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Foods high in magnesium table. What fruits contain magnesium?

Connective tissue is “scattered” throughout the body and is present in almost all organs. It consists of special fibers, which are normally located in a strictly defined order. In weak connective tissue, they are confused and “lie” unevenly.

Weakness of connective tissue is indicated by varicose veins, myopia, hernia, and curvature of the spine. It can also be identified by abnormally flexible joints and frequent dislocations.

A typical portrait of a person with connective tissue weakness is thin, stooped, wearing glasses, with flat feet. And if he gets an echocardiogram, then another pathology will probably be discovered - prolapse, or sagging of the mitral valve of the heart.

Construction material

May be genetically determined. However, often the most significant contribution to the development of the disease is... our diet. The fact is that magnesium is necessary for the synthesis of connective tissue fibers. With its deficiency, the processes of its destruction are accelerated, it becomes less durable and elastic.

To find out whether you have enough magnesium in your body, ask the clinic to send your blood for a special analysis of red blood cells - it is carried out using the atomic absortiometry method. If you identify a deficiency in a timely manner, you can avoid many troubles.

Lean on the beans

Like other microelements, we get them through food and water. There is a lot of it in spinach and asparagus - products that are quite exotic for us, but by no means inaccessible. This useful element is found in wheat bran, nuts and seeds, beans, green apples and salads, and green sweet peppers.

It's also a good idea to take magnesium supplements, especially those that combine it with orotic acid, a natural component involved in metabolism. They are necessary for beginners and experienced hypertensive patients to reduce the risk of stroke, people with mitral valve prolapse, after a myocardial infarction, those who are exposed to stress, and those who use diuretics (they remove magnesium from the body). And, of course, to all people with magnesium deficiency, even if they feel healthy.

Products Magnesium content (mg/100 g)
Wheat bran 611
Pumpkin seeds 534
Sesame seed 351
Almond 304
Pine nuts 234
Peanut 185
Walnuts 169
Spinach 87
Beans 63
Dried dates 59
Sunflower seeds 58

Not every person knows the role of magnesium in the human body. This substance is one of the most important trace elements after water and oxygen. It takes an active part in more than 350 biochemical reactions that ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems. In addition, magnesium is extremely beneficial for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

To compensate for the lack of this substance in the body, you can either eat foods rich in it or take vitamin-mineral complexes. Regular consumption of foods containing magnesium will help improve overall well-being and improve health. From this article you will learn which foods contain magnesium.

Magnesium is a silvery-white metal that produces a dazzling white flame when burned. This substance was first isolated in 1808 by chemist Humphrey Davy. The human body contains 30 grams of magnesium. It is found in greatest concentration in bone tissue, liver and muscles.

Without Mg, the human body is unable to protect itself from infection, as it affects the production of antibodies. In addition, magnesium promotes the production of estrogen.

It is known about the vasodilating, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, restorative, sedative properties of the microelement. Regular consumption of foods containing the substance contributes to:

  • preventing the development of oncological pathologies;
  • normalization of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • prevention of stone formation;
  • improving gastric motility;
  • regulation of blood sugar;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • formation and growth of bone tissue;
  • increasing the protective properties of the body;
  • maintaining electrolyte balance;
  • improving the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • removing harmful cholesterol from the body;
  • preventing the development of inflammatory processes.

The relationship between Mg and other microelements

Few people know that magnesium is in close connection with potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium. An excess of these substances in the body provokes a decrease in magnesium adsorption.

The ratio of Ca and Mg should be kept at 1:0.6. Magnesium is needed for complete absorption of calcium. If there is a lot of calcium in the body, this is fraught with the removal of magnesium from the tissues and, consequently, its deficiency. In addition, magnesium helps maintain calcium salts in a dissolved state and prevent their crystallization.

Magnesium, phosphorus and sodium provide muscle and nervous activity in the body. If Mg is contained in tissues in insufficient quantities, potassium cannot be retained inside the cells; it is simply excreted from the body. Magnesium, calcium and phosphorus take an active part in the formation of bones. Magnesium deficiency is fraught with increased bone fragility and the development of osteoporosis.

List of foods rich in magnesium

This trace element is found in some vegetables, fruits and foods.

  1. Magnesium is found in large quantities in sesame seeds, peanuts, almonds, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, and cashew nuts. It is recommended to include these products in the diet, but in small quantities. You can meet the need for this microelement by consuming nuts and seeds. Moreover, almost all nuts are rich in other minerals, amino acids, and vitamins, which are also very beneficial for the body.
  2. The most magnesium is found in wheat bran - 550 mg per 100 g and pumpkin seeds - 500 mg per 10 g of product. This substance is found in high concentrations in porridges, polished brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and millet. Magnesium in cereal dishes is easily digestible; it is in ideal proportion with phosphorus and calcium. It is preferable to alternate dishes from cereals; it is healthy to eat rice porridge or oatmeal for breakfast.
  3. Magnesium is found in sufficient quantities in unsweetened corn flakes, rye bread with bran, and sprouted wheat sprouts. Sprouted wheat can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. Wheat sprouts are an excellent biologically active product that gives a person an incredible boost of energy. In addition to magnesium, sprouted wheat is also rich in potassium. This combination has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  4. Another record holder for the content of microelements is seaweed. Magnesium is found in high concentrations in legumes, in particular soybeans, beans, lentils, and peas.
  5. A lot of magnesium is also found in feta cheese, chicken eggs, shrimp, dates, milk chocolate, squid, dried porcini mushrooms, halibut, and cod liver.
  6. Fruits and vegetables are rich in Mg. They, compared to the above products, contain less of this substance, but they are still no less useful. The record holder for magnesium content among fruits and vegetables is watermelon. 100 g of product contains 224 mg of magnesium.
  7. The element is found in sufficient quantities in dried apricots, spinach, raisins, dill, beets, green peas, lentils, bananas, carrots, cabbage, avocados, cherries, potatoes, broccoli, black currants, eggplants, pears, sweet peppers, radishes, peaches, oranges , melon.

Along with Mg, for better absorption of the microelement, it is recommended to increase the consumption of products rich in pyridoxine or vitamins B6. Sources of the vitamin include pine nuts, legumes, walnuts, tuna, sardines, mackerel, cereals and beef liver.

Table of Mg content in food

Name Quantity
mg per 100 g
Wheat bran 550
Pumpkin seeds 500
Cocoa powder 430
Sesame seeds 350
Cashew nuts 270
Buckwheat 258
Soya beans 248
Almond 230
Pine nuts 230
Dark chocolate 200
Pistachios 200
Cornflakes 200
Peanut 180
Hazelnut 170
Brown rice 150
Cereals 135
Walnuts 135
Pearl barley 133
Sunflower seeds 125
Halibut 120
Millet 115
Dried porcini mushrooms 102
Squid 90
Milk chocolate 63
Dates 59
Shrimps 50
Cod liver 50
Chicken eggs 48
Rye bread 47
Brynza 22

Table of magnesium content in vegetables and fruits

Name Quantity

mg per 100 g

Watermelon 224
Dried apricots 65
Spinach 60
Dill greens 55
Raisin 45
Beet 43
Salad 40
Carrot 38
Green peas 38
Lentils 36
Black currant 31
Bananas 30
Kohlrabi cabbage 30
Avocado 29
Cherry 26
Potato 23
Broccoli 21
Tomatoes 20
Parsley 20
Apricots 19
Green onion 18
Grape 17
Plums 17
White cabbage 16
cucumbers 16
Peaches 16
Radish 13
Melons 13
Oranges 13
Pears 12
Sweet pepper 11
Eggplant 10
Apples 10

Daily requirement for micronutrients by age

A six-month-old child should receive 30 mg of magnesium daily, a child under one year old should receive 75 mg, from 1-3 years old - 80 mg, 4-8 years old - 130 mg, 9-13 years old - 240 mg magnesium.

The daily requirement for magnesium in the body of a girl from 14 to 18 years old is 360 mg, and a guy’s is 410 mg. The daily dosage of the microelement for girls and women under 30 years old is 310 mg, over 30 years old – 320 mg. The daily dosage for boys and men from 18 to 30 years old is 400 mg, over 30 years old – 420 mg.

A pregnant woman’s body should receive at least 360 mg of magnesium every day, and a breastfeeding woman should receive 320 mg.

Signs and causes of deficiency

With a properly balanced diet, a sufficient amount of microelement enters the human body. A monotonous diet, a lack of green vegetables and fruits, and alcohol abuse - all this sooner or later leads to magnesium deficiency in the body. People with kidney and liver pathologies also often suffer from a lack of this substance.

Mg deficiency is characterized by:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by rapid heartbeat and arrhythmia;
  • decreased immune function;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • headaches;
  • decreased concentration and memory;
  • depressive disorders;
  • irritability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • anemia;
  • cramps and muscle spasms;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • increased fragility of nail plates and hair;
  • diabetic cataract;
  • acceleration of aging processes;
  • coldness of the extremities.

If you do not attach special importance to these manifestations and do not take measures to eliminate them, a lack of magnesium in the body can cause the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system and brain. In addition, Mg deficiency is fraught with the deposition of calcium salts on the vascular walls, in the kidneys and heart muscle. Lack of magnesium is also one of the causes of delirium tremens.

A deficiency of this substance can develop due to various reasons. Magnesium deficiency is usually caused by: insufficient consumption of magnesium-rich products, abuse of foods rich in animal fats and proteins (they interfere with the absorption of Mg in the gastrointestinal tract), low-calorie diets, abuse of alcoholic beverages, consumption of distilled or soft water, prolonged diarrhea, diabetes mellitus , obesity, frequent stressful situations, abuse of sweet soda, coffee, smoking, long-term use of medications, lack of sunlight.

Excess magnesium in the body: main manifestations

Not only a deficiency of the substance, but also its excess is harmful and even dangerous for the human body. This condition is very rare. Often, an excess of microelement in the body appears due to excessive intravenous administration of magnesium-containing medications and impaired renal function. It is almost impossible to obtain an excess of Mg from food.

Excessive levels of magnesium in the body are indicated by the appearance of lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy, unsteadiness of gait, lack of coordination, xerostomia, slow heart rate, prolonged nausea, frequent loose stools, and abdominal pain.

Magnesium is an important trace element, without which the human body cannot function normally. In order for its concentration to be normal, it is necessary to introduce foods high in magnesium into the diet, including nuts, seeds, cereals, fish, vegetables and fruits.

An article on the topic: “products containing magnesium B6 in large quantities. table” from professionals.

Oddly enough, given the high awareness of the modern population in terms of dietetics, many are quite far from the norms of nutrition and consumption of the necessary elements in their required quantities. For example, diseases such as anemia, anorexia, depression, nervousness, and insomnia do not lose their relevance today. They have quite serious symptoms, although the causes of these diseases are quite simple: it is just an insufficient amount of vitamin B6 and magnesium in the body.

In general, a person can suffer from vitamin B6 deficiency for several reasons. These are poor nutrition (foods contain few vitamins and minerals), increased physical activity or pregnancy, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and inability to absorb the vitamin, low magnesium content, in which the vitamin is poorly absorbed by the body's cells.

Why do people need vitamin B6 and magnesium?

This vitamin is also called pyridoxine. In order to normalize its content in the body, we first need to understand why we need it at all, and what this useful element is responsible for.

As mentioned above, its deficiency can lead to diseases of the nervous system, anemia, and dermatitis. Vitamin deficiency still affects mainly those countries where the basic diet is poor in vitamin B6 and magnesium. Signs of disease:

  • gastrointestinal disorder, including diarrhea or constipation;
  • dermatitis;
  • baldness;
  • excess weight;
  • mental disorders.

Magnesium is a very important element found in all tissues and organs. Magnesium is essential for the normal functioning of the body. The body needs this macronutrient in large quantities. The human body contains about 25 g of magnesium. About 60% of magnesium is found in bones, about 27% in muscle tissue, 6-7% in other cells, and 1% outside cells.
Magnesium is involved in metabolism, transmission of nerve impulses and muscle function, and has a vasoconstrictor effect.

Magnesium is a participant in enzymatic reactions, metabolism, protein synthesis, enzymes and antioxidants, regulates cholesterol and sugar levels, affects the functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems, blood pressure, and the condition of bone tissue.

Causes of B6 and magnesium deficiency

First of all, the cause of vitamin B6 deficiency is poor nutrition (foods containing little of these substances predominate in the diet). Or rather, a monotonous diet, which largely contains corn and a lot of flour products. Also, one of the decisive factors for starting to take the vitamin is excessive consumption of sweets and foods containing sugar. And regular alcohol consumption.

Magnesium deficiency is not common; usually foods containing sufficient amounts are consumed daily.
The state of the digestive system and kidneys affects the magnesium content in the body. Some gastrointestinal and kidney diseases impair absorption and limit the body's ability to absorb magnesium. This can lead to magnesium deficiency in the body. Vomiting and diarrhea can also lead to such consequences.

It should also be taken into account that there are population groups that especially need to increase the consumption of foods containing vitamin B6 and magnesium:

  • people suffering from diabetes;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • athletes;
  • adults with increased physical activity.

Signs of vitamin deficiency and magnesium deficiency

A lack of magnesium manifests itself in such signs as:

  • sleep disturbance,
  • fatigue,
  • osteoporosis,
  • migraine,
  • arthritis,
  • fibromyalgia,
  • cardiac arrhythmia,
  • constipation,
  • premenstrual syndrome (PMS),
  • loss of appetite,
  • nausea, vomiting, fatigue,
  • epilepsy,
  • convulsions,
  • muscle spasms,
  • vascular spasms,
  • hypocalcemia,
  • hypokalemia,
  • baldness.

A lack of vitamin B6 also leads to sad consequences:

  • loss of appetite,
  • depression,
  • anemia,
  • maceration,
  • fatigue,
  • nervousness,
  • insomnia,
  • atrophy of the epidermis,
  • cracks in the corners of the mouth.

Separately, one should highlight such a factor as deterioration of brain functions. In particular, this is excessive irritability, inability to concentrate on one object, forgetfulness, and absent-mindedness. Sometimes these signs can develop into serious mental disorders.

In some cases of a particularly advanced form of vitamin deficiency, deaths occur against this background.

Daily value of B6 and magnesium

There are some rules for consuming foods or individual fortified supplements that you should follow in order to avoid a lack of vitamin B6 in the body. First you need to know the norm, which is determined for each individual category of the population. Here are the following data that you need to rely on to maintain the correct diet:

Standard B6 for children:

  • 1 year: from 0.5 to 0.6 mg per day,
  • from 1 to 3 years: 0.9 mg per day,
  • from 4 to 6 years: 1.3 mg per day,
  • from 7 to 10 years: 1.6 mg per day.

For men:

  • from 11 to 59 years: 2 mg per day,
  • from 60 years and older: 2.2 mg per day.

For women:

  • from 11 to 18 years: 1.6 mg per day,
  • from 19 to 59: 2.0 mg per day,
  • lactation period, pregnancy: 2-2.2 mg per day.

Daily value of magnesium:

  • Children under 6 years old - 30 mg/day
  • Adolescents under 12 years old - 75 mg/day
  • Men - 400-420 mg/day
  • Women - 310-360 mg/day
  • Women during pregnancy -350-400 mg/day

More detailed data on which of the most consumed and popular products, which can be included in the diet of every average person, without in any way minimizing the level of all other useful substances and microelements, contain vitamin B6, is presented in the table.

Food B6 in 100g products

% Daily Value per 1 serving

beef liver 0.6 mg 71%
pistachios 1.71 mg 171%
sesame 0.78 mg 78%
garlic 1.23 mg 123%
lentils 0.52 mg 53%
sunflower (seeds) 1.34 mg 134%
coriander (cilantro leaves - greens) 0.6 mg 60%
hazel (hazelnut) 0.56 mg 56%
cashew 0.427 mg 41%
walnut 0.536 mg 53%
brown rice 0.508 mg 50%
beef 0,36 37%
beans 0.396 mg 39%
millet 0.38 mg 38%
pearl barley (barley) 0.31 mg 31%
banana 0.36 mg 36%
peanut 0.34 mg 34%
brown potatoes 0.34 mg 34%
rye 0.29 mg 29%
wheat 0.31 mg 30%
pork, lamb 0.32 mg 30%
bell pepper (sweet) 0.21 mg 22%
avocado 0.27 mg 28%
chilli 0.26 mg 27%
peas 0.26 mg 27%
Dill seeds 0.24 mg 25%
date fruit 0.24 mg 24%
white potatoes 0.23 mg 20%
buckwheat 0.2 mg 21%
basil (greens) 0.15 mg 15%
spinach 0.19 mg 19%
cauliflower 0.18 mg 18%
celery (root vegetable) 0.15 mg 16%
peas 0.14 mg 16%
onion 0.112 mg 12%
champignon mushroom 0.14 mg 14%
almond 0.13 mg 13%
White cabbage 0.12 mg 12%
oats 0.11 mg 11%
a pineapple 0.10 mg 10%
persimmon 0.2 mg 10%
honey fungus mushroom 0.1 mg 10%
corn 0.09 mg 9%
carrot 0.13 mg 13%
morel mushroom 0.13 mg 13%
sorrel (greens) 0.12 mg 12%
mango 0.11 mg 11%
figs 0.11 mg 11%
grape 0.1 mg 11%
white mushroom 0.1 mg 10%
pine nut 0.09 mg 9%
asparagus 0.09 mg 9%
parsley (greens) 0.019 mg 9%
onion (greens) 0.08 mg 8%
sultanas 0.08 mg 8%
tomato 0.07 mg 8%
gooseberry 0.08 mg 8%
Jerusalem artichoke 0.07 mg 7%
pomegranate 0.07 mg 7%
tangerine-clementine 0.07 mg 7%
melon 0.07 mg 7%
white, red currant 0.071 mg 7%
kiwi 0.06 mg 6%
orange 0.05 mg 6%
apricot 0.05 mg 5%
grapefruit 0.03 mg 5%
mulberry 0.04 mg 5%
Strawberry wild-strawberry 0.04 mg 4%
peach 0.03 mg 2%
cherry 0.04 mg 4%
lime 0.03 mg 4%
quince 0.04 mg 4%
papaya 0.08 mg 3%
coconut milk 0.03 mg 3%
cherry plum (plum) 0.09 mg 2%
lemon 0.3 mg 4 %
nectarine 0.025 mg 2%

But in addition to vitamin B6, magnesium is also necessary for the normal functioning of all systems and organs.

Good sources of magnesium are spinach, legumes, and nuts. For example, 100 g of magnesium products contains:

  • almonds - 280 mg,
  • cashew nuts - 260 mg,
  • spinach - 79 mg,
  • beans - 60 mg,
  • potatoes, baked with skin - 48 mg,
  • banana - 32 mg,
  • a glass of milk - 27 mg,
  • slice of whole grain bread - 23 mg.

There is little magnesium in white bread and meat products, but it is contained even in tap water.

If the above products are difficult to make the basis of the diet, then you also need to take into account some nutritional rules that will only help increase the content of this vitamin and magnesium in the entire body. You should include green vegetables, fruits and herbs in your daily diet (they contain a lot of B6). It must be remembered that heat treatment is the factor that can kill this vitamin in products. That is, the diet must contain a large amount of raw vegetables and fruits.

From all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion that, as in most cases, the health of each of us is in our own hands. A balanced and varied diet is not only the prevention of vitamin deficiency, hypertension, problems with the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It also prevents many other diseases.

Magnesium is widespread; it is part of chlorophyll and is required for plant growth, flowering, and seed formation. All green parts of the plant include this element. But which foods contain the most magnesium than what you should feed your household?

What foods contain magnesium

A person should eat foods rich in magnesium every day. Adults require an average of 300-400 mg of macronutrients per day, this amount of Mg is necessary to maintain a blood concentration of 0.65 - 1.05 mmol/l.

Most magnesium is found in foods of plant origin. Mg is concentrated mainly in leaves, stems, and seeds.

Magnesium in plant foods

To provide yourself with the daily requirement of this macronutrient, you do not have to buy rare spices or cook exotic dishes. Products containing magnesium are always at hand and are very easy to introduce into your daily diet.

A lot of Mg is contained in wholemeal bread and bran. The champion in mineral content is rice and wheat bran, 100 g of which contain 781 mg and 590 mg of Mg, respectively, which is higher than the daily requirement for the macronutrient.

100 g of cocoa powder, which contains 425 mg of Mg, completely covers the daily requirement for the mineral. The concentration of the mineral is high in seaweed, so in kelp this macroelement accumulates up to 170 mg per 100 g of algae.

Foods with high concentrations of magnesium are common among plants from the legume family, especially in soybeans, peanuts, and beans.

As can be seen from the table, soybeans are in first place among plant products of the legume family rich in magnesium.

This food product is well balanced in potassium content (24.8% of the daily value per 100 g) and magnesium (16.3% of the daily value). Peanuts also keep up with soybeans. It simultaneously contains a large amount of Mg, vitamin B6 and K.

Most magnesium is in seeds. Thus, 100 g of sunflower seeds supply the body with a daily amount of Mg, provided that they are used raw.

There is a lot of magnesium in common food products, and, as the table shows, ordinary buckwheat is practically not inferior in Mg content to cashews, and is ahead of almonds and pistachios.

Mg is concentrated in tea leaves. Black long tea contains 440 mg per 100 g, and potassium - 2480 mg/100 g, which is close to the daily requirement of K, which is 3-5 g.

Bread contains less Mg, which is associated with losses during thermal and mechanical processing. In rye bread it is 46 mg/100 g, in wheat bread – 33 mg/100 g.

A little macroelement Mg is found in vegetables, berries, and fruits.

Magnesium in animal products

Food of animal origin contains less of the macroelement Mg than plant products, and after cooking, the Mg content decreases by another 35-50%.

There is slightly more mineral in fish and seafood than in red meat, poultry, and dairy products. There is a little Mg in eggs, so in 100 g of raw eggs there are only 12 mg of the macroelement, quail eggs - 13 mg, goose eggs - 16 mg, duck eggs - 17 mg.

After cooking food, the concentration of Mg in it decreases. And if buckwheat contains 250 mg/100 g of the macroelement, then in buckwheat porridge cooked in water, the amount of this element is reduced to 51. Beans also significantly lose magnesium during cooking - from 130 to 35 mg/100 g.

And by pouring liquid from a can of canned corn, a person deprives himself of 60% of the magnesium that was originally part of the product.

Features of magnesium absorption

When choosing foods, you need to take into account that when cooking, most of the beneficial minerals are lost. It matters in what form Mg ions are bound in food. Organic magnesium compounds are absorbed best, inorganic ones are absorbed much worse.

It must be taken into account that soils, due to irrational use, do not contain the required magnesium, plants are deficient in this essential element for photosynthesis, and suffer from chlorosis.

Thus, apples contain only 80% of the normal magnesium. Cabbage bought in a store contains 4 times less magnesium than cabbage grown on your own plot.

With age, with hypovitaminosis, lack of minerals, the ability of the digestive tract to absorb magnesium decreases. The need for vitamin B6 and potassium is especially high. What foods contain magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6?

Products with magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6

The best supplier of products with magnesium and vitamin B6 is plant foods. It is less subject to thermal and mechanical processing and can be used raw.

Plant foods rich in magnesium and vitamin B6: pistachios, garlic, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, cilantro, hazelnuts, lentils, walnuts. 100 g of raw sunflower seeds and pistachios completely cover the body’s daily need for vitamin B6 and contain a lot of Mg.

Potassium, necessary for the absorption of Mg, is often found in large quantities in the same foods in which magnesium is concentrated. So, in dried apricots K - 1717 mg, Mg - 105 mg, in sea kale, respectively, K - 970 mg, Mg - 170 mg.

The most potassium and magnesium are also found in peanuts, beans, almonds, raisins, prunes, peas, hazelnuts, cashews, pine nuts, and walnuts.

These products are especially useful for people suffering from heart disease, nervous system disorders, and metabolic disorders.

Read also:
Magnesium B6 - what is it for and how to drink it;
Magnesium – symptoms of excess in the body;
Magnesium deficiency in the body, symptoms.

Potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium are trace elements that are necessary for the normal functioning of vital systems of the body. With their deficiency, poor health appears and diseases develop. A lack of magnesium is especially dangerous for the body. Deficiency of the substance causes vascular and heart diseases, stomach ulcers, diabetes, and thyroid pathology. To replenish its supply, you need to know which foods contain magnesium. Regular consumption of food with magnesium element will ensure good health and disease prevention.

How is magnesium useful and its role in the human body?

The amount of magnesium in the body determines normal metabolism, the health of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. A useful microelement, along with other vitamins and minerals, must be present in the diet for proper and balanced nutrition.

How do foods rich in magnesium affect human health?

  1. On the cardiovascular system. The substance is good for the heart, as it normalizes the heartbeat. Also, consuming food containing a lot of magnesium reduces vascular spasm and dilates them, which ensures normal oxygen supply to the heart muscle. Thanks to the element, blood clotting rates are reduced - this prevents the formation of blood clots. Magnesium sulfate (magnesium salt and sulfuric acid) is used for injection during a hypertensive crisis.
  2. On the nervous system. The substance stimulates the conductivity of synapses in nerve cells, avoiding the negative effects of stress and the development of mental disorders: anxiety, restlessness, insomnia. The element helps eliminate frequent headaches. The property of magnesium substance to have a positive effect on the nervous system is useful for pregnant women, who are exposed to increased stress and nervous tension.
  3. On the digestive system. Consumption of foods rich in magnesium improves the functioning of the gallbladder and stimulates the contraction of intestinal smooth muscles.
  4. For metabolism. A lot of magnesium in the body is necessary for potassium and calcium to be well absorbed. The microelement also normalizes carbohydrate and phosphorus metabolism, which helps eliminate hypertensive manifestations and helps avoid stroke. Magnesium substance is involved in the formation of protein compounds.
  5. For energy nutrition. If you eat foods that are a source of magnesium, adenosine triphosphate accumulates in the body - an important element for the energy of biochemical processes. Many enzymes are also involved in the formation of energy reserves, the action of which increases the magnesium microelement.
  6. For construction processes. Thanks to improved absorption of calcium, bone tissue and tooth enamel are formed faster. This is especially important during pregnancy, when a large supply of building material is used for the formation of the fetus.

Daily intake of magnesium

A balanced diet requires the correct ratio of vitamins and microelements in food products. The daily norm of magnesium element varies depending on age.

  • For children, it is permissible to consume food containing up to 200 mg of the substance.
  • For women – 300 mg.
  • For men – 400 mg.

If you exceed this norm, signs of an excess of the element may appear - low blood pressure and a slow heart rate.

Signs of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency causes pathological processes that worsen the condition of the body and cause the development of serious diseases. To prevent this from happening, you should make sure that you have enough of the substance in your diet. There are signs by which a person can determine that his body lacks a useful microelement:

  • nausea and loss of appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • “fog” in the eyes;
  • hair loss, brittle nails;
  • convulsions, eyelid twitching, spasms;
  • nervous disorders: anxiety, restlessness, insomnia;
  • tachycardia;
  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis due to lack of vascular elasticity;
  • formation of kidney stones;
  • decreased joint flexibility.

Which foods contain the most magnesium?

If a magnesium deficiency is detected, doctors adjust the diet and prescribe medications that contain large quantities of magnesium, for example, Magnesium Forte. A course of taking medications enriched with microelements helps restore its balance.

To prevent magnesium deficiency, you need to eat meals every day that contain foods with the substance. This will benefit the body and help avoid diseases. A list of foods rich in magnesium will help you adjust your diet correctly.

List of herbal products

High magnesium content is present in foods of plant origin - fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, grains. Adding this food to the diet will replenish the supply of microelements and allow a person to feel good. In addition, raw plant foods contain many useful vitamins and minerals. Products containing magnesium in large quantities of plant origin:

  • cereals, grains: buckwheat porridge, corn, bran (residues from the grain shell), wheat, oatmeal, bread, rice (brown);
  • sunflower seeds, sesame seeds;
  • nuts: walnuts, pine, cashews, peanuts, almonds;
  • legumes: green peas, beans, lentils, beans;
  • raw vegetables and greens: potatoes, beets, spinach, cabbage, carrots;
  • fruits: dried fruits, bananas;
  • chocolate (cocoa beans);
  • soy sauce;
  • sea ​​kale.

Animal products

Magnesium is also found in animal products, although in much smaller quantities. A useful microelement is found in whole milk powder, fish, and poultry. Among foods of animal origin, the highest amount of magnesium is found in:

  • halibut;
  • Chinook;
  • flounder;
  • perch;
  • oysters;
  • Kamchatka crab;
  • chicken breast;
  • beef;
  • pork.

Table of magnesium content in food

Not every person knows the role of magnesium in the human body. This substance is one of the most important trace elements after water and oxygen. It takes an active part in more than 350 biochemical reactions that ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems. In addition, magnesium is extremely beneficial for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

To compensate for the lack of this substance in the body, you can either eat foods rich in it or take vitamin-mineral complexes. Regular consumption of foods containing magnesium will help improve overall well-being and improve health. From this article you will learn which foods contain magnesium.

Description of the substance and its properties

Magnesium is a silvery-white metal that produces a dazzling white flame when burned. This substance was first isolated in 1808 by chemist Humphrey Davy. The human body contains 30 grams of magnesium. It is found in greatest concentration in bone tissue, liver and muscles.

Without Mg, the human body is unable to protect itself from infection, as it affects the production of antibodies. In addition, magnesium promotes the production of estrogen.

It is known about the vasodilating, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, restorative, sedative properties of the microelement. Regular consumption of foods containing the substance contributes to:

  • preventing the development of oncological pathologies;
  • normalization of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • preventing the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • prevention of stone formation;
  • improving gastric motility;
  • regulation of blood sugar;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • formation and growth of bone tissue;
  • increasing resistance to stress;
  • increasing the protective properties of the body;
  • maintaining electrolyte balance;
  • improving the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • removing harmful cholesterol from the body;
  • improvement of bile separation;
  • preventing the development of inflammatory processes.

The relationship between Mg and other microelements

Few people know that magnesium is in close connection with potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium. An excess of these substances in the body provokes a decrease in magnesium adsorption.

The ratio of Ca and Mg should be kept at 1:0.6. Magnesium is needed for complete absorption of calcium. If there is a lot of calcium in the body, this is fraught with the removal of magnesium from the tissues and, consequently, its deficiency. In addition, magnesium helps maintain calcium salts in a dissolved state and prevent their crystallization.

Magnesium, phosphorus and sodium provide muscle and nervous activity in the body. If Mg is contained in tissues in insufficient quantities, potassium cannot be retained inside the cells; it is simply excreted from the body. Magnesium, calcium and phosphorus take an active part in the formation of bones. Magnesium deficiency is fraught with increased bone fragility and the development of osteoporosis.

List of foods rich in magnesium

This trace element is found in some vegetables, fruits and foods.

  1. Magnesium is found in large quantities in sesame seeds, peanuts, almonds, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, and cashew nuts. It is recommended to include these products in the diet, but in small quantities. You can meet the need for this microelement by consuming nuts and seeds. Moreover, almost all nuts are rich in other minerals, amino acids, and vitamins, which are also very beneficial for the body.
  2. The most magnesium is found in wheat bran - 550 mg per 100 g and pumpkin seeds - 500 mg per 10 g of product. This substance is found in high concentrations in porridges, polished brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and millet. Magnesium in cereal dishes is easily digestible; it is in ideal proportion with phosphorus and calcium. It is preferable to alternate dishes from cereals; it is healthy to eat rice porridge or oatmeal for breakfast.
  3. Magnesium is found in sufficient quantities in unsweetened corn flakes, rye bread with bran, and sprouted wheat sprouts. Sprouted wheat can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. Wheat sprouts are an excellent biologically active product that gives a person an incredible boost of energy. In addition to magnesium, sprouted wheat is also rich in potassium. This combination has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  4. Another record holder for the content of microelements is seaweed. Magnesium is found in high concentrations in legumes, in particular soybeans, beans, lentils, and peas.
  5. A lot of magnesium is also found in feta cheese, chicken eggs, shrimp, dates, milk chocolate, squid, dried porcini mushrooms, halibut, and cod liver.
  6. Fruits and vegetables are rich in Mg. They, compared to the above products, contain less of this substance, but they are still no less useful. The record holder for magnesium content among fruits and vegetables is watermelon. 100 g of product contains 224 mg of magnesium.
  7. The element is found in sufficient quantities in dried apricots, spinach, raisins, dill, beets, green peas, lentils, bananas, carrots, cabbage, avocados, cherries, potatoes, broccoli, black currants, eggplants, pears, sweet peppers, radishes, peaches, oranges , melon.

Along with Mg, for better absorption of the microelement, it is recommended to increase the consumption of products rich in pyridoxine or vitamins B6. Sources of the vitamin include pine nuts, legumes, walnuts, tuna, sardines, mackerel, cereals and beef liver.

Wheat bran 550
Pumpkin seeds 500
Cocoa powder 430
Sesame seeds 350
Cashew nuts 270
Buckwheat 258
Soya beans 248
Almond 230
Pine nuts 230
Dark chocolate 200
Pistachios 200
Cornflakes 200
Peanut 180
Hazelnut 170
Brown rice 150
Cereals 135
Walnuts 135
Pearl barley 133
Sunflower seeds 125
Halibut 120
Millet 115
Dried porcini mushrooms 102
Squid 90
Milk chocolate 63
Dates 59
Shrimps 50
Cod liver 50
Chicken eggs 48
Rye bread 47
Brynza 22
Watermelon 224
Dried apricots 65
Spinach 60
Dill greens 55
Raisin 45
Beet 43
Salad 40
Carrot 38
Green peas 38
Lentils 36
Black currant 31
Bananas 30
Kohlrabi cabbage 30
Avocado 29
Cherry 26
Potato 23
Broccoli 21
Tomatoes 20
Parsley 20
Apricots 19
Green onion 18
Grape 17
Plums 17
White cabbage 16
cucumbers 16
Peaches 16
Radish 13
Melons 13
Oranges 13
Pears 12
Sweet pepper 11
Eggplant 10
Apples 10

Daily requirement for micronutrients by age

A six-month-old child should receive 30 mg of magnesium daily, a child under one year old should receive 75 mg, from 1-3 years old - 80 mg, 4-8 years old - 130 mg, 9-13 years old - 240 mg magnesium.

The daily requirement for magnesium in the body of a girl from 14 to 18 years old is 360 mg, and a guy’s is 410 mg. The daily dosage of the microelement for girls and women under 30 years old is 310 mg, over 30 years old – 320 mg. The daily dosage for boys and men from 18 to 30 years old is 400 mg, over 30 years old – 420 mg.

A pregnant woman’s body should receive at least 360 mg of magnesium every day, and a breastfeeding woman should receive 320 mg.

Signs and causes of deficiency

With a properly balanced diet, a sufficient amount of microelement enters the human body. A monotonous diet, a lack of green vegetables and fruits, and alcohol abuse - all this sooner or later leads to magnesium deficiency in the body. People with kidney and liver pathologies also often suffer from a lack of this substance.

Mg deficiency is characterized by:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by rapid heartbeat and arrhythmia;
  • decreased immune function;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • sleep disorder;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • headaches;
  • decreased concentration and memory;
  • depressive disorders;
  • irritability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • anemia;
  • cramps and muscle spasms;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • increased fragility of nail plates and hair;
  • diabetic cataract;
  • acceleration of aging processes;
  • coldness of the extremities.

If you do not attach special importance to these manifestations and do not take measures to eliminate them, a lack of magnesium in the body can cause the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system and brain. In addition, Mg deficiency is fraught with the deposition of calcium salts on the vascular walls, in the kidneys and heart muscle. Lack of magnesium is also one of the causes of delirium tremens.

A deficiency of this substance can develop due to various reasons. Magnesium deficiency is usually caused by: insufficient consumption of magnesium-rich products, abuse of foods rich in animal fats and proteins (they interfere with the absorption of Mg in the gastrointestinal tract), low-calorie diets, abuse of alcoholic beverages, consumption of distilled or soft water, prolonged diarrhea, diabetes mellitus , obesity, frequent stressful situations, abuse of sweet soda, coffee, smoking, long-term use of medications, lack of sunlight.

Excess magnesium in the body: main manifestations

Not only a deficiency of the substance, but also its excess is harmful and even dangerous for the human body. This condition is very rare. Often, an excess of microelement in the body appears due to excessive intravenous administration of magnesium-containing medications and impaired renal function. It is almost impossible to obtain an excess of Mg from food.

Excessive levels of magnesium in the body are indicated by the appearance of lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy, unsteadiness of gait, lack of coordination, xerostomia, slow heart rate, prolonged nausea, frequent loose stools, and abdominal pain.

Magnesium is an important trace element, without which the human body cannot function normally. In order for its concentration to be normal, it is necessary to introduce foods high in magnesium into the diet, including nuts, seeds, cereals, fish, vegetables and fruits.

Hello dear readers. For the health of our body, not only vitamins are necessary, but also micro- and macroelements. Moreover, it is important to maintain a balance, since an excess of one or another component negatively affects the body, just like a deficiency. Today we will talk about magnesium and its effect on our health. Magnesium played one of the leading roles in the life of all organisms on earth even at the origin of life, because sea water of that period had a predominantly magnesium chloride composition. And our body has an average of 25 grams of magnesium in its composition, most of which is concentrated in bone tissue. And today, magnesium performs an important function in many biochemical processes in our body. But how can we determine whether we have enough magnesium, and if not, how can we compensate for its deficiency? Answers to these and other questions regarding this element.

Why is magnesium balance extremely important for human health?

To answer this question most fully, it is necessary to consider the functions that this macroelement performs in the body.

  1. The interaction between calcium and magnesium is very important for the cardiovascular system. This pair of elements regulates the tone of blood vessels and is important for the process of muscle contraction. It is also necessary for the absorption of calcium.
  1. At the cellular level, magnesium is responsible for maintaining the electrical potentials of membranes, which is a necessary condition for the passage of ions of other microelements into cells.
  1. Metabolic processes. The element is necessary for many enzymatic reactions, more than 290 of them.
  1. Insulin. Magnesium affects insulin production. This element can increase the intensity of secretion, and also improves its passage into cells. That is, magnesium is simply necessary for regulating blood glucose levels, on which not only our health, but also our well-being depends.
  1. Takes part in the process of transmitting nerve impulses.

Let's summarize. Magnesium is beneficial for the body, as are other microelements. And below is a list of its beneficial effects.

Magnesium - what is its role in the human body

  1. Promotes proper development of bone tissue.
  1. Helps eliminate spasms in the muscles of vital organs, including reducing the likelihood of a heart attack, as it can relieve destructive tension in the heart muscle.
  1. A preventive measure against inflammation of the mucous membranes.
  1. Dilates blood vessels.
  1. Has a beneficial effect on the beauty and health of the skin.
  1. Improves absorption in the intestine, and also improves its motility.
  1. Helps regulate metabolic processes
  1. Prevention of diabetes.
  1. Stimulates the secretion of bile.
  1. Helps remove excess cholesterol.
  1. Supports the body's immune system.
  1. Positively affects the health of the heart and blood vessels.
  1. Makes teeth enamel stronger.
  1. Prevents the deposition of kidney stones.
  1. Reduces pain due to PMS.

And one more fun fact: magnesium has become famous for helping people suffering from hangovers.

The body's need for magnesium is normal

The main source of magnesium for humans is everyday food. Of course, the daily norm is a very conditional concept, since the need for magnesium is influenced by age, gender, and the general physical condition of the body.

The need increases in the presence of intense physical or intellectual stress.

For children, the norms are significantly different.

The optimal calculation for children under 10 years of age is 6 to 1. That is, 6 mg of macronutrients per 1 kilogram of weight.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body

What is the danger of insufficient magnesium intake?

  1. The risk of heart disease and hypertension increases. Most patients who had a heart attack had magnesium deficiency.
  1. Increases the risk of stroke.
  1. Worsens the general condition of a person. This is due to constant fatigue, insomnia, and depression.
  1. One of the culprits in the occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  1. Magnesium deficiency can provoke bronchial spasm.
  1. The occurrence of constipation.
  1. A lack of magnesium causes fluid retention in the body.
  1. A lack of magnesium negatively affects collagen metabolism, which leads to skin aging.
  1. The risk of developing cancer increases.
  1. The deficiency leads to weakness of the connective tissue, and there are varicose veins, problems with the spine, and myopia.

Now that we understand how important magnesium is for every body, we should consider the main signs that signal its deficiency.

The main most indicative signs:

- paresthesia;

- convulsions and increased neuromuscular excitability.

Additional symptoms:

- increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, irritability, nightmares;

- difficult awakening in the morning, accompanied by a feeling of weakness;

- loss of appetite;

- nausea and vomiting;

- diarrhea or constipation;

- increased sugar and development of diabetes;

- the appearance of flickering before the eyes;

- dizziness and balance problems;

- headache;

- hair loss and brittle nails;

- low immunity;

- nervous tics;

- problems with memory and concentration;

- problems with heart rate and blood pressure.

If you experience such signs, then you should consult a doctor and review your diet in favor of foods rich in magnesium, as well as foods with elements necessary for its absorption.

Magnesium deficiency - main causes

Most often, magnesium deficiency is caused by insufficient magnesium in the daily diet.

In addition, there is a magnesium deficiency due to genetics, but this is the rarest case. Also one of the problems is modern methods of food processing.

In agriculture, chemicals are often used to treat plants, and magnesium will be lost if the product is kept in water for a long time.

The problem may also lie in a number of other reasons.

  1. Problems with excess weight.
  1. Renal dysfunction.
  1. Abuse of fatty foods, sweets and excess salt in food.
  1. Use of diuretics.
  1. Unbalanced nutrition, strict diets.
  1. Pregnancy.
  1. Excessive consumption of coffee and strong tea.
  1. Stress.
  1. Alcohol consumption.
  1. Diarrhea.
  1. Problems with the absorption of the element due to excess lipids, phosphates and calcium.
  1. Problems with insulin production.
  1. Heavy metal poisoning.
  1. Impaired absorption functions of the intestine associated with diseases.

Magnesium in food - table and main list of products

To maintain our body with the help of magnesium, we should correctly formulate a diet, including food that is rich in this element.

Products - sources of magnesium

The first group of such products is nuts and seeds.

Give priority to the following:

Pumpkin seeds.

Sesame seeds.


Pine nuts.



Sunflower seeds.

It is worth remembering that all these products contain many useful minerals and vitamins, but are also quite high in calories.

Here are the products containing magnesium presented in the table.

Among them, the leaders include:

Rice bran.

Brown rice.




Sprouted wheat sprouts.

Cereal porridge is a great breakfast that will provide you with energy for the whole day. The advantage of eating grains is their ability to be well absorbed by the body.

The third group is beans. The leader among this group is soybean.

Also a great source:



Peas, and especially fresh green peas.

But, you should not abuse these products, so as not to get problems with flatulence instead of benefits.

The fourth group is vegetables. They undoubtedly contain less magnesium, but it is worth paying attention to them, since in general fiber is the basis of a healthy diet.





Onion, parsley, basil.


Sweet green pepper.

Seaweeds can also be classified in this group.

The fifth group is fruits. This is a way to treat yourself to something tasty and healthy.

The leading fruits are:

Watermelon, and especially its seeds.


Dried fruits.

In order to improve the absorption of magnesium, you should support the body with pyridoxine. It is also found in nuts and sea fish.

The sixth group is meat. Among the meats, it is especially worth paying attention to:



Rabbit meat.



The seventh group is fish and seafood.

They are rich in macronutrient content:





It should be remembered that the main enemy of magnesium is heat treatment. The same applies to all products that have undergone processing to ensure long-term preservation.

Therefore, focus on natural and environmentally friendly products that can be consumed fresh.

And this is the minus of meat and fish, which in any case must be cooked over fire or steam, risking destroying all the benefits.

The process of magnesium absorption occurs in the intestines. It is best absorbed in the form of organic compounds with organic acids. The worst option is inorganic salts.

Express option for enriching the diet - bran

Boil the water. Let it cool a little. For 100 grams of wheat bran you will need 500 milliliters of water. Fill the bran with water. Cover the vessel. Let it steam for half an hour. Afterwards they are ready to eat, as a complete dish with kefir or as an ingredient in other dishes.

The combination of calcium and magnesium for our health

Many people, for various reasons, prefer to take dietary supplements instead of a well-balanced diet.

Therefore, a course of such supplements should be taken separately from each other. And with long-term magnesium intake, calcium levels should be monitored.

Symptoms of excess magnesium in the body

Excessive amounts of magnesium are harmful to the body. The two main reasons are both overuse and metabolic problems.

Do not forget that magnesium is a macronutrient, long-term consumption of which, especially in combination with calcium and phosphorus, can provoke poisoning.

The scientific name for excess magnesium is hypermagnesemia.

Hypermagnesemia may occur if:

- use anticides containing magnesium;

- taking laxatives if you have kidney problems;

- in case of renal dysfunction.

In turn, excess magnesium in the body provokes a number of disastrous consequences, including:

- psoriasis;

- dyslexia;

- diseases of the thyroid gland;

— deposition of calcium salts;

- arthritis.

Hypermagnesemia can be recognized by similar symptoms

  1. Constant sleepiness.
  1. Diarrhea.
  1. Problems with coordination.
  1. Nausea.
  1. Slow heart rate.
  1. Dry mouth.

If you have these symptoms without other objective reasons, you should consider consulting a doctor.

Magnesium is a component that regulates a lot of vital processes in our body.

It is absolutely not necessary to run to a medical facility and urgently check its level. It’s better to immediately review your diet, and at least as a preventative measure, introduce recommended foods into it.

A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are the basis of your health and longevity. It is better to give preference to nuts, cereals and vegetables, in particular I would like to highlight spinach. By the way, many women consume chocolate during PMS precisely because of magnesium deficiency.

The body needs to replenish macronutrient reserves and finds them in chocolate. But now that you know where you can find magnesium without harming your figure, you can suppress this taste addiction.

But, if you observe the symptoms indicated in the article without any apparent reason, you should consult a doctor to identify the objective cause of this condition.

And by the way, a few words about beauty. Magnesium is simply irreplaceable here. It prevents premature aging, helps maintain the beauty and health of skin, nails and hair. And plus - it is a great help for those who want to lose weight.

Firstly , magnesium is necessary to solve the main problem of people losing weight - accelerating metabolism. Magnesium is involved in metabolic processes, so it will be useful for normalizing the metabolic process.

Secondly , it will reduce the craving for overeating.

Third By replenishing the macronutrient deficiency, you will take a big step towards solving the problem of excess fluid accumulation in the body.

In addition, it will help solve the psychological aspect of overeating, because many people eat under stress. No stress - no overeating. And the most important!

Often, obesity is not only an incorrect lifestyle, but also a genetic factor. Our physique and metabolic processes depend on genetics.

So: magnesium, when consumed in sufficient quantities in a timely manner, can overcome the manifestation of this gene. Therefore, if you are going to get in shape, then magnesium is your assistant. Eat tasty and healthy, and be healthy!

People who eat poorly often suffer from a lack of nutrients, which results in various health problems. If a person often becomes depressed, is nervous, and suffers from anemia, then in this case we can talk about a lack of vitamin B6 and magnesium in the body, so it is important to consume foods rich in these substances. They work best in tandem, since with insufficient amounts of magnesium, vitamin B6 is poorly absorbed by the body's cells, and the vitamin itself promotes the distribution of the mineral within the cells and prevents its rapid elimination. In addition, when combined correctly, these substances reduce the risk of kidney stones. Design your menu to include foods that contain both vitamin B6 and magnesium.

What foods contain magnesium B6?

First, let's figure out what functions these substances perform for the body. Vitamin B6 is an important substance for chemical reactions and the metabolism of proteins and fats. It is also necessary for the production of hormones and hemoglobin. Vitamin B6 is necessary for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. Now about the beneficial properties of magnesium, which is important for the proper functioning of metabolic processes, transmission of nerve impulses and muscle work. In addition, this mineral takes part in metabolic processes, protein synthesis, and it also normalizes cholesterol levels and affects the functioning of the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems.

For the body to function properly, it is necessary to take foods containing magnesium and. Let's start with the mineral, which is found in large quantities in almonds, so per 100 g there are 280 mg. Cashew nuts, spinach, beans and bananas, as well as dried fruits, contain a lot of magnesium. People who love cocoa may not have to worry about magnesium deficiency. To saturate your body with vitamin B6, you need to include the following foods in your diet: garlic, pistachios, sunflower seeds, beef liver and sesame seeds. It is worth saying that this useful substance is not completely destroyed during heat treatment, but it is destroyed by sunlight.

It is important to know not only what foods with magnesium and vitamins B6 are good to eat, but also the required daily intake. Women should receive approximately 2 mg of vitamin B6 and 310-360 mg of magnesium per day. As for men, they need 2.2 mg of vitamin B6 and 400-420 mg of magnesium.