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Dry cough in an adult: effective treatment with drugs. Dry cough Dry painful cough in an adult how to treat

A dry cough in an adult is the body’s reaction to irritation of the throat mucosa. Without the ability to clear his throat, a person not only feels unwell, but also experiences difficulties in daily activities, communicating with people, etc. Such a cough does not bring a feeling of relief, because the phlegm does not come out. And so the brain sends a signal to cough again and again. By ignoring your cough, you turn a blind eye to your body's requests for help. As with any other symptom, you cannot delay coughing - over time the situation will only get worse. How to get rid of an unproductive cough and regain the comfort of life?

Causes and diagnosis of dry cough

Cough is not a disease as such. To determine the cause that causes it, you need to consult a therapist. After listening to you and conducting the necessary research, the doctor, if necessary, will refer you to a specialist. Dry cough is treated by otolaryngologists, pulmonologists, psychotherapists, allergists, etc. To determine the disease, blood and urine tests, x-ray diagnostics, ultrasound and other procedures may be required.

A dry cough should not be allowed to develop - it can be a symptom of many diseases. Thus, a dry, prolonged cough is associated with:

  • respiratory infections;
  • chronic diseases of the throat and nose (rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, etc.);
  • allergies;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • tumor;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • problems with the esophagus (for example, fistula formation);
  • helminthiasis.

Enlarged lymph nodes, damage to the respiratory tract, fibrotic process in the lungs, enlargement of the aorta - all this can also cause a cough. Thus, it may be associated with pathologies of various systems in the body, and this deserves the closest attention.

In addition to diseases, coughing without being able to clear your throat causes:

  • smoking (and passive smoking too);
  • the presence of substances in the air that irritate the mucous membranes;
  • physical pressure on the neck;
  • stress.

Almost always, a coughing attack is not the only symptom. With ARVI, it is accompanied by elevated body temperature, aching bones, and a general weak condition. A cough indicating diabetes mellitus occurs against the background of constant dry mouth. If a tumor is present, the cough may be accompanied by expectoration of blood. The development of tuberculosis manifests itself as decreased appetite, chills, sweating at night, slightly elevated body temperature, and so on. If you start coughing dryly, pay attention to other signals your body is sending you.

Signs of the disease

The main distinguishing feature of a dry cough is the inability to clear the throat. There is either no sputum at all, or its release is difficult, and you are literally shaken by uncontrollable coughing attacks. It can cause headaches and abdominal muscles, especially if you cough a lot and for a long time. Depending on the duration, non-productive cough is divided into:

  • chronic (more than 2 months);
  • recurrent: occurring again after some time;
  • prolonged (more than 2 weeks);
  • acute (occurs during a cold or ARVI).

If you cough in the morning, this may indicate chronic bronchitis. An evening cough may be a reaction to nervous tension during the workday. People with cardiovascular diseases, nasopharyngeal diseases, asthmatics, etc. usually cough at night.

Some people develop a cough after eating - in these cases we are talking about problems with the gastrointestinal tract, esophagus, and larynx.

What else you need to pay attention to:

  • bronchial asthma is accompanied by a severe cough with signs of suffocation;
  • a persistent dry cough can be caused by the presence of a tumor;
  • “barking” cough is a symptom of respiratory infections or problems with the larynx;
  • the lower the sound of the cough, the more dull it is, the higher the likelihood that there are problems with the lungs;
  • spasmodic cough indicates whooping cough;
  • frequent superficial cough indicates inflammation of the pleura - the membrane covering the lungs and the wall of the chest cavity;
  • if the cough does not occur during breathing, but does not seem to be associated with it at all, you need to examine the lymph nodes.

How to treat dry cough

To treat dry cough in adults, various drugs and methods are used to remove phlegm and reduce the number of coughing attacks:

  • medicines: expectorants ACC, Mucaltin, Bromhexine, etc., as well as antitussives: Ascoril, Sinekod, Codelac Neo, etc.;
  • homeopathic remedies: Bryonia, Stodal, Gerbion, etc.;
  • antibiotics;
  • lozenges to relieve throat conditions (with herbs or other components to relieve inflammatory processes): Alex Plus, Strepsils, Doctor Mom, etc.;
  • folk remedies: compresses, rubbing, rinsing, etc.;
  • vitamin complexes and immunostimulants: Imudon, Viferon, etc.

The treatment plan is drawn up by the doctor after a thorough diagnosis. Depending on the causes that provoke a dry cough (laryngitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, etc.), he selects appropriate therapy. When a cough is associated with an allergy, antihistamines are prescribed to get rid of it. If you have asthma, your doctor will advise you to treat your cough with inhaled glucocorticoids.



Used in the absence of sputum in the lungs and bronchi. If the body does not need to remove mucus, the main goal is to get rid of coughing attacks. To do this, use a medicine that affects the cough center of the brain. It transmits the appropriate signals, and the cough stops. Among such drugs are Stoptussin, Bronholitin, Sinekod, etc. There are drugs whose action is aimed at peripheral nerve endings in the bronchi: Agisept, Stopangin 2A, etc. They are also effective ways to relieve cough.


With acute respiratory viral infection or pharyngitis, a lot of sputum accumulates in the bronchi, and a drug with an expectorant effect will help remove it. If you can’t clear your throat on your own, medications such as Bronchicum, Thermopsis, marshmallow syrup, Mucaltin tablets, Fluimucil, etc. help. They thin the mucus, facilitating its easy removal. You will feel better, and the attacks of dry cough will stop.

Combination medications

In addition to expectorant components, the composition of combined drugs may also include antipyretics, antihistamines, analgesics and other substances. Often cough medicines contain vitamin C to support immunity during illness. Among the combined drugs are Solpadeine, Coldrex, Codefemol, etc.

If the cough occurs due to nervousness, antipsychotics, antidepressants and other medications may be prescribed for a course of treatment. Their action is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.

Antibiotics for dry cough in adults

If, in addition to a dry cough, other symptoms bother you, if the clinical picture is complex, and the disease is protracted and severe, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. The main purpose of the drugs prescribed in this case is to combat pathogenic flora of the oral mucosa. Hexapneumin, Cephalexin, Azithromycin, Sumamed are antibiotics prescribed to combat dry cough. On average, they need to be taken within 3-4 days. Among the listed remedies, Hexapneumin has an additional property - in addition to suppressing pathogenic microflora, it stimulates coughing, which allows you to quickly eliminate phlegm from the bronchi.

When taking antibiotics for a cough, remember to maintain intestinal health - it suffers from such therapy. To normalize the digestion process, take bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.


There are many types of homeopathy to treat dry cough. Experts prescribe one remedy or another, depending on the causes of the disease and other circumstances. So, for a cold, take Gepar sulfur, when a cough bothers you before bed - Rumex, Drosera, etc. For night coughs, drink Coccus kakti, Laurocerarus and other remedies. If the cough is accompanied by nausea, use Ipecac. A specialist will help you find the right homeopathy.

As for the well-known homeopathic medicines sold in pharmacies, you can easily purchase syrups:

  • Stodal;
  • Bronchipret;
  • Gerbion.

They improve phlegm removal, reduce the urge to cough and have virtually no contraindications. They are prescribed to children and adults, including pregnant women. Still, it is better to discuss everything with your doctor before purchasing.

Folk remedies for the treatment of dry cough in adults

At home, you can get rid of a dry cough in an adult - there are many traditional medicine recipes for this purpose. However, remember that these tips are not universal, and you may find contraindications to one or another method of combating cough. Be sure to consult your doctor. And folk advice is much more effective in combination with cough treatment with medications.


The following medicinal plants are excellent for getting rid of cough:

  • coltsfoot / plantain / licorice / sage: pour dried crushed leaves (about 1 tbsp) with a glass of boiling water (250 ml) and let it brew for an hour; drink up to 3 times a day;
  • chamomile: 1.5 tbsp. pour the crushed raw material into a glass of boiling water (250 ml) and let it brew for 30 minutes; rinse 2-3 times a day; if the cough is very severe, reduce the interval between rinses to 1-2 hours.


For inhalation at home use:

  • eucalyptus leaves or eucalyptus oil;
  • thyme;
  • coltsfoot;
  • baking soda + essential oil (mint, lavender, cedar, etc.)

If you pour boiling water over dried herbs, you will need 2 tablespoons of raw materials per 500 ml of water. Using oil, drop it into water at the rate of 2-3 drops per 500 ml of water. The duration of the procedure is up to 30 minutes. Inhalation can be done from several times a day to once every two days, depending on the intensity of the cough. Typically, this method provides rapid expectoration of mucus.

Warm drink

For dry cough, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid consumed - up to 3 liters per day. Give preference to herbal infusions: decoction of plantain, sage, etc., as well as milk (you can use Borjomi) and plain water. Black radish juice with the addition of honey is excellent for treating a severe dry cough - our ancestors used this method for hundreds of years. Try to avoid extremely hot and cold drinks. Please note that herbal infusions can only be consumed if you are not prone to allergic reactions to the herbs included in the composition.

To prevent the appearance of dry paroxysmal cough in adults, you can use warm water. If you feel like you are about to start coughing, drink half a cup of warm water. This method is effective, including for asthma patients.

Compresses, cupping and rubbing

The following is usually used as the basis for a warming compress:

  • boiled potatoes in their jackets;
  • dry mustard powder;
  • flour + honey + vegetable oil (the compress looks like a cake).

All components of your compress should be carefully placed on the chest, bypassing the heart area. The top of the compress is covered with cling film (a plastic bag will do), and then the patient is covered with a woolen cloth. Ideally, fix the woolen bandage on the chest. Apply the compress until it cools down.

Another type of compress is cotton fabric soaked in sunflower oil. It is placed on the patient's chest, covered with a film on top, and covered with a warm cloth - for example, a woolen scarf. You need to sleep like this until the morning. It is believed that after a night with such a compress, it will be easier for you to breathe, and the phlegm will begin to disappear.

If you suspect that a severe cough may be a complication after an infection, or if the patient has a fever, you should avoid using a warm compress.

Medical cups and special rubbing ointments show high effectiveness in the fight against dry cough. Both methods provide increased blood flow to the patient’s back or chest. As a result, local immunity increases. Applying an iodine mesh to the chest has the same effect.


If you have the opportunity to visit the bathhouse, it will help you breathe properly and will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your throat. When coughing, it is recommended to visit a warm and humid Russian bath - too high temperatures or dry air only irritate the mucous membranes.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is useful to water the stones with a decoction of pine shoots or buds, birch leaves, black currant, thyme and more. To prepare such a decoction, you need to mix the ingredients you like in equal proportions and use 2 tbsp. dry raw materials per 2 liters of water. The mixture must be boiled for 10 minutes. Let the broth brew and use it when going to the bathhouse. If you have cardiovascular diseases, it is better to refrain from this activity.

Other folk methods for getting rid of dry cough:

  • Bring 500 ml of water to a boil, add a chopped garlic clove into the water and add 1 tsp. soda Bend over the pan, cover your head with a towel and breathe until the water cools.
  • Mix 1 tbsp of vodka with 1 tbsp. honey, add egg yolk, stir the resulting mixture; take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • Massage: kneading the back muscles has a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition and enhances the removal of mucus.
  • Quitting smoking, using perfumes, air fresheners, etc.


To avoid becoming a hostage to a dry cough, take care of your health: try not to get wet in the rain, dress appropriately for the weather so that you are neither hot nor cold. Avoid crowds of people during the cold season, get vaccinated against flu on time and do not visit public places during epidemics.

More useful tips:

  • harden yourself: practice a contrast shower, wash your face with cold water;
  • maintain a cool temperature at home, teach yourself to wear a minimum of home clothes;
  • ensure a comfortable level of humidity in the premises;
  • when using air conditioning, try to keep the difference in temperature between outside and inside no more than 6 degrees;
  • play sports or walk in the fresh air;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • provide yourself with a normal daily routine: eat right, don’t overwork, sleep the prescribed number of hours;
  • create a comfortable environment at home, from a psychological and emotional point of view.

Video about the treatment of dry cough in adults

Many people believe that a cough is a consequence of a cold, but in fact the cause may be a much more serious problem. Reflex cough shocks are possible due to heart pathologies, the presence of neoplasms, ENT diseases and others. Today we will consider in detail dry cough in an adult and treatment with folk remedies.

Pollen and other foreign small particles from the air, penetrating the respiratory tract, force the cilia of the epithelium to actively displace them from there to clean the trachea and bronchi. When the receptors are irritated, a cough begins. The mucus has an antimicrobial effect.

In order for the body to cleanse itself, it is necessary that the cilia of the epithelium constantly work, and that the mucus is viscous, elastic and fluid. If the inflammatory process begins, then these conditions are violated, leading to a dry cough. Irritation of mucous membranes with receptors only intensifies attacks, which is explained by the body’s attempt to cope with the problem on its own.

Now let's move on directly to the reasons why such a cough may appear:

  1. A bad habit is smoking. The tars in tobacco irritate the bronchi.
  2. The presence of dust in the room and excessively dry air.
  3. Irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system by foreign bodies that have entered there.
  4. If you have a history of asthma, in which a dry cough occurs at the initial stage.
  5. ENT diseases, for example, frontal sinusitis or sinusitis.
  6. If you have been under stress for a long time. A dry cough is called psychogenic.
  7. An allergic reaction to something, for example, wool, chemicals, etc.
  8. Entering the body with a viral infection - bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough or ARVI.
  9. Taking certain medications can cause an adverse reaction in the form of a dry cough. These drugs include lisinopril, enalapril and others for hypertension.
  10. Oncology of the throat, bronchi, trachea and lungs.
  11. Pathology of the thyroid gland.
  12. Failure of the heart. Additional symptoms include shortness of breath, increased heart rate and pain in the heart area. The acute form is accompanied by the release of mucus mixed with blood when coughing.
  13. Gastrointestinal ailments, when a dry cough appears after eating.
  14. Increased intensity of the problem may indicate tuberculosis.

An important factor influencing the appearance of a dry cough is overwork and constant exposure to stressful situations, which significantly reduces immunity. This can activate Koch's bacillus, which is present in the body of 80% of middle-aged people, regardless of their social status.

How to treat dry cough in an adult

Before deciding how to treat a dry cough, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis. And for this you will need to take tests, do an X-ray of the chest area, endoscopy, examine the functions of external respiration, and, if necessary, visit other specialists according to indications.

There are a number of characteristic signs to determine the cause of a dry cough:

  • pleurisy and acute tracheitis are accompanied by sudden attacks;
  • with pathology of the trachea and larynx, reflex contractions are loud and barking;
  • if there is irritation of the pleura, then the cough is frequent and shallow;
  • dry paroxysmal cough to the point of vomiting occurs with whooping cough;
  • when the lymph node above the ear is inflamed, a reflex dry cough develops;
  • tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, pneumoconiosis and other similar pathologies are accompanied by a persistent persistent cough;
  • excessive and unproductive reflex contractions are observed with aortic aneurysm, tumor and compression by lymph nodes;
  • heart failure, whooping cough, sinusitis and bronchial asthma are accompanied by a dry cough at night;
  • a constantly appearing problem during or after meals indicates neurogenic problems, esophageal diverticulum, hiatal hernia and tracheoesophageal fistula.

Heavy smokers, as a rule, are tormented by a dry cough after waking up. In the morning, a problem appears with chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis and gastroesophageal reflux.


If an unproductive and debilitating cough of a prolonged and paroxysmal nature is observed, then it is recommended to treat it with the drugs Sinecod, Stoptussin or the narcotic Codeine.

For bronchitis, Ambroxol, ACC or Carbocisteine, as well as the expectorants Solutan or Mucaltin, will help thin the sputum.

Important: you cannot take expectorant and antitussive medications at the same time, which can cause blockage of the bronchi with mucus.

Antibiotics in the form of tablets for adults are prescribed for dry cough if the bacterial nature of the disease is diagnosed - Amoxicillin or Ceftriaxone, as well as Azithromycin or Clarithromycin for infection with streptococci or staphylococci.

Berodual or Berotek treats bronchial obstruction. Hormonal medications are indicated if asthma is diagnosed.

There are medications that do not have proven clinical effectiveness, but still alleviate the conditions of patients. These include Erespal, Bronholitin, Stodal, Gerbion and others.

Folk remedies for treating dry cough in adults

People involved in healing with the help of folk remedies offer many ways to relieve and get rid of dry cough, as additional treatment in the form of mixtures, decoctions, inhalations, compresses, rubbing and baths. To get rid of the problem, it is necessary to use a number of procedures externally, internally and inhalation.

Recipes for potions and decoctions to combat dry cough

A mixture using radish effectively relieves dry cough - wash the root vegetable and cut into small slices, sprinkling sugar on top. The juice released after 6 hours is the healing composition for internal use.

If there is an infection, onions are good: peeled from the top husk, cut into half rings and after 6 hours the juice that appears is taken.

A decoction of dill and anise seeds - place 1 small spoon of each herb in a glass, pour hot water. After 30 minutes of infusion, strain the broth and drink as medicine, up to 3 tablespoons at a time, every half hour.

Brewed chamomile together with coltsfoot or wild rosemary removes phlegm. And the following recipe for a herbal decoction will help eliminate a dry cough: pour a glass of boiling water over coltsfoot, violet, licorice root (all 1 large spoon), and let stand for up to 40 minutes. The finished composition should be drunk all day long, up to 8 days in a row.

Effective inhalation against cough

Inhalations are a safe method of eliminating dry cough, but they are still not recommended for high body temperature, pneumonia, laryngeal edema, purulent sore throat and enlarged pores on the face.

Here is one of the most accessible and effective recipes for inhalation - add 2 drops of fir oil to boiled and crushed potatoes in their skins. Vapors should be inhaled for at least 7 and no more than 20 minutes.

Another recipe is to pour 400 ml of boiled water into a mixture of licorice root, sage (leaves) and pine buds (1 tablespoon each). The procedure works similarly to the previous method.

Compresses, rubs and baths for dry cough

For compresses, the familiar mustard is suitable for all of us, eliminating even a barking and whistling cough. To prepare the composition, take a glass of water and pour a small spoon of mustard powder into it. Mix well, place a napkin on the bronchial area, and on it a cloth soaked in the prepared mustard mixture. Keep the compress for up to 15 minutes.

A severe cough goes away if you stir table salt in a liter of boiling water. Cool the mixture and blot napkins in it, covering the bronchi area with them. Keep the compress all night, wrap yourself up and create a bath effect.

For rubbing, purchase badger or goose fat, as well as fir oil. Mix all this, after rubbing, put on warm clothes and go to bed.

It will be effective to sit in the bathroom, where the following composition has been added - 30 ml of honey, the same amount of milk and 2 drops of essential oils from the previous recipe. The procedure takes 15 minutes, after which you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

Expectorants for dry coughs in folk medicine

The indication for the use of expectorants for dry cough is a diagnosed acute respiratory viral infection. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition in order to notice the primary symptoms in time to prevent the development of serious complications.

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, there are also traditional medicines that can be easily prepared at home.

Milk based

You will need 1 fig and 0.5 liters of milk - divide the fruit in half and place in a bowl with milk, putting it on the fire for 10 minutes. You need to drink the finished composition hot in small sips all day long.

Peel 3 heads of garlic and chop finely, place in half a liter of milk and cook until the garlic is soft. Strain the mixture and drink 1 tablespoon every hour.

From licorice root

Finely chop the dry root of the plant in the amount of 100 g, add 0.5 liters of water, place on the stove and cook until it boils, and then another 5 minutes. Now remove from heat and let stand for up to one and a half hours. Drink a large tablespoon 4 times a day.

Black radish and honey

An excellent expectorant is to cut off the top of the root vegetable, making a depression in the middle, pour a little honey into it and leave it alone for a day. Take the resulting syrup up to 3 times a day, 2 small spoons.

It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it later, so here are some recommendations:

  1. Change your lifestyle by getting rid of the bad habit of smoking.
  2. Eat well and maintain an optimal work and rest schedule.
  3. Do not ignore basic hygiene rules, washing your hands before eating and after walking, brushing your teeth 2 times a day, and so on.
  4. Try not to be in places with large crowds of people.
  5. Temper yourself and maintain a low, comfortable temperature in your home.
  6. Sleep with the window open, no matter the time of year.
  7. Moderate physical activity, but regular, is beneficial.
  8. Be less nervous and avoid stress.

It is important to dress appropriately for the weather conditions, without overheating or overcooling your body. In summer, the use of air conditioners should be careful so that when going outside, the temperature difference is not more than 6 degrees. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

A dry cough can be a sign of various diseases of the respiratory and other body systems. Cough, including dry cough, is a kind of protective reaction of the body to changes that occur in the respiratory tract.

In total, there are about fifty causes of dry cough, including diseases of the respiratory system, the digestive system, the heart, and the paranasal sinuses.

The choice of treatment for dry cough depends on the reasons that caused it.

Causes of dry cough

Most often, a dry cough is a symptom of an infectious disease. Typically, ARVI affects the upper respiratory tract. In the first days of the flu, patients experience a dry cough with characteristic pain in the chest, then it turns into a wet one. With parainfluenza, a dry cough also occurs, but of a barking nature.

Other most common causes of dry cough are: inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa (pharyngitis) and inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis). With these diseases, there is a cough with a barking tinge, it exhausts the patient and interferes with sleep.

Inhalation of cold, dry, dusty air, in combination with pharyngitis and laryngitis, can lead to a disease such as tracheitis, which is accompanied by a painful non-productive cough.

The cause of a dry cough can also be laryngotracheitis, which is accompanied by scanty sputum discharge. The cough with this disease is dry and very difficult to tolerate, and may be accompanied by an increase in temperature.

A dry cough at night can also be caused by “postnasal drip syndrome.” In this case, the trigger for a coughing attack is a runny nose. Discharge from the nose, flowing into the tracheobronchial tree along the back wall of the pharynx, causes irritation of the cough receptors.

Lobar pneumonia can also cause a dry cough. If a dry cough does not go away for a long time, then this is a clear sign of the development of pneumonia. In this case, the dry cough gradually turns into a wet one, and sharp pain is felt on one side of the chest.

A dry and painful cough may indicate the presence of pleurisy and tumors. In this case, the cough is accompanied by acute chest pain, shortness of breath, and sometimes high fever.

A dry cough can also be caused by whooping cough, which is characterized by attacks of very strong convulsive coughing.

If we talk about cough in children, we should mention a disease such as false croup, which can be a complication of influenza, parainfluenza, or laryngitis. With false croup, the vocal cords, mucous membrane of the larynx, and sometimes the bronchi and trachea are affected.

A dry and painful cough is also a characteristic sign of measles. Additional signs of this disease are characteristic skin rashes.

Other causes of dry cough include:

  • Bronchial asthma. In this case, the cough is accompanied by attacks of suffocation;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis, the main symptom of which is constant coughing, gradually turning into a dry or wet cough;
  • Occupational diseases caused by constant inhalation of polluted air in work areas;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux is a disease associated with the pathological reflux of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus and then into the throat, which leads to irritation of cough receptors;
  • Heart failure and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Mediastinal tumors;
  • Ascariasis. Once in the human body, roundworm larvae migrate through blood vessels throughout the body. Getting into the lungs, and then into the bronchi and upper respiratory tract, they cause irritation of the cough centers;
  • Taking certain medications (for example, ACE inhibitors);
  • Entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract.

Treatment of dry cough

Before starting treatment for a dry cough, it is necessary to accurately determine its cause.

Symptomatic treatment is used as a concomitant measure to alleviate the patient's condition.

If you have a dry cough, you must:

  • Drink as much fluid as possible;
  • Humidify the air in the room where the patient is;
  • Drink linden tea with raspberries or honey;
  • Stop smoking if the cough does not go away;
  • Sleep on a high pillow if coughing attacks occur at night;
  • Avoid contact with various aerosols, caustic cleaning agents and fumes.

If an attack of dry cough does not go away, you can suck on a mint candy or a menthol tablet to relieve it.

Typically, the treatment strategy for a dry cough is to transform it into a wet cough. This applies to many diseases accompanied by cough, except for acute laryngitis and diseases that occur with irritation of the pleural layers. In these cases, coughing does not act as a way to cleanse the lungs, but becomes painful and intrusive. Therefore, remedies for dry cough are used, which suppress it by affecting the central nervous system.

Remedies for dry cough can be narcotic and non-narcotic. The first group of drugs contains codeine and has a number of side effects (available in pharmacies only with a prescription). Codeine is part of a dry cough remedy such as Codelac. Codeine affects the cough center located in the medulla oblongata and the entire brain, which explains the various undesirable effects from the use of this group of drugs.

To relieve coughing attacks, drugs are also used that do not suppress the brain center, but block only receptors in the bronchi (Linkas, Doctor Theiss, Terpinkod, Fervex).

For dry coughs, antihistamines are also used, since in some cases the cause of cough is a decrease in the lumen of the bronchi due to allergic swelling.

If the cause of cough is psychogenic factors, then sedatives are used.

If it is necessary to transform a dry cough into a wet one, mucolytic and expectorant drugs are used. Mucolytic agents help thin mucus, break the bonds between its molecules and reduce viscosity. Expectorants help to increase mucous secretion by the bronchi.

Inhalations effectively help with dry cough. For example, alkaline inhalations have proven themselves well. Five to six such procedures significantly soften the cough and cause sputum production. Alkaline inhalations for dry cough are considered the safest method of treatment, since alkali, once in the respiratory tract, dilutes mucus well, does not cause an allergic reaction and does not damage the mucous membrane. This procedure can be performed in a clinic or, if you have an inhaler or nebulizer, at home.

Inhalations for dry cough can also be carried out using decoctions of various herbs: sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, linden flowers.

Thus, a dry cough is not an isolated condition, but is a symptom of a specific disease that must be diagnosed by a specialist. Self-use of various cough remedies can be harmful to health.

For most people, such an unconditional physiological reflex of the body as cough is a symptom of beginning colds .

However, this is not always the case. At its core, a cough is provoked by irritation of receptors larynx, nose and his sinuses, pleura,trachea, bronchi exhalation through the oral cavity, which occurs when the muscles of the human respiratory system contract.

Not everyone knows that the main function of a cough is to clear foreign substances ( pus, sputum, foreign objects, mucus ) respiratory tract. In addition, this reflex helps to avoid mechanical obstacles that may interfere with the air flow of the respiratory system of the human body.

In fairness, we should agree that coughing is not just an unconditional protective reflex , but often the first symptom of many serious diseases.

In medical terminology, there are many descriptions for cough that help the doctor make the correct diagnosis:

  • dry;
  • spicy;
  • suffocating;
  • protracted;
  • paroxysmal;
  • wet;
  • allergic;
  • exhausting;
  • throat;
  • chest, etc.

You could say that coughing is the answer immune system organism to the spread of a particular pathogen. Therefore, by its main characteristics (strength, duration, timbre, character, time of appearance) one can understand the sickness of the patient and how to treat him.

Paroxysmal dry cough

First of all, it is worth understanding the mechanisms of such a reflex as coughing. So, it all starts with a deep breath, which lasts about two seconds, then the larynx contracts, as a result of which the vocal fold closes (part of the laryngeal mucosa, consists of the vocal muscle and ligament).

At the same time, there is an increase in the tone of the bronchial muscles. The abdominal muscles contract, and thus a forced exhalation is obtained, i.e. cough. What is incredible is that when coughing, the pressure in the respiratory system is so high (100 mm Hg) that, combined with the narrowing of the trachea, the resulting air flow can reach the speed of sound.

In order to understand how to cure a cough, you must first establish the cause that caused it. It is not always worth going to great lengths and starting to take a lot of medications to overcome this ailment. Of course, the best answer to the question of how to treat a cough can be answered by a doctor who will correctly diagnose it and, consequently, select an effective method of combating the disease.

Education: Graduated from Vitebsk State Medical University with a degree in Surgery. At the university he headed the Council of the Student Scientific Society. Advanced training in 2010 - in the specialty "Oncology" and in 2011 - in the specialty "Mammology, visual forms of oncology".

Experience: Worked in a general medical network for 3 years as a surgeon (Vitebsk Emergency Hospital, Liozno Central District Hospital) and part-time as a district oncologist and traumatologist. Worked as a pharmaceutical representative for a year at the Rubicon company.

Presented 3 rationalization proposals on the topic “Optimization of antibiotic therapy depending on the species composition of microflora”, 2 works took prizes in the republican competition-review of student scientific works (categories 1 and 3).


When the cough is dry, i.e. unproductive - there is nothing to cough up, then in fact it loses its function - to rid the body of phlegm and infection and, on the contrary, becomes a factor that irritates the mucous membrane and this causes complete harm. And then systemic drugs are needed to suppress the cough reflex. I usually use Omnitus for these purposes, it’s just what I need.

It occurs against the background of an acutely developing inflammatory process and promotes the rapid elimination of microorganisms from the upper respiratory tract. The protective function of cough in this case is a more productive and rapid recovery process.

A dry cough, on the other hand, does not bring relief and does not help speed up the healing process. It only increases irritation of the upper respiratory tract, gradually turning into debilitating attacks, accompanied by spasms of the larynx and suffocation, and often ending in vomiting.

Classification of dry cough

  • spicy– when the illness lasts no more than 2 weeks;
  • protracted course– if the cough lasts for more than a month;
  • chronic dry cough will become when its duration crosses the 2-month mark.

Causes of dry cough

The appearance of a dry cough is usually associated with the fact of an acute respiratory illness suffered the day before. It could be a banal acute respiratory infection, as well as tracheitis, or the flu. The mechanism of dry cough is associated with a reflex-protective mechanism aimed at eliminating any factors that irritate the respiratory tract. Scientists have reliably established over 50 similar reasons.

There are also reasons that provoke a dry cough, namely, the disease can be a consequence of the presence of pleurisy, bronchial asthma, the presence of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract, the presence of bad habits, as well as excessive dry air in the room.

Main symptoms of dry cough

  • spasmodic cough accompanied by periodic retching, and with a prolonged and unproductive cough, vomiting is possible;
  • the disease is accompanied nasal congestion, nasal tone and hoarse voice;
  • if the disease is a complication of an acute inflammatory process, then it may be observed local enlargement and tenderness of the lymph nodes;
  • with acute development of the disease there may be low-grade fever, sweating, fatigue and lethargy.

Treatment options for dry cough

There are traditional medicinal methods for treating dry cough and traditional medicine. All of them are aimed at reducing the intensity of cough attacks, and if the cough accompanies an acute inflammatory disease, then treatment is aimed at the appearance of sputum, i.e. dry cough is converted into a productive wet cough.

The success of treatment is 100% in an accurate diagnosis, which allows us to eliminate the cause of the disease. The doctor selects medications for symptomatic treatment, this is necessary to suppress the cough reflex. Such drugs are not curative, but they help avoid pneumothorax and other unpleasant complications.

In order to alleviate the patient’s condition as much as possible at home, you need to:

  • carry out regularly wet cleaning without the use of aggressive detergents;
  • make sure that the room temperature did not rise above 25C;
  • provide for the patient plenty of warm drinks;
  • carry out regularly steam inhalation, ideally buy a nebulizer.

Drug therapy for dry cough

Medicines can be divided into two large groups, the first will include centrally acting chemicals, and the second will include drugs that have an effective effect on the periphery.

Used to liquefy and actively remove mucus mucolytics, the most common are: acetylcysteine, bromhexine, ambroxol, mucaltin, marshmallow syrup.

Effectively suppress the activity of the cough center located in the central nervous system. Using this will help drugs based on narcotics. For example, oxeladine, codeine, glycine and others.

Never use cough medicines with expectorants.. They suppress each other's action, which leads to blockage of small bronchi with phlegm and can lead to death.

Folk remedies to help fight dry cough

  • Any will do warming agents, if the period is not acute. For example, you can take mustard plasters and add honey. jars or rub your chest with warming ointments.
  • An effective way to quickly get rid of a dry cough is considered decoction of onion, garlic and milk. To prepare it, you need a medium-sized onion and a small head of garlic. They should be boiled in milk; a quarter liter of milk is enough. Then add a spoonful of honey and a few drops of mint juice to the prepared broth. Drink the finished mixture one tablespoon every hour during the day. The next morning, prepare a fresh decoction.
  • Simple and highly effective recipes will help you quickly cure a dry cough in an adult at home; the main thing is not to expect instant results and not to use them as a panacea. Ideally combine traditional medicine methods with doctor’s prescriptions, then the treatment will be as productive as possible.
  • The easiest way is as follows. Take a small towel and soak it generously in heated water. Then cover the top with polyethylene and linen cloth; you can additionally cover it with a warm scarf. In the morning you will feel relief, your cough will become softer.
  • You can draw it on your chest at night mesh made of, this will warm up the airways.
  • Recipes containing ethyl alcohol, also have excellent results in the fight against dry cough. You can make a mixture of vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees and mix them with honey. It is fashionable to add the yolk of one chicken egg to the composition. Use a teaspoon of the prepared homogeneous composition three to four times a day.
  • Warm milk with honey- an old and time-tested way to transform a dry cough into a wet one.
  • Suitable for softening mucus application for the night. To do this, take a little fat (ideally use badger fat) mixed with mustard and alcohol, you can add a little flower honey. The mixture must be evenly distributed over the top. Then rinse off as soon as the composition dries.
  • Helps with dry cough inhalation. The most effective are garlic and eucalyptus. To prepare garlic, you need a glass of water, a couple of cloves of garlic and a teaspoon of soda. Chop the garlic, add a glass of water and boil. Then add soda and you can breathe, covered with a sheet for 15-20 minutes. Instead of garlic, you can take eucalyptus, thyme or coltsfoot leaves.
  • Inhalations can be done with aromatherapy oils, mint, eucalyptus or cedar oil are ideal for this purpose. Place a few drops of oil in 0.5 liters of hot water and breathe in the vapor for 10-15 minutes.

Treatment of dry cough from Elena Malysheva (video)

A dry cough can significantly worsen your quality of life, so timely treatment will quickly get you back on track. By strictly following the recommendations of your doctor, you will be able to fast cure dry cough at home How in an adult, and so does the child.