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Phytoestrogens for women over 40. Phytoestrogens are a magic pill for menopause. The effect of phytoestrogens on the body

For most European women, the first signs of menopause appear quite early - after 40-43 years. It would seem that at this time a woman is experiencing the peak of her own activity, but no, nature confidently takes its toll. Fortunately, medicine does not stand still, and modern doctors successfully use hormone replacement therapy. If classic progesterone and estrogen do not suit you in any respect, try using phytoestrogens during menopause.

Phytoestrogens are not hormones. These are herbal preparations endowed with the best properties of estrogens and have exactly the same effect on the female body. In terms of their effectiveness, phytoestrogens are in no way inferior to synthetic drugs. Moreover, they have several very significant advantages:

  • have no side effects;
  • prevent the development of hormone-dependent tumors, while many artificial hormones provoke their growth;
  • the similarity of phytoestrogens with female sex hormones is maximum, although the strength of their effect on the body is several hundred times less;
  • serve as the best prevention of problems with the cardiovascular system - they prevent the formation of blood clots, thin the blood and increase its fluidity;
  • normalize fat metabolism;
  • treat depression and improve a woman’s emotional state - by reducing the intensity and frequency of hot flashes, improving sleep quality and normalizing blood pressure;
  • prevent the development of osteoporosis - improve the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, and also prevent them from being washed out of bone tissue;
  • During menopause, phytoestrogens strengthen the immune system and are famous for their antimicrobial and antiviral properties, thanks to which a weakened female body retains the ability to fight diseases.

Due to the large number of beneficial properties, phytoestrogens are added to many dietary supplements and medications for the correction of menopausal disorders.

True, these substances have several, not so much disadvantages, but very important nuances. The fact is that phytoestrogens are effective only for mild to moderate menopause. But with severe menopause, these drugs will be absolutely useless.

Where are plant phytoestrogens found?

Phytoestrogens for women come in four types:

  • Lignans.
  • Kumestans.
  • Isoflavones.
  • Flavones.

All these substances can be obtained from food and various plants.

Leaders among fruits:

  • dates;
  • apples;
  • grenades;
  • red grapes;
  • almost all berries.

Leaders among vegetables:

  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage of all types and varieties;
  • green leafy vegetables;
  • broccoli;
  • bell pepper;
  • spinach.

Leaders among herbs and plants:

  • alfalfa;
  • Red clover;
  • all grains (rice, oats and others);
  • hop;
  • ginseng;
  • flax (seeds);
  • grain crops, in particular corn and sprouted wheat grains;
  • malt.
  • legumes, especially lentils;
  • nuts;
  • eggs;
  • green tea;
  • beer;
  • red wine;
  • "Bourbon";
  • vegetable oils – sunflower, palm, soybean, coconut, olive;
  • juices of medicinal plants - arnica, calendula, chamomile, shepherd's purse, plantain.

During menopause, special emphasis should be placed on these foods, but there is no need to forcefully eat them.

"Pharmacy" phytostrogens for the treatment of menopause

Despite the fact that phytoestrogens (drugs) are sold in pharmacies without a medical prescription, you cannot take them at your own discretion. Not a single woman knows what microelements and vitamins her body needs. The slightest disturbance in this balance can lead to thickening of the walls of the uterus (endometrium) and the further development of a cancerous tumor. If you feel a change in your health, immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary tests and prescribe the correct treatment.

Many medicines have been created based on plant phytoestrogens. Here is a list of the most common:

  • "Remens";
  • "Feminal"
  • "Climaxan";
  • "Klimadinon";
  • "Klimaktoplan";
  • "Qi-klim";
  • "Estrovel";
  • "Inoclim";
  • "Climact Hel";
  • "Femiwell."

These drugs are devoid of any side effects and are often used not only to treat menopause, but also to delay it. In this case, you need to drink them after reaching the age of forty.

Cosmetics containing phytoestrogens

Menopause leaves a big imprint on a woman's appearance. Do you want to stay young as long as possible? Start using creams and masks based on phytoestrogens. These cosmetics help fight seborrhea, baldness, pigmentation and photoaging of the skin. They also help restore the epidermis after peeling.

Dear women, menopause is not a death sentence, because life goes on, no matter what. Accept your new condition and do everything you can to alleviate it.

At the age of 40–45 years, a woman’s body undergoes rapid changes. It seems that just a month ago everything was fine, and suddenly fat folds appeared on the sides and under the arms.

In fact, no one will be able to avoid this fate, not even athletes who have devoted their entire adult lives to sports. Fat begins to be unevenly redistributed throughout the body due to a number of factors.

Age fat

The health, and especially the beauty of a woman, directly depends on the concentration of sex hormones. Of these, the leading role is played by estrogens, which are commonly called the main female hormones.

The production of these hormones decreases significantly after 40 years and practically stops after 50 years with the onset of menopause. It is at this age that most women begin to consult various specialists about high blood pressure, joint pain and problems with excess weight.

This is explained simply. The female body, preparing for menopause, adapts to it, and hormonal changes redistribute subcutaneous fat with an increase in its amount. This increase in fat is required by the body, since when the production of sex hormones (estrogen) by the ovaries decreases, adipose tissue takes over this function.

How to compensate for estrogen deficiency

There are drugs designed to increase estrogen levels in women, but quite often this problem can be solved without the use of any synthetic drugs, just saturate your diet products containing phytoestrogens.

Phytoestrogens are components of plant origin, similar in their functions to estrogens, which are produced naturally in the female body. Although phytoestrogens are not a product of the human endocrine system, they act on the same cellular receptors as human estrogens.

Consumption of products containing phytoestrogens allows women to reduce the symptoms characteristic of the postmenopausal period.

Foods rich in phytoestrogens

  • Soybeans and legumes
    When talking about phytoestrogens, people most often think of soy and soy products. Interest in soy arose in the late 20th century, when health studies were conducted in Europe, Asia and America.

    It turned out that in Japan, China, Indonesia, Taiwan and Korea, mortality from cancer and cardiac diseases is much lower than in European countries and America, and women suffer less from menopausal disorders, osteoporosis and breast cancer.

    In Southeast Asian countries, large amounts of soy are traditionally used as food. Conclusions have been drawn about the association of high health indicators with soy consumption. The debate is still ongoing. However, soybeans are indeed rich in the isoflavones genistein and daidzein, and their sprouts are rich in glycitein.

    Soybeans and nuts, textured vegetarian protein, tofu, soy milk and soy yogurt, tempeh fermented soy drink, miso soup, soy protein powder all contain plant estrogens, which, for certain indications, are very useful to include in the daily diet.

  • Flax seeds
    They contain ligans - substances that bind to cell receptors and stimulate certain biochemical reactions. There have been no studies on the long-term use of phytohormones, but they have been found to be safe for everyone except pregnant women. Flax seeds are especially indicated during menopause.

  • Hop cones
    They contain flavonoids that bind to estradiol receptors (one of the estrogens) and have a similar effect. After 40 years, hop cones are prescribed to relieve the symptoms of menopause.

  • Milk and dairy products
    Sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese - contain phytoestrogens from the herbs that cows ate. Blue cheese has a higher amount of phytoestrogens due to the fungus, which additionally enriches the product with its own hormone-like substances.
  • Licorice roots
    Contains isoflavones and steroids. They have a positive effect on the female body during menopause and normalize liver function.
  • Vegetables
    Among vegetables, a serving of garlic contains the most phytoestrogens, followed by alfalfa sprouts, followed by winter squash, olive oil, kale and olives.
  • Ortilia
    Among the herbs - sources of estrogen - the pine uterus, or ortilia lopsided. Traditional healers claim that her decoctions have an extremely positive effect on a woman’s body. Experts prescribe preparations based on ortilia to normalize hormonal levels.

  • The intake of phytohormones should be agreed with a doctor after a blood test for hormones. If this is not done and you take the medications on your own for a long time, you can achieve persistent hormonal imbalance and related problems.

    How to lose weight by 20 kg per month

    With age, absolutely everything changes in appearance, regardless of body constitution. However, those who play sports and pay enough attention to healthy eating have a better chance of looking fit in old age.

    Do you want quick results? Then arm yourself with the ideas from our article. And don’t forget to consult your doctor before going on a diet, because health is more important than beauty.

    You can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight in two weeks thanks to the diet of actress Maria Poroshina. But this is only possible if a person has a fair amount of willpower, since it is very difficult to last two weeks on such a diet.

    Maria Poroshina's diet menu

  • First day of the first week
    On the first day of the diet, your menu should include 5 boiled potatoes and 3 boiled eggs.
  • Second day
    Your diet will be represented by one glass of kefir and 100 grams of cottage cheese.
  • The third day
    Kefir (500 ml), 1 liter of fruit juice and 2 apples.
  • Fourth day
    A serving of boiled chicken or beef (400 g) and an unlimited amount of tea without sugar.
  • Fifth day
    During the day you need to eat either pears or apples (half a kilogram).
  • Sixth day
    3 boiled potatoes and 1.5 cups of kefir or yogurt.
  • Seventh day
    Only kefir (500 ml).
  • First day of the second week
    The diet should consist of only boiled beef (250 g).
  • Second day
    Vegetable salad and boiled beef (150 g).
  • The third day
    2 apples, 2 slices of bran bread, a portion of boiled beef or chicken (200 g).
  • Fourth day
    2 eggs, boiled beef (150 grams), and 150 g of rye bread.
  • Fifth day
    3 boiled potatoes, 700 g apples and kefir (500 ml).
  • Sixth day
    2 eggs, 2 fresh cucumbers, boiled chicken (300 g) and an unlimited amount of tea without sugar.
  • Seventh day
    2 boiled potatoes and 2 apples.
  • Losing as much weight as you dreamed of is only half the battle. Another half of the battle is keeping the weight off. Maria Poroshina recommends that at the end of the diet you should not allow fried and fatty foods into your diet, and also stay away from simple carbohydrates. It is better to eliminate late meals forever and have your last meal before six in the evening.

    "So simple!" regularly introduces its readers to the most effective diets. So, we recently wrote about the mega-popular protein diet of the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan. It is known that his diet helped the Duchess of Cambridge lose weight before her wedding, and Jennifer Lopez helped her get in shape after giving birth.

    You might be interested in a weight loss system from nutrition guru Henri Chenot. Using his method, Luciano Pavarotti and Silvio Berlusconi, the wife of former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, Elena Baturina, and Mikheil Saakashvili lost weight in their time.

    Phytoestrogens are present in some representatives of the flora and are a plant analogue of the female sex hormone estrogen. They do not act as plant hormones, but are simply present in it in a certain amount and are responsible for growth, development, protection from ultraviolet rays and fungal diseases.

    Hormones and phytoestrogens

    Hormones play a big role in maintaining a healthy reproductive system in women. Thanks to estrogen, the most important processes occur: conception and bearing a child. In addition, the function of the heart, blood vessels and skeletal system is normalized. It is believed that with a sufficient level of this substance, the skin is elastic, smooth, non-greasy, and the bones are strong enough. With age, this balance is disrupted.

    Science is trying to find ways to compensate for this deficiency using natural means.

    This issue has not yet been studied enough and opinions are quite contradictory, but there is a certain list of foods and herbs that contain phytoestrogens, whose composition resembles natural estradiol, as well as drugs created on their basis.

    Due to their structure and similarity to estradiol, phytoestrogens in women can cause both estrogenic and antiestrogenic effects. Once in the body with food or in the form of a medicinal decoction, when the hormone content is low, phytoestrogens increase its level. If it is already elevated, then phytoestrogens try to suppress it, clearing space for themselves.

    Types of phytoestrogens

    All phytoestrogens are divided into 3 groups:

    • Isoflavonoids;
    • Lignans;
    • Kumestans.

    It is believed that for women over 40 years of age, phytoestrogens or medications containing them are most beneficial in relieving the symptoms of impending menopause.

    Beneficial features

    They have the following properties:

    • help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, regulate fat metabolism, protect blood vessels from the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, maintain normal blood clotting and reduce the risk of blood clots;
    • promote better absorption of calcium and phosphorus, reduce their leaching from bones, thereby strengthening bone tissue;
    • during menopause, relieve hot flashes, normalize blood pressure, to improve well-being and get rid of depression;
    • strengthen the immune system, have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

    Foods with phytoestrogens

    In nature, the most phytoestrogens are found in soy, and although their antitumor effect has not yet been sufficiently studied, there is evidence that eating it reduces the risk of developing breast, colon, and skin cancer. High levels of these natural estrogen analogues are observed:

    • in legumes;
    • milk and dairy products;
    • cereals (wheat, barley, oats), especially in their sprouts;
    • vegetables (carrots, asparagus, parsley, celery, garlic, some types of cabbage);
    • in vegetable oils.
    • The fruits and flowers of hawthorn contain flavonoids that strengthen the heart muscle, improve blood circulation and regulate blood pressure.

    Legumes and grains, vegetables and vegetable oils are rich in phytoestrogens and are available to any woman

    Accordingly, phytoestrogens, for women after 40 years of age and after the attenuation of ovarian function, when concentrated in a certain amount, play the role of replenishing, although not fully, the lack of estrogen during this period of life.

    Herbs with phytoestrogens

    Herbs containing phytoestrogens can also be used for medicinal purposes for women of any age:

    • boron uterus and red brush have a positive effect on the function of childbirth;
    • yarrow strengthens blood vessels and stimulates menstruation;
    • shepherd's purse stops bleeding;
    • the ordinary cuff normalizes the cycle;
    • sage infusion optimizes menstrual periods and reduces sweat production;
    • elecampane to normalize irregular and painful periods;
    • rosemary infusion improves blood circulation and normalizes the monthly cyclical process.

    There is also a sufficient list of plants with a high concentration of a natural analogue of the hormone:

    • red clover, alfalfa;
    • flax seeds;
    • hop;
    • licorice root, red grapes.

    Using some of these plants, biological supplements containing phytoestrogens are created. Drugs from this series are used by women over 40 years of age to overcome the symptoms of menopause, cope with this problem with minimal damage to health, improve their mood and, if possible, return their life to its previous course as much as possible.

    Medicines for women after 40

    Let's look at the main drugs containing natural hormones available for use.


    The drug inoklim was created from soybeans, it is produced in capsules and is a dietary supplement, which, according to the instructions for use, helps cope with the symptoms of menopause during menopause, and also eliminates vaginal dryness at this time. Another drug from this series, Doppelhertz active menopause, with a similar mechanism of action.


    In addition to soybeans, red clover, specially grown for this purpose in Switzerland, is used to make such natural substitutes. Thanks to its phytoestrogens, the drug Feminal has been synthesized for women over 40. It is available in capsules of 30 pieces per package. The course of treatment takes on average 3 months. Daily intake is recommended at 1 pill per day, thereby replenishing the daily requirement for estradiol.

    The advantages of this additive over its analogues are as follows:

    • due to its complex composition, it has a more pronounced therapeutic effect;
    • close to natural female estrogen;
    • well tolerated and can be used for a long time (up to 2-3 years);
    • effectiveness has been proven in clinical trials.


    Klimadinone is no less popular; it is obtained from the rhizome of black cohosh. Plant materials are not collected in the wild to avoid the appearance of genetically modified samples, but are cultivated in certain places, using good seed material. This drug reduces sweating, smoothes out mood swings, which helps a woman experience age-related hormonal changes less painfully. Remens and klimaktoplan, also obtained from black cohosh, have similar properties.

    Some ladies are concerned about dryness and sagging skin, especially on the hands, during the decline of sexual function. They begin to purchase all kinds of ointments and creams with phytohormones, succumbing to provocative advertising or listening to the advice of friends or acquaintances.

    But experts warn that preparations with phytoestrogens for women after 40 years of age only bring benefits when they enter the stomach. These substances do not penetrate the body through the skin.

    Natural or synthetic hormones?

    Preparations with phytoestrogens are sometimes used by gynecologists in women who cannot take synthetic analogues for a number of reasons. In this case, women over 40 years of age can mitigate the symptoms of future menopause without medications and dietary supplements using the following recommendations:

    • reconsider your lifestyle;
    • find time for proper rest;
    • Do gymnastics to the best of your ability, even if it’s just morning exercises;
    • balance your diet in advance.


    Based on the individuality of each organism, you should not get too carried away with preparations with phytoestrogens, dietary supplements, or include in your diet a large number of foods rich in phytoestrogens, or decoctions of similar herbs. Before you begin to treat symptoms of menopause, consult your doctor. Let him understand your condition and draw up an adequate regimen for taking the necessary medications so that they have a positive effect.

    Estrogens are hormones that support the functioning of the entire female body. After 40 years, estrogen secretion decreases and hormonal levels change. In an organism deprived of hormonal support, the functioning of all organs is disrupted. Not all women tolerate this period well; sometimes they require hormone replacement therapy. Phytoestrogens for women after 40 can improve the condition.

    Mechanism of action of phytohormones

    The world learned about phytoestrogens almost a hundred years ago, but only in recent decades has their effect been appreciated. It all started with a study of the characteristics of menopause in women after 40 years in Europe and South Asia. Researchers were interested in the fact that Asian women tolerate menopause well, while in European women it is often accompanied by menopausal syndrome .

    A medicinal product based on dry extract of black cohosh rhizomes. The phytoestrogens it contains suppress the secretion of gonadotropic hormones from the pituitary gland. Taking the medicine leads to the elimination of the main manifestations of menopausal syndrome. Take one tablet 2 times a day for a month.

    (Evalar, Russia)

    A medicinal product based on dry extract of black cohosh rhizomes. Indications for use are the same as for Klimadinon.

    Remens(Richard Bittner, Austria)

    A homeopathic medicine containing three plants containing phytohormones. Regulates the activity of the neuroendocrine system, eliminates menopausal symptoms. Take the drug 1 sublingual tablet or 10 drops three times a day for six months.

    (Regena Nye Cosmetics, Germany)

    Price tag: from 6950 rub.

    Dietary supplement based on dry extract of hop cones and aqueous extract of red clover, also contains vitamins and minerals. The product effectively eliminates mild and moderate climacteric syndrome.

    (Laboratory Innotec International, France)

    Price: from 855 rub.

    Dietary supplement from soybeans containing genistin and daidzin. It acts selectively and has an estrogen-like effect.

    (Jadran, Croatia)

    Dietary supplement with red clover extract. It helps well with hot flashes, irritability and changes in blood pressure during menopause. Take 1 capsule per day with meals for a month.

    Doppelhertz active Menopause(Queisser Pharma, Germany)

    Dietary supplement based on soy isoflavoids. Also contains a complex of vitamins and calcium. Take the drug 1 tablet per day with meals for a month or more.


    Some foods also contain phytohormones. A woman's consumption of such products is the best and safest way to restore hormonal balance.

    The most phytohormones are found in legumes and cereals: soybeans, beans, lentils, wheat, oats, barley. Bean dishes can be alternated with oat and wheat porridges.

    There are fewer phytohormones in vegetables; they are found in all types of cabbage (especially cauliflower and broccoli), potatoes, carrots, garlic, asparagus, and garden herbs (especially parsley).

    Apples, cherries, plums, pomegranates, and green tea are rich in phytohormones.

    Phytoestrogens are natural biologically active substances that can, to some extent, replace female sex hormones and have a beneficial effect on the female body. But we should not forget that the hormonal system has a complex structure and may not always respond adequately to the intake of such substances. That's why even dietary supplements with phytohormones should be prescribed by a doctor after an examination.

    With the onset of menopause, many women experience unpleasant sensations: the body reacts negatively to hormonal imbalance. As ovarian function declines, estrogen levels decrease, painful hot flashes appear, sleep disturbances, irritability appear, belly fat accumulates, and the condition of hair and skin deteriorates.

    To correct the imbalance due to insufficient estrogen production, the woman receives hormone replacement therapy. For mild to moderate symptoms, you can replace synthetic drugs with natural remedies. Phytohormones are found in many foods and plants. It is important to know the rules of therapy using natural estrogen analogues.

    Indications for use

    During menopause, the production of estrone and estriol decreases. Steroid hormone deficiency affects the nervous, reproductive, and cardiovascular systems. If the symptoms of menopause are moderate, you can do without synthetic hormones: it is enough to regularly receive herbal remedies that contain substances with hormone-like effects. Lignans, coumestans, flavones and isoflavones have a positive effect on the body's condition.

    Doctors also advise women to take phytoestrogens during premenopause and after 45 years, as long as the functional ability of the ovaries is preserved. With the onset of menopause, menopause is inevitable, but you can smooth out negative symptoms and avoid a significant deficiency of sex hormones if you start taking preventive measures of natural compounds in time. Many women confirm the effectiveness of herbal remedies. Herbal decoctions, flax seeds, natural oils stabilize hormonal balance, replenish estrogen deficiency when ovarian function fades.

    Symptoms of menopause:

    • "tides". Specific manifestations of menopausal syndrome are difficult to confuse with symptoms of other pathologies. The attack lasts from 10-15 seconds to 5-7 minutes: the face turns sharply red, intense heat is felt in the upper body. In the final phase, sweat is released profusely, and chills may appear. “Hot flashes” occur from once or twice every few days to five to seven times a day;
    • surges in blood pressure. Disruption of metabolic processes and a decrease in the rate of food processing gradually leads to the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels and the development of arterial hypertension;
    • osteoporosis Against the background of hypoestrogenism, the process of calcium absorption is disrupted. With calcium deficiency, bones become thinner, and you can get a fracture even with a slight bruise or after a fall;
    • insufficient vaginal hydration. A decrease in secretion production provokes discomfort in the genital area: burning and itching appears. During sexual intercourse, injury to the mucous membrane, infection due to microcracks and increased tissue dryness are possible;
    • fat deposition in specific “female” areas. With the onset of menopause, weight often increases by 5-6 kg for no apparent reason. A sign of hormonal imbalance is an increase in the layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue at the waist and abdomen;
    • mood swings, Excessive nervousness, tearfulness, changes in character, and increased sensitivity to emotional stimuli often accompany the menopause. After 45-50 years, memory deteriorates, difficulties arise with remembering and processing new information, and psychomotor reactions slow down. These signs also indicate hormonal imbalance;
    • thinning and dryness of the epidermis, brittle nails, deterioration of hair condition, thinning hair are external symptoms of estrogen deficiency. A lack of female hormones leads to the appearance of wrinkles, dry skin, and withering of the epidermis.

    Beneficial properties of phytoestrogens

    Action of phytoestrogens:

    • irritability decreases;
    • sleep improves;
    • the frequency and strength of “hot flashes” decreases;
    • drowsiness and apathy disappear;
    • Breast engorgement and tenderness are less common;
    • weight stabilizes;
    • metabolic processes occur more actively;
    • blood pressure is normalized (in combination with antihypertensive drugs for continuous use);
    • the condition of hair and skin improves.

    On a note! Regular intake of healthy products and formulations based on plant materials has a positive effect on the body. The effect of natural remedies is more delicate than that of hormonal drugs. Many women note that after starting therapy with phytohormones, menopause is less pronounced.

    When phytohormones are not beneficial

    If herbal remedies are used incorrectly, or excessive consumption of certain foods and herbs, estrogen levels may become higher than normal. If a woman receives herbal medicines with hormone-like substances, then she should not intensively consume herbal decoctions with phytoestrogens.

    Where they are found: contained in foods and plants


    • garlic;
    • wheat germ;
    • coconut;
    • broccoli;
    • dairy products;
    • legumes;
    • barley.

    Plants with phytohormones:

    • calendula;
    • cuff;
    • blackberry;
    • hop cones;
    • alfalfa;
    • White bloodroot;
    • aloe;
    • ginseng;
    • mountain arnica;
    • sage.

    Learn about doing the right thing for overweight people.

    A page is written about the symptoms of hyperandrogenism of mixed origin and methods of treating the disease.

    Go to the address and read about how and how to treat multinodular goiter of the thyroid gland.

    Natural oils with phytohormones:

    • avocado;
    • black cumin;
    • evening primrose;
    • geraniums;
    • flax;
    • fennel;
    • sage;
    • anise

    Proven traditional medicine recipes

    Many natural remedies are used to normalize hormonal balance:

    • decoction of sage leaves. For 2 tsp. natural raw materials, take 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse the composition with phytoestrogens for half an hour. Drink the infusion 2 days in advance, 3 doses per day. Directions for use: 20 minutes before meals, three times a day;
    • decoction based on mantle. The medicinal plant is actively used as a main remedy and as part of herbal preparations. For 250 ml of boiling water, it is enough to take a teaspoon of finely chopped herbs. Infuse healthy tea for 30 minutes. Drink the strained product in 2 doses;
    • infusion of hop cones. The proportions and method of preparation are the same as in the previous recipe. Drink a glass of infusion every day. The course of treatment is two weeks;
    • a mixture of aloe and honey. An effective “elixir of youth”, a useful and inexpensive means for maintaining health. The composition exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, saturates the body with microelements, phytohormones, vitamins, and organic acids. You will need 1 tbsp. l. pulp of a fleshy leaf from a plant that is more than three years old and 2 tbsp. l. thin honey. Use the nutrient in three doses throughout the day. Course of therapy - 10 days;
    • linseed oil. The best option is to receive a natural product every day, in the morning, always on an empty stomach. Dosage - teaspoon. The duration of therapy is 1 month, then a break for 10 days, then repeat the intake of the valuable oil. The flax seed product is a natural remedy, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by numerous studies. If the functioning of the digestive organs is disrupted, you can add oil with a pleasant, slightly bitter, specific taste, light salads, or use the herbal remedy after meals;
    • a decoction with a sedative effect. Mood swings, excessive nervousness, and tearfulness are frequent “companions” of menopause. The herbal mixture contains phytoestrogens and components with a sedative effect. Combine a tablespoon of valerian root, motherwort herb, mint and blackberry leaves, chamomile flowers, and hop cones. For one day you will need a couple of tablespoons of the mixture and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil the herbal remedy for 5 minutes, cool, and filter the healthy tea. Drink 150 ml in three doses, always before meals;
    • fenugreek and flax seeds. Natural products have a positive effect on the level of estrogen in the body. Take a teaspoon of seeds every day for one and a half months. You can grind the natural product and add it to salads. With this method of processing, much more valuable substances enter the body than when receiving whole seeds.

    A few more effective remedies:

    • alcohol tincture based on the roots of white cinquefoil. A proven remedy for normalizing hormonal levels. During menopause, the structure and functioning of the thyroid gland is often disrupted, which negatively affects the reproductive system. The tincture improves the condition of the problematic gland. It is not difficult to prepare the product: put the chopped root of the plant (1 part) into a bottle, pour in high-quality vodka (take 10 parts), put it in a cool place (necessarily without access to light) for 30 days. Strain the mixture and drink twice a day for a month. Before use, dilute 25 drops of tincture with still water (50 ml). After the first course, a break for a week;
    • mint tea to reduce nervousness. A drink with a pleasant taste and aroma is useful for reducing irritability and improving sleep. During menopause, you need to take courses of herbal remedies with a sedative effect. It’s easy to prepare mint tea: put two medium mint leaves in a glass, pour in boiling water, cover with a saucer or metal lid. The healthy drink is ready after 15 minutes. You should not make tea that is too strong. If desired, you can add honey or a sweetener tablet. The healthy drink also relieves headaches caused by disturbances in psycho-emotional balance;
    • decoction of blackberry leaves. Tea saturates the female body with phytohormones. Herbalists recommend drinking aromatic tea after 40 years in courses lasting 1 month, then a break for 60 days, then repeat taking the herbal remedy. It is useful to combine blackberry and currant leaves: take a tablespoon of each component, place it in a thermos, pour in a liter of boiling water. The aromatic tea is ready after 35-40 minutes. Filter the natural remedy, drink in 6 doses (3 for each day), optimally before meals, 20 minutes;
    • mask with phytoestrogens for youthful skin. A good addition to taking natural ingredients. Some herbal remedies for external use are as effective as expensive masks and creams. Cosmetologists offer a simple and effective remedy with phytohormones. Steam flax seeds in 100 ml of boiling water (1 level teaspoon, spoon). Wait 30 minutes for the seeds to swell: the liquid will become oily. Use a cotton swab to apply the nourishing product to the face and neck; you can lubricate your hands. Wash off the composition after a quarter of an hour: the skin will be soft and velvety. Course - 15 masks, then a break for 10 days. The first results are noticeable after two or three procedures.

    You should not wait until the symptoms of menopause appear in full force: to prevent and reduce the consequences of hormonal imbalance, you need to receive herbal remedies with natural estrogen analogues. All women over 40-45 years old should receive herbal teas, products with phytohormones, and natural oils in courses. Before starting herbal treatment, you should consult an endocrinologist or gynecologist.