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Games for team building in the camp. Team building games for children

For younger schoolchildren, the predominant type of activity is gaming. Through play, a child tries on social roles and is included in the system of social relations. It is noteworthy that the main motive of such didactic games is not the manipulation of objects, but the communication of children with each other, their interaction.

When using didactic games to unite a children's team, it is necessary to take into account that unity occurs gradually and goes through different stages. Therefore, in each class, the goals and tasks implemented in the course of working on team building differ significantly from each other. It is important for the teacher to take this into account when choosing a game, focusing on the results that he plans to get after playing it.

Stages of team building for children in elementary school

1 class

In the 1st grade, the team is at the nascent stage. Children know little about each other and do not have established communication connections with each other. The teacher can offer them, establish friendly relations and even unite in microgroups (on the principles of intuitive sympathy).

2nd grade

2nd grade is the period of formation of the foundations of the team. It is at this stage that interpersonal conflicts most often arise based on different value guidelines in children, and “isolated” schoolchildren may appear. Another problem is the manifestation of psychological barriers: if first-graders behave sincerely and openly, then in the second grade children may become withdrawn, fearful, and hysterical.

Didactic games conducted with second-graders should be aimed at developing general rules of behavior in a team and overcoming psychological problems.

3rd grade

In 3rd grade, team building occurs. Children are ready to carry out social assignments in the classroom and show interest in joint activities. At the same time, it is during this period that the personal qualities of each child are most fully revealed, children realize their individuality.

When choosing didactic games for this stage, it is necessary to give preference to those that will enable the child to feel like part of a team, show the significance of his activities for the whole class, encourage children to unite in groups to achieve their goals, and show support for each other.

4th grade

4th grade students can be characterized as an established team, whose members show interest in socially significant activities and can evaluate the behavior of their classmates and bear common responsibility. In such a team there is an asset that leads the life of the class; children with leadership needs stand out.

In didactic games conducted in 4th grade, children should be invited to act as an organizer, teach them mutual understanding and the ability to coordinate their actions with classmates, and coordinate common behavior. Games are recommended in which schoolchildren must come up with a way to implement the assigned task and have the opportunity to choose their own course of action. It is worth paying attention to the plot of games and moving from children's scenarios to practical situations.

Team building games in elementary school by grade

Team building games for 1st grade

The simplest game in which children can get to know each other is "Ball" . Its essence is that children stand in a circle and one child receives a ball. He must say his name and pass the ball to his neighbor, who also introduces himself and passes the ball further. This continues until each first grader says his name.

This game can be played several times during the first two months, offering other tasks for children:

  • give your first and last name;
  • name your favorite activity (toy, animal, color);
  • say your name and parents' names, etc.

To help children quickly remember the names of their classmates, it is recommended to play "We're going on a hike" , in which it is used. Children are told that they need to pack for a hike and take a lot of things with them. Everyone should say the phrase “My name is..., and I take with me...”. In this case, the child must indicate an object whose name begins with the same letter as his name. This game can be played several times, inviting children to get ready for the library, a trip to the sea, school, etc.

A team-up game can help you get more information about your classmates and identify kids with similar interests or abilities. "Border" . The rules are simple: children line up in a line, the teacher draws a boundary at a distance of 2-3 meters from them. Then he announces the task:

  • who has a brother;
  • who is 7 years old;
  • who recently went to the cinema;
  • who likes to draw;
  • who has a cat at home, etc.

Schoolchildren to whom the indicated sign applies must cross this line and gather on the other side. The information that children learn after this game can serve as a reason for further closer communication.

Team building games for 2nd grade

Playing a game can overcome a child’s uncertainty and fear of doing something wrong. "Hello Friend" . In it, children are invited to repeat the ready-made greeting ritual. For this . The children of the first group stand in a circle, and the participants of the second group go inside it and also stand in a circle, turning to face their classmates. Thus, you should get pairs who need to greet each other, repeating after the teacher his words and movements:

After this, the guys from the inner circle need to move to the right, moving to other partners, and say the greeting again. This can be repeated several times. In a situation where everyone acts according to the same pattern, the child will feel like an equal member of the team, will be able to relax and overcome isolation.

Children in second grade should be taught to talk about their feelings and be able to understand the moods and emotions of others. They have this opportunity during the game. "What is the mood like" . To carry it out, it is better to arrange the children in a circle and invite them to continue the phrase “My mood today is like...”. A specific topic for comparison can be set: season, color, flower, animal, etc. To show an example of an answer, the teacher speaks first. At the end of the game, you can have a discussion, determine who is angry or sad today and why, and also invite children to help their classmates improve their mood.

If children in the class cannot yet or are embarrassed to express their mood in words, you can suggest using facial expressions, postures, and gestures for this. In Game "Pick mushrooms" you need to choose a mushroom picker, and ask the rest of the students to draw any mushroom, but so that by its appearance it is clear whether it is edible or not. A mushroom picker, examining frozen children, should divide them into two groups. After this, you can invite the children to express why they wanted to depict just such a mushroom.

A game is suitable for developing primary interaction skills "Ships and Rocks" . Schoolchildren should be divided into two groups. Some will be “rocks” - they should position themselves around the room and sit down. The participants of the other group are “ships”; they must close their eyes and begin to move around the class in a chaotic manner. If such a “ship” approaches some “rock,” then the child who represents it needs to hiss, imitating the sound of the sea surf. All participants must try to avoid a shipwreck.

After the game, it is important to discuss incidents of collision and talk about friendly support, which helps to avoid trouble. Separately, it is necessary to point out the behavior of the guys who did not specifically make any sounds so that the “ship” would bump into them (if such a thing happened). During the discussion, some rules of behavior in the team can be developed: do not create trouble for each other, provide assistance, etc.

You can accustom children to general rules of behavior and develop the ability to act according to a given model during games for primary school. "A Fun Game of Spoons" . Children squat in a circle and fold their hands behind their backs. Spoons are placed inside the circle, the number of which is one less than the number of participants. Assignment for the children: when they hear the word “spoon,” they must pick up one spoon each. Whoever from the group does not have time to do this leaves the game and removes one spoon from the circle. In the end, the most attentive and diligent student should remain. It is better during the game not just to name individual words to the children, but to tell some story with spoons or the Lozhkin family.

To teach children to find the right way out of conflict situations, you can play a game with them. "Island of Conflict" . If possible, it is worth creating an appropriate environment with the help of decorations. The schoolchildren are told that they are on an island whose inhabitants are constantly quarreling because they do not know how to behave correctly. Children are invited to try to reconcile them by offering a way out of this situation:

  • the child fell into a puddle and his mother scolds him for dirtying his new trousers;
  • the boy does not want to share his toys with children;
  • the girl tore a book from her friend;
  • a child trips his friend, etc.

After discussing such conflicts, you can formulate rules on how to behave in a team.

Unity games for 3rd grade

The game will help the child express his individuality and show his inclinations. "Self-Portrait" . Children are given the task of drawing themselves in an unusual form: instead of eyes, depict what they like to admire, instead of a mouth - their favorite food, instead of hair - what they like to think about, etc. After completing the task, you can arrange an exhibition of paintings.

Another game of this type is the game "Business card" . Children are asked to pick up a microphone and say their name. When everyone in the circle has done this, they start over, but add information about how old they are to their name. Then again, but this time they talk about what they can do best. The game can be continued as long as you like, giving the children new tasks: what music they like to listen to, what book they read, etc.

To convey to children the idea that even though they are all different, it is necessary to stick together, to be one, it is recommended to play "Grape" . Children are asked to look at a bunch of grapes, choose one grape and eat it. Then a discussion is held that the grapes may differ slightly in size, shape, shade, but all together they form a bunch to which they are firmly attached. Children should be asked to think about the following questions:

  • If the grapes grew separately, would anyone notice them?
  • What will happen to the grape if it doesn’t stay firmly on the branch?
  • How is it easier for the wind to pluck a grape from a branch: when it is separate or as part of a large bunch?

Children will be able to clearly see that the result of a common cause depends on the contribution made by each of the team members during the game "Magic Pictures" . Divide the children into teams. Everyone receives a sheet of paper and colored markers. The task is given to draw a family of aliens (or wolves, hares, etc.). First you need to portray your mother. After this, the children exchange leaves and draw dad, then change again and continue drawing other family members. This continues until the leaves with drawings return to their owners. After this, all drawings are reviewed and the best are selected. The authors of these works name who exactly they painted.

Another option for games to bring children 6-10 years old together is the exercise "Funny drawing" . Schoolchildren are divided into two teams. They will draw, for example, a cow. The first participant is blindfolded and asked to draw a head. The rest take turns filling in the missing details. Then they evaluate the fruit of their joint efforts.

Children will learn the principles of cooperation and the ability to perform joint actions through play. "Siamese twins" . The guys need to split into pairs. In each pair, the participants should stand close to each other and hug the waist. The legs that are next to each other should be secured with a rope. After this, such “twins” are asked to walk around the classroom, sit on a chair, lie down, jump, etc. Another option for the game is to hold a couple of students’ hands together and ask them to draw or write something.

There are games that encourage children to form groups. One of them is a game "Molecules" . Each child should receive a sign with a letter (number or picture). The following is the task:

  • make up a word;
  • make an example;
  • create a recipe for borscht, etc.

Children need not only to unite, but also to properly coordinate their actions in order to restore the correct sequence.

Unity games for 4th grade children

Children can demonstrate organizational skills, the ability to direct the actions of others, and coordination while playing "Building numbers" . All students move around the classroom in a chaotic manner. After the presenter’s command: “We are building a number...”, the children must form a figure depicting the specified number. When completing this task, some guys will have to order the rest so that everyone stands correctly and does not push each other.

To express their creative abilities, their options for action during joint activities - this opportunity is provided to students during the game "Living Sculpture" . The teacher invites the first participant to go to the center of the class and take any position he wishes. Then he asks the next participant to join him, also choosing his own position. This continues until everyone takes their place in the overall composition. After this, you can take a photo of the sculpture and invite the children to come up with a name for it.

The children will have to complete a rather difficult task in the game. "Stand in a circle" . It will require showing consistency, a sense of “neighbor’s shoulder.” Schoolchildren need to be gathered in a spacious room. First, they should close their eyes and move chaotically around the classroom. At the same time, they should try not to touch or push each other. At the teacher's signal, everyone must stop. At the second signal, the children must try to create a circle. At the same time, they are not allowed to talk or touch each other with their hands. After everyone stops, you need to invite everyone to open their eyes and see if they have made a circle.

Skills of self-assessment and assessment of classmates, expression of one’s opinion, collective cohesion - all these qualities develop during the game "Colored Web" . Children need to stand in a circle. The first participant receives a ball of thread. He should wrap the thread around his finger several times and call his character traits “I...”. After that, he continues: “I like... because he (s)..." and rolls the ball of thread to the one he named. The next player does the same. The game continues until all the children are tied into one web. It is permissible for one child to be selected more than once. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that there are no children left who are not included in the general web. After the game, it is recommended to discuss that there is something good in every person, you need to be able to notice it. And, of course, it is worth paying attention to the fact that these threads symbolize friendly relations, collective ties between children.

The development of team cohesion is facilitated not only by games, but also by any joint activity that is aimed at achieving common goals. Based on this, the use of the proposed games must be supplemented with activities, mutual support, moral qualities, and the implementation of collective creative activities or collective projects that are socially significant for children.

Every child feels uncomfortable when going to camp. This situation takes him out of his comfort zone. It is especially difficult for children when they are sent there without friends or acquaintances.

An unfamiliar, unusual environment is frightening and depressing. Every child feels this way. There are rare exceptions who are happy and comfortable in any environment. But exceptions only confirm the rules.

The period of growing up is the most difficult stage of a person’s life. Everything that happens in youth is imprinted on the soft child’s psyche.

To smooth out the child’s stay in the team, psychologists have developed play-based activities. They meet the needs of children.

The benefits of games for unity:

  • They help introverted children open up.
  • They give a sense of self-respect and importance in the team.
  • They learn to interact with others.
  • Develop communication skills.
  • They help develop the desire to care and support comrades.
  • They reduce the level of aggression in children prone to exhibiting such behavior: pronounced choleric people.
  • They help you learn to analyze your actions during communication.
  • Reduce the level of fear and anxiety before interacting with others.

Important! All types of collective games contribute to team unity within the team.

Children prove themselves, show dedication, protect and cover for their comrades. This is how you make acquaintances and make friends.

Fun and active games:

Name Rules Sphere of influence
Chain The team is divided into two teams. Each one lines up in a chain, holding hands.

The team goes through tests holding hands: goose-stepping, jumping while standing, running with high knees for short distances.

If the chain is broken, the team has officially lost the round.

If both teams do not break the chain during a stage of the competition, victory is given to the fastest team

Team cohesion, ability to adapt, team spirit, support
Star Factory Children are divided into two teams. Captains are selected - they are also producers.

The producers' task is to quickly change the clothes of the team members and come up with a number.

Participants portray pop performers and prepare short musical or dance numbers.

You can parody comedians or movie stars

Imagination of the participants, ability to work under the guidance of a peer, ability to lead.

Children show their creativity in a competitive environment.

The ability to be on stage is developed. Children forget about modesty and inhibitions for the good of the team

Rescuers Children are divided into three groups. Some are villains, others are hostages. Still others are brave rescuers.

The struggle flares up in a certain area. Rescuers can rescue a hostage if the two of them catch the villain who is holding him.

Villains who stick together in groups will keep hostages. The number of villains and rescuers is odd.

If there are three rescuers next to one villain, he becomes a rescuer. And vice versa.

The game requires space, good for children's camps

Unity and passion, mutual assistance and dedication. Children are encouraged to demonstrate their best qualities and skills
Two yards Participants are divided into two groups, stand in chains opposite each other, holding hands.

A member of the first team runs up and tries to break the chain of the opposing team in an arbitrary place.

If successful, he takes the player to his team, if not, he remains with the opposing team.

An interesting ancient game, it used to be accompanied by chants, played by boys against girls. Develops cohesion and team spirit

Psychological games for unity

In addition to active games, there are calmer ones. Their task is to open up children and help them get to know each other.

This is important for children’s camps, this is how the best teams are formed, children miss home less, and make friends.

First stage

Children are placed in one straight line. The leader reads the statements, everyone who agrees takes a step forward.

List of sayings:

  • “I get sad.”
  • "I miss some people."
  • “I think about my friends and loved ones all the time.”
  • “In my life I have been betrayed and offended.”
  • “There were moments when I didn’t want to live.”
  • “I’ve been bullied a lot before.”
  • “I get very lonely, I have no one to tell about my problems.”
  • “I’m often scared.”
  • “I have experienced a lot of heartache in my life.”
  • “I don’t have people I completely trust.”

Here the counselor draws attention to those children who take a step on the fifth question. It’s worth talking to them afterwards, separately, and Special attention.

The first stage helps the guys understand that they are not alone, that each of the strangers in this camp experienced similar feelings.

This brings you closer, helps you open up, and prepares you for the next stage.

Second phase

Children stand in a circle. The counselor asks one general question, throwing the ball in a circle, everyone who has it in their hands must answer this question.

A list of questions:

  • The brightest event in life.
  • The worst and most terrible incident.
  • What would you like to change about yourself?
  • What character quality do you like about yourself?
  • What is the main thing in a person?
  • What's the worst thing in life?
  • What is your zodiac sign?
  • Dream.
  • If you caught a goldfish, what three wishes would you make?
  • What are your hobbies?

The list can be supplemented at your discretion.

Stage three. Conclusion

The presenter sets a phrase that each participant says when throwing the ball to any of the guys.

List of phrases:

  • I like you.
  • I forgive you.
  • I love you.
  • You are cool.
  • Let's be friends.

This is a game form of psychological training. The children leave the hall completely different. They opened up and saw the fears and experiences of their comrades.

Now they are all one big team. There is no better way to bring a team together. Teenagers are very closed and emotional, but if you put them in an environment where everyone is equal, they open up.

Important! This form of game is suitable for children from 8 to 18 years old.

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Dating games for young children

1. “Let’s get acquainted!”

Children stand in a circle. The presenter begins the game with the words: “Hurry up, what’s your name, tell me...”, while throwing the ball to one of the players. He catches the ball, says his name, then he throws the ball to another player, while the words are spoken again: “What is your name, tell me...” - and so on.

2. "I'm a snake, snake, snake"

Participants stand in a circle (preferably through one - boy, girl). The counselor begins by approaching the child with the words: “I am a snake, snake, snake, I crawl, crawl, crawl. Do you want to be my tail? What is your name?" The child calls the name, the counselor repeats it out loud, and the child crawls between the counselor’s legs (position: feet shoulder-width apart), becoming the snake’s tail. The snake continues to move, the words of the snake and the name of each new tail must be pronounced by everyone who has already become a part of it.

3. “Remember the names”

Several participants stand in a line and tell the driver their names. Then the driver turns away, the participants change places, and the driver must correctly say their names.

4. “My shaggy gray dog”

Participants form two circles - outer and inner - and begin to spin to the words: “My shaggy gray dog ​​is sitting by the window. My shaggy gray dog ​​is looking at me. Bingo! Bingo! Yes, his name is Bingo.” At the word “his,” those who at that moment find themselves in a pair opposite each other join hands. These guys shake hands and say their names. The game continues until everyone gets to know each other.

5. “Like me”

Participants need to find a person with the same name in 30 seconds, find a person with the same shoe size in the next 30 seconds, then height, weight, eye color, favorite dish, favorite movie, etc.

1. Titanic

The presenter invites a group of children to climb onto chairs or a bench. Then the situation is explained to them: “You find yourself on the sinking Titanic. The ship is sinking gradually. It is necessary for as many people as possible to be saved. After this, the presenter removes a chair every 15 - 20 seconds or limits the length of the bench.

2. "Captain"

As in the previous game, everyone lines up on chairs. Selected<капитан>. The presenter invites him to line everyone up on chairs according to eye color, shoe size, etc. At the same time, you cannot leave your chairs and only the “captain” has the right to speak. It can be more complicated for older people: the captain doesn’t speak either.

3. "Elephant"

The entire squad must, within a limited time (1-2 minutes), place an image of an elephant on the floor from branches. The task must be completed in complete silence.

4. “Climber” (“Log”)

A group of players stands on a low bench, close to each other, holding each other by the elbows. In turn, each player will have to walk along the edge of the bench, holding on to the people standing on it, without tripping or pushing players off the bench.

5. “Eagles Circle”

The entire squad stands in one large “Eaglet” circle (the left hand is on the shoulder of the neighbor on the left, the right hand is on the belt of the neighbor on the right). After this, the presenter invites everyone to sit down, then raise their legs, and then... your imagination.

6. “Triangle, square...”

Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. Then everyone closes their eyes. The presenter asks: “Guys! In complete silence, without words, build me a triangle... square... rhombus, etc.

7. “Make names from matches”

The group is given a box of matches: 10 matches per group member. The players' task is to use all the matches in the box to list the names of all group members. The names must touch or intersect. One letter can belong to different names at the same time.

8. "Driving"

The guys are divided into pairs. Then the first numbers close their eyes. These are the "wingmen". The second numbers are “leading”. The “leaders” lead the “followers” ​​through various obstacles that the counselor shows them. Then the guys change roles (lead the person for at least 15-20 minutes).

9. “Contact-word”

The presenter invites the children to split into pairs. Couples hold hands. The first numbers think of a word and pronounce it along with other 3-4 words. The task of the partners is to feel which of the words is hidden. Then the players in pairs change roles.

10. "Mirror"

The group is divided into pairs. First numbers -<зеркала>, the second are people in front of the mirror. The game takes place in complete silence. Task: to achieve mutual understanding and synchronize actions. Then the guys change roles.
11. "Carousel"

Having split into pairs, the guys form two circles (outer and inner). “Internals” stand with their backs to “externals” and fall, confident that they will be supported. After this, the inner circle takes a step to the right, and new pairs are formed (the distance between the circles can be varied).

12. "Count to Thirty"

The players sit in a circle with the leader. The leader offers to count to 30 with the whole squad, making sure to clarify that rarely anyone copes with this task. The conditions are as follows: players keep score, taking turns, calling one number at a time, but those players who get numbers ending in<3>or divisible by<3>without remainder, instead of a number they say their name. The player who makes a mistake is eliminated and the game starts over.

13. “The Blind Man and the Guide”

A) Participants pair up and decide which of them will be “blind” (a player walking with their eyes closed) and who will be a “guide”. The “guide” will have to lead the “blind” person along a certain section of the path. The section of the path is prepared in advance and represents a road on which various objects are located. The “blind” person will need to step over or go around these objects. The “guide” should help him in this (leading the “blind”). The commander must ensure that objects lying on the road are safe for the health of the players. He must also insure the participants as they pass the entire section of the path. After all the pairs have passed the road, the players change roles and the game is repeated.

B) The guys line up in a column one at a time, with their hands on each other’s shoulders (if the squad is large, in 2 or 3 columns).

You can't talk

Everyone except the last one has their eyes closed (you can blindfold them to be safe)

The last man is the guide

Clap on the right/left shoulder - turn right/left

Clap on both shoulders - forward

Double clap on both shoulders - back

Clap on both shoulders in fractions - stop

The conductor’s task is to guide the “train” along the route indicated by the counselor (several turns). To continue the game, the last participant stands in front of everyone.

C) Participants are divided into groups and stand like a train, closing the eyes of the player standing in front. Thus, the last player has open eyes, and the first player has free hands. The train is given a task: to get an object that the presenter places in the room after the players have closed their eyes. Only the last one sees the location of the object, who will lead and direct the train. All commands along the chain must be transmitted to those in front. The game continues until the first player picks up the desired item.

14. "Battleship"

Participants are divided into 2 teams: those who will play the role of ships and the role of a minefield.

The task of the ships is to cross the minefield without losses. In the minefield, they stand a step apart and make their hands to the side; their task is not to let the ships pass; the mines do not leave the place; they just rotate their hands. Ships can make sounds (tu - that), thereby confusing mines that stand with their eyes closed.

15. « Coca Cola"

There is a double rope attached to the can. The task of the players (2 people) is to move the can from one point to another. The group is divided into pairs, as many pairs as there are teams.

16. "Truth or dare."

It is recommended to play the game towards the middle of the shift, when the guys already know each other. Participants sit in a circle. The commander lights a match and carefully passes it around. In whose hands the match goes out, that participant chooses: “Truth” or “Action”. If you choose “truth”, then you answer one question from those around you; if you choose “action”, then you complete one of their tasks. The match is re-lit and the game continues in the same sequence.

17. "Kabuki Theater"

Kabuki theater is a traditional Japanese theater. All participants are divided into two teams and line up in two lines parallel to each other. The team agrees on which theater characters they will show. At the counselor’s signal (on the count of 3), the teams simultaneously show this character. The team that shows the winning character wins the round (according to the “rock-paper-scissors” principle).

Theater characters:

Dragon (hands show opening mouth, growling).

Samurai (imitates swinging a sword and shouts like a samurai).

Princess (holds her skirt and says “a-la-la-la-la-la”).

Winning combinations:

The dragon kills the princess.

The princess enchants the samurai.

Samurai kills the dragon.

18. "Portrait"

Participants sit in two circles (outer and inner), each with a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen. At the counselor’s signal, participants draw each other in pairs for 30 seconds. After time has passed, they exchange portraits, the inner circle moves clockwise, and the next participants continue the drawing of the previous artist. The transition must be carried out simultaneously and at the signal of the counselor. When the circle makes a complete revolution, you get a portrait of each participant, drawn by half of the squad.

19. "Gossip"

The whole group goes out the door, leaving only one counselor in the room. One by one, the guys enter the room. The counselor tells the first participant a detailed story (you need to write it in advance and read it from the sheet). The first retells this story to the second participant. The second one retells it to the third one, etc. When the last participant is in the room and retells the story as it turned out, the counselor reads out the original story.

20. "Swamp"

“Bumps” are drawn on the asphalt with chalk at a short distance from each other. At the start and finish the rope is stretched at knee level. The entire squad stands in one line and their legs are tied (each right leg to the left leg of its neighbor). After which the detachment must, silently and stepping on bumps, move to the other bank.

21. "New York"

A 1*1 meter square is drawn on the asphalt with chalk. And the entire squad, upon command, must fit on it. Again, this must be done without words. And stand there for 10 seconds.

22. "Ice"

The squad arrives at the stage and is told a task. Here is the sea, and this is a piece of ice (points to sheets of paper that he holds in his hands), along them you need to move to the other shore without touching the water, but the first person can step on the other shore when the last one leaves this shore. The entire stage takes place in complete silence.

23. "Cobweb"

Children stand in a circle very close to each other and extend their arms forward in one pile. At the counselor’s command, they need to take someone’s hand, but not a neighbor’s or two hands of the same person. Then, at the command of the counselor, the children must untangle themselves from this web in complete silence.

24. "Shadow"

Participants work in pairs. It is necessary to play roles - two people walk along the road across the field: one in front, the other two steps behind. The second participant is the “shadow” of the first. “Shadow” must repeat exactly all the actions of the first participant, who will either pick a flower on the side of the road, or bend over for a beautiful pebble, or jump on one leg, or stop and look from under his hand, etc.

25. "Gift"

Everyone sits in a circle. The gift is presented with gestures and facial expressions, you have to guess what it is.

26. “Bamboo sticks”

The group of participants is divided into pairs. Each couple is given two bamboo sticks. Participants hold the ends of the sticks with the index fingers of both hands. They try to maintain this position for a long time.

Participants, without breaking into pairs, connect to each other through bamboo sticks and begin to move, while simultaneously holding the sticks with their index fingers. If one of the participants' stick falls, everyone else stops until everything is the same.

The exercise is aimed at establishing the unity of emotional and bodily contacts and determining leadership qualities. This exercise can be considered an element of body-oriented therapy.

27. "Camera"

Participants are divided into pairs. One is a “photographer”, the other is a “camera”. The “camera” closes its eyes and stands in front of the “photographer”. The “photographer”, holding the “camera”, takes three “shots”. During each shooting, the “photographer” presses the top of the “camera”, simulating a click. During each press, the “camera” opens its eyes and records what it sees for three shots. Next, the participants change roles. After the exercise, all participants sit in a circle, and the presenter asks everyone to talk about their impressions of the game, focus on the “objects of photography,” and find out who liked what role more.

28. "Stand"

Participants are divided into pairs. They stand opposite each other. They take each other's hands tightly. They begin to lean back, with the ends of the participants’ feet touching: the feet are a kind of support. Then there is a deviation to the side, one hand is released. The unequal weight of the participants does not matter. The exercise is aimed at establishing emotional contact between people and bringing them closer together.

29. "Magic Carpet"

The person lies down on the mat, closing his eyes, and the group stands around him. Then everyone carefully places their hands on it. The group then picks up the person and walks around the circle. Then it is slowly, rocking, lowered and placed on the mat. Safety precautions: lift a person carefully, placing your hands under him. It is important to ensure that those who lift have their backs straight, that is, lift the person using the leg muscles.

30. "Sunny"

One person stands in the center and closes his eyes. This is the Sun". The group (“planets”) stands at the distance at which they are comfortable. You can also take various poses. Then the “sun” opens its eyes and looks at the resulting picture. After this, the person standing in the center can move people to the distance at which he would be comfortable. As a result, everyone sees the real and desired picture of the relationship of the group to the person and the person to the group. This is a kind of sociometry.

31. “Rope for hands”

The rope is stretched just below the waist of the tallest person in the group. The group stands holding hands. The task is for everyone to pass over the rope without touching it. Note: in order for group work to take place, you should either introduce a rule that you cannot jump, or introduce “blind”, “mute” people.

32. “Plates in a circle”

The plates are arranged in a circle, their number is equal to the number of participants. It is necessary, without stepping on the floor, for everyone to simultaneously jump in a circle from plate to plate. The sizes of the plates are selected so that only one person fits on each.

33. "Octopussy"

Long ropes are tied to the ring, and a tennis ball is placed in the ring. The task is to carry the ball around the column without dropping it (carry it over the field). Option: a balloon in a large ring.

34. "Square"
All players stand in a square (so that all the space inside the square is occupied) as closely as possible; you can even pre-outline the square in which they should fit. Then the leader gives commands, and the square carries them out, trying not to increase the area it occupies, for example:
- The square went to the left. - the square goes to the left.
- The square is sitting down. - the square tries to sit down screaming and screaming.
- The square is jumping. - the square jumps with no less intense noise.
35. “Circular transplants - suits”

The players sit on chairs or benches (the main thing is that the boundaries of the seats are clearly defined) in a circle facing outward, they are dealt playing cards, which they do not show to anyone. Then the presenter places himself in the center of the circle and begins to flip through the rest of the deck at a brisk pace, naming the suit or value of the top card. The task of each player is to move one place to the right when he hears his suit or card value. The point of the game is that if the place is already occupied, the player still sits on it (or rather, on the knees of the top of all those who are already sitting there). If the player needs to change seats, and they sit on him, he remains in place. The game ends when one of the players completes the entire circle and returns to their original place.

36. "Sliver on the River"

Participants stand in two long rows facing each other. The distance between participants should be slightly more than one arm's length. All children are the water of one river. Warm, understanding, affectionate. Chips float down the river one by one (children, starting from any edge). They decide for themselves how they will move: fast or slow, straight or circling, etc. It is advisable for the slivers to close their eyes. The water should help the wood chips find their way. Everyone takes turns walking through the river and standing at the end of the line. It is important that children do not push away the chips, but carefully pass them on.

37. "Guess Who's Missing"

All participants close their eyes. At this time, the presenter touches one player, and he silently leaves the room. (you can make some noise at this time). At the leader’s signal, everyone opens their eyes and looks to see who is missing. The first person to name the absent person becomes the leader.

38. "Zoo"

The guys stand in a circle, putting their hands on each other's shoulders. The leader speaks into everyone's ear, so that no one can hear, what kind of animal he is. Then he explains the rules of the game: as soon as you hear your animal, immediately tuck your legs in, and your neighbors must hold you back. Afterwards the story “How We Went to the Zoo” is told, where each animal is mentioned. Next comes the second round of the game. Again, everyone is told an animal, but this time there is one for everyone, and when they talk about going to the zoo, all the children end up falling down.

39. “Exit by the number of fingers.”

The group stands in a line. The leader calls the number, and immediately the same number of people should jump out of the group.

40. "Sapper"

On the floor, the leader lays out a field consisting of small squares. Some of these squares are “mined” (empty squares). Crosses mark a non-mined road that participants must find.

Objective: get to the opposite side. 5 minutes are given to discuss the action strategy. After this, you cannot talk or show on the field. It is also prohibited for the same participant to walk twice in a row and step through the same square. If someone steps on a “mined” square, the presenter sounds a sound signal (claps his hands).

41. "Labyrinth"

The presenter draws a labyrinth. Participants take turns trying to pass it. The person passing by is blindfolded, and everyone else must show him the way without the help of words, without touching the person passing by.

Team building games for children

1. Touch clothes...colors
The players must touch the clothes (their own or someone else's) of the color that the presenter says.
2. Water
The driver sits in a circle with his eyes closed. The players move in a circle with the words: “Merman, merman, why are you sitting under water, come out for a minute, let’s play a joke.” The circle scatters (several steps) and everyone stops. The “merman”, without opening his eyes, is looking for one of the players; his task is to determine who is in front of him. The “merman” can touch the player standing in front of him, but he cannot open his eyes. If the driver guessed right, they change places.
3. Blinkers
An odd number of people are playing. The players form 2 circles: the outer one is boys, the inner one is girls. Every girl should stand strictly in front of the boy. The boy, who did not have enough pair, stands in the outer circle, the girls direct their gaze to him. To find a mate, he winks at some girl; when she sees this, she must run to him, and the boy standing behind her must catch her in time. The one who gaped (missed) is forced to look for a mate.
4. Lavata
The players stand in a circle, hold hands and begin to move in a circle, loudly singing: “We dance, we dance, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, our cheerful dance is Lavata.” Then everyone stops and the leader says: “My elbows are good, but my neighbor’s are better” - everyone takes their neighbors by the elbows and starts moving again, singing. The presenter can call whatever he wants (waist, shoulders, heels, legs, etc.).
5. Toe-heel
Everyone stands in a circle very tightly, so that the toe rests on the heel of the person in front. When they stand up properly, everyone begins to slowly squat in this position - it turns out that everyone sits on the knees of the previous one. If you successfully sit down, you need to try to hold on for a while.
6. “Confused”
Conditions: The driver turns away. Participants, standing in a circle and holding hands, begin to tangle with each other, forming a living tangle. The driver’s task is to unravel this tangle without breaking his hands.
7. “Coffin”
Everyone walks around the room, and someone shouts a phrase indicating danger. "Attention! We were attacked by cave lions! (or anything else)” After the danger signal, the participants in the game must immediately gather in a close group, hiding the weak in the middle, and then say in unison the phrase: “Let’s fight back the cave lions (or others).” Then the group scatters around the room again, and the game repeats. To successfully play the game, it is necessary that the phrases are pronounced exactly as stated in the instructions, and at the same time with a completely serious look.
8. “Joystick”
The game is a team game (preferably two teams). The teams face each other, with each person taking the hand of his neighbor by the thumb. Your neighbor's thumb will be the joystick. The first in the chain extends his hand forward over the table. What is the coin placed on? Everyone closes their eyes except the last team member. He controls the “joystick”, transmitting the command to the first through the other participants. The goal is to be the first to place your finger exactly on the coin.
9. “Crane”
One of the participants in the game lies down on the floor (chairs, bench), and the other participants lift him up, each supporting him with one hand. Under friendly, cooperative conditions, the group can easily lift any participant, even the heaviest. Those who are raised come up with a role for themselves and communicate it to everyone. The roles may be as follows:
coach of the winning team;
the colonel who won the battle;
a ballerina soaring into the air;
a swimmer rising to the crest of a wave;
a cloud flying across the sky on a hot day;
a log at a cleanup event;
a jumper hovering over the bar;
lotus flower on the surface of the lake, etc..
10. “Tetris”.
You must draw the details of a building constructor (Tetris) on a large sheet of paper, and the number of these parts should be equal to the number of participants in the game. You hang up this poster and invite each participant to choose one of the details and play it. After all participants have distributed the parts among themselves, invite them to build the structure you depicted on another sheet of whatman paper. Try, if possible, not to depict towers and skyscrapers, because it will be difficult for the participants in the game to avoid falling if they need to create a living pyramid of five to six participants.
11. “Clown”
A box of matches (only the top part). Everyone lines up in a column, the first person puts the box on his nose. The essence of the game is to pass this box from nose to nose to all members of your team as quickly as possible, with your hands behind your back. If someone's box falls, the team starts the procedure again.
12. “Quiet-louder”
You probably played the game “Hot or Cold” as a child? Our game is similar to it: the guys sit in a circle, the driver leaves the circle and turns his back. One of the members of the circle has some object hidden. The driver's task is to find the person who has the object hidden. As soon as he enters the circle, everyone begins to sing some kind of song, the louder the closer the driver is to the hidden object. Accordingly, the song is sung more quietly if the driver moves away from this person. When the item is found, the driver changes; if not, then the game continues.
13. “Mathematics”
Children sit in a circle. The counselor gives the task: “We begin to count in a circle. The one who has a number that is a multiple of three says his name instead of the number.” This game can be used to develop memory and attention. Play and you will see that this is indeed the case.
14. Do the math.
Teams are given a set of small cards with numbers written on them. The task is to find the sum of all numbers and name the result. The more accurate team wins.
15. What is it?
Teams are given cards with the names of 3-4 items. Task for each team: after a short discussion, ask those present a question about the subject, without naming it, so that everyone else gives an answer. For example, what is it?
Comfortable seat with hand rests? (Armchair.)
Liquid intended for joining parts? (Glue.)
Milk, telephone, rain.
Bread, scissors, moon.
Giraffe, spoon, snow.
Car, night, sugar.
16. Show me.
It is necessary to depict using all team members:
orchestra, train, centipede, zoo, TV, telephone;
fans whose team is losing, spectators watching a cool action movie, people in line for sausage, patients from the ward before surgery;
cool hares, wild pigs, lone wolves, crazy chickens;
Leaning Tower of Pisa. Chinese wall. Kremlin, bridge over the Thames;
the letter “A”, “K”, “W”, “R”, “Y”;
the painting “Bears in a Pine Forest”, “Barge Haulers on the Volga”, “Ivan the Terrible Kills His Son”, etc.
17. Masters of pantomime.
A player from one team must depict a given animal for his opponents, using facial expressions, gestures and without uttering a sound, so that everyone can guess who it is.
18. Fun counting.
To conduct this competition, a set of cards with numbers from O to 9 for each team is prepared in advance. The teams line up opposite the leader, in front of whom there are two chairs. Each player receives a card with one of the numbers. After the team leader reads the example, the players with the numbers that make up the result run out to the leader and sit on chairs so that the answer can be read. Let's say this was an example: 32 +4. The guys who have cards with the numbers 3 and 6 in their hands should sit on the chairs next to the leader, since the sum of 32 and 4 is 36. The team that managed to do this quickly and correctly earns a point. The score goes up to five points.
19. Who is faster?
The team completes tasks quickly and accurately.
1st option. Build using all team players:
school of birds.
20. Silent mail
Materials: 2 sheets of paper, 2 markers.
A group of players sits fairly close to each other in single file. The first and last players each receive one piece of paper and markers. The last player draws some image (an object, a living creature, etc..) on a piece of paper. At the same time, other players should not see what is drawn. After this, the last player draws with his finger on the neighbor’s back exactly the same image as on the piece of paper. The neighbor, even if he didn't quite understand what it was, draws with his finger on the back of his next neighbor what he thinks was drawn on his back. The first player, after having something drawn on his back, must transfer this image onto paper. As a result, two options are compared.
21. Drawings of group pictures
Material: paper, felt-tip pens/pencils.
The host of the game gives everyone one sheet of paper. Everyone writes down their name. All participants begin to draw, making one or two strokes on the sheet. Then the sheet of paper is passed to the neighbor on the left. The started picture is completed by its neighbor on the left and passed on. This happens until the picture is returned to the owner.
22. Everyone takes turns
Materials: cards with numbers from 1 to 100, blindfolds. (number of persons)
All players stand freely on the playing court. The presenter blindfolds the players. Then the host hands each player a card with a number and whispers his number. The cards contain numbers from 1 to 100. The group's task is to line up in the correct numerical sequence so that the smallest number is on the right and the largest on the left. As players look for their seats, each should have one arm extended in front of them to prevent collisions. Players are not allowed to talk to each other. If the group thinks they are in the correct sequence, i.e. the problem is solved - everyone opens their eyes.
23. Telegram
Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. A presenter is selected. He says: “I, F.I., convey a telegram to F.I.”, and discreetly shakes the hand of one of his neighbors. Handshakes are passed around the circle until they reach the address. Whoever received it says: “Thank you! I received the telegram.” The presenter's task is to notice the handshake. If this happens, the person who was noticed becomes the leader.
24. House - tree - dog
Materials: paper, felt-tip pens or paint brushes, blindfolds.
Everyone is divided into pairs. Each pair receives one felt-tip pen or one brush with paints, one Whatman paper. Both participants are blindfolded. Each pair, working with only one tool, must draw a house - a tree - a dog. However, players should not talk to each other.
25. Sorcerers
The players stand in a circle with their eyes closed, after which the leader, touching the shoulder, appoints two or three of them as sorcerers. Then everyone opens their eyes and begins to make a chaotic movement, shaking each other's hands. Each of the sorcerers can (but is not obliged!), when shaking hands, to bewitch the player whose hand he is shaking by quietly scratching his palm. The bewitched person, having shaken hands with someone two more times, goes to the corner for the bewitched (leaves the game). The task of the non-sorcerer players, looking closely at each other, is to expose all the sorcerers; the task of those, in turn, is to bewitch everyone.
26. Flashing lights
Representatives of the same sex (for example, girls) sit in a circle on chairs facing inward, one seat is free. Representatives of the other sex, for example, young people, stand behind the backs of chairs, one at a time (including an empty one) and keep their hands at their sides. One of the participants who stands behind an empty chair tries to lure one of those sitting to his chair by winking at him (in our example, at her). When someone sitting tries to run to an empty chair, the task of the one standing behind him is to prevent him from doing this, that is, to carefully catch him and not let him go.
27. Square
All players stand in a square (so that all the space inside the square is occupied) as closely as possible; you can even pre-outline the square in which they should fit. Then the leader gives commands, and the square carries them out, trying not to increase the area it occupies, for example:
- The square went to the left. - the square goes to the left.
- The square is sitting down. - the square tries to sit down screaming and screaming.
- The square is jumping. - the square jumps with no less intense noise.
28. Lyudmila Prokofievna
The group lines up in one line, they are asked to walk from one end of the room to the other with their usual gait, and then back. After which you need to walk, raising your head up, lowering it low, stretching your neck, pulling your head into your shoulders, waving your arms, pressing them to your body, bending in half, bending back, wagging your hips, without moving your pelvis at all, without bending your knees, raising your knees high , with a wide step, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other, run very quickly, walk as slowly as possible. Then walk again with your usual gait, trying to track the changes that have occurred.
29. Someone else's knees
The group sits in a tight circle, moving the chairs closer to each other. Each participant places his hands on his neighbors’ knees. The right hand ends up on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. Each participant has the hands of his neighbors in the circle on his own knees. On the left knee is the right hand of the neighbor on the left, and on the right knee is the left hand of the neighbor on the right. The game is to have your hands clap your knees sequentially, without overtaking each other. You need to carefully monitor when the turn comes to your own hand, and not to your own knee. The game requires constant concentration. As soon as concentration drops, the participant makes a mistake. The one who made a mistake removes the hand that made the mistake.
Difficulty of the task:
1. any participant, when the turn to clap reaches one of his hands, has the right to change the direction of movement of the clap. To do this, he needs to slap his hand on the knee on which this hand rests twice.
2. Group members who have dropped out of the game move to the center of the circle, where they form their own inner circle and continue to play.
30. “Tuka”
Tuka is a fish that fishermen often dry by stringing it on long ropes. Now we, like a toucan, will be “strung” on a long, about 15 m long, rope, at one end of which a pine cone is tied. All team members must pass this pinecone through all their clothes from top to bottom, passing the pinecone to each other in turn. Naturally, the winning team is the one whose last member is the first of all teams to pull out a pine cone with fifteen meters of rope tied to it from his trouser leg.

Games in the camp







Each couple takes one piece of paper, stands facing each other and, pressing the sheet with their foreheads on both sides, puts their hands behind their backs, in this position the couples should move around the room at will (you can listen to music). You can't talk.
The main task of the participants is to find channels for an intuitive understanding of a partner, which we all need in life among people.

All participants walk around the room, the leader shouts a phrase indicating danger. For example: "Attention!" You were attacked by cave lions (hooligans, Roman legions, flu viruses, little green men, remorse, yawning, etc.) After the danger signal, the participants in the game must gather in a close group, hiding the weak in the middle, and then say the phrase: “ Let's fight back... (cave lions, etc.) Then the group scatters around the room again and the game continues.

All participants imagine a square in front of them, divided into 9 cells. In the center there is a fly, the movement of which we will control in turn. With your order, you can move it either along the “up-down” axis or along the “right-left” axis by one cell. We take turns making moves, and the one who loses is the one after whose move the fly is taken out of the playing field. You cannot do “reverse moves”.

Everyone has their own “island” - a newspaper. Periodically, a “day off” comes, and everyone walks around their territory. The presenter “selects” several islands, the residents must look for another island. In conclusion, there is a discussion: how were you received on another island, were you pushed away, were you invited, etc.
It is definitely worth paying attention to those who were not offered to join on another island. Be able to correctly move on to similar situations in life: aren’t we more often ready to provide help and support to those we like and like, and aren’t we able to “ignore” the problems of those who are classified as “ugly ducklings,” etc. P.

Work in pairs. One has a “join” attitude, the other has a “don’t accept” attitude. “Joining” through a smile, touch, glance, etc.
Everything is just like in life, every participant understands this, and it would be logical to move on after the exercise to talking about what exactly gives us the opportunity to find the way to the “heart”, “soul” of another, sometimes completely stranger, person: the ability to smile? Or maybe the ability to understand the state, the inner mood of this “other”?

A driver is selected who goes out the door. At this time, everyone is given the task of preparing to convey some feeling to the driver through a handshake (love, anger, hatred, fear, etc.). By shaking hands, the driver must guess about the feelings towards him.
This exercise arouses children’s interest in various forms of expressing feelings, including through a handshake.

Participants sit in a circle. The task is given to convey the emotional state using only non-verbal means. The state is passed on by one participant to the next in the circle. The rest sit with their eyes closed. When everyone in the group has received and transmitted the state, the first transmitter compares what he received with what he transmitted. It often happens that they begin to convey surprise, anger returns, etc. The person who begins to transmit the state notes which member of the group perceived it most reliably, and where the failure occurred. After this game, the participants have a desire to understand what a nonverbal attitude is, how to decipher and understand others by their posture, gestures, and facial expressions.

Everything is calculated by 1-2. Then they form two circles - outer and inner. Everyone closes their eyes and those standing in the outer circle take 10 steps counterclockwise with their eyes closed. Then the 1st and 2nd numbers stand against each other. You are only allowed to feel your hands. After this, everyone is carefully mixed. Everyone's eyes are closed. Now everyone opens their eyes, and their task is to find their mate.


Everyone is divided into two groups – children and parents. Children sit on the floor, grouped together and closing their eyes. Parents take turns approaching one of the children, sit on the floor behind the child, hug him from the back, slightly lifting him, and begin to rock him motherly. About a minute later - change of parents. Repeat this three times. During the discussion, both parents and children speak out. Children talk about the first mother, the second mother, etc. Tenderness, indifference or other feelings and sensations are assessed.
It only seems that it is possible to fully communicate, excluding tactile sensations: people need to touch each other, moreover, they need to be taught how to touch each other. This exercise gives you the opportunity to practice conveying your feelings, sensations, etc. through touch. This is easier to do by “playing” the roles of parents and children.

Ribbon or similar passed around in a circle. At the signal - stop. The one who has a ribbon in his hands must please his neighbors (give a compliment, give something, etc., but you cannot repeat yourself). At the end, the presenter “pleases” those remaining.
The exercise once again encourages the children to express their kind feelings towards others and convinces them that there are many options for showing good relationships.

All participants move freely, periodically meeting with others.
Day 1 – against the backdrop of “bad” music – bad mood (contacts only through glances).
Day 2 – against the backdrop of “bad” music – a good mood.
Day 3 – 20th century (greetings with a handshake).
Day 4 – 16th century (greetings through curtseys and ceremonial phrases).
Day 5 – 21st century (quickly, without noticing others, perhaps colliding or pushing them away).
6-1 day - a new way of greeting.
During the discussion, it becomes clear who felt more confident on what day, who on what day was unable to “say hello” to anyone, etc. A wide range of different options for communicating with people is given.

Group members must create a collective photo portrait of the group. The image is constructed from 12-15 elements. This includes the head, neck, left, right arms, torso, left and right legs, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair. Every detail is discussed, for example: “I propose to take Ivanov’s head into our photographic portrait, because... she’s the smartest one among us,” etc.

Everyone sits in a circle. The participant holding the ball throws it to any of those sitting in the circle, while naming something common that unites the two of them (for example, “love of horses,” “ability to play the guitar,” “little sister,” etc.)

Divide into two pairs. Try to understand what unites you with each other. Share this with your partner. 2-3 minutes are allotted for this. Now take a piece of paper and title it “Our Differences.” Look closely at each other. You just talked about how you are alike. But you probably see many differences: perhaps a different type of temperament, different habits and outlook on life. Think about how you are different, but you can’t ask someone else about it. Within 4-5 minutes you fill out the sheet. It is advisable to think more about psychological characteristics than purely biographical or physical ones. The following writing style is recommended: “You are more sociable than me.” “You are less compliant in conversation than I am,” etc. Once you have finished listing the differences, pass notes to each other to express your agreement or disagreement with what your partner wrote. If you agree with his entry, then it will remain on the list, if not, then you simply cross out this entry. After such a mutual analysis, it is worth discussing the results in the whole group.

The presenter says that every person “presents” himself to others. He talks about T-shirts with different inscriptions, gives examples of “talking” inscriptions. Then the guys are asked to come up with an inscription on their T-shirt within 5-7 minutes. It is stipulated that this inscription may change in the future. It is important that she says something about the child now - about his favorite activities and games, about his attitude towards others, about what he wants from others, etc.
After completing the task, everyone reads out their inscription. The leader provides emotional support in all cases. Then there is a very short discussion:
- What do the inscriptions on T-shirts mainly say?
- what we want to communicate about ourselves to other people.
In conclusion, the presenter shows (preferably done in a comic form) the inscription on his T-shirt.

Teenagers are asked to use colored pencils to draw or describe what “joy” is for 5 minutes. It is emphasized that the drawing can be concrete, abstract, whatever. After completing the task (the drawing is not signed), all drawings and descriptions are placed in a “magic box”, in which it is desirable to have approximately the same number of drawings and descriptions. Everything is mixed, a large pack is pulled out, which the guys examine, passing the sheets to each other. The presenter asks the children to pay attention to the differences in the understanding and presentation of the concept of “joy”. There is some discussion and a conclusion about how people understand the same things differently.
The sheets are put back into the “magic box”, mixed and everyone is asked to find their own sheet. A discussion is held about whether it was easy or difficult to do, and why is analyzed. The conclusion is that everyone is irreplaceable, and this is an important reason for them to feel valued.
- What is important in order to have self-esteem.