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Alben S for dogs: general information about the drug. Alben deworming tablets: instructions for use for animals Deworming drug Alben

Alben C is a complex veterinary drug used to treat helminthic infestations. The generic name for the anthelmintic is albendazole + praziquantel. This drug is popular both among cat owners and in the veterinary community. You can buy it at almost any veterinary pharmacy.

However, one should not confuse Alben S, intended for cats, and simply Alben, used to treat farm animals.

Alben is used in agricultural veterinary medicine

The manufacturer of the drug is the Russian company Agrovetzashchita LLC (Moscow region). This organization has hundreds of veterinary drugs, including anthelmintics. "Agrovetzashchita" is a leader in the production of protective and medicinal products for pets.

Composition of the drug

The active ingredients in 1 anthelmintic tablet are:

  • albendazole - 0.25 g;
  • praziquantel (azinox) - 0.025 g.

As excipients, the drug contains:

  • lactose - 0.175 g;
  • potato starch - 0.15 g.

The manufacturer states that the drug does not contain genetically modified components. This is important because modern cat owners are increasingly choosing effective and safest medications.

Release form of the anthelmintic

Alben S is available in the form of tablets, packaged in 3 or 6 pieces in metallized blisters. Each blister is packed in a separate cardboard box along with instructions for use.

If you are afraid of “running into” a fake, pay attention to the shape of the tablets themselves. They should be flat, on one side of the tablet there should be a line mark, on the other - a pattern in the form of a cross on a shield (this is the AVZ logo).

One package of Alben C includes 1 blister with 3 or 6 tablets

Storage conditions

  • in sealed manufacturer's packaging;
  • separately from food and feed;
  • in places inaccessible to children;
  • in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight;
  • at temperatures from minus 5°C to 25°C.

If the listed conditions are met, the drug will be valid for 3 years from the date of release (the production date, batch and expiration date are indicated both on the box and on the blister itself). If the expiration date has expired, as well as in cases where the drug was stored in violation of the specified conditions, the tablets should be disposed of according to general rules.

Indications for use

  • toxocariasis (Toxocara canis);
  • hookworm (Ancylostoma caninum);
  • echinococcosis (Echinococcus granulosus, Ehinococcus multilocularis);
  • diphyllobothriasis (Diphyllobothrium latum);
  • taeniasis (Taenia spp);
  • coenurosis (Multiceps multiceps);
  • dipylidia (Dipylidium caninum);
  • trichocephalosis (Trichuris vulpis);
  • uncinaria (Uncinaria stenocephala).

These diseases can be caused by an adult helminth or its larvae; they are characterized by various symptoms and course of the disease. The diagnosis can be made by a veterinarian, so if you are sure that you have not made a mistake in choosing a drug, then at least consult a specialist by phone. Without prior consultation, Alben S is used for the prevention of helminthiasis.

Before using an anthelmintic, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian

Instructions for use

To treat helminthic infestation, Alben S tablets must be given to the animal orally. This can be done in several ways:

  • forcibly;
  • by crushing and mixing the tablet with a small amount of food or drinking water;
  • using a tablet dispenser.

If you can’t force-feed the pill to your cat, you can use a trick - mix it with your favorite food. Some people prefer wet food for this (cats prefer canned food).

My older cat is very picky when it comes to food - she immediately senses something is wrong, so I usually choose the first method. In fact, force-feeding a pill is much easier than it seems. To do this, I place the cat on my lap, open its jaw with my left hand, and with my right hand I lower the tablet into its mouth. It is important that the cat's head is tilted back slightly. If the tablet immediately hits the root of the tongue, the cat will swallow it automatically. My youngest is not so calm, so I wrap her in a towel (so she doesn’t get scratched), and do everything else according to the same scheme.

If neither one nor the other helps, a pill dispenser will help out. With the help of this device, the tablet immediately falls on the desired area of ​​the tongue.

A tablet feeder is a device for feeding tablets that works on the principle of a syringe.

Table: selection of dosage of the drug Alben S

Treatment regimen

Alben S only needs to be given once. It is advisable to do this in the morning while feeding the cat. If we are talking about the prevention of helminthiases, then the therapeutic dose should be used once every 3 months.

Precautionary measures

The anthelmintic manufacturer does not indicate the need for any special precautions. General recommendations:

  • Before and after using the drug, you must wash your hands with soap;
  • while working with the drug, smoking, drinking and eating are prohibited;
  • to avoid contact with the medicine, you can use rubber gloves;
  • if the cat owner is allergic to the components of the drug, you can use a medical mask;
  • If an allergic reaction occurs, the pet owner should consult a doctor.

When working with the drug, you can use personal protective equipment

Contraindications and side effects

  • cats with hypersensitivity to the components of the anthelmintic;
  • pregnant and lactating females;
  • kittens under three months of age.

If all conditions are met, there will be no side effects. If the cat develops allergy symptoms, the use of the drug should be stopped (in such cases it should be replaced with another anthelmintic, and the cat can be given an antihistamine).

Interaction with other drugs

The use of Alben S can be combined with the use of other veterinary drugs:

  • cardiotherapeutic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • Alben C is compatible with almost any medicine

    Advantages and disadvantages of tablets

    The advantages of the drug Alben S include:

    • high efficiency;
    • wide spectrum of anthelmintic action;
    • ease of use;
    • low price (from 100 rubles for 6 tablets);
    • Possibility of use for both cats and dogs.

    The only drawback that confuses cat owners is the inability to use the medicine on kittens and mother cats.

    I had to use Alben S to treat a dog that lives with my mother. A small yard dog, 1.5 tablets was enough for him. We divided the same amount into several parts and used it to prevent worms in cats (my mother has two of them). There were still 3 tablets left, which sat safely in the medicine cabinet until the expiration date.

Release form

Alben S is produced in the form of flat tablets, packaged in 3 or 6 pieces in a blister, packed in a cardboard box.

Instructions for use Albena S

Alben S is prescribed to dogs at a dosage of 1 tablet per 5 kg of animal weight to eliminate echinococcosis, dipylidia, mesocestoidosis, etc.
The drug should be administered in the morning, forcibly or together with food (water).

For small breeds, the tablet should be crushed, mixed in 10 ml of water and shaken. Administer the suspension to the animal at a rate of 1 ml per 0.5 kg of animal weight.

Contraindications and side effects

Alben S should not be used in females during pregnancy or lactation, or in puppies under 3 weeks of age.
There are no side effects observed.

Alben S for dogs – reviews

Review of Alben S for dogs, writes Oleg. I have two dogs: a two-month-old puppy and a 5-year-old female. I regularly give them Alben, the drug is of very high quality, no side effects. I think you need to worm your pets more often than once every three years to avoid problems.

Review of Alben S for dogs, writes Valentina. I have been using Alben S for more than 10 years. I give my dogs a quarter of a tablet every two months, the product works great: my pets regain their appetite and healthy appearance. I recommend this effective and inexpensive product to everyone.

Price Albena S

Alben S packaging – from 30 to 50 rubles.

Storage conditions

Store separately from food at a temperature of 5 to 25 degrees Celsius, out of direct sunlight and out of reach of children. Shelf life from the date of production is 2 years.

Name (Latin)

Composition and release form

Alben contains 20% albendazole and auxiliary components as an active ingredient. The drug is produced in the form of 20% granules and tablets weighing 1.8 g, containing 360 mg of active substances. Alben granules are packaged in 0.5 and 1 kg in laminated paper bags and polyethylene jars; tablets of 25 and 100 pieces in cardboard boxes or in polymer jars.

Pharmacological properties

Alben is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic, active against mature and immature nematodes and cestodes, as well as mature trematodes. Possessing an ovicidal effect, it reduces helminth infestation in pastures. The mechanism of action of the drug is to disrupt carbohydrate metabolism and microtubular function of helminths, which leads to their death and excretion from the animal’s body. The drug is low-toxic for warm-blooded animals LD50 for white mice when administered orally is more than 10,000 mg/kg; in recommended doses it does not have locally irritating, embryotoxic, teratogenic or sensitizing properties.


Alben is used for deworming of sheep, goats, cattle, horses, pigs, fur-bearing animals and birds for the following diseases: gastrointestinal nematodes (haemonchiasis, bunostomiasis, esophagostomiasis, nematodirosis, ostertagiasis, habertiosis, cooperiosis, strongyloidiasis, trichostrongylosis, hyostrongylosis, parascariasis , ascariasis, ascaridiosis, heteracidosis, trichocephalosis, toxacarosis, toxascariasis, hookworm disease, uncinariasis), pulmonary nematodes (dictyocaulosis, protostrongylosis, mulleriosis, metastrongylosis, neostrongylosis, cystocaulosis), cestodiasis (moniesiosis, avitellinosis, tyzaniesiosis), trematodes oses (fascioliasis, dicroceliosis).

Doses and method of administration

Alben granules and Alben tablets are prescribed to animals without a prior fasting diet, orally, once, individually or in a group in a mixture with concentrated feed in the following doses: Pigs 10 mg/kg body weight (according to DV), which corresponds to 5 g of granules per 100 kg or 1 tab. per 35 kg of animal weight. Horses 7.5 mg/kg (according to DV), which corresponds to 3.75 g of granules per 100 kg or 1 tablet. per 50 kg of animal weight. Cattle 7.5 mg/kg (according to DV), which corresponds to 3.75 g of granules per 100 kg or 1 tablet. per 50 kg of animal weight; for fascioliasis, dicroceliosis, paramphistomatosis and ostertagiasis, the dose is increased to 10 mg/kg, which corresponds to 5 g of granules per 100 kg or 1 tablet. per 35 kg of animal weight. Sheep and goats 5 mg/kg weight (according to DV), which corresponds to 2.5 g of granules per 100 kg or 1 tablet. per 70 kg of animal weight; for fascioliasis and dicroceliosis and protostrongylosis, the dose is increased to 7.5 mg/kg, which corresponds to 3.75 g of granules per 100 kg or 1 tablet. per 45 kg of animal weight. Poultry 10 mg/kg weight (according to DV), which corresponds to 0.5 g of granules per 10 kg or 1 tablet. for 35 - 40 kg of bird weight. For fur-bearing animals, 15 mg/kg body weight according to the DV, which corresponds to 0.75 g of granules per 10 kg of animal weight once a day for two days in a row. Albena tablets are forcibly administered to animals on the root of the tongue or used in crushed form mixed with food. For the group method of application, the calculated dose of albene is mixed with concentrated feed (based on feed per head): for horses and cattle - 0.5 - 1.0 kg; for sheep, goats, pigs - 150 - 200 g; for birds - 50 g, for fur-bearing animals - 50 - 100 g. The resulting medicinal mixture is poured into feeders for a group of 10 - 100 animals, ensuring free access to them. Before mass deworming, each batch of the drug is first tested on a small group (5 - 10 animals, 50 - 100 birds). If there are no complications, treatment of the entire livestock begins within 3 days.

Side effects

If the specified dosages are observed, they are not observed.


Alben is not allowed to be used in cases of acute fascioliasis, during the breeding period, in sheep in the first half, and in females of other animals in the first third of pregnancy, in patients with infectious diseases and in emaciated animals. It is prohibited to use the drug in laying hens during the production of marketable eggs, since the drug is excreted with the egg within 4 days.

special instructions

Slaughter of cattle, sheep and goats for meat is permitted after 14 days; horses, pigs and poultry - 7 days after deworming. Milk can be used for food purposes 4 days after deworming. In case of forced slaughter before the established deadlines, the meat can be used to feed carnivores or for the production of meat and bone meal.

Storage conditions

List B. In original packaging in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Shelf life: 3 years.

Alben is an anthelmintic drug that is used for dogs for preventive or therapeutic purposes. An effective medicine with a gentle effect was developed by specialists from the Agrovetzashchita company, a large Russian manufacturer of veterinary drugs.

The anthelmintic is available in several dosage forms:

  • pills;
  • granules;
  • suspension (Alben Forte).

The drug in the form of a suspension is also created for use in agriculture.

Note! Alben can be given to dogs, but it is better to use a product designed specifically for these animals. The main difference is two active components in the composition and, as a result, a wider spectrum of action.

Medicine for dogs is available in the form of small tablets. They are packaged in special blisters of 6 pieces. The medicine should be stored at room temperature (not higher than 25˚C) away from direct sunlight. Since the medication contains toxic substances, you should choose a storage location away from food and animal feed.

Composition and action

The price of regular Alben ranges from 350-400 rubles per 100 tablets, but Alben S, developed for dogs, costs 120-150 rubles (6 pieces). The drug is produced by a domestic company, so there is no shortage of it in veterinary pharmacies. Usually, an anthelmintic can be bought without problems both in the capital and in small cities. The medicine is also sold in many online pharmacies for animals.

You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here:

Indications for use

The medicine for dogs is used for the following pathologies:

  • ascariasis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • dipylidia;
  • uncinarium;
  • coenurosis;
  • hookworm;
  • toxocariasis;
  • mesocestoidosis;
  • other helminthic infestations caused by roundworms and tapeworms.

How to use

The drug can be given in two ways:

  • Forcibly. The procedure is unpleasant for animals, but effective. The tablet should be placed only on the root of the tongue so that the pet cannot spit it out. To simplify this procedure, it is worth purchasing a tablet dispenser at the pharmacy. Especially if you have a large dog.
  • With food. Mix the crushed tablet with a small amount of food. To feed the medicine, it is better to choose your pet’s favorite treats. Canned food, ready-made spiders, and minced meat are good for these purposes. Some owners hide the tablets in a piece of meat or sausage.

The anthelmintic should be given in the morning. It is advisable to give the medicine half an hour before feeding, but there is no need to follow a special diet the day before, or to rinse the intestines.

According to the instructions, the dosage of Alben S for dogs is calculated simply - 1 tablet per 5 kg of weight. To calculate the exact dose for puppies weighing less than 2.5 kg, follow these steps:

  1. Crush one tablet as finely as possible.
  2. Add 10 ml of water to the resulting powder.
  3. Mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous suspension.
  4. Draw the required amount of medicine into a syringe without a needle, calculating 1 ml of the resulting suspension per 0.5 kg of weight.
  5. Give the puppy a drink from the syringe.

If you use this algorithm of action, you will be able to prevent an overdose. Dividing a tablet into several equal parts (more than two) is very difficult.

If for some reason you use Alben, created for farm animals, to deworm dogs, then the dosage is calculated differently - 1 tablet per 7 kg of weight. When using a suspension, 1 ml of liquid will be needed per 5 kg of pet weight, but it is better to buy a drug intended for dogs.

Note! For preventive purposes, the animal should be given the drug every quarter.

Limitations and side effects

An anthelmintic should not be given to dogs in the following cases:

  • during the period of gestation;
  • during lactation;
  • in case of intolerance to components.

Do not use anthelmintic for puppies under 3 weeks of age. Before using the medication for weakened or exhausted animals, as well as pets with infectious diseases, you must be extremely careful. It would be a good idea to consult a doctor. In some cases, it may be wiser to delay deworming until the animal's health has stabilized. Although Alben S is considered a safe product for dogs, it contains toxic components.

Usually the drug does not cause side effects because it is gentle on the body. The bitter taste causes some animals to overproduce saliva. Although this problem is more common in cats than in dogs. The following symptoms may indicate intolerance to components:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • skin rashes;
  • apathy;
  • poor appetite, etc.

If the above health problems occur, your pet should be given an antihistamine. If necessary, additional medications are used for symptomatic therapy. In the future, you should choose a medication with a different composition.

Three cats died with a minimum dose of Albene for three days.
Symptoms of renal and liver failure appeared.
A year before, the same cats were treated with mebendazole - everything was fine, one had worms. Like this. Tough and scary drug.
I categorically DO NOT RECOMMEND!
Treat with “human” mebendazole (Vermox), at least there are guarantees of safe use.

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And my cat died a painful death from half of this tablet. He suffered for three days. It was not possible to save him. what kind of poison is this?(((

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Have pity on the sadistic animals. It is strictly forbidden to periodically feed ALBENT-S as a preventive measure. it has the ability to accumulate in a cat’s body, think with your stupid head that your pets will not live to old age. If you have a “kick brain”, then your pets have something to do with it. Do not torture animals, this medicine should be given only when making a diagnosis, and not for the purpose of prevention....

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My cat is acting very restless. twirls its tail and constantly licks itself under its tail. I suspect. that she has worms. I've lost weight, but my appetite is good. I bought Alben. but for some reason I’m afraid to give it to her. We don't have a veterinary clinic nearby. who knows what to do. ?

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How many hours later can you feed your cat after taking the drug?

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Cats have lived next to me all my life, so periodic removal of worms from the cat tribe has long become a habit for me. Only the drugs change over time, more and more new drugs appear, sometimes I try them to see how effective they are, and they are not always worth attention. I’ve been trying to buy Alben S for a couple of years - it’s affordable, it’s convenient to give by weight, and it definitely gets rid of possible problems for a couple of months, and that’s exactly what you need - you don’t want to once again poison animals with useless or ineffective tablets. Yes, and I got the hang of giving pills a long time ago, the main thing here is to restrain the animal, sometimes with the help of a towel. Then we hold the cat vertically, open the mouth, put the tablet or half of it (depending on the weight, the tablet is five kilograms of weight) on the tongue, raise the chin and stroke the cat’s throat, the animal’s reflex to this action is to swallow, that’s all, no difficulties No.

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My cat will not eat any medicine. I found a method a long time ago: I cover a tablet (even a whole one) with a small layer of butter and quickly push it down the throat with my finger. Since the oil glides and smells delicious, everything turns out easily and does not cause resistance from the animal. I recommend it!

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We contacted the veterinary pharmacy with a request to sell a product to prevent worms in cats. They offered us Alben S. The cat's weight is 4800 grams, based on the fact that one tablet is designed for an animal weighing 5 kg, we purchased one tablet. As it turned out, the drug is sold in a package of 3 tablets, but since each tablet is packed in a blister, some veterinary pharmacies sell them individually.
It was only the fourth time that I managed to get the cat to swallow the pill. The tablet itself is small and does not smell of anything, but the cat desperately refused to swallow it and spat it out. Only when they disguised the tablet in a piece of butter did the cat swallow it.
Having swallowed the pill, the cat ran off to mind its own business as if nothing had happened. He did not have any side effects or changes in behavior after taking the drug; this also did not affect his “stool” in any way. To prevent worms, Alben S should be given to cats three times a year. Since the animal tolerated it easily, we will continue to buy this drug in the future.

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