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Pale fever in children emergency care. High body temperature (hyperthermia) in adults and children with flu, colds and other diseases. Red (pink) and white fever and tactics to combat them. How to reduce temperature during pregnancy and when

An increase in body temperature in children with influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, and colds is quite common. This suggests that the immune system has begun to actively resist viruses that have entered the body.

However, if a high temperature is accompanied by pale skin and cold extremities, this becomes a dangerous symptom. In medicine, there is the concept of “white fever in a child.” We will talk about her.

Fever itself is not a disease. It is the body’s protective reaction to inflammatory or infectious foci.

In medicine, a distinction is made between red and white fever (red fever is often called pink fever). These two types have different symptoms and consequences, so the steps to stabilize the child's condition are also different.

Red and pink fever

Unlike white fever, red or pink fever is much milder and generally has a positive effect on the body.

This condition can be recognized by several symptoms:

  • pink or red skin (it is because of this symptom that it was called “red fever”);
  • hot extremities;
  • damp skin;
  • the general condition of the child is characterized as satisfactory.

With such symptoms, there is no danger of overheating of the child’s body, since along with an increase in body temperature, heat transfer also increases.

Pale fever

Pale fever is completely different. The main danger is that children not only develop a high temperature, but also have impaired blood circulation. Such changes lead to an imbalance between the production and loss of heat by the body.

As a result of prolonged stay in this state, there is a risk of peripheral vascular spasms. This is especially dangerous for life in children from birth to one year.

This is why the disease cannot be started.

It is important to identify such signs in time and take immediate measures.

Fever in children occurs for certain reasons, but this condition is almost always accompanied by the presence of various types of acute infections in the body:

  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • bacterial.

Residents of continental climates often encounter such symptoms with acute respiratory infections, otitis media, bronchitis, and pneumonia. In places with hot climates, febrile conditions can become a symptom of intestinal infections. Such pathogens enter the body through the digestive system (when eating food and water).

In some children, an increase in temperature and impaired heat transfer appear due to severe allergic reactions. Much less often, white fever occurs in cases of poisoning, rheumatic symptoms and oncology. These are the causes of white fever in a child that can trigger the disease.

Important! Similar manifestations are sometimes observed after a vaccine against a virus: whooping cough, measles or influenza.

Symptoms of white fever

You can guess what the symptoms of white fever are just from the name alone. The main symptom characterizing this condition is excessive pallor of the skin. At the same time, this phenomenon has 3 stages:

  1. A sharp increase in temperature associated with a violation of heat transfer.
  2. Stabilization of temperature (however, it remains elevated).
  3. Slow gradual decrease in body temperature, normalization of the condition.

The course of the disease is accompanied by the following main symptoms, namely:

  • heat;
  • pallor of the skin (the nasolabial triangle and the lips themselves acquire a bluish tint, blue circles appear under the eyes);
  • “marbled” skin (this definition is used if a network of bluish blood vessels is visible through the skin);
  • cold extremities of the child (palms and feet) even at high temperatures; this is precisely the main symptom that distinguishes this condition from any other;
  • headache;
  • arrhythmia (the doctor may detect a rapid or altered heart rhythm);
  • hallucinations (their appearance is possible at temperatures above 39 degrees);
  • the occurrence of seizures (they often accompany high fever);
  • lethargy, apathy, lack of appetite.

It is worth noting that some children, even in this state, remain increased activity, and therefore parents may have doubts. To determine whether a child actually has a cold (pale) fever, you can use the “pale test” test. It is often used by doctors. To do this, apply light pressure to the baby's skin with your thumb. If this place on the child’s body has acquired a white tint, and the color is not restored for a long time, there should be no doubt.

Urgent Care

What to do if a child has white fever? First of all, don't panic. As soon as parents discover symptoms of this condition in their baby, they urgently need to take action:

  • If the child is very small (under 1 year), then the best solution would be to call an ambulance. For older children, a pediatrician is called.
  • Give antipyretics with caution. The fact is that certain types of medications are undesirable for fever.
  • Before the doctor arrives, first emergency aid must be provided.

First of all, the child needs to be reassured, since fever, weakness and other symptoms can frighten children. Parents should read a fairy tale, hug their child, and spend as much time with him as possible. The baby should feel constant parental care and support. Doctors have long agreed that for quick recovery and recovery, not only drug treatment is important, but also a good emotional background.

Equal attention should be paid to adequate fluid intake. It can be warm sweet tea, compote, herbal infusions, fruit juice, natural juice, milk.

In this condition, the baby usually has a reduced or no appetite. For the same reason, you should exclude all heavy foods from the diet, include more vegetables and fruits, as well as those dishes that can please the child.

Important! In case of convulsions, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Do's and Don'ts for White Fever

Treatment of white fever requires a special approach, since this condition is different from ordinary and pink fever. It is quite rare, but parents should still know the rules of behavior for such symptoms in children. An error in treatment can lead to serious complications and even cost life.

What not to do

Below are 5 things you should not do:

  1. If you have a body temperature and cold extremities, you cannot sharply reduce the temperature to 36.6 degrees by any means.
  2. If, after the dose of antipyretic prescribed by the doctor, the temperature has not decreased, the amount of medicine cannot be exceeded. This will cause an overdose and poisoning.
  3. Fever is often accompanied by chills. The child may shake, in which case the baby will complain of extreme cold. The use of a heating pad or heater during this period is strictly contraindicated. The baby should not be wrapped in a blanket (this will lead to a further increase in temperature.
  4. Do not cool the patient's body. Thus, covering with a wet cold sheet is suitable for treating pink fever, but in the case of white fever, this method is dangerous.
  5. Rubbing the body with alcohol-containing compounds is prohibited, as this leads to severe vasospasm.

What do we have to do

To warm the baby's legs and arms, blood circulation in these parts of the body should be restored. To do this, perform a light massage. Massaging movements gradually restore blood flow in the tissues and promote a warming effect. You can consolidate the result with warm drinks.

To eliminate the risk of complications (the appearance of seizures, hallucinations), it is worth giving children antipyretics at a temperature of 38.5-39 degrees, and it is better to avoid some medications.

Important: doctors say that in this case you cannot use acetylsalicylic acid, nimesulide, or analgin. These medications may cause side effects.

When choosing the form of an antipyretic drug, you should give preference to syrups or tablets. After taking the suppositories, they may not give the desired effect due to impaired blood circulation and poor absorption.

Usually, treatment is not limited to antipyretics - doctors prescribe medications from certain groups. These could be the following:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodics;
  • taking other medications depending on the cause of the disease.

Knowing the basic symptoms and principles of treatment, parents can easily cope with even such a serious manifestation of the disease as white fever.

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Fever is an increase in body temperature. In children, many diseases and conditions occur with hyperthermia. However, the use of antipyretics is not always advisable. Parents should be able to distinguish between the types of hyperthermia and be able to provide assistance.

Types of fever in children

There are several classifications of fever. Let's consider 2 main ones. Depending on body temperature indicators There are 4 types of hyperthermia:

  • Subfebrile – temperature from 37.1 – 37.8°;
  • Febrile – from 37.9 – 38.9°;
  • Pyretic - from 39 - 40.9°;
  • Hyperergic – 41° and above.

Depending on the clinical manifestations, there are 2 types of fever:

  • Pink (red). Has a benign course, is easier to tolerate by children;
  • Pale (white). It is characterized by a malignant, severe course.

Symptoms of white fever in a child

With white fever, circulatory problems occur. In this case, the child’s general condition and well-being deteriorate sharply. Even with subfebrile values ​​(37.1 - 37.8°) of body temperature, the child develops a clear clinical picture of fever.

The main symptoms of white fever in a child:

  • Paleness of the skin, against which a marble pattern is visualized;
  • Symptom of goose bumps
  • The nasolabial triangle acquires a bluish tint;
  • Even with high numbers, the baby’s limbs remain cold. This is due to spasm of small blood vessels;
  • Frequent pulse (tachycardia);
  • Chills;
  • Shallow breathing, shortness of breath;
  • Dry skin;
  • The baby is lethargic, capricious, and has no appetite. Infants are drowsy, but their sleep is restless;
  • In severe cases, convulsions are observed. This symptom is often observed in young children (under 2 years of age). Older children may experience delirium.

For white fever, antipyretics are ineffective.

Signs of pink fever

In this case, there is no violation of the general condition, since the process of heat production corresponds to heat transfer. The baby feels well and behaves normally. He is active, appetite is not impaired or slightly reduced.

The main symptoms of pink fever are:

  • Increased sweating, so the skin becomes damp to the touch;
  • Skin becomes pink and warm or hot;
  • The limbs are warm to the touch. With this type of hyperthermia, there is no circulatory disturbance;
  • The temperature rises gradually;
  • Slight shortness of breath;
  • Tachycardia is moderate and corresponds to body temperature.

With pink fever, the outcome is favorable. This fever usually goes away after a few days.

The use of antipyretic drugs is advisable at body temperatures above 38.4°.

If the child has neurological and cardiovascular pathologies, then the temperature decrease begins at 38°C.

First aid for fever

If your child has a fever, you must first determine the type of fever. And only then begin to provide adequate assistance appropriate to the type of fever. First aid depends on a number of factors:

  • Baby's age;
  • Child's well-being;
  • history of seizures;
  • The presence of congenital and acquired pathologies;
  • The severity of pathological symptoms.

In case of persistent hyperthermia and a sharp, rapid increase in body temperature, you must call an ambulance.

What to do if a child has white fever

In case of subfebrile values, it is necessary to call a pediatrician; if the body temperature is above 38°, an ambulance team should be called.

To alleviate the condition of a small patient, it is necessary to provide him with assistance:

  • Warm your feet and hands. You can use a warm heating pad for this. Or gently rub the baby’s limbs with your own hands. This must be done carefully;
  • Since the baby is cold, it is necessary to put on clothes made of natural material that will keep him warm. However, it is impossible to wrap the baby too much and overheat, this will lead to an increase in temperature;
  • Provide plenty of warm fluids. It could be water, herbal tea, fruit drink;
  • Give an antipyretic drug in the form of tablets or syrup (Nurofen, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol);
  • Together with the antipyretic, an antispasmodic (No-shpa or Papaverine) is given. It will help relieve vascular spasm;
  • Emergency doctors administer parenterally a lytic mixture, which includes Analgin, Papaverine and Suprastin;
  • For convulsions and convulsive readiness, intramuscular or intravenous administration of Seduxen or Relanium is indicated.

If a child has white (cold) fever,:

  • Overheat;
  • Rub the skin with alcohol;
  • Wrap in a wet sheet;
  • Force feed.

How to help a child with pink hyperthermia

Pink fever is easier to deal with than white fever. First aid for pink (red) hyperthermia is as follows:

  • Prevent the body from overheating. It is necessary to remove excess clothing from the child;
  • Ensure air flow, that is, periodically ventilate the room in which the baby is located;
  • Provide plenty of fluids (tea, mineral water, compote, fruit juice);
  • Provide peace. Children with pink hyperthermia are active, but noisy and active games must be excluded. Physical activity will cause an increase in temperature;
  • At high temperatures, it is recommended to apply cold to the head and large arteries (inguinal and carotid);
  • Antipyretics should be used at temperatures above 38.5 ° (in children with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system). Use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and Paracetamol-based products.

Currently, rubbing children with vinegar and alcohol is not recommended, as this can lead to a sharp spasm of blood vessels.

When to lower your temperature

Not every increase in temperature requires medication to reduce it. There are a number of situations in which It is necessary to reduce fever in children:

  • When body temperature rises to 38°C or higher in children under 3 years of age;
  • When body temperature rises above 38.5° with any type of fever;
  • With pale fever at any reading on the thermometer;
  • At a temperature above 38° in children with diseases of the cardiovascular (congenital and acquired defects, heart failure, pathology of the coronary vessels) and nervous system (epilepsy, history of seizures).

It should be noted that not all antipyretics can be given to children. Drugs that should not be given to children:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid(Aspirin). This drug can cause Reye's syndrome and also has a pronounced hepatotoxic effect;
  • Nimesulide toxic to the child’s body, has a destructive effect on the liver;
  • Analgin in tablet form. It disrupts the process of hematopoiesis. Analgin is approved in emergency cases in the form of injections.

Causes of white hyperthermia

There are many causes of white fever in a child, these include the following diseases and conditions:

  • Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and influenza;
  • Bacterial infections(respiratory and urinary diseases), which also include infections of the digestive tract;
  • Preventive vaccination. Vaccination, which is carried out in children of the first year of life, is often accompanied by pale hyperthermia;
  • Intoxication (food poisoning) can also be manifested by this type of fever;
  • Severe emotional and psychological stress can lead to a sudden and sharp increase in temperature;
  • Extensive injuries and burns. In young children, even minor burns can trigger hyperthermia;
  • Malignant tumor of various localization;
  • Intense pain and the period after painful shock.

Possible consequences

Fever is a dangerous condition, especially for a child's fragile body. This is a pathological condition without proper help and treatment. can have serious consequences:

  • Cramps. This condition occurs especially often in children under 1 year of age. Also, convulsive readiness can be detected in children under 2 - 2.5 years of age;
  • Dehydration. With a high-grade fever, symptoms of dehydration quickly increase. Intense heat production causes body fluids to evaporate quickly. In this case, the baby experiences dry skin and mucous membranes, lethargy, and loss of consciousness in severe cases;
  • Death can also be a consequence of fever, especially in children under 1 year of age. This occurs due to untimely provision of assistance and improper treatment.

With pale fever, you need to start worrying already when the thermometer reads 37.5°. Dr. Komarovsky advises what to do if a child has white fever. Measures that need to be taken to reduce body temperature:

  • Monitor the conditions in which the child is. That is, the room should not be hot. The air temperature should be from 18 to 20 degrees. It is necessary to periodically ventilate and carry out wet cleaning in the room where the sick baby is located;
  • Change of underwear of necessity;
  • Frequent drinking to avoid dehydration;
  • Use medications to reduce the temperature only as a last resort. You can only use Paracetamol or Ibuprofen in an age-specific dosage.

Dr. Komarovsky and pediatric associations speak out against physical cooling methods.

The question of how to reduce a child’s temperature worries many parents, because fever is a fairly common occurrence. It appears in response to the development of intoxication in the child’s body or the presence of infection. Typically, fever occurs at a temperature of +37 ° C and above.

A rise in body temperature is a physiological protective reaction. With an indicator up to +38 ° C, temperature increase by 0.1 ° C increases immune activity (in particular, the production of specific antibodies) by 10 times.

Types of fever in children

The division of fever into types according to several criteria was carried out in order to provide adequate medical care. According to intensity, fever has the following types:

  • Low-grade fever - does not exceed +37.9° C.
  • Moderate fever - temperature varies from +38 to +39° C.
  • High fever - ranges from +39 to +41° C.
  • Hyperthermia is a life-threatening condition in which the child’s temperature can reach +42° C or higher.

Depending on the main components of the pathogenesis (mechanism of development) of a hyperthermic reaction in a child, there are 2 types of fever, which include:

This separation of fever types allows you to select the most adequate medical care for each of them.

Why does the temperature rise in children?

The temperature in children rises due to the launch of a cascade of specific body processes. In response to infection, intoxication, cells of the immune system actively produce prostaglandins (mediators of inflammation and fever), which affect the thermoregulation center located in the medulla oblongata, which regulatoryly causes constriction of peripheral blood vessels, increased heat production due to increased metabolic rates and the development of fever . There are several main reasons for fever in children:

  • Acute viral respiratory infection, influenza, parainfluenza.
  • Bacterial diseases in which bacterial toxins are absorbed into the systemic bloodstream (staphylococcal, streptococcal, meningococcal infections of various localizations in the body, especially against the background of the development of a purulent process, scarlet fever).
  • Intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery).
  • Metabolic disorders due to increased levels of thyroid hormones.
  • Specific viral childhood infections (measles, rubella, mumps, chicken pox).

A rise in body temperature can also be provoked by a preventive vaccination, determined by the body’s specific reaction to the arrival of an antigen. In such cases, the fever usually lasts no more than 2-3 days and goes away on its own, requiring only the implementation of measures to reduce body temperature.

There is a misconception that an elevated temperature in a baby may be the result of the beginning of the teething process. In fact, the temperature in this case does not rise in all children, but only against the background of gum inflammation due to the addition of a bacterial infection in the area of ​​tooth eruption.

Algorithm for helping with “red” fever

When red fever develops, assistance measures should be aimed at cooling the child’s body, they include:

Physical cooling by wiping and applying a napkin begins immediately after using the antipyretic drug. Antipyretic drugs are not recommended to be used more than 4 times a day. The lack of effect from such measures (no decrease in temperature by more than 0.5° within half an hour) requires further parenteral administration of drugs by a medical worker (usually emergency medical workers administer a 50% solution of analgin and 1% pipolphen intramuscularly).

It is not recommended to wipe the child’s body with vinegar or alcohol (they are considered folk remedies for reducing fever), since the antipyretic effect is the same as that of wiping with water, but the likelihood of developing complications in the form of burns of the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract with the vapors of such solutions is significantly rises.

Help with pale fever

The development of “pale” fever requires drug therapy. At the prehospital stage, the child must be warmed up, given plenty of warm drinks, and he must be in a lying position. Do not use physical cooling methods (wiping, applying a damp cloth). A combination of antipyretics (analgin and pipolfen) and vasodilators (papaverine) is administered parenterally (intramuscularly or intravenously).

Effective reduction of body temperature in most cases is temporary, as the cause of the fever remains. Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor for diagnosis and prescribe etiotropic therapy (treatment aimed at eliminating the influence of the causative factor). If a child under one year of age has a fever, it is necessary to call a pediatrician or an ambulance to the home.

Most childhood illnesses are accompanied by high body temperature. Often, inexperienced parents fall into a state of panic and resort to self-medication. Uncontrolled use of antipyretic drugs can worsen the child’s well-being and delay the healing process. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what fever in children is, learn to distinguish between its types and be able to provide timely assistance.

Fever is a protective reaction of the body, characterized by an increase in temperature. It occurs as a result of the action of foreign stimuli on thermoregulation centers.

At high temperatures, the natural production of your own interferons increases. They stimulate the immune system, reduce the viability and suppress the proliferation of many pathogenic microorganisms.

Before determining a fever, parents should know the age-specific temperature range. In infants up to 3 months it is unstable, permissible fluctuations up to 37.5 0 C are observed. For older children, the norm is 36.6 - 36.8 0 C.

Before taking measurements, it is important that the child is calm. You should not give hot drinks and food - this accelerates physiological processes in the body, and the indicators may be inaccurate.


The reasons are conventionally divided into two groups.

Chills are one of the symptoms of acute fever


Fever in a child manifests itself in different ways, the symptoms depend on the disease. The classification takes into account the clinical picture, duration and temperature fluctuations per day.

According to the degree of increase, four stages are distinguished:

  • subfebrile ─ from 37 0 C to 38 0 C;
  • febrile (moderate) ─ from 38 0 C to 39 0 C;
  • pyretic (high) ─ from 39 0 C to 41 0 C;
  • hyperpyretic (very high) ─ more than 41 0 C.

The duration is divided into three periods:

  • acute ─ up to 2 weeks;
  • subacute ─ up to 1.5 months;
  • chronic ─ over 1.5 months.

Depending on changes in the temperature curve, several types are distinguished:

  • constant ─ high temperature lasts a long time, fluctuations per day are 1 0 C (erysipelas, typhus, lobar pneumonia);
  • intermittent ─ there is a short-term increase to high levels, alternating with periods (1-2 days) of normal temperature (pleurisy, malaria, pyelonephritis);
  • laxative ─ daily fluctuations within 1-2 0 C, temperature does not drop to normal (tuberculosis, focal pneumonia, purulent diseases);
  • debilitating ─ characterized by a sharp rise and fall in temperature, during the day the fluctuations reach more than 3 0 C (sepsis, purulent inflammation);
  • wavy ─ a gradual increase and the same decrease in temperature are observed for a long time (lymphogranulomatosis, brucellosis);
  • relapsing ─ high temperature up to 39 - 40 0 ​​C alternating with fever-free manifestations, each period lasts several days (relapsing fever);
  • incorrect ─ is characterized by its uncertainty, the indicators are different every day (rheumatism, cancer, flu);
  • perverted ─ in the morning the body temperature is higher than in the evening (septic condition, viral diseases).

Based on external signs, pale (white) and pink (red) fever are distinguished, each of them has its own characteristics.


Pink is characterized by a strong sensation of heat, the general condition is not disturbed and is considered satisfactory. The temperature increases gradually, the pulse is allowed to increase, blood pressure remains normal, and rapid breathing is possible. Feet and hands are warm. The skin is pink, sometimes with slight redness, and feels warm and moist to the touch.

If you are convinced that the child has red fever, then start antipyretic measures at 38.5 0 C. In children with cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders, you should prevent a deterioration in health and take the medicine already at 38 0 C.


Pale fever is distinguished by its severe course. Peripheral blood circulation is disrupted, as a result of which the process of heat transfer does not correspond to heat production. Parents should pay attention to the readings of 37.5 - 38 0 C.

The child's condition sharply worsens, chills appear, the skin becomes pale, and cyanosis sometimes develops in the area of ​​the mouth and nose. Extremities are cold to the touch. Heart rhythms increase, tachycardia appears, accompanied by shortness of breath. The baby’s general behavior is disrupted: he becomes lethargic and does not show interest in others. In some cases, agitation, delirium and convulsions are observed.

A high temperature without symptoms of any disease can be a sign of illness, although many mothers believe that it is harmless.

Heavy sweating is one of the symptoms of relapsing fever

What to do at the first symptoms

When providing first aid, it is necessary to take into account the types of fevers. The tactics for each are individual, so we will consider them separately.

  • Remove excess clothing from the child; do not cover him with several blankets. Many people believe that a child should sweat a lot, but this opinion is wrong. Excessive wrapping further contributes to an increase in temperature and entails a disruption of the heat transfer process.
  • You can do wiping with warm water. Even the youngest patients are allowed, but full bathing in the shower is not allowed. Apply a cool, damp towel to the forehead and temples. It is allowed to apply a cold compress to large vessels ─ on the neck, in the armpit and groin area, but with caution so as not to cause hypothermia.
  • Vinegar rubdowns and compresses are indicated for children over 8 years of age; they are used no more than 2-3 times a day. Vinegar is toxic to a child’s body, so it is important to properly prepare its solution in a 1:1 ratio (mix one part of 9% table vinegar with an equal amount of water).
  • Alcohol rubdowns have restrictions; they are allowed only for children after 10 years. Pediatricians do not recommend this method, explaining that when rubbing the skin, the blood vessels dilate and alcohol enters the blood, causing general intoxication.
  • If your child has a fever, you need plenty of warm fluids. Linden tea has a good antipyretic effect. It has diaphoretic properties, but be sure to drink water before drinking it to avoid dehydration. Please your ill baby with a tasty and healthy drink - brew him some raspberries. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and will be an excellent addition to general treatment.
  • Ventilate the room regularly, avoid drafts, and carry out wet cleaning 2 times a day.
  • Provide the child with constant rest. You can’t engage in active games; it’s better to offer quieter entertainment.
  • observe strict bed rest;
  • in this situation, on the contrary, the baby needs to be warmed up, put on warm socks, covered with a blanket;
  • make warming tea with lemon;
  • Monitor body temperature every 30 - 60 minutes. If it is below 37.5 0 C, hypothermic measures are suspended. Then the temperature can drop without additional interventions;
  • Be sure to call a doctor at home; for this type of fever, antipyretic drugs alone are not enough; treatment may include antispasmodic drugs. In severe cases, hospitalization will be required.

With mouse fever in children, low blood pressure is observed

Diagnostics and examination

If you have even the slightest doubt that you yourself cannot cope with a high temperature, it is better not to take risks and not put the life of your child at risk. We immediately call a pediatrician or an ambulance team.

Already at the initial examination, the attending doctor establishes a preliminary diagnosis, but in some situations additional consultations with specialized specialists will be necessary. The list of examinations depends on the type of fever, its symptoms and the general well-being of the baby.

Mandatory examinations in the laboratory include a detailed blood test and general urine test, and X-ray examinations as indicated. Subsequent diagnostics include ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and other organs, more in-depth bacteriological and serological studies, and a cardiogram.


Treatment of fever in children is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused it. It may be necessary to prescribe antiviral or antibacterial drugs. The antipyretic has an analgesic effect, but has no effect on the course of the disease itself. Therefore, in order to avoid improper use of medications, all recommendations are indicated by the attending physician.

Children with a history of neurological disorders, chronic heart and lung diseases, febrile seizures, drug allergies, genetic predisposition, as well as newborn babies are at risk. Approaches to their treatment are individual, preventing all complications.

A sharp rise in temperature can provoke febrile convulsions. They are observed in children under 5 years of age and do not pose a particular health hazard. The main thing in this situation is to remain calm and provide assistance correctly. It is necessary to place the child on a hard surface and free the chest from clothing. Remove all dangerous objects to avoid injury. During a seizure, there is a risk of saliva entering the respiratory tract, so the head and body must be turned to the side. If the attack is accompanied by respiratory arrest, immediately call an ambulance.

Dengue fever causes diarrhea in a child

Taking antipyretic medications

Parents, remember that fever is an integral part of the body's fight against infection. Unreasonable use of antipyretic drugs can disrupt its natural resistance.

When buying medications in pharmacies, you should take into account the child’s age, drug tolerance, all side effects, ease of use and cost. Pediatricians usually prescribe Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.

  • “Paracetamol” is considered safer for the child’s body; it is allowed for children from the age of 1 month. The daily dose is calculated depending on weight and is 10 - 15 mg/kg, taken at intervals of 4 - 6 hours.
  • Ibuprofen is prescribed from 3 months at a dose of 5 - 10 mg/kg every 6 - 8 hours. It has a number of contraindications from the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. Before taking it, you should definitely consult your doctor.

It is impossible to lower the temperature with Aspirin and Analgin, they pose a danger to children's health! The first causes a severe complication - Reye's syndrome (irreversible damage to the liver and brain). The second has a negative effect on the hematopoietic system. After taking it, the temperature drops sharply, and there is a risk of shock.

  • consume according to instructions no more than 3-4 times a day;
  • Duration of treatment is no more than 3 days;
  • Do not use for fever prevention purposes;
  • During the day, it is allowed to alternately take an antipyretic medication, which contains another active ingredient. Be sure to coordinate these points with your doctor;
  • Young children sometimes have difficulty taking medicine in the form of syrup or tablets. In these cases, rectal suppositories are recommended; their effect is no different;
  • 30-45 minutes have passed since taking the medicine, but the child’s fever continues to progress. Then a health worker will need to administer an intramuscular injection of antipyretic medications;
  • use proven medications in treatment and purchase them only in pharmacies.


It is impossible to predict or prevent fever. The goal of prevention is to reduce the risk of getting sick. Observe sanitary and hygienic standards, strengthen the child’s immune system, and prevent hypothermia and overheating of the body. During epidemics of influenza and other infections, be careful and do not attend mass events.

In conclusion, I would like to remind parents: any febrile manifestations are one of the first symptoms of the disease, which should be taken seriously. High fever should not last longer than 3 days; if it worsens, contact a specialist for a diagnosis.

Do not resort to self-medication, learn how to properly treat a fever. Don’t listen to outsiders’ advice “from the street”; they can leave irreparable complications. After all, the most important thing in our lives is healthy and happy children!

Fever in a child: what to do?

It is difficult to remain calm and sober in thought when your baby’s mercury thermometer goes beyond 38. High fever is much more difficult for children than for adults, and if not treated promptly, it can lead to tragic consequences.

A pediatrician told our magazine about how to properly help a child with a fever.

An increase in temperature in a child is probably one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor. The term fever is understood as an increase in temperature in the armpit above 37.1 °C or temperature in the rectum above 38 °C.

Normal in both adults and children Body temperature equal to 36.5 °C. It is usually measured in the armpit. It can be difficult to hold a thermometer under the armpit of an infant, so you can measure the temperature in the mouth or rectum, but keep in mind that it will be about 0.5-0.8 °C higher.

How to measure temperature correctly?

When measuring temperature, you can use either a mercury or an electronic thermometer. Although instant temperature thermometers are generally not very accurate.

Under normal conditions, body temperature fluctuates during the day within 0.5 °C. In the morning it is minimal, in the evening it increases.

Very warm clothes, high ambient temperatures, a hot bath, and physical exercise increase body temperature by 1-1.5 °C.

Hot food or drinks can increase the temperature in the mouth, so temperature measurement should be done before meals or an hour after it.

A slight increase in temperature is possible in cases where the child is acting restless, crying.

Causes of high temperature in children

The most common causes of fever are infectious diseases. Changes in weather, long travel, overexcitement weaken the child’s body, and any infection may cause an increase in temperature.

In young children the temperature may jump due to simple overheating. Very caring parents, having wrapped their child in a warm room, create a “micro-steamhouse” for him, effectively

Children in the first two months of life do not yet know how to “give off” heat.

Another reason for a rise in body temperature may be teething , but it should be remembered that in this case the temperature is usually does not rise above 38.4 °C.

What kind of fever is there?

An increase in body temperature is a natural protective process, aimed at mobilizing the body’s own forces, increasing immunity, since microbes do not tolerate elevated temperatures well, stop in their development and even die. This is why the temperature does not always need to be lowered.

Fever (high temperature) may be low-grade fever (up to 38 °C) and febrile (more than 38 °C). Also emit fever "white" and "red" types.

  • "Red" fever
  • With “red” fever, the skin is pink, moist, hot to the touch, the child’s behavior practically does not change. This fever is easier to deal with.

  • "White" fever
  • With “white” fever, the skin is pale with a “marble” pattern, the tint of the lips and fingertips may be bluish, and the baby’s arms and legs are cold to the touch. Characterized by a feeling of cold and chills. Increased heart rate and shortness of breath are observed, and convulsions may occur.

How to reduce the temperature?

It is necessary to reduce the temperature if it is more than 38.5 °C. Exceptions are situations if the child does not tolerate an increase in temperature or his age is less than 3 months; in these cases, it must be reduced already at 38 ° C. The most important thing is don’t panic! It’s better to calm down and think about how to help the baby.

More liquid!

With a fever, as a rule, appetite decreases sharply, and you need to come to terms with this. The main thing is that the baby has plenty of breast milk, and if the temperature is high, additional fluids. A child with a fever should drink more than a healthy child. An increase in body temperature causes increased evaporation of fluid from the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

You need to drink more!
For every degree of increase in body temperature, the child should receive fluids 20% more than the daily norm.

If the baby is breastfed, then if the temperature rises or medications are used, the need to supplement it with water, even if you haven't done it before. Children over 6 months old can be given warm (slightly warmer than room temperature) tea, cranberry and lingonberry juice, linden blossom infusion, as well as fennel and chamomile infusion.

Little ones should be put to the breast more often and given water or chamomile tea. Even if the child is capricious and dissatisfied, be persistent. Only Do not give too much liquid at once so as not to provoke vomiting.

Fresh air

Try to maintain the air temperature in the room no higher than 22-23 ° C, ventilate the room more often. Do not wrap your child up with a cotton blanket.

From the home medicine cabinet

Of the drugs recommended, mainly those where the active ingredient is paracetamol . These are “Paracetamol”, “Panadol”, “Efferalgan”, “Tylenol”, “Cefekon D”, etc. They are available in the form of syrup, rectal suppositories, tablets. A single dose of paracetamol is 10-15 mg/kg (up to 1 year from 50 to 120 mg at a time), can be repeated up to 4 times a day.

If paracetamol does not help, children from 6 months can be given Nurofen syrup (Ibuprofen) (daily dose - 5-10 mg/kg, divided into 4 doses). It is possible to take the drug from 3 months, but only as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor.

It should be remembered that aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is contraindicated for children under 15 years of age! Analgin is prescribed only by the attending physician according to strict indications.

When the temperature rises, especially in infants, do not self-medicate, call a doctor. A specialist will help to correctly assess the severity of the child’s condition and prescribe adequate treatment.

Folk remedies for fever

Physical methods of cooling are used: the child must be undressed, a cold compress must be placed on the forehead and changed periodically, the body must be wiped with a mixture of water and vodka in equal quantities (wipe, but do not rub the baby, otherwise it will cause the opposite effect). The procedure can be repeated several times until the temperature drops to 38 °C.

You can do an enema (always reduces body temperature by 1 °C). The enema is given with water at room temperature. For children 1-6 months - 30-60 ml, from 6 to 12 months - 120 ml. But this method should not be abused.

Attention: special occasion!

With “white” type fever, the temperature does not drop well due to spasm of the blood vessels in the extremities, which is why the child’s feet are cold. In this case, you can additionally, in addition to antipyretic, give the child Papaverine or No-shpa (¼-½ tablets), and at the same time an antihistamine (Suprastin, Fenistil, Zyrtec) and give the child hot tea.

You can apply a cold compress to your forehead, but You cannot wipe the child. You need to put woolen socks on your baby and wait until your feet become warm and your skin turns pink.

See a doctor urgently!

If the temperature has not decreased 30 minutes after taking paracetamol or even rises, loose stools or cramps appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Be attentive to your baby. Even if the child’s condition is apparently good, you need to remember the likelihood of unfavorable dynamics and be on alert.