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Sinusitis without fever - causes and treatment. Sinusitis without a runny nose When catarrhal sinusitis goes away

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses, called sinusitis, is a common disease that occurs as a result of an advanced cold, repeated runny nose, and for many other reasons. The disease is accompanied by characteristic symptoms - runny nose, cough, headaches, fever, but in exceptional cases the disease occurs without a runny nose, which causes surprise and misunderstanding among people. Sinusitis without snot - what does it mean? What symptoms indicate the presence of the disease? What should be done to get rid of unpleasant symptoms? All these issues should be considered in more detail so as not to face the serious consequences of the disease.

Sometimes sinusitis occurs without snot or fever

It’s worth starting with what sinusitis is. The cause of the development of this disease is often an infection that enters the nasal cavity during breathing. You should also not lose sight of such reasons as untreated runny nose, prolonged exposure to cold wind, and even neglected dental conditions.

The main symptom of the disease is a runny nose, which is why its absence often misleads a person who believes that he has some other disease, but not sinusitis. At the same time, the diagnosis is quite easy to establish, because a person experiences pain and discomfort in the nose area, suffers from headaches, etc.

Sinusitis often occurs due to a runny nose that has not been completely cured

Can you have sinusitis without a runny nose?

But what about those situations when the disease does not have a runny nose? Can there be sinusitis without snot? Doctors confirm the fact that such a phenomenon can occur, although this does not mean that the disease proceeds calmly and without complications. It is worth understanding that with sinusitis, inflammatory processes begin, covering the mucous membrane of the sinus walls. All this leads to swelling and mucous discharge.

Mucous discharge is most often white; if purulent processes occur, the discharge becomes yellow or greenish, but the absence of snot may indicate the following reasons:

  • Inability for mucus to flow from the nose due to too much swelling. This entails serious and severe consequences, pus appears.
  • Presence of allergic reactions.
  • Irregular structure of the nose, the presence of certain anomalies.
  • The onset of the disease when there is no inflammatory process yet.

The absence of snot during sinusitis may indicate the presence of allergic reactions, severe swelling or abnormal nasal structure

As you can see, sinusitis without snot does not mean that the disease is mild; sometimes, on the contrary, it may indicate the presence of certain complications that urgently need to be treated.

Symptoms of the disease without a runny nose

When the nose is stuffy with sinusitis, it is easier to diagnose, but in the absence of a runny nose, other additional symptoms may indicate the disease:

  1. A slight increase in body temperature, and this occurs during the first few days, the readings reach 37-38 degrees.
  2. There is slight nasal congestion, but it does not go away for a long time.
  3. From time to time there is pain in the head and jaw, which intensifies when communicating and chewing food.
  4. There is a feeling of squeezing in the bridge of the nose.
  5. Puffiness or swelling of the face, especially in the cheek area.
  6. Unpleasant sensations in the paranasal sinuses, especially when a person is in a horizontal position for some time, that is, sleeping or resting.
  7. Feeling of bad breath, nasal voice.
  8. Labored breathing.

With sinusitis without snot, breathing is difficult, there is nasal congestion, and swelling of the face is observed

To these signs we can add general symptoms of intoxication, when well-being noticeably worsens, appetite is lost, fear of light appears, general malaise occurs, apathy and increased fatigue are observed.

Symptoms of sinusitis without snot clearly indicate the presence of this disease, however, only a qualified doctor can accurately establish the diagnosis. It is not recommended to take any measures on your own to treat the disease until a diagnosis has been made and you have no idea what is happening in the body.

Causes of sinusitis without a runny nose

Most often, the disease occurs as a result of infection in the upper respiratory tract. Dangerous bacteria begin to multiply inside, damaging soft tissues and causing inflammation.

The main cause of sinusitis without a runny nose can only be determined by a qualified otolaryngologist.

Additional reasons may be:

  • Injuries to the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses.
  • An advanced or incompletely cured form of a cold.
  • Prolonged stay in a room where extremely dry air remains.
  • Failure to comply with basic rules of oral hygiene.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Transferred influenza virus and further weakening of the immune system.

To accurately determine the cause of the disease, you should seek medical help. If the symptoms are insufficient, additional diagnostics will be carried out, which will also allow the correct treatment to be prescribed.

Hypothermia can be one of the reasons for the development of sinusitis.


If there is no snot with sinusitis and the nose breathes freely, a comprehensive diagnosis is required to confirm the diagnosis. Under no circumstances should the disease be neglected, so it is advisable to carry out diagnosis in the early stages of the disease. It may include the following examination methods:

  1. CT scan. This method allows you to determine the stage of the disease and identify where the source of inflammation is located.
  2. X-ray. In the photographs you can see the presence of an inflammatory process in the form of dark spots in the nasal sinuses.
  3. Diaphanoscopy– a diagnostic method based on tissue transillumination helps to see foci of inflammation of the nasal sinuses.

Treatment can begin only after a high-quality diagnosis, because this will determine what medications and folk remedies should be taken to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Diagnostics will also make it possible to find out what measures need to be taken for treatment - conservative or surgical. Today, doctors rarely resort to surgical operations, but in severe cases this method is not excluded.

Fluoroscopy allows you to see the first signs of sinusitis and the presence of an inflammatory process

Conservative treatment

Treatment is required in any case, regardless of whether the nose is stuffy due to sinusitis or not, because sometimes the absence of a runny nose, on the contrary, emphasizes the severity of the disease. There are many treatment options, but none of them should be used without the appropriate permission from an ENT specialist or therapist. Self-treatment can lead to serious consequences, after which it will no longer be possible to do without surgical intervention.

In a standard situation, the following medications are prescribed:

  • Antibiotics to eliminate severe symptoms of the disease and stop the inflammatory process. These include cephalosporins and penicillins.
  • Painkillers to relieve pain in the paranasal area. Paracetamol and drugs based on it, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, etc. are prescribed.
  • Antipyretics for high temperatures. However, the temperature should be brought down only if it has risen above 38.5 degrees. Nurofen, Panadol, etc. are used for this.
  • Antimicrobial agents. These include drugs of natural origin, for example, herbal remedies.
  • Mucolytic agents. Their main task is to act on mucus and reduce its viscosity. The absence of snot does not mean that there is no mucus; most likely, it accumulates inside and does not come out.
  • Drugs that relieve swelling by constricting blood vessels. These are Nazol, Oxymetazoline, Leconil, etc.

Antibiotics, antiseptics, mucolytic and antipyretic drugs and other medications are used to treat sinusitis.

Traditional methods

Sinusitis without snot and fever can be treated with traditional methods, although they should also be used only after consultation with your doctor. Many of the methods should be used in combination with drug treatment:

  1. Nasal drops based on lemon balm, lemon grass and plantain leaves. All ingredients are taken in equal quantities, 10 g of herb is poured into 250 g of water, and the solution is infused for 24 hours. Nasal drops are used 2-3 times a day.
  2. Inhalations with propolis. For 2 liters of water, use 2 tsp. alcohol tincture of propolis. You should breathe steam over the pan with the solution.
  3. Herbal preparations for oral administration. For this, sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, etc. are used.
  4. Clay compresses. 50 g of clay is diluted in water, the solution is placed on gauze, and then applied to both sides of the nose to the maxillary sinuses.
  5. Ointment made from honey, milk and vegetable oil. This ointment is used for administration into the nasal passages, thus preventing the inflammatory process.

You can perform inhalations at home


Now you know how to treat sinusitis without snot. In addition, it is worth thinking about ways to prevent the disease: do not overcool, observe good oral hygiene, treat a runny nose until complete recovery.

If the disease has already occurred, you should immediately seek help from a doctor and do not delay treatment of the disease. Rinse your nose regularly with a solution of sea salt, use antiseptics to irrigate the nasal passages.

If the disease has led to secondary complications or has become chronic, surgery is performed. This may be puncture of the maxillary sinus, endoscopic maxillary sinus, or open surgery.

Surgery for sinusitis is performed as a last resort when conservative treatment has been unsuccessful

Sinusitis without snot can be even more dangerous and more unpredictable than sinusitis with a runny nose, so be careful and begin treatment immediately after the appropriate diagnosis has been established.

According to medical definition, sinusitis is an inflammatory disease involving the maxillary sinuses in the pathological process.

The etiology of the disease is almost always infectious, and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms; somewhat less often, an autoimmune, allergic process occurs.

By its nature, the disease in question can also be viral and fungal. Almost never the lesion of the maxillary sinuses is primary; as a rule, it is secondary to the underlying disease. These are acute respiratory viral diseases provoked by rota and adenoviruses.

According to medical statistics, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses occurs in approximately 30% of clinical cases. Moreover, 85% of all situations are secondary to acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

The disease is considered polyetiological and multifactorial. In fact, this means that the development of the disease occurs for many reasons. All of them can be divided into three groups.

  • The first and most common microorganism is Staphylococcus aureus. These structures are representatives of the pyogenic flora and, accordingly, are found in almost every person.

According to research, everyone or almost everyone is infected (about 98%). Staphylococcus is a conditionally pathogenic agent that lives on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and genitals.

It creates complexes resistant to antibiotics, complicating therapy.

They can provoke complex and serious consequences for health and even life, such as meningitis, sepsis, tonsillitis, acute tonsillitis, etc.

  • Streptococci. They are found as causative agents of the disease somewhat less frequently. They provoke sinusitis that is mild in nature, which rarely gives the severe complications described above.
  • Herpes viruses. Herpetic agents are the culprits of sinusitis several times less often. They are not homogeneous in nature, so variations are possible.

Herpes of the first type provokes classic inflammation with an intense runny nose, the flow of purulent mucus, and the release of a large amount of exudate.

Herpes of the second type causes indolent forms of the disease, the fourth type, as well as the fifth, provoke generalized lesions. In this case, a runny nose is the least of the problems.

  • Mycoplasmas, urepalisms, chlamydia. Can cause mild forms of sinusitis.
  • Rotaviruses. They are considered the most common viruses that cause severe forms of sinusitis. These are absolute record holders of their kind: they account for up to 65% of all cases of the disease.

Somewhat less commonly, the disease in question is caused by adenoviruses. In such a situation, the clinical picture is poor, however, the likelihood of dangerous complications developing is high.

Clinically, the most common are streptococci, staphylococci, rotaviruses and adenoviruses. Everything else in the practice of an otolaryngologist is almost casuistry.

How the disease is transmitted

The routes of transportation from person to person for these microorganisms and viral agents are multiple, but only two are common.

Among them:

  • Household way. Most often occurs when touching the mucous membranes of a sick person. This happens with handshakes, kisses, and other physical non-sexual contacts. Therefore, as part of prevention, it is recommended to avoid physical interactions with sick or infected people. In no case should you interact with the patient’s biological fluids. Washing handkerchiefs should be done with gloves, etc.
  • Airborne transmission of agents. It is almost the main one when it comes to sinusitis. For a person to become infected, it is enough to be in the same room with a sick person for some time. Viruses are abundantly released into the environment when sneezing and coughing with mucus particles.

Other ways are less common.

Why does the immune response decrease?

A lot of them:

  • Frequent hypothermia. Stenosis of large main vascular structures affects.
  • Frequent distress, psycho-emotional stress, severe mechanical overload. They provoke the production of large amounts of corticosteroid hormones: norepinephrine, cortisol and others.
  • Acute respiratory viral infections. They are responsible for reducing the intensity of the body’s entire defense system.
  • There are other factors as well.


  • Tonsillitis.
  • Sore throats.
  • Oral diseases, including caries.
  • Other pathologies.

The first signs of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses

The first signs of sinusitis begin 3-5 days after infection.

In general, the incubation period lasts about 5-15 days and even a little more.

The manifestations are as follows:

  • Pain in the sinuses. They are observed constantly and are characterized by a pressing, bursting character. The more intense the pain syndrome, the more complex the pathological process. This correlation has been noticed by many doctors and medical scientists. The respiratory passages hurt more severely if a person bends over.
  • Nasal discharge. At the first moment (from several days to a week), the mucus is transparent, colorless and odorless. Subsequently, the exudate darkens and thickens, it becomes purulent in nature and has an unpleasant odor. Everyone is probably familiar with it.
  • Nasal congestion. A classic sign of sinusitis and other respiratory diseases. Occurs as a result of swelling of the paranasal sinuses and filling them with purulent exudate.

These are only the first symptoms of sinusitis, by which one can suspect the disease.

Acute symptoms

The first signs of sinusitis in adults have been described, but in reality the number of manifestations is much higher.

Recognizing late manifestations of the disease is not so difficult.

Considering the number of signs that add up to a single clinical picture.

The following symptoms develop:

  • Mucus discharge from the nasal passages. Purulent, transparent character. However, in the acute form of the disease, most often the discharge is green and has an unpleasant, pungent, putrid odor.
  • Congestion of the upper respiratory tract. It is affected, as already noted, by swelling and filling of the maxillary sinuses with exudate.
  • Feeling of pressure in the sinuses, bridge of the nose. Intensifies in an inclined position of the body. Swelling affects.
  • Pain syndrome in the area of ​​the nasal passages. Why it develops and how it is characterized has already been noted.
  • Difficulty breathing. Inhalation and exhalation are difficult, possible only through the mouth in particularly difficult cases.
  • Hyperthermia. The thermometer readings are at 37-38 degrees Celsius. An increase in body temperature is a natural result of the inflammatory process.
  • Chills, a feeling of goose bumps running through the body. As a rule, along its upper part.
  • Paroxysmal cough when mucus flows into the throat and nasopharynx.
  • Intense pain in the head area. It is almost the leading symptom of sinusitis.
  • The acute form of the disease can also be recognized by loss of appetite.
  • Finally, manifestations of general intoxication of the body occur. Nausea, possible vomiting, possible weakness, drowsiness, feeling of body wobbliness.

All these symptoms are observed in combination and form a single clinical picture.

Manifestations of unilateral and bilateral inflammation of the sinuses differ only in the number of manifestations and their intensity.

Symptoms of the chronic form

A sluggish form, observed in most cases after suffering from an acute type of disease. All the symptoms described above are present, but to a lesser extent.

In addition to the main manifestations of sinusitis, long-term changes in the nature of well-being also occur.


  • Deterioration of short-term and long-term memory due to compression of brain structures. This is an unfavorable sign that can indicate cerebral edema and even meningitis.
  • Sleep disorders. Manifests itself in the form of insomnia.
  • A sharp decrease in performance.
  • Feeling tired easily.

Manifestation of secondary (or even tertiary) diseases. These are pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and other ailments of inflammatory and infectious nature.

Allergic symptoms

Allergic sinusitis manifests itself with the same symptoms as the classic form of the disease. The only exception is the absence of elevated body temperature.

Can sinusitis occur without symptoms?

This is practically impossible. It is possible to change the number of symptoms and their intensity, but a complete asymptomatic course is impossible.

Another thing is that the patient may not monitor his condition closely enough. A minimal runny nose may already indicate sinusitis.

What needs to be examined

Diagnosis of sinusitis is carried out by otolaryngology specialists (ENT doctors).

At the initial consultation, an oral interview and anamnesis are taken.

As a rule, an experienced specialist can, with a quick examination, make an approximate diagnosis, which, upon verification, will turn out to be correct.

Typical routine studies are required.

Among them:

  • Examination of the nasal passages using a special rhinoscope apparatus.
  • Functional tests.
  • Palpation (determining by touch the degree of swelling of the maxillary sinuses).
  • X-ray of the nasal sinuses without contrast enhancement (the most informative method).

In total, these studies are sufficient to make and confirm a diagnosis. It is important to start timely treatment.

General principles of therapy

Therapy is carried out by the same specialist. You may need to consult an infectious disease specialist. It is important to keep in mind that treatment should be comprehensive, but not surgical.

The so-called puncture or is an outdated and dangerous method.

This in itself leads to a worsening of the condition and causes a lot of unpleasant consequences, such as bleeding and inflammation of the puncture wound. Modern treatment is conservative, medicinal.

The following drugs are prescribed:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Vasoconstrictors in drops.
  • Antibacterial drugs.
  • Sinus rinsing is possible.

Sinusitis is usually called inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. It is accompanied by pain in the nose, impaired sense of smell, nasal congestion, discharge of a large amount, and purulent yellow or green discharge is also possible (with the purulent variety).

Sinusitis - description of the disease

This disease is one of the most serious complications and it usually occurs against the background of simple rhinitis.

If an inflammatory process begins in the body, the infection enters the maxillary sinuses through the mouth or nose, they become very swollen, and the outflow of fluid becomes difficult. The fluid becomes trapped in the sinuses, which leads to inflammation and the formation of pus, which is difficult to come out.

It develops not only as a result of untreated rhinitis, but it can also be caused by a deviated nasal septum, which impedes the outflow of fluid, nasal polyps, or severe allergies.

Sometimes the disease is accompanied by a high temperature if there is serious inflammation or infection, but sinusitis without fever is also possible.

The following signs indicating the development of sinusitis can be identified:

  • Yellow or green nasal discharge.
  • Pain in the nose or forehead, which may intensify and become pressing when tilting the head.
  • All signs of ARVI: fever, nasal congestion. They may be absent.
  • Toothache. Sometimes sinusitis occurs due to inflammation of the upper jaw.
  • Strong headache.

If these symptoms occur, or if they do not go away within a week, you should consult an otolaryngologist.

Sinusitis has both acute and chronic forms:

  1. In acute sinusitis, the pain is severe, the temperature often rises above 38 degrees, and there is purulent discharge. Both sinuses can become inflamed at the same time.
  2. In chronic sinusitis, the inflammation is located deeper and is not so acute. It usually manifests itself as a long, persistent runny nose. There may be no pain at all, but a constant runny nose is very debilitating, interferes with eating and drinking normally, and the person feels tired.

It is simply necessary to treat sinusitis, since in its advanced form it can lead to very serious consequences, such as meningitis and cerebral edema.

Treatment of sinusitis

Methods of treating the disease

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will definitely conduct an examination. He will examine your nose and order an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses. If these examination methods are not enough, the doctor may prescribe a puncture. Usually this procedure is easy, without much pain, but it is still prescribed only as a last resort. The sinuses are already very inflamed and unnecessary intervention can lead to new complications.

Effective treatment must be comprehensive. It is aimed not only at restoring normal fluid outflow, but also at eliminating the source of inflammation.

Modern medicine offers such an effective treatment method as laser.

For mild inflammation, several procedures are sufficient, but more often they are carried out in courses of 2-3 weeks. The laser targets the sinuses using high heat. At the same time, the lumen of the pathways increases, the patient is able to breathe normally. No pain is felt during the procedure. Laser therapy is good because it does not cause inflammation, does not leave scars, and does not cause allergies.

If there is severe discharge of pus, the doctor may prescribe sinus lavage, as well as vasoconstrictors to ease breathing. Only when all remedies have been exhausted, and the sinusitis is still not cured, is a puncture of the maxillary sinuses prescribed.

Useful video about sinusitis.

Ointment for sinusitis: action, types and rules of use

If sinusitis is accompanied by high fever, antipyretic and painkillers are also prescribed along with bed rest.Treatment with antibiotics shows good results. There are antibiotic drops and sprays for topical treatment of sinusitis, such as Isofra. This drug contains framycelin, they have an antimicrobial effect. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. Antibiotics are good for acute sinusitis. Relief occurs already on the 4th day of treatment.

Chronic sinusitis takes a long time to treat, up to several months.

However, there is no guarantee that the symptoms will disappear and the debilitating runny nose will never return. It is not recommended to interrupt the course of antibiotic treatment when relief appears. It is necessary to complete treatment to avoid relapse.

Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies

Treating sinusitis with folk remedies without consulting a doctor is dangerous and often ineffective. The effect may be temporary, but the source of inflammation will remain. Therefore, before using any means, you should consult with an otolaryngologist. He can himself recommend some remedies as an addition to drug treatment.

It is worth remembering that some folk remedies can cause severe allergies and increase swelling. Use a small dosage for the first time to test your body's response.

There are several basic folk remedies:

  • Many people consider bay leaves to be an effective remedy for sinusitis. A decoction of bay leaves does not need to be dropped into the nose. It is enough to soak a piece of cloth in a warm broth and apply it to the bridge of the nose. Repeat several times. Most likely it is the heat that causes the positive effect, and not the leaf itself. But be careful. It is not recommended to heat a purulent one.
  • Traditional healers also offer this recipe for an ointment for sinusitis. Take shavings of laundry soap, medical alcohol, natural honey, sunflower oil, onion juice, milk. Mix all ingredients and heat in a water bath until the mixture is smooth. Let the ointment cool, and then use a cotton swab to gently lubricate the nasal passages. Monitor closely for any allergic reaction.
  • It is believed that the healing juice of cyclamen can work wonders. It clears the sinuses and relieves sinusitis. However, it can cause a severe allergic reaction, and the procedure itself is quite unpleasant. Not everyone survives it to the end.
  • You can also instill kombucha infusion into your nose or breathe in its vapor.
  • Sinusitis is also treated with grated horseradish and lemon juice. This mixture should be taken orally. It will not give a quick effect, but it will strengthen the immune system and help the body cope with infection and inflammation.
  • You can rinse your nose with iodine solution and instill aloe juice.
  • It is also advised to breathe in the steam from garlic poured in boiling water with a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.

Folk remedies are combined with drugs from official medicine, and before using them it is better to consult a doctor.

Sinusitis is a hidden disease, since the symptoms are very common and simple, so in the initial stages it is easy to confuse it with an ordinary acute respiratory viral infection or a runny nose.

The process of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses occurs unnoticed; the main thing is to recognize sinusitis in adults in time and begin treatment.

For this, antibiotics, folk remedies, drops, as well as nasal rinses with various solutions can be used at home. The choice of one method or another will depend on the symptoms of the disease.


The main condition under which the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses begins to become inflamed is a violation of their drainage.

As soon as the opening connecting the nasal passages and the cavity of the maxillary sinuses begins to narrow, the outflow of secretions from the cavities worsens. Even with slight swelling of the mucous membrane, which is observed with allergic reactions and rhinitis, drainage of the maxillary sinuses worsens and sinusitis may appear.

Main risk factors that contribute to the development of the disease:

  1. Difficulty in nasal breathing - due to enlargement of the nasal turbinates, allergic diseases.
  2. Inadequate or untimely treatment of infectious, viral diseases -,.
  3. Chronic foci of infection in the nasopharynx - rhinitis.
  4. Immune system disorders.
  5. Congenital or acquired anomalies of the nasal cavity.
  6. Allergic predisposition.
  7. Regular hypothermia.

There are three pathogens that can cause the disease:

  1. Viruses. They cause the common cold, in which the amount of mucus in the sinuses increases, thereby causing inflammation - a bacterial component can join it.
  2. Bacteria. There are several types of these microorganisms that are causative agents of sinusitis. These are anaerobes, streptococci, pneumococci, as well as Moraxella catarrhalis and Haemophilus influenzae.
  3. Fungi. They cause disease in people with a weakened immune system, as well as those with diseases such as AIDS, leukemia,.

As a rule, the symptoms of the disease are pronounced in the acute course of sinusitis and are hardly noticeable in the chronic form of the disease.

First signs

The main signs of acute sinusitis in adults:

  • severe runny nose with copious discharge of mucus and pus;
  • breathing problems;
  • persistent, severe headaches;
  • increasing pain in the bridge of the nose, especially radiating to the head when bending over;
  • radiating pain to the eyes, teeth, forehead area;
  • constant weakness throughout the body;
  • chills, high temperature.

Without proper treatment of sinusitis in an adult, the symptoms of the disease can develop into a chronic form.

Symptoms of sinusitis in adults

With acute sinusitis, symptoms in adults arise abruptly, together with other signs of a cold - pain in the forehead, cheeks under the eyes, nasal congestion, which does not go away within a week. As a rule, acute sinusitis does not last more than a month.

We list the symptoms that are characteristic of sinusitis:

  1. Unpleasant sensations increase in the nasal area, which are accompanied by a headache. The pain is less in the morning and becomes stronger in the evening.
  2. Severe nasal congestion, sometimes with short periods of relief. Difficulty breathing and nasal voice.
  3. Yellow-green nasal discharge when blowing nose. If the outflow from the sinus is obstructed, then such a symptom may be absent.
  4. Decreased appetite and poor sleep, despite being very tired.
  5. Increased body temperature - appears in almost all cases of sinusitis.
  6. Weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite are signs of intoxication. There may also be nausea. Vomiting is not typical. If you have a headache and vomiting that is not related to food, and before that a copious amount of snot came out of your nose, immediately seek medical help: this can be a rather dangerous complication of sinusitis - meningitis.

When the first signs of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses are detected, it is necessary to contact an otolaryngologist and begin treatment, since only timely therapy can destroy all links in the chain that causes the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis

Without treatment, acute sinusitis can often become chronic, when the symptoms of the disease become less pronounced and erased. Chronic sinusitis in adults can be suspected if the following symptoms are present:

  1. Decreased or complete loss of sense of smell.
  2. Constant nasal congestion.
  3. Headache on one side (with a history of acute sinusitis on this side one or more times).
  4. Itching, dryness - these complaints are caused by chronic inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
  5. Periodic pain in the infraorbital region. They are dull in nature and are rarely accompanied by fever and intoxication.
  6. Fatigue, decreased memory combined with decreased sense of smell.
  7. Cough for no apparent reason: This may be the only symptom. A cough occurs due to the fact that the pharynx is irritated by mucus constantly flowing from the sinuses.

With an exacerbation of the chronic stage against the background of colds, symptoms characteristic of acute ones appear - headache, pain in the sinuses when tilting the head, increased body temperature.

The nature of snot in sinusitis

Currently, there are three main shades of snot that appear against the background of the development of sinusitis:

  1. Green snot indicates a strong inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses.
  2. If green snot develops a yellow tint, we can confidently say that sinusitis is in the acute form of the disease and requires urgent intervention from specialists
  3. The appearance of white snot is observed at the initial stage of development of sinusitis.

At each stage of sinusitis, the color of the snot changes, thanks to which specialists, when carrying out diagnostic measures, can accurately determine the phase of the disease and prescribe correct and effective treatment.


In order to determine whether the patient has sinusitis, the ENT examines the nasal cavity using a rhinoscope. After this, he is sent for an x-ray, which will show whether there is an accumulation of fluid or purulent secretion inside the paranasal cavities.

In severe cases, the patient may be referred for tomography, which allows one to evaluate pathological changes in the sinuses. To study the causative agents of sinusitis, a puncture may be performed.


Untimely or inadequate treatment of sinusitis leads to complications, the main of which are:

  • abscess of the eyelid;
  • phlegmon of the orbital tissue (leads to blindness);
  • brain abscess;
  • rhinogenic sepsis;
  • inflammation of the meninges - rhinogenic meningitis;
  • diseases of the kidneys () and heart (myocarditis).

Treatment of sinusitis in adults

When symptoms of sinusitis are detected in adults, treatment can be carried out in two main ways, depending on the severity of the condition - this is a conservative and surgical method.

  1. With the conservative method, the patient takes an antibiotic and other general and local drugs.
  2. As for the surgical method, it is assumed that a puncture of the maxillary sinus will be performed.

To conservative therapy for sinusitis includes:

  1. Use of antibiotics.
  2. Local antibacterial therapy (drops, sprays, inhalations are used to eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane).
  3. Anti-inflammatory therapy.
  4. Rinsing the nose with antiseptics, for example, furatsilin.
  5. The use of physiotherapy (ultraviolet irradiation of the nasal cavity, exposure to a high-frequency magnetic field on the paranasal sinuses, etc.).

Treatment of sinusitis is directed on the:

  • elimination of swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • timely evacuation of the contents of the maxillary sinuses;
  • relieving the inflammatory process;
  • normalization of nasal breathing;
  • preventing the development of dangerous consequences.

Medicines are selected taking into account the cause of the disease. These could be antibiotics, vasoconstrictors,...

What antibiotics to take for sinusitis in adults

Antibiotics treat sinusitis caused by bacteria and fungi. The viral form cannot be cured with antibiotics. However, viral sinusitis is often complicated by bacterial infections. The doctor, based on the patient’s condition, can immediately prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic even before the results of bacterial culture of nasal discharge.

In adults, preference is given to the following drugs:

  1. . This antibiotic belongs to the penicillin group. If the patient has malignant blood tumors, is lactation, or is pregnant, this drug should not be prescribed.
  2. . This antibiotic has a very strong bactericidal effect and actively fights a variety of intracellular microorganisms. When taking it, a slight allergic reaction may occur, which is manifested by intestinal upset. It is not prescribed during pregnancy.
  3. . An antibiotic from the penicillin group that fights aerobic bacteria.

The use of local antibiotics for sinusitis must be combined with the use of vasoconstrictor drops. For example, the drug Otrivin. Otherwise, the effect of treatment will be minimal. In the chronic form of the disease, the same drugs are prescribed, but for a longer period of time.


Surgical treatment is started if conservative methods are ineffective. To remove contents from the maxillary sinus, a puncture is performed; based on the results of the examination of the discharge, further treatment is prescribed.

Fungi may be detected in the washing liquid; in this case, antibiotics are discontinued and antifungal treatment is prescribed. If anaerobic bacteria are detected, treatment of the sinuses with oxygen is prescribed.

Nasal rinsing

As a result of nasal rinsing at home:

  • swelling decreases;
  • breathing becomes easier;
  • inflammation is extinguished;
  • the protective properties of the nasal cavity are strengthened.

For rinsing, you can use not only furatsilin solution and salt water, but also infusions of herbs such as calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus and others. All of them have remarkable anti-inflammatory effects.

Treatment without puncture

  1. Basic method – rinsing the nose using the “Cuckoo” apparatus. Over the course of 5-7 sessions, the nasal passages are cleansed of mucus and pus.
  2. Laser heating. As a rule, it complements rinsing procedures. The laser can relieve inflammation, destroy pathogenic microbes, and reduce swelling.
  3. Application of devices, with creating negative pressure in the maxillary sinuses, which has a beneficial effect on cleansing the nose.

How to treat sinusitis at home

You can get rid of illness by combining drug treatment and folk remedies. How to treat this disease at home? Here are popular recipes.

  1. Actively used for sinusitis Kalanchoe and aloe juice. The juice of the plant is mixed in equal proportions with vegetable oil, after which the resulting mixture is inserted with tampons into the nostrils. Relief comes quite quickly.
  2. Beets have a very strong antibacterial effect. By instilling a couple of drops of freshly squeezed beet juice into each nostril 4 times a day, you can get rid of sinusitis quickly and for a long time. Before starting the procedure, to get the best effect, you should rinse your nose thoroughly with saline. In case of a strong burning sensation, the juice can be slightly diluted with saline solution.
  3. One fourth of an onion chop and place in a gauze bag. Use it to massage the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and nose. Repeat several times a day. They promise that the maxillary sinuses will be cleared of purulent contents in 10 days when using this simple recipe.

However, folk recipes cannot be considered as full-fledged therapy. They can only be used as an addition to the main course of treatment, only after prior agreement with the otolaryngologist.

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Sinusitis is a pathological process characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the sinuses. The main symptom of sinusitis is fever. It is this that very often causes complications in various colds and also contributes to the transition of the disease into a chronic form. For this reason, it is necessary to closely monitor the patient’s health status, and especially the temperature indicators.

Why does it rise when sick?

There are many reasons for the increase in temperature during sinusitis. Often it occurs for the first time or serves as a complication of the disease. Let's look at each factor in more detail.

The ascent occurs for the first time

As a rule, the presented illness occurs due to already present inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. The main reasons for the rise in temperature in this case may be:

  • the presence of polyps in the nose (the symptoms of polyps in the sinuses are described here);
  • congenital or acquired defects of the nasal septum;
  • changes in the nasal mucosa.

The onset of inflammation in the sinuses is accompanied by an increase in temperature. With acute sinusitis, they can take values ​​from 38 degrees.

In addition to fever, the patient has the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • change in the nature of nasal discharge.

Very often, with sinusitis, the patient cannot breathe normally. Taking into account the number of damaged sinuses, nasal breathing is distinguished between unilateral and bilateral. Follow the link to find signs of right-sided sinusitis.

If sinusitis occurs in an acute form, then the elevated temperature lasts for a long time. As a rule, this is 2-5 days. If timely treatment is not started, the disease can develop into a chronic form or provoke a number of serious complications.

The development of acute sinusitis may be preceded by a high rise in temperature immediately after a nasal injury. It is injury to the nasal bone that often serves as a fundamental factor for the development of post-traumatic sinusitis. In this case, temperature indicators take high values ​​and gradually increase. Sometimes the body copes with this on its own; it all depends on individual characteristics.

In addition, the rise in temperature that arose as a result of the removal or treatment of molars located in the upper row may draw attention. Diseases of the hard tissues of teeth and periodontium often cause the formation of sinusitis. When medical procedures are used, the most common infections can penetrate the mucous membrane, and this leads to an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinus.

The video talks about acute sinusitis:

Increase when the disease becomes chronic

When sinusitis has become chronic, an increase in temperature to significant limits occurs very rarely. Prolonged and sluggish inflammation is characterized by general malaise. As a result, the patient experiences a feeling of weakness, fatigue and drowsiness. Often chronic sinusitis provokes coughing attacks at night. This process is characterized by mucus draining down the back wall of the throat.

The chronic form is characterized by erratic discharge. They may occur intermittently and appear clear or yellow in color. Swelling of the eyelids that occurs in the morning may indicate the presence of chronic inflammation. As a rule, its formation is affected by a violation of the outflow of fluid.

If there is an exacerbation of a chronic process, then temperature readings may reach high levels. As for the disease itself, its symptoms resemble acute sinusitis. Here you can read how to treat advanced sinusitis.

Body heat is a symptom of complications

When a rise in temperature during sinusitis is observed after it has normalized, this indicates that serious complications are developing in the nasal cavity.

When the patient’s immunity is weakened, the inflammatory process can affect, in addition to the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus, also nearby anatomical structures.

The most common causes of complications include the following factors:

  • orbital damage;
  • osteomyelitis of the upper jaw;
  • damage to the trigeminal nerve;
  • abscess of the maxillary sinus.

When such diseases develop, the increase in body temperature takes on indicators that correspond to their symptoms. When the tissues of the orbit are inflamed, in addition to fever, pain, increased production of tears and blurred vision occur.

When the hard tissues of the upper jaw become inflamed, the patient experiences toothache, which becomes increasingly severe. As a rule, pain increases during eating. These people also experience bad breath.

With neuritis, the patient experiences pain in the affected area. Pain syndrome can affect the upper jaw and orbit. The nature of the pain is diffuse, and in some cases there is paresis of certain facial muscles.

With an abscess of the maxillary sinus, intense, dull and bursting pain occurs in the cheekbones. The patient is also worried about pain in the head, difficulty breathing through the nose and a strong unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Find out whether you can warm your nose with sinusitis with salt.

Read about the treatment of catarrhal sinusitis: http://prolor.ru/n/bolezni-n/gajmorit/kataralnyj-gajmorit.html.

How many days does it last

Knowing the duration of the elevated temperature is very important. After all, it is possible to understand the activity of the inflammatory process. If treatment is inadequate and untimely, then elevated temperatures during sinusitis will continue to be observed for a long time. At this time, the patient experiences a fever, which indicates the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The video talks about the temperature of sinusitis:

If the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs, the temperature begins to decline. This indicates that the pathogenic microorganisms that caused sinusitis are gradually destroyed. Temperatures of 37 degrees can remain for another week. With a prolonged increase in temperature after sinusitis, it indicates that the disease is entering a chronic stage. The reason for this is that the sinuses cannot be completely cleared of pathological secretions.

The issue of fever in pediatrics is acute. When the disease is caused by bacteria, the temperature rises here, and its indicators reach high levels. But unlike adults, children tolerate fever much easier. When sinusitis is caused by a viral infection, sometimes parents may not notice the onset of sinusitis, mistaking the increase in temperature for a common cold.

In this case, only the attending physician can give an assessment.

The video shows the temperature after a sinus puncture:

How high does it rise?

What temperature can it be? If acute purulent sinusitis occurs, then a rise in temperature is observed to 38-39 degrees. These numbers depend on how severe the disease is and what response the immune system gives to the infection.

If there is an exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, then the temperature readings are low and do not last long. As a rule, they take the following values ​​- 37-47.5 degrees. To summarize, it should be noted that an increase in temperature is the result of a purulent process in the sinuses. In young patients, this disease occurs much more rapidly than in adults. For them, this symptom is considered a completely normal indicator.

If you notice the first manifestations of a cold, or rather a rise in temperature, then you need to urgently go to the doctor and remember how long it lasts. Perhaps the resulting fever indicates the presence of inflammation, which will lead to sinusitis.

Can there be a disease without body heat?

Is there sinusitis without fever? Is there a temperature with sinusitis? And indeed, there are situations when the development of sinusitis occurs without a rise in temperature. This is very common in children. As a rule, this is typical for a situation where the inflammatory process occurs in a weak form. Pain in the head and nasal congestion may indicate the presence of the disease.

In the video - about sinusitis without fever, if you just have a headache:

Sinusitis without a runny nose and nasal congestion is very difficult to detect at an early stage. As a result, the disease enters the chronic stage and causes a number of complications.

The symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in adults are described here. Here you will find information about the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in a child. Fever is a very common symptom of a cold, as well as a disease such as sinusitis. It may indicate that inflammation is actively developing in the sinus. If the temperature readings persist for a long time, then this all indicates the presence of chronicity. To treat the disease, nasal sprays for sinusitis, antibiotics and other drugs are used.

Can you have sinusitis without fever?


Yulia Mordvinova

Sinusitis can occur as a complication after a viral illness or cold. Regardless of whether you have had it or not, sinusitis can recur. Basically, there is a feeling of stuffiness, headaches, pain in the maxillary sinuses, swelling of the eyes, a feeling that it is impossible to blow your nose completely even after you have instilled vasoconstrictor drops. The temperature is slightly increased at first 37.2, 37.3. Be sure to drip vasoconstrictors (naphthyzin, sanorin, otrivin, etc.), rinse your nose with saline solutions 15 minutes after vasoconstrictors (saline, aqualor, aquamaris), isofra spray in the nose , Sinu-Forte spray helps a lot, drinking Sinupret drops. An ENT specialist can tell you whether it is sinusitis after examination and x-ray of the sinuses.

Lyubov Kozyritskaya

Yes maybe. I had no fever 2 times. it all depends on the body.

Darling *

Maybe contact an ENT specialist, you need to take a picture.

Can you have sinusitis without a runny nose, nasal congestion and fever?

Inflammation of the sinuses, which is medically known as sinusitis, is considered common. The disease affects both children and adults. It can be recognized by its characteristic symptoms, the main one being a runny nose. However, there are cases where sinusitis occurs without a runny nose, which complicates the diagnostic process.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to have sinusitis without a runny nose and how, in this case, to find out about the inflammatory process occurring in the body. In fact, such cases are well known in medical practice.

Is there sinusitis without a runny nose: symptoms of the disease

The presence of purulent mucus in the nasal sinuses is a clear sign of an inflammatory process occurring in them. The absence of this sign is an obstacle to early diagnosis. Still, there are some specific symptoms of sinusitis without a runny nose, which make it possible to detect the inflammatory process and begin its treatment earlier.

The main symptoms of the disease are the following processes:

  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • prolonged nasal congestion;
  • pain in the head and jaw, it intensifies during chewing and talking;
  • The intensity of the headache varies depending on the position of the person’s body; when he lies down, the pain and unpleasant sensations intensify.

Without a runny nose, sinusitis can also occur in children, although their symptoms of sinus inflammation may be slightly different than in adults. Having noticed them, you need to immediately consult a doctor; medical help is especially needed if the baby himself begins to complain of poor health.

With the development of the inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses in children, the following signs are characteristic:

  • impaired nasal breathing;
  • fatigue and constant fatigue;
  • pain in the gums and ears;
  • feeling of bad breath.

Sometimes sinusitis occurs without a runny nose or fever; this can happen with a mild form of the inflammatory process or at an early stage of its development. Nasal congestion and pain in the face and head will help recognize the disease. You can also try tilting your head forward; as the disease develops, pain will occur in the forehead and sinuses.

Sinusitis without a runny nose and nasal congestion is almost never detected at an early stage of its development. This leads to an advanced form of the disease and the occurrence of many complications.

Diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis without a runny nose

Regardless of whether there is a runny nose with sinusitis or not, complex therapy is required. The inflammatory process must be cured, otherwise the infection can penetrate the brain or blood vessels.

Diagnosis of the disease in the absence of symptoms is carried out using methods such as:

1. X-ray. If this ENT disease develops, foci of inflammation will be visible in the image as dark spots.

2. Diaphanoscopy. An otolaryngologist uses a special tube with a light at the end to illuminate the nasal sinuses and examine them for the presence of foci of inflammation.

3. CT scan. Using the method, you can not only detect the source of inflammation, but also determine the stage of its progression.

Treatment of sinusitis without a runny nose can be conservative and surgical. Specialists resort to surgery as a last resort, when other methods have failed to get rid of the disease.

If the body temperature is elevated, the patient must be given antipyretic and painkillers. The patient must remain in bed throughout the entire treatment period. The absence of mucus in the nose does not mean that it is not in the paranasal sinuses themselves, just that its outflow is impaired. To enhance the outflow of accumulated mucus and open the nasal passages as much as possible, it is necessary to use special nasal drops or sprays.

For sinusitis, physiotherapeutic procedures provide noticeable results. Specialists can prescribe the use of blue light, Sollux, dynamic current, but the most effective is the UHF procedure.

If you ask specialists whether sinusitis without a runny nose occurs as a result of a deviated nasal septum or dental caries, they will answer that these are also common causes of the disease. In such cases, in order to cure sinusitis, the root cause must first be eliminated. To prevent the development of sinusitis, it is important to promptly treat all diseases of the nasopharynx.

Can a temperature of 37-37.2 be present with sinusitis?



yes it's possible

Oleg Kupa

What complaints does a patient with sinusitis have?
Unpleasant sensations appear in the nose and paranasal area, which gradually increase. The pain is less pronounced in the morning and increases in the evening. Gradually, the pain “loses” a certain place and the patient begins to have a headache. If the process is unilateral, then pain is noted on one side.
Difficulty in nasal breathing. The patient has a stuffy nose. The voice takes on a nasal tone. As a rule, both halves of the nose are blocked. Difficulty in nasal breathing is constant or with slight relief. Alternate congestion of the right and left halves of the nose is possible.
Runny nose. In most cases, the patient experiences mucous (transparent) or purulent (yellow, green) discharge from the nose. This symptom may not exist if the nose is very stuffy, since the outflow from the sinus is difficult (this was mentioned above).
Increase in body temperature to 38 and above. As a rule, this symptom is observed in acute sinusitis. In a chronic process, body temperature rarely rises.
Malaise. This is expressed by fatigue, weakness, patients refuse food, and their sleep is disturbed.

Konstantin Petrushin

Very good It seems that the situation is becoming chronic. This temperature is very possible.


It could be any. If it’s definitely sinusitis. If you don’t know what it is, then run to the ENT specialist, get a picture of the sinus, and have a puncture. (it’s not as painful as it is unpleasant, but it goes away quickly!) Don’t be sick!!!


Maybe. There is an inflammatory process going on.


maybe. usually this happens

Please tell me, can a temperature of 39 be present with sinusitis?



This is an inflammatory disease, which means it can. It’s better not to guess, but urgently consult a doctor for examination and diagnosis. An acute situation will be resolved by drug treatment, but regarding the elimination of the harmful side effects of this treatment and restoration of health (i.e., removal of a chronic diagnosis), please contact me, I will help you with practical advice. All the best.


Yes. For very severe sinusitis.


of course still how)

Leonty Isakov

Sinusitis is inflammation. And at the same time there may be a temperature...


Of course, this is inflammation!!!

Dmitry Chumachenko

why not is it inflammation?


maybe the cold is a terrible thing... everything next to the brain is serious

Lyudmila Vinogradova

Yes, in the acute period. But most likely you have ARVI,

Kuzovlev Andrey Sergeevich

Acute or chronic?

Sergey Bykov

Maybe, although not typical. You need to see an ENT doctor. There may be serious complications.

Alexander Yakovlev

I am convinced from my own experience that with sinusitis, especially with inflammatory processes, the temperature can be not only 39. Get a piercing from a doctor and you will always forget what it is. Exacerbation occurs in spring and autumn (mostly)


Yes. And even higher, this is inflammation, and it is characterized by fever. A person suffering from sinusitis should not, under any circumstances, go outside during illness, to a balcony (even a glassed-in one), etc., so as not to worsen the disease, and if it intensifies, the temperature will rise even more and you will have to call an ambulance so that the patient did not overheat.


Of course it can, yes! Who told you that you have sinusitis? If these are just your assumptions, you need to urgently see a doctor to confirm or deny! In general, sinusitis causes a terrible headache. This pain is very difficult to tame, if anything, please contact me and I’ll tell you inexpensive recipes. but only after consultation Laura, good luck to you!


Maybe this is an inflammatory process. purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. We have one like this. Apparently a lot of pus had collected.

Can the nose be clogged or not with sinusitis? There were fears of sinusitis, but the nose was either clogged or not clogged...



Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. Sinusitis can be acute or chronic. Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms vary somewhat.

The onset of sinusitis is necessarily associated with nasal discharge. If your runny nose does not go away for more than four weeks, be sure to go to an ENT doctor. This may be the first symptom of sinusitis. Do not think that if the mucus flowing from the nose is transparent, then it is definitely not sinusitis. The discharge can be either purulent or completely transparent. Either one maxillary sinus or both sinuses can become inflamed. If only one sinus is inflamed, then the discharge may be on this side. Swelling of the sinus mucosa leads to difficulty breathing. The nose is constantly stuffy, and the voice becomes nasal over time.

Microorganisms that multiply in the maxillary sinuses release toxins into the blood, causing a deterioration in the general condition. Your body temperature may rise sharply. Temperatures can reach up to thirty-nine degrees. You will feel weak and lethargic. In the acute form of sinusitis, pressing on the cheeks in the sinus area causes acute pain, but even without physical impact, the sinuses hurt; the pain can be more acute when the head is tilted forward.

The acute form of sinusitis is very often accompanied by inflammatory processes in the ethmoid sinuses. In the acute course of the disease, a complete lack of appetite is added to the main symptoms of sinusitis. If the sinuses are inflamed on both sides, then a symptom of sinusitis is a decreased sense of smell. You may suffer from dry mouth and discomfort in the ears.

The acute form of sinusitis usually lasts no longer than two weeks. If no measures are taken to treat sinusitis, it will become chronic.

Marina Orekhova


Chronic does not always cause pain. If it's clogged in the morning and you're blowing out mucus, this is it.


No one will really tell you anything, there can only be assumptions. To exclude sinusitis, or dandy, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the skull in a direct projection. It’s better to still go to an appointment with an ENT doctor.

Olga Solotskaya

Of course, it might be worth contacting an ENT specialist and treating it with medication so as not to pierce it.

Mila Krokova

Anything is possible. You need to rinse your nose at home or at an ENT specialist. Plus, Cinnabsin is great for helping to relieve congestion and relieve inflammation. When I have a runny nose, I always take these pills. With their help, my sister cured her sinusitis.