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Phytoestrogens for women: a review of the best drugs and herbs. Phytoestrogens: drugs for old age? Herbs with plant estrogens

For most European women, the first signs of menopause appear quite early - after 40-43 years. It would seem that at this time a woman is experiencing the peak of her own activity, but no, nature confidently takes its toll. Fortunately, medicine does not stand still, and modern doctors successfully use hormone replacement therapy. If classic progesterone and estrogen do not suit you in any respect, try using phytoestrogens during menopause.

Phytoestrogens are not hormones. These are herbal preparations endowed with the best properties of estrogens and have exactly the same effect on the female body. In terms of their effectiveness, phytoestrogens are in no way inferior to synthetic drugs. Moreover, they have several very significant advantages:

  • have no side effects;
  • prevent the development of hormone-dependent tumors, while many artificial hormones provoke their growth;
  • the similarity of phytoestrogens with female sex hormones is maximum, although the strength of their effect on the body is several hundred times less;
  • serve as the best prevention of problems with the cardiovascular system - they prevent the formation of blood clots, thin the blood and increase its fluidity;
  • normalize fat metabolism;
  • treat depression and improve a woman’s emotional state - by reducing the intensity and frequency of hot flashes, improving sleep quality and normalizing blood pressure;
  • prevent the development of osteoporosis - improve the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, and also prevent them from being washed out of bone tissue;
  • During menopause, phytoestrogens strengthen the immune system and are famous for their antimicrobial and antiviral properties, thanks to which a weakened female body retains the ability to fight diseases.

Due to the large number of beneficial properties, phytoestrogens are added to many dietary supplements and medications for the correction of menopausal disorders.

True, these substances have several, not so much disadvantages, but very important nuances. The fact is that phytoestrogens are effective only for mild to moderate menopause. But with severe menopause, these drugs will be absolutely useless.

Where are plant phytoestrogens found?

Phytoestrogens for women come in four types:

  • Lignans.
  • Kumestans.
  • Isoflavones.
  • Flavones.

All these substances can be obtained from food and various plants.

Leaders among fruits:

  • dates;
  • apples;
  • grenades;
  • red grapes;
  • almost all berries.

Leaders among vegetables:

  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage of all types and varieties;
  • green leafy vegetables;
  • broccoli;
  • bell pepper;
  • spinach.

Leaders among herbs and plants:

  • alfalfa;
  • Red clover;
  • all grains (rice, oats and others);
  • hop;
  • ginseng;
  • flax (seeds);
  • grain crops, in particular corn and sprouted wheat grains;
  • malt.
  • legumes, especially lentils;
  • nuts;
  • eggs;
  • green tea;
  • beer;
  • red wine;
  • "Bourbon";
  • vegetable oils – sunflower, palm, soybean, coconut, olive;
  • juices of medicinal plants - arnica, calendula, chamomile, shepherd's purse, plantain.

During menopause, special emphasis should be placed on these foods, but there is no need to forcefully eat them.

"Pharmacy" phytostrogens for the treatment of menopause

Despite the fact that phytoestrogens (drugs) are sold in pharmacies without a medical prescription, you cannot take them at your own discretion. Not a single woman knows what microelements and vitamins her body needs. The slightest disturbance in this balance can lead to thickening of the walls of the uterus (endometrium) and the further development of a cancerous tumor. If you feel a change in your health, immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary tests and prescribe the correct treatment.

Many medicines have been created based on plant phytoestrogens. Here is a list of the most common:

  • "Remens";
  • "Feminal"
  • "Climaxan";
  • "Klimadinon";
  • "Klimaktoplan";
  • "Qi-klim";
  • "Estrovel";
  • "Inoclim";
  • "Climact Hel";
  • "Femiwell."

These drugs are devoid of any side effects and are often used not only to treat menopause, but also to delay it. In this case, you need to drink them after reaching the age of forty.

Cosmetics containing phytoestrogens

Menopause leaves a big imprint on a woman's appearance. Do you want to stay young as long as possible? Start using creams and masks based on phytoestrogens. These cosmetics help fight seborrhea, baldness, pigmentation and photoaging of the skin. They also help restore the epidermis after peeling.

Dear women, menopause is not a death sentence, because life goes on, no matter what. Accept your new condition and do everything you can to alleviate it.

Phytoestrogens - plant analogues of hormones - are extracts of various herbs, the action of which is similar to the action of natural hormones produced by the body itself.

Phytoestrogens for women are a way to maintain hormonal levels, even after 35-40 years. It is during this period that the female body begins to change - menopause and menopause are approaching. Quite a large number of women complain of hot flashes, experience irritability, and poor health and an almost complete lack of sexual desire become their constant “companions.” This condition can last for several years and significantly impairs the quality of life of every woman. And the culprit is hormones - estrogens, which are produced in the ovaries.

Physiologically, by nature itself, it is stipulated that any female body “goes through” 3 natural stages during its life: puberty, the fertile period of motherhood (pregnancy and childbirth), as well as menopause, that is, withering. All these cycles are completely controlled by the sex hormone estrogen. It is under its influence that a young girl acquires more feminine and rounded shapes, she establishes a correct and regular menstrual cycle, and develops the normal function of the reproductive system. In addition to the formation of the figure, estrogen in a teenage girl is responsible for the proper development of the genital organs, prepares her body for the subsequent period of pregnancy and lactation, controls the natural density of the skin and its elasticity, and also forms the correct functioning of all sebaceous glands.

The hormone directly affects the metabolism in the body, and a decrease in its level quickly leads to pathological consequences: irregular menstruation, amenorrhea (complete absence of menstruation) and various problems with the skin. Unfortunately, the natural amount of estrogen in every woman’s body decreases significantly with age, which causes the gradual “fading” of her beauty and deterioration in her well-being. The lack of this hormone leads to premature and, alas, irreversible aging. The norm, that is, a certain amount of estrogen in each woman is associated with the phases of menstruation and is within the range of about 400 pg/ml.

Estrogens are predominantly female sex hormones. The word itself consists of 2 parts, in Lat. "oistros" - passion, or desire and "genes" - "challenging". But in fact, these hormones do not have any effect on a person’s libido, that is, his sex drive. Testosterone, the male hormone, is responsible for this. Estrogen is responsible for the female menstrual cycle and is a kind of “sculptor” of her body: the distribution of subcutaneous fat “in places,” the formation of breast size and maintaining a beautiful difference between the waist and hips is completely “controlled” by this hormone.

If a woman has a “chiselled” figure and normal, regular menstruation, then the amount of estrogen in her body is normal. Men also have “female” hormones in their bodies. If this is what nature intended, then there are certain reasons for it. Thus, estrogens in men are produced by the testicles, naturally in smaller quantities than in women, and are responsible for increasing natural libido, maintaining the level of “good” cholesterol and regulating the functions of the nervous system.

In men, the opposite happens - with age, their testosterone (male hormone) level decreases, but the amount of estrogen, on the contrary, increases, which leads to excess fat deposits, gynecomastia, depression, decreased libido and sexual dysfunction. Hormonal disorders in the body of any person, even those associated with age-related changes, can cause significant harm to his health, so plant estrogens - substances similar to the natural hormone produced in the human body in their molecular structure and weight - can come to the rescue.

Phytoestrogens – what are they?

Phytohormones were discovered in 1926. According to scientists, they are analogues of natural sex hormones, but at the same time they are not hormones of the plants themselves. And, naturally, plant estrogens cannot be considered a semblance of natural hormones that support a number of quite important functions in the body, one of which is reproductive. The discovery of phytoestrogens was accidental - after studying and comparing the living standards and incidence rates of many Asian and European women, it was found that residents of the South are less likely to get breast cancer, have practically no pathologies of the cardiovascular system and tolerate menopause quite easily. All this was explained by the fact that these women ate soybeans and products made from it almost every day.

Soybean is a legume plant rich in vitamins and phytoestrogens. After careful study, scientists have discovered plant estrogens, similar in their effects on the human body, in a significant number of other plants. After the results of such studies, phytoestrogens began to be produced everywhere in the form of various food additives, attributing truly magical properties to them.

But not everything is so “great”. Soon, the results of many other studies appeared, which revealed the effect of estrogens on the human body from the opposite side. For example, excessive consumption of certain plants containing phytoestrogens, such as soybeans, at an early age leads to the appearance and development of malignant neoplasms of the uterus and mammary glands, increases the duration of menstruation and negatively affects the functions of the reproductive system in women. Since plants contain substances similar, but not identical, to hormones, consuming them can lead to the opposite effect. For example, uncontrolled intake or overdose of plant estrogens leads to a significant decrease in reproductive function, stimulates the development of cancer tumors and birth defects in children.

In addition to allergic reactions and toxic poisoning, phytoestrogens can provoke uterine bleeding and increase the risk of miscarriage. This is a paradox - how can medicine become poison? To avoid the development of pathological processes, plants containing phytoestrogens should be prescribed by a doctor. This takes into account the dosage and interaction of the substance with other drugs. For example, antibiotics inactivate the effect of phytoestrogens.

However, plant analogues of the female hormone are not medicines. Phytoestrogens are not hormones, and drugs containing them are steroids. Essentially, these drugs are food additives (dietary supplements), which can have either a complex or local effect, and their effectiveness is much lower than that of medications containing synthetic hormones or steroids.

When are phytoesrogens useful?

Plants containing plant estrogens, or drugs created on their basis, should be taken during menopause - then taking these drugs can really become justified and can significantly “even out” the situation. The estrogen-like property of these drugs helps, in this case, to improve the general condition of the woman; lowering cholesterol levels; preservation of calcium in bones, preventing the development of osteoporosis and restoration of metabolic processes throughout the body. With a natural, high concentration of the “female” hormone in a woman’s body, taking phytoestrogens, under the supervision of a doctor, can also have an anti-estrogenic nature - preventing the development of oncological tumors of the uterus and the development of breast cancer.

Which plants contain phytoestrogens?

In addition to soy and all legumes, plant estrogens are found in large quantities in wheat, rice, barley and lentils. Flax and sunflower seeds, unripe ears of corn and ears of oats are also rich in these substances. The amount of plant estrogens in plants changes accordingly with their growth. In seeds and sprouted grains of plants, the concentration of phytoestrogens is much higher. Therefore, for medicinal purposes, doctors prescribe the seeds.

Phytoestrogens are found not only in plants, but also in some vegetables and fruits. Carrots and cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus and garlic are especially rich in these substances. Apples, pomegranates, cherries and ginger also contain high concentrations of plant estrogens. Some medicinal herbs also contain increased levels of phytoestrogens, for example: sage, oregano, licorice, mistletoe, verbena and linden flowers, so using them on your own, without consulting a doctor, is not advisable. It is possible that taking treatment for one disease can cause the development of another pathology.

There is an opinion that the effect of phytoestrogens on a woman’s body is quite individual, but this fact has not yet been proven. Naturally, when eating any food, it is always necessary to observe a sense of proportion. You should not constantly eat only food rich in plant estrogens - their excess can cause irreversible changes in the body and cause pathological disruption of the menstrual cycle in women. But you shouldn't avoid these products either. Nutritionists around the world recommend a fairly varied and nutritious diet - it is in this case that all the substances a person needs enter his body quite regularly, in an ideal, required ratio. Only in this case will plant phytoestrogens ensure the female body maintains full health and irresistible, natural beauty.

The premenopausal period is characterized by a decrease in estrogen production in women. To normalize well-being and the functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems, in such cases, hormonal replacement therapy is prescribed. But synthetic drugs produce many side effects and have contraindications, so doctors are increasingly recommending phytoestrogens for women over 40 - drugs of this type are an excellent alternative to artificial medications. In addition, they are much better tolerated.

What types of preparations with phytoestrogens are there for women?

Medicine knows only 6 varieties of the described substances:

  • lignans;
  • isoflavones;
  • steroidal and triterpenoid saponins;
  • kumestans;
  • acid resorcylic lactones;
  • phytosterols.

Most of them are found in food, especially soy contains a lot of phytoestrogens. Also, the hormones in question are included in medicinal plants, which are the basis for the production of pharmaceuticals.

Phytoestrogens in tablets for women

Naturally, the concentration of natural analogs of female sex hormones in herbs and foods is low. Therefore, enriched plant extracts and extracts are used to produce effective medicines.

  1. Inoclim– is a dietary supplement based on soy phytoestrogens. Eliminates unpleasant symptoms and has a high level of safety.
  2. Feminal– based on red clover extract, contains 4 types of isoflavones. In addition to combating the signs of menopause, it has an anti-carcinogenic effect and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the condition of bone tissue.
  3. Qi-Klim– the tablets contain phytoestrogens from the cohosh plant. In addition to the active ingredient, the drug is enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex and L-carnitine. Thanks to this, taking Qi-Klim has a very beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin, hair, and nails.
  4. Estrovel– also based on cohosh extract, additionally containing several types of natural isoflavones, as well as folic acid, vitamin E and B6. The dietary supplement helps regulate blood pressure, reduces irritability, and normalizes night sleep.
  5. Klimadinon– another drug based on cosimifuga. It has a good effect on the psycho-emotional state, prevents the development of vegetative-vascular disorders, and normalizes lipid metabolism in the body.
  6. Klimafem– the medicine is based on natural phytoestrogens from hops and red clover. Using the product can increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Klimafem also produces an antioxidant effect, reduces the frequency and severity of hot flashes.

In addition, you can pay attention to similar vitamin complexes and biological supplements:

  • Klimaktoplan;
  • Green Care;
  • Cimifuga.us;
  • Remens;
  • Mastodinone;
  • Vital Woman;
  • Doppelhertz Active Menopause;
  • Menopausal Formula.

Contraindications and side effects of phytoestrogens medications and supplements for women

Women, paying a lot of attention to their health and appearance, invariably reach an age when physiology makes itself felt. Crossing the threshold of forty or fifty years, there comes a feeling of certain changes in the body: the skin is already drier, wrinkles are spreading across the face, the body begins to forget about its former harmony. The use of phytoestrogens will help cope with the problems of menopause.

From the article you will learn about the benefits of phytoestrogens for women over 40, medications, containing these substances and how they differ.

Phytoestrogens - a natural non-hormonal remedy for menopause

Phytoestrogens are substances contained in plant fibers. Their structure is similar to the hormones produced by the female body - natural estrogens. A decrease in the body's production of these hormones is one of the main signs of the onset of menopause.

Due to their natural origin and structural features, phytoestrogens are often used as a natural simulator of female estrogens. Their use helps normalize hormonal levels during the period of greatest disturbances - before the onset of menopause and throughout the entire menopause.

The effect of phytoestrogens is as follows: when entering the body, these substances affect the cells of the skin, muscles and various tissues according to the same principle as the natural hormone. As a result, these cells feel “young” and improve their functioning.

Of course, it will not be possible to completely stop menopause and resume the usual functioning of the body, but it is still possible to minimize its manifestations.

Preparations containing phytoestrogens

These substances are found in the tissues of many plants. But among them there are leader plants.

The most reliable and productive sources of phytoestrogens include cohosh, soybeans and pueraria.

The listed plants have already been well studied; on their basis, a whole range of containing phytoestrogens preparations for women after 50. They differ both in composition, results, and in price.

Isoflavones in the composition play a major role in the effectiveness of such products. This type of phytoestrogens has an effect equivalent to the effect of the production of estradiol, the most important natural estrogen.

Therefore, doctors often prescribe medications containing these substances.

Let's look at the most popular medications that help bring the functioning of a woman's reproductive body back to normal.

The health and beauty of a woman is determined by the ideal balance of hormones in her body. While she is young, a sufficient amount of female sex hormones, estrogens, are produced, which are the main source of youth and fresh appearance. But with age, the body begins to produce less and less of these important substances, so with the onset of menopause comes old age.

We are all well aware of the effect that a cream with phytoestrogens has on the face, but to maintain the youth of the whole body, external influence alone is not enough. High-quality treatment with phytoestrogens, selected individually by an experienced specialist, will be required.

The influence and benefits of estrogens on the female body

Female sex hormones estrogens not only regulate sexual function and make it possible to conceive and bear a child. Their role also includes stimulating the formation of collagen and elastin in the skin, giving it strength, elasticity, beautiful color and a smooth, wrinkle-free surface. But with age, the amount of estrogen produced by the body constantly decreases.

As their level drops, the production of necessary fibers by the skin also decreases, it becomes flabby, sags, deforms, becomes covered with pigment spots and wrinkles form. Lethargy appears, the skin loses turgor, becomes dry, with a poor, uneven color. Naturally, any woman tries with all her might to delay aging and prolong her youth.

Phytoestrogens for women over 40 can correct the situation. In many countries around the world, hormone replacement therapy is recommended for women during menopause, but its role and possible side effects have not yet been sufficiently studied, so it is best to use phytoestrogens during menopause. These substances of plant origin are analogues of estrogens, but lack their potential negative effects on the woman’s body. Phytoestrogens are special compounds, not hormones, so you shouldn’t be afraid of them at all. They simply act on a woman’s body like hormones, but are not hormones themselves.

Important! The main supply of estrogen in the female body is located in the subcutaneous fat layer. Most of it is in the fat deposited on a woman’s stomach. Scientists have calculated that to preserve the beauty and freshness of the skin, a layer of fat of 2-3 cm is sufficient. Women entering menopause with an insufficient layer of fat (after severe diets, suffering from anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders) age much faster. This is the rare case when having belly fat is a great blessing. The optimal layer is invisible; it only creates a pleasant roundness and softness of the feminine tummy.

Phytoestrogens in Foods and Herbs

Many plants traditionally used for cooking and cosmetic purposes contain phytoestrogens. Their ability to positively influence the health and beauty of a woman has been noticed for a long time, it’s just that no one then knew about the existence of these special substances - phytoestrogens.

The main phytoestrogens in food are concentrated in cereals and fruits. Most of them are in the following products:

  • Soy. This is the most famous and popular source of isoflavones, which are in an easily digestible form.
  • Wheat.
  • Barley.
  • Oats.
  • Lentils.
  • Alfalfa, meat-red clover.
  • Flax (seed).
  • Apples.
  • Carrot.
  • Grapes (dark), red wine.
  • Bourbon (Kentucky corn whiskey).
  • Beer with natural hops.

Phytoestrogens in herbs have been used in folk medicine for a very long time and in a variety of ways. These include such well-known plants as licorice root, chamomile flowers, ginger root and turmeric, raspberry leaves and hogweed. Evening primrose oil and many other remedies are also widely used.

In general, plant estrogens after 40 have a positive effect on a woman’s body, but only if they are selected individually by an experienced doctor.

Important! The benefits of soy are widely known; it is considered the main reason for the longevity and youth of Asian women, who traditionally eat a lot of soy products. However, this only applies to natural, natural soy. Most of its varieties are now genetically modified. The risk of their use has not yet been studied.

Review of existing drugs with phytoestrogens for women

At the moment, a large number of products containing phytoestrogens are produced. One of the most popular is the Qi-Klim series, consisting of special vitamins for women over 45 years old, a drug for hot flashes during menopause, a cream for hormonal aging of the skin, and for the correction of facial wrinkles.

The drugs produced by Evalar are based on an extract from black cohosh. This beautiful ornamental plant also has the unaesthetic name black cohosh. Despite its name, black cohosh has many positive properties, which has made it possible to use it as an excellent natural anti-aging remedy. Preparations from the Qi-Klim series can be used separately, but the best effect is obtained when used in combination.

Capsules with phytoestrogens from evening primrose have proven themselves well. They have a pronounced anti-aging effect and are very useful for dry, aging skin. Such capsules are produced by many cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies specializing in natural organic cosmetics.

Also popular are phytoestrogens for the breast, which promote breast enlargement, firmness and density. However, these drugs can be harmful in some cases, so it is worth consulting with a mammologist and gynecologist. They are effective at the time of use, after cancellation the situation returns to its original state.

Creams and other cosmetics with phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens for women over 50 in cosmetic preparations are very useful for aging skin. They help slow down the process of wrinkle formation and sagging tissue, reduce dryness and pigmentation, and even out complexion. Good creams can delay the signs of aging if they are used regularly, and the woman began taking care of herself in her youth. If you catch yourself at the moment when your face has become a baked apple, you can’t count on a miracle; only some improvement in your condition is possible.

Phytoestrogens oils have a very good effect on the skin, especially evening primrose oil. It is added to eyelid creams. It not only softens and nourishes the skin, but also makes it smoother and more even, improves color, blood circulation and eliminates fine wrinkles.

In order for the effect of such cosmetics to be more pronounced and durable, it is necessary to take phytoestrogens in tablets. Only a doctor familiar with the patient’s medical history should select medications and prescribe them.

Important! You can also help your skin with simple home remedies containing phytoestrogens. For example, drinking beer internally is not at all necessary. It makes excellent hair masks that thicken the hair structure. And from natural wine you can make an excellent tonic that strengthens the skin and makes it smooth and radiant.

Existing contraindications, side effects and possible harm of drugs with phytoestrogens

For the most part, the plant phytoestrogens used are safe for health if used in moderate doses. Harm is possible through abuse, for example, of beer, which promotes excessive fat accumulation, or genetically modified soybeans.

Otherwise, eating foods rich in phytoestrogens only benefits the female body. There are studies confirming that food rich in these substances helps the body gently regulate the level of production of natural estrogens and stabilize it.

In cosmetics, plant hormones for women over 40 cannot cause harm due to their low concentration and limited absorption area, so there is no negative impact here either. But taking medications with phytoestrogens by young healthy women without a doctor’s prescription can be dangerous. The fact is that with normal or elevated hormonal levels, excessive “feeding” of phytoestrogens can cause a malfunction that will negatively affect a woman’s reproductive function.

These remedies are suitable only for women with low levels of sex hormones or those who are in menopause or menopause. In any case, before taking such drugs, consultation with a doctor is required, as well as monitoring the status of hormone levels. Then the use of phytoestrogens will only bring pronounced benefits.