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Girls born in May. We choose unusual and original names that are suitable for girls born in May

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The birth of a child is a significant event in the life of any family. The birth of a baby is inextricably linked with the important task of choosing a suitable name. If you have a little princess, then when thinking about what to name the girl, you should take into account that your step will become one of the determining factors in her future fate. What you name your daughter will determine the formation of her attitude towards the world around her, her ability to achieve success and her goals.

Names according to the church calendar

The choice of a name for a girl according to the church calendar is associated with the date of birth of the child and the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor the baby will be named. The Orthodox church calendar has a large number of various options, many of which are repeated. In this regard, name days are considered to be the day of remembrance of the saint closest to the date of birth of the child. A Christian church name is given to the baby during the sacrament of baptism. From this moment on, the corresponding saint becomes her heavenly patron and protector.

How to choose a girl's name by patronymic

What to name your daughter, taking into account all the factors? After all, the full name should sound harmonious and be combined with the patronymic. Before naming your child, slowly say to yourself or out loud the baby’s last, first and patronymic names. Listen carefully to how the phrase sounds. It should be coherent, easy to pronounce and harmonious. To do this, it is worth exploring different options and their meanings.

What can you name a girl

Almost all parents think about what to name a girl even during her mother’s pregnancy. A name is one of the most important components of any person’s life, which can determine the successful course of his destiny or cause a lot of inconvenience. The rich variety of female names, among which, along with popular Russian ones, there is also an incredible variety of Greek, Tatar, Armenian, Muslim and other options, makes the choice much more difficult. For this reason, the question of what to name your daughter should be approached with all responsibility and seriousness.

According to zodiac signs

What to name a daughter born under the sign of Aries? It is recommended to consider options that will help further curb the explosive temperament characteristic of this zodiac sign. Valeria, Alexandra, Alla, Ekaterina, Larisa, Zhanna, Yaroslava, Nadezhda would be perfect.

The distinctive features of women born under the sign of Taurus are fidelity, gentleness, and femininity. In this case, affectionate names such as Victoria, Antonina, Vera, Galina, Diana, Daria, Eva, Maria, Natalya, Polina, Oksana, Tamara are suitable.

Geminis can be wonderful wives and mothers, executive employees, but only as long as they are interested in it. To give consistency to their views, you need to call the girls Valeria, Alisa, Angelina, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Elena, Ksenia, Lika, Christina or Ellina.

According to the horoscope, Cancers are distinguished by sensitivity, tenderness and femininity. For girls, you should choose beautiful names that will help them become a little firmer and stronger. Among these are Lolita, Anita, Elena, Milana, Simona, Olesya, Yana, Florita, Yulia.

The fiery temperament of the Leo woman does not prevent her from being a wonderful housewife and mother. It is recommended to pay attention to Daria, Alla, Antonina, Angela, Susanna, Lydia, Julia, Christina, Zhanna, Ilona, ​​Elvira, Yana.

Girls born under the sign of Virgo are usually faithful, balanced and neat. To soften the Virgo’s strong character a little, you need to call her Zoya, Anastasia, Anna, Valentina, Elizaveta, Inessa, Maria, Stella, Tatyana, Regina, Tamila, Lydia, Natalya.

Libras are often characterized by capriciousness and narcissism, and a fear of loneliness. For girls born under this zodiac sign, such options as Ella, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Sofia, Vera, Lyudmila, Dominica, Carolina, Yesenia, Elena are suitable.

A unique combination of love for power and justice, responsibility and independence are inherent in Scorpio girls. Such unusual names as Iskra, Oktyabrina, Agafya, Alexandra, Marfa, Zinaida, Yana, Anastasia, Taisiya, Agnessa, Tamila are ideal for them.

Independent and often extravagant, Sagittarius needs restraint. When thinking about what to name a girl born under this sign, pay attention to such options as Muse, Alexandra, Vasilisa, Seraphima, Varvara, Ekaterina, Tamara.

Female Capricorns are characterized by independence and determination. To help a Capricorn girl become more feminine and delicate, call her Sofia, Vera, Daria, Zinaida, Ilona, ​​Evgenia, Olga, Ekaterina, Lilia, Zhanna, Alevtina or Svetlana.

Aquarius girls are selfless, incredibly hard-working and uncompromising. When thinking about the question of what to name a girl born under this sign, pay attention to Anna, Alina, Darina, Ilona, ​​Linda, Isolde, Nonna, Irma, Yana, Svetlana, Yulia.

Women born under the auspices of the Pisces sign are soft and flexible. Such a girl should be called Eva, Evgenia, Lolita, Lada, Alina, Irina, Polina, Maria or Natalya.

According to the calendar

The church calendar contains a list of saints' names, each of which corresponds to a specific date. The tradition of naming a child according to the calendar is preserved mainly in believing families. By naming the baby in honor of a revered saint, parents provide the child with spiritual protection and patronage. A special religious calendar will tell you how to name a girl in accordance with Orthodox tradition.

By time of year

If a girl was born in winter, it is recommended to name her a beautiful melodious name in order to soften the characteristic severity. Girls born in spring show flexibility in various situations, but need strength of character. A “tough” name will help give them confidence and steadfastness. A girl who was born in the summer has a proud character, she is active, courageous and persistent. A soft and melodious name will help make her more feminine and soft. Girls born in the fall often grow up to be convinced realists. They should be called original, funny names.

Girl names by month

January: Aglaya, Ulyana, Susanna, Evgenia, Emilia, Nina, Eva, Anastasia.

February: Rimma, Agnia, Anna, Zoya, Inna, Agathia, Valentina, Euphrosyne, Martha, Ksenia.

March: Galina, Kira, Antonina, Marianna, Iraida, Vasilisa, Christina, Galina, Marina, Anastasia.

April: Alla, Daria, Alexandra, Nika, Vasilisa, Anna, Lydia, Akulina, Larisa, Svetlana, Irina, Claudia.

May: Tamara, Taisiya, Zoya, Martha, Euphrosyne, Evdokia, Pelageya, Faina, Glykeria, Muse, Glafira, Elizabeth, Alexandra, Julia, Claudia.

June: Ulyana, Elena, Euphrosyne, Maria, Antonina, Valeria, Akulina, Kaleria.

July: Agrippina, Angelina, Rimma, Anna, Elena, Evdokia, Valentina, Margarita, Olga, Alevtina, Euphrosyne, Martha.

August: Christina, Praskovya, Maria, Olympiad, Nonna, Ulyana, Seraphima, Anfisa.

September: Natalia, Elizaveta, Vasilisa, Pulcheria, Raisa, Lyubov, Rufina, Sofia, Lyudmila, Nadezhda, Vera, Anna.

October: Ariadne, Polyxenia, Irina, Ustinia, Pelageya, Taisiya, Praskovya, Zinaida, Iraida, Sofia, Virinea.

November: Neonilla, Elizabeth, Glikeria, Anna, Anastasia, Ulyana, Maria, Euphrosyne, Stepanida, Matryona, Claudia.

December: Zoya, Augusta, Anfisa, Angelina, Cecilia, Ekaterina, Ulyana, Varvara.

How to name a girl by date of birth in 2017-2018

When thinking about what to name a girl, many also take into account the principles of numerology. If the birth of the baby is planned for 2017-2018, it is worth considering ancient church options, which in our time sound unusual and original. This year, Anastasia, Elizaveta, Eva, Alina will be no less popular. Use special tests to determine a suitable name, many of which are available on various thematic forums.

Among the names suitable for girls whose birth is planned for the winter, it is worth highlighting Domna, Melania, Aglaya, Theodora, Vasilisa, Leonidia, Appolinaria, Claudia, Veronica, Agafya, Evdokia, Svetlana, Martha, Valentina, Ksenia, Rimma, Agnia.

It is recommended to name the little princess born in spring Nalina, Margarita, Marianna, Antonina, Ulyana, Kira, Nika, Vasilisa, Irina, Tamara, Eva, Susanna, Matryona, Akulina, Larisa, Pelageya, Kaleria, Maria, Evdokia, Christina, Glafira, Elizaveta or Faina.

A girl born in summer should be named Ulyana, Christina, Fekla, Maria, Nellie, Antonina, Sofia, Alena, Sarah, Yulia, Margarita, Yulianna, Elena, Evdokia, Valentina, Rimma, Alevtina, Efimiya, Nonna, Anita, Praskovya, Zhanna , Olga, Magdalena, Olympics or Svetlana.

What is name day? This is the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor a person was baptized.

What name is suitable for a girl born in May according to the calendar? This is discussed in the article. Especially for those who want to name their daughter a beautiful name, we have selected five of the most beautiful and rare ones from the list.

May 6 - Alexandra

Alexandra means "protector" in Greek. A girl named this way will grow up to be very strong morally and self-confident.

If you focus on May, the name for a girl born this month is very suitable. As can be seen from the subtitle, Alexandra celebrates her name day on the 6th of the last spring month.

Martyr Alexandra of Rome was the wife of Emperor Diocletian. He is an ardent pagan who hates Christians. And she is a secret Christian. Queen Alexandra openly declared that she believed in the Christian God. Her husband was furious. And he ordered the execution of the future martyr.

And then the versions of the queen’s death differ somewhat. According to some sources, when she was being led to execution, the saint asked permission to rest. The warrior accompanying the queen allowed her to lean against the wall of one of the buildings they passed by. Here the queen died.

According to the second version, the martyr Alexandra received her crown in 314.

Diocletian and Alexandra had a daughter, Valeria. Her mother raised her in the Christian faith. And my father forcibly married Galerius to Maximilian. When he died, Emperor Maximin wanted to marry Valeria. For by that time her father had abdicated the throne.

Valeria refused the groom. As punishment she was exiled to Syria. Where she lived with her mother Alexandra. In 313 Maximin died. Valeria and her mother, hoping for the mercy of the ruler, returned to their homeland. Emperor Licinius pretended to be a friend of Christians. In fact, he was their worst enemy. Having learned that Saints Alexandra and Valeria were Christians, he ordered their execution. The martyrs were beheaded and their bodies thrown into the sea.

This is the name you can give your daughter for a girl born in May. Her patroness will be very strong. And the name itself is beautiful.

May 14 - Tamara

Holy Blessed Queen of Georgia. An icon depicting Tamara is not found so often in Russian churches. Meanwhile, during her reign, “sweet times” came for Georgia.

But first things first. Saint Tamara is the daughter of King George. He died seven years after he proclaimed her queen. Tamara ascended the throne. And her first words were that she was the mother of widows and the father of orphans.

Thus began the reign of the saint. She did a lot of good things for her subjects and for the churches. She abolished exorbitant church taxes, built many churches, and eased the lot of the peasants. Saint Tamara removed those who abused their powers in power. Other people, much more decent, took their place.

The queen was married twice. Her first husband is the son of Andrei Bogolyubsky. George (that was his wife’s name) was partial to alcoholic drinks. He mocked his young wife, and, in the end, after two years of living with him, Tamara leaves her husband. She wanted to live as a widow with her husband still alive. But Georgia needed a king - an heir. And for the sake of his birth, the holy, blessed queen remarried. The Ossetian prince David became her husband. This marriage turned out well.

The ruler died quietly and peacefully. She was struck by an illness for which there was no cure. For her good deeds she was canonized.

Tamara is a name for a girl born in May. It is now very rare. But its beauty is not inferior to many modern names.

May 15 - Zoya

May 15 is the day of remembrance of the martyr Zoe of Attalia. What is this saint famous for? And why is her name included in the names for girls (May) according to the church calendar? Because Zoya accepted martyrdom in the month of May. It's simple.

What happened several thousand years ago in Attalia? Zoe, her husband and two sons were slaves of Catullus. This noble Roman was a pagan. But while serving him, the saints never desecrated themselves with food and drinks that were sacrificed to idols.

One day, Catullus sent Zoe's husband to Tritonia. And the sons of the future martyr, no longer wanting to live next to a pagan, decided to flee. Their mother did not bless them for their escape. Then the sons decided to confess their faith before Catullus. Zoya gave them her maternal blessing for this step. Cyriacus and Theodulus, that was the name of the young men, openly confessed their faith in Christ before their “superior.”

Catullus sent them and their mother to Tritonia. He hoped that the parents would be able to convince the young men to abandon their worldview and worship the pagan gods. For some time the family lived peacefully. But a holiday came in honor of the son of Catullus. And they called the holy family to Attalia. A feast was held in the house of Catullus, and food, which was considered a sacrifice to idols, was distributed to the slaves. Zoya threw the meat to the dogs and poured out the wine. Upon learning of this, Catullus became furious. He first mocked the saint’s sons, and then Zoya and her husband Esper were tortured.

Zoya also belongs to the May names according to the calendar (for girls). Translated from Greek it means “life”. Little Zoechka is almost impossible to find these days. And the name is wonderful: affectionate, kind. Just the thing for a girl whose birthday falls in the spring. After all, spring is the birth of life. Nature is reborn.

May 18 - Irina

Briefly about the Holy Great Martyr Irene of Macedon. This name used to be common, but has now lost its popularity. Ira can be found among adult women whose age has passed the 40-year mark.

Meanwhile, Irina refers to names for girls by month in May. This refers to the names of saints whose memorial day is celebrated in May.

Let's not rant and return to the Great Martyr Irina. She lived in Macedonia, was the daughter of the ruler of Licinius. And before baptism she was called Penelope. Licinius oversaw the education of his daughter. Her mentor was a certain Alelian. A Christian by religion, he taught his ward to faith in Christ. The girl was baptized. She was baptized by the Apostle Timothy, and the servant of God Irina refused married life. Although the girl was offered marriage by noble men.

The mother was glad that her daughter turned to Christ. The father did not protest at first, but then began to demand from Irina that she leave her Christianity and make a sacrifice to the pagan Gods. The girl categorically refused this. And Licinius ordered to throw his own daughter under the hooves of the horses.

Not a single animal harmed the holy virgin. Only one horse took off. And he pulled Licinius’s hand out of his shoulder. Through Irina’s prayers, the hand returned to its place. Seeing this miracle, many believed in Christ. Including Irina’s parents. Licinius relieved himself of government powers.

Irina preached the faith of Christ. Many pagans were converted to God. The new ruler did not like this. Zedekiah, that was his name, called the girl to him and demanded her renunciation. Irina did not give in. And then she was subjected to terrible torture. After many of them she remained unharmed.

Seeing such a miracle, Sedikiah himself accepted the faith of Christ. And Irina, together with her mentor, retired to a mountain cave. She entered it alone, and ordered her companion to close the entrance with a large stone.

Three days after this, when they moved the stone away and entered the cave, the body of the saint was not found there.

May 2 - Matrona

Everyone knows about Matronushka of Moscow. This is our contemporary. She died in the early 50s of the last century. She was blind from birth, and at the age of 18 she became immobile. Since then I couldn’t walk, but I helped and healed hundreds of people.

A good name for a girl born in May. Some will say that it is not modern. But it’s beautiful, and my daughter’s patron will be very strong.

Who else?

Who else celebrates: Glafira and Theodora, Nika and Anastasia, Anna and Taisia, Moors and Muses. The names are beautiful, sonorous and quite rare, with the exception of Anna and Anastasia. Alas, it is impossible to tell about all these saints.

Which name is better to choose?

What are the “strongest” names for girls born in May? There is no such thing. Every saint is strong. And parents choose a name based on their taste. The most beautiful of the names listed above is Alexandra. The rarest thing is Matrona. And everything else is at the choice of the parents.


So, the article was about what names for girls you can choose according to the calendar in May. Each of them is good in its own way.

Recently, the fashion has returned again to choose names for children according to the calendar, where each date marks the day of remembrance of one of the Orthodox saints. The child is named after the saint or saint whose memorial day is celebrated on the eighth or fortieth day after the birth of the baby or on the day of his birth. In religious families, they often choose a name in honor of a particularly revered saint among its members. If the baby is named in accordance with this tradition, then it is believed that at baptism the child receives a guardian angel who protects and protects him throughout his life.

Girls born in May, according to the calendar, are proposed to be called as follows: Alexandra, Alina, Anastasia, Anna, Arina, Valeria, Victoria, Violetta, Glafira, Glikeria, Evdokia, Elizaveta, Euphrosyne, Zoya, Irina, Camilla, Caroline, Claudia, Christina , Maria, Matryona, Nina, Olesya, Pelageya, Taisiya, Tamara, Ulyana, Faina, Yulia. As we see, there are not so many options, so if parents don’t like this method of choosing a name, you can try, for example, to navigate by the stars.

Name according to zodiac sign

Those who follow horoscopes and are interested in astrology know that May is the month of Taurus (and a little Gemini). Girls who were born in May, as a rule, have a bright appearance and an extraordinary character, they do not choose the beaten path, and they can even turn the life of a housewife into a series of exciting adventures. Taurus people value convenience and comfort, love to eat delicious food and know how to cook well. They have many girlfriends, they are often the favorites in the family and the soul of any company. However, “May” girls are also of a different type - perhaps not so bright in appearance, but quieter, deeper and more thoughtful, endowed with artistic abilities or a powerful analytical mind, leaving a deep mark on the destinies of those people with whom they are lucky to meet. Astrologers believe that those parents who dream of just such a daughter should choose names that have a powerful energy of their own - Elena, Anna, Elizaveta, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Sophia, Gertrude, Mira, Vladlena, Olga, Tamara, Isolde, Margarita, Ksenia. If you like a daughter who is a cheerful busybody and a charming mother of the family, then you can call her Natalya, Veronica, Marina, Maryana, Karina, Milena, Vasilisa, Stanislava or Anastasia, Natalia, Svetlana and Marina.

Important nuances

Of course, not everyone checks horoscopes or looks at the calendar to choose a name for their baby. If parents think first of all about whether their child will be good and comfortable with the chosen name, whether it will harmoniously combine with the middle name, whether it will become a reason for ridicule from peers in adolescence and involuntary smiles from colleagues - in adulthood, the child will wear your name with gratitude and even pride. And this is the most important thing.

    Choose the right one baby name this is important, the meaning of the name is not a superstition. It is not for nothing that the expression is popular: As you name a ship, so it will sail, and a person’s name determines his future destiny. Everybody is here name day for the month of May, including women's names - Alexandra, Elizabeth, Glafira, Maria, Martha, Susanna, Tamara, Pelageya, Irina, Taisiya, Muse and others...

    If you look at the Saints, then girl born in May can choose Name from the following:

    Tamara, Matrona, Fedora, Valeria, Alexandra, Elsa, Elizaveta, Glafira, Anastasia, Maria, Anna, Nina, Zoya, Ulyana, Julia, Pelageya, Ariana, Irina, Zhanna, Lilia, Joanna, Martha, Maria, Martha, Susanna, Yana, Isidora, Taisiya, Arina, Glikeria, Anastasia, Muse, Evdokia, Euphrosyne, Junia, Alexandra, Claudia, Christina, Faina, Juliana.

    The most important thing is that a girl born in May or any other month is healthy and happy.

    Previously, in the old days, the name of the child was given on the 8th day after birth, since on this day the baby was usually baptized and given the name of the saint on whose memory day the baptism took place. If, for example, there was no female name on the day of baptism, then it was borrowed from the nearest date.

    Female names for May

    There are many different ways to choose a name for a child; some people prefer to pull out pieces of paper with names, call them by name day, by horoscope, in honor of someone, etc. This name is very important for any person and the name has a great influence on his whole life.

    Here are a few names for May girls.



    Glykeria (Lukerya),




    Female name according to horoscope

    There are also especially suitable names for each zodiac sign and you can use this information. So in May, Taurus are born first (until the 20th) and the names Zoya, Diana, Rimma, Ira, Inna are good for such daughters

    The second half of the month is Gemini and the names Valeria, Elena, Nellie are suitable for such newborn girls

    Names according to the Orthodox calendar:

    Alexandra 6th

    Maria, Martha, Susanna, Tamara 10th

    Zoya 15th

    Taisiya 23rd

    Glykeria, Irina 26th

    Evdokia, Euphrosyne 30th

    There is a wide variety of women's names, but for many parents, choosing the name of their future child confuses them. When choosing a name for a child, parents want the name to please and delight them. After all, the fate of your baby depends on it. It is very important that the name sounds beautiful and is easy to pronounce. Here is a list of the most popular names for a girl born in May. Alexandra, Valentina, Evgenia, Elizaveta, Irina, Christina, Maria, Tamara, Tatyana, Yulia.

    I completely agree with those who believe that a name has a huge impact on a person’s life. Therefore, you need to be very careful in choosing it. If you decide to focus on the month of birth, then several names are suitable for a girl born in May: Marina, Zina and Nina. To tell the truth, the owners of these names will create some tension for those who are close to them. But you must definitely listen to their advice and under no circumstances ignore it.

    In fact, the name for a girl born in May can be anything! The kind that parents want to hear all their lives. The name of a May girl is no worse or better than the name of a December girl. If you adhere to horoscopes, the positions of the planets and stars at birth, it may turn out that the parents will choose a name with which it will be very difficult for this girl to live in the future, and she will change it when receiving a passport. Name your beloved child as your heart and soul tell you! I will give examples from life. My grandmother, born in 1926 as the third child, was named after her first daughter, Anna, who died. Everyone said that this was a very bad omen, that the girl would also die soon or that various troubles and poor health would accompany her throughout her life! That’s what my grandmother was called as a child in the old fashioned way: Nyurka, Nyuska, Nyunya. Then Anyutka, Anyechka, then Anna Vasilievna. Now she is 88 years old, still on the MAIL BOARD! Yes and honey. still no map. Started it 3 times, during childbirth and that’s it! Solve crossword puzzles without glasses and very quickly! So, name your girl what your heart tells you! Any name, regardless of the month and year of birth, will be a unique name! Suitable names for a May girl: Alexandra, Valentina, Elizaveta, Maria, Glafira, Tamara, Zoya, Pelageya, Irina, Taisiya, Claudia, Christina, Julia, Susanna, Evdokia, Euphrosyne.

    They say that at birth a child chooses his own name. On the day when a child is born, it is very good to give him such a name, since this name will be the Guardian Angel of your child all his life.

    And you can choose by birth numbers, or by a nearby date.

    Of course, it’s up to you to decide what to name your girl, the main thing is that the child is healthy and happy, that’s my main thing. But this may help in choosing a name for your girl.

    Girls born in May have a number of distinctive features. They are principled, straightforward, practical, consistent, rarely compromise, and always achieve what they want. Girls of this month are domineering and demanding. They constantly strive to subjugate people, do not know how to forgive and give in, and have difficulty finding a common language even with their relatives. They have an excellent chance of achieving career success because they pursue this persistently and steadily. May girls are very emotional and sometimes commit rash acts. She does not forgive offenses and is capable of taking revenge persistently and consistently. Names for May girls should be soft, because they have a very strong character.

    Names for May girls: Maria, Tamara, Zoya, Irina, Yulia, Valentina.

    The name given to a child at birth has a great influence on his entire life in the future. Therefore, parents need to take the choice of a name for their newborn very seriously.

    The following names are very suitable for girls born in May: Marina, Nina Zina, Alexandra, Valentina, Irina, Claudia, Zoya, Tamara, Susanna, Taisiya, Efrosinya, Elizaveta, Julia, Maria, Faina, Christina, Muse, Evdokia, Lukerya, Pelageya .

    It is best to call a girl the name that corresponds to her birthday. This is done so that the child is always happy and successful. For example, if a girl was born on May 14, then the name Nina or Tamara would suit her. If May 17, then Pelageya or Maria.

    In fact, there are a huge number of ways to choose both female and male, ranging from the simplest (horoscopes) to unusual and original ones, for example, what is the first female name one hears by chance.

    But most young parents think seriously about the above questions. The name should be both beautiful and suitable for a girl, and so that it sounds like a middle name (someone pays attention to this), and not be repeated among close relatives (this is quite common).

    Well, horoscopes give us the following advice on how to name girls. If you were born on May 6, then the appropriate names are Valeria and Alexandra. On May 14 - Nina and Tamara, on May 17 - Pelageya and Maria. These are just examples. More details on the website imya-otchestvo.ru.

    If we take into account name days in May, then the following names are suitable for a girl born in May: Tamara (May 1 and 14), Zhanna, Martha, Antonina (May 4), Alksandra (May 6 and 31), Valeria, Sophia (May 6) , Elizabeth, Susanna (May 7), Anastasia (May 10 and 28), Anna (May 11), Nina (May 14), Zoya (May 15), Ulyana (16), Maria (10th, 17th) , Irina (18th, 26th), Taisiya (23rd), Evdokia (25th), Claudia, Yulia, Christina (31st).

    But most importantly, I believe that parents should like the name they give to their child, and not because it is necessary - on such and such a name day, etc. We named our daughter, born in May, Lily. The name really has an impact on the character and destiny of a person, so it is worth reading the characteristics (meaning) of the name you have chosen.