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Home competitions for the New Year. So, how to entertain yourself, your household and guests: a celebration program for the most magical night of the year! The fastest poet

On New Year's Eve, many expect miracles and magic. In order for a holiday to be remembered for a long time, you need to have fun; there are many competitions that can be held among relatives and friends. Competitions for the New Year 2017 will delight you in excellent company and diversify the holiday on a fabulous night. At this moment, adults become children and create the atmosphere of a forgotten past.

Alphabet toast, New Year's games and entertainment

To warm up, let everyone present take turns making a toast. A beginner should start with the letter “A”, the next one with “B” and so on. Let's give an example: “Have a fragrant orange New Year in 2017!”, “I’m afraid that you won’t bring all the happiness you want this year, but if you try, you can manage it!”, “Let’s drink to a strong friendship that will only grow stronger! " The one who makes the best toast wins.

Company of divers

This is a pretty funny competition that helps develop coordination of movements and teaches you how to navigate in space. We lay out a small path on the floor, and it’s more intricate and winding, the player puts on a swimming mask and go! The point is to get through the entire journey without difficulty, because wearing a mask is not entirely easy. It changes the picture, and if you put on flippers, fun is guaranteed.

Crocodile for the New Year

The competition is suitable for all ages and is completely simple: without resorting to words or sounds, you need to show with your hands some kind of New Year's accessory or image. You can even pronounce entire proverbs; you need to divide into two teams.
Let's have some tea

Now it's time to take a break and drink tea. Each person present is given three cookies; there is no need to rush and eat. You need to put them all in your mouth and try to whistle. Who managed to whistle perfectly, you can give him another cookie and a large mug of drink!

Romantic tailor

This romantic entertainment is designed for families or couples. The essence of the competition is to find five pins that are pinned in different places on the players' clothes. You will have to do this blindfolded. Since the tailor can be forgetful, there may be not five pins, but four. Someone will spend a very long time looking for a non-existent pin! Whoever guesses first wins!

Competition "Sweetie"

The most delicious competition “Candy” is held for children and adults. You need to take a large bowl of flour and hide the candies there, leaving the tails on top. The problem is to fish out the candy without getting dirty with flour. Do not use your hands in this situation; you can only get the candies with your mouth. The winner will be the one with the most candies. Well, of course, in the end, the winner will share with the candies, of which he has a lot!

Tower clock

This humorous competition needs to start early. When all the guests have gathered, you need to distribute notes to them, where a temporary task will be written that needs to be completed. It will be funny when, at the main peak of fun, guests will perform a task while doing ridiculous things, such as meowing, squeezing the person sitting next to them in their arms, or quoting prose.

Competition "Your name"

On the most fabulous night, all guests will have to forget their real name. Everyone present will receive a new New Year's name. For example: needle, snowman, chimes, cone. The person running the competition asks questions, for example:

Your name?


gift, where did you find it?

In the snowman

Where will you spend your summer vacation?

In the snowman

Anyone who could not restrain himself and laugh loses the forfeit and leaves the game.

Prediction competition

On New Year's Eve, everyone dreams of fulfilling their deepest desires. With the help of this competition, you can open the mysterious veil and look ahead. We send notes with predictions into balloons prepared in advance, fill them with air and hang them throughout the room. We blindfold the guests, hand them scissors and send them to get the pieces of paper that are hidden in the balls. Naturally, all predictions should be good and gentle, let every guest be satisfied.

Fishing in the New Year

Prepare cotton Christmas tree decorations and a fishing rod with a large hook for this competition. In turn, each guest must hang New Year's toys on the tree, and then remove them with a fishing rod. Whoever does it faster is the winner.

Competition for creative people

Take a large sheet of paper and make two holes for the hands. The task is to draw, using a brush, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus blindly. The one who drew the most successful picture wins.

Fresh breath

A large snowflake, cut out of paper, is placed on the table in front of each player. You need to blow the snowflake to the other end of the table so that it falls. The winner is the one whose snowflake deflates more slowly, since his frosty breath freezes the snowflake.

Signature dish

The lovely ladies who are present at the table can take part in this competition. The task is to prepare several dishes, choosing the products that are on the table. It could be a salad or an unusual sandwich. The men are blindfolded and begin to try the dishes prepared by the housewives. The winner is the one who quickly feeds her dish to the man.

New Year's March

Bottles are placed on the table, spoons are handed out to the players. You need to play the melody by knocking on the bottles. Whoever comes up with the best melody wins.

The image of a modern Snow Maiden

This competition requires men who, with the help of ladies, will create the image of a modern Snow Maiden. You can use cosmetics, jewelry, and New Year's accessories that will make the Snow Maiden the most fashionable and modern. The one who provides the most striking image wins.

New Year's competitions for the 2017 Year of the Rooster will not only help you celebrate the New Year with joy, but will also bring a lot of impressions to your guests. If you have a lot of imagination, you can come up with competitions that can make players and spectators smile.

Competitions for the New Year 2017 will bring a fun time at the table, and dance breaks will help create a festive atmosphere. Games and competitions will entertain not only adult audiences, but also children.

New Year's competitions for the 2017 year of the rooster can be held with a cheerful company, relatives and children. If you are in a good mood, you can create masterpieces that will appeal to many people. Positively minded people will create the right atmosphere, and competitions will come in handy. Even the most simple game will seem exciting in a friendly company. To continue the fun, we offer some more exciting competitions that many will enjoy.

It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says: as you celebrate the New Year, that’s how it will be in the future. If you have no desire to be sleepy and sad for the next 12 months, New Year's meals should be diluted with entertaining leisure time. It is known that the Rooster is playful and cocky, so competitions for the New Year 2017 can be lively and mischievous.

Ideas for competitions for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 for adults

For children, it’s not a problem to come up with a game literally on the fly, but it’s more difficult to surprise and amuse adults. Universal competitions are ideal for home gatherings:

"Cool." The participants can be men; women are unlikely to want to take part in such a competition and ruin their makeup. There can be up to 5 people interested, 5 eggs are placed on a plate in front of them (less, depending on the number of players). They announce that 1 egg is raw, the rest are hard-boiled. The goal is to break all the eggs against your forehead and not retreat, since with each tested egg the tension rapidly increases. The secret of this fun competition for the New Year is that there is no raw egg among those offered, but there is a chance to get out of the game.

"Homemade Santa Claus." Women are invited to choose their own Santa Claus, whom she should decorate in an interesting way using available materials: Christmas tree tinsel, garlands, toys. It is necessary to introduce creation with poems, sayings, and songs.

Cheerful congratulations will add a unique flavor to the feast if prepared in advance. A prepared text with wishes is taken, adjectives are deliberately omitted. For example: “we would like to wish you this... new year.” Guests are invited to fill in the missing words - the congratulations will turn out funny and very funny.

Statements can be organized alphabetically, inviting those present to make a toast starting with a specific letter: a, b, c. The player who comes up with the funniest wish will win this New Year's competition for adults.

Guests are divided into teams, which are asked to find a way out of a difficult situation. It could be a plane suddenly without a pilot. Or the participant found himself in an unfamiliar city. Or after the crash the company found itself on a desert island. Opponents ask tricky questions that should be answered humorously.

Merry New Year's fun will delight the Rooster, so imagination should be limitless. Balloons are taken and a note with a comic task is placed inside each one: crow, imitate the striking of chimes, perform a dance, sing a song. Any tasks are designed to lift your spirits. The point of such a competition for the New Year 2017 is so that the Year of the Rooster passes with laughter. You have to pop the balls without using your hands, which makes the task more difficult and increases the fun.

It would be useful to test the erudition of the guests by asking them to name films related to the New Year theme. The winner among adults will be the one who remembers the maximum number of artistic paintings dedicated to the winter family holiday.

Games for adults do not have to be vulgar, although there are participants who consider this quite acceptable after drinking alcohol. The goal of the competition should be a good mood, and not a large number of embarrassed and blushing ladies.

Competitions for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster for the whole family

Even in a narrow family circle you can find a way to have fun during the New Year holidays and please the Rooster:

Associations. Ask them to name New Year's attributes in a circle: snow, gifts, Christmas tree. Whoever fails to find the word is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who remembers the largest number of associations. The game is suitable for children of any age if they already know how to talk.

At the beginning of the holiday, distribute cards with tasks that must be completed at a certain time. The funny moments will be remembered for a long time: how suddenly dad cackled at the table, and the youngest member of the family suddenly began to sing a song.

Prepare questions in advance that usually have correct answers. The highlight of the competition is to initially answer incorrectly and with a dose of humor. It is advisable to play at an accelerated pace, without giving time for reflection. The more ridiculous the answer, the more laughter it causes. For children, it is better to come up with easy questions so that the little participants do not get upset.

Two holes are made in the cardboard sheet for the hands, after which a figure of your choice is drawn. It remains a big secret for children and adults what they draw; the author of the most successful masterpiece wins.

Competitions for the New Year must be active. Snowflakes are cut out of paper according to the number of family members present at the table. You need to blow on the snowflakes, but the winner will be the one whose paper snowflake falls to the floor last.

The task is given to imagine that everyone at the table is a Christmas tree. The presenter calls out the words: wide, low, high, and the participants must depict this Christmas tree. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game, and the most attentive among children and adults wins.

Competitions for close-knit families are usually intended for an even number of participants. The couple hugs their partner with one hand, while the other remains “working.” The task is to cut out a Christmas tree from colored paper: one holds the paper, the other holds scissors.

You can temporarily entrust mom with the role of the Snow Maiden, and dad and the children will take turns giving her compliments. This will be a great opportunity for children to say kind words to their mother, and she will be pleased to hear so many flattering phrases addressed to her.

Some New Year's competitions for the Year of the Rooster will test children's visual memory. Parents take them to the Christmas tree and ask them to remember the number and location of toys on the branches. After this, the guys leave the room, and mom and dad swap the toys or put them away. Returning children are asked to say what has changed on the forest beauty.

New Year's competitions for young children and adults can be held with musical accompaniment. Play a quick melody and pass a small souvenir around in a circle. The movement stops when the music stops, and the winner is the one who remains last in the game.

You can involve children of all ages in competitions by choosing the best option. This will allow them to value family traditions and pass them on to future generations.

A fun corporate event. Ideas for competitions for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster for corporate events

In the office, it’s not always possible to get to know your colleagues better due to a busy work schedule. For this reason, most managers organize corporate gatherings so that the team becomes friends and discovers new facets and aspects of character in others. You can just sit at the table, eat and have small talk on any other day, and the New Year holidays under the auspices of the Rooster are simply bound to be fun. Fun competitions for adults will help with this:

The invitees are divided into two identical teams. Opposite each of them are trays with an equal number of tangerines, and empty trays near the players. Each participant must run to the tray, put the fruit in a spoon and bring it to the empty one. It is important to keep the tangerine in the spoon, and the team that transfers all the fruits faster will win.

Guests are divided into pairs (the number is arbitrary). Men wear a shirt over their clothes, and women wear men's gloves. Goal: fasten all the buttons as quickly as possible.

New Year's competitions 2017 should excite the Rooster, so the task of adults is to succeed in this matter. A variety of things are pre-placed in a large bag: a bow, a scarf, a scarf, a scarf, diapers, stockings, jewelry, hats. The funnier the items, the funnier the competition will be. Music is turned on at various intervals, after which the players pass the bag around in a circle. Whoever the music stops on must pull an object out of the bag at random and put it on himself. By the end of the game, New Year's outfits will become original additions.

Two teams are made up of the participants. One comes up with a word and calls it only to one player from among the opponents. He must use facial expressions and gestures to tell his team what the word is. After winning, the teams change roles. This game is not difficult for children, but adults will have a hard time due to complexes and tightness.

Men can compete by inflating balloons at speed. In this case, women need to prepare for the loud pops that will be made by bursting balloons.

Participants take part in the competition in pairs. Women must prepare a simple dish from food from the table, after which they quickly feed it to their male partner. The winner is the pair that completed the task faster than the others.

Masks depicting characters from the animal world are used as props. The participant closes his eyes, a mask is put on his face - and, following the prompts of other guests, he must guess who he has been turned into.

Guests take turns naming the things they would like to take with them into the New Year of the Rooster. Words must begin with the first letter of the participant's name. For example, Pavel will want to grab an amazing mood or a coat. It could be a certain object or feelings, sensations, emotions. The winner will be the one who names the most items.

Participants divided into pairs wrap a gift. What's the catch? Only one hand of one player is used in the competition. The surprise is wrapped in a wrapper for time and speed.

If children are delighted with competitions for the New Year of the Rooster 2017, entertainment and games at the table, what prevents adults from turning New Year's gatherings into real entertainment? A little ingenuity, good mood and self-confidence are enough to make the New Year's Eve memorable for a long time.

With the arrival of the first winter days, the realization appears in my head that in just a few weeks the most long-awaited holiday of all 12 months will come - New Year 2017. Before his arrival, you should thoroughly prepare for a whole list of points, so that on New Year’s Eve you will not only look beautiful and eat amazing food, but also have fun during the designated time.

Usually on the eve of celebrating the New Year at home, colleagues at work begin to celebrate this holiday on the 29th or 30th. In order not to turn this celebration into an ordinary meal with festive toasts, it is worth coming up with fun and interesting competitions for the team.


One of the most interesting and fun games for an already inebriated group of adults. To carry it out, it is necessary for everyone to stand in a circle. The presenter selects one volunteer who enters the circle and, with the words “I am Lunokhod-1” and a very serious expression on his face, begins to walk around its perimeter. And then it’s up to the drinking company. Whoever laughs first at this picture is the next to enter the circle and already say: “I am Lunokhod-2.” The game continues until there is someone in the circle laughing.

The most fun competition "Turnip"

For a tipsy New Year's party, such a game is considered very suitable - bursts of laughter are guaranteed. To conduct such a competition, 7 participants and 1 presenter are required. Each player is given a piece of paper on which his hero is written, and words that will have to be used in the future game.

Turnip - claps his hands on his knees, then applauds and says: “Both-on.”

Grandfather rubs his hands and says: “Okay, sir.”

The grandmother angrily points at the grandfather with her fist and says: “I would kill him.”

Granddaughter - (preferably a man of respectable size), twitches his shoulders and says with a sigh: “I’m ready.”

The bug begins to intensively scratch behind the ear and says: “The fleas are tormented!”

The cat shakes the back of its body and says: “And I’m on my own.”

The mouse looks at everyone else and sadly says: “We’ve finished the game!”

Now the presenter begins to read the familiar text of a famous folk tale, and the heroes, having heard a mention of themselves, read their text. Eg:

“Grandfather (Tek-s) planted Turnip (Oba-on). Turnip (Oba-na) has grown very, very big. Grandfather (Tek-s) began to pull the turnip (Oba-on). He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out. Grandfather called ("Tek-s) Grandma (I would kill)...", etc.

The main fun begins at the moment when the line of words “Grandfather for the Turnip, Grandmother for the Grandfather...” comes. A little advice: before the start of the “performance” it is worth holding a “dress rehearsal” so that the finished version of the fairy tale turns out to be more impressive. Believe me, absolutely everyone will hold their stomachs and laugh until they cry.

Guess who!

This fun competition involves 6 main “players” and spectators. The acting character is given a piece of paper with one of Nekrasov’s most famous poems:

"Once upon a time in the cold winter time,
I came out of the forest; it was bitterly cold.
I see it's slowly going uphill
A horse carrying a cart of brushwood.
And, walking importantly, in decorous calm,
A man leads a horse by the bridle
In big boots, in a short sheepskin coat,
In big mittens... and he’s as small as a fingernail!”

As a supplement, there is a piece of paper on which it is written:

  • court verdict;
  • declaration of love;
  • congratulations on the anniversary;
  • football match commentator;
  • notation to a schoolchild from the director;
  • tenderness at the sight of a child.

Now each of the participants must read the marked verse with the intonation that is written on the additional piece of paper. But everyone else should guess what is encrypted on the additional piece of paper.

Grandma Yozhka

To carry out the marked game, it is necessary to divide all the players gathered at the celebration into two teams. The captain of the newly created team is selected and given the main attributes of the competition: a bucket and a mop. In this case, both participants should stand with their feet in the bucket, holding it with one hand, and at this time there should be a mop in the other. In such uniforms, the captains will have to “fly” to a certain point and return back. The game is considered over at the moment when the last team member reaches the finish line.

The smartest

Only women or girls can take part in this competition. Before the start of the game, all of them need to line up with their backs to the chairs, and then blindfold them. At this time, someone places various objects on the chairs, after which the participants can be seated on a similar “bed.” Now dear ladies, with the help of the most important sense organ in their body, must understand what is on the chair. Believe me, with cheerful music and intoxicating company, laughter during such a competition will be through the roof.

Surprise task

When choosing funny competitions for the 2017 New Year for adults, you should pay attention to this version of the game. To carry it out, you will need to prepare in advance, for which we write tasks on small pieces of bright paper, twist them and put them in a balloon. Now you need to inflate it and give each guest who arrives for the New Year 2017 such a ball in one copy. The guest should burst this balloon, find a task in it and, of course, complete it.
Tasks can be very diverse:

  • dance rock and roll;
  • sing a song about the New Year;
  • recite a poem while standing on a chair;
  • show how the chimes strike on New Year's Eve;
  • eat a few slices of lemon without sugar;
  • call Father Frost and Snow Maiden very loudly;
  • solve the riddle.

The main goal of this competition is that you need to burst the balloon without using your hands. Can you imagine how fun this will be?


One of the most common and fun tasks for a tipsy group. All participants in the feast should be divided into two teams, the participants of each of which should come up with some tricky word and say it to a volunteer from the “enemy side”. He must show the rest of his team this word so that they can guess it. True, in this case, the person showing must remain silent, like a fish, and use exclusively gestures for demonstration.

New Year's prediction

A similar competition is held at the end of the feast for those who “survived” to the sweet table. To carry it out, you need to buy or bake a pie, cut it into the number of pieces equal to how many guests should be at the feast, and lightly insert a miniature tube with a drawn prediction inside each piece. It is from this drawing that it will be possible to tell fortunes about what awaits everyone present in the coming year 2017.

List of predictions with explanation:

To find out your future, you should eat a piece of pie. However, it is better to warn guests in advance that it contains a small note so that someone does not accidentally swallow it. By the way, it’s good when each of those present independently chooses the piece they like, so that the prediction really goes blind. It is interesting to record the resulting fortune telling on video and then compare it with the real result at the end of the year.

For a cheerful adult company, it is necessary to prepare as many different humorous competitions as possible, with the help of which the New Year 2017 celebration will be remembered by each of those present for a long time. Happy holiday!

It often happens that on New Year's Eve both children and adults sit at the same table. And usually they have their own interesting things, and while the children play and run around, the adults watch New Year’s comedies and cheer themselves up. New New Year competitions for children and adults at home for 2017 will help your company celebrate the New Year brightly and cheerfully. Our competitions will appeal to all generations, and this New Year's Eve will be one that everyone will remember again and again.

Competition - New Year's ABC
Both children and adults know the alphabet. Therefore, it will be easy and interesting for them to play this competition. The essence of the competition is simple: each guest takes turns calling a word that is related to the new year. But he doesn’t just name, but by letter of the alphabet. For example, the first one is with the letter A, the second one is with the letter B. the third one is with B, and so on. Whoever does not name in turn is eliminated. And the one who remains last wins.

Competition – quiz about the New Year.
In this competition, children will play against adults. Or you can make teams so that they include both adults and children. In general, as you wish. The game is simple: the host asks questions, and the teams answer them. The first team answers first, if the answer is not correct, then the second can answer for it. Answer questions one by one.

Continue the line of the song - a Christmas tree was born in the forest...
1) She rowed in the forest
2) She lived in the garden
3) She lived in the forest
4) She was in the forest
Answer: she lived in the forest

What fairy tale characters are similar?
1) Snowman and Winnie the Pooh
2) Snowman and Pinocchio
3) Snowman and Christmas tree
4) Snowman and Baba Yaga
Answer: snowman and pinocchio, because they have long noses.

What decorations are missing from the Christmas tree?
1) Icicle
2) Rain
3) Star
4) Ice
Answer: ice

Who is called loudly for the New Year?
1) Police
2) Santa Claus
3) Brownie
4) Guests
Answer: Santa Claus

Where does Santa Claus get gifts from?
1) From the chest
2) From a hat
3) From the bag
4) From a snowman's bucket
Answer: from a bag

What kind of nose does a snowman have?
1) Red
2) From carrots
3) Made from ice and snow
4) The snowman has no nose
Answer: from carrots

Competition - show, don't tell.
We again divide the guests into teams, and you can leave those teams that took part in the previous competition. Teams play in turns. The first team stands in a row and they face the back of the other person. The leader shows the last team member a drawing with something drawn on it. For example, it could be Santa Claus, with a bag of gifts behind his back. The last participant knocks on the back of the next one and gives him the actions shown in the picture. Then the game continues according to the principle of a broken phone. And the first team member should already understand what was drawn in the picture.

Competition - deception riddles
Both children and adults love to solve riddles. Do you want to try to guess the riddles of the decoy? Then let's go.

New Year is a traditional holiday, which is usually celebrated with family, holding matinees at schools or kindergartens, and getting together with colleagues at a corporate party. It is quite difficult to organize a variety of events at home for people of all ages to make the holiday memorable for a long time. The New Year's games and entertainment presented below will make this task easier for you in the New Year 2017.

We organize children's entertainment

Throwing a good party is not an easy task, but for children this is the most important thing. New Year's games for children should be especially intriguing and exciting so that every child enjoys them.

Traditionally, on New Year's Day, comic competitions are held that will not leave children without a smile.

The children dance around the Christmas tree, and the leader begins to ask questions. He asks: “Do you have a nose?”, and the children shout: “Yes!” Again he asks the children: “Is your nose good?”, and they answer: “Good!” Again the question: “Is your neighbor better?”, and the children shout with a joyful cry: “Better!” and begin to pull the nose of their neighbor. Then they dance in a circle for a while and then the leader asks questions again. And so on until the neighbor’s supply of body parts runs out. Each other's funny actions will keep children in high spirits.

Guess the hero

This is a very entertaining New Year's game. The children sit around the Christmas tree, and the leader walks in a circle and gives everyone in turn the partial name of the fairy-tale hero. For example, Postman..., Red..., Gray..., Winnie... and others. The examples can be very diverse, but often the presenter runs out of such phrases, so you need to prepare well, remembering children's cartoons and fairy tales.

Several children are called to participate and shown a drawing of a New Year's castle. They are given a certain time to roughly remember what it looks like. Then they are blindfolded and asked to reproduce a New Year's castle from plastic cups. The rest of the children watch the construction and cheer on their friends. You can diversify the game by allowing others to tell you where to put the glass. In such cases, the original castle can turn out to be fun, and the children will laugh heartily at their creation.

Another fun New Year's game that no child will get bored with. It will require a large number of pins and balls. Children are divided into teams and asked to knock down the maximum number of pins with one throw of the ball. The team that knocks down the most pins in total wins. Rubber balls are perfect for preschoolers, and basketballs for schoolchildren. You can arrange a personal competition for each participant, and the one who knocks down the most pins will receive a small prize.

Santa Claus chooses a Christmas tree

A fun competition, the main host of which will be Santa Claus. He needs a Christmas tree for the holiday, and he asks the children to help him find it. They stand in a circle holding hands. If Santa Claus says: “The tree is too high!”, then the children sit down and lower their hands, and if the tree turns out to be low, then the children stand up with their hands raised. To complicate the competition, Santa Claus can say: “The Christmas tree is narrow!”, and then the children must expand the circle, and if the Christmas tree is wide, then, on the contrary, narrow it.

On New Year's Day, children crave some kind of magic, and therefore a balloon launching contest is perfect for the festive end of the holiday. For each little guest you will need to prepare in advance one helium balloon with a string. Children should write their deepest wish on a small piece of paper (if there are kids at the holiday, then parents should help them) and tie it to a string. Then everyone goes outside together and, after the words of Santa Claus or the presenter, the balls are released into the sky. Children will be delighted to watch this spectacle.

Youth competitions

New Year for young people is no longer the children's holiday that it once was. In order for the Year of the Rooster to be remembered for a long time, the organized events must be modern and unprimitive. The competitions presented below will make the New Year unforgettable and magical, just like it was in childhood.

Participants in the competition are given pre-prepared photographs of any fairy-tale characters or animals. The task of each participant is to walk along the catwalk, portraying a fairy-tale character that they came across. However, they should not use facial expressions or make sounds. The rest must guess who is depicted on the podium. The winner will be the most artistic participant whose fairy-tale character is guessed in the least number of passes.

Find your Snow Maiden

A romantic competition that can be arranged before a slow dance. The boys are asked to leave, and the girls go up to the tree and choose their own Christmas ball. The guys need to guess whose Christmas tree toy is on the tree. The one who guesses gets paired with his “other half” and after the end of the competition they are asked to dance a slow dance. Such an unexpected situation will not leave them without emotions!

The most desired gift bag

Various cool competitions are popular on New Year's Day. Here's one of them.

All participants are divided into two equal teams and each is given a hefty bag.

The main task of this game is to fill the bag with “gifts”, that is, with all the various items that come to hand. It could even be items of clothing! The team with the most “gifts” in the bag will win.


Fun New Year's competitions will cheer everyone up, for example, the New Year's version of football. The main attributes of the game: a “snow ball” made of paper or cotton wool and a goal with bags of gifts in place of the bars. The guys will be happy to “play football”, and the girls will cheer for the chosen team. The team that scores the most goals in a certain time will win. To create a festive atmosphere, fans can explode firecrackers and throw small snowflakes or snowballs onto the field.

Bottle of snow

For this competition you need to prepare a large number of large snowflakes and empty bottles in advance.

Snowflakes are sprinkled on the floor, and participants are given the task of collecting the largest number of snowflakes in their bottle. The one who collects more than the rest in a certain time will win. The competition can also be made for elimination, leaving only those who managed to collect the “passing number” of snowflakes.

The snowman hurries to duty

All participants are divided into two teams. Each person is given a large bag, a plastic bucket and a carrot nose. The task of each participant is to quickly change into the “duty snowman outfit”, jump in a bag to a chair, sit on it and return to pass the baton to another participant. The team with all its participants running the fastest will win.

Adults have fun too

For many, New Year is boring gatherings at the table. The atmosphere of a magical holiday and the tradition of celebrating cheerfully and solemnly go further and further. To somehow avoid this in the Year of the Rooster, you need to properly plan your pastime for adults on New Year’s Eve, and the competitions below are suitable for this.

Oh, let's sing now!

Participants are divided into two musical teams. The first one’s task is to sing a line from a song, and the second one must continue with words from another composition. For example: “A million, a million, a million scarlet roses...”, and another one picks up: “At least for a day!” The winner will be the last team that can continue the first line. You can complicate the task if you take only winter and New Year's songs.

Siamese twins

The invited pair of participants is tied back to back. The essence of the game is for the observers to give a wide variety of instructions. For example, dance or try to sit at the table. If the group of people celebrating is not devoid of a sense of humor, then the competition will turn out to be hilarious and fun!

Let me hug you!

This competition is perfect for a couple in love or married people. Participants face each other. Several bottles of champagne or wine are placed between them. The man is blindfolded, and at this time the presenter quickly removes all the bottles. The main task is to reach your beloved and hug her. A blindfolded man does not suspect that there are no more bottles and will move carefully and carefully. This picture will cause fits of laughter until the very end of the holiday!

Bag right through

Invited participants stand in a circle with Santa Claus. When the music starts, the bag of gifts is passed from hand to hand until the song stops. The person who has the bag in his hands must perform some number at the request of Santa Claus. When he has the bag, he happily gives out gifts to everyone.