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Approximate (standard) business plan for a nightclub. How to open a nightclub

For some, a nightclub is a popular place of recreation, for others it is a haven for spending time, and still others consider it a “abode of debauchery.” And only entrepreneurs know that a nightclub is a profitable investment in any time, even a crisis. And therefore, queries like: “How to open a nightclub from scratch” or “How much does it cost to open a nightclub” today are extremely stressful for search engine robots. Today I bring to your attention a standard business plan for a nightclub, which, after some modification, can be successfully implemented in practice.


The presented project is a business plan for a nightclub (hereinafter referred to as the Club) - an entertainment establishment with a payback period of two years.

Organizer and project manager

Project goals:

  • Organization of a highly profitable enterprise
  • Obtaining a stable profit during the implementation of the project
  • Satisfying consumer demand for entertainment and leisure time

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Total cost of the project: 30-40 million rubles

Loan interest rate: 23% per annum

The total amount of loan funds over the payback period will be: 13.8 million rubles

Project payback period: 2 years

Investor profit: 13.8 million rubles

Payments of borrowed funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of project implementation.

The main stages of implementing a nightclub business plan

The immediate start of the project will begin immediately after receipt of loan funds or acceptance of this business plan by the Customer. The conditional completion of the project is in 24 months.

The main stages of implementation of the Club’s business plan are presented in Table No. 1:

Project stagesDeadlines
Conclusion of an investment agreement1 month
Obtaining borrowed funds1 month
Entry into the state register, registration
in administrative and tax authorities
1 month
Selection of location and design
1-6 months
Purchase and installation of equipment1 month
Recruitment1 month
Conducting a marketing campaign1-24 months

General characteristics of the object

The business plan for a nightclub is intended to organize entertainment for people mainly in the evening hours.

Club Visitors

The Club's target audience is mostly young people aged 18 to 33-35 years, usually earning their own living or having wealthy parents. However, visitors may be older. All of them are united by the desire to have fun, dance, drink alcohol, and meet the opposite sex. Among the “higher” aspirations is to join the youth club culture that is currently popular.

It is the latter factor that often plays a decisive role in the success of an establishment. To catch a new youth trend in time, to feel the mood of visitors, to give the majority exactly what they want - this should be one of the components of the Club’s marketing strategy.

How to open a nightclub from scratch, with as little investment as possible? To do this, you should initially calculate which audience the club will target, since there are now a lot of youth movements, which are often supported by mature adults.

The close relationship between various aspects of business in this project is manifested in the dependence of the choice of the Club’s location on the residence of certain categories of its visitors. In other words, there is no point in opening a Club in an area with old houses in which a large number of elderly people live, who not only will not visit the Club, but also create certain obstacles to its activities.

Location and concept of the Club

There are two main, noteworthy directions of the project. This:

  1. A nightclub of a “democratic” type, intended for open visits by people of any social status
  2. Nightclub for wealthy people

Without a doubt, the most profitable in terms of profit is the second option. How much does it cost to open an elite nightclub? As the practice of opening such establishments shows, it costs at least 20 million rubles. The main cost items when organizing a Club for wealthy people are renting premises in the central part of the city, and one-time costs for equipping the Club with high-class equipment.

A “democratic” type club is usually located in remote areas of the city, precisely because of the dissatisfaction of local residents with its work, as mentioned above. The main thing for both types is convenient access roads and the availability of ample parking.

As a rule, “democratic” type clubs have a larger number of visitors than elite establishments, but the average bill at a bar is several times smaller; the main income is entry fees. While clients of expensive clubs leave monthly salaries of budget workers in the bar. But there are very few such clients, especially in small towns; this circumstance must be taken into account when choosing the Club concept.

The most convenient location of the Club is to organize it in a separate building. The best option is the building of a former cinema or cultural center. Semi-basement and basement premises require the installation of additional fire alarms and equipment, and the organization of emergency exits. After the infamous fire at the Lame Horse club in Perm in 2009, safety requirements for nightclubs across the country have become significantly stricter, and compliance checks have become more frequent.

The area of ​​the dance hall depends on the expected number of visitors, in any case it should be at least 200-250 square meters. meters - with a smaller number of guests, the project risks working at a disadvantage. Ceiling height – from 4.5 meters. Complete construction of a building from scratch requires very significant investments, and is impractical due to high risks.

Club layout

How to open a nightclub that attracts hundreds and thousands of visitors. You need to start with the interior. The interior design of the room, layout and arrangement of furniture completely depend on the chosen concept of the Club. In order to attract a certain category of target customers, the atmosphere in the room must correspond to their interests and expectations.

The atmosphere of the Club is a kind of “spirit” of the establishment, consisting of the totality of the interior, the entertainment offered, the bar menu, music, lighting equipment, the public, and many other components. All this is inherent in the “democratic” type Club. There have been cases when investments per 1 sq. meter 2-3 thousand dollars did not bring the expected result, and the nightclub was not popular with the public. On the contrary, cheap establishments with their own “zest” attracted a full house.

To correctly determine the interior design, it is recommended to contact a designer who has experience in successfully working on similar projects. As a rule, it is enough for such specialists to voice the chosen concept in order to get several excellent design options for the Club.

Club Staff

Almost 80% of its popularity depends on the Club’s employees. Therefore, the selection of personnel should be approached extremely responsibly. The core staff usually includes:

  • An administrator is a person responsible for the entire operation of the establishment, preferably having experience in such work and communication with potential clients.
  • A promoter is a specialist who is responsible for attracting visitors to the Club, the main organizer of all parties, supporting and implementing the concept of the establishment. As statistics show, it was the unprofessional work of the promoter that was to blame for the closure of most nightclubs.
  • Bartender. The spectacular work of a professional bartender, capable of performing tricks no worse than a real illusionist, can provide the Club with 50% of all daily revenue. At the same time, the bartender is a person who needs to be closely monitored (preferably with a video camera), since the temptation and opportunity to cause damage to the establishment often prevail over decency and responsibility.
  • A DJ is a person who is responsible for the musical accompaniment of parties. This must be a professional who is always “in the trend” of the latest musical novelties of various musical styles preferred by visitors.

Employees invited from time to time (and if the project budget allows, then working on a permanent basis) can be:

  • Strippers and strippers. Organizing a striptease is an expensive “pleasure”, which, during open dances in a common hall, can increase the cost of the entrance ticket by 2-3 times. And with private dances, or dancing in a VIP room, it can increase the establishment’s profit several times. Professional strippers typically work for a fixed fee, and rarely agree to work for a percentage of revenue or tips from guests.
  • Musicians playing live sound. Of course, these must be artists of the musical genre preferred by the Club’s target audience.

Typically, visitors to nightclubs come to such establishments to use the services of a bar, watch an entertaining show program, and dance, so performances on other topics need to be “tested” in advance to ensure they are accepted by guests, so as not to fail.

It can be noted that at present this niche, especially in the category of “democratic” type establishments, has become significantly empty, and competition is weak enough to cause serious obstacles in the organization and development of business. But for a successful start, you need a competent nightclub business plan.

Marketing plan

The current state of the entertainment market, in particular the nightclub sector, is in decline. The industry had just managed to recover from the crisis of 2008-2009, and began to gain momentum, when economic and political sanctions imposed against Russia by a number of Western countries forced the population to once again reconsider their attitude towards entertainment.

Wealthy youth and established adult businessmen did not particularly experience the consequences of the crisis that began in the country in 2015, and practically did not change their habits of visiting nightclubs. Therefore, elite establishments, like several years ago, continue to develop confidently, and the question of how to open a nightclub is still relevant.

In clubs for a wide range of visitors, things are very deplorable. During the 2nd half of 2015, more than half of the previously successfully operating “democratic” nightclubs in the country closed. The statement made by the Ministry of Economic Development in mid-February 2016 about the impending stagnation in the country's economy for several years made investors very cautious when considering projects of this kind.

However, there is an opinion of analysts that it is the general reduction in the number of nightclubs across the country that will make this business again popular and in demand in six months or a year. People have been accustomed to enjoying pleasure for long enough to suddenly give it up. In addition, a person gets used to everything, and having become accustomed to a new environment, our compatriots will return to their previous way of life.

Experts in this area estimate the average amount of investment required for the successful operation of a nightclub in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, and some other large cities with a population of more than a million people - approximately 500-600 thousand dollars. The profitability of projects is currently estimated at 30-60%.

In the “club” business over the past 506 years, there has been an interesting trend towards short operating hours, which, however, has a rational “grain” behind it. After working for 2-2.5 years, having become fairly bored with the visitors, the Club closes, only to be reopened by the same owner after some time in a different location, under a different name, and with a different concept. True, only a few manage to achieve the previous level of income, but the profit is still higher than if the establishment continued to operate in the old location.

Particular attention in the management of the Club must be paid to the “tolerance” of the pricing policy. As a rule, the influx of visitors occurs on weekends - from Friday to Sunday. It is on these days that prices need to be set as high as possible. On Monday there is a decline in guests, so on this day you can arrange a day off, a sanitary day, make entrance to the establishment free, or arrange a “discount day”. Based on the experience of existing establishments, such a “policy” justifies itself.

Statistics on how people from the target audience spend free time can be seen in Figure 1:

The frequency of visits to nightclubs by 100 respondents from the target audience can be seen in Figure 2:

Production plan

The equipment for organizing a Club is basically the same for establishments with any concept, and differs only in brands. The main list includes:

  • Equipment for disco
  • Acoustic system
  • Compressor
  • Smoke car
  • Equalizer
  • Controller
  • Lighting equipment for disco

When choosing equipment, the area of ​​the room, the features of the building, the layout of the furniture and areas in the room, and even the style of the music being played are taken into account. In this matter, it is best to trust specialists who know how to open a nightclub.

Financial plan

The main types of taxes payable are reflected in Table No. 2:

Type of taxTax basePeriodInterest rate
Income taxIncoming profitMonth20%
Property taxEstimated value of propertyAccording to the payment schedule2,2%
VATAdded valueMonth18%
Income taxPayroll fundMonth13%
Social paymentsPayroll fundMonth34%

An approximate plan for the volume of services provided is shown in Table No. 3:


The proposed analysis of the implementation of the project to organize a nightclub showed that this project has a high chance of becoming a highly profitable and very promising enterprise. The main condition for its successful operation is competent “flexible” management, the presence of qualified specialists, the right concept, and a good business plan for the nightclub.

The idea of ​​opening a club comes to many young entrepreneurs who want to build a business in the entertainment industry. However, how realistic is it to create a successful and popular establishment? Let's take a closer look at what funds are required for this, what needs to be done to stand out among competitors and how to attract customers.

General characteristics of nightclubs in Russia

Opening a club is the dream of many entrepreneurs interested in the entertainment industry. Everyone knows that famous clubs bring fabulous profits to their owners and become centers of attraction and venues for the most exciting events.

On the other hand, before you expect profit from your own establishment, you need to invest in it. And quite significant.

The competition in this area is so intense that most clubs open and close without being noticed. This is especially true for fairly large cities, where the number of such clubs and restaurants exceeds a hundred.

In small towns, there is another problem - low demand for this kind of establishment. Especially if the city already has 4-5 clubs that cover the needs of residents for dancing and nightlife. Is it worth spending money and effort on creating your own establishment?

The competition in this area is so intense that most clubs open and close without being noticed.

Pros and cons of opening a nightclub

If an entrepreneur is still confident that his nightclub idea will work, he can try it. There is still enough room in the market for truly high-quality establishments. But before analyzing how to open a nightclub, it is useful to assess what strengths and weaknesses a business has in this area.


  1. High profit. With good planning and quality organization, a nightclub will quickly begin to generate high income for the owner through the sale of tickets, drinks, and food. In just one weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), even a small club can gather 500-600 clients. With an entrance price of 500 to 1000 rubles, income from tickets alone will range from 250 to 600 thousand rubles.
  2. The opportunity to become the center of city life and organize concerts with guest stars.
  3. The opportunity to realize your own dream by creating a unique conceptual establishment.


  1. Very high competition. In the entertainment sector, bars and restaurants that operate at night compete with nightclubs. Nowadays, virtually every city has at least 2-4 nightclubs catering to the needs of local residents.
  2. Big investment. Opening a popular nightclub from scratch is very expensive. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to save money on opening. We will consider an approximate business plan for a nightclub with calculations in a special section.

The first stage is club planning

Before starting to develop a project, it is necessary to conduct a small marketing study of the entertainment industry in the city where the establishment is planned to open. Find answers to the following questions:

  1. Are there other nightclubs in the city, how many are there? In what part of the city are they located?
  2. Which establishments are doing well and which are failing (as observed)?
  3. What is the secret of the success of the former and what mistakes do the latter make?
  4. Have any nightclubs closed in the city recently? For what reasons?

It will be useful to study reviews in groups of existing nightclubs to understand what customers like and what is in demand. Try organizing a vote on the topic of the new establishment: is it needed, what format is interesting to guests, and so on.

Why is the club concept important?

Experience shows that only establishments that offer guests something special, including a unique concept, remain on the market for a long time. It can be expressed in the interior of the club, its promotions or events, atmosphere, menu. There are a lot of options. The task of the opening establishment is to create something special that will attract customers and ensure profit.

Only establishments that offer guests something special remain on the market for a long time.

What is needed to create a nightclub

Let's consider a typical nightclub project, or rather the list and amount of financial costs:

  1. Rental and renovation of premises. Renting a large area in a part of the city with good infrastructure will require from 150 to 700 thousand rubles. It is not necessary to locate the club in the center, but the outskirts or residential areas will definitely scare off some clients.
  2. Interior design, including the purchase of a bar counter and furniture. Depending on the complexity and exclusivity of the interior, costs can reach up to 1 million (or even more). This column includes:
    • furniture (bar counter, tables, armchairs or chairs, sofa);
    • lighting, including light music;
    • installation of sound equipment and DJ console;
    • dance floor design.
  3. Registration of permits - about 500 thousand rubles.
  4. Advertising campaign and promotion on social networks - from 100 thousand rubles and above (for the first 5-6 months).
  5. Staff remuneration is about half a million rubles for the first months, and approximately 3 million rubles per year. This amount does not need to be included in full in the estimate, since most workers will receive their salaries from the cash register.

So, how much does it cost to open a club? For these purposes, about 3 million rubles will be required, and for a more complex project - much more. Unfortunately, without significant financial investments, it will not be possible to open and compete in the entertainment industry.

What permits are required to open a nightclub?

To ensure the legality of an establishment’s presence on the entertainment services market, its owner is required to draw up a very significant list of documents. Also keep in mind that receiving some documents takes several months, so you should start processing all the paperwork in advance.

  1. Certificate of registration of a legal entity. A nightclub can only be registered as a legal entity, since individual entrepreneurs are prohibited from selling alcohol.
  2. A project for the construction of a building for an entertainment facility or a refurbishment project. Must be approved by the sanitary-epidemiological service and the Ministry of Emergency Situations (State Fire Service). For new facilities - an operating permit.
  3. Registered fire safety declaration.
  4. Fire safety instructions at the site and evacuation plan.
  5. Permission for the type of activity from Rospotrebnadzor.
  6. Orders on sanitary measures.
  7. Logbooks for recording disinfectants, as well as disinfection of ventilation.
  8. Production control program that meets modern technological requirements and sanitary standards.
  9. Quality certificates for all products sold.
  10. Permission to trade alcohol and tobacco products.
  11. Agreements for waste disposal, disinfection and deratization.
  12. Regulations on labor protection.
  13. Employment contracts with employees, as well as medical records with a recorded medical examination and sanitary training.
  14. Orders on the appointment of the general director, chief accountant and all employees.
  15. Staffing schedule.
  16. Certificate of completion of specialized training for the person responsible for fire safety.

As you can see, the list of documents is quite impressive. It will take about six months to complete all permitting documents. It is better to start receiving them in advance, at the same time when repairs and preparation of the premises for operation begin.

It will take about six months to complete all permitting documents.

How to choose a room

A well-chosen location of the club in combination with a well-renovated and decorated premises will make up half the success of the entire establishment. It is reasonable to find an area in the central part of the city and in an area with developed infrastructure. Opening an establishment in a residential area will most likely lead to losses.

The location of the future nightclub should be chosen taking into account its specifics and target audience. For example, if an entrepreneur plans to open an “image” establishment for people with high incomes, he will have to spend money on renting a large area in the city center. If the target audience is students, you can limit yourself to more remote areas with good transport accessibility.

It is a bad idea to rent the first or basement floor of a residential building for premises. Loud music and dancing noise will definitely provoke conflicts with residents. For a good establishment you need an area of ​​about 250 square meters with high ceilings (at least 4 meters).

What kind of employees are needed for a nightclub?

Only a fairly large team of professionals, which includes:

  1. Director (manager) - this role can be played by the entrepreneur himself or a hired specialist with management experience.
  2. Administrators or managers, responsible shifts - 3-4 people.
  3. Bartenders, waiters, hostesses - 8-10 people.
  4. DJs - 1-2 people.
  5. Cooks - 3-4 people.
  6. Cleaners, wardrobe attendants - 2-3 people.
  7. Creative director or SMM specialist.

How to promote a nightclub

  1. Outdoor. Rent several billboards, advertising stands or other structures for 3-4 months. This type of advertising attracts the attention of a very large number of people, some of whom will definitely become your clients.
  2. Distribution of leaflets. Distributing printed materials - leaflets or flyers (especially those entitling you to a discount) is a very good idea. This way you can attract many students and young people to the club. It is better to distribute leaflets in the area of ​​technical schools and universities, as well as in shopping centers.
  3. Internet advertising. A promising option would be contextual and targeted advertising - these methods show your ad only to a target audience selected by personal information (gender, age, location) or search history.
  4. Accounts on social networks. A separate way to promote your own establishment, which, with the right approach, will ensure constant interest from customers. Register club pages on all social networks, set up synchronization between them and regularly update information about promotions and events. This will help you constantly attract attention.

Users like beautiful photos, videos and stories, so invite a professional photographer to every party. Also, do not forget to provide all publications with a set of hashtags, including the name of the city and establishment.

Now entertainment establishments have appeared on the Russian market and have launched the sale of their own franchises.

Is it worth buying a nightclub franchise?

Now entertainment establishments have appeared on the Russian market and have launched the sale of their own franchises:“Contrast”, “Contact bar”, “Nebar”, “TheBarXXXX” and others. The advantages of buying a franchise include assistance with opening and recruiting personnel, recommendations on paperwork, and the ability to attract clients with a well-known name. But is it profitable?

The costs of opening a club will be very significant in any case, and paying a lump sum fee will increase them by 30-40%. The average amount of this one-time payment is 500 thousand rubles. Also, do not forget about royalties - a monthly payment for the right to work under the brand - 3-7% of profits.

How quickly will your investment pay off?

The period that will show whether an establishment is competitive in the market is approximately 1 year. A large number of visitors in the first month of operation should not give false hope - not all of these customers will become regulars. All investments, if successful, can be recouped in 1.5-2 years.


Opening a nightclub is a very expensive business, but it promises extremely high profits. Only establishments that offer customers an original concept combined with quality service remain on the market.

  • Description of products and services
  • Marketing Plan
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention a standard business plan (feasibility study) for opening a nightclub. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment.

Where to start opening a nightclub

The goal of the project is to open a nightclub in the city of N with a population of 300 thousand people. The prerequisites for opening the establishment are the steady growth of income of the city's population and the growing demand for entertainment services in general. To implement the project, it is planned to attract own funds in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles and borrowed funds (bank loan) in the amount of 3,200,000 rubles. In total, the total cost of the project will be 4,200,000 rubles. Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year= 2,776,780 rubles;
  • Nightclub profitability = 22,6%;
  • Project payback= 18 months.

Which taxation system to choose for a nightclub. OKVED code

The organizational and legal form of the organization will be a limited liability company consisting of two founders. The OKVED codes chosen for this activity are as follows: 55.40 - “Activities of bars” and 52.25 - “Retail trade in alcoholic and other beverages.” The taxation system will be a simplified taxation system of 15% of profits.

What documents are needed to open a nightclub?

Currently, activities have begun to implement the nightclub project:

  1. The limited liability company “Night Shock” has been registered;
  2. The location of the establishment in a room with a total area of ​​510 m2 has been agreed upon. The premises meet all food and fire safety standards. The preliminary lease agreement was concluded for a period of 5 years;
  3. Preliminary agreements have been concluded for the repair and reconstruction of the premises, and the supply of sound and lighting equipment.

Description of products and services

The following entertainment services are expected to be provided:

  • Dance and show programs;
  • Theme parties;
  • European cuisine;
  • VIP zone;
  • Table rental;
  • Bar work;
  • Holding banquets, wedding celebrations, corporate events.

Visitors will also be offered a menu that includes hot dishes (soups, side dishes, pizza), cold appetizers (salads, meat snacks, vegetables, fish delicacies), cocktails, juices and strong alcoholic drinks. The establishment will sell strong alcoholic beverages.

For these purposes, a license to sell alcoholic beverages was acquired. Entrance fee to the establishment from Friday to Sunday: 200 rubles. per person. On weekdays admission will be free. The club's one-time capacity is 180 people. Our organization will employ experienced DJs, photographers, dance groups and showmen.

Download nightclub business plan

Marketing Plan

The building will be located in the central part of the city, in an area with convenient access roads. Our main visitors are young people aged 18 to 35 years. We will be in close proximity to a college campus, so a significant portion of the visitors will be students. Also, next to the establishment there are two large shopping centers, which will also have a positive effect on the popularity of the establishment.

The planned average bill for a nightclub is 700 rubles. This is a small amount, since the main contingent of the establishment cannot be called elite. The main income is planned to be obtained from turnover, counting on high attendance on weekends. The club, in addition to nightly dance programs, will provide additional services for holding theme parties for VIP guests, New Year's Eve parties, corporate events, wedding celebrations, banquets and presentations.

The main direction of music is Disco, Radio Pop (pop). This is the most numerous and most influential music, which has significantly more fans than opponents. If we talk about possible competition, we can highlight two similar establishments operating in our area. Let's conduct a comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of potential competitors of the nightclub:

Events to attract visitors

  1. Advertising in the media (newspaper, magazines, TV, radio);
  2. Banners, banners, billboards;
  3. Distributing leaflets, flyers, posting advertisements;
  4. Creation of a personal club website;
  5. Promotion on social networks and contextual advertising.

It is expected that holding these events will attract the maximum number of visitors from the first days of the club’s operation.

How much can you earn from nightclub services?

Next, let’s calculate the organization’s potential revenue. It is expected that the main attendance will occur on Saturday and Friday, as well as on holidays (February 14 and 23, March 8, May 9, etc.). The occupancy rate of the establishment on these days will be close to 70% (~130 people). The number of weekends and holidays per year is ~ 105 days. With an average club check of 700 rubles, the club’s revenue for data will be: 105 days * 130 people * 700 = 9.55 million rubles per year. Additional revenue can come from services for corporate events, wedding celebrations, and banquets. About 10 such events will be held monthly. The average revenue for one event is 50 thousand rubles. The planned annual revenue from the provision of these services will be 6 million rubles. The total amount of planned annual revenue, according to business plan calculations, will be about 15.55 million rubles.

Production plan

The total area of ​​the premises will be 510 m2. Of them:

  • dance hall area - 200m2;
  • area of ​​the boarding area and VIP cabins - 110 m2;
  • kitchen area - 50m2;
  • hall and locker room - 80m2;
  • restrooms, utility rooms, warehouse - 70m2.

The monthly rent under the contract is 500 rubles/m2 or 255 thousand rubles. monthly. All premises will be equipped and reconstructed in accordance with all fire safety standards (fire alarms, emergency exits, evacuation plan, emergency fire extinguishing system, etc.). The club will have two bars at the same time. Club opening hours:

  • Friday - Saturday from 20.00 - 05.00;
  • Tuesday - Thursday, Sunday from 20:00 - 04:00;
  • Corporate events will be held on any day.


In total, the staff will include 24 people. The monthly wage fund will be 372,000 rubles, the annual one - 4,464,000 rubles.

Financial plan

Fixed expenses per month will amount to 1,023,600 rubles.
The main fixed expenses of a nightclub are the cost of paying wages to employees - 36% of total expenses. In second place in the cost structure is the payment of rental payments to the owner of the premises - 25% of the total expenses of the nightclub. Then there are the costs of purchasing products and ingredients - 15% of total costs and insurance contributions for employees to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund - 11%.

The nightclub's gross income will be 3.3 million rubles, and the club's net profit at the end of the year will be 2.8 million rubles. Every month the nightclub will generate a net profit of 230,000 rubles. The planned profitability of the nightclub, according to the business plan, will be 22.6%, which is a good indicator for such a business. The payback of the project with such indicators will occur in 18 months.

We recommend download nightclub business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

A nightclub is a high-margin and promising type of business. This became possible thanks to the following prerequisites. Firstly, the demand for entertainment services in general is increasing. Secondly, at present, most establishments are worn out and do not arouse interest among city residents. Thirdly, this business will allow you to quickly recoup the money invested and receive a stable profit. As a result, the payback period for the nightclub is 14 months, the break-even point is 2 months.

When opening an establishment, you will need to select a staff of 34 people, as well as premises with a total area of ​​1,500 m2. It is advisable to rent club premises in the city center on high-traffic streets.

The average number of visitors per year will be 20,000 people, with a city population of 200,000 people. The club is a night establishment with music and light accompaniment. Opening hours: Thursday to Sunday from 17:00 to 05:00. The club will also have a separate VIP room. Considering these parameters and the high demand for such establishments, the project has high financial indicators:

The amount of initial investment is 9,884,000 rubles

Average monthly profit - 494,940 rubles

Payback period - 14 months

Break-even point - 2 months

Return on sales - 25%

2. Description of the business, product or service

Today, more and more people want to relax or unwind with company after work. Natural recreation quickly becomes boring, and at home it is difficult to create a comfortable environment, since there will always be something to distract you. As a result, a great place for this relaxation is a nightclub.

It is necessary to open a nightclub in a city with a population of 200,000 or more people. The total area of ​​the rented premises is 1,500 m2. It contains a kitchen, a dance floor, a bar counter, a VIP room, and a dressing room at the entrance. You need to look for premises to rent in the central part of the city.

Also, the premises must be renovated and all the necessary equipment installed.

To open a nightclub, the equipment you will need is:

  • Musical equipment
  • Computers
  • Printers
  • Lighting equipment
  • Kitchen and refrigeration equipment
  • Dishes and other equipment
  • Cash terminals

Furniture will require tables, bar stools, sofas, as well as various interior items.

When opening it is necessary to purchase food and alcoholic beverages. A license is required to sell alcoholic beverages. You also need to create a menu for the establishment and think over a bar menu that will suit the majority of club guests. The best option is European cuisine. The bar menu should be prepared by the bartender.

When choosing a premises for rent, be sure to check the availability of ventilation, air conditioning and sewage systems. When working in the catering industry, it is also necessary to comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. This is a strict requirement since, based on the results of completion of repair work, a conclusion will be issued on the commissioning of the facility by the following services:

  • permission from the State Fire Inspectorate
  • permission of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service

Also, when opening a business, inspections by the following services are possible:

  • Administrative and Technical Inspectorate
  • Federal Migration Service
  • Environmental control
  • Tax Inspectorate
  • Consumer Rights Protection Society

In addition to compliance with these requirements, special attention should be paid to the following regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law “On Trade”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Rules for the provision of public catering services”
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”
  • Federal Law “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products”
  • Federal Law “On the quality and safety of food products”

By complying with these requirements and providing quality service, menu and alcoholic products, your club will be able to quickly gain popularity among city residents. The main thing is to maintain high quality work throughout the life of the club.

3. Description of the sales market

The main factor determining the success of a club is its attendance, as well as the presence of regular customers. To achieve these goals, it is necessary: ​​firstly, to have a favorable location, and secondly, to always offer the best service and products.

The club's target audience is young people aged 18 to 40 years. Since the club will be located in the city center, the visitors will be office employees, as well as students from various universities. As a result, the pricing policy of the club and the format of the establishment must be thought out based on these two factors.

Prices in the club are average. There is also an entrance fee.

To increase the popularity and attendance of the club, it is necessary to hold shows, events, and concerts of various famous performers.

Currently, the demand for these services is increasing, as young people are constantly looking for new formats of establishments. Taking these factors into account, the club will be able to recoup its investment even faster and generate constant profits.

During periods of reduced demand, hold events, promotions and discounts for visitors. Be sure to implement a loyalty system in your club, which will help increase the frequency of visits.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

When opening a nightclub, the following personnel will be required:

  • Manager
  • Administrator (3 people)
  • Bartender (4 people)
  • Waiter (10 people)
  • Chef
  • Cook (4 people)
  • Cleaning lady (4 people)
  • Dishwasher (3 people)
  • Procurement Specialist
  • DJ
  • Presenter (2 people)

To open a nightclub you will need a staff of 34 people.

The position of manager must be held by an employee or business owner. His main task is to coordinate the work of the entire club and communicate with various government bodies.

The responsibilities of the administrator include operational work in the club, namely interaction with the staff and guests of the club.

The chef is responsible for coordinating the kitchen and creating and updating the menu. The purchasing specialist is responsible for purchasing products and equipment, interacting directly with the manager and chefs of the club. The DJ is invited to the club only on weekends.

Bartenders, waiters, cooks, dishwashers and cleaners work on a shift schedule. It should also be noted that the bartender is responsible for drawing up the bar map.

Table Payroll fund, rub.

Fixed expenses


The number of employees






Cleaning woman


Procurement Specialist

Having your own nightclub, if properly organized, can bring very impressive profits. True, opening it requires a lot of money, time and effort. We will consider further how to competently approach the organization of such a business.

Stages of opening a nightclub

If you want to open your own nightclub, then you will have to do a lot of work, each stage of which is fundamentally important.

Concept development for the club

Before opening, it is necessary to clearly decide who the club will be aimed at. To do this, you need to decide on the following parameters:

  • Age of the audience;
  • Music style;
  • Social status of visitors;
  • Material security.

The most profitable clubs are aimed at young people aged 18-25, students with low incomes.

Search for premises

The choice of building plays an important role for further progress. First of all, you should pay attention to the location. It is desirable that it be located on a street with busy traffic and high passenger flow. It's good if there is a transport interchange nearby. As practice has shown, the clubs located not far from universities have the greatest attendance.

Make sure that there are as few competitors nearby as possible. Ideally, there should be no entertainment venues near you at all.

There should be a parking space near the building and convenient access to it.

The premises should not be located in a residential building, as loud music and cheerful companies will disturb the neighbors’ sleep, which will lead to a number of problems. It is best to occupy the first or ground floor of a shopping center, or even find a fairly large one or two-story building.

The club area should be from 300 to 500 sq. m., have high ceilings - from 3 meters. These requirements are related to the fact that the club must have enough space to accommodate utility rooms, a stage, a dance floor, a recreation area, a bar, and a toilet. It is advisable to allocate 200-250 sq. m. for the dance floor. The higher the ceilings, the easier it is to install the necessary lighting equipment.

The premises can be purchased, rented or built from scratch. It all depends on the amount you are willing to invest in starting the project.

Required documents

To open a club, the following documents are required:

  • Certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC (see also);
  • A project for the refurbishment, redevelopment or construction of premises, agreed upon with Rospotrebnazor and Gospozharnadzor.
  • Permission from Rospotrenadzor;
  • Permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station;
  • Permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority;
  • Garbage removal agreement;
  • License to sell alcohol;
  • Music license;
  • Medical books for employees;
  • Certificates for food products;
  • Employment contracts with employees.

An experienced lawyer will help you with the paperwork.


Particular attention must be paid to personnel selection. To fully operate the club you will need:

  • An accountant or financier with experience. His main task is to draw up an estimate of expenses and income and control all financial issues. By the way, you can entrust him with drawing up a business plan or draw it up with him.
  • A competent lawyer to whom you can entrust the preparation of all the necessary papers, the settlement of legal issues with various authorities - Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspectorate, sanitary and epidemiological station, police.
  • Lighting technician for setting up and subsequently servicing lighting devices, conducting doomsday events.
  • Sound technician for setting up sound and equipment.
  • Chef and several cooks to work in the kitchen. It is advisable if there are 2 shifts of cooks of 2-3 people, depending on the attendance of the establishment.
  • Dishwasher.
  • Two bartenders for shift work.
  • Two shifts of waiters, 2-4 people each.
  • Creative director. It’s good if he can simultaneously perform the duties of a presenter, organize and conduct various events.
  • Club manager or director.
  • Administrator for working with personnel.
  • DJ.
  • Security of 6-10 people. It is advisable to enter into an agreement with a security company that has excellent recommendations.
  • Cleaning woman.
  • Wardrobe attendant.

It is advisable to conduct personnel selection yourself. It is important that potential employees have work experience and good recommendations.

After purchasing or renting a premises, it is necessary to make at least minor cosmetic repairs. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on it, because visitors will only be in the evening, and in the twilight no one will pay attention to the quality of the wallpaper or paint on the walls.

It is better to spend the money you have on high-quality lighting, preferably neon, installation of air conditioners around the entire perimeter, and speakers. The premises for visitors should be divided into several zones:

  • Stage on which DJs and dancers perform;
  • Dance floor;
  • Relaxation area;
  • Bar counter;
  • Toilet – female and male.

Make sure there are no clocks in the hall. But on the contrary, there should be a lot of mirrors. Mirrored ceilings and walls and columns look good. Make sure that mirrors are located in places where they will be difficult to break.

Windows are one of the unnecessary attributes of the club. They can be hidden with special screens or the same mirrors, or covered up altogether.

The recreation area should have both regular tables and chairs and soft sofas for more picky clients.


What equipment is worth purchasing? To operate a nightclub you need:

  • Equipment for bar and kitchen: refrigerators and coffee makers, juicers, freezers, etc.
  • Lighting equipment: lamps and spotlights, mirror balls.
  • Audio equipment: speakers, remotes, controllers, microphones, amplifiers, etc.
  • Security equipment: video cameras and metal detectors, walkie-talkies for security guards.

Security requirements

Much attention should be paid to safety. First of all, of course, the fire department. To do this, it is necessary to install fire alarms along the entire perimeter and special systems for extinguishing fire.

The second point is safety. The club must employ qualified security agency employees. There must be one or two security guards at the entrance to the club, whose task is to check visitors to see if they have brought prohibited goods or weapons with them.

A few more people need to be placed in the hall. It would be good if the club installed a patrol call system.

Remember that your clients may go outside briefly to get some fresh air or smoke. Think about how you will celebrate them - with special bracelets made of paper, plastic or tattoos.


Another point that is definitely worth paying attention to is the menu. The kitchen and bar are the main source of income.

What should be in a bar? At a minimum, the most popular varieties of wines and champagne, vodka, cognac, liqueurs and other alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, ingredients for cocktails. Please note that you must have at least one signature cocktail. Don't forget about juices, carbonated and still bottled water, popular drinks such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi.

The second thing that should be there is snacks. First of all, cuts of various types of sausages, cheese, and fruit slices. You can also include light salads and snacks on the menu.

Please note that the markup on food in a bar can reach 300% of the purchase price.

Show program

Your clients will quickly get bored with monotony, so it is important to think through the show program at least a few months in advance.

What can you offer your visitors?

  • Theme parties;
  • Light and pyrotechnic shows;
  • Foam parties in the warm season;
  • Masquerade ball for Halloween, New Year;
  • Striptease.

You can also distinguish the so-called “women’s” and “men’s” days, when admission for representatives of one or another gender is free. If possible, invite famous DJs and performers of your chosen genre of music to the club.


Before the opening of the club, as well as before each theme evening, it is advisable to advertise the event. You can do this using:

  • Posters;
  • Billboards;
  • Order advertising on local radio;
  • Use social networks;
  • Distribute flyers for free entry or discount to the bar.

Be sure to consider a table booking system and offer discounts when booking a table a few days before the event.

Open air club

During the warm season, you can open an open-air nightclub. This idea is suitable for resort towns, where there is a large influx of people in the summer. It is advisable to open a club not far from the beach.

This can be either a site near which there is a utility room for cooks and equipment, or a separate building without a roof. In the second case, old, destroyed houses are ideal. By leaving only the outer walls, you can design a unique interior.

When opening, you should take into account that this is a seasonal source of income and try to invest a minimum of money in the project.

Expenses and income

We present to your attention a sample business plan. The figures are very approximate, since the cost of the premises depends not only on its size, but also on the region and location. The same applies to the cost of equipment, food, and wages.

Expenses (in rubles):

  • Purchase of premises – 2-3 million;
  • Repair – 1.5 million;
  • Registration – 500 thousand;
  • Purchase of equipment for the hall – 500 thousand;
  • Purchase of kitchen equipment – ​​300 thousand;
  • Equipment with security systems – 1 million;
  • Furniture – 500 thousand;
  • Advertising – 300 thousand;
  • Purchase of goods – 500 thousand;
  • Payment to staff – 500 thousand per month;
  • Utility bills – 40 thousand per month;
  • draw up a club work schedule;
  • calculate the average number of visitors;
  • the average cost of one check (including the cost of entry).

For example, take the following numbers:

  • Your club is open 5 days a week;
  • The average number of visitors is 250 people per evening;
  • The average check amount is 500 rubles.

It turns out that working about 20 days a month, the club will generate an income of 2.5 million rubles in one month.

Business profitability

As already noted, this business requires a lot of financial costs. On average, to open a club you will need about 10-15 million rubles. It all depends on real estate prices, the scale of subsequent repairs, the cost of equipment and the average salary in your region.

Where can one find such an amount? There are two options - take a loan from a bank or find investors. In both the first and second cases, you need to draw up a rough business plan. In it you should describe the approximate costs of opening a club and income.

On average, costs are recouped in 12-20 months, and the profitability of this business ranges from 20 to 50%.

Please note that if after a year your costs have not paid off or have paid off by less than 75%, then you should think about closing the club. As practice shows, in this situation the business will no longer generate the required income.

How to manage a nightclub? (video)

Art directors of popular nightclubs will tell you about the features of the club business. You will learn first-hand what attracts visitors and what they are willing to pay for.

The club business is one of the most profitable. The profitability of the establishment can reach 50%. True, in order to get such a return, you need to invest a lot of money in the opening and promotion of the project, choose the right location and staff, and most importantly, constantly work on the entertainment program of the establishment.