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Rash in newborns. Different types of rashes in a newborn and their main differences

All parents have experienced skin rashes in their baby at least once. How serious are such conditions and what should you do when they appear? The need to take therapeutic measures will depend on whether the child's rash is found all over the body or is localized in one area, and what additional symptoms accompany it.

Types of skin rashes in children

Based on the form in which the rash appears on a child’s body, they distinguish:

  • spots - areas of skin that differ from the surrounding skin in color, for example, red, pink or pale and colorless;
  • vesicles - small bubbles with serous fluid;
  • blisters - develop on the skin due to acute inflammation, for example, with hives;
  • bubbles – formations with a large cavity;
  • ulcers, or pustules - pimples on the skin containing pus;
  • papules - nodules on the surface of the skin without internal cavities;
  • tubercles on the skin - formations without a cavity of red-yellow, bluish tints.

In every case of a rash, the child should be shown to a doctor. So, only an experienced specialist will be able to accurately determine whether a red rash on a child’s body is a symptom of rubella, erythema or an allergic reaction. Parents should not immediately start self-medicating their baby, because the fight for clear skin will only be effective when the pathogen that causes the irritation is identified.

Causes of rash on the body

The variety of reasons why skin rashes occur in children can be divided into the following groups:

  • manifestation of an infectious disease that is caused by:
    • viral pathogen - measles, rubella, chickenpox, mononucleosis;
    • bacteria - scarlet fever;
  • an allergic reaction that developed due to food, hygiene products, or contact dermatitis;
  • reaction to insect bites and mechanical damage to the skin;
  • a rash in the form of small hemorrhages, reflecting problems with blood clotting, for example, with meningococcal meningitis.

Allergy rash

The modern world is literally filled with factors that can greatly irritate children's delicate skin. A rash all over a child’s body, like an allergic reaction, is a common occurrence, and it can manifest itself in different ways: spots, pimples, small blisters. As for localization throughout the body, foci of irritation can appear in a variety of areas of the skin. So, often with food allergies, a rash is observed on the back and stomach of a child, and in case of a reaction due to the material of clothing, the rashes can cover the baby’s arms, shoulders, legs and even feet.

Why, even in cases where a mother has no doubt that her baby got sprinkled because of food, should she consult a doctor? You need to understand that an allergic rash in a child is only an external expression of the body’s reaction to the pathogen. At the same time, with severe allergies, malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs may occur and even Quincke's edema may develop. A doctor's examination of irritated skin will help prevent possible negative consequences, and prescribed medications will help relieve itching and irritation. The doctor will also rule out the development of an infectious disease in the baby.

After an insect bite

A rash in children when they are out of town in the summer, and even after a regular walk in the park, is a very common occurrence. Bites from mosquitoes, midges or ants often leave marks that are very itchy and can be visible on the skin for several days. In most cases, such irritations can be prevented by using mosquito nets, fumigators, and protective aerosols.

A bee, wasp or hornet sting will cause much more trouble for a child. These insects pierce the skin with a sting and inject poison into the body, which causes severe pain, swelling, and swelling. Such bites are also dangerous because if a child develops an allergy after the bite, the rash can quickly spread throughout the body, causing severe itching and pain. At the same time, breathing problems, fainting, and even anaphylactic shock are possible. For these reasons, in case of a bite, it is necessary to examine it, remove the sting, give the child an antihistamine and monitor his condition.

Childhood illnesses with skin rashes

Diseases that manifest themselves in this way can be very different in nature. Some go away on their own, even without any treatment, without particularly changing the baby’s well-being, while others are dangerous due to their complications and serious consequences, including death. Read the information about what diseases a rash on a child’s body may indicate.



Chicken pox

Many chickenpox blisters appear throughout the body. They itch a lot and become crusty after a while.

The rash appears along with fever and cold symptoms. The rashes from the face spread throughout the body, and after 5 days they begin to peel off and disappear.


For several days the child has a fever, cough, and sore throat. Then a pinpoint rash appears behind the ears, on the face, and then throughout the body. The number of red dots begins to decrease after 3 days.

Scarlet fever

The disease begins with fever, redness and sore throat. Then red spots appear on the child’s body. They are often located in places where the body naturally bends: in the groin, armpits, elbows and knees. A pinpoint rash also appears on the face, with the exception of the nasolabial triangle.

Erythema infectiosum

With this disease, pink spots appear first on the face, and then on the arms and legs, which grow and merge into one spot. The rash goes away within 10 days.

The infection occurs with a very high temperature, and a red rash spreads across the body slightly above the skin level.

Small blisters with liquid appear on the lips and the skin around them, which gradually becomes cloudy, then the rash dries out.


There is a purple, star-shaped subcutaneous rash that does not go away with pressure. This is how bleeding from small vessels occurs that occurs with this disease. The baby's neck muscles tense, the temperature rises, drowsiness and photophobia appear. If you see at least one of these signs, you need to urgently take the child to the hospital. With meningitis, children who do not receive timely medical care may die within 24 hours.

Rash on a baby

In the first weeks after birth, the baby’s body undergoes active hormonal changes, and evidence of this can often be seen on its skin. Thus, many parents are forced to consult a doctor by a rash on the body of a newborn, which is called miliaria. This is a common occurrence in infants. At high temperatures, their sweat glands actively secrete sweat, and a small reddish rash appears in places of natural folds of the skin (in the groin, under the arms), often on the face and buttocks. The skin feels moist when touched.

The sweat rash is not a dangerous illness and goes away over time, but we must remember that exposure to factors such as prolonged exposure to too hot clothes or a wet diaper can cause diaper rash in a baby. When caring for a newborn, a mother needs to be very attentive and notice changes in rashes. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that often the youngest may develop allergies to food, hygiene products, and clothing materials. At an age when their immunity is developing, children must be especially carefully protected from external irritants.

What to do if your child has a rash

If the baby's body is covered with a rash, you must immediately assess whether he has signs of an infectious infection, for example, high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat. Next, it is determined whether the rash is all over the child’s body or localized to certain areas of the skin, and what it looks like: in the form of spots, blisters with liquid, purulent formations, etc.

Such an examination will help you understand how urgently you need to show your baby to the doctor. Even if you are sure that the skin rash is an allergy after eating something, still consult a specialist. The doctor, having compared all the existing signs and symptoms, will dispel your fears or begin to treat the disease in a timely manner. If an infection is suspected, it is better to call a doctor at home, and, if possible, isolate the sick child in a separate room. Before the doctor arrives, it is advisable not to treat irritations with medications, so as not to complicate the diagnosis.

Video: skin rashes in children

Few parents know how to navigate well the main symptoms of childhood infectious diseases and allergic reactions. If red appears all over the body, then mom or dad usually doubt the reasons for the formation. Even experienced specialists sometimes cannot distinguish rashes of infectious and non-infectious origin the first time. The cause must be determined as quickly as possible in order to provide timely and effective assistance to the child.

In medicine, skin rashes are called “exanthema”. At the doctor’s appointment, it is important to determine whether the child’s red rash is a consequence of an infectious infection or a skin disease (dermatosis). Specialists examine the small patient and note the morphological features and other characteristics of the exanthema. The first elements of the rash to form are spots, papules, blisters, and pustules.

Roseola and spots appear in a limited area of ​​the epidermis, differ in color from healthy skin, and may slightly rise above it. A large, patchy red or purple rash is called “erythema.” Nodules and papules resemble a small cone or hemisphere in shape without a cavity inside. Bubbles, blisters are cavity elements containing liquid inside. Shape - oval or round, color - from white to red.

If a child is covered with a red rash consisting of itchy nodules and blisters, then the cause may be allergic reactions. Irritants are chemicals, microbes, protozoa, helminths, and their toxins.

Inside the pustule there is a cavity filled with pus. Red dots and stars in the skin - hemorrhages - occur as a result of damage to a blood vessel. The primary elements of the rash evolve and instead of them there remain secondary ones - hyperpigmented or depigmented areas, scales, crusts, ulcers.

Infectious exanthemas

Viral, bacterial and fungal diseases, helminthiases are sometimes asymptomatic. Some do not require specific treatment. Children are vaccinated against the most dangerous infections according to the national vaccination schedule.

Classic childhood diseases are 6 infectious exanthems: 1. Measles. 2. Scarlet fever. 3. Rubella. 4. Infectious mononucleosis. 5. Erythema infectiosum. 6. Sudden exanthema (infantile roseola).

Acute inflammation in a child is often accompanied by fever. A typical rash on the body is formed due to diseases such as chickenpox, rubella, sudden exanthema, measles, scarlet fever. Lifelong immunity is formed to most pathogens of infectious exanthems; a person becomes immune to them.

You should call a doctor at home if:

  • the body temperature of a sick baby is above 38–40°C;
  • the rash spreads throughout the body, unbearable itching occurs;
  • vomiting, convulsions, myalgia, confusion appear;
  • the rash looks like numerous pinpoint and stellate hemorrhages;
  • rashes are accompanied by swelling of the throat and difficulty breathing, asphyxia.

It is forbidden to squeeze out pustules, open blisters and blisters, or scratch scabs on the child’s body. It is necessary to ensure that the baby does not scratch the affected skin. Immediately before a doctor arrives or a visit to a specialist at a clinic, it is not recommended to lubricate the elements of the rash with brilliant green, Castellani liquid, or iodine.

Viral diseases with rash


Children aged from 2 to 5–10 years old suffer from chickenpox. During primary infection, the varicella zoster virus provokes the formation of a characteristic rash on the body, represented by itchy papules, watery blisters and drying crusts. Body temperature rises or remains normal.

Herpes zoster

The disease is caused by the chickenpox virus. A painful and itchy rash appears under the arms, on the chest, and in the groin folds. Red papules are located in groups and give rise to blisters.

Enteroviral disease

The rash appears 3–5 days after the end of the incubation period of the pathogen. Bright pink spots and nodules form on the body, differing from rubella rashes in children in a variety of shapes and sizes. Other signs of enterovirus infection: herpangina, fever, abdominal pain and headaches.

Infectious mononucleosis

Irregularly shaped spots are observed all over the body. The child has a fever, a sore throat, and an enlarged liver and spleen.


Round spots and nodules form behind the ears, then cover the entire body. The evolution of the rash consists of the appearance of peeling and disturbed pigmentation. Symptoms of measles also include fever, photophobia, conjunctivitis, and cough.


The lymph nodes in the neck become enlarged, and a small red rash forms on the child’s body (dotted, small-spotted). Changes in the skin occur against the background of low-grade or febrile temperature. First it covers the face, then the red spots spread to the whole body. The pink-red rash disappears without a trace on days 2–7 of illness.

A rash does not form in 30% of the total number of cases of rubella.

Erythema infectiosum

First, redness appears on the cheeks, reminiscent of slap marks. Then the ruby ​​rash spreads to the body. Gradually the color of the spots darkens.

Sudden exanthema

The causative agents of the disease are herpes simplex viruses type 6. The onset is acute, then the temperature normalizes, and after 3–4 days red spots and papules form. The rash disappears without a trace within a day.

A streptococcal infection causes a small red rash to appear on a child's body. The disease is accompanied by tonsillitis and general intoxication. Roseola first forms on the cheeks, then the rash spreads to the torso and limbs. The initially bright elements of the rash gradually fade.

“Burning pharynx”, pale nasolabial triangle - differences between scarlet fever and other classic childhood infections.


The rash forms in the first hours of the disease or the next day. Spots and nodules stand out against the background of pale skin and become even more noticeable when they turn into hemorrhages. The body temperature rises greatly, the child develops convulsions, lethargy, and confusion.


The disease occurs after a bite or scratch from a cat's claws and chlamydia penetration through the wound. Inflammatory suppuration of the lymph nodes begins. Initially, red, painless pimples are observed on the body. In their place, pustules form, which subsequently heal without the formation of scar tissue.


The disease is caused by bacteria belonging to the genus Yersinia. With pseudotuberculosis, rashes appear from the second to the fifth day of illness (at the same time). A small red rash in a child is localized mainly on the sides of the body and in the groin folds. Bright red roseola, spots and nodules are located on the inflamed skin. A sick child experiences itching and swelling in the form of “gloves”, “socks”, “hood”. After the rash disappears, pigment spots and peeling remain.

Borreliosis (Lyme disease)

The causative agent of the disease, a bacterium of the genus Borrelia, is transmitted by ticks. First, a large ring-shaped erythema forms at the site of the bite. Later, a rash may appear in the form of a cluster of blisters.

Leishmaniasis cutaneous

The disease is caused by spirochetes transmitted by mosquitoes. Itchy papules appear on open areas of the skin. In their place, after a few months, ulcers that take a long time to heal appear, then scars remain.


The causative agent of the disease is Giardia, a protozoan organism. A rash occurs anywhere on the body in the form of clusters of spots and papules. Skin manifestations are called “atopic dermatitis” (“a” - negation, “topos” - place, that is, not confined to a specific area of ​​the body). The child feels pain in the abdomen and does not eat well; tests can reveal biliary dyskinesia.

Redness of the skin, the appearance of a rash and itching are accompanied by helminthiasis. Most often, roundworms, pinworms, and trichinella are found in children.


A characteristic sign of the disease is a red rash on the child’s body without fever, but with severe itching. Small spots and blisters form between the fingers and on the wrists, in the navel area, on the face along the migration of the scabies mite in the stratum corneum of the skin. When sulfur ointment is applied to the affected areas, positive changes quickly occur.

The formation of blisters and other elements occurs after bites from mosquitoes, wasps, bees and other insects. In such cases, dermatitis develops on exposed parts of the body. Severe itching occurs, the child scratches the blisters and often develops a bacterial infection.


Streptococci and staphylococci cause purulent-inflammatory skin lesions - pyoderma. This is how epidemic pemphigus of newborns, vesiculopustulosis, and pseudofurunculosis arise. Pyoderma can be a complication of atopic dermatitis. Large spots form - up to 4 cm. Pink or red rash elements are usually localized on the hands and face.

Non-infectious red rashes

The nature of allergic rashes is varied: most often spots and blisters are flesh-colored or pink-red, medium or large in size. The rashes are located on the chin and cheeks, on the extremities; other parts of the body are less commonly affected. Allergies to food and medications are very common in pediatrics. If the effect of the irritating substance continues, the rash does not disappear; on the contrary, it increases.

There is a group of diseases of an infectious-allergic nature, for example, exudative erythema multiforme in children. Round spots and papules of pink or light red color form on the body. Sometimes the elements merge, and peculiar “garlands” appear on the shoulders and chest.

The infectious form of erythema occurs as a reaction to herpes virus, ARVI, mycoplasma, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and protozoal organisms.

The toxic-allergic form of erythema develops after treatment with antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and sulfonamide drugs. The trigger for this disease is sometimes associated with the administration of a serum or vaccine to the child. A severe type of erythema is characterized by the spread of the rash to the entire body and mucous membranes. Numerous round spots and pink-red nodules form.

Urticaria is the most common allergic lesion. Occurs after an irritating substance enters the child’s body immediately or after a few hours. Redness appears, itching occurs, then blisters and nodules, varying in shape and diameter, form on the same area of ​​the skin.

A red rash on the body of children with rheumatism or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is usually localized in the area of ​​the affected joints.

Allergic reactions must be prevented, and if not, they must be properly treated. In most cases, the rash disappears after taking antihistamines or on its own without treatment. However, a visit to a pediatrician and dermatologist may be required in cases where the cause of the rash is unknown, the child experiences severe itching, pain, and the elements occupy large areas of the skin.

Antihistamines approved for pediatric use

Active substanceExamples of drugsRelease formAt what age are they used?
Azelastine"Allergodil", "Azelastine"Eye drops, nasal sprayEye drops - from 4 years, nasal spray - from 6 years
Cetirizine"Zyrtec", "Zodak", "Cetirizine"Tablets, drops, syrupFrom 6–12 months
Desloratadine"Desloratadine-Teva", "Erius"Tablets, syrupAfter 12 months
Levocetirizine"Levocetirizine Sandoz"SyrupFrom 2 years
Loratadine"Loratadine-Hemofarm", "Claritin"PillsAfter 2 years

The rash goes away quickly when the allergen is eliminated, antihistamines are taken, and hormonal ointment is applied. Antiallergic drugs reduce the level of histamine in tissues. Antihistamines are used in almost all cases of rash to reduce itching and swelling. New generations of drugs in this group do not cause drowsiness and are well tolerated by children.

For parents, their baby is the best. They try to do everything possible to protect it from the negative influences of the environment. However, this does not always work out. Sometimes a baby will develop spots of unknown origin on his body. It could be a teething rash, an allergic reaction, or something else. In any case, parents need to know what types of rashes exist in order to be able to diagnose their child’s condition if necessary.

There are many types of rashes that occur on the abdomen, neck, chest, back, butt, groin, arms and legs, chin and around the mouth.

To determine the reason for these pimples, you need to contact your pediatrician. Only he will be able to clearly determine what kind of rash the child has and how to deal with it.

Main types of rashes:

  1. Infectious rash.
  2. Allergic reaction.
  3. Dermatitis (contact, atopic, diaper).
  4. A rash that appears as a result of taking medications.
  5. Neonatal rash on legs.


All types of rashes can be divided into two main groups: hormonal and allergic. Let's look at the causes of the rash in each case.

Manifestation of allergies

Allergic rashes are most common among infants. There can be many reasons for its appearance.

  1. The mother wants to diversify her child’s diet and tries to constantly add something new to it. Of course, it’s worth doing this, but gradually. If you introduce a new product, wait for the baby’s body’s reaction to see whether redness appears in the mouth or not. Only after this can you try something else.
  2. Often, pimples on the back may appear after a massage using baby creams and oils. Carefully study their composition, they may contain allergens. Only when you are sure that the baby is not allergic to the components can you use the purchased massage products.
  3. If your child is breastfed and develops a small red rash around the mouth and neck, this is a reaction to the baby formula.
  4. Introducing complementary foods too early. An allergy around the mouth can be a signal to parents that the child’s body is not ready for new foods.

Hormonal rashes

Acne is very common in young children, especially in the first few weeks after birth. Most often, a hormonal rash can be seen on the baby's neck, on the cheeks and under the hair. It is important to know that these spots on the skin are not dangerous and do not expose other people to the risk of infection.

The simplest hygiene rules will help you get rid of the problem. If after a few weeks of following them the spots do not go away, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, he will prescribe special ointments. After them, everything can go away the very next day.

Types of rash

Skin rashes in a child can be of different types. After determining what is needed, the reasons for its occurrence are identified.

Red spots

Minor rash

Almost always, babies develop a small rash due to an allergic reaction of any origin. In this situation, it is important for parents to eliminate the root cause.

The use of various ointments will only relieve external signs, but identifying the allergen and isolating the child from it is already a solution to the problem.

Often spots on the body and chest appear after a massage. Parents believe that it should be made with various store-bought oils, but do not look at the composition of the product. Try using natural ingredients for massage and the allergy will go away.

Location of the rash

You can determine why a child has spots on his body by their location.

On the face

  • sudden change in temperature;
  • genetic disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergy;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Very often, a rash appears on the neck and around the mouth in infants due to diathesis. Moreover, both breastfed and bottle-fed children are susceptible to the disease. Having received a share of the allergen, the body reacts with red rashes around the mouth and neck. To get rid of them, the child must follow a diet for some time.

On the body

  1. If the spots on the stomach and back, on the chest are light in color and do not merge together, this means that they are caused by a contact allergy. Maybe it's laundry detergent or other detergents. Try to eliminate the cause and see if the spots on your stomach and back disappear.
  2. If the spots on the stomach and neck were initially white, then turned red and merged together, this is already a reason for panic. This sign is evidence of intoxication of the body. The baby must be urgently hospitalized to remove the allergen.

On the stomach

Minor rashes in the abdominal area sometimes indicate serious illnesses. Only a qualified doctor can determine the true cause of their occurrence.

Possible ailments:

  • prickly heat;
  • staphylococcus;
  • blood diseases;
  • rubella;
  • lichen;
  • scarlet fever.

If you notice symptoms in the form of a rash, you should consult a doctor to diagnose the disease in the infant.

On the butt

If small pimples begin to appear on the baby’s butt and groin, this indicates non-compliance with hygiene standards and rules. Children's intimate places require constant care, otherwise it is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

What can help if you notice a rash in the groin and butt? This:

  • drying ointments;
  • constant change of diapers, panties and bed linen;
  • air baths;
  • bathing with herbs (if there are no allergies).

If you follow these simple rules, the rash on your butt will go away very quickly. The most important thing is to never forget about them.

The best prevention for any rash is hygiene. If you do not want to further treat your child for allergies after a massage, for spots on the butt, on the chin and around the mouth, on the chest, just bathe your baby more often and always monitor the composition of the products and food products used.

Babies have incredibly delicate and soft skin. Just touching her brings pleasure. She's just perfect. But, as practice shows, various rashes may appear on a child’s face. It is clear that parents are not happy with this situation, and, moreover, they are terrified, since the reasons for the appearance of these rashes are not clear.

The worries are completely justified, because a tiny child cannot express in words possible pain or discomfort in the body, so the body itself gives an important signal that something has gone wrong. It is very important to study this rash in detail and find out its nature.

In medicine, the most common types of rash are distinguished:

  • hormonal;
  • heat rash;
  • food allergies;
  • from scarlet fever;
  • roseola;
  • contact allergy;
  • measles.

Hormonal rash

The hormonal type rash is better known as infant acne. About 30% of newborns are at risk of developing such a rash. Acne is completely safe for others, that is, it is not transmitted by airborne droplets or through contact. In order to eliminate this rash, there is no need to use medications or any special preparations.

These rashes appear on the face as well as on the head. With a hormonal rash, there are no pimples in the form of ulcers, since in this case there is no clogged pore. This rash simply slightly changes the texture of the skin, and in some cases it can be felt by touch. The reason for the appearance of this rash is the process of normalization of hormonal levels.

Acne also occurs because there is an excessive amount of fungi on the surface of the skin, which belong to the normal microflora. You should not try to cure hormonal rashes in infants with compresses based on tinctures, such as calendula. This procedure can be harmful to the baby's skin.

At best, the rash will become slightly inflamed and become more noticeable, and at worst, allergic reactions may develop. To eliminate this rash, simply follow standard hygiene rules. The rash will go away on its own. This can take from one to several months, it all depends on the child’s body.

If the healing process is very slow, then a specialist can simply prescribe special ointments that speed up the process. Infant acne appears before the age of three months.

Between 3 and 6 months, your baby may develop baby acne. In this case, the characteristics of the rash are completely different. The pimples have a black head, which is characteristic of acne. These pimples may leave marks in the form of scars. There are specific reasons for the appearance of infant acne. This is a high level of androgen production. And in this case, professional treatment is necessary.

Prickly heat

Infants quite often suffer from rashes such as prickly heat. It appears not only when the temperature outside is very high and the baby is sweating a lot, but at any time of the year. This is a pink rash. The rashes are slightly raised and therefore can be felt by touch. It may even be slightly cool outside, but the rash will still appear, since a small child has his own characteristics of body thermoregulation. The main causes of rashes can be identified:

  • overheating of the baby's body;
  • inadequate hygienic care;
  • long stay in wet pants.

To avoid the appearance of this type of rash, it is necessary to control the temperature in the room. It should be at 18 degrees Celsius.

Miliaria can appear on the face, namely on the cheeks, forehead, neck, ears, legs and arms, but the rash itself does not bring any discomfort to the child. You should not treat prickly heat, since it will disappear on its own as soon as the reasons for which it appeared are eliminated.

Allergy to food

In the first year of life, a child may have a reaction to certain foods. This is a food allergy. It is characterized by a red rash. These pimples appear on the cheeks, as well as on the ears and chin area. These rashes appear in the form of spots that peel off. They can appear not only on the face, namely the cheeks, ears, but also on the back, stomach, legs and other parts of the body.

If a child constantly eats food that causes a similar reaction in him, this can lead to the rash taking the form of a scab.

In general, it looks very unpleasant, and not only on the face, but also on areas of the body that are hidden under clothing. A baby who is fed breast milk may experience such a reaction due to the mother's failure to comply with the diet. You should not eat all the foods in a row, since the infant’s digestive system is not yet strong, and it cannot accept some types of food. Everything needs to be approached gradually.

If there is a need to introduce a new type of food into the mother’s diet, then this must be done gradually, that is, first eat a small amount of the product and see the child’s reaction, does it break out? First of all, rashes appear on the face.

An allergic reaction in a baby can be caused by:

  • red fish;
  • tomatoes;
  • citrus;
  • some types of meat.

Allergic pimples can appear in infants who eat artificial formulas. They contain a large amount of proteins, and they are the allergens that cause pimples. If a baby develops rashes in this form, then you need to stop using the mixture and choose another suitable option.

Contact type of allergy

Infants are susceptible to allergies that appear not only internally, but also appear on the skin. Contact allergies are also commonly called dermatitis. This is a small rash that looks a lot like a simple sore.

The cause of this type of rash is believed to be the use of laundry detergents that contain large amounts of fragrance. Most often, a large proportion of fragrances is contained in mouthwashes.

The skin of an infant is very sensitive, so when washing clothes it is necessary to use only hypoallergenic products that do not contain components that can cause allergies.

Contact allergies appear on those areas of the skin that come into contact with clothes washed using incorrectly selected products.

That is, if it is a cap, then the rash will appear on the face, ears and head. The appearance of pimples can be caused by clothing made from synthetic materials.


Roseola is an infectious disease that is typical for children under two years of age. This disease has symptoms that are unique to it. Initially, the temperature rises, and it can only be brought down on the third day.

As soon as the temperature returns to normal, red pimples appear on the skin. They are located in patches and can be on the face, as well as other parts of the body. With roseola, there is no point in treating a child with medications.

Scarlet fever

This is a small rash that appears in the form of small pimples in the neck, back and chest. In addition, it can spread to other parts of the body, and even appear on the face. This disease can be transmitted through the air. Treatment is carried out only according to the doctor’s recommendations.


With measles, the rash has a characteristic large size of lesions and a bright color. Initially, rashes in the form of papules appear behind the ears, as well as on the face, that is, on the eyelids, cheeks and other parts of the body. If measles appears in a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since only a specialist will prescribe the correct treatment that will help prevent the formation of unpleasant scars on the eyelids, cheeks, and ears that remain after measles.

In general, the result can be very unpleasant, so you need to worry about the child’s face and contact a specialist.

Do you want to know what kind of rash a child has on his body? Illness, allergy, reaction to the environment? You can diagnose many types of rash yourself; most of them are not a big problem and are easy to treat.

First of all, to know for sure, you need to immediately consult a pediatrician.

What causes a rash in a child?

The most common causes of childhood rash can be:

  • infection;
  • improper care;
  • allergy;
  • blood and vascular diseases.

Non-infectious types of rash

1. Diaper dermatitis.
2. Hemorrhagic vasculitis.
3. Allergic rash.
4. Insect bites.

Diaper dermatitis typical for babies who are unable to control excretory functions. According to statistics, from 30 to 60% of children suffer from it in the first years of life. It appears on the baby’s skin in the form of small redness. Typically, the rash can be seen in areas of contact with urine and feces, or in natural folds of the skin when rubbed against clothing. Sometimes blistering and peeling of the skin occurs.

This type of rash in children goes away quite quickly with proper hygiene and maximum contact of the child’s skin with air.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis appears on the child's skin in the form of small bruises located close to each other. Usually, the rash first appears around the joints, on the buttocks, and less often in other places.

An additional symptom is abdominal pain and even damage to large joints. If pinpoint bruises and bruises are detected, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist in order to quickly make a correct diagnosis and begin treatment.

Allergic rash usually pink-red in color. It is unevenly distributed over the skin, similar to small pimples. The child may be depressed due to itching at the site of the rash. Sometimes the rash may be accompanied by a fever.

Allergies can be caused by anything, from food to clothing. An allergic rash is treated with antihistamines and avoiding contact with the allergen.

Insect bites look like a swelling, in the center of which a trace of penetration is visible. The bite site may itch, burn, and hurt.

If you know for sure that the child was bitten by a mosquito or fly, then using special ointments or folk remedies to relieve swelling and itching is sufficient. If you suspect a bite from another insect, it makes sense to consult a doctor for help.

How to determine which infection caused the rash?

  • Meningococcal infection.
  • Rubella
  • Roseola infantile
  • Measles rash (measles)
  • Scarlet fever
  • Chicken pox

Rash due to meningococcal infection usually expressed as purple or red spots located on the lower part of the body.

This rash is accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, a moaning cry, hard, sudden movements, or, conversely, lethargy of the child.

Rubella manifests itself in the form of round or oval flat pink spots with a diameter of 3-5 mm, located on the trunk and limbs.

Enlarged lymph nodes and elevated temperature are observed. After two to three days the rash goes away.

Roseola infantile - a mysterious disease, the first symptoms of which are fever up to 39 degrees. After three days, the temperature returns to normal and a small pink rash appears on the body. First it is located on the back, then spreads to the baby’s stomach, chest and arms.

The rash does not itch, but the baby may be capricious. It does not require special treatment, but consulting a doctor would not hurt.

Measles rash (measles) begins with a rise in temperature to febrile levels, which is accompanied by a lack of appetite, cough, runny nose, followed by conjunctivitis. After some time, a rash appears in the form of bright pink spots, which can merge with each other.

The skin behind the ears and on the forehead is first affected, then quickly spreads to the entire body. The rash lasts 4-7 days.

Scarlet fever manifests itself in an increase in temperature, a terrible sore throat, and enlarged tonsils.

By the end of the first day of illness, a bright, small purple rash appears on the upper body, which soon spreads to the entire body, except for the nasolabial fold.

Chicken pox rash change their appearance over time. At first, the rash looks like small blisters with transparent contents, then the contents become cloudy, the blisters break and a crust forms.

This type of rash is characterized by falling asleep. The rash causes discomfort to the child as it itches a lot. The disease is accompanied by fever.

What to do if you find a rash?

  • It is necessary to call a doctor at home so as not to infect other children at the appointment.
  • Before the doctor arrives, do not treat the rash with anything, as this will make it difficult to establish the correct diagnosis.

In some cases, you yourself can find out what type of rash is found on the baby’s skin. However, to be completely sure, it is better to spend an hour consulting with your doctor.