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Vyborg pointing dog. English pointer dog breed: description and characteristics of a gun helper. Character, abilities, hunting skills

Pointing dogs belong to the group of hunting dogs that are used in the process of hunting birds. This group received its name because of the inherent quality of many of them to lie down in front of the game. This section presents various copping dog breeds with detailed descriptions and photographs.

The most common hunting dogs. Having discovered small game, for example, pheasant, they freeze in a stance. They search for and bring the shot prey to the owner. They have versatile qualities, work well on waterfowl, but can also find large animals using the blood trail. They bring multimillion-dollar benefits, since without their participation about a third of all shot game would be lost. The dogs are medium-sized, lean, slender, with large floppy ears. They have a lively but balanced character, excellent instincts and intelligence, and are receptive to learning.

A little history

This group originated from hunting dogs living in Western and Southern Europe. When a bird was found, the animal lay down in front of the prey. After this, the bird and the dog were covered with a special net. The pointing dog, using its scent, finds the bird, stops near it in a stance, after which, on command, it rushes at the prey and scares it away before being shot.

Basically, the animal brings prey that has already been shot. As a result of training and selection over time, the ability to freeze in a stance became fixed in this group of dogs. Here you will find various breeds of cop dogs with photos and names, descriptions and other useful information.

Generally, pointing dogs are of medium size, lean and strong in build. The head is wedge-shaped, the ears hang down, the fur and color can be different. All pointing dogs are divided into 2 groups:

  • island;
  • continental.

There are a large number of representatives of the continental group and many European countries have a number of their own breeds of cops. Numerous national breeds of pointing dogs are represented in Germany and France.


Mainly, pointing dogs are used to track and subsequently retrieve various game. Based on their profile, they are divided into:

  • breeds that work in water;
  • land-based breeds;
  • universal.

However, all breeds have similar qualities. All of them are not prone to displaying violent aggression. Mostly, representatives of this group are not very social with other animals, but they are strongly attached to their owner. There are breeds that work in pairs or in packs, but this requires special training.

These dogs show obvious passion in their work, they willingly search for game, having caught an animal, they stand up and present it to the owner. All breeds of pointing dogs are not inclined to protect territories, although this quality is purely individual. Dogs are able to move quickly, have high endurance, and the ability to navigate in space with lightning speed.

Animals can very quickly switch to another target and carry out any commands. Mentally, representatives of the group are balanced; they are not prone to getting excited. Puppies develop and mature morally at an average speed. This excludes the use of dogs in work before they pass special tests.

This section presents popular breeds of cops with detailed descriptions and photographs, after looking at which you can consider all the advantages of the appearance of these animals. Every hunting lover in this section will find a breed that will best suit the presented qualities.

What is the best breed of hunting dog? Every hunter will praise his own hunting dog. But the most important thing is that a hunting dog must have certain talents, such as a sensitive nose, a sharp eye and a keen ear. Of course, excellent endurance and absolute obedience play an important role.

What breed should you choose for hunting?

When choosing a breed of hunting dog, you should pay special attention to the working qualities and temperament characteristic of this particular breed.

All breeds of hunting dogs are very loyal to their owner, this property is genetically inherent in them.

If we consider each breed separately, then everything is much more complicated: each hunting dog has a different purpose.

For example, when hunting a badger, a burrowing dog is best suited, a husky is best for a wild boar and a bear, and a pointer is best for a bird.

It should be remembered that there is no breed of hunting dog that is suitable for all types of hunting.


The main task for a burrowing dog is to search for raccoon dogs or foxes. When a burrowing dog finds prey, it needs to drive the animal out of the hole under the hunter’s gun, or crush it on its own and carry the animal to the hunter. The personal qualities of a burrowing dog include: independence, fearlessness and incredible aggression towards the animal.

Wire Fox Terrier

This breed was introduced from the very beginning for hunting, which is why some instincts will show up at the most unnecessary moment. The Fox Terrier will chase birds and cats with great pleasure, so you only need to walk him with a leash. Foxes are temperamental, willful and very active. They need a good distribution of physical activity and a responsible approach to education.
The Fox Terrier is a hunting dog, but it will happily play with your child, but do not leave them alone and constantly monitor their play.
This breed has a highly developed defensive reaction; you should be careful when punishing the dog.
In general, the Wire Fox Terrier is a very loyal, responsible hunting assistant.

Smooth Fox Terrier

This breed differs from the Wirehaired only in that they have different coats. This breed is also very devoted to the family, behaves adequately with children, but in return requires care. They are very jealous creatures.
These very small dogs are also bullies and will not miss the opportunity to hit another dog on a walk.
If you raise your pet correctly, it will become an indispensable hunting assistant.
This breed is suitable only for those people who lead an active lifestyle. It is not suitable for a quiet lifestyle; the hunter's instincts are simply ineradicable.


The dachshund has three varieties: long-haired, wire-haired and smooth-haired.
This very small body combines completely incompatible qualities, like a pet - loving comfort, warmth, and a brave hunter who is ready to pursue his prey in the cold, completely oblivious to pain and fatigue.
The dachshund skillfully takes a fox out of a hole, as well as game from a pond. If you wish, you can train a dachshund to hunt by scent or teach you to hunt black grouse.
The main specialization of the dachshund is the fox, because the raccoon and badger can be very dangerous for it.

Coping dogs

Coping dogs are a group of hunting dog breeds bred to hunt birds with a gun. A distinctive feature of pointing dogs is their stance; this is the ability of a pointing dog to freeze in place in a characteristic pose in front of a bird it has scented.

Pointing dogs can be used when hunting field, waterfowl, swamp and upland birds. Pointers are generally very active dogs with good scent.

Island and continental cops

Breeds of pointing dogs are divided into island and continental pointers. Island Pointing Dogs is a group of breeds of pointing dogs bred in England, continental pointing dogs- these are all the other breeds of pointing dogs that were bred on the continent.

TO island pointing dogs include the Pointer, English Setter, Irish Setter, and Scottish Setter.

TO continental cops include dogs, and many others.


The Pointer is a short-haired pointing dog bred in England. In terms of its build, the Pointer is a very slender and even graceful dog. At home it is quite calm and phlegmatic, but when hunting it is full of passion and excitement of the hunt. In terms of speed, the Pointer is the standard for other pointing dogs; the same can be said about its breadth of search and range of scent.

English Setter

The English Setter is incomparable in its beauty and gracefulness to any other breed of hunting dog. Dogs of this breed are popular not only in England, but also far beyond its borders.

A special feature of the English Setter is its unusual speckled color. The main color of the English Setter's coat is white, with specks of a different color scattered throughout it. Thus, the color of the English Setter can be two-color or three-color.

The movements of the English Setter are compared to those of a cat. The English Setter, like other breeds of pointing dogs, requires long walks on which it can burn off its energy.

Irish Setter

A distinctive feature of the Irish Setter is its unusual color; its fur is the color of mahogany. Due to its color, this is one of the most beautiful pointing dogs. The Irish Setter differs from other pointing dogs in its passion for hunting, activity, and good scent. When hunting, this dog is very active and capable of developing high speed; it works well both in forests and fields, and in wetlands.

Scottish Setter

The Scottish Setter is a wonderful example of a dog that combines the qualities of a passionate hunter and an incredibly loyal friend.
It differs from other setters in its more phlegmatic and calm disposition. The Scottish Setter is well suited for hunting upland game due to its slower pace and not so wide shuttle.


Currently, perhaps the most popular breed of pointing dogs. The reasons for its popularity are its versatility and short coat.

Its versatility is that it can be used not only for bird hunting, but also for game hunting.

Short hair makes it easier to care for the dog and makes it convenient to keep it in an apartment.

This breed has strong innate instincts. very strong, extremely resilient, disciplined and smart.

A true hunter who cannot be hindered by bad weather, he devotes himself entirely to his favorite activity: hunting.


- a breed of pointing dogs bred in Germany. Like , it is a universal pointing dog, that is, it can be used not only for hunting game birds, but also for hunting animals and searching for wounded animals.

Thanks to its dense, hard coat, it is not at all afraid of the cold and does not freeze in icy water. This dog is an excellent swimmer. The hard coat makes it possible to climb in thickets of grass, sedge and weeds, where other pointing dogs would not even go.

In terms of its popularity among Russian hunters, it is comparable to, and perhaps even surpasses, it.


The Laika is a northern hunting dog. In addition, it is used for harness walking. This hunting dog breed is very friendly and has a sharp mind. Laikas are very independent and curious, they can run for a long time in the open air.


This kind of husky has always been valued for its endurance and incredibly calm disposition. And thanks to her excellent sense of smell, she instantly picks up the scent.
You can hunt for elk, wild boar, beaver, bird and bear. Hunting an animal is the meaning of life. Russian-European Laikas are very energetic and active. They have powerful muscles and are black and white in color.

West Siberian

This is the best hunting dog. It moves silently and is capable of driving out even a huge animal.
This husky will never yield to the pressure of another animal, even if this animal is much larger. Basically, this breed of dog is trained to hunt a specific type of game in order to increase hunting efficiency.


This husky is slightly smaller than its relatives. At the same time, this husky is extremely active and has an innate malice towards the animal.
This dog is used to hunt almost any animal. The task of this husky is to raise prey by barking and try to detain the game until the hunter arrives.
The Karelian-Finnish Laika has a very good character, she is playful, affectionate and truly loyal to the family in which she lives.


The main task of a hound during a hunt is to find the trail of prey and drive it to complete exhaustion, or drive it to a trained hunter.

Russian hound

The Russian hunting dog is incredibly balanced and indifferent towards other pets. This breed of hunting dog is incredibly hardy, and is able to chase game for days, then rest a little, and continue again.

Russian piebald hound

The Russian piebald has good innate instincts, thanks to which it can navigate well in the forest. The piebald has endurance and strength, which makes it possible to pursue prey for a long time and bring it to the hunter.
By the timbre of the dog's voice, the hunter can determine how the hunt is going. The hound has an excellent voice, so it easily “tells” events to its owner. This breed of hunting dog is mainly used for hunting large elk, wild boar or hare.


Greyhounds have keen eyesight, fast running and an athletic build, which allows them not only to drive game, but also to bring it back. When hunting with this breed of dog, firearms are not used.

Russian canine

The Russian canine is the best hunting dog of this subspecies. They are very tall, a little fragile in appearance, but very hardy and strong.

This breed of hunting dog can reach speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour. The Russian dog is always ready to fight, even if the animal is larger than it. The dog catches up with lightning speed, takes the game and brings it to its owner. If the game wants to hide, the hunter gives a sound signal, after which the dog immediately focuses on the animal, shortens the distance and makes a swift jump.

The owner must train the hunting dog. Training should begin from puppyhood. It is forbidden to pamper your pet, otherwise the animal will grow up to be wayward and uncontrollable.
In the end, we add that the best dog for hunting is a smart, loyal and graceful animal that requires special responsibility and care, great physical activity and specialized training.



An excellent gun dog that excels in hunting waterfowl, field and forest game.

The main purpose is hunting waterfowl: ducks and geese. A typical American waterfowl hunter: a self-loading rifle, blow decoys, stuffed animals and, of course, a retriever dog.

It is distinguished by its excellent retrieval ability, it loves water and is not afraid of the cold, so it is indispensable in spring and autumn duck hunting and goose hunting. In addition, retrieving downed game can be useful in the spring hunt for woodcock on draft.

Every year it is gaining more and more popularity among hunters in our country, both due to its working qualities and the possibility of comfortable keeping in a city apartment.

Since ancient times, people have felt the need for an assistant in hunting and in everyday life. Historically, the dog has become a faithful friend of people. Therefore, man constantly cultivated in his pets universal characteristics, fighting spirit and affectionate character. These are the qualities that the breeds of pointing dogs possess, a story about which with photographs and names we will present below.

A well-rounded breed that is suitable for catching game in meadows, swamps and fields. Can track waterfowl and upland game.

Distinctive features:

  • endurance;
  • unique intelligence;
  • persistence;
  • natural ability to command;
  • coarse wool that protects the body from cutting grasses, cold (the dog will never freeze in icy water) and thorns.

Did you know? Many geneticists and ethologists are inclined to believe that the immediate ancestors of all hunting breeds are wolves.

In addition to exceptional hunting traits, they have an interesting appearance: wavy black or gray hair, rounded drooping ears and half a meter in height.

A German pointer that captivates with its friendliness and excellent training potential.

Their devotion is simply limitless - they adore all family members and are kind to the kids. Such dogs can perfectly perform the role of a watchman, but in addition they react adequately to strangers and do not show unnecessary aggression.

Representatives of this breed excel during the rut in fields and plains where small game is found in abundance. They perfectly find a target for a hunter, while showing their unique sense of smell.
Shorthaired pointers sense prey both in the air and on the ground. After the victim is found, the dog takes a characteristic stance, which is a distinctive sign for the hunter. The breed is distinguished by a variety of color colors. There are light brown, black, sandy-yellow and shorthaired pointers with white markings.

Or, as it is also called, the Epagnole Breton is an active, hard-working breed whose representatives can work in any weather. Epagnoles are unsurpassed hunters of partridge, pheasant and wild duck. They listen to their owner unquestioningly and can pursue the victim for a long time.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their playful character, gracefulness and ease of upbringing (they are loyal, obedient and open).

Experienced hunters claim that this is the best dog in its category. Puppies show instincts at an early age. Pointers have an excellent sense of smell and can run for quite a long time in search of prey.

Puppies need to be raised from childhood, providing them with constant exercise. If such a dog lives in a home and is unable to release its energy, it may become uncontrollable. Pointers must spend a long time outdoors. In addition, they love to swim.

This friendly breed originated in Germany. Due to its small size and excellent endurance, it can chase birds and small animals. Moreover, he demonstrates his abilities well both in the fields and in the forests.

Genetically, these dogs are predisposed to kindness, devotion, restraint and obedience. Serves as an excellent companion in hunting and at home.

Important! Despite the fact that excitement and racing are in the blood of Langhaars, they need training.

This German Pointer is friendly and designed for hunting large game. It is possible to use it as a watchman or detective. They perform their direct duties perfectly in the forest and in open areas, they are easily carried away and can poison the victim for hours.

The Weimaraner is an exemplary, attentive and flexible student. This breed is not predisposed to aggression, easily becomes attached to people and needs regular training.

An affectionate, friendly and self-possessed dog with a well-developed natural instinct and feline grace. The ideal bird hunter.

He gets along freely with other pets and feels great in the company of people. He is quite loyal to children, so he becomes a real family friend.

This breed, which originated in England, is characterized by the following external characteristics:

  • smart look;
  • muscular torso;
  • drooping ears;
  • short, thick and shiny coat;
  • saber-shaped tail.

The main color of setters is white with black, brown or red splashes.

Did you know? Setters have long been respected. Their descriptions are found in the works of famous authors, and their images can often be found in paintings by great artists.

A large, muscular dog of an aristocratic appearance. It is a universal hunting dog - it works well both in the forest and in the meadows. Well suited for hunting on terrain and in extreme weather conditions.

He has a calm disposition and makes a wonderful friend. She shows friendliness to all family members. However, with her affectionate attitude, she shows constant vigilance towards strangers and ill-wishers.

If a Vizsla was raised with cats, it will tolerate all felines. Representatives of this breed are easy to train, but do not have an aggressive and persistent attitude.

Italian bracque

This breed is considered the ancestor of both the French Pointer and other European breeds. Brakk is an old-time pointing dog. It works great on any terrain, including water.

Although these dogs are not as agile as German shepherds, they are much more resilient. They have an excellent sense of smell, readily aport (without spoiling game with their teeth), and can follow a blood trail.

Brackas are friendly, so they are not effective as guards. They are very curious and try to explore everything and everyone. In a family, this breed will feel like an equal member and demand communication.

There are 2 types of Italian bracca:

Did you know? Initially, hounds were intended for baiting animals and helped in hunting back in the days when there were no firearms. Modern breeds successfully interact with the owner and actually drive the prey under the hunter's shots.

The second name of the breed is Perdiguero de Burgos. As the name suggests, these dogs originated in Spain. Burgosskaya can take a trail in any terrain. It will cope with its tasks perfectly both in thickets and on rocks. In addition, the weather is not a hindrance for such a dog.

Perdiguero de Burgos is used for catching birds and game. With proper training, dogs are capable of hunting on water. Like many cops, when a victim is detected, it takes a characteristic stance and can bring the victim in its teeth.

Important! Living in an apartment is possible for Burgosskaya, but only with proper care and a sufficient amount of physical activity.

Genetically, this breed is prone to calmness, self-control, and good nature. Cops are a special caste with exceptional qualities that they inherited. Some have more pronounced skills, while others were able to retrain as pets.

Among this variety, you can choose a friend, but you should clearly understand for what purpose the puppy is being selected. And after that everything will depend on the correctness of upbringing.

Pointing (otherwise known as kicking) dog breeds- These are hunting gun dogs that have been used since ancient times to catch birds (this was greatly accompanied by the breed’s ability to lie down in front of the game they find). Other representatives of pointing dogs simply stop in front of the game. In this article we will take a closer look at the main features of this breed (pointing dog), and also look in more detail at each of its representatives.

Hound dogs are natural hunters. Their method of catching game has remained unchanged for 15,000 years. At that time, hound dogs were mainly used for the purpose of hunting animals, and not feathered game, but since those ancient times, certain representatives of hounds, barely noticing the lair of an animal or a bird’s nest, instantly froze with their paw raised upward and their muzzle extended towards the place game habitats. Like a stretched string, the dog was waiting for the moment to make a successful throw.

This feature did not go unnoticed and taught ancient hunters to breed cops from such dogs, which were useful for hunting game birds and small animals. Thus, the formation of this group of hunting dogs occurred.

In European countries, pointing dog breeds have become one of the most beloved and widespread. They operate according to this principle - first they find it on their own or point out to the hunter the game lurking in the den, and at the owner’s sign they scare it away. After this, the pointing dog lies down on the ground and waits for the shot, then rushes after the game or animal and brings it back. During the hunt, the animal performs a whole series of pre-thought-out manipulations, some of which are innate, and the rest are acquired during the training process.

There are certain differences between different breeds of cops. So, for example, English cops, unlike European ones, who carry out all the actions independently, only find the place where the game is hidden, and when a shot rings out, they go to look for new prey, while the dog owner himself must chase the wounded game and catch it. Thanks to this, the British manage to achieve maximum rationality and efficiency in hunting.

Variety of breeds of pointing dogs

Today, hound dogs are used less and less in hunting; they are being successfully replaced by pointing dog breeds. It is for this reason that current dog handlers know about forty breeds of these representatives of the canine family.

In total, there are two main sections of pointing dog breeds, which in turn include certain subspecies that have certain differences from each other. Let's look at all of them in more detail.

Section 1. It presents continental pointing dog breeds

  1. Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla.
  2. Hungarian Shorthaired Vizsla.
  3. Drathaar (is a German wirehaired pointer).
  4. Pointer Poodle.
  5. Stichelhaar.
  6. (can be short-haired or long-haired).
  7. Danish pointing dog.
  8. Burgos pointing dog.
  9. Italian Braccus (can be white-orange or chestnut-roan).
  10. Ariezhsky brakk.
  11. Bourbon braque.
  12. Small Münsterländer (otherwise called the small Münsterländer pointer).
  13. Large Munsterlander (or small Munsterlander pointing dog).
  14. Langhaar (another name for the German Longhaired Pointer).
  15. Drentic partridge.
  16. Blue Picardy Spaniel.
  17. Breton Spaniel (may be white and orange or other colors).
  18. French Spaniel.
  19. Picardy Spaniel.
  20. Pont Odemer Spaniel.
  21. Griffon Korthals.
  22. Italian Spinone (can be white and orange or chestnut roan).
  23. Czech fousek.
  24. Slovakian Wirehaired Pointer.

Section 2. Represented by island cops

  1. English Setter.
  2. Scottish Setter (Gordon).
  3. Irish Red Setter.

These were all the cops known to date. If you decide to get yourself a hunting dog, we advise you to familiarize yourself in more detail with the peculiarities of its maintenance, as well as its character traits; this can be done with a dog handler (a person involved in dog breeding) who has all the necessary information on this issue.

Photo: Hunting dogs (pointing dogs)

The English Pointer is a smooth-haired hunting breed. In the home circle, the dog demonstrates calmness and friendliness, and in the wild he turns into a real robber with excellent scent and bloodhound skills.

The history of the breed begins in the 17th century, in Great Britain, where Bloodhounds, English Foxhounds and Greyhounds were crossed. Even then, dogs actively participated in hunting hares.

During the Civil War, Pointers ended up in America, where a kennel club was created specifically for the development of the breed. One of the managers of the institution brought a dog from England, with the help of which they began to develop the offspring.

The Kennel Club, which exists in America, officially recognized the breed at the end of the 19th century and classified it as a sporting variety.

The breed received worldwide recognition only a century later.

By the end of the 17th century, the standard was finally formed The Pointer dog breed, which to date has not undergone virtually any changes.

Exterior description

FCI Standard No. 1 dated October 28, 2009 “English Pointer”.
Group 7 “Coping dogs”.
Section 2 “British and Irish Pointers and Setters”.
The description of the English Pointer breed contains a standard height at the withers of 61-69 centimeters.

The Pointer became famous for his famous classic “stance”: freezes in front of the game, stretching out in one line from the nose to the tip of the tail, and thus points to the hidden bird. The description of the Pointer breed is very similar to its appearance.

In Pointer dogs the skull is of medium size proportional to the length of the muzzle. The occipital protrusion is clearly visible. The nose appears upturned due to the concave “back”. Dark nose, soft, moist wide nostrils.

Large eyes may be brown or light brown in color., which depends on the color of the coat. The dark rim of the eyelids is lighter in representatives with a snow-white lemon color. The head is located on an elongated neck with a lot of muscles.

The wide chest is combined with a short, arched lower back. Long oval paws are distinguished by closely spaced toes with elastic pads.

The English pointer moves with light movements, without prancing, with the help of which it is capable of covering tangible territories. The hind limbs help move with strong kicks.

Standard color Pointer dog breeds:

  • orange-white;
  • black and white;
  • lemon white;
  • liver-white.

Single color and tricolor are allowed.

Any deviation from the described standard is considered a defect, the severity of which affects the severity of the deficiency.

Disqualifying characteristics: cowardice or aggressiveness.

Character, abilities, hunting skills

This is a friendly dog wonderful dog for the family, who gets along with everyone in the house and loves children.

English Pointers have a close bond with their owner and are difficult to tolerate loneliness. The Pointer is good-natured towards strangers, so they are not used as dogs.

They have high intelligence and unique thinking. As a result, the pointer can behave defiantly towards the owner, who should take a leading position.

The English Pointer dog is very active and energetic, and gets great pleasure from hunting. That's why they should not be locked indoors for a long time.

The Pointer dog breed has an interesting ability that manifests itself during hunting: the pointer stretches out and raises his limb to show the owner where the target is.

If the owner does not hunt, then other activities should be found that can satisfy the need to search and overcome long distances.

An animal that does not have the opportunity to indulge its hunting instinct exhibits destructive behavior, expressed in damage to property and restless barking.

Puppies must pass. It is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing, so they are often distracted during classes.

You should not let a pointer off a leash in an unfamiliar place if the owner is not sure that there is no danger.

The dog can easily chase the chosen target and end up under a car.

Conditions of detention

The English Pointer is considered an unpretentious pet, the care of which requires minimal attention. Much more time for the owner you will need to go for walks with your pet and organize interesting activities, which will help the dog satisfy its hunting needs.

The ideal place to keep a pointer is a private house with a large yard, on which you can run to your heart's content. If the animal is kept in apartment conditions, it needs long-term nurturing walking for at least three hours and serious physical activity.

The English Pointer is fed natural, balanced food prepared especially for the dog. The natural diet consists of the following products:

  • meat;
  • offal;
  • porridge (wheat, buckwheat, rice);
  • fermented milk products;
  • vegetables;

Natural feeding requires additional intake of vitamins. Before purchasing a puppy, you must carefully study the rules of feeding your dog.

A pointer should not be fed “from the table”!

How long does an English Pointer live? With proper care, it will please the owner for about thirteen years.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • high intelligence, obedience, friendliness;
  • hunting skills - excellent gun dog;
  • outer beauty;
  • acute sense of smell;
  • endurance, activity.

The pointer hunting dog also has its own flaws:

  • difficult to maintain in a city apartment;
  • needs long walks;
  • cannot be left alone for a long time.

Puppy cost, kennels

An English Pointer puppy is purchased from trusted nurseries. The price of a purebred purebred pet varies from four hundred to six hundred dollars.

There are three known nurseries in Moscow: “Born Hunter”, “Kamhunting”, “Hunter For Dream”.

Before purchasing, you need to check all the documents of the nursery and carefully ask the breeder about all the nuances. A truly purebred puppy cannot be cheap, so be wary if the price seems too low.

Scammers who pass off mongrels as purebred puppies are thriving in the country.

The English Pointer is suitable for active people, athletes and hunters. It is these owners who can provide the pet with satisfaction of its basic instincts. Those who are rarely at home and are very busy with work are not recommended to have such a breed.

Additionally, watch a short video about the English Pointer breed: