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What you need to drink to get pregnant quickly. Which hormonal pills or hot injections help a woman conceive: list, indications and effect

To eliminate the causes of infertility, every couple is looking for a “magic” vitamin or phytohormone. Women often ask what herb to drink to get pregnant? Any folk remedy requires an understanding of what needs to be treated. Most are advised to drink vitamin E, others are advised to drink herbs - boron uterus, shepherd's purse, yarrow or stinging nettle. For each recipe, it is worth consulting with specialists, because if there is an excess of the hormone or organic compounds, harm will be caused to health. Let’s first try to understand the causes of infertility, and then look for a miracle cure so as not to harm the body.

To drink or not to drink herbs and vitamins – that is the question

It happens to some married couples that there are no children for some time, and a crowd of sympathizers appears with advice, folk recipes and recommendations regarding posture. Agree, it’s an unpleasant feeling, especially when strangers intervene, telling you what herb to drink to get pregnant. They are right that it is better not to boil the herbs, but to drink a pharmaceutical extract, where it is more likely that all the beneficial substances will be preserved. Yes, this is true, but you can’t drink all the herbs, especially when some contain a plant analogue of progesterone, while others contain estrogen.

It is not a fact that the couple has real problems with fertilization; often people want to live for themselves for some time while they build a career or decide on their own home. Another thing is when there is a real problem, not wanting to consult with specialists, women look for support and advice on forums. But there you can get conflicting advice for anyone who is interested in “what can you drink to get pregnant, and how to eat properly?” And what can people with their own diagnosis suggest without knowing yours?!

Of course, every woman should experience the happiness of motherhood and give birth to a healthy heir to her man. If you have a series of unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, you should not rush from one adviser to another, finding out what to drink in order to guarantee pregnancy. It is much better to undergo a full medical examination without wasting time. It is important to know whether the reason for the lack of conception is in a female or male body in order to correct the reproductive process.

Important: You cannot diagnose yourself as “infertility” or blame your partner by saying that others had children or abortions. Diagnostics is the competence of doctors!

Even if doctors have discovered the cause of infertility, this is not a “sentence”, but a rethinking of the situation to find other solutions. There are IVF and surrogacy, ways to increase the activity of male sperm and stimulate follicles that produce eggs. It is reasonable to ask your “favorite doctor,” as women call gynecologists, what pills to take to get pregnant faster. According to statistics, 7-10% of couples have problems with infertility, and this is not a reason for divorce, but food for thought.

Advice: The main recommendation for a couple with problems conceiving is to go to the doctor together and patiently examine the condition of the partners’ bodies. It happens that even after a general diagnosis there are no visible reasons, but it is necessary to bring the hormonal levels back to normal after oral contraceptives taken for years.

There is no need to run to psychics, fortune tellers and sorcerers with questions - this will bring negative consequences to the lives of future children. Perhaps there is a generational curse, then it is better to turn to a priest so that the decision comes “from God, and not from the devil,” as the people once said. Sometimes it’s not time for lovers to have children at all their times and timings. But preparing your body and strengthening your health is better than carelessly wasting your life, approaching menopause and senile impotence.

Causes of reproductive dysfunction

Many authoritative psychoneurologists claim that the human brain remains the cause of many ailments and disorders of the basic functions of the body. It contains the pituitary gland, which regulates hormonal processes. There are also various internal “blocks” that limit the resource of the ovaries or testicles.

For example, the cause of infertility is not physical. This is a negative experience - the girl witnessed how her mother died during the birth of her brother or sister. In her brain, pregnancy and childbirth carry an association with death. For such a girl, the question “what to drink to get pregnant quickly” is not relevant. Here it is more important to find a good psychotherapist who will help remove this block from the subconscious. Many have heard that there are psychosomatic diseases, but few intend to fight them with the right methods.

Stress is the cause of many health problems. Many city dwellers receive a daily “overdose” of negativity at work and on the way to and from work. But there is a direct relationship, a kind of vicious circle - stress causes infertility, and infertility itself is a great stress for a woman. It makes sense to think about stress resistance and a change of environment, first drinking herbs and medications for psychological stabilization. You cannot deny yourself rest on weekends and vacations, even if it is not paid by the employer.

According to researchers from different countries, infertility can be caused by:

  • severe stress;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • mental and emotional exhaustion.
The mechanism of the influence of the psyche on reproductive function has not been fully studied. But even in ancient times, women, without resorting to contraception, were able to control the birth rate with the power of thought. If for the first 3 years a girl who was forcibly married to an old man had no children, she could be released back.

There are records in manuscripts that women of the desert peoples starved for weeks so that the embryo would be “eaten” in their own womb. This can explain why girls who exhaust themselves with starvation diets cannot get pregnant. Then the important thing is not what to drink in order to get pregnant, but what to eat in order to remain a full-fledged woman, but not gain weight.

Important: Lack of proteins and vitamins is a secondary cause of infertility, the primary one is banal exhaustion, which destroys reproductive function. It also leads to rapid aging and early menopause!

But not only women are to blame; in many civilized countries, the absence of children due to male “fault” is above 52%. Those situations where there are no children due to mutual infertility, according to WHO statistics, are about 10-12%. However, you need to be aware that infertility is not a disease, but a whole complex of symptoms and deviations from the norm. Here is a small list of reasons that prevent couples from getting pregnant:
  • problems with ovulation;
  • unstable menstrual cycle due to hormonal imbalance;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes after inflammatory processes;
  • anatomical pathologies of the uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • fibroids and fibroids;
  • disturbance of spermatogenesis in men;
  • chronic genitourinary diseases (in both spouses);
  • endocrine factors;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • radiation and chemotherapy for oncology;
  • ecology and unbalanced nutrition;
  • hereditary, chromosomal and autoimmune causes.
Each case requires its own method of treating infertility and the time required to restore the body. To get pregnant quickly, sometimes you need not only to take medications, but also to correct fertilization.

In complicated cases, women are usually not against experimenting with their husband's sperm and someone else's egg or being inseminated with donor material. Such offers are the norm in reproductive medicine centers. Under a microscope, under the influence of special markers, they can separate the carriers of the X and Y chromosomes in order to obtain a child of the desired sex during in vitro fertilization (IVF).

We supply the body with vitamins and microelements

Female fertility depends on daily diet and lifestyle. The question “what vitamins to take to get pregnant faster” is important, but it is recommended to know their effect on the body.
Important: The main one is vitamin E or tocopherol, this is the main regulator of ovarian productivity. To prevent infertility, microelements are also needed, the main ones being zinc, iodine, selenium, potassium and copper compounds.

Both spouses are recommended to take multivitamin complexes containing fat-soluble (A, D, E) and water-soluble (K2, C, B2, B9 and B12). With a normal dosage, this will not harm in any way, it will only support the overall tone of the body and its basic functions.
  1. Vitamin A deficiency affects not only vision, but also the functioning of the gonads in men and women.
  2. Vitamin E (tocopherol) can cause “empty” seminal fluid and repeated ovulation without eggs. Both fat-soluble vitamins can be easily purchased at any pharmacy in capsules as “AEvit”.
  3. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is necessary for fat and carbohydrate metabolism, hematopoiesis and normalization of reproductive functions; oral contraceptives lead to its deficiency.
  4. Folic acid or B9 is a must-have vitamin during pregnancy to prevent fetal pathologies.
  5. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, without which strong immunity of mother and child is unthinkable.
This is the main answer to the question of what vitamins to take to get pregnant faster. Many of them are found in ordinary foods - meat and fish, herbs and nuts, vegetables and fruits, honey and cheeses.

Folk remedies to combat infertility

Those who avoid taking pills and trust traditional medicine recipes should not shy away from medical consultations. Even real herbalists and healers (not charlatans) try to clarify the diagnosis in order to prepare a truly effective drug. They claim that there are no incurable diseases, but there are incorrect approaches to eliminating the causes.

“All sorcerers” speak differently, offering certain remedies. We have high confidence in folk remedies for infertility. Our priests advise repenting of sins before praying for healing and breaking the curses of infertility, and then drinking herbs. Chinese medicine is based on acupuncture to normalize the flow of energies; esotericists also talk about them. Let's look at what herbs you can drink to get pregnant without problems.

Among the trusted infertility remedies:

  1. Sage, its tincture contains a plant analogue of the female hormone. Promotes conception and gestation, available in any pharmacy.
    Important: For dosage and properties and contraindications of each herb, you need to read the instructions before purchasing and treating!
  2. Borovaya uterus is a traditional “women’s medicine”, but with all the positive reviews, it also cannot be drunk uncontrollably. She is also a carrier of female hormones, and their overdose can lead to cancer and other undesirable processes. The finished tincture is drunk for no more than a month, with breaks, and no more than 3-4 times a day.
  3. A decoction of red brush is an excellent prevention of gynecological pathologies, drink its tincture 1 spoon 2-3 times a day, course up to one and a half months, then pause.
  4. Rose petals contain vitamin E, so the decoction and essential “rose oil” were drunk even in the Sultan’s harems if there were problems with ovulation. Sea buckthorn oil has the same property.
  5. Stinging nettle and knotweed are popular herbs for treating infertility. The herb called goose buckwheat has long been considered a plant that normalizes female functions, especially when taken in a herbal complex. These usually include coltsfoot, plantain seeds and linden blossom.
  6. The juice of waxy wheat grains, obtained by grinding, was used to treat couples suffering from infertility.
  7. Ginger and turmeric are spicy roots that are equally beneficial for men and women. In some they prevent prostatitis, in others they support ovarian function, thereby prolonging youth. You can mix the dry powder of these spices with honey and drink it with tea. By the way, it is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, especially with lemon.
Many are also interested in what medications to take to get pregnant? The most common medications are Duphaston and Aktifert, but they must be prescribed by a doctor. Do not delay diagnosing the causes of infertility. First, find out who needs treatment more - you or your partner, then consult doctors about what to drink to get pregnant. Try to minimize stress and reduce the overall load on the body.

Switch to a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. Completely give up bad habits, relax more together. Engage in self-healing after increased workloads. Try not to focus on infertility, but look for ways to eliminate the problem.

A woman’s desire to become pregnant does not always lead to a positive result. Many families wait years for the birth of their first child. Hundreds of couples break up because the husband or wife is unable to produce offspring.

In any case, there is no need to despair. Both the woman herself and her partner can be helped by pregnancy and conception pills in achieving the most important mission of procreation.

Reasons preventing pregnancy

Many married couples are perplexed: why, even under seemingly favorable circumstances and good physical condition, they cannot become parents? To answer this difficult question and understand what measures to take for successful conception, you need to determine the source of your problems.

The main reasons for unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child in both men and women can be divided into 2 types - physiological and psychological.

Physiological ones include:

  • Age of the couple. The childbearing age at which fertilization is more successful for a woman is 21–35 years, for a man – 21–36 years.
  • Hormonal imbalances and the presence of health problems in one or both partners, the main of which are infections transmitted through sexual contact.
  • A less common but serious problem that leads to embryo death is too many sperm entering the egg.

Psychological aspects that do not allow one to experience the joy of having a child are no less important. Some doctors even consider them to be of paramount importance if everything is fine at the physiological level of the spouses:

  • A strong desire to conceive can cause serious psycho-emotional disorders. Spouses constantly torment themselves with worries and suspicions, which almost always lead to neuroses.
  • Dependence on bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking, drug addiction).
  • Constant stressful situations.

Negative factors include long-term use of vital medications and antibiotics, as well as poor nutrition, leading to excess weight and lack of vitamins necessary for conceiving a child.

How to increase your chances of conceiving?

Techniques in the reproductive field of medicine are aimed at maximizing the chances of spouses to conceive a child. But they turn to clinics only when they are in complete despair, after several years of unsuccessful attempts. In such couples, after thorough medical examinations, a number of problems are identified that require thorough treatment.

If both partners are confident in their health and sexual activity, then they do not need to see a doctor, but use some methods to help them get pregnant as quickly as possible.

Every woman and every man who plans conception correctly and in advance should know this.

Choosing the right time

Knowing well the routine of her cycle, it is easy for every woman to calculate the chances of successful conception. This period is called ovulation. Its duration is 4–8 days and depends on the characteristics of the woman’s body. The ovulation process begins on days 13–14 from the beginning of the cycle and is determined by some changes in the body:

  • clear or light-colored copious vaginal discharge;
  • slight increase in body temperature during rest (basal);
  • short nagging painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

Ovulation occurs once per menstrual cycle. It is on these days that you need to maximize the frequency of sexual intercourse with proper ejaculation in a lying position. After contact, there is no need to run to the shower; it is better to lie on your back for a while with your legs pressed to your chest.

Male potential

Naturally, successful conception depends not only on the woman. Her partner must make every effort on his part. When carrying out sexual intercourse for the purpose of conception, a man needs to take great responsibility and comply with several very important conditions:

  1. Optimal body temperature. Even a slight increase in it significantly reduces the activity of sperm, which negatively affects their ability to fertilize.
  2. The correct interval between the frequency of sexual intercourse. Abstaining from sex for 2 to 3 days increases libido several times, as well as the volume and quality of sperm.
  3. Complete abstinence from cigarettes and alcohol at least 7 days before the expected fertilization. This will have a positive effect on both the quality of sperm and the health of the unborn child.

Proper pregnancy planning, including the use of vitamin complexes and special preparations for conception (only on the recommendation of a doctor), sports, good sleep, healthy eating and positive emotions will add chances for successful and quick fertilization.

It is no secret that the state of men's health and reproductive function is directly affected by numerous negative factors, including constant stress associated with economic instability and unfavorable environmental conditions. These aspects are a consequence of the fact that the stronger sex is not able to produce offspring.

Reasons that prevent a man from conceiving a child:

  • unsatisfactory sperm quality;
  • low sperm count;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • deterioration of potency;
  • impotence.

Many men do not admit their problems and flatly refuse to go to the doctor, shifting all the blame onto their wives. But you shouldn’t neglect this. Only a timely visit to a specialist will help avoid more serious consequences.

Taking a spermogram will help determine the state of the sexual functions of the reproductive organs. Based on the test results, you need to begin mobilizing the body in all respects with the help of special drugs for conception.

They contain various substances that form high-quality sperm parameters. They must enter the male body continuously, throughout the entire period of sperm formation, which lasts 74 days. Such substances include:

  • L-carnitine.
  • Vitamins B, E, C.
  • Folic acid.
  • Microelements (zinc, iodine, selenium).
  • Coenzyme Q 10.

Preparations based on such multicomponent complexes are made only from natural substances and plants. They are able to comprehensively correct the condition of a man’s reproductive system, increasing sperm motility and stabilizing their membranes, and thereby preparing him for proper and rapid conception.

  • Spermstrong.
  • Sealex.
  • Tribestan.
  • Spermactin.
  • SpermaPlant.
  • Verona.
  • Viardot.

Female hormonal drugs for conception

Today, about 65% of women cannot do without drugs that stimulate conception. Poor nutrition, stress and the environment are the same notorious reasons that do not allow the fair sex to become pregnant. Fortunately, the pharmaceutical industry can come to their aid in solving this important problem.

The main process that allows you to get pregnant is ovulation. If a woman has problems with fertilization, most likely, this process is not happening for her. In such cases, after a full examination, doctors prescribe medications to help restore ovulation. They are divided into 3 types:

  1. FSH and LH - follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones stimulate the growth of follicles. Drugs of this type include: Menogon, Puregon, Clostilbegit.
  2. HCG (hormonal) injections help the large follicle release an egg. These are Gonakor, Horagon and others.
  3. Progesterone prepares the inner uterine layer for the attachment of the embryo and gestation. The most common are Duphaston and Utrozhestan.

The lack of certain hormones is also the reason for the impossibility of conception. This is revealed by appropriate blood tests. Only your doctor can prescribe medications for hormonal treatment.

Some women are prescribed a course of hormonal contraceptives in order to become pregnant. The scheme is as follows: taking contraceptives gives the ovaries rest for a certain time, and after stopping the drugs, their more intensive and fruitful functioning begins.

Vitamin complexes

To recover and prepare the body for conception, doctors prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes to help a woman. They contain all substances that stimulate the reproductive system and are responsible for the normal development of the fetus.

These include vitamins of groups B, C, E, as well as iodine, calcium, magnesium and potassium. The most common preparations from the group of complexes of vitamins and microelements:

  • Elevit pronatal.
  • Vitrum prenatal forte.
  • AlfaVit mom's health.
  • Complivit.

Also, after the examination, the doctor may focus on certain medications containing one component that is completely absent or in insufficient quantities in a woman’s body, for example, Folic acid or Magnesium B6.

Herbal preparations that contain phytoestrogens of natural origin are also very popular. These substances are as close as possible to female hormones. Sometimes it is enough to drink tinctures or herbal extracts several times and it becomes possible to become pregnant. Here is not the entire list of such drugs:

  • Cyclodinone.
  • Remens.
  • Golden mustache.

You need to approach conceiving a child responsibly and only together with your partner. Don’t listen to the advice of “all-knowing” girlfriends and friends. Be sure to consult qualified doctors and undergo all necessary examinations. Only then will your chances of conceiving a healthy child increase many times over.

Every person has an instinct for procreation. But, unfortunately, not every married couple succeeds in conceiving a baby the first time. And if the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur, long-term treatment awaits. Couples who have been unable to conceive a child for 1 year are forced to consult a doctor to determine the reason for the failure to conceive and undergo the necessary treatment. But the question arises about what pills you need to take to get pregnant.

Actions to take if pregnancy does not occur

It is worth knowing that failure to get pregnant should alert you if you have been trying to conceive a baby for more than 1 year. Your actions are simple - it is better to go to the doctor and get the necessary tests.

A woman who has previously had a miscarriage will have to undergo the same tests. The reasons for non-occurrence of pregnancy may be an early abortion performed with the help of abortive drugs (medication), or an unsuccessful gynecological operation.

The tablets discussed below cannot be taken or selected independently. In most cases, these are potent hormonal drugs that must be used with great caution.

Hormonal pills

The process of conception in a healthy body goes like this:

  • the woman has a regular menstrual cycle;
  • depending on the length of the cycle, ovulation occurs approximately 12–15 days after menstruation;
  • ovulation, and therefore the possibility of getting pregnant, lasts up to 48 hours;
  • during ovulation, the sperm fertilizes the egg;
  • After a few days, the fertilized egg should firmly implant itself in the uterus.

Accordingly, hormonal pills are divided into 3 categories depending on the indications for use:

  • Fertility pills that induce ovulation. While taking them, the growth of follicles on the ovaries is stimulated;
  • HCG tablets that help you get pregnant and promote the functioning of the largest follicle. In other words, they “bring” the egg directly to the sperm;
  • the hormone progesterone prepares the uterus for the attachment of an egg by thickening its walls. This hormone will also help during pregnancy, maintaining a safe environment.

Pregnancy pills

Your doctor will advise you to take the pills only after undergoing an examination. The first check is the patency of the fallopian tubes, the presence of STDs. Tests are also provided for men, because in 40% of cases, pregnancy failure occurs due to low sperm motility or vitality.

"Metypred" is prescribed if there have been cases of miscarriages.

The name of the first drug is “Metypred”. These are pills, often prescribed to women who have elevated levels of male hormones.

"Metypred" stabilizes hormonal levels, bringing them back to normal, and also has an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it possible to treat hidden inflammation. This drug is recommended for use by women who have previously had miscarriages. It reduces the risk of miscarriage.

This drug is taken only as prescribed by a doctor, when a specialist calculates the dosage your body needs.

The likelihood of getting pregnant while taking hCG drugs

Such injections are prescribed after an ultrasound scan, if its results show small follicles or too large (up to 25 mm).

These drugs are prescribed once - 1 injection, after which ovulation occurs within 48 hours. To increase the effectiveness of the product, doctors recommend having sex the day before the injection and the day after it so that sperm enter the female body.

HCG preparations include Horagon, Gonakor, and Perfinil. The injections received good reviews from women whose cycle was disrupted, as a result of which ovulation did not occur. But in addition to hCG, pills for conceiving a child with progesterone are prescribed.

Preparations based on the “pregnancy hormone”

You have completed the first stage of treatment, and your doctor is prescribing drugs with progesterone. Progesterone will “control” pregnancy and provide a favorable environment for the attachment of a fertilized egg. It is also called the “pregnancy hormone”.

A drug that does not give any special side effects is called Duphaston. This drug does not alter metabolism; the only side effect that may occur during use is minor bleeding. If it occurs, the doctor simply increases the dosage of the drug.

The drug does not change thermogenesis, that is, the onset of ovulation. You can check this by measuring your basal temperature.

After taking the tablet, the dose of the drug reaches its maximum within 2 hours. Strictly speaking, the drug does not affect ovulation in any way; its purpose is to prepare the walls of the uterus for the attachment of an egg.

The dose for taking this drug is prescribed by the doctor, and the methods may vary.

You should prepare for the fact that after taking these drugs you will not be able to get pregnant right away. Don't be discouraged, many women use hormonal injections and take the pills over several cycles.

Hormonal birth control pills

Do you think that birth control pills prevent pregnancy? Of course, this is true, but if you take birth control for seven months and then stop abruptly, you can get pregnant.

For example, a woman deliberately missed taking her daily dose of pills before sexual intercourse, and only a few weeks later she found out she was pregnant. You can also get pregnant during the period when you take a seven-day or longer break from taking the pills.

You cannot choose contraceptives on your own. After all, unsuitable pills can cause a blow to the body and lead to metabolic and hormonal imbalances. A woman can gain a lot of weight, and cases of the development of female diseases are also common. You need to consult a doctor and go to the pharmacy with a prescription for the drug.

Oral contraceptives are primarily intended to stabilize hormonal levels, and only then to prevent conception.

Herbal preparations

Some herbs also contain a special hormone - phytoestrogen, which is as close as possible to the female hormone. In some cases, it is enough to drink a tincture or a purchased herbal extract to quickly become pregnant.

Only a small number of couples manage to conceive a baby the first time. Most people have to work hard to make children cry in the house. Pregnancy and conception pills will help bring the long-awaited addition to the family closer. Which ones exactly? Those that stimulate follicles and “necessary” hormones. Vitamins will also come to the rescue, taking them has a positive effect on reproductive function. However, we should not forget that the prescription of drugs is always preceded by a trip to the doctor, a thorough examination and determination of the cause of the problem.

In case of prolonged absence of conception, you should consult a gynecologist.

The main cause of infertility is illness of one of the partners. The most common culprits are sexually transmitted infections and gynecological diseases. They disrupt hormonal levels, which affects fertility.

However, it often happens that spouses are healthy, but the long-awaited two stripes never appear. What is the reason? The onset of conception can be influenced by many factors. The most common include:

  • Age. It is not for nothing that it is believed that a woman should give birth to a baby before she crosses the 35-year mark. With age, reproductive function decreases, ovarian abnormalities appear, and chronic diseases worsen. The chances of paternity decrease after age 37. The older a man is, the less his body produces sex hormones.
  • "Weight" problems. A woman's makeup affects her ability to conceive. Problems can arise not only in overweight women: lack of weight can also delay the onset of pregnancy.
  • Bad habits. This factor is relevant for both partners. Alcohol, nicotine, poor diet, lack of sleep - all this affects reproductive function. When planning a new addition to your family, you first need to adjust your diet, get rid of bad habits, and learn the principles of healthy eating.
  • Antibiotic therapy. Due to the use of such drugs, the bacterial vaginal flora is disrupted. We need to wait until it recovers, and the attempts will be crowned with success.
  • Psychological reasons. If one of the partners is stressed, then conception is unlikely to be successful. Often spouses begin to get nervous that pregnancy is not happening, as a result of which they cannot relax and “let go” of the situation. This psycho-emotional state only aggravates the problem.

If the reason for the lack of pregnancy is an illness, it needs to be cured. When a factor is to blame and it can be excluded, then you need to do this as soon as possible. Another thing is that there are factors that cannot be influenced: for example, age.

How to identify the problem

For couples planning a pregnancy, it is important to understand why conception does not occur. If attempts do not end in anything for more than six months, then you need to consult a doctor. To identify the problem, a number of studies are carried out:

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of problems with conception. But even when contacting a highly qualified specialist, it is not always possible to determine the factors that interfere with pregnancy. In any case, the doctor will give recommendations on how to speed up conception.

Ovulation drugs

Often problems with fertilization are associated with ovulatory processes. If the examination shows that the cause of infertility lies in the absence of ovulation, the woman is prescribed drugs that stimulate the maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg. Medicines that promote conception are hormone-containing drugs. They may include:

  • HCG. The hormone promotes the “release” of the egg from the follicle. These drugs are available in injection form.
  • FSH/LH. These hormones promote follicular growth, leading to successful ovulation and subsequent fertilization.
  • Progesterone. It prepares the uterine tissue for implantation and subsequent gestation.

You can take medications only as prescribed by a doctor. Solving issues related to women's health on your own is strictly prohibited. Taking hormone-containing drugs must be justified, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences: for example, ovarian hyperstimulation, which can lead to the formation of follicular cysts.

Pregnancy and conception pills are taken strictly according to the instructions. The recommendations must also be followed in the case of injection medications. To stimulate ovulation, hormones must enter the female body on certain days of the cycle and in certain doses.

Oral contraceptives to help

The birth of twins means double joy in the family

Sometimes the best pills for conceiving a child are oral contraceptives. No matter how paradoxical it may sound. If a woman has no health problems, but pregnancy does not occur for a long time, the doctor may recommend a five-month course of oral contraceptives. After such a course, conception usually occurs immediately. How can we explain this? During the time that a woman takes birth control pills, the ovaries have time to “rest.” Oral contraceptives block ovulation. Stopping taking OCs leads to an increase in fertility: the reproductive system begins to function at full strength after “rest”.

Activity is observed in the first three to five months. During this period, the chances of conception increase many times over, so you need to “work” to achieve your goal. This phenomenon is called the “withdrawal effect.” Using this method to speed up conception, couples often receive a “bonus” - twins.

You can take contraceptives to speed up pregnancy only after consulting your doctor. The selection of OCs should be done by a gynecologist, because there are many nuances that a woman cannot figure out on her own: from contraindications to side effects. Refusal to go to the gynecologist before taking OCs is dangerous due to the occurrence of a number of unpleasant symptoms and a negative impact on the reproductive system.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Conception is a complex process. The body must be ready for it. As it should be prepared for subsequent gestation, which involves enormous stress. This is why it is so important to take vitamin and mineral complexes when planning pregnancy. Which ones are determined by the doctor. Complexes of vitamins and minerals are prescribed based on the results of a blood fluid analysis: it shows which elements are missing in the body.

For a woman who dreams of becoming a mother, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinol, vitamin D and E are important. During the planning period, it is important to take complexes that contain these particular vitamins. They drink the complex with a course. It is recommended to stop taking it only after consulting your doctor, otherwise you may not see any effect.

Vitamin E plays a special role in the process of conception. Its deficiency can lead to hormonal imbalance. It is recommended to “make friends” with the vitamin three months before the expected conception. This way, it will have time to have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, which will speed up the onset of pregnancy. Women who do not like pharmacy vitamins can get the necessary substance from food. This important vitamin is found in large quantities in greens, milk, meat, and various oils (from the familiar olive to the “exotic” soy or peanut).

Any vitamin complexes should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

If you have problems conceiving, women are advised to take vitamin complexes containing glutamic acid. It helps normalize menstruation. Acid can make ovulation regular, which is important when follicle maturation does not occur in every cycle. Folic acid should be supplemented with glutamic acid. All women know about the significance of this substance. Acid has a positive effect on reproductive function and minimizes the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus.

At the planning stage, it is important that there is a sufficient amount of iodine in the body. It is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones. With a lack of such hormones, conception becomes impossible. Their lack also leads to miscarriage. Vitamin and mineral preparations will also help normalize iodine balance.

There are special intake programs for multivitamin complexes. They are developed by a doctor. It is better to address this question to him about six months before the expected conception.

Pills for men

The delay in conception is not always associated with the female body. The reason may lie in the male factor. Difficulties with conception occur when:

  • deterioration of potency;
  • erection failures;
  • low sperm quality;
  • insufficient sperm count.

If conception does not occur for more than six months, partners must undergo a full examination. A spermogram will help identify the “male component” of the problem. Based on its results, a man’s reproductive function is assessed. If the analysis shows a problem, the doctor prescribes special medications for conception. Their action is aimed at mobilizing the body and improving the functioning of the reproductive system.

The composition of “male” drugs includes substances that have a beneficial effect on the reproductive organs. They are designed to help improve sperm parameters. The drugs are taken in a course. It is important that the substances enter the body continuously while the sperm are maturing. This takes 74 days.

What should be included in vitamin and mineral complexes for the stronger sex? To improve sperm parameters, the following are decisive:

Multicomponent drugs that promote conception provide comprehensive support for the reproductive system. With their help, you can correct problems with reproductive function. Substances contained in such complexes make sperm motile and stabilize sperm membranes. This leads to rapid conception.

You should take special medications only as prescribed by your doctor, even if they are plant-based. It is impossible to independently select a remedy that will correct the problem. In addition, this problem must first be determined, which cannot be done without special tests.

In order for the long-awaited pregnancy to occur, you need not only to turn to pills, but also not to forget about some subtleties. Not all couples know the nuances that contribute to successful fertilization. Listen to these tips to help speed up the long-awaited event:

  • Learn to detect ovulation. This is not difficult: you use the measurement of basal temperature and plotting graphs. Sexual contact a couple of days before the release of the egg is considered the most productive.
  • Don't have sex often, but don't abstain either. Both of these extremes worsen sperm quality. The optimal amount is considered to be 3–4 sexual intercourse per week.
  • Choose the right pose. The one that makes sperm flowing out of the vagina impossible is considered suitable: the woman should lie horizontally.
  • Don't get hung up. Couples who were unable to conceive a baby for a long time often managed to do so after they stopped thinking about the problem. “Switch” your emotions, go on vacation or just relax.

Excessive physical activity and strict diets interfere with conception. The planning stage is not the best time to lose weight. You need to change your eating habits: fatty, fried, salty foods, smoked foods and carbonated drinks should be replaced by natural foods, vegetables/fruits, and juices. Do not overuse coffee: caffeine can interfere with conception. Men need to be careful not to overheat/hypothermia of the genitals. Due to temperature fluctuations, sperm become less mobile.

What is strictly forbidden to do? You cannot use traditional methods to speed up conception, which can be harmful to health. Douching and the use of herbal infusions is possible only after consultation with your doctor.

Modern reproductive technologies

If the cause of infertility is identified and treatment does not produce results, do not despair. There are modern reproductive methods aimed at procreation. When a natural method of conception is not possible, in vitro fertilization is resorted to. The appropriateness of this method is determined by the doctor. Indications for IVF are:

  • absence of fallopian tubes/obstruction;
  • endocrine genesis of infertility (in the absence of results during its treatment);
  • endometriosis;
  • disorders of spermatogenesis that cannot be corrected.

The protocol begins with hormonal stimulation of the ovaries. For this purpose special preparations are used. Details of the artificial insemination procedure can be found at the reproductive center. Don't give up: the development of modern medicine gives every couple a chance to become happy parents.

Problems with conception or infertility are not uncommon today; almost every tenth woman of childbearing age faces it. Often, if any difficulties arise with the onset of pregnancy, girls do not go to the doctor, but to the Internet, and choose their own treatment. Prescribing pills to get pregnant on your own is fundamentally the wrong decision. Only a qualified doctor can identify the existing problem and prescribe appropriate treatment. Incorrectly prescribed treatment can not only aggravate the situation, but it will also not be possible to get pregnant quickly. Moreover, you can seriously harm your health. For example, complete infertility may develop.

If, after a year of regular sexual activity without using contraceptives, pregnancy has not occurred, then you should consult a specialist. This fact indirectly confirms the diagnosis of infertility. You can start by visiting a antenatal clinic and undergoing a gynecological examination there. This is necessary to determine the exact reason why pregnancy does not occur. Spouses may need to undergo a full medical examination.

Only based on the examination results, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment. which will really help. If correctly diagnosed and treated, pregnancy can occur within a month. And taking all the pills in a row is like shooting sparrows from a cannon. You can’t treat everything at random!

Briefly about conception

To understand which pregnancy pills are needed, you need to understand at least a little about the mechanism of conception. Pregnancy occurs without problems if the reproductive health of the expectant mother is in order. The following conditions are necessary for conception:

  • regular menstruation;
  • ovulation (mid-cycle);
  • the duration of ovulation is approximately two days;
  • during ovulation, the sperm fertilizes the egg;
  • After fertilization, the formation of an embryo begins, which, with the normal development of pregnancy, should be fixed in the uterus within a few days.

If there are problems with conception, the specialist prescribes a series of examinations for the spouses, on the basis of which he determines the cause of the malfunction of the reproductive system and prescribes therapy.

Treatment with properly selected drugs will contribute to the speedy restoration of the reproductive system.

What pills to take to speed up conception?

For a speedy pregnancy, experts usually prescribe hormonal drugs, which can be divided into three groups, depending on the direction of their effect:

  • Stimulation of ovulation. Drugs include luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. Their action is aimed at enhancing the growth of follicles, which ultimately allows you to get pregnant much faster.
  • Preparations containing the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). They help stimulate follicle growth and simplify the process of egg release. It is believed that thanks to such drugs, the egg will meet the sperm faster. This hormone is produced in a pregnant woman from the first days of successful conception. Scientists isolate hCG from her urine.
  • Preparations containing progesterone. They contribute to the thickening of the walls of the uterus, that is, the formation of a safe environment for bearing the fetus. The hormone also helps the embryo to firmly establish itself in the uterus.

Important! All hormone-containing drugs should be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician, under no circumstances you can’t self-medicate!

It is important to understand that each woman’s body is individual and only the attending physician, based on tests, can tell which drugs are suitable in each specific case.

When hormones are contraindicated

Before prescribing medications, the specialist sends patients for a comprehensive examination to exclude the presence of pathologies, for example:

  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes. If adhesions are present, hormonal therapy can provoke an ectopic pregnancy;
  • presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • impaired sperm motility, in this case pills and procedures are necessary for the man;
  • abnormalities in the development of the reproductive system.

If these problems exist, hormonal therapy will not have a positive effect and can only worsen the situation. It is not recommended to carry out drug treatment after unsuccessful gynecological intervention, or therapy that resulted in a miscarriage. Under these conditions, before starting to take hormonal drugs, you should wait some time (several months) until the body is completely restored.

Drugs for treatment

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. These are mainly the following drugs to stimulate follicle growth:

  1. "Klostilbegit." The action of the drug is aimed at stimulating the production of pituitary hormones. It is recommended to take this drug no more than several cycles throughout your life. Since frequent use can contribute to a decrease in the number of eggs (or their complete disappearance), after which the woman will no longer be able to have children. "Klostilbegit" significantly reduces the growth of the endometrium of the uterus. Therefore, experts do not prescribe this drug if the thickness of the endometrium is less than 8 mm (the norm is up to 18 mm). If the endometrium is thin, it will be difficult for the embryo to implant in the uterus and you will not be able to get pregnant.
  2. "Menogon". The drug is prescribed when a lack of estrogen is detected. Reception begins on the second day of the menstrual cycle, the course lasts 10 days. During the course of treatment, the gynecologist monitors the body's response to the drug.
  3. "Puregon". The effect of this drug on the body is milder. It promotes the maturation of several follicles, which is good for the rapid onset of natural pregnancy. This drug is also prescribed for.
  4. "Metypred." The drug is prescribed to patients who have suffered, or with increased levels of male hormones. The action of Metipred is aimed at normalizing hormonal levels and minimizing the development of allergic reactions and inflammation. You can start taking the drug only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  5. HCG injection. If the treatment provided positive results, injections containing hCG are prescribed.

Mostly like this drugs are available as injections. After using a single injection, ovulation begins within 2 days. To achieve maximum results, experts recommend having sexual intercourse the day before the injection and the day after it.

If the patient has an irregular cycle, it needs to be normalized. For these purposes, Gonakor, Horagon, and Perfinil are usually prescribed. Their action is aimed at regulating the menstrual cycle and the onset of ovulation.

Pills to increase progesterone

Pregnancy also requires an acceptable level of progesterone in a woman’s body. After all the previous stages of treatment, the action of drugs in this group is aimed at creating a favorable environment for the successful attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus and the development of the fetus. For this, drugs such as Duphaston and Utrozhestan are mainly used.


Duphaston helps the embryo to attach to the endometrium and develop correctly.

These pills are prescribed both for the onset of pregnancy and for maintaining an existing one. This drug has minimal side effects. There may be slight bleeding similar to menstruation. You should report them to your doctor. Usually, to eliminate them, it is recommended to increase the dose of the drug.

The drug has no effect on ovulation or the period of its onset. Its main action is aimed at preparing the walls of the uterus for the attachment of the embryo. The maximum effectiveness of the medicine is observed in the patient’s body approximately two hours after administration. But exact instructions for taking the drug and dosage are prescribed by the attending physician.


Utrozhestan normalizes the endometrium and regulates the menstrual cycle.

The main effect of the drug is aimed at maintaining the existing pregnancy. But in more detail the medicine affects:

  • normalization of the thickness of the endometrial layer;
  • decreased activity of hormones responsible for contraction of the uterine muscles;
  • reducing the likelihood of premenstrual syndrome;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle;
  • helps remove manifestations of mastopathy.

Vitamins for pregnancy

Often, for the onset of pregnancy and its further development, experts recommend taking multivitamin complexes containing folic acid. You should start taking vitamins 2-3 months before your planned pregnancy. For example, folic acid tablets are also prescribed in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Taking vitamins should also be agreed with your doctor. Both men and women should take vitamins.

After taking vitamins, the chances of getting pregnant will be higher.

Standard set of vitamins and vitamin complexes:

  1. Tocopherol (vitamin E), the normal reproduction of female germ cells depends on its amount in tissues. Progesterone production in the mother is also partially dependent on vitamin E;
  2. Vitamin B6, coordinates proper metabolism;
  3. Complex "Elevit";
  4. Complex "Vitrum Prenatal"

Contraindications for taking medications

Not everyone can use hormonal drugs. In general, this therapy is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Allergic reactions (individual intolerance to individual components included in the drug).
  2. Epilepsy.
  3. Disorders of the kidneys and liver.
  4. Diabetes.

But even if there are no contraindications for taking hormonal and other drugs, they can only be taken as recommended by a doctor. Do not be discouraged if pregnancy does not occur immediately after therapy; often you need to wait several cycles for a successful conception.

Important! Do not take hormonal medications on your own! This can lead to irreparable consequences for your health and affect your future ability to have children. Be sure to consult a gynecologist before taking any medications.

Write in the comments what pills you take, what procedures you undergo to get pregnant? What did the doctor prescribe, and how long will the course of taking the medications last? Ask questions, our specialists will try to answer them. Thanks for visiting. Good health to you!