidentally applied to the skin, severe irritation may occur in this area. In case of overdose, the drug should be completely discontinued and symptomatic treatment should be given.


There is no data on how Baziron AS interacts with other medications.

Terms of sale

The drug is available without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The product must be stored in its original packaging, and the storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

Baziron can be stored for no more than 36 months.

special instructions

If the acne remedy Baziron AS causes severe irritation , it must be discontinued and replaced with another drug.

This remedy should not be used in areas where there is damage to the skin.

If the gel gets into your eyes or onto the mucous membranes of your nose or mouth, you should immediately rinse these areas with warm water.

Do not allow direct sunlight to hit the areas where the drug is applied, as this may cause additional irritation.

It is not recommended to use products that dry out or irritate the skin at the same time as treatment with the drug. During this period it is better not to use scrubs , alcohol-containing products .

Analogues of Baziron AS

Level 4 ATX code matches:

The price of the gel is quite high, so very often consumers have a question about whether there are cheap analogues of Baziron AC. To date, there are no domestic analogues of this drug. In some cases, this medicine can be replaced with drugs Desquam , Proderm , Klerasil ultra , Benzakne , Ugresol , Eclaran , which have a similar effect. The price of analogues in some cases is slightly lower than the cost of Baziron.

Which is better: Baziron or Differin?

The active ingredient of the product is a synthetic analogue. The drug does not contain hormonal components or antibiotics. It is used to eliminate comedones in mild to moderate form. It is better not to use Baziron and Differin together, as this can lead to severe irritation and drying of the skin.

Which is better: Zinerit or Baziron AS?

It is used for acne and contains an (antibiotic) that has been used for acne for a very long time. Unlike Baziron, Zinerit ointment can be applied to the skin under cosmetics. However, Zinerit can cause an addictive effect, so it can be used for no longer than 3 months, after which a break is necessary.

Which is better: Skinoren or Baziron?

The drug Skinoren is also available in the form of a gel or cream. Its main component is azelaic acid , which also produces a pronounced effect in the process of fighting acne, drying it out on the skin. Gel should be preferred by those with oily skin, cream - by people with dry skin. Skinoren, unlike Baziron, can be applied completely to the entire skin, and not pointwise.

Thus, all these products can actively fight acne. But if a person is faced with the question of what to choose - Skinoren, or Baziron, or, it is better to initially consult with a doctor and be sure to take into account all individual characteristics.

For children

The gel can be used to treat children over 12 years of age.

During pregnancy

Baziron AS is not recommended for use during, as well as during, since clinical trials of such use of the drug have not been conducted. However, no toxic effects on the fetus were recorded. Therefore, during pregnancy, Baziron AS can be used for treatment only if the expected benefit from such therapy outweighs the potential risk.

In my opinion, the best acne remedy. This is the only remedy that helped me .

Baziron is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial,a medicinal product indicated for acne and blackheads.

Compound: benzoyl peroxide, aqueous methacrylic acid copolymer; carbomer 940; poloxamer 182; glycerol; docusate sodium; disodium edetate; propylene glycol; sodium hydroxide; colloidal silicon dioxide; purified water

Baziron price: 649 rubles for a 40g tube.

pharmachologic effect: Due to the special properties of its constituent benzoyl peroxide, which is its International non-proprietary name. Benzoyl peroxide has a keratolytic effect on skin cells and activates the process of oxygen saturation of tissues. In addition, its use has an effect on the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the production of sebum is significantly reduced.

Benzoyl peroxide is known for its effectiveness in combating groups of microbes such as Staphilococcus epidermidis and Propionibakterium acnes.

When treating with baziron, the simultaneous use of drugs with similar pharmacological effects is not advisable. If there is damage to the skin, treatment should be suspended. In case of accidental contact of baziron with mucous surfaces, it is necessary to urgently rinse with lukewarm water.​

It is not recommended to use this drug for children under 12 years of age, nursing mothers and pregnant women. If you experience hypersensitivity to any components, try moisturizing more; if this does not help, you will have to stop treatment for a couple of days.

See how to choose

Allergic reactions, irritation or dry skin are among the possible side effects of baziron. However, it should be noted that they are extremely rare. Baziron is produced in the form of a gel of 5% concentration.

Baziron is applied once or twice a day to previously cleansed skin. The first results from treatment with the drug, subject to strict adherence to the instructions for use, become obvious after four weeks of use. And by bringing this time to three months, you can achieve a sustainable effect. If you wish to repeat the course of treatment, you must consult your doctor.

Questions and answers

After using Baziron, my skin is dry and red, am I allergic?

Most likely, you simply have skin irritation caused by a new drug that is unfamiliar to the skin. Stop treatment for a couple of days, then you can resume.

I have acne. Is it worth trying to use Baziron for acne, or is this just another waste of money?

Of course it's worth it. Baziron AS is one of the best drugs for the treatment of acne.

I use Baziron locally, but even so the skin becomes very dry and red, what should I do?

Be sure to use moisturizer. And there will be no dryness

How do I know if this Baziron AC is real or fake?

You should try applying the product to colored fabric. Benzoyl peroxide is known to bleach things.

Does Baziron AC help against comedones?

The drug copes quite well with inflammatory acne and red pimples. Unfortunately ineffective against comedones.

Does Baziron AC help get rid of acne scars?

I was told that Baziron lowers immunity in general. Is it true?

Should Baziron be applied locally to a pimple or all over the face?

Is it possible to go out in the sun while using Baziron AC?

When exposed to the sun, be sure to protect yourself with cream with SPF 20 or higher.

Is it possible to dilute Baziron AC with water? Will its properties deteriorate?

It can be diluted. The effect remains the same. In some cases, there was even an increase in the effect

Baziron ac price (in regions)

Region price, rub.
Moscow 559
Saint Petersburg 528
Samara region 632
Bryansk region 518
Vladimir region 569
Ivanovo region 548
Irkutsk region 515
Kaliningrad region 561
Krasnodar region 597
Krasnoyarsk region 542
Moscow region 620
Murmansk region 578
Nizhny Novgorod Region 518
Novosibirsk region 584
Republic of Tatarstan 525
Republic of Udmurtia 522
Chuvash Republic 536
Rostov region 501
Sverdlovsk region 560
Tyumen region 610
Ulyanovsk region 555
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug 578
Chelyabinsk region 563

Baziron ac reviews


Baziron AS helped me a lot. In just a week of use, acne has decreased by 90%. This is simply fantastic. The most important thing is not to overdo it with the dosage.


After trial and error, I found the best acne treatment for myself. At first, of course, I burned my skin. But the instructions say not to stop using it. At my own risk I continued. And I was right. After a month of use, the lmzo feels like an egg. Smooth and even. Sometimes one pimple pops up in a week, but this is nothing at all.


Baziron is a great product. I used it for 3 months, all the pimples went away, but when I stopped using it they started to come out again. Therefore, you need to use it all your life :)


But Baziron didn’t suit me at all. Very severe allergy. The face was all red and itchy. I had to give up this product.


Baziron, expensive pleasure. But whoever treats acne doesn’t mind almost any money. I bought Baziron for 690 rubles. But to be honest, it's worth the money. No remedy has ever helped as much as Baziron.


Baziron AS is a good remedy, but the main thing is to know how to use it.

GALDERMA BRASIL LTDA Galderma Production Canada Inc. Galderma Laboratories

Country of origin

Brazil Canada France

Product group

Dermatological preparations

Acne treatment drug, antiseptic

Release forms

  • 40 g - (1) - cardboard packs 40 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs. tube 60.0 bottle 118 ml in individual/pack bottle 120 ml bottle 200 ml bottle in individual/pack

Description of the dosage form

  • Gel for external use 2.5% Gel for external use 5% gel for washing cream lotion scrub for face

pharmachologic effect

Benzoyl peroxide exhibits antimicrobial activity against Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis. It has a keratolytic effect, improves tissue oxygenation, suppresses the production of sebum in the sebaceous glands.


Skin penetration of benzoyl peroxide is low. The bulk of benzoyl peroxide is converted to benzoic acid, which, after absorption, enters the systemic circulation and is quickly excreted by the kidneys. There is no cumulation in tissues. Cutaneous use of Baziron AS in therapeutic doses does not lead to systemic side effects.

Special conditions

If skin irritation occurs, stop using the gel. It is not recommended if the integrity of the skin of the intended application of the gel is damaged. In case of accidental contact of the drug with the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth or nose, rinse them thoroughly with warm water. Avoid direct sunlight, as... Mild skin irritation may occur. The simultaneous use of products with a drying or irritating effect on the skin (for example, perfumes or alcohol-containing products) is not recommended.


  • 100 g of gel contains the active ingredient: benzoyl peroxide aqueous (in terms of anhydrous benzoyl peroxide) Baziron AS 2.5% - 2.5 g, excipients: methacrylic acid copolymer -2.0 g, poloxamer 182 - 0.2 g , carbomer 940 - 0.8 g, glycerol - 4.0 g, disodium edetate -0.1 g, docusate. sodium - 0.05 g, propylene glycol - 4.0 g, colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.021 g, sodium hydroxide - up to pH 5.1-5.5, purified water - up to 100 g. water, cetyl alcohol, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, stearyl alcohol, methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, main components: water, octocrylene, cyclomethicone, disoprolyl adipate, glycerin, glyceryl stearate, PZG-100 stearate, butyl methoxydibenzenemethane, polymethyl methacrylate, benzyl alcohol, phenoxytanol, tocopheryl acetate, tritanolamine. Main components: shea butter, natural rice extract, aluminum oxide.

This medication is an effective remedy for external use against pimples and acne. Baziron AS contains special components that cleanse the top layer of skin, reduce peeling and help restore damaged areas, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed not only for acne, but also for complicated inflammations due to bacterial infection.

Baziron for acne

The drug actively fights pore inflammation, helps eliminate blemishes, acne, scars and the cause of their formation. The main active ingredient is benzoyl. It is aimed at reducing the inflammatory response and stopping the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. When treated with Baziron, the following improvements are observed:

  • pores are cleaned and narrowed;
  • the amount of sebum secreted by the surface of the skin decreases;
  • inflammation and redness of the skin disappears;
  • healing of spots, scars on the skin;
  • long-term protection after a course of treatment for acne and pimples.

The ability to prevent acne formation is closely related to keratolytic activity, which consists of splitting the horny scales of the surface epithelial cells. These scales, together with sebum, form an acne plug that closes the pore. Moreover, reliable gluing of such a plug occurs due to the bacterial film. Baziron AS destroys this film, destroys horny scales and bacteria, thereby eliminating pimples and preventing their appearance.


The main active ingredient of the drug is benzoyl peroxide, its content is 25 mg (2.5% solution), 50 mg (5%) and 100 mg (10%) per gram of gel. Additional ingredients of the cream are the following substances:

  • poloxamer 182;
  • methacrylic acid copolymer; copolymer;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • docusate sodium;
  • carbomer 940;
  • disodium edetate;
  • purified water;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • sodium hydroxide.

Release form

The gel is produced in France and is used only for external use. Available in aluminum or polyethylene tubes weighing 40 g. There are several different options for the concentration of the main substance. The following benzoyl fractions exist:

  • 2,5%;

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main component of Baziron has antiseptic properties and is able to suppress the reproduction and growth of a number of microorganisms. It effectively affects Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis, which are often the main causes of the development of acne, pimples and inflammatory skin processes. The keratolytic effect of the cream is due to pharmacological effects:

  • activation of exfoliation of dead epidermal cells;
  • suppression of sebum secretion by skin glands;
  • saturation of the skin with oxygen (oxygenation) in acne areas.

These keratolytic, antiseptic properties of Baziron help to effectively treat acne, blackheads, and pimples. The complex effect of additional components ensures dosed adsorption of benzoyl peroxide, preventing skin dryness. When applied to the dermis, Baziron is absorbed by the skin, accumulates in the integument, but penetration into the bloodstream is extremely low, positive properties:

  • the drug is metabolized in skin cells, where it is converted into benzoic acid;
  • penetrates into the blood and is excreted by the kidneys in the urine;
  • without accumulating in body tissues;
  • No toxic effect or systemic changes are observed after application.

Indications for use

  • acne vulgaris;
  • purulent lesions of the facial skin;
  • acne due to hormonal changes in the body;
  • steroid acne;
  • post-acne (acne marks, blackheads);
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

Baziron AS - instructions for use

The cream does not interact with other drugs, but it is recommended to consult a dermatologist before starting treatment. Follow strictly the instructions in the instructions included in each package. Carrying out the procedure correctly will protect you from side effects. The usage process is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Wash your face, apply the gel only to clean skin.
  2. Apply Baziron in a thin, even layer to areas affected by acne and pimples.
  3. Rub the product into problem areas, it is better to do this in the morning and evening (2 times a day).
  4. A tangible therapeutic effect will be noticeable after 3-4 weeks of use.
  5. After 3 months of using Baziron, a lasting result will be established.

special instructions

Baziron gel and cream are not allergens, but in rare cases they can cause increased peeling and redness of the skin. In case of such symptoms, it is necessary to stop the course of treatment for a while. When treating comedones and acne, it is important to avoid direct sunlight on the skin and do not visit a solarium. Ultraviolet rays can cause serious skin irritation. It is undesirable to use drugs or perfumes that contain ethanol during therapy, because they have a drying effect and can cause local skin irritation.

Baziron during pregnancy

Reviews from dermatologists and doctors do not indicate that Baziron negatively affects the child or mother during breastfeeding or pregnancy. Before use, it is imperative to consult and obtain approval from a specialist.

Interactions with drugs

There is no official data on the interaction of Baziron with other drugs for general or local use. Before combining skin care products, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist.

Side effects and overdose

The drug does not have a negative effect on internal organs, the reaction occurs inside the skin, during the therapeutic effect of benzoyl it turns into benzoic acid. There is no accumulation of the drug in the body and is completely excreted by the kidneys. This ensures that there are no systemic side effects in humans. Severe allergies or irritation may occur if the gel gets on the mucous membrane. If you accidentally get Baziron in your nose, eye, mouth, etc., you should immediately rinse with plenty of water. Overdose symptoms:

  • burning;
  • severe irritation;
  • redness of the skin.


The medication has very few contraindications; all of them are described in the instructions, which are included in each package of the drug. You should not treat acne or Baziron if:

  • you are pregnant and breastfeeding;
  • you are under 12 years old;
  • there is individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • there is a predisposition to allergic reactions.

Terms of sale and storage

According to the instructions, the medication should be kept in a dry and dark place, the temperature should not be higher than 23 degrees Celsius. If storage rules are not followed, the drug loses its medicinal properties.


At the pharmacy, if necessary, you can ask for analogues of Baziron; you can find other medications at a lower or higher price. It is not recommended to choose a replacement yourself; this should be done by a doctor. If you need to treat acne or dry skin, you should try the following medications:

  1. 3% tetracycline ointment is suitable for the care of pustular infections and the treatment of acne. The main medicinal substance is tetracycline hydrochloride.
  2. Adaklin. Created specifically for the treatment of problem skin. The drug effectively cleanses the skin, evens out the tone, and destroys acne itself and its consequences.
  3. Erythromycin has the properties of a bacteriostatic antibiotic and has an effect on inflammation through dermal cells.
  4. Differin. The medication does not include antibiotics that suppress hormones, so there is no risk of addiction to the drug. Differin fights not only the acne itself, but also the cause of its appearance, reduces sebum production, and cleanses pores. Doctors offer patients the simultaneous use of Differin (in the evening) and Baziron (in the morning).
  5. Skinoren. Another effective medicine that is on par with Baziron. The product is based on azelaic acid. The medication has an antibacterial effect on areas of the skin that are inflamed, dries out oily skin, and blocks the production of melanin, which prevents the appearance of spots on the dermis.
  6. Zenerite. The main component of the drug is erythromycin. The drug kills bacteria that are in contaminated pores. The remaining ingredients of the medicine have an astringent effect and accelerate the healing of wounds from acne and pimples.

On the skin. Baziron AC is available in the form of a gel, which is applied to the surface of the skin.

Gel and ointment Baziron AS 2.5 – 5 – 10

The drug Baziron AS has the pharmacological texture and consistency of a gel, but is sometimes mistakenly called an ointment. Baziron AS ointment and gel are the same drug. The gel is available with different contents of the active substance, which is 2.5, 5 and 10%. The following definitions are often used to designate a gel with a certain concentration:
1. Baziron 2.5 is a gel containing the active substance at a concentration of 2.5%.
2. Baziron 5 is a gel containing the active substance at a concentration of 5%.
3. Baziron 10 is a gel that contains the active substance in a concentration of 10%.

Baziron gel in different concentrations has the same therapeutic effects with greater or lesser severity, which depends on the percentage of the active substance. Therefore, the stronger the severity of acne, the greater the concentration of gel required for effective treatment.


The composition of the Baziron AS gel of all concentrations includes as an active substance benzoyl peroxide in various quantities:
  • Baziron AS gel with a concentration of 2.5% contains benzoyl peroxide in an amount of 25 mg per 1 g of total weight;
  • in a 5% gel, 1 gram of total mass contains 50 mg of the active substance benzoyl peroxide;
  • a 10% gel contains 100 mg of active substance per 1 g of total mass.
In addition to the active substance, Baziron AS contains excipients that are the same for all concentrations of the drug. Excipients are necessary to give the gel good absorbent properties, as well as to distribute the active substance evenly throughout the entire volume of the drug. The following excipients are used in Baziron AS of all concentrations (2.5%, 5%, 10%):
  • acrylate copolymer;
  • poloxamer 182;
  • carbomer 940;
  • glycerol;
  • disodium edetate;
  • sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate;
  • propylene glycol;
  • colloidal solution of anhydrous silicon;
  • sodium hydroxide (caustic soda);
  • distilled water.
Baziron AC is available in 1 gram tubes containing a gel with a concentration of the active substance of 2.5%, 5% and 10%.

Properties of benzoyl peroxide (active substance of the drug Baziron) -

How does Baziron work after application to the skin?

Baziron AS gel is used only externally, so it does not undergo any biotransformations in the human body, since there is no need to remove the active substance in large quantities. When applied to the skin, 95% benzoyl peroxide, through chemical transformations, is converted into benzoic acid . Benzoic acid penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, has a therapeutic effect, after which it is absorbed into the blood vessels and excreted unchanged by the kidneys along with urine. To date, no effects of drug accumulation have been detected either in the skin or in the bloodstream. Baziron AS gel acts exclusively locally (on an area of ​​the skin); it does not have any systemic effects on the entire human body.

Therapeutic effects and indications for use

Gel Baziron AS is used to treat acne, pimples and comedones on the skin. Comedones are known to many as “blackheads”, which are pores enlarged and clogged with sebum and desquamated epithelium. Treatment of acne is the main area of ​​application of the drug Baziron AS.

The ability of the gel to improve tissue nutrition and increase the delivery of oxygen to the superficial skin made it possible to use it for the treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities. Such ulcers are the result of insufficient nutrition of skin areas, which develops due to poor blood supply. The reasons for poor blood supply can be different - varicose veins, diabetes mellitus and other pathologies in which the condition of the blood vessels suffers. The drug improves blood circulation, improves wound healing and normalizes tissue nutrition.

Gel Baziron AS has a fairly wide spectrum of action, which allows you to eliminate acne and pimples. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves oxygen delivery and respiration of skin tissues. At the same time, it significantly reduces the production of sebum by the glands. The gel adsorbs the existing excess oily secretion, which prevents clogging of pores and the formation of unsightly comedones. In addition, Baziron AS has a moisturizing effect and “resolves” existing comedones, preventing the formation of new ones. All these properties, combined with an active antimicrobial effect on staphylococci (Staphylococcus epidermidis) and bacteria that cause purulent inflammation (Propionibacterium acnes), allow the drug Baziron AS to effectively eliminate acne.

The active substance of the drug has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Benzoyl peroxide destroys a large number of microorganisms present on the skin. In this case, microorganisms are not able to develop resistance against benzoyl peroxide. The anti-inflammatory effect of Baziron AS is combined with antioxidant properties, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and prevents its aging and decline.

Moisturizing and softening the skin is provided by glycerin, which, in combination with acrylate, adsorbs excess sebum, preventing clogging of pores and the formation of comedones.

Why is Baziron effective against acne?

Baziron AS contains benzoyl peroxide, which has an effect at all stages of acne formation, suppressing the negative factors that lead to their appearance. Baziron AC is effective against acne due to the following therapeutic effects:
  • destroys microorganisms located on the skin that cause inflammation;
  • prevents the development of the inflammatory process;
  • reduces oily skin;
  • prevents the formation of comedones;
  • effectively eliminates desquamated epithelium.
Reducing the fat content of the skin under the influence of Baziron is achieved due to the fact that the active substance reduces the concentration of fatty acids in fat. Thus, Baziron gel simply changes the qualitative composition of sebum without affecting the amount of secretion produced, and it is due to this that the oiliness of the skin decreases. In addition to this, the acrylic copolymer in Baziron AS perfectly absorbs excess sebum produced. This effect of the gel leads to the fact that the sebaceous gland itself decreases in size, and the growth rate of its cells also decreases significantly.

The ability to prevent the formation of comedones is closely related to keratolytic activity, which consists of the breakdown of horny scales of superficial epithelial cells. These horny scales, together with sebum, form an acne plug that closes the pore. Moreover, reliable fixation and gluing of such a plug occurs due to the film produced by bacteria. Baziron AS destroys this film, melts the horny scales, destroys bacteria, thereby eliminating comedones and preventing their formation again.

These theoretical justifications for the effects of Baziron on acne have been confirmed by practice - that is, by numerous successful cases of complete recovery from acne.

Instructions for use

The gel must be carefully applied in a thin layer to previously cleansed and dried skin that has acne. It is applied once or twice a day with soft circular movements, rubbing into the skin. You can subsequently wash off the gel with any product that you usually use. The gel should not be applied to damaged skin. Also, in the summer, you should not lubricate areas of the skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight with gel. During treatment with Baziron AS, you should not use drugs that dry out the skin - for example, alcohol-containing lotions, etc.

The effective course of treatment is 3 months, during which Baziron AS should be continuously used. A clear therapeutic effect and improvement in skin condition develops after 1 month of regular use of the gel. A three-month course of treatment is necessary to consolidate the effect achieved after 4 weeks and obtain a lasting result. In this case, for the first 3 to 4 weeks of therapy, the gel should be used at a concentration of 2.5% and 5%. After which you can continue the entire course of treatment with 5% gel, or switch to 10% if the acne is severe.

Baziron AS can be used as the only drug for the treatment of mild to moderate acne. And in the treatment of acne of moderate and severe severity, Baziron AS can be used as a local drug as part of a complex therapy consisting of taking medications orally (antibiotics, hormonal medications). In addition, Baziron AC can be used in conjunction with other topical agents, such as retinoids.

If necessary, the course of treatment with Baziron AS can be repeated.

special instructions

  • If the application of the gel is accompanied by the development of skin irritation, you should stop using the drug.
  • Avoid getting the gel in your eyes, mouth and nose. If this happens, rinse them with plenty of warm running water.
An overdose is possible when a large amount of gel is applied to the skin. In this case, severe irritation may develop. To eliminate this condition, it is necessary to stop using the drug for a while, or use symptomatic remedies.

Interaction with other drugs
Today, Baziron AS can be freely used with other medications in recommended dosages.


Gel Baziron AC is contraindicated for use in the following cases:
  • age under 12 years;
  • sensitivity or allergic reaction to any component of the drug;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding .

Side effects

When using Baziron AS exclusively externally, there are no side effects from the entire human body. In rare cases, dryness, redness or allergies may develop at the site of application of the gel as side effects.


Today, there are only synonyms for the drug Baziron, which are other drugs containing the same benzoyl peroxide as an active component. Synonyms of Baziron AS include the following drugs:
1. Eclaran 10 is a gel for external use.
2. Eclaran 5 - gel for external use.


Most people respond positively to the drug Baziron AS, since the gel really helps get rid of acne and blackheads. However, to such an undoubtedly positive therapeutic effect, there may also be some disadvantages that force people to give a negative connotation to their review. Most often, people do not like the irritation on the skin after using Baziron AS, and the need to use the gel for a long time, which creates some discomfort. And since the problem of acne has been solved, it is natural for a person to want to get rid of other negative phenomena. It is in such cases that most negative reviews are left.

There are also other options when people leave negative reviews about Baziron gel. This is often due to lack of effect - when the gel was used to treat acne that is not ordinary acne vulgaris. In this case, Baziron is practically useless, as people were convinced of and, considering the drug ineffective, left negative reviews. To avoid such disappointments, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before starting therapy - is this medicine suitable for you?

Where can I buy?

Today, Baziron AS is sold exclusively in pharmacies - regular, or located on Internet sites. The gel can be bought without a doctor's prescription. When purchasing Baziron AC, you should carefully inspect the packaging, which should not have damage, abrasions, peeled paint, etc. The presence of any damage to the packaging of the medicine should be taken as a signal to refuse the purchase. It is better to purchase the drug at another pharmacy, where it is packaged in normal containers that are not damaged. Such precautions must be observed because violation of the integrity of the packaging and storage conditions of the drug leads to the loss of its medicinal properties - that is, the gel will simply be ineffective.

Also, when purchasing, pay attention to the expiration date, which is three years from the date of issue. In this case, Baziron AS gel should be stored in a dark and dry place, at an air temperature no higher than 25 o C.

Price in Russia and Ukraine

The cost of the drug Baziron AS varies depending on the concentration of the active substance, as well as the pricing policy of the pharmacy. The same drug has different prices solely due to different trade margins, since the gel is manufactured by only one pharmaceutical company. Therefore, the more expensive drug does not differ from the cheaper one in anything except the price.
  • The average cost of Baziron 5% in Russian pharmacies is 500–700 rubles per tube, and in Ukraine – 250–400 hryvnia.
  • A gel with a 10% concentration of the active substance costs on average 650–800 rubles in Russia, and 370–500 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  • Unfortunately, Baziron gel 2.5% is not currently supplied to Russia, so it is impossible to purchase it.

Skinoren or Baziron?

In general, most patients prefer to use Baziron, since its therapeutic effectiveness, in their opinion, is higher. However, Baziron does not help some people at all, but Skinoren, on the contrary, has an excellent therapeutic effect. We can say that about 2/3 of people suffering from acne are better helped by Baziron, and 1/3 by Skinoren. It is best to consult a dermatologist - which drug to prefer in a particular case.

Skinoren can be applied to the entire surface of the facial skin, and Baziron is used exclusively pointwise, so for large areas of damage it is better to start treatment with Skinoren, and if the first is ineffective, switch to Baziron.

Many people complain that Skinoren and Baziron whiten their skin very much. Thus, acquired pallor is not evidence of pathology or other serious illness.

Zenerite or Baziron?

Zenerit and Baziron have completely different mechanisms of action. In addition, addiction develops to Zinerit, so it should not be used for more than three months. After a course of therapy with Zinerit, you need to take a break, after which you can use the drug again. In principle, Baziron is also recommended for use for three months, but it is never addictive. Therefore, many recommend using Baziron, and not even starting to use Zenerit, since the addictive effect is quite strong. In addition, after stopping Zinerit, acne may appear in even greater numbers, however, this phenomenon is temporary, but very unpleasant.

Many people with oily skin prefer to use Zinerit, since the product perfectly solves the problem of acne, eliminates excess oil and does not dry out the skin, as often happens when using Baziron. But in principle, most people come to the conclusion that after a certain period of use, Zinerit becomes completely ineffective, which is not the case with Baziron. If Baziron is ineffective, then this can be seen immediately. And if the drug works well immediately, then it will have the same effect later.

Baziron or Differin?

Differin and Baziron do not contain antibiotics, so they are not addictive. However, they contain fundamentally different active ingredients that effectively fight acne. They are often used together, but this should not be done as the result will be too dry skin. Both Baziron and Differin at the very beginning of use can cause severe irritation, which is perceived as an increase in acne - but this is not the case. After a short period of time, the skin will get used to the action of the drugs, the redness will stop, and the acne will begin to heal.

In general, Differin is more preferable because it has the ability to remove acne spots and cleanse clogged pores well. But since Differin and Baziron have slightly different mechanisms of action, they are used in different situations. Thus, Differin is more effective than Baziron in the treatment of acne in the form of comedones with a small inflammatory component. And Baziron is more effective than Differin in the treatment of acne with an active inflammatory component - that is, with papular and pustular forms of acne. Subjectively, Baziron is much worse tolerated than Differin, so if you are intolerant of it, it is better to switch to Differin.