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Relief suppositories for hemorrhoids. Acute hemorrhoids relief can be removed as if by hand

Relief is available in the form of rectal suppositories and ointments. However, the concentration of active ingredients is the same, so there is no difference in the therapeutic effect.

The ointment comes with a special applicator. Available in tubes of 28.4 grams. One of these is enough for about 40-50 uses. After each use of the applicator, it must be thoroughly washed (but without boiling).

Candles are produced in special protective cell blisters of 12 pieces in a cardboard package (not allowed for use by children under 3 years old). It is forbidden to store candles after opening the cell - either use them immediately or dispose of them, since after 20-30 minutes the active components oxidize and the drug loses its original structure.

In ointments, due to the addition of alcohol preservatives, there is no such deficiency.


As with the ointment and Relief suppositories, the main active ingredient is phenylephrine hydrochloride. It is with its help that vasoconstriction occurs and, as a result, blood flow slows down. An auxiliary component is shark liver extract, which reduces the manifestation of painful symptoms and locally strengthens the immune system.

Phenylephrine also helps to reduce the lumen in the walls of blood vessels, so Relief will be effective for bleeding hemorrhoids. It stimulates thrombosis of damaged tissues and normalizes local blood flow.

At the same time, it accelerates the outflow of blood from hemorrhoids, thereby quickly eliminating itching, burning, and swelling of the anus. However, the effect is short-term, so Relief must be used often.

The following is used as auxiliary elements for both ointments and suppositories:

  • glycerol;
  • corn oil;
  • mineral oil;
  • vitamin E;
  • thyme ether.

An alcohol preservative is also added to the ointment, which does not penetrate the walls of blood vessels, but only prevents the oxidation of phenylephrine. This does not in any way affect the therapeutic effect.

Is Relief suitable for treating bleeding hemorrhoids?

Relief is excellent for the treatment of symptomatic hemorrhoids up to stage 3, when bleeding is minor and intermittent. But you should still consult your doctor in advance. In later stages, local treatment will not bring relief, so patients are advised to agree to surgery or adhesions of hemorrhoids.

IMPORTANT! To create a lasting therapeutic effect, you should undergo a full course of treatment with Relief ointment or suppositories, lasting at least 1-2 weeks. A single use, although it eliminates the painful symptoms of hemorrhoids, will not contribute to its complete elimination.

But it is worth considering that in the presence of ruptures of hemorrhoids, the likelihood of infectious infection increases dramatically, which can subsequently become complicated to acute paraproctitis. Relief enhances the effect of local immunity, but in no way suppresses the spread of infection.

Accordingly, the doctor may prescribe a combination of drugs with other suppositories with an antibiotic.

Features of the use of suppositories and ointments

It is recommended to use ointment and suppositories 3-4 times a day (morning, evening, after bowel movements). Hygiene procedures should be carried out first. At the time of treatment, it is recommended to completely abandon the use of toilet paper, replacing it with the usual washing of the anus.

During the treatment process, there is a possibility that a small part of the medicinal composition will seep through the anus, so for this period it is recommended to use disposable sanitary pads (sold at any pharmacy). Before the next administration of the suppository, be sure to wash it again.

It is recommended to insert the suppositories in the “lying on your side” position, with your legs bent at the knees tucked under you, to a depth of approximately 1-2 centimeters. The entire procedure should not cause any discomfort or pain. The ointment is administered in a similar way.

The maximum permissible daily dose is 5 suppositories.
When using the ointment, you should focus on a one-time dosage of 0.7-0.8 grams. Exceeding the specified dose may provoke thromboembolism, which will complicate further treatment of hemorrhoids.

Contraindications for the use of drugs to stop bleeding

According to the official instructions, contraindications for the use of Relief ointment and suppositories are:

  1. thromboembolic disease;
  2. granulocytopenia;
  3. allergic reaction to the active ingredients (hypersensitivity).

Also, suppositories are not used for children under 3 years of age due to the suppository being too large.

During pregnancy or breastfeeding, Relief is used only with the direct prescription of a doctor, taking into account possible side effects. Clinical trials have not been conducted in this regard, so the manufacturer cannot recommend the use of the drug in these cases.

But doctors claim that they often prescribe them both during pregnancy and after childbirth, and no side effects have been observed.

Prices and analogues

Average prices in pharmacies for Relief are as follows:

  • rectal suppositories – from 420 rubles;
  • ointment - from 325 rubles.

Analogues of this drug are:

  1. Anuzol;
  2. Aurobin (ointment);
  3. Bezornil;
  4. Hemorrhoids;
  5. Posterized.

In these remedies, the composition is only partially identical, but the therapeutic effect is the same.

In summary, Relief suppositories and ointment are excellent for treating stage 2-3 bleeding hemorrhoids without complications such as infection. But first you should still consult with a proctologist.

Relief refers to a whole group of medications that were released directly to minimize the severity of symptoms of pathologies and injuries in the anus. These medications are nothing more than a combination of several active components at once. The main component of the candles of this product is cocoa butter, but the main component of the ointment is considered to be Vaseline. Both cocoa butter and petroleum jelly have an anti-inflammatory effect and also help soften the mucous membrane of the anus.

These medications also contain components that have a vasoconstrictor, anesthetic and decongestant effect. Due to this composition, the use of these medications helps to heal erosions and microcracks, restore blood flow in hemorrhoids, and relieve itching and inflammation.

Let us immediately note that the therapeutic effect of relief directly depends on how correctly the patient uses it. A diagram of proper use can be found in the instructions for the medication. We should not forget that this group of drugs also has some contraindications for use, which also cannot be neglected. So, for example, if a patient has an individual intolerance to one or another component of a given medication, then he can easily develop side effects such as itching, blood flow, and swelling.

On the Internet you can read very diverse reviews regarding the use of products called relief. Expectant mothers especially often ask questions regarding the use of this group of medications, since hemorrhoids actually occur quite often during pregnancy. Quite often, proctological problems begin to plague women even after childbirth. Almost all reviews are positive. Most often, patients are satisfied with the therapeutic effect of this group of drugs. They claim that this medication, in a fairly short period of time, relieved them of pain and also facilitated the act of defecation.

There are other reviews about relief. There are also cases when patients publicly declare that the drugs of this group did not help them. Some readers claim that these remedies helped them only during the first treatment for hemorrhoids, but when it made itself felt a second time, then relief was unable to provide any therapeutic effect.

There is no point in saying that one of the readers is lying, since hemorrhoids in most cases require complex treatment. Not all patients approach this problem correctly. Very often people think that hemorrhoids can be dealt with through relief alone. This is far from true. The course of treatment for this pathology involves the use of a number of medications.

Varicose veins that occur together with inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins are called hemorrhoids. The veins are located in the rectum and, when ill, cause numerous inconveniences to a person and lead to serious complications. If you have a problem, you should definitely contact a proctologist and start treatment. Traditional methods are ineffective - medical means come to the rescue:

  • Candles (suppositories).
  • Ointments.
  • Cream.
  • Pills.

The disease is often detected in pregnant women. If hemorrhoids are detected, treatment is required to avoid disruption of pregnancy in the third trimester. You risk complicating childbirth and the postpartum period. There are 2 types of hemorrhoids: acute during pregnancy and chronic after childbirth.

In its advanced form, it leads to anemia, joint diseases (arthritis), and skin rashes. Note: acne is provoked by this disease.

For the treatment of the disease during pregnancy, the drug in the form of Relief is not prescribed due to its vasoconstrictor effect. It is better to use Relief Advance ointment. The effect is much gentler on the body - an anesthetic and healing agent. Hemorrhoidal creams are used, but you need to study the characteristics and components in detail.

Hemorrhoids in men

In men, they are more often diagnosed with an advanced stage when visiting a medical facility. The strong half of humanity is simply embarrassed to speak out loud about a delicate problem. This factor leads to surgery for.

For treatment in the early stages, proctologists prescribe complex topical preparations. Auxiliary therapy - folk remedies. Recipes for ointments for hemorrhoids prepared at home:

  1. Based on calendula: mix 1 tablespoon of calendula tincture with 100 g. Vaseline, add 72% medical alcohol. The proportion is 0.1 kg of alcohol per 1 g of raw material. The resulting ointment is used to lubricate hemorrhoidal bumps around the anus at least 4 times a day.
  2. Mumiyo. 0.4 g of the substance is ground to a plastic state, and hemorrhoids are lubricated with it. For internal hemorrhoids, insert into the anus for 10-12 hours. It is permissible to dissolve 0.3 g of the substance in two tablespoons of water - drink on an empty stomach.
  3. Propolis relieves pain and stops the inflammatory process. 10 g of dry propolis are mixed with one hundred grams of unsalted butter heated in a water bath. Warm the resulting product for a couple of minutes. After filtering through gauze, the resulting ointment is applied to the affected area 3 times a day. Apply in a thin layer.

When treating hemorrhoids in men, Relief hemorrhoid suppositories are often used. Ointments from traditional medicine are added. When Relief ointment is prescribed for hemorrhoids, it is possible to use herbal decoctions internally.


It is important not to let the disease progress and to contact a proctologist as early as possible. A proctologist, having identified the cause of hemorrhoids, will prescribe treatment with suitable medications - tablets, creams, ointments, suppositories.


Used in combination. Application relieves swelling of the anus, increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Tablets do not give an immediate effect. The course of treatment lasts for months.


Variation of cream. It is made on a water basis - the active substances dissolve completely. The gel is considered the mildest remedy for treating the disease without loss of medicinal characteristics and healing properties.


They have a long-lasting therapeutic effect. They relieve pain and inflammation and have bactericidal properties. The cream can be single-component or multi-component. You need to carefully read the characteristics and composition.


The effect is much gentler on the body. A good pain reliever and healing agent. External use: the ointment is applied to a cotton pad, applied to the inflamed nodes, and secured with an adhesive plaster. You need to renew the compress 3-5 times a day.

Ointments can also be used internally. The kit includes a special applicator for deep penetration of the drug. Relief hemorrhoid ointment is a fast-acting medicine with an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect. Heals wounds and cracks in the anus.


The medicine helps to quickly reduce pain and delay further development of inflamed lumps. Suppositories are characterized by various therapeutic effects. Some help relieve unpleasant pain symptoms, others help reduce swelling and stop bleeding.

Popular suppositories for hemorrhoids are Relief. They are considered a complex drug aimed at combating the development of the disease.

Instructions for use

Suppositories are used topically, the medicine acts directly in the rectum, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. Relief has a healing effect, treats the disease, removing hemorrhoids, itching, burning of the anus. By acting on the inflamed area, the drug constricts blood vessels, normalizing blood flow.

It is useful not to use toilet paper during defecation, but to wash the anus with cold water, avoiding contact with the genitals. At the end of the procedure, a candle is inserted into the anus. For internal hemorrhoids, Relief hemorrhoid suppositories are suitable. They relieve swelling, help the outflow of blood from the internal nodes, and change the relief of the walls of the rectum to normal, physiological.

Cases of the disease with increased temperature and severe inflammation in the patient have been recorded. Relief Ultra suppositories are prescribed for hemorrhoids. The drug quickly and efficiently eliminates the inflammatory process and normalizes body temperature. Cannot be used continuously. As soon as you achieve a positive effect, switch to treatment with other medications.

Relief (phenylephrine + shark liver oil) is a combined antihemorrhoidal drug for topical use in proctology from the American pharmaceutical company Sagmel. Hemorrhoids are usually understood as pathological expansion of hemorrhoids, which, as the disease progresses, successively goes through the stages of inflammation, bleeding and prolapse of the nodes from the rectum. At the origins of hemorrhoids lies a whole complex of factors that contribute to the thinning and stretching of the walls of the hemorrhoidal veins. The classic “provocateurs” of hemorrhoids are a sedentary lifestyle, errors in diet, constipation, pregnancy and alcohol abuse. The “relief” series of drugs (and this, in addition to the relief itself, also includes relief advance, relief ultra and relief pro) allows you to choose the optimal treatment tactics, taking into account the prevailing symptoms, the nature of the pathological process and the stage of the disease. Relief is available in two dosage forms: rectal suppositories and ointment for rectal and external use, which makes it possible to use the drug for both internal and external hemorrhoids. The adrenergic agonist phenylephrine hydrochloride, which is part of the drug, has a local vasoconstrictor effect, which inhibits exudation, helps reduce tissue swelling, and relieves itching in the anorectal area. The second component of relief - shark liver oil - has a local anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and regenerative effect. Cocoa butter is used as a suppository base in the production of the drug, which exhibits an enveloping and softening effect. Before introducing relief, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures in the anorectal area. A special applicator equipped with a protective cap is included in the package of ointment for external and rectal use. Before insertion, the cap is removed, and the applicator is attached to the tube and lubricated from the inside, squeezing out a small portion of the ointment. Applying the ointment to the affected areas of the skin in the area of ​​inflammation and/or introducing it into the anus should be done with extreme caution (this also applies to suppositories).

Relief should be used morning and evening, as well as after each bowel movement, but not more than 4 times a day. After each use of the ointment, the applicator must be thoroughly rinsed, dried and placed in a protective cap. If, while using Relief, bleeding from the anus occurs, the patient's general condition worsens, or an adequate therapeutic response to the treatment received is not observed for more than one week, pharmacotherapy should be interrupted and medical advice should be sought. Relief is not recommended for use in conjunction with antihypertensive drugs, since phenylephrine will reduce their effectiveness, which will require upward dosage adjustments and, therefore, increase the risk of side effects. When combining relief with antidepressants-monoamine oxidase inhibitors, a sharp increase in blood pressure is possible, up to a hypertensive crisis.

Despite the foreign “origin” of the relief, its effectiveness has been studied quite deeply in our country. In one of these studies, conducted at the Department of Coloproctology of the Rostov State Medical University, the effectiveness and safety of using relief in patients suffering from chronic hemorrhoids was assessed. All of them had classic hemorrhoidal symptoms, including itching, burning, pain, and some had direct indications for hemorrhoidectomy. As a result of the study, it was noted that in the relief group, healing proceeded significantly faster than in the control group. Thus, after 1 month of treatment, the number of cases of bleeding and prolapse of hemorrhoids decreased by 1.7 times, pain was noted 5.4 times less frequently, and discomfort by 8.6 times. And, importantly, no side effects were identified during the study.


A remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Shark liver oil has a local anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and wound-healing effect.

Phenylephrine hydrochloride is an α-adrenomimetic, has a local vasoconstrictor effect, which helps reduce exudation, tissue swelling, and itching in hemorrhoids.

Release form

Rectal suppositories are almost white to light yellow in color, opaque, torpedo-shaped, with a faint fishy odor.

Excipients: shark liver oil - 60 mg, cocoa bean oil - 1710 mg, corn starch - 224.2 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.4 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.4 mg.

6 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs.


The drug should be used after hygiene procedures.

Adults and children over 12 years of age: remove the protective cap from the applicator. Attach the applicator to the tube and squeeze out a small amount of ointment to lubricate the applicator. The ointment is carefully applied through the applicator to the affected areas outside or inside the anus or one suppository 4 times a day in the morning, in the evening and after each bowel movement.

After each use, rinse the applicator thoroughly and place it in the protective cap. The ointment is also applied to the skin in the anus.


When prescribed simultaneously with antidepressants - MAO inhibitors, a hypertensive crisis may develop.

If you have a problem, you should definitely contact a proctologist and start treatment. Traditional methods are ineffective - medical means come to the rescue:

During pregnancy

The disease is often detected in pregnant women. If hemorrhoids are detected, treatment is required to avoid disruption of pregnancy in the third trimester. You risk complicating childbirth and the postpartum period. There are 2 types of hemorrhoids: acute during pregnancy and chronic after childbirth.

In its advanced form, it leads to anemia, joint diseases (arthritis), and skin rashes. Note: acne is provoked by this disease.

For the treatment of the disease during pregnancy, the drug in the form of suppositories for hemorrhoids, Relief, is not prescribed due to its vasoconstrictor effect. It is better to use Relief Advance ointment. The effect is much gentler on the body - an anesthetic and healing agent. Hemorrhoidal creams are used, but you need to study the characteristics and components in detail.

Hemorrhoids in men

In men, they are more often diagnosed with an advanced stage when visiting a medical facility. The strong half of humanity is simply embarrassed to speak out loud about a delicate problem. This factor leads to surgery to treat hemorrhoids in men.

For treatment in the early stages, proctologists prescribe complex topical preparations. Auxiliary therapy - folk remedies. Recipes for ointments for hemorrhoids prepared at home:

  1. Based on calendula: mix 1 tablespoon of calendula tincture with 100 g. Vaseline, add 72% medical alcohol. The proportion is 0.1 kg of alcohol per 1 g of raw material. The resulting ointment is used to lubricate hemorrhoidal bumps around the anus at least 4 times a day.
  2. Mumiyo. 0.4 g of the substance is ground to a plastic state, and hemorrhoids are lubricated with it. For internal hemorrhoids, a watch is inserted into the anus. It is permissible to dissolve 0.3 g of the substance in two tablespoons of water - drink on an empty stomach.
  3. Propolis relieves pain and stops the inflammatory process. 10 g of dry propolis are mixed with one hundred grams of unsalted butter heated in a water bath. Warm the resulting product for a couple of minutes. After filtering through gauze, the resulting ointment is applied to the affected area 3 times a day. Apply in a thin layer.

When treating hemorrhoids in men, Relief hemorrhoid suppositories are often used. Ointments from traditional medicine are added. When Relief ointment is prescribed for hemorrhoids, it is possible to use herbal decoctions internally.


It is important not to let the disease progress and to contact a proctologist as early as possible. A proctologist, having identified the cause of hemorrhoids, will prescribe treatment with suitable medications - tablets, creams, ointments, suppositories.


Used in combination. Application relieves swelling of the anus, increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Tablets do not give an immediate effect. The course of treatment lasts for months.

Variation of cream. It is made on a water basis - the active substances dissolve completely. The gel is considered the mildest remedy for treating the disease without loss of medicinal characteristics and healing properties.


They have a long-lasting therapeutic effect. They relieve pain and inflammation and have bactericidal properties. The cream can be single-component or multi-component. You need to carefully read the characteristics and composition.

The effect is much gentler on the body. A good pain reliever and healing agent. External use: the ointment is applied to a cotton pad, applied to the inflamed nodes, and secured with an adhesive plaster. You need to renew the compress 3-5 times a day.

Ointments can also be used internally. The kit includes a special applicator for deep penetration of the drug. Relief hemorrhoid ointment is a fast-acting medicine with an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect. Heals wounds and cracks in the anus.


The medicine helps to quickly reduce pain and delay further development of inflamed lumps. Suppositories are characterized by various therapeutic effects. Some help relieve unpleasant pain symptoms, others help reduce swelling and stop bleeding.

Popular suppositories for hemorrhoids are Relief. They are considered a complex drug aimed at combating the development of the disease.

Instructions for use

Suppositories are used topically, the medicine acts directly in the rectum, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. Relief has a healing effect, treats the disease, removing hemorrhoids, itching, burning of the anus. By acting on the inflamed area, the drug constricts blood vessels, normalizing blood flow.

It is useful not to use toilet paper during defecation, but to wash the anus with cold water, avoiding contact with the genitals. At the end of the procedure, a candle is inserted into the anus. For internal hemorrhoids, Relief hemorrhoid suppositories are suitable. They relieve swelling, help the outflow of blood from the internal nodes, and change the relief of the walls of the rectum to normal, physiological.

Cases of the disease with increased temperature and severe inflammation in the patient have been recorded. Relief Ultra suppositories are prescribed for hemorrhoids. The drug quickly and efficiently eliminates the inflammatory process and normalizes body temperature. Cannot be used continuously. As soon as you achieve a positive effect, switch to treatment with other medications.


People respond sadly to the disease. Most people regret that they did not consult a proctologist in time. The disease is associated with unpleasant sensations.

The effectiveness of using Relief has been noted by proctologists. The drug works by reducing and eliminating symptoms. Among the sick, reviews of the candles are good. There are rarely opinions that the cost is too high. The issue of cost is not the deciding factor. The average price is 400 rubles.

Svetlana: Pathology appeared after childbirth. There is no time to go to the doctor - you can’t run around much with a baby. The pharmacy asked for help. They recommended Relief ointment for hemorrhoids. After completing the course of treatment, I forgot about the disease, hopefully forever! True, I didn’t finish the course - the medicine helped quickly. Relief ointment helped. The cost is high.

Antonina: After the birth of a child a couple of years ago, a lump appeared in my butt. Hemorrhoids periodically worsen. I decided to try Relief candles - it helped. The product is effective and really cures. Got pregnant for the second time. I couldn’t use suppositories, so I switched to Relief ointment. Candles helped better. After the second birth, the hemorrhoids became so worse. I ran to the pharmacy and bought familiar candles. Using them helps. It became much easier.

Maxim: I started using Relief candles when it was impossible to sit and it started to bleed. The medicine is excellent, it relieves inflammation and itching for a short time. The problem was not completely eliminated. If hemorrhoids are inflamed, suppositories are simply necessary - after 3-4 days the bumps become smaller. Heals wounds well, removes swelling. It is better to use after hygienic baths. 3 days were enough for the swelling to go away. Over time, it swelled again. You need to go to the doctor...

Grigory: Once the hemorrhoids worsened. I came to the pharmacy, followed the pharmacist’s advice and took Relief suppositories. Instructions for use are available. The painful sensations passed, and after 3-4 days the long-awaited relief came. A month later the disease returned. The relief did not help immediately, I had to resort to surgery.

Galina: Excellent medicine, I’m delighted! Suffering from frequent constipation, knots appeared in the anus. It was impossible to move. I slept exclusively on my stomach, it was scary to remember about the toilet - like torture. After using the suppositories, it became much easier to move, the bleeding gradually went away.

Reviews about Relief suppositories are mixed; it cannot be said with complete confidence that the drug will help cure hemorrhoids for everyone. A comprehensive view, a competently prescribed course of treatment after consultation with a proctologist guarantees a cure for a complex illness.

Relief suppositories for hemorrhoids: features of use and list of contraindications

For varicose hemorrhoidal veins, complex therapy is required, combining the use of systemic medications and local drugs.

The latter also include rectal suppositories Relief, which have multiple positive qualities.

Suppositories with shark liver oil prevent the progression of the pathological process and the development of various complications. The components included in the drug relieve inflammation, heal wounds and stop bleeding. But their therapeutic properties are not limited to this.

What are the benefits of shark liver oil for hemorrhoids?

The main ingredient included in all medications in the Relief line is shark liver oil for hemorrhoids. This natural product has been used for a long time to treat many diseases, including hemorrhoids.

The unique properties of the oil extract are provided by the substances included in its composition. Scientists have found that shark liver oil contains the following ingredients:

  • squalene is a hydrocarbon that supports the functioning of local immunity and enhances regeneration processes. The use of preparations with shark liver oil allows the production of more immune cells that protect the mucous membrane from pathogenic bacteria and inhibit their reproduction. In addition, the substance relieves inflammation and helps stop bleeding;
  • squalamine is a compound whose properties resemble modern antibiotics. Provides antimycotic and antibacterial effects of the drug;
  • alkyl glycerides are substances that normalize hematopoiesis and activate the immune system. Such qualities allow the oil to prevent infection of the rectum and even fight cancer cells;
  • a complex of fat-soluble vitamin elements (E, A, D) – are natural antioxidants. They also promote rapid healing of the mucous membrane of the rectal canal and the skin in the perianal area.

Composition and types of the drug

Relief candles are shaped like small “torpedoes”, have a slight fishy smell and a yellow tint. The therapeutic effect of rectal suppositories provides the following ingredients:

  • shark liver oil, which has the qualities described above;
  • phenylephrine is a substance that constricts blood vessels, reduces tissue swelling, reduces the volume of exudative secretions, and eliminates hemorrhoidal itching.

The approximate cost of a package of drugs is 385 rubles.

There are several types of Relief suppositories available on the pharmaceutical market. Each of them differs in composition and, therefore, medicinal properties.

Relief Advance

These rectal inserts provide a comprehensive effect due to the following ingredients contained in the preparation:

  • shark liver oil;
  • benzocaine is a local anesthetic that helps quickly cope with pain and unpleasant sensations in the anus.

Due to the presence of an analgesic, suppositories are used primarily as an anesthetic drug for exacerbation of varicose hemorrhoidal veins.

The approximate cost of packaging the medicine is 415 rubles.

Relief Ultra

One of the most effective antihemorrhoidal medications on the domestic pharmaceutical market.

This effectiveness is ensured by the composition of the drug:

  • shark liver oil;
  • hydrocortisone is a glucocorticosteroid hormone that allows you to quickly relieve inflammation, prevent the development of allergies, narrow blood vessels and eliminate itching sensations;
  • Zinc sulfate is a chemical compound that accelerates the healing of damaged areas, cracks, and erosive damage to the rectal mucosa.

Relief Ultra suppositories are not suitable for daily use due to the hormonal component; they are prescribed for a short course. After the drug relieves the inflammatory process, you need to switch to other medications - for example, classic Relief suppositories.

The average cost of a package of rectal suppositories is 470 rubles.

Indications for use

Suppositories of the Relief series are intended for local use for diseases and lesions of the rectum. According to the medical manual, suppositories are prescribed for the diagnosis of the following conditions:

  • external and internal hemorrhoids;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • itching sensations in the anorectal area;
  • bleeding of hemorrhoidal nodules;
  • rectal erosion;
  • proctitis;
  • pain in the anus associated with injury or surgery.

When is the drug contraindicated?

Suppositories with shark liver oil, like any other medication, have some limitations.

The drugs should not be used if the patient is diagnosed with the following diseases and conditions:

  • intolerance to main and additional ingredients;
  • thromboembolism;
  • low granulocyte count in the blood.

Since there are no reliable clinical data regarding the safety of the drug in childhood, Relief is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age. If the medication is nevertheless prescribed, the therapy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

The medical annotation indicates that Relief suppositories cannot be combined with drugs that lower blood pressure and antidepressants.

Relief Ultra candles also have additional contraindications, including:

  • infection of the rectum;
  • tuberculosis;
  • severe forms of diabetes;
  • elevated sodium levels in the blood.

In such a situation, they refuse to use the medication and contact a proctologist to prescribe another drug with similar therapeutic properties.

Is use allowed during pregnancy?

Suppositories Relief and Relief Advance can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but with some caution.

Of course, expectant and nursing mothers, before using even local medications, need to consult with a specialist who will weigh the likely benefits and harms. This is necessary to eliminate possible danger to the fetus and newborn baby.

Expectant mothers are better off using safer products, for example, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil, glycerin, ichthyol, and methyluracil. Suppositories Natalsid, Posterizan and Gepatrombin G are also allowed during pregnancy.

How to use Relief suppositories for hemorrhoids?

How to use suppositories for hemorrhoids? The daily dosage and duration of the therapeutic course should be prescribed by the attending doctor.

According to the medical manual, the desired daily dosage of suppositories with shark liver oil is 2 pieces. The maximum permissible number of candles per day should not exceed 4 pieces.

The drug Relief Ultra, which contains a glucocorticosteroid hormone, cannot be used for a long time. After a week, the use of suppositories is canceled, even if the treatment did not give the desired result. Although acute symptoms usually disappear after 2-3 days after the start of the treatment course.

Suppositories are used rectally - that is, they must be inserted into the anus.

It is important to adhere to the following rules for daily use:

  1. It is better to insert suppositories after a bowel movement or after an enema. Otherwise, the urge to have a bowel movement will begin.
  2. Before insertion, it is necessary to wash the anal area with warm water without detergents, then blot this area with a napkin to remove excess liquid.
  3. Then you should lie on your side, bend your lower limbs and press them to your stomach, relaxing your muscles. This position is convenient because the pressure inside the peritoneum is reduced and the threat of damage to the rectal mucosa is reduced.
  4. You need to open the package, remove the candle halfway, without touching it with your palms again, so that the drug does not melt. If the patient is afraid of infection, disposable medical gloves can be worn.
  5. Then you should spread the gluteal muscles, insert the suppository (getting rid of the second half of the package), pressing lightly with your finger. The suppositories should not be pushed too deep; the optimal distance from the sphincter is 2-3 centimeters.
  6. After administration, you should lie down for about half an hour. During this time, the medication will almost completely dissolve in the rectum and begin to have a therapeutic effect. This is why it is recommended to empty the intestines, since even simply adopting an upright position will interfere with treatment.

The principle of complex treatment

It is important to understand that the principle of complex therapy does not mean the simultaneous use of all types of suppositories in the Relief line.

This is possible only in one case - if Relief rectal inserts are used after a short treatment with Advance or Ultra suppositories, which remove pain and severe inflammation, respectively. However, before doing this, you need to consult a doctor.

Complexity implies the simultaneous use of venotonic drugs, for example, Detralex, Venarus, Phlebodia 600. These medications fight directly the cause of the disease - venous insufficiency, increasing vascular tone and improving blood outflow.

In addition, you can use alternative medicine - baths, microenemas with a decoction of medicinal plants, homemade ointments, suppositories made from natural ingredients. This method must be approved by a proctologist!

We must not forget about the principles of proper nutrition, which involve eating foods enriched with natural fiber and maintaining a water regime. You should also give up a sedentary lifestyle and provide yourself with moderate physical activity.

It is only important to choose the right type of drug, set the exact dosage and duration. An experienced proctologist will help you do this.

If you have ever used these drugs, share your impressions in the comments. Your feedback will help other patients facing hemorrhoidal disease.

“Relief” candles: description and composition, method of use, contraindications, price

Relief for hemorrhoids is considered one of the effective remedies. Suppositories and cream have the advantage that it has a complex effect on the affected area.

The annotation states that its active components eliminate the inflammatory process, stop bleeding and reduce the size of hemorrhoidal formations.

Release form

The manufacturer indicates that this medicine is sold in two variations in the form of suppositories and ointments. Inexpensive and effective medications help in the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids.

Relief rectal suppositories have a convenient shape for insertion into the anus. In appearance they look like a torpedo. The front part of the suppository has a pointed corner, which ensures accurate penetration of the medicine into the rectum. On the other hand, a candle has a flat protrusion. This allows the product to be firmly fixed in the intestines and prevent it from falling out.

The package contains 12 pieces. Each candle is in a contoured reflective shell. The suppositories are hard to the touch. When they enter the intestinal canal when exposed to temperature, they begin to dissolve.

Relief cream has a thick consistency with a yellowish tint. The drug is sold in aluminum tubes of 15 grams.

Storage conditions are as follows. The medicine must be kept in the refrigerator. Before use, you should take out the medications and use them a minute later. The shelf life is two years.

The average cost of medication ranges from 380 to 420 rubles.

Feature of the active substance

Suppositories and ointment for hemorrhoids Relief contain shark liver oil. This component is considered unique because it has a number of positive properties. The liver is obtained from sharks - they are the only inhabitants that do not suffer from cancer.

Shark liver extract is an effective means for carrying out preventive measures in oncology to combat malignant tumors in the early stages.

Shark liver oil contains substances in the form of:

  • squalene. It belongs to hydrocarbons. Its effect is aimed at strengthening immune function. When this substance enters the body, there is an active production of immune cellular structures that fight pathogenic agents at the site of infection. Squalene also strengthens vascular walls and stops bleeding;
  • squalamine. This is an organic compound that is similar to modern antibiotics. Its effect is aimed at destroying viral and bacterial agents. In this case, no side effects are observed;
  • alkyl glyceride. An organic compound that helps fight infection and inflammation. Alkyl glyceride helps strengthen soft tissue structures and prevent rupture of blood vessels. Thanks to this component, even large hemorrhoids can be resolved.

Shark oil quickly and effectively treats varicose veins.

Relief suppositories are prescribed for bleeding hemorrhoids; they promote the healing of cracks and wounds, relieve the inflammatory process and painful syndrome.

Composition of the drug

Relief is based on non-toxic ingredients. They do not irritate the rectal mucosa.

In addition to shark liver, the composition of Relief includes:

  • phenylephrine. This ingredient exhibits vasoconstrictor properties. Due to it, the vascular walls narrow and strengthen. There is an increase in elasticity and resistance to external irritating factors. After treatment of hemorrhoids, Relief eliminates unpleasant itching and burning in the anorectal area;
  • benzocaine. Refers to local anesthetics. If you have hemorrhoids, Relief suppositories, thanks to this component, will quickly eliminate pain;
  • vitamins A, D, E. Help strengthen soft tissue structures and increase the immune response. Thus, Relief ointment or suppositories prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins. There is an improvement in metabolic processes, which promotes instant healing of cracks and wounds;
  • mineral elements. Allows you to enhance and prolong the effect of medicinal ingredients;
  • polyunsaturated acids. They are considered strong antioxidants, thereby preventing clogging of veins and stagnation in the buds.

All ingredients complement each other. The basis of the suppository is solid fat. It does not cause allergic reactions even in those people who are hypersensitive.

If regular Relief is not suitable for the patient, there are other types of suppositories from the same series. Relief Advance suppositories for hemorrhoids have a pronounced analgesic effect due to the large quantities of analgesic included in the composition. But they can be used for no more than seven days.

You can use Relief Ultra suppositories to treat hemorrhoids. This medication is considered one of the most powerful, since hydrocortisone is included in the structure. This component is hormonal. Thanks to it, you can cope with the inflammatory process, itching and burning in a matter of days.

Suppositories of this type are used for a short time, as this can lead to hormonal imbalance in the body. Immediately after eliminating the discomfort, you should switch to classical medications.

Which suppositories for hemorrhoids are best to take and for how many days, only the attending physician can decide based on the symptoms and course of the disease, as well as age.

The ointment contains the same amount of ingredients. But the thick consistency is due to lanolin and corn oil.


Relief drug (suppositories and ointment) instructions.

Today, the drug relief, intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids, is one of the most popular medications. It is often prescribed by proctologists, and for good reason. If you or your loved ones have ever had the misfortune of encountering hemorrhoids, then you know how difficult it can be to choose a remedy that is ideal for treatment.

Some drugs are recommended for bleeding, others are strictly contraindicated, some relieve inflammation, others have virtually no effect on it. As a result, sometimes you have to go through several types of drugs before you can find the best option. But, if relief is recommended to the patient, there is most likely no need to look for a replacement. Firstly, it has a multifaceted therapeutic effect, and secondly, the manufacturers have provided for the need for the existence of three of its varieties at once, among which you can easily make a choice.

How does relief work and when should it be used?

The drug contains a unique component – ​​shark liver oil, which relieves inflammation and accelerates tissue restoration. In addition, it contains the vasoconstrictor substance phenylephrine. This combination makes it possible to achieve anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, analgesic and hemostatic effects, and this is the optimal set for hemorrhoids of any severity.

Relief is used during an exacerbation of the disease. It is produced in the form of ointment or suppositories: the first is best used for inflammation of external nodes, and the second will be optimal for enlarged internal ones. In addition, relief is useful for treating anal fissures. For both indications, it can only be used when the person does not require surgical treatment. Otherwise, the effect of the medicine will be temporary, and the symptoms will become almost constant.

Treatment regimen

Rectal suppositories are inserted into the rectum in the morning, evening and after each bowel movement, a maximum of 4 times a day. The ointment is used with the same frequency. Before placing a candle or lubricating the desired area with medicine, do not forget to carry out hygiene procedures. And, of course, there is no need to remind you that when introducing a suppository you need to use a glove or fingertip. If you use ointment, you should rinse the applicator well each time.

The course of treatment lasts 4-7 days.

Does relief have side effects and contraindications?

Very few. The drug should not be used if you have allergies or problems with blood clotting (tendency to bleed). Side effects occur quickly, usually when the dose of the drug is significantly exceeded. At the same time, discomfort in the anal area may increase and redness of the skin may appear.

Types of the drug

Classic relief, as already mentioned, is a combination of shark liver oil with phenylephrine; it is suitable for most patients. If pain predominates among the symptoms of hemorrhoids, a person complains that he cannot sit, and he has pain during bowel movements, you can use a type of drug with an additional analgesic component. It is called Relief Advance and is represented by a combination of oil with the anesthetic benzocaine. The painkiller begins to act a short time after inserting a suppository or applying an ointment, and quickly makes the patient feel better. This medicine is often prescribed after proctological operations, when the patient is bothered by pain and discomfort.

During exacerbations of chronic hemorrhoids, the key symptom is often inflammation, sometimes with persistent itching and even weeping of the skin. To suppress them, you can use Relief Ultra, in which the oil is mixed with hydrocortisone and zinc sulfate, which relieve inflammation and dry the skin.

Is relief always effective?

Reading forums or hearing reviews about this product, you may come across comments claiming that relief does not help with hemorrhoids. There may be three reasons for such statements:

1​ The patient does not comply with the correct treatment regimen

Despite carefully reading the instructions, some people expect instant and final results from medications. But this does not happen with hemorrhoids and fissures, so you will have to be patient. It will take several hours for a noticeable effect to occur, and the subsidence of the exacerbation will continue for up to a week.

2​ The disease has entered the so-called “surgical” stage.

Large non-closing cracks, thrombosis and necrosis of hemorrhoids, constant bleeding - all these problems are solved in the operating room. Candles here will give only a small effect.

3​ The patient does not have hemorrhoids, but another disease

Very often, when faced with unfamiliar symptoms, we go not to the doctor, but to the Internet. Alas, when making a diagnosis yourself, it’s easy to make a mistake, even with such a seemingly obvious situation. Sometimes hemorrhoids are mistaken for rectal prolapse or, for example, a boil in the anus. If you are not sure of the accuracy of your assumption, contact a specialist.

Usually, when choosing a particular medicine from a large group of similar ones, people strive to find the best quality at the lowest price. The cost of relief cannot be called minimal - in comparison with the simplest means of treating hemorrhoids - sea buckthorn or glycerin suppositories - it is 4-5 times more expensive. However, the demand for it is great, despite the relatively high price. Perhaps it’s a matter of prestige - after all, Relief, a product of the SAGMEL company, comes from the USA. But this, perhaps, is not the main thing: people are simply willing to pay to use a really good remedy, and the opinion of patients who have used the medicine themselves is key in determining its quality. Let's hope that now you definitely won't make a mistake when you need to choose a medicine for yourself or give advice to friends.

An excerpt from the program “Live Healthy” about the treatment of hemorrhoids

Who used Relief to treat hemorrhoids?

I was only saved by relief, but in the last couple of years it has stopped helping me.

I use it constantly (a pea-sized amount) before bed and in the morning. Not expensive.

How many sharks do you have to kill to make this much medicine?

Maybe the joke is that when washing, you need to actively massage the anus

You can immediately buy medicine for cystitis - it won’t keep you waiting long))

In general, I need to try this method, I gave birth a month ago, now I go crazy as soon as I have to go to the toilet.

The advice that helped me is to not wipe yourself with toilet paper every time after using toilet paper, but rather wash it with cold water. 5.5 years - no exacerbations, I forgot that I once had hemorrhoids

In this regard, the question arises to ask: “Did you have it?”

Will Relief suppositories help with external hemorrhoids?

Relief suppositories for hemorrhoids are an excellent opportunity to get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time.

They help with internal hemorrhoids, even if the patient neglected treatment, and have an analgesic effect.

Instructions for use

Before starting treatment for hemorrhoids, you need to read the detailed instructions: an experienced pharmacist or a special leaflet, which can be found in each package, will tell you how to use the drug.

Before purchasing, you should clarify which Relief suppositories for hemorrhoids are better: there are several varieties of this drug.

Instructions on how to use:

  1. Before using the drug, you must wash thoroughly.
  2. It is advisable to wipe your hands with a disinfectant wipe or antibacterial agent.
  3. Remove the plastic packaging and take out the candle.
  4. Insert it into the anus, try to do it carefully.
  5. Wash your hands and discard packaging.

Ointment helps well against external hemorrhoids: it is often prescribed for external hemorrhoids, and in the initial stages of the disease.

Relief suppositories after hemorrhoid surgery are also a good remedy to help you recover faster during the rehabilitation period.

Composition of the drug

There are several types of the product. The most popular are Relief Advance and Relief Ultra.

The basis of each type of suppository is shark liver oil (60 mg) and finelephrine.

Relief suppositories for hemorrhoids also contain cocoa butter and corn starch. These components help simplify the use of suppositories and reduce pain.


Drugs in this group are prescribed to most patients suffering from hemorrhoids. However, there are several contraindications that you need to remember:

  • Individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.
  • Thromboembolism.

Relief suppositories and ointment for hemorrhoids are prescribed by a doctor: self-medication can not only aggravate the course of the disease, but also significantly affect the general condition of the body.

Is it possible for pregnant women?

Many pregnant women suffer from this disease. In this situation, it is necessary to carefully select a remedy for hemorrhoids so as not to harm the unborn baby. For hemorrhoids in women, this factor is decisive.

To prevent hemorrhoids, pregnant women are recommended to use suppositories at least once a day to avoid further problems and the occurrence of varicose nodes in the anus. This will help you not think about the disease after childbirth and avoid visiting a proctologist.

Suppositories are approved for use during lactation by children, but to use them on a child, you must obtain a prescription from a pediatrician.

How much are?

The price of Relief depends on the manufacturer and on the pharmacy where you are going to buy them:

  • The average price of candles (12 pieces) is 464 rubles.
  • The ointment is cheaper - 424 rubles.

The course of treatment for hemorrhoids with Relief suppositories is 7 – 12 days: 1 package of the product is enough for you to get rid of the disease in the initial stages, as well as to avoid relapse.

The attending physician, the proctologist with whom you are seeing, will also tell you how many days to treat hemorrhoids.

Analogues of the drug

Relief is the best suppository, but not all patients can afford to purchase this drug.

If you want to carry out treatment at home, the following analogues are suitable:

  • Anuzol - this drug is produced in Ukraine and is low cost. The duration of treatment is about 10 days, but this period may vary depending on the degree of the disease.
  • Bezornil is a very effective remedy for hemorrhoids in men. Doctors often recommend that women avoid this medicine: it contains many artificial substitutes.
  • Betiol is an inexpensive and effective suppository that is often indicated for hemorrhoids after childbirth. They contain only natural, plant-based ingredients.

If you are wondering whether Relief suppositories help with external hemorrhoids, read reviews from other patients.