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Why lymph nodes hurt in the groin in women? Inflammation and enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes in women. Itching and redness in the groin area

Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin are most often caused by an infectious or inflammatory process. Quite often, this symptom is a sign of a disease that is sexually transmitted. Inguinal lymphadenitis requires a thorough medical examination and treatment only under the supervision of a physician. Unauthorized use of medications or traditional medicine is unacceptable, as this can provoke the development of serious complications.


Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin can be caused by both pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic factors. Inflammation and, as a consequence, enlargement of the lymph nodes never occurs on their own. As a rule, this process is a consequence of the development of the underlying disease. The formation of such a process includes the following:

It should also be noted that the inguinal lymph nodes may enlarge due to a pathological process, which may be more common in men or women. Thus, enlarged lymph nodes in the groin in women can be a symptom of the clinical picture of the following pathological processes:

  • oncological processes of the reproductive system;
  • complications after childbirth.

Enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes in men may be due to the following etiological factors:

  • tumors;
  • on the buttocks.

In addition, it should be noted that the development of such a pathological process is quite possible due to or if a person’s immune system is too weakened.


At the initial stage of development of lymphadenitis, symptoms are almost completely absent. A person may only notice a slight enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin. This may not cause concern or any discomfort. As the underlying pathological process develops, the lymph nodes will enlarge, which will complicate the person’s movement. At this stage, the clinical picture may be supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of discomfort in the groin;
  • movement provokes unpleasant sensations;
  • feeling of heat and tension in the groin;
  • decreased or complete absence of sexual desire;
  • redness of the skin is observed in the affected areas;
  • local increase in body temperature.

If a purulent process begins in the enlarged lymph nodes, then the clinical picture is supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • in places where the lymph nodes are enlarged, fistulas form on the skin, through which green pus comes out;
  • , perhaps with ;
  • almost complete lack of appetite;
  • pronounced tissue swelling;
  • sharp pain on palpation;
  • the lymph node is motionless.

This condition of the patient indicates an organism. You should seek medical help immediately.

If the cause of the development of such a pathological process is an STD, then the clinical picture may be supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • rashes in the groin area, which may be accompanied by itching and;
  • that do not bring relief;
  • feeling of discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse;
  • decreased sexual desire or its complete absence.

In this case, you should urgently contact and not self-medicate. Unauthorized use of medications can lead not only to complications, but also to a blurred clinical picture, which complicates further diagnosis and treatment.


Initially, a physical examination is mandatory, with palpation of enlarged inguinal lymph nodes and clarification of the general history. If before the examination the patient took any medications to eliminate symptoms, you should definitely tell the doctor about this and show the packaging of the drug.

To accurately diagnose and identify the etiology of enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, the doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental examination methods. A standard program may include the following:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood sampling for analysis for specific antibodies to pathogens;
  • bacteriological culture of the lymph node contents;
  • biopsy of the inguinal lymph node;
  • PET - prescribed in cases where there is a suspicion of the development of an oncological process;
  • STD test;
  • immunological studies;
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

The doctor can prescribe treatment only after identifying the etiology of the disease and making an accurate diagnosis.


Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin in women or men require, in any case, timely and comprehensive treatment. In general, separate therapy for lymphadenitis is not carried out, since this symptom disappears on its own when the underlying cause is completely cured. Therefore, basic therapy will depend on the underlying disease.

Separately, it should be said about the purulent process in the enlarged lymph nodes. In this case, the main drug therapy will necessarily include the following drugs:

  • antibacterial;
  • antihistamines;
  • anti-inflammatory.

In more severe cases, surgical intervention takes place. In this case, the doctor opens the site of the lesion, cleans it of pus, washes the wound with an antiseptic solution and applies loose sutures. They should be applied loosely so that the remaining purulent exudate comes out. At the final stage of treatment, the procedure for treating the wound with an antiseptic is repeated and the wound is finally sutured.

Enlarged lymph nodes are not a separate disease, so you cannot eliminate the symptoms on your own. Such measures can improve the patient’s condition, but only for a certain time. Therefore, at the first signs of a clinical picture, you should seek medical help and not self-medicate.

Inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes is an inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin that occurs through the invasion of infection through the lymphatic vessels.

Most often, the first signs of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women are symptoms such as:

  • soreness and enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin;
  • compaction and redness in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • a feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen that increases with movement or physical activity.

The constant pulsating or aching nature of the pain experienced and the “spread” enlargement of the lymph nodes may indicate the process of suppuration. With purulent inflammation, chills, deterioration of well-being and increased body temperature are also possible.

The progression of infectious and inflammatory processes leads to the fact that the process of suppuration extends beyond the lymph node area, after which pus begins to spread throughout the intermuscular space of the thigh, sometimes affecting most of the leg. This process causes the development of diffuse acute purulent inflammation of the cellular spaces, called phlegmon.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area in women: causes of inflammation

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in women in the groin area is directly related to the penetration of harmful microorganisms with the lymph flow. The process itself in medical terminology is called lymphadenitis, which can be either infectious or non-infectious.

The most common causes of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women are fungal diseases of the groin area and lower extremities, a number of sexually transmitted and genitourinary diseases, and mechanical damage to the skin. Sometimes the process of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes can be triggered by taking specific medications or injury.

It is worth noting

Infectious inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area in women can be of a nonspecific nature, in which several symptoms inherent in the clinical picture of a particular pathogen can appear simultaneously.

Lymph nodes are a kind of filter in the body that protects vital organs from pathogenic microflora, so inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area in women is a serious reason for an early visit to the gynecologist, even if the enlargement of the lymph node seems insignificant.

During pregnancy, every woman should pay special attention to her health, since immunity is most weakened at this time. The causes of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in pregnant women can be inflammatory diseases such as colds, herpes, and sore throat. Therefore, first of all, comprehensive therapy is used, coordinated with the attending physician, to eliminate the main symptoms of colds.

Inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women: treatment with medications and folk remedies

In order to begin treatment of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women, it is necessary to establish the cause that triggered the inflammation process. To do this, you should undergo a full examination, including an examination by a gynecologist, general tests and an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

  • Physiotherapy is used at an early stage of the disease(electrophoresis, tomography and ultrasound therapy) and drug therapy using antibiotics and restorative drugs, aimed at getting rid of infection, virus and bacteria.
  • Treatment certainly includes the use of immunostimulating drugs to strengthen the immune system and restore it, since the lymphatic system is very closely related to the immune system of the human body.


Equally important is creating peace for the affected area. It is recommended to pay attention to your diet: sweets and caffeine should be excluded from it, and fruits and vegetables, on the contrary, should be added.

Folk remedies can also be used to treat inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women at an early stage of development. Infusions of medicinal herbs can harmoniously complement traditional methods of treatment and speed up the healing process.

In any case, a patient who decides to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin using folk remedies should initially obtain such advice from a doctor.

The main complications of inflammation of the lymph nodes in women in the groin area and indications for surgery

Purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area can lead to necrosis of the tissues surrounding them. It is in order to prevent such complications that surgical intervention is performed, during which an incision is made in the diseased lymph node and its subsequent disposal of pathological contents.

Drainage of the opened affected cavity during surgery is always accompanied by the use of antibiotic and antimicrobial agents to avoid the addition of a secondary infection. It should be noted that after such an operation, regular treatment and dressing of the wound by a specialist is required.

If the cause of the inflammation in question is cervical cancer or a malignant tumor, then, most likely, it will not be possible to do without surgical intervention. Radiation and complex chemotherapy may also be required.

Inflammation of the lymph node in the groin area is certainly a consequence of the occurrence of a disease in the body, which means that attention during the treatment process should be focused not on the symptoms, but on the cause.

The lymphatic system is the body's "watchdog". The outflow of fluid from tissues and foci of inflammation occurs through lymphatic vessels, along which collector nodes are located. In the event of the appearance of inflammatory mediators and infectious agents, the lymph nodes are the first to respond to the presence of a pathological process, depending on the location. In diseases of the head and neck, superficial nodes under the lower jaw and chin react. Breast pathologies are accompanied by an increase in axillary glands. And in the groin, the lymph node hurts when the lower limb and pelvic organs are affected.

Why can the inguinal lymph nodes hurt?

The lymphatic system is a complex of vessels, nodes and plexuses that performs a protective (immune), filtration and drainage function in the human body. Lymph nodes, located in different areas of the body, are a barrier through which lymph and tissue fluid drain from organs. Pathological processes throughout the body are accompanied by an acute inflammatory reaction of the nodes - lymphadenitis.

Acute lymphadenitis, associated with isolated damage to the lymph node or a reaction to a distant process, comes in two forms:

  • Catarrhal (serous) associated with aseptic (without infection) reactive inflammation or the initial stage of infection. Characteristic signs: an organ of dense consistency, painful on palpation, increases in size, adheres to nearby tissues and is inactive.
  • Purulent - associated with purulent melting of lymph node tissue during a specific or nonspecific infectious process. It is characterized by an increase in the patient’s body temperature and pain in the groin area. On palpation, central softening of the dense structure is noted.

Pain is a pathological symptom that is one of the signs of the inflammatory process, along with an increase in size (due to swelling), dysfunction, increased blood flow and elevated temperature. The appearance of an unpleasant sensation during inflammation is associated with the influence of biologically active substances (mediators) and stretching of the lymph node capsule with irritation of the nerve endings.

Inguinal lymph nodes are located in the area of ​​the inguinal ligament and are represented by a group of superficial and deep formations (the total number differs in all people, on average - 20-40 nodules up to 5 mm in size). These structures are regional for:

  • Pelvic organs: bladder, ureters, uterus and appendages (in women), prostate and seminal vesicles (in men).
  • Lower limb.
  • Buttock areas.
  • Crotch.
  • The lower part of the side wall of the abdomen.

In addition, lymph nodes in the groin of men provide drainage of fluid from the penis and scrotal structures.

Soreness of the lymph nodes in the groin area is a response to acute pathology of the pelvic organs or lower limb. Often localized pain is the only symptom of the pathology when the clinical manifestations are insufficient.

Causes of enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin

Acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes are a nonspecific marker of pathology of muscle and bone tissue, diseases of the internal and external genital organs. In addition to lymphadenitis, in medicine there is a concept - lymphadenopathy - a syndrome in which the lymph nodes increase in size, however, without signs of acute inflammation.

The main causes of inguinal lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy are presented in table form.

Pathological processes in the area of ​​the lower limb, buttocks and perineum

  • Furuncle - inflammation of the hair follicle with the formation of a purulent cavity.
  • An abscess is a localized purulent process that occurs after a nonspecific infectious pathogen enters the wound. The occurrence of pathology is most often associated with improper execution of intramuscular injections.
  • Panaritium is a nonspecific purulent lesion of the soft tissues of the fingers or toes. Occurs after infection of small wounds or punctures.
  • Erysipelas is a streptococcal skin lesion, which is characterized by a staged process: redness, swelling, suppuration

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

  • Bacterial (syphilis and gonorrhea).
  • Protozoans (caused by protozoa): chlamydia and trichomoniasis

Systemic diseases with lymphadenopathy syndrome

  • HIV infection and AIDS.
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Herpes virus infection.
  • Adenovirus infection

Oncological pathology

  • Lymphosarcoma is a malignant tumor of lymphatic tissue.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis is a systemic tumor disease with predominant damage to cells of the lymphatic system and proliferation of lymph nodes.
  • Metastases from other organs (uterus, vagina, penis, bladder, prostate, etc.)

Other causes include cat scratch disease or felinosis, an infectious disease that occurs when a pathogen enters a person’s bloodstream from an animal’s infected claws. Characteristic symptoms: pain, redness and itching in the area of ​​the regional lymph node without signs in the wound area.

Important! The appearance of painful dark lymph nodes in the groin area (due to internal hemorrhage) with pronounced swelling of the surrounding tissues is a probable symptom of plague or anthrax

Features of the development of inguinal lymphadenitis in men and women

The difference in the anatomy of the reproductive organs of the pelvis and perineum determines the difference in the clinical course and the reasons why the pathological process occurs in the inguinal lymph nodes.

Features of the development of lymphadenitis in men and women are presented in the table.

Probable causes of inflammation

  • Catarrhal and purulent prostatitis.
  • Orchitis is an inflammatory lesion (infectious or autoimmune) of testicular tissue.
  • Epididymitis is inflammation of the epididymis.
  • Malignant tumors (testicular, prostate cancer)
  • Metritis, parametritis, endometritis are inflammatory pathologies of different layers of the uterus.
  • Oophoritis is inflammation of the ovaries.
  • Salpingitis is inflammation of the fallopian tubes.
  • Fibroids, leiomyosarcoma of the uterus

Anatomical features

The lymph nodes in the left groin in men are more often affected, which is due to the obstructed outflow of blood from the scrotum through the left ovarian vein. Minor inflammatory processes on the left are not prone to self-liquidation, therefore they spread to neighboring lymph nodes

In pregnant women, lymphadenitis occurs in the groin on the right, because with the physiological location the uterus increases in size and compresses the right ureter, contributing to the development of pyelonephritis and cystitis

Additional symptoms

  • Increased local temperature.
  • Difficulty urinating (painful, frequent).
  • Pain during defecation.
  • Erectile disfunction.
  • Changes in the skin of the scrotum
  • Bloody discharge during the intermenstrual period.
  • Itching in the vagina.
  • Copious discharge of yellow, white or green color with an unpleasant odor or foam.
  • Menstrual dysfunction

Important! The appearance of enlarged lymph nodes in a woman’s groin is also observed when hygiene rules are not followed when depilating the bikini area

What is dangerous about painful inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin?

Elephantiasis is a possible complication of chronic lymphadenitis (photo: www.otekam.net)

The symptom of lymphadenitis is of diagnostic value when nonspecific signs of inflammation appear (fever, weakness, increased number of leukocytes in the blood). However, the anatomical location of the lymph nodes in the groin poses a risk of complications if medical care is not provided in a timely manner.

Possible dangerous consequences of lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy:

  • Cellulitis of the thigh is a diffuse purulent process that occurs after the capsule melts and the process spreads through the intermuscular spaces. Treatment of this pathology consists of wide surgical access with drainage placement.
  • Infertility - chronic inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in men reduces the normal outflow of lymph from the testicles, with the gradual development of fibrosis (replacement of functional connective tissue) in the latter.
  • Sepsis and septic shock - the close proximity of lymphatic structures to the main vessels of the thigh is accompanied by the risk of purulent melting of the vascular wall and the entry of infected masses into the bloodstream.
  • Lymphedema or “elephantiasis” is the development of massive swelling of the lower extremities, which is caused by obstructed lymph drainage.

Where to go if you have pain in the inguinal lymph nodes

The presence of acute lymphadenitis requires adequate therapy aimed not only at eliminating the symptom of pain, but also eliminating the underlying cause. Therefore, patients who have pain in the lymph nodes of the groin area are recommended to visit the following specialists:

  • To the surgeon if there are signs of wound suppuration, the appearance of ulcers on the lower extremities, buttocks or the lower part of the side wall of the abdomen.
  • Urologist: men with additional symptoms from the urinary or reproductive system.
  • Gynecologist: women who experience menstrual dysfunction or pathological discharge from the genitals.
  • To the oncologist: if the inguinal lymph nodes are significantly enlarged (diameter more than 2 cm), do not hurt and are not accompanied by additional specific symptoms.

The scope of diagnostic methods is determined by the attending physician and most often includes a clinical examination, ultrasound diagnostic methods (ultrasound) or computed tomography (CT) of the lower limb and pelvis.

Important! If a tumor process is suspected or the clinical situation is uncertain, a lymph node biopsy is performed - a procedure for collecting part of the material for laboratory testing.

All photos from the article

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in men or women is called inguinal lymphadenopathy. This process is observed in connection with the impaired functioning of the lymphatic system, the purpose of which is the production of leukocytes to protect the human body. Frequent causes of this are sexually transmitted diseases, cuts, injuries with broken skin, and viral infections.

After a viral microorganism enters, the inguinal lymph node becomes inflamed. This usually happens due to the excessive activity of a particular viral infection. Various lymph nodes can be susceptible to the inflammatory phenomenon: the cervical, axillary or groin area, with simultaneous damage to the lymphatic vessels adjacent to them.

The route by which pathogenic microorganisms enter the body is classified into external and internal. When externally, infection occurs through skin lesions in the form of wounds and deep scratches. When internal, the viral agent is introduced into the body of a man or woman through airborne droplets, or during sexual contact.

Photo 1. Diagram of human lymph nodes

Causes of enlarged inguinal lymph nodes

Conventionally, all causes are divided into a number of groups, which will correspond to certain diseases:

  1. Infections that enter the body through skin disorders (wounds, scratches, cuts, bites). These are:
  • Diaper dermatitis leading to skin damage (typical for small children)
  • Furunculosis or purulent-necrotic phenomena in the hair follicle of the buttocks
  • Consequences of BCG vaccination. At the moment, the cause is completely excluded, since the vaccine is administered in the shoulder instead of the hip
  1. Bacteria and viruses penetrated through mucous membrane
    • Syphilis
    • Gonorrhea
    • Filatov's disease
    • Herpes pubis
    • and others
  2. Various inflammatory phenomena in joints and genitals, malignant cancerous neoplasms
  3. Skin dermatitis, such as athlete's foot

Symptoms and signs with photos

Let's look at the symptoms for various reasons for enlarged lymph nodes in the groin.

Under mechanical influence

If the enlargement of the inguinal lymph node occurs due to the presence of wounds and scratches of the lower extremities, then its signs will be:

  • The growth of the pathology size is more than 8 mm
  • Pain and increased sensitivity when feeling with fingers
  • Redness of the skin around the affected area
  • Increase in body temperature

Usually, when there is damage expressed on one side of the body, an enlarged lymph node appears on the same side.

If there is growth of lymph nodes in the groin area, a pathology such as an inguinal hernia may appear, which can only be removed by surgical intervention.

Consequences of viral infections

Syphilis. A common cause of pathologies of the lymph nodes in the groin area. It is characterized by changes on both sides, usually appears within a week from the moment of infection, there is no redness, swelling, or sharp pain. Several lymph nodes are affected at once, with one being larger than the others. Palpation does not cause pain, the node has an oval or round shape with a diameter of up to 25 mm, feels firm and elastic to the touch with good mobility.

Photo 2. Example of inflammation in men and women

Gonorrhea. Lymph nodes appear on both sides, the lesions are up to 20 mm in size, very dense, with pain when palpated.

Sodoku. In this case, symptoms appear 10-14 days after exposure to a bite by one or another species of rodent. Lymph nodes are characterized by rapid development with an increase in diameter up to 80 mm, severe pain when touched and almost unchanged skin color. In general, the lymph nodes remain mobile and have a round shape. Body temperature reaches 39 degrees.

Infectious mononucleosis. Or in other words, herpes virus type 4, also known as the Epstein-Barr virus. If infection occurs, along with the inguinal ones, lymph nodes of other groups, for example, the cervical ones, can also enlarge. In the groin, pathologies grow up to 20-30 mm in diameter, often forming entire chains. They are not particularly painful, firm to the touch and easily movable, the skin is not changed, slight swelling is possible.

Cytomegalovirus infection. The symptoms are similar to herpes type 4, groups of enlarged nodules are clearly visible, but the increase in size is not so strong, on average up to 10 mm.

Herpes type 2. Usually observed on one side. On palpation, the inflammation is not compacted, similar to dough, characterized by an average degree of mobility and pain, the skin is not changed, there are no signs of rotting

Borreliosis. Appears after a tick bite with this virus, appears only on one side, the size of the pathology is up to 20 mm in diameter, high mobility, moderate pain, lymph nodes become dense but elastic, there are no ulcers.

Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis or venereal lymphopathy. Infection occurs with a very high probability through sexual contact; in the future, the following course options are possible:

  • If the course is mild, manifestation may occur 45-60 days from the moment of infection
  • For severe cases – within 5-7 days

A one-sided inflammatory process of several lymph nodes at once is characteristic. In the initial period of the disease, the nodes are separated, mobile, dense and elastic. If treatment is delayed or ineffective, they then merge into one large, irregularly shaped lymph node with tubercles.

When touched, it is characterized by pain, the skin is red, there are volumes of pus inside, which appears during breakthroughs. In the future, the formation of a fistula (fistula) is possible, after which the inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin of a woman or man often becomes chronic.

Erysipelas (erysipelas). The entry of the pathogen of this pathology causes lymphadenitis in the groin area. This happens because this infection mainly affects the legs, so the closest elements of the lymphatic system will be in the groin.

Lymphadenitis with Erysipelas is characterized by elasticity with severe pain; the node is mobile and not fused to nearby tissue. The appearance of the skin is normal, there is no increase in its temperature.

Photo 3. Examples of inflammation

Features of inflammation in women

Inflammation of the inguinal lymph node in a woman, unlike a man, often has an underlying gynecological roots, in such cases it is caused by:

  • Inflammatory process in the ovary
  • Endometritis, pathology of the inner mucous layer of the uterus
  • Peritonitis is an inflammatory phenomenon of the serous covering of the peritoneum.
  • Bartholinitis, inflammation in the Bartholin gland, which is located in the female labia
  • The presence of malignant neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system is typical for older patients

These pathological changes usually occur virtually no symptoms and are chronic in both men and women. Because of this, the moment of onset when inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs is often missed, and a visit to a specialist occurs already in the advanced phase.

In order to avoid delays, earlier diagnosis can be carried out. This can be done using several tests, examinations and examinations:

  • Vaginal examination
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)
  • Cytology and histology
  • Comprehensive infection screening
Pregnancy is not a contributing factor to lymphadenitis of the groin area. The most common causes are bartholinitis, as well as purulent processes on the surface of the skin of the legs. The latter case is very quickly and easy to visually diagnose.

Which doctor treats you?

If you find one or more round formations in the groin area, then you should not delay going to the hospital. You should not console yourself by not finding some of the usual signs of inflammation, for example, such as redness, pain when touched or an increase in body temperature, because, as we showed above, some pathological conditions do not have similar symptoms with lymphadenitis.

In general, it is important for both men and women to immediately contact a specialist, but it is important to understand which one. If you are completely lost in guessing about the origin of the disease, and the existing symptoms do not say anything intelligible, then you should contact therapist. A general specialist will conduct an initial examination, then refer you to specialist doctors, or prescribe the necessary tests and procedures.

Typically, a person with inflammation of the lymph node in the groin is a “client”:

  • Infectious disease doctor if there are clear signs of infection with pathogenic viruses
  • Surgeon, in the presence of purulent pathological changes
  • Oncohematologist– specialist in blood diseases
  • Dermatovenereologist or venereologist, for venereal diseases
  • Gynecologist, for women's diseases
  • Urologist, for men's ailments

Diagnosis for pathology

Diagnosis traditionally begins with interviewing the patient, external examination of the lesion site, and blood sampling for biochemical analysis. During the interview, the medical specialist will pay special attention to whether there have been recent leg injuries, unprotected sexual intercourse, tick bites, or any inflammatory ailments. For further diagnosis you may need special studies, complementing the current picture, for example:

  • Taking a smear from the mucous membranes
  • Additional blood tests for leukocyte levels
  • Taking any tissue for examination
  • Ultrasound. Gives a complete picture of the actual changes in the tissues and affected lymph nodes.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin

In medicine, it is customary to classify such therapy into: general, specific and surgical. Treatment for men and women is not fundamentally different.

With general, it means relieving the symptoms of the disease in a natural way, helping the body with special medications. Basic principles of this approach:

  • Maintaining bed rest and rest
  • Normalization of nutrition, it should be made healthier, low-calorie, fried, fatty, salty foods should be excluded
  • The basic therapeutic agents are various antibiotics, which are used to eliminate the initiating virus. If it is unclear which pathogenic environment caused the growth of the nodes, antibiotics with a broad effect are prescribed.
  • In addition, it is possible to use drugs that relieve inflammation and pain, and vitamins. It is important to reduce the concentration of toxic substances in the body. Various methods of heating the affected area are contraindicated.

Specific Therapy differs from general therapy in terms of exact knowledge of what caused the inflammation. The doctor obtains this information by conducting a wide range of laboratory tests and tests. The principles of treatment are similar to the general approach, with the exception of the use of specific, highly targeted drugs against identified pathogenic microorganisms.

Surgical the approach is quite rare and is prescribed when the inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin is purulent, as well as in case of necrosis of the lymph node and nearby tissues. In women, surgical intervention is used by a gynecologist for abscess of bartholinitis.

Recovery prognosis and prevention

Inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes is a pathological condition that can be successfully treated at different stages, but, as in any other case, prolongation does not lead to anything good. It is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner, establish an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment. The speed of healing may vary.

The longest recovery process with a source of inflammation in the form of venereal disease, complications with purulent manifestations, the presence of erysipelas with periadenitis, infectious mononucleosis. For example, in the presence of borreliosis, without explicit therapy, an increase can be observed for several weeks.

In both women and men, the least favorable outcome of treatment is observed with oncohematological diseases, blood cancer and other types of malignant tumors. The outcome of therapy in this case will be influenced by the sensitivity of atypical cells to the chemotherapy used.

Prevention of inflammation of the lymph nodes includes several simple rules:

  • Elimination of various injuries leading to damage to the skin, especially on the legs
  • If a wound does occur, then it is mandatory to disinfect it with iodine or brilliant green.
  • Increasing the body's immunity
  • Protected sex with an unverified partner

The general level of health of the human body is directly related to the state of its lymphatic system. Thus, when it malfunctions and is disrupted, the degree of natural defense decreases, so a person becomes completely unarmed in the face of an endless number of pathogenic microorganisms in the surrounding space.

One of the clear signs of problems in the lymphatic system is inflammation of the lymph nodes in any part of the body. A pathological process in the groin can also occur in the fair sex, and may indicate a direct negative effect on the nodes or the development of a serious disease.

In order to prevent the development of this disease, or cope with it, it is very important to understand its true causes, symptoms, and how best to properly treat inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women at home.

A lymph node is a peripheral organ of the human lymphatic system, which is an oval or round formation, its size ranges from 0.5 to 2 cm.

It performs the functions of cleansing lymph and producing protective cells that fight tumors and infections in the human body.

The inguinal lymph nodes are located in the area of ​​the inguinal folds (femoral triangle) and are responsible for transporting lymph to the iliac lymph nodes, which are located in the abdominal cavity.

Enlarged lymph nodes are called lymphadenitis. The disease can have an acute or chronic form; one node, a group of nodes, or several groups of nodes at once can become inflamed - this is typical in cases of systemic human diseases.

Lymphadenitis in the inguinal lymph nodes in women may indicate an inflammatory process, infection in the patient’s legs or pelvic organs.

The lymph node acts as a filter that should cleanse the lymph. In turn, the infection penetrates the lymph nodes through the lymph vessels. If an infection enters the human body, the lymph nodes are the first to react to it.

They take the blow, preventing the infection from penetrating deeper into the body. One of the main types of inflammation of the lymph nodes is inguinal lymphadenitis. What are the main causes of the disease, how to diagnose and cure it?

Inflammation is a reaction of the lymph nodes to a harmful accumulation of cells that are infected with pathogens. These cells penetrate into the nodes through the lymph vessels from the site of infection.

Inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes is caused by:

Pain and swelling of the lymph node that suddenly appears is clear evidence that the cause of the disease is mechanical damage or infection.

If the lymph node becomes inflamed slowly, then you need to look for a more serious, deeper source.

Enlarged lymph nodes can also be caused by sexually transmitted diseases, such as:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • papillomaviruses;
  • genital herpes;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • chlamydia.

Inguinal lymphadenitis is also possible with cystitis, urethritis, vesiculitis, balanoposthitis.

What are the symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area in women?

The inguinal lymph nodes are close to the surface of the skin, so they can be felt. When exercising and walking, an unpleasant feeling of discomfort and aching pain may occur in the inflamed area.

In addition to changes in size, pain during movement and palpation, the following symptoms are observed:

  • lymph node compaction;
  • skin redness;
  • burning, itching, peeling of the skin;
  • increased body temperature of the patient;
  • intoxication of the body develops in the event of accumulation of pus in the lymph nodes and progression of inguinal lymphadenitis. This condition is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature, general weakness, chills, muscle pain and headache. A blood test shows a high ESR content and pronounced leukocytosis.

Lymphadenitis is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, weakness, loss of weight and appetite, loss of strength, and headache. Malaise clearly indicates the occurrence of a chronic or acute inflammatory process in the human body.

An enlarged lymph node in the groin area does not always cause pain. If it becomes motionless and hard, this may be a signal of the formation of a malignant tumor.

The most difficult thing to diagnose is chronic lymphadenitis, since its symptoms may be mild, and because of this, some diseases may progress to an advanced stage.

Diagnosing inguinal lymphadenitis is usually necessary through a medical examination. Often complicating the detection of the disease is the fact that the lymph nodes in the groin are not always easy to palpate.

Therefore, additional laboratory testing or diagnosis using instrumental methods is prescribed. It is important to accurately diagnose lymphadenitis, since its symptoms are similar to those of an inguinal hernia.

Methods for diagnosing lymphadenitis:

If a person is concerned about the condition of his lymph nodes, he should contact his local physician, who can refer the patient to other specialized specialists - an infectious disease specialist, a urologist, a gynecologist.

Many of us understand perfectly well that the key to successful treatment of any disease is a timely visit to a doctor. The same applies to the treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes.

If you notice the first symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes, you must contact a specialist, and he, in turn, will conduct an examination and, based on the acquired data, prescribe the necessary treatment.

Effective treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis largely depends on identifying the true cause of inflammation and enlarged lymph nodes.

Lymphadenitis of the inguinal nodes rarely develops as a separate independent disease; on the contrary, in most cases this disease is preceded by infectious inflammatory foci in the body: carbuncles, boils, abscesses and others.

So, how to treat inguinal lymphadenitis? Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area in women is treated conservatively or surgically. At the initial stages of development of the inflammatory process, the patient may be prescribed:

Surgical intervention to treat lymphadenitis is considered only if pus forms and gradually accumulates in the lymph nodes. To ensure the drainage of pus from the inflamed lymph nodes, the surgeon resorts to drainage.

General therapy in the treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis involves eliminating any symptoms of inflammation. To do this, you need to follow these simple recommendations:

  • a patient with lymphadenitis is prescribed bed rest;
  • diet: eat only light, dietary foods, avoid too fatty and high-calorie foods;
  • The main drugs in treatment are antibiotics, since the most common cause of lymphadenitis is infection. Broad-spectrum antibiotics may be used until the exact cause of the disease is determined.

Today, there are many methods of treating inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women with folk remedies. Below are the most effective of them:

If pain in the lymph nodes has no apparent cause and does not go away after a few days, do not delay your visit to the clinic, since inflammation of the lymph nodes may indicate serious health problems.

Before starting treatment with traditional methods, you should consult a medical specialist. It is also necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, since only in this case is it possible to carry out the correct treatment.

Lymphadenitis is not a separate disease, but a direct reaction of the body to another disease. It is extremely dangerous to self-medicate in the presence of tumors, while it is vitally important to carry out urgent surgical intervention.