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Female ovaries symptoms of the disease. How to treat inflammation of the ovaries (right and left) in women: medications, signs and symptoms. Increased body temperature

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the domestic kingdom

I didn’t know what adnexitis was for many years, until one day, a sharp nagging pain literally put me to bed in broad daylight. I knew how to treat ovarian inflammation in women from books on traditional medicine - I repeatedly recommended recipes to friends and acquaintances, but I never imagined that I would have to use them myself. However, who even thinks about this?

The disease overtook me in the winter cold, when the thermometer showed minus 25°C, and traveling to work on public transport was real torture: the minibuses were bitterly cold. After traveling in such conditions for several days, I learned with horror what kind of torment it is - inflammation of the ovaries in women, the treatment of which must be started immediately (otherwise the disease may become chronic).

From the available arsenal of methods for treating inflammation of the appendages, I chose the simplest and most effective one - it cured several female employees, one even from advanced adnexitis, which had been haunting her for years. In addition to this recipe, I also publish a number of others, tested repeatedly on many people.

How to treat ovarian inflammation in women: quick home methods

First of all, I will describe the recipe that cured myself, and then the other methods. After all, each person’s body is individual, and what helps one will not necessarily be effective for another. Try, if there are no results, use another method. One of them will definitely help.

Effective ointment - a proven recipe for the treatment of adnexitis in women

For medicinal ointment you should take:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pharmaceutical glycerin
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of ichthyol ointment
  • 1 teaspoon iodine
  • 1 teaspoon of camphor oil. Total of four ingredients.

Mix all components until smooth, make a gauze swab and insert it as deep as possible. Do this until the slightest signs of inflammation completely disappear.

I needed 3 treatments to relieve the pain, but I continued treatment for at least a week. The ointment warms up the painful area well and relieves pain perfectly. In case of advanced inflammation, treatment should be carried out for 2-3 weeks, and the course should be continued during exacerbation of the disease.

Salt bath

Much has been said about the healing properties of ordinary rock salt, but I never cease to be amazed at its wide spectrum of action. Salt treats sinusitis, mastitis, urological diseases, dislocations, bruises, abscesses, bronchopulmonary diseases and inflammatory processes.

Salt mines

A salt bath is one of the quick ways to relieve pain before the main procedures. My grandmother told me about it: according to her, in the villages this was the only way women could escape after hard work in the fields.

So, you need to fill a basin, bathtub or large bowl with hot water, dilute salt in it (10 liters - a third of a pack), and sit in the saline solution for at least 15 minutes. Naturally, the room should be warm and draft-free. Then quickly dry yourself, put on dry underwear and immediately go to bed. Do this every evening until complete healing (until the pain disappears). This method is best used in combination with other methods of treating ovarian inflammation.

White acacia is the best healer of female ailments

There is nothing better than treating ovarian inflammation in women with acacia decoction. This method helps cure the most stubborn adnexitis and has a number of other advantages: it treats the genitourinary system, cervical erosion and many other diseases.

I want to tell all the ladies: if you have problems with the female part, drink acacia and douche with its decoction. This is a very effective remedy! Tested on myself and many women. Personally, with the help of acacia tea, I cured chronic inflammation of the bladder, but my neighbor cured inflammation of the appendages.


The infusion is very simple to make: pour a teaspoon of dried white acacia flowers into a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for at least 20 minutes. You need to drink this tea at least 4 times a day. The drink turns out very tasty - with a pleasant sourness and aroma. Can be consumed with honey.


Per liter of boiling water 1 tbsp. spoon of dry raw materials, boil for 5 minutes, leave until warm. Douche every evening and in the morning. Course – 2-3 weeks. It is advisable to combine it with acacia infusion.

Recipe for treating inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis) and adnexitis in women

Grind the anise seeds into powder in a coffee grinder (you should get about 100 g) and mix with 0.5 liters of liquid honey. Should be consumed 3 times a day before meals. You can drink it with water.

How to treat ovarian inflammation in women with steam baths

There is another way, at home. To do this, you need to prepare a clean basin and an old warm blanket or rug. Prepare a decoction of various herbs (chamomile, yarrow, rue, wormwood, etc.), pour it hot into a basin and stand over it, legs apart and covered with a blanket. You need to steam exclusively at night, and then immediately go to bed. In total, do at least 5 procedures. By the way, the site has a detailed article about its use for infants, for children and adults in the treatment of a variety of diseases.

Treatment with tincture of elecampane roots

No wonder it has such an eloquent name. I respect this medicinal herb, or rather its roots, very much, as it cures many, many diseases. So she can handle inflammation of the ovaries. The tincture is very simple to make (you can’t buy it at the pharmacy):

Pour vodka or moonshine into the dry roots in a 1:2 ratio. For example, for a glass of roots you need two glasses of “combustible mixture”)). Leave in a dark place for two weeks. It would be a good idea to shake it occasionally during this period for better penetration of the liquid into the plant tissue.

Adnexitis in women is treated as follows: soak a gauze swab with elecampane tincture, moisten the top with a mixture of aloe juice and honey and leave it overnight for at least 14 days.


There are many more different ways to treat inflammation of the appendages in women, but I wrote only those with which I was treated myself and my friends were cured. Perhaps I will decide to write those recipes that are in my piggy bank, but have not been tested by anyone around me. Let's see.

In the meantime, relax)). Let great music set you in a positive mood - everything will be fine with us))

With wishes of health, Irina Lirnetskaya

Inflammatory processes that occur in the female genital organs are dangerous because they can quickly spread throughout the entire system, causing serious changes in the structure of tissues, disrupting the natural state of the uterus and appendages. In women, inflammation of the uterus and ovaries is often the cause of ectopic pregnancy, infertility and other complications. Early diagnosis and treatment of such pathologies can prevent the disease from becoming chronic. If unusual discharge or pain in the lower abdomen appears, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis as early as possible.

The ovaries are endocrine glands that produce female sex hormones, estrogens and progesterone. Hormonal imbalance can cause breast tumors, disruption of the cycle and nature of menstruation, and the onset of early menopause. The consequences of hormonal disorders are serious diseases of the uterus.

Inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) disrupts the functioning of the entire reproductive system. The process can affect only one organ (unilateral inflammation) or spread to both (bilateral). Often this disease is accompanied by inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis). In this case, adnexitis occurs, simultaneous inflammation of the ovaries and tubes. At the first stage, the inflammatory process occurs only in the mucous membrane, but then spreads to the tissue.

Causes and types of ovarian inflammation

The cause of inflammation of the ovaries is infection. Depending on the nature of the infection that causes the disease, two types of oophoritis are distinguished: nonspecific and specific.

Non-specific. The causative agents of infection are opportunistic microbes. They are always present in the human body and are activated when the immune system is weakened, hypothermia, or stress. Such microbes are staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, and Candida fungi.

Specific. Inflammation is caused by sexually transmitted infections (syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea), as well as tuberculosis pathogens.

Inflammation of the ovaries can occur as a result of the following processes:

  • penetration of infection from the external genitalia through the cervix, uterine cavity and fallopian tubes;
  • infection from the intestines and urinary organs due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • spread of infection to the ovaries due to intestinal inflammation or appendicitis;
  • infection during abortion, installation of an intrauterine device, surgery on the pelvic organs;
  • transmission of infection through blood or lymph from other organs susceptible to inflammation (for example, with sore throat).

Addition: The occurrence of oophoritis is facilitated by factors such as weakened immunity, hypothermia, uncontrolled use of certain medications, overwork, stress, and lack of nutrition.

Video: Causes and prevention of ovarian inflammation

Forms and symptoms of the disease

Inflammation of the ovaries in women can exist in acute, subacute and chronic forms. In this case, the symptoms are similar, but expressed to varying degrees.

Acute inflammation. It has pronounced signs that usually force a woman to urgently consult a doctor.

Subacute inflammation. This form occurs in patients with tuberculosis. The signs of the disease are the same as in the acute form, but they are more difficult to recognize, since they are masked by the symptoms of the underlying disease.

Chronic inflammation. If a woman does not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the treatment is not completed, the disease can become chronic, in which the symptoms are smoothed out. There are periods of temporary improvement, followed by exacerbation of the disease.

Symptoms of the acute form of the disease

Signs of acute inflammation are:

  1. Severe pain in the lower abdomen, on one side or both. The pain is felt not only in the ovarian area, but also spreads to the groin area. Aching pain appears in the sacrum and lower back. Painful sensations intensify before menstruation, as well as during hypothermia.
  2. Increased body temperature, chills. It is not possible to bring down the temperature using conventional antipyretics. There are temperature fluctuations.
  3. Headache, aches in joints and muscles.
  4. Frequent and painful urination.
  5. Copious discharge from the genitals. They can be transparent, white, yellow, brown, green, or mixed with blood or pus.
  6. Presence of bleeding between periods.
  7. Menstrual irregularities.
  8. Digestive disorder.
  9. Painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  10. Insomnia, irritability, fatigue.

Palpation of the ovaries is difficult due to their swelling and pain.

Features of the chronic form of inflammation

If inflammation becomes chronic, it periodically worsens. Usually the cause is colds or infectious diseases, physical or mental stress, digestive disorders, and diseases of the genitourinary system. If a woman smokes or drinks alcohol frequently, the risk of exacerbations increases.

In some cases, relapses of the disease do not occur; the woman is only worried about discharge and irregular menstruation. This course of ovarian inflammation is typical, for example, with gonorrhea. However, gradually thickening of the walls of the fallopian tubes occurs, and the formation of adhesions in the ovaries.

With a unilateral process, the pain is localized at the site of inflammation. If it occurs on the right side, then the symptoms of oophoritis may be confused with the symptoms of appendicitis. A thorough diagnosis of the disease is required.

Often inflammation that occurs on one side spreads to the second ovary. In women suffering from chronic inflammation of the ovaries, a common symptom is the presence of constant scanty discharge (leucorrhoea). Typically, patients consult a doctor for examination and treatment if pregnancy does not occur.

Consequences of ovarian inflammation

The greatest danger is represented by bilateral chronic inflammation of the ovaries. Its symptoms are not as pronounced as in the acute form. The woman periodically feels healthy, but the treatment is not completed. As a result, ovarian dysfunction (impaired hormone production) may occur. This condition is characterized by a woman’s inability to ovulate and become unable to conceive. In this case, there is an irregular onset of menstruation, fluctuations in their intensity and duration.

Ovarian dysfunction and hormonal disorders can cause diseases of the mammary glands, as well as pathological changes in the tissues of the uterus, including the occurrence of malignant tumors. Inflammation causes complications such as obstruction of the fallopian tubes, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and intestines.

Diagnosis of oophoritis

It is not always possible to establish the presence of oophoritis only on the basis of symptoms, since a similar picture is observed in diseases such as appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, peritonitis, tumor diseases of the uterus and ovaries. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to know about the presence and methods of treatment of previous diseases, the nature and time of occurrence of ailments, the presence of complications in a woman during childbirth, abortions, and intrauterine procedures. The localization of pain, the nature of the discharge, and the existence of other signs of inflammation are clarified.

During a gynecological examination the presence of swelling and tenderness of the ovaries, changes in the mobility of the appendages are revealed.

Lab tests blood, urine and vaginal smears can determine the presence of an inflammatory process by the increased content of leukocytes.

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is done to clarify the nature of the disease.

Bacteriological analysis smear Allows you to determine the type of opportunistic microorganisms and their sensitivity to various antibiotics.

ELISA(enzyme immunoassay) - determining the type of infection by the presence of corresponding antibodies in the blood. The method allows you to roughly assess the nature of the infection. Used to detect chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis and other hidden infections.

PCR(polymerase chain reaction) is a method that allows you to determine with 100% accuracy the type of viruses that caused inflammation by their DNA (including detecting human papillomavirus, herpes, the causative agent of tuberculosis, chlamydia and others).

Hysterosalpingoscopy. The method is used to detect structural changes resulting from inflammation. The organs are filled with a special liquid, and then, using ultrasound, they monitor its progress through the pipes and determine their patency.

Laparoscopy. Allows you to examine the uterus, tubes, ovaries. The most effective diagnostic method. An optical device with a camera is inserted through a small hole in the abdominal wall.

Treatment of oophoritis

The treatment method depends on the form of the disease and the type of infection that causes it.

In the acute form, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. The woman must remain on bed rest. Cold compresses are applied to the lower abdomen. Antibacterial, painkillers, antipyretics, and restorative drugs are used. Antibiotics for treatment are selected depending on the sensitivity of the infectious agent.

In the subacute form of the disease, quartz irradiation of the area of ​​inflammation is used. For chronic inflammation, drug treatment is used, as well as physiotherapy and medicinal baths.

The following methods are used:

  1. Hirudotherapy- treatment with leeches to remove adhesions, relieve swelling and inflammation.
  2. Electrophoresis- administration of drugs through the skin using a weak direct electric current.
  3. Gynecological massage. Allows you to eliminate adhesions, increase the tone of the uterus, and restore its normal location.
  4. Magnetotherapy– treatment with a low frequency magnetic field. Has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.
  5. Laser therapy, IR, UV irradiation- optical methods for eliminating microorganisms.

Note: If inflammation of the ovaries occurs as a result of a sexually transmitted infection, then both sexual partners should be treated simultaneously. Sexual contact should be avoided at this time.

When treating advanced chronic diseases, one has to deal with the presence of complications requiring surgical intervention.

Video: Complications of ovarian inflammation

To prevent oophoritis, it is necessary to promptly treat any inflammatory processes in the body, strengthen the immune system, lead a healthy lifestyle, use condoms, and undergo regular gynecological examinations.

Women's ovaries are located symmetrically on either side of the lower abdomen. It is in the area where they are located that pain symptoms occur during inflammation of the ovaries in women. These glands have the same structure and functions; the volume of one organ can reach 12 ml. The right ovary is usually slightly larger than the left, and this is considered normal, because he is more active.

The ovaries contain many follicles that alternately mature in each menstrual cycle. The follicle fully matures in the last days before the ovulatory phase, and the ovulation process itself is characterized by the release of an egg from the ruptured follicle. If the menstrual cycle is disrupted, the follicles do not burst, which entails the inability to get pregnant. As a result of a prolonged course of this process, inflammation of the ovaries may develop.

Another function of the ovaries is hormonal. They produce progesterone, estrogens and androgens. Progesterone has a significant effect on the development of pregnancy and the formation of lactation, supporting the proper course of these processes by participating in the formation of the fetus, stimulating the onset of lactation and the manifestation of maternal instinct. Estrogens and androgens control the functioning of the genital organs, their development in adolescence and earlier periods, and are also responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics and sexual behavior.

Fact! Androgens are male hormones that are also necessary for the female body. In the male body their number is tens of times higher.

Causes of ovarian inflammation

Inflammatory diseases of the ovaries are a fairly common pathology, the causes of which can be many. Inflammation can affect only the ovaries - oophoritis, or also the appendages - adnexitis. Oophoritis is less common than adnexitis - this is explained by the fact that inflammation usually begins in the uterus or its tubes, after which it spreads to the ovaries.

Main reasons:

  • infectious diseases of various origins;
  • genital injuries;
  • use of an IUD (intrauterine device);
  • inflammation of neighboring organs;
  • tumor-like formations, etc.

Sexual infections

One of the most common causes of inflammation. Maintaining personal hygiene, using a condom during sexual intercourse, and having only one partner helps reduce the risk of ovarian inflammation due to infection.

Fact! Many women can be carriers of infectious diseases that manifest themselves only during periods of decreased immunity.

List of possible pathogens of sexually transmitted infections:

  • gonococci - contribute to the development of gonorrhea. The defeat occurs gradually, the inflammatory process from the vagina passes to the uterus, and from it through the fallopian tubes to the ovaries;
  • Chlamydia is the causative agent of chlamydia, which is asymptomatic at first. Oophoritis is a complication of chlamydia, which can be detected in the early stages through regular medical examinations;
  • mycoplasma - causes mycoplasmosis, which occurs without visible symptoms and progresses with a decrease in immunity. Sometimes it can be transmitted through household contact;
  • Trichomonas - cause trichomoniasis, which is rarely detected in the early stages of infection. Rarely spreads to the ovaries, but causes inflammation as a result of damage to the uterus and fallopian tubes.

Most infections of this nature initially spread to the external genitalia, after which they affect the genitourinary system in an ascending manner. The normal state of the vaginal microflora significantly reduces the risk of their spread. Frequent douching, which “washes out” all beneficial bacteria, taking antibiotic drugs, prolonged stress, hormonal imbalances and poor personal hygiene increase the risk of infection.

A large amount of mucus on the cervix protects the uterine cavity well from infection. The chances of infection increase with changes in the structure of mucus that occur after abortion, insertion of an intrauterine device, childbirth and surgical interventions.

Important! Long-term infection with sexually transmitted infections is fraught with the appearance of purulent foci on the uterus and its appendages, leading to a deterioration in health and the development of new complications.

Viral infections

There are few viruses that cause inflammation of the ovaries, but their infection is not considered uncommon. The most dangerous virus in this regard is the genital herpes virus, which penetrates the body not only through sexual contact, but also through affected areas of the skin. The disease is characterized by acute symptoms caused by the appearance of foci of necrosis on the mucosa. In this case, you need to contact an experienced specialist who knows how to treat inflammation of the ovaries due to a viral infection with minimal risk of relapse.

Cytomegalovirus is much less common than herpesvirus and is less dangerous. It appears only periodically, usually causing inflammation in combination with some other infections. With such inflammation of the ovaries, you need to take anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory medications. The doctor prescribes treatment.


Pulmonary tuberculosis is the most common, but this infection can also affect other organs. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, less commonly through household contact. Distributed throughout the body through blood vessels.

Fact! Mycobacterium tuberculosis can enter a woman’s body through the reproductive system only in the presence of microtraumas to the mucous membrane, since the vaginal microflora is detrimental to them.

Tuberculosis affects many organs without symptoms and is a consequence of the underlying disease. Its long-term course has a destructive effect on organs, which often cannot be restored. With tuberculosis, the need for treatment of ovarian inflammation in women arises as a side effect of the disease. Treatment of tuberculous adnexitis or oophoritis is carried out as symptomatic therapy along with treatment of the underlying disease.

Inflammation of adjacent organs

Inflammation of the following organs contributes to the development of ovarian inflammation:

  • appendix - its inflammation develops rapidly and manifests itself quite acutely, affecting some neighboring organs;
  • large intestine - colitis, ulcers and other inflammatory processes often affect other organs through the intestinal wall due to slow blood flow;
  • peritoneum - in this case the connection is two-way: inflammation of the peritoneum can spread to the ovaries, and vice versa;
  • bladder - cystitis can develop in connection with a general lesion of the genitourinary system, and if it develops independently, it can infect the genitals.

Important! Inflammation of two neighboring organs often leads to the formation of adhesions, disrupting the activity of the affected organs. In this case, you need to contact a specialist who knows how to treat inflammation of the ovaries when adhesions occur.


There are chronic and acute forms of the disease.

Symptoms of acute inflammation of the ovaries:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region; pain can be localized on the left, right or both sides;
  • pain in the bladder area, constant urge to urinate, during which cutting pain is observed;
  • vaginal discharge of unusual color, consistency, and may have an unpleasant odor;
  • high temperature, fever, chills, weakness;
  • severe pain during sexual intercourse;
  • bleeding or bloody discharge between periods.

If acute symptoms of oophoritis occur, urgent hospitalization is necessary, followed by treatment under the supervision of a physician. Lack of treatment or its incompleteness can lead to the development of a chronic form of the disease.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation of the ovaries in women:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by ARVI;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • unhealthy vaginal discharge;
  • low libido;
  • suspicion of infertility.

Fact! The chronic form of the disease can develop independently, without a previous acute illness, when affected by infections or viruses.

Signs of inflammation of the ovaries and appendages in general:

  • cramping or aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • slight but prolonged increase in body temperature;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • pain during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of oophoritis or adnexitis may include periodic intermenstrual bleeding. Usually this means the development of hormonal disorders as a result of a long course of the disease. In addition, the menstrual flow itself may be unusually scanty or, conversely, heavy, and may also occur irregularly.


Diagnostics includes:

  • collecting anamnesis (previous diseases, presence of childbirth and abortion, existing symptoms);
  • gynecological examination;
  • gynecological ultrasound and ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • smear for infections;
  • blood and urine tests for leukocytes, a high level of which indicates ongoing inflammation;
  • laparoscopy (used only in cases of long-term absence of pregnancy, chronic pain, the presence of adhesions and tumors).

Important! It is recommended to undergo a gynecological examination, ultrasound and a smear for flora once every six months, even in the absence of complaints.


Treatment of oophoritis, like adnexitis, is carried out comprehensively. In the acute course of the disease, medications are prescribed to relieve pain syndromes and reduce body temperature to alleviate general well-being.

In the presence of an infectious lesion, broad-spectrum antibiotic drugs are prescribed, used in the form of injections or tablets.

In case of viral infection, antiviral drugs are prescribed. The latter, like antibiotics used for inflammation of the ovaries, must be used in combination with drugs that restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines. To increase the body's immune strength, patients are recommended to take immunostimulating agents and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Traditional medicine is often used as an additional way to treat ovarian inflammation and relieve symptoms. Douching and herbal sitz baths are considered the most effective. For this, decoctions of plants such as chamomile, calendula, yarrow and cinquefoil are used. The solution for such procedures should not be too strong and have a temperature of about 36 degrees, this is especially important for douching.

Important! Douching for the treatment of ovarian inflammation should not be carried out too often and for a long time, otherwise this will lead to the washing out of beneficial bacteria and a decrease in local immunity.

You can take herbal decoctions orally. To do this, you need to consult a doctor who will advise you on what to drink if you have inflammation of the ovaries. You cannot choose herbs yourself, because... some of them have strong hormonal effects.


Every woman must take care of her own health, this is especially important for young women. In order for the pregnancy to pass without complications and the child to be born healthy, it is necessary to regularly see a doctor and treat possible diseases at their initial stage.

Users often ask how ovarian inflammation occurs in men. Men do not have such an organ; their testicles are an analogue of the ovaries; their inflammation is called orchitis.

Inflammation of the left ovary is a common disease of the female genital area. Every woman of reproductive age has encountered it at least once in her life. ranks first among other inflammatory diseases and requires complex treatment, since in its advanced form it is fraught with infertility and other unpleasant consequences.

There are many causes of inflammation of the left ovary (left-sided oophoritis), but they are all associated with infection by pathogenic microorganisms. The most common routes of infection are the following:

  1. Sexually transmitted infections. Unprotected sexual intercourse can transmit both sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, donovanosis, etc.) and conditionally venereal diseases (chlamydia, ureplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, etc.). In addition to the specific symptoms inherent in these diseases, the ovaries and/or appendages are almost always inflamed.
  2. Household infection, which can cause oophoritis, is less common than sexual infection. It can occur in shared spaces - saunas, steam baths, swimming pools, public showers, and also when using someone else's towel. In this case, various viruses, bacteria and fungi can be transmitted, which do not cause sexually transmitted diseases, but accompany the occurrence.
  3. Surgical interventions, including abortions, in which there is a risk of infection. Therefore, in order to avoid this kind of complications, a course of antibiotics is mandatory.
  4. Diseases of related organs and systems. Most often, inflammation of the ovaries in this case occurs when an infection is transmitted from the urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis), less often - during intestinal infections.
  5. Hormonal imbalances can lead to the appearance of or on the ovary. These processes can trigger inflammation.
  6. A decrease in immunity leads to the fact that opportunistic microflora living in the body begins to actively multiply. The immune cells that held it back can no longer cope with their task, so an inflammatory process develops. A decrease in the body's immune forces in almost all cases causes an exacerbation of chronic left-sided oophoritis, if there is a history of one.
  7. Mechanical damage to the mucous membranes of the uterine vagina, which can occur, for example, when installing or removing the uterine device.
  8. Hypothermia contributes to a decrease in immunity, so the chronic inflammatory process worsens, or an acute one occurs.
  9. Prolonged stress is also a catalyst for decreased immunity.
  10. Infection can also occur during childbirth, since the genital tract is very vulnerable during this period, and the woman’s immunity is reduced.
  11. Neglect of personal hygiene rules.
  12. Miscarriage can also lead to oophoritis, since surgery is required and there is a high risk of pathogens.

Doctors cannot accurately determine why left-sided oophoritis occurs. Statistics show that right-sided inflammation of the ovary occurs more often, since it is in this place that large blood vessels and arteries pass, and the appendix is ​​located nearby. But in most cases, the occurrence of unilateral inflammation is determined randomly, so it is impossible to predict which side of the ovary will become inflamed when an infection occurs.

Symptoms and forms of the disease

The symptoms of left-sided oophoritis vary depending on the form of the disease. There are 3 forms: acute, chronic and subacute.



Acute Subacute Chronic
Intensity and nature of pain Severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left, can radiate to the lumbar region, thigh, leg The pain is severe or moderate, also radiating to the hip and/or leg Moderate nagging pain during exacerbation, as well as discomfort in the pelvic area during periods of remission
Presence of discharge Present, color and odor may vary depending on what pathogen is causing the inflammation Similar to acute form Present only during periods of exacerbation, usually milky white (sometimes yellowish) in color, usually odorless
Body temperature Rise to high levels (up to 38 degrees) A high temperature may rise, but more often there is a low-grade fever (up to 37.5) Happens extremely rarely, even during periods of exacerbation
Menstrual cycle changes It occurs in almost all cases, but disappears within 1-2 cycles. Your periods may be heavier and more painful Similar to acute form Menstrual irregularities are common, periods are painful, especially during exacerbations
Pain during sexual intercourse Present Present Present
Signs from the nervous system Symptoms of general intoxication of the body, headaches, weakness Weakness and fatigue caused by infection There is no general intoxication, but under the influence of chronic pelvic pain a woman may experience increased irritability, fatigue, anxiety, and decreased libido
Gastrointestinal symptoms Nausea, vomiting, stool disorders occur None None

How to determine inflammation of the ovary on the left side

Diagnosis of the disease should be carried out already at the initial manifestations of the inflammatory process, when the first symptoms appear. Timely detection of oophoritis prevents its transition to oophoritis, and in the early stages it is cured faster and easier. Diagnostic measures are carried out in several stages:

  1. Anamnesis collection. The gynecologist finds out what symptoms are present, as well as whether there have been operations, pregnancies, abortions, or whether there are chronic diseases of the genital area.
  2. Examination in a gynecological chair is carried out by palpation. An experienced doctor is already at this stage able to determine the presence of inflammation in the left ovary (since it is enlarged, and the woman will feel pain when pressed), but for a correct diagnosis it is necessary to conduct a series of laboratory tests.
  3. Flora studies, smears, which determine the types of pathogens in order to select the right antibacterial drugs.
  4. Blood tests to exclude/confirm the presence of a sexually transmitted disease.
  5. pelvic organs, which will show the presence of an inflammatory process, whether there are cysts or other pathologies.
  6. Laparoscopy (for chronic oophoritis and suspected adhesions).

Treatment methods

Acute and subacute forms of left-sided inflammation of the appendages are treated in the same way; there are slight differences only in chronic oophoritis. Treatment of any form is based on an integrated approach and should include the following areas.

Medication methods

  1. Antibiotics are mandatory when treating inflammation of the left ovary, since for recovery the infection must be “killed.” Certain drugs are selected taking into account the type of pathogen; often not one antibiotic is prescribed, but several. Antibacterial treatment includes both oral administration of medication in the form of tablets and elimination of the infectious focus at the local level - using vaginal suppositories. The combination of these forms of medications gives the fastest and most effective results, and allows you to achieve improvement in the shortest possible time.

If left-sided inflammation occurs during pregnancy or lactation, antibiotics are either not used at all, or those that can cause minimal harm to the mother and child are selected.

Unconventional methods of treatment

Sanatorium-resort treatment has a positive effect on eliminating the pathological focus of inflammation and improves the quality of life. It should be carried out only during periods of remission after consultation with the attending physician, since there are a number of contraindications (for example, in the presence of cervical erosion).

Spa treatment may include acupuncture, various therapeutic baths with anti-inflammatory compounds, physiotherapeutic effects, as well as balneotherapy (treatment with sea salt and water).

Folk remedies

They are used along with drug treatment to speed up recovery:

  1. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from plants that have weak antibacterial properties, as well as anti-inflammatory effects. This could be chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, nettle, hogweed, yarrow and others. You can choose one component or mix and prepare a decoction. Take as regular tea, diluted with water, or as a concentrate, one tablespoon at a time. The duration of treatment depends on the chosen plant, but it should not be less than 2 weeks and more than 1.5 months.
  2. Douching is carried out at night using the indicated herbs. The solution should not be too concentrated so as not to burn the mucous membranes, and also not too hot or cold. You should not get carried away with douching, as they can wash away the beneficial microflora of the vagina. A one-week course will be enough.

Treatment of inflammation of the left ovary with folk remedies has its own characteristics. So, they are not used independently, but only in conjunction with drug treatment. Also, before using this or that product, you should consult your doctor, as they have a number of contraindications, and some of them are allergenic. There are also herbs that are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Ovarian inflammation and pregnancy

Infection of the left appendage often causes negative consequences for the body. One of them is problems with conception.

A single acute case is unlikely to have a negative impact on fertility, but a chronic form with frequent relapses carries a high risk of infertility. This is due to the fact that with prolonged inflammation, an adhesive process develops.

Adhesions are muscle fibers that appear in the pelvis as a reaction to inflammation. They make the fallopian tubes impassable for a fertilized egg, so there is a high risk of ectopic tubal pregnancy.

To prevent and eliminate existing adhesions, the drug Longidaza (available in the form of rectal suppositories) is used, and if it is ineffective in a particular case with extensive development of pathology, it is used to cut adhesions and restore tubal patency.

Chronic inflammation of the ovaries increases the risk of problems with conception, and if it does occur, with bearing a child. However, left-sided oophoritis is not as dangerous as it is, provided the right ovary is functioning normally. Therefore, the chances of successful conception are still high.

Disease prevention

The list of certain preventive measures for oophoritis on the left side is as follows:

  1. Protected sexual intercourse will reduce the risk of infection. Even if a woman has a permanent partner and is confident in him, it is better to use barrier methods of contraception (condom). The exception is planning pregnancy.
  2. Avoid hypothermia, which reduces immunity and provokes exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease.
  3. Try to avoid severe stress and nervous tension, which has a direct impact on the body’s immune defense. At the first signs of stress, you should take mild sedatives of herbal origin.
  4. Raise immunity during periods of seasonal epidemics, as well as during the cold season.
  5. Promptly treat concomitant diseases that may cause inflammation in the ovaries.
  6. Maintain good hygiene by showering and changing towels regularly.
  7. Visit public places with caution.
  8. Visit a gynecologist regularly (1-2 times a year) for a preventive examination.

The inflammatory process in the left ovary is a rather dangerous disease that can cause infertility. But with proper diagnosis and comprehensive treatment, it can be completely eliminated. Therefore, timely consultation with a doctor allows you to prevent serious complications and harm to the body.

Inflammation of the ovary, or oophoritis, is a serious disease. If treatment is delayed or the wrong method is chosen, it can not only provoke the onset of a chronic form, but also lead to infertility and even early - up to 40 years - the onset of menopause. At the first signs of the disease, you should contact a gynecologist, who will decide on the need for hospitalization or prescribe a home therapy regimen.

The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process of acute or chronic type in the right or left ovary. It is extremely rare to have inflammation on both sides at once. As an independent disease, it rarely occurs, since the ovarian membranes themselves are quite strong and can resist infectious agents for a long time. Inflammation is caused by pathogens such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, Candida fungus and E. coli. The infection usually arises from the vagina.

Important! If oophoritis is not treated, complications may arise - inflammation of the appendages, fallopian tubes and the lining of the uterus itself.

The main thing that started in the woman was a sharp, acute and at the same time nagging pain in the lower abdomen, most often in the left or right side of the abdomen. Sometimes, with bilateral inflammation, the pain spreads to both halves.

Then the temperature rises, the spasms become stronger, general weakness, chills, vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, and acute pain when urinating appear.

If the disease is not treated, it will go from acute to chronic, accompanied by symptoms such as:

  1. disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  2. purulent vaginal discharge;
  3. constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  4. decreased sexual desire up to complete rejection of sexual intercourse;
  5. insomnia, neurosis and depression;
  6. Difficulty getting pregnant or infertility.

Some patients complain that when the appendages become inflamed, the chest begins to hurt, but doctors do not connect these two phenomena.

At the first symptoms of inflammation, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. In some cases, when the body temperature rises above 38 degrees and the pain is unbearable, call an ambulance.

How to treat?

Since the symptoms of inflammation may be similar to inflammation of the abdominal organs, before starting treatment, the doctor prescribes a number of tests that should confirm the diagnosis.

First of all, an ultrasound and gynecological examination on a chair are prescribed. Then the woman will have to undergo tests - urine, blood, culture for pathogens (vaginal smear).

Important. Treatment tactics depend on the stage of the disease, whether it is chronic or acute, what pathogen is caused, and whether there are concomitant diseases.

Acute oophoritis is treated in a hospital, where the patient is most often delivered by ambulance doctors. Acute inflammation cannot be relieved without intravenous administration of antibacterial drugs. Antihistamines, anti-inflammatory or antifungal drugs are also used in complex treatment.

Chronic inflammation of the ovaries requires long-term complex treatment under the constant supervision of a doctor, but it resolves at home.


The following groups of drugs are used to treat inflammation.

Tablets that help treat colds:

  1. – are prescribed by a doctor after tests depending on the type of pathogen; in the acute form, broad-spectrum antibiotics are administered intravenously or intramuscularly before receiving the examination results. The course of treatment is at least seven, more often ten days;
  2. painkillers– paracetamol, aspirin, spasmalgon, nurofen;
  3. B vitamins, vitamin C;
  4. probiotic to restore microflora;
  5. immunomodulatory drugs.

Physiotherapy is also used in complex treatment - heating, magnetic therapy, baths.


To reduce pain, relieve high body temperature and alleviate the inflammatory process, suppositories are used.

This type of treatment must be prescribed in combination with other medications - antibacterial drugs, painkillers or antifungals. This is how medications will be most effective.

Suppositories have virtually no side effects, restore vaginal microflora well, and have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal or analgesic effects, depending on the composition.

Scheme for chronic oophoritis

In the absence of symptoms of acute inflammation, treatment of oophoritis and concomitant inflammation of the appendages is carried out either in a day hospital or at home.

Used for treatment complex of drugs:

  1. antibacterial therapy for a course of three to seven days, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of tablets;
  2. anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of suppositories (Diclofenac) or orally (Nurofen);
  3. antifungal (Terzhinan);
  4. immunostimulants;
  5. medications to improve blood flow in the pelvic area;
  6. after a course of antibiotics - means to restore the intestinal microflora and vaginal mucosa.

For successful treatment of chronic inflammation of both the ovaries and appendages, women planning a pregnancy are recommended to undergo a course of mud therapy in a hospital or sanatorium, drink medicinal mineral waters under the supervision of a doctor, and visit a massage therapist or chiropractor.

Scheme for acute oophoritis

How and how to treat acute inflammation? First of all, you need to understand that such oophoritis is treated exclusively in the hospital; if the course of the disease is favorable, treatment is continued in a day hospital and at home.

After the initial diagnosis of the disease, the doctor prescribes a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug. In addition to antibacterial therapy, metronidazole is prescribed in the first hours after admission to the hospital.

After receiving the culture results, the attending physician will prescribe an antibiotic against a specific pathogen (Amoxiclav, Ketocef). Also, depending on the intensity of pain, the presence of high body temperature and the severity of the inflammatory process, the nature of vaginal discharge is prescribed:

  1. anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, paracetamol, nurofen;
  2. Terzhinan, Betadine;
  3. painkillers for severe pain;
  4. immunomodulators;
  5. vitamins;
  6. antihistamines;
  7. preparations for restoring intestinal microflora and mucous membranes.

Important! The type of antibacterial therapy, dosage and additional drugs are prescribed by the attending physician based on the results of examinations. Self-administration of antibiotics will not be effective, since oophoritis requires complex treatment.

After initial treatment, the patient is discharged either to the day hospital of the clinic or to home treatment under the supervision of a gynecologist. Treatment with suppositories, vitamins and anti-inflammatory drugs are continued, as a rule, for several more days or weeks after discharge.

Ovarian inflammation cannot be cured by non-medicinal means. When trying to treat acute oophoritis with baths, douches or teas, you can not only aggravate the course of the disease and contribute to the emergence of a chronic form, but also blur the symptoms, thereby complicating the diagnosis for doctors.

Reference. Folk remedies are very effective in complex treatment - for relieving vaginal dryness, reducing inflammation, preventing such dangerous consequences of the disease as adhesions in the tubes and further infertility.