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Is trichological head massage effective? Self-massage technique for hair strengthening. About head massage

What rules of massage help increase its effectiveness and how often can this procedure be performed?

To improve blood supply and lymphatic drainage, activate the receptor apparatus, and prolong the hair growth phase, a special massage is performed. Indications for massage are the prevention of hair loss, hair loss of various etiologies, dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.

There are several contraindications for massage. It should not be carried out in cases of intense hair loss, pustular diseases, fungal diseases of the scalp, open head injuries, or hypertension. Scalp massage can and should be done often and regularly, but there is one requirement: the procedure must take place either before washing your hair, or directly during it.

Basic rules for scalp massage:

  • Using your fingertips, movements are made along the length of the parting in the form of light flat stroking 3-4 times, moving from the frontal part of the head to the occipital part. The purpose of this massage is to stimulate the nerve endings of the skin.
  • After light stroking, deep strokes are performed 3-4 times to cleanse the glandular ducts of excess skin secretions, increase blood flow in the skin at the roots of the hair, which will improve metabolism in the tissues of the scalp.
  • Semicircular or zigzag rubbing movements, working with the tips of the second and third fingers of the right hand, while the fingers of the left hand hold the scalp 2-3 centimeters from the parting. Head massage in the form of rubbing allows you to enhance the activation of the nerve endings of the skin, crush sebaceous gland deposits and more intensively cleanse the skin of horny scales (dandruff).
  • Kneading – in the form of moving the scalp. To do this, with the thumbs of both hands, lightly pressing on the skin, move it away from you towards you. To increase the mobility of the scalp and improve local blood circulation in the tissues of the scalp, the massage therapist combines skin shifting with stretching.
  • Intermittent vibration, which is performed on the scalp in the form of punctures, this type of massage is performed with the index and middle fingers or the last four fingers, applying alternately short and quick strokes. Next, retreating 2 centimeters, a second parting is made, parallel to the first, where the same massage techniques are reproduced. According to a similar scheme, a massage is performed along the transverse diameter of the head.
  • Finish the massage by stroking all areas of the scalp and massaging the back of the neck. At first, the massage should not be very energetic, but rather warming up. After a few days, you can change the movements to more confident ones to stimulate blood circulation and thereby stimulate hair growth. It is recommended to use a special massage comb or brush to enhance the effect.

The duration of procedures performed every other day is 15-20 minutes. Massage course 15-20 procedures.

and a number of other diseases. In particular, dry seborrhea. Of course, he is not a panacea. But when combined with other alopecia treatment methods, scalp massage can provide lasting results.

The secret is simple: massage improves blood supply to the hair follicles, tones the scalp, provides the hair with optimal nutrition and greatly enhances the effect of any medicinal products.

Undoubtedly, you can achieve a certain dynamics by doing amateur activities at home. However, the best effect comes from visiting a trichologist who, if indicated, will refer you to a professional massage therapist, especially since in this case the risk of side effects is practically eliminated.

Manual scalp massage significantly increases blood flow to the scalp, which means the hair roots can receive more nutrients.

In our center we also use aromatherapy head massage with mixtures of essential oils that stimulate hair growth.

Few people know that a head massage for hair loss is much more effective in combination with a neck massage, especially its back surface. Even the simplest massage movements help get rid of excessive muscle tension, improves blood supply to the head, which means your hair will receive additional nutrition and stimulation for growth. You certainly cannot do without a specialist here - the skin on the neck is very delicate, so all massage movements must be very gentle and careful.

In addition, a non-professional may not take into account the peculiarities of massaging the anterior surface of the neck and the area of ​​the carotid arteries and cause side effects. In our center this is excluded. And the result is guaranteed!

Our medical center employs highly qualified doctors - chiropractors.

Manual therapy is an effect on tissue in order to eliminate pathologies in the spine, muscles and joints. Doctors who are proficient in this specialty return people to good health and well-being during the course of therapy. A patient comes to us in pain, and leaves our walls healthier literally after 1-3 sessions.

In our center, patients undergo an effective course of treatment for a variety of ailments, such as:

  • Osteochondrosis of the spine
  • Herniated disc
  • Neurological diagnoses
  • Dystrophic changes in the functioning of joints and muscles
  • Diseases of internal organs
  • Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system
  • Digestive system diseases
  • Endocrine pathologies
  • Respiratory system disorders, etc.

Depending on the patient’s condition, manual therapy can be used as a separate program or in combination with medications, hardware and other techniques. It should be noted that the effectiveness of treatment is largely achieved through the work of the doctor, who acts on special areas and activates the body’s functioning.

Our specialists not only treat various diseases, but also diagnose pathologies. Therefore, before carrying out any procedure, consultation and examination by a specialist are mandatory. There are special cases when manual therapy is contraindicated, and our specialists will definitely warn you about this.

Manual therapy is prescribed on an individual basis depending on the complexity of the treatment and the severity of the pathology. On average, in our manual therapy center the course lasts from 10 to 20 sessions. During this time, the specialist will conduct unique techniques that will help eliminate ailments and “tune” the body to recovery.

Manual therapy improves blood microcirculation, restores the functioning of muscles and joints, increases tissue tone and nutrition. After the session, you will leave the walls of our manual therapy center not only without pain and discomfort, but also feel a charge of vigor, good mood and positive emotions. Manual therapy relieves tension, which is something we miss so much in our everyday bustle.

We guarantee that manual therapy will be carried out according to an individual scheme, effectively and efficiently just for you.

Lomi-lomi (Polynesian massage)

The Trichological Medical Center “We Treat Hair” accumulates the most effective and safe methods for restoring the health of both hair and the entire body.

Among the exotic healing methods, our center practices an adapted version of the Polynesian healing art of Lomi Lomi.

Traditionally in Polynesia, Lomi-Lomi massage, in addition to healers, is used by masters of the Hawaiian martial arts Olohe lua, as an effective restorative and strengthening remedy. In Polynesian families, Lomi-Lomi massage is usually performed by the wife for her husband.

The traditional protocol for this healing practice includes elements such as salt cleansing, mental cleansing, special breathing, massage, bodywork, and energy work.

During the massage, palms, forearms, fingertips and phalanges, joints, elbows, knees, feet, as well as wooden sticks and stones are used.

During the massage, the body is restored at the physical and psycho-emotional levels, blood circulation improves, joint mobility is restored, and muscles relax.

And since the East, as they say, is a delicate matter, the list of advantages of the technique does not end with the results listed. Its admirers (both specialists and patients) confirm the fact that after the procedure, perception is activated and old emotions “imprinted” on the body are released, energy exchange paths open, and creative abilities increase. Thoughts become clear and positive, a person comes to agreement with the world around him.

Not many people know, What massage has amazing healing properties for scalp and hair. Spending once a week in total 10 minutes With a simple procedure, you can achieve good results both in strengthening hair, improving its condition, and in treating various trichological diseases.

Head massage effective for dandruff and hair loss, dryness and split ends, brittle and lifeless hair. It helps activate microcirculation and blood supply to cells, thereby renewing blood flow and hair roots, and the scalp receives a new influx of beneficial microelements and nutrients.

That is, to summarize, head massage is capable:

  • Strengthen hair, preventively protect against baldness
  • Eliminate various trichological diseases such as dandruff, dry scalp, etc.
  • Activate blood supply, restore blood flow
  • Improve the condition of hair roots and scalp, eliminate lifelessness, fragility and split ends

Head massage is carried out both in beauty salons and at home. If you are unable to attend beauty treatments, you can do your own massage at home. However, before you massage, before the first procedure, it is better to consult with a specialist - he will tell you which technique is best to use for your hair and find out if you have any contraindications.

Head massage is contraindicated or undesirable in the following cases:

  • Increased oiliness of the skin, oily hair
  • Eczema on the scalp
  • Purulent, fungal lesions
  • Trauma, head contusion
  • Hypertonic disease
  • Alopecia (chronic hair loss)

Today there are 4 main techniquesperforming a massage: stroking, circular, vibrating, pushing. If you decide to carry out a massage at home, it is better if during a consultation a specialist will teach you how to perform massage movements and tell you about the features of the massage. There are many secrets and special knowledge in this procedure that only a professional trichologist or massage specialist can tell you about.

Massage should begin and end with stroking movements. With light touches with our palms, we begin to activate the muscles and gradually begin more intense movements. Stroking movements relax the nervous system and relieve muscle tension.

Circular movements are performed like a compass, i.e. We place our thumb to the top of the head and with the remaining fingers we begin diametrical massaging. The thumb in this case acts as a kind of support around which the other fingers move. By constant movement, such manipulations are carried out in all parts of the head, but it is worth considering that the movements should not be sliding.

Vibrating technique is performed as a continuous impact on the scalp with jerky pressure. They can be performed with different amplitudes, intervals, and force of impact.

Push technique It is performed in a similar way to the circular method. The only difference is in the intensity and nature of the movements - when pushing, the fingers rhythmically and forcefully exert an impact on the scalp.

As in cosmetology, the massage technique is performed along special lines through which important points pass: from the forehead to the crown, from the temporal region to the back of the head, from the neck to the back of the head, from the ears to the crown. It is advisable to carry out all movements from the “edge” of the scalp to the back of the head - this way blood circulation is better stimulated, the skin-hair system is improved, and the functioning of blood vessels and blood flow is restored.

We come to the conclusion:

  • It is better to have a massage from a specialist
  • If you want to do a massage yourself at home, it is advisable to visit a trichologist at least once to get advice on the procedure technique, as well as to identify contraindications
  • For a massage, 10 minutes once a week is enough - for better results, you can massage twice a week

    Head massage is carried out from the “edge” of the hairy area to the back of the head

    Massage strengthens hair, helps eliminate dandruff, dryness, brittleness

    Massage relaxes muscles and helps blood flow

    In case of chronic baldness and increased production of sebaceous glands, massage should not be performed.

I am interested in how to properly massage the head, please share your secrets and reviews. Previously, I didn’t have to deal with much, but now they often ask.

What is there to massage? She's a bone!

Come on, one of my friends almost loses consciousness from pleasure when I start massaging her head. A head massage is very relaxing, lowers blood pressure, increases blood flow to the head, enriches the bulb, and in general, it’s pleasant. People with hypotension are contraindicated.

From pleasure or from increased blood flow? Possibly an erogenous zone. Why are people with hypotension contraindicated? We were taught in medical school that head massage is indicated for both hypertension and hypotension. You just have to do it differently. We were taught several techniques: by parting, by segments, massage on top of the hair.

Due to the decrease in blood pressure, we were told that the client might “float.” I personally did it to a girl with hypotension, I just sat on the sofa in a knee-elbow position and everything was fine.

Yes, I agree with this that the patient can swim. Now I took out my notes. VSD of hypotonic type - recommended areas: according to Verbov - general massage and n/c; according to Mashkov - subsacral region. and legs and stomach. According to Kuznetsov, he recommends massage of the collar area. All techniques are precise, at an average pace, the massage is deeper.
But neurologists in their recommendations for VSD write - massage of the head and collar area.
Correct me, neurologists, if I wrote anything wrong.

Yes, we were taught head massage so poorly that we want to learn more.

Well, if there is a classic head massage, then it is done with the facial part of the skull and little of the actual scalp is done. And there is also segmental therapeutic massage, I can just tell you in words, they do the face point by point.

Sign up for Shchurevich's course. A head massage is a serious procedure, just like a neck massage. I've heard about specialists who killed a lot of people. And I also noticed that women like it when you massage your hands and fingers, they drag.

Of course, brushes, fingers, scrub is applied, then in a paraffin bath and mittens. This is how a friend of mine restores my working hands, the massage is not thorough, she is not an expert in it. But I felt relaxed when such a procedure was performed with my hands.

The pictures show the patient in a supine position. I only do it in a sitting position, I’ve never done it lying down (I thought it would be uncomfortable for me). Anyone who has done it in the “lying down” position, please share whether it is comfortable for the massage therapist or not? I'm talking about head and neck massage.

I give a head massage as a small compliment after a facial massage. The man is lying down. And after the massage, it is advisable to just let it rest for another five minutes. Very restorative. There is also a Burmese head massage, a very interesting technique.

Now I’ll tell you how I learned from the manual. He generally started in a lying position on his stomach, warmed up and stretched his neck. All the splenius and scalene muscles then crossed the nuchal fossa and pressed and rubbed the active points along the edge of the skull. Then they massage and gently move the tendon helmet. They look to see if there is a skull aponeurosis. Then the client is turned onto his back, and acupressure is given to the face and neck, stimulating lymphatic drainage. If you have hypertension, then all movements along the neck and shoulders are directed from the head. If hypotension - to the head.
Massage the tendon helmet with one hand on one side, then with the other on the other, then with both hands on both sides.

Women love hands, and men love foot massages. We were also taught while sitting, and at first I did it sitting. But then I realized that the client wanted to relax completely. But mostly they ask for a head massage with some other area. Now I do it lying on my stomach, with my hands in front of me, so to speak, supporting my head.

Once a completely bald man asked for a head massage. Two minutes later I apologized and said that I couldn’t do it. Bald head - give me some pie. That's what I wanted to say.

I also do a head massage after a facial massage as a compliment. I do the same for a short time. All the girls purr from him. Light massaging movements.

Trichological massage: does it really stimulate hair growth? Recently, a magazine came across an article about how hair growth can be enhanced through trichological massage. Do you think a positive effect is really possible from this procedure? It is worth noting that there are even several massage techniques of this kind. Is it worth trying or is trichological massage a waste of money?

I'm not against any massage at all! Definitely, trichological massage affects the scalp, which means blood circulation improves, dandruff disappears, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized - hair grows better and falls out less often.
Worth a try!

This is useful, but you can do it at home for free or using an inexpensive device. Before doing it, you need to sit down, calm down, relax, free your neck from collars and scarves, and let your hair down. You can do this massage for hair growth yourself at home or contact a massage therapist; in this case, the correct position is when the patient is sitting and the massage therapist is standing behind him. Perform each massage technique for 2-4 minutes. About 15-20 minutes will be enough to complete the procedure. It is advisable to repeat approximately 2-3 times a week, at any time, but not preferably before bedtime.
Contraindications to trichological massage:
- traumatic brain injury;
- hypertonic disease;
- acute febrile diseases, including those caused by colds;
- pustular or fungal lesions of the scalp, eczema;
- enlarged cervical, occipital and submandibular lymph nodes;
- increased hair greasiness.

Well, I would go to a specialist and evaluate all the intricacies of this procedure, and then, perhaps, I would do it myself.

- "With the help of an inexpensive device." Are you talking about a cute “goosebump”?

Colleagues, has anyone conducted a head massage course to improve hair growth? If so, what were the results? How many sessions? What techniques and oils were used for this procedure. Share your experience.

Burdock oil. Regular massage of the scalp, if there are no contraindications from neurodermatitis to hypertension. I read that raspberry ketone seems to be very good in this matter, but I haven’t tried it myself. And the massage itself, yes, is ordinary.

It’s strange to hear questions about the treatment of a particular disease. If you know the purpose of massage techniques and their physiological basis, then such questions should not arise.

I don’t think that hair massage for fast growth will help with this. The main thing is the right remedy. Here, rather, it is necessary to solve the problem from the inside, and massage with warm oils as an addition.

I’m embarrassed to ask about “it’s necessary from the inside” - it goes through the head, or what? If your recommendation is about this, then you are looking at the root of your hair problems, in my opinion.

I don’t know how a professional head massage affects hair growth, but my friend gets regular body relaxation from an experienced massage therapist and we noticed this effect. We noticed that she not only became much calmer, her blood pressure returned to normal, but her hair also stopped falling out. Her lush, shiny hair returned to her again.

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Where to begin?

The main purpose of trichological (trichology is the science of hair health) massage is to stimulate hair growth and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. It is recommended for severe hair loss and noticeable thinning of hair.

Before doing it, you need to sit down, calm down, relax, free your neck from collars and scarves, and let your hair down.

This massage can be done by yourself or with the help of a second person - a massage therapist; in this case, the correct position is when the patient is sitting and the massage therapist is standing behind him.

Perform each movement for 2 - 4 minutes. The total time of the procedure is approximately 15 - 20 minutes.

After you have mastered the technique of massage on dry scalp, you can do it while washing your hair with shampoo or with other products that nourish and strengthen the hair.

Step 1. Relax

MOVEMENT: with a relaxed brush, without moving the skin, stroke in a straight line.

1. From forehead to eyebrows.

2. From the center of the forehead to the temples.

3. Repeat the same with wave-like movements.

FOR WHAT? Calms the nervous system, promotes muscle relaxation, dilates blood vessels, increases the outflow of blood and lymph, improves nutrition and respiration of the skin.

Step 2. Awakening “sleeping” cells

MOVEMENT: Use your fingertips to gently rub the brow ridges in different directions (4).

FOR WHAT? Dilates blood vessels and increases blood circulation.

Step 3. Remove toxins

MOVEMENT: this basic technique of any massage is called kneading - it is performed with circular movements of the fingertips away from you.

6. Point of the temple area in front of the ears.

7. Point behind the ears.

8. Point in the center of the back of the head.

9. Point under the earlobe.

10. Occipital fossa.

Attention! You need to repeat the movement in reverse order.

FOR WHAT? Blood and lymph circulation of the massaged area and surrounding tissues improves, tissue nutrition improves, and helps remove tissue breakdown products.

Step 4. To prevent your hair from thinning

MOVEMENT: Massage in a circular motion in the direction of hair growth.

11. From the middle of the forehead to the crown.

12. From the middle of the eyebrow to the crown.

13. From the end of the eyebrow to the crown.

14. From the middle of the ear to the top of the head.

15. From the occipital fossa to the crown.

Step 5. Increase tone and mood

MOVEMENT: This movement is called "helmet sliding" (16) - spreading your fingers and placing them under the hair on the skin. Do the exercise 3 times: one hand down, the other hand up. Then one hand goes to the right, the second to the left.

FOR WHAT? Increases the tone of the head muscles and improves overall well-being.

Step 6. Consolidate the result

MOVEMENT: Using wave-like stroking movements, move from the eyebrows all over the head down to the neck (17).

FOR WHAT? This movement completes the massage and consolidates its positive effect.

1. Trichological massage has contraindications:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • hypertension;
  • acute febrile diseases, including those caused by colds;
  • pustular or fungal lesions of the scalp, eczema;
  • enlarged cervical, occipital and submandibular lymph nodes;
  • increased hair greasiness.

2. Trichological massage heals hair, it does not help with headaches - for this, a classic head massage is used, with which trichological massage is often confused.