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All school essays on literature. Mini-essay on the topic: Why do we need a book? Essay on the topic Why you need to read books

For many thousands of years since the creation of the first book, people have not stopped reading. The book accompanies a person throughout his life.

A book for a person is a friend, assistant, mentor and teacher. From a book a person gains new information, useful facts and new ideas. A person takes food for his mind from a book. Without a book, a person’s mind will become impoverished, a person will stop thinking and reflecting. After all, the purpose of the book is to serve as a source of knowledge. Without knowledge, a person will not be able to develop further as a person and as a living being. Our entire humanity develops thanks to knowledge. And this knowledge is mostly given to us by books. A book is a treasure chest. And these treasures are knowledge.

By reading, a person receives not only new knowledge and useful information. By reading, a person develops spiritually, his inner world becomes richer, his vocabulary becomes larger, and his speech becomes more eloquent.

Often, when reading books, people find in them answers to questions that interest them, to topics that have been of concern for a long time, and ways to solve long-standing problems in life appear. The book helps you find the meaning of life and choose your right path. In the heroes of books, people are increasingly discovering familiar circumstances that they once had to face in real life. They see close and similar character traits in the heroes of the works. A similar attitude to life and opinion on life issues is revealed. It’s not just that most people have their favorite literary heroes and characters. Having read about their life on the pages of books, a person recognizes himself in them, gets to know himself as a person. Sometimes it even happens that through the heroes of books a person discovers his mistakes in everyday life. And it is the heroes of these books who help them correct these mistakes.

After each book read, a person involuntarily begins to analyze the information received, because this is how the human mind works. Any book read, and especially a book read with interest, necessarily leads a person to thinking processes. The information received requires reflection, comprehension and assimilation by the human mind. This is human nature. And if we do not give our minds food for thought, then very soon we will cease to be rational beings.

The benefits obtained from reading books cannot be overestimated. Because this benefit is priceless.

The times when a book was considered the best gift are, unfortunately, long gone. Nowadays it is increasingly rare to find people who prefer to spend their free time reading, since many other more interesting activities have appeared.

The idea that the book is the main source of knowledge is also strongly rejected by many today. Opponents of reading claim that they can find the information they want on the Internet or, for example, watch a scientific program on TV.

It seems to me that this position is not without foundation, since access to knowledge in our time has indeed become freer. There are many articles and videos on the World Wide Web, films are regularly made based on works of classical literature, and famous figures of science, culture and art are featured on TV.

On the other hand, the information that comes to us via television or the Internet is not original. It has already been adapted for perception, and in some cases it has been greatly simplified and distorted beyond recognition. That is why only books can give us access to true knowledge, and this is their true value.

Of course, the idea of ​​books has changed a lot recently. They are now released in electronic and audio formats. This probably makes getting acquainted with works of art, scientific and philosophical works more convenient, but I still like regular paper publications.

I like to visit bookstores and libraries. Reading books, inhaling the smell of time emanating from yellowed pages, or feeling how lightly fresh paper creaks under my fingers, I am completely immersed in the atmosphere of the events described. This allows me to take an amazing journey into unknown dimensions and come into contact with something great, mysterious and beautiful.

Creative work (essay) by an 8th grade student of the MCOU “Kanash Secondary School of the Shadrinsky District of the Kurgan Region” Olga Raeva.

He who does not search does not read,

Those who don't read don't know.

He who does not know does not live!

And the main thing in life will pass by!

S. Fetisov.

Why do you need to read books? Anyone can answer this question without hesitation: “A book is a source of knowledge.” And here’s the question: “What are you reading today?” - Many of my peers are simply baffled. I agree, first of all, books are read to obtain important information. But any information can be found on the Internet in a minute... I made a very important discovery for myself: books help me form a worldview, orient me towards the right life values ​​and beliefs, and all this undoubtedly has an impact on life in general. That's why it's a must read.

My friendship with serious books began with the works of Sergei Lukyanenko, a popular Russian science fiction writer who calls his genre “hard action fiction” or “fiction of the Path.” I first read the book “The Boy and the Darkness” two years ago and was impressed for a long time. Probably because, having opened it, I saw another world, so similar and at the same time different from ours, in which it is not always clear what is Light and what is Darkness. I saw heroes with their character traits that I see in myself and my friends. For the first time, I felt so warm and light from this book, as warm as a Sunny Kitten, a piece of Real Light, can feel. I think for a very long time I will associate this book with the Sun Kitten, who needs our Love and Faith in order to live, rejoice, and love. After this book I want to think and reflect.

Books about my peers encourage me to work on myself, open up new facets of perceiving the world that I didn’t know about before, and allow me to find answers to many questions (after all, everything has been known for a long time, thousands of people have already lived their lives and shared their experiences with all of humanity ). Nowadays, young people simply waste the most valuable time of their lives on completely useless things and strive for entertainment. This is a problem in modern society. Isn’t it better to become better little by little, in small portions under the influence of a book, rather than to sit behind computer games for the sake of simple pleasure?

Quite recently, by the way, from the Internet, I learned about creativityAmerican writer Vanessa Dieffenbach, who was born in San Francisco and grew up in Chico. After graduating from Stanford University, she worked with “difficult” children, including homeless people and children in orphanages in different countries, and taught art and literature. And “The Language of Flowers” ​​is the author’s debut novel, based on Vanessa’s own experience of working with dysfunctional families. Lavender - mistrust, thistle - misanthropy, white rose - loneliness. These flowers can bring back happiness to people and heal the soul, but there is no suitable flower to heal the wounds of the main character. The story about a girl who speaks the language of flowers excited me and made me think about the fate of children who are left without parents. How I want to help them, support them.

We can travel with books. When we read, we are mentally transported to where the action of the book takes place. And everything happens as if in reality. Together with a group of boys from R. Bradbury's story “All Hallows' Eve,” I experienced a wonderful journey to a small American town, learning new things about myself and about life. This was a good reason to think about where sunrises and sunsets are, summer and winter, birth and departure, to think about the value of life and friendship, as was the case with the heroes of the story “Correction Class” by E. Murashova.

I would like to note that you also need to be able to read books, because literature can be completely different. You should approach the choice of books so that the topic of the work is modern, relevant, and interesting to you. From this point of view, the story told in the book “A Street Cat Named Bob” seemed remarkable to me. James Bowen, the author of the book, died from drugs. The life of a street musician, loneliness, the meaninglessness of existence, despair - everything changed when a red, unhappy and equally lonely cat appeared in the life of a young man. James took the cat home, spent all the money he had left on treating the animal, and when he went out, he began to take it with him to “work.” The faithful cat sat nearby while Bowen entertained passers-by by singing with his guitar. Gradually, the cat learned several tricks and became a real artist - his earnings increased. “He’s a genius,” James says of Bob the cat, “We’re partners.” The musician doesn’t even remember drugs. A literary agent noticed the amazing couple and invited James to write a book. Bowen worked on it for six months. Luck smiled on him here too. This is the story of a young man, an author and his book. I would like to say: “Be sure to read this work, you will like it.”

I remember the phrase that flashed before my eyes on the pages of the Internet: “In order to become smart, it’s enough to read tenbooks , but you have to read thousands to find them.” I have already started assembling my treasured bookshelf. What are you reading?

In the era of the Internet and portable gadgets, books are not a popular and sought-after source of searching for information and new knowledge. Although I think that it is completely in vain that people stopped paying attention to reading literature.

After all, a book is not only interesting, but also fun and very exciting. When you open the first pages of the work, you plunge headlong into incredible adventures and travel through different countries and even eras. Yes, you can read e-books, but this is completely different. Just imagine, you were given a colorful and entertaining book for your birthday, when you open it you seem to find yourself in another reality, empathize with the characters, rejoice at their successes and laugh with them. And you begin to read page after page, sometimes what is called avidly, as you strive to find out what will happen next, what incidents or troubles await the characters.

Unfortunately, people don't read as often as they did a century ago. Such behavior will not lead to anything good. Without books, a person gradually degrades. There is nothing to talk about with poorly educated people; they cannot think broadly, express their thoughts clearly and clearly. It’s not interesting with them, what can a person tell who has not read even a dozen books in his entire life? Never mind! Therefore, think about what is best for you. I choose books! I like fiction. I am delighted with adventures, for example, I really love Mine Reid, his “White Leader” or Fenimore Cooper’s “St. John’s Wort”.

I am sure that books need to be read, because as the proverb says: “He who reads a lot knows a lot.” Spend as much time reading as possible! Books are useful and necessary if you want to be an educated person, and not an imitation of one.

Essay on the topic Why you need to read books

As a child, I often asked myself the question: why do you need to read books? Why in the summer, instead of running and playing outside, do my parents force me to read? Every day I asked myself this question, but I never found an answer to it. But I've grown. And finally, I understood why I need to read books.

Some people think that books are just pieces of paper on which another stupid story is written. But in fact, books are culture neatly integrated into a fairy tale. Reading it, we sometimes don’t notice how much we learn and how our worldview changes. For example, thanks to Russian folk tales you can learn what good and evil are. With the help of legends and myths of Ancient Greece, you can learn such definitions as feat, courage and honor. Thanks to Dragunsky's stories, some will learn the true essence of friendship. And war stories make a person experience strong emotions. Books open our eyes to many things. With them we can live millions of lives, experience things we have never seen. For example, when reading the poem “Borodino” by Lermontov, images of Russian soldiers in greatcoats vividly appear before our eyes, although we have never seen them.

Books tell us many stories. Many people have long forgotten them. But books are remembered. And they tell us them again, putting everything in order.

Books also help shape one's worldview. Without doing bad things, we know that they are bad because we read them in a book. Classical literature instills in a person a taste for art, a love for what will always remain relevant. Books teach a person to think and answer the questions posed on his own. For example, the work The Fate of a Man makes you think about war, about courage and honor.

Some books show us all sides of human character and the life of the population of Rus'. For example, the work “Horse with a Pink Mane”. Or the poem "Dead Souls", in which the author ridicules human vices.

Thanks to books we learn to feel. We cry when our favorite character dies, we laugh at jokes, we get angry at villains. Moreover, not only classical literature influences a person, but also modern literature. Even books such as “Harry Potter”, “The Infernal Devices”, “The Lord of the Rings”, “The Mortal Instruments” teach us to act and think correctly. A world without books would cease to exist. This is evidenced by the work “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury. Without books, people would lose their worldview and stop thinking. So yes, you should read it.

To summarize, we can say that books should be read if only because they are interesting. You just need to find literature to suit your taste and immerse yourself in this world again and again.

6th grade. 7, 5, 8 grades.

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