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Why do you dream about a Mattress in a dream, what does it mean in a dream book to see a Mattress? Why do you dream of an inflatable mattress - interpretation of sleep from dream books

A dirty mattress seen in a dream promises great disappointment and sadness. This sign often foreshadows problems at work, which can lead to loss of your job. The reason for this will be betrayal on the part of a person whom they considered their friend.

Be very careful when letting people into your circle of trust. If you feel that the manifestation of sincerity and sympathy is happening one-sidedly, beware of trusting such a person.

If you dreamed of a leaky mattress

A mattress covered in patches or with holes in it often predicts profit from unexpected sources. This could be an inheritance received from a very distant relative, or winning a large sum in the lottery. Such a prophecy implies a very short period of fulfillment. Therefore, you can find out the good news within one or two days.

Hoping for luck or chance, do not forget that it is necessary to take active actions aimed at achieving your goals.

You dreamed that you were flying on a mattress

To see a dream in which you happen to fly on a mattress means that you are making too unrealistic plans. They are not destined to come true, no matter how hard you try. If you do not reconsider your positions, you will spend a lot of effort and money in vain. The lost time will no longer be returned, and with it, favorable opportunities that can lead you to your goal, albeit not as quickly as you would like.

Be consistent. Break your main task into smaller subtasks, and gradually move on to completing them. Setting the bar too high initially can kill your self-confidence.

The meaning of a dream about a wet mattress

You dream of a wet mattress if you are in a state of despair. Plans on which you had high hopes suddenly collapsed, everything did not go as planned, and therefore you decided that you were not able to achieve your goal. The dreamed sign reflects submission to the will of fate and lack of desire to fight for one’s happiness.

Take your mind off your problems. Stop constantly thinking about your failures and worrying about anything. Concentrate on what you want to get in the end and develop confidence in yourself that you will achieve your goal, no matter what.

Dreaming about an air mattress

The meaning of a dream in which you floated on an air mattress largely depends on the context of the plot seen. If the swimming took place in a calm body of water, it means that everything will be fine in your personal life. The relationship with your loved one will delight you, and the feeling of happiness will not leave you.

Tell your lover about your feelings more often. Express sincere love and gratitude for the happy moments given.

What does it mean if an air mattress begins to deflate in a dream?

If you had to fight the elements and at the same time your mattress could not stand it and began to deflate, unforeseen difficulties may arise in business. Often this is a warning that the event you have started is too risky and participation in it will not end well for you.

Avoid unnecessary risks. Don't chase easy money, it often comes with unpleasant consequences. Achieve material well-being in an honest way, then it will bring much more joy and confidence in the future.

Dream book interpretation of a dream about a new mattress

If you dreamed of a completely new mattress, it means that soon a person will appear in your life who can give you new emotions and sensations. It won't necessarily be a new acquaintance. It is quite possible that a person you have known for quite some time will suddenly reveal a completely different side, which will pleasantly surprise you.

Respect other people's feelings. Don't rush to form your opinion about a person until you know him better.

What does the dream in which I happened to buy a mattress mean?

The plot of the dream in which a mattress was bought promises to receive a significant amount of money. This event will come in handy and will allow you to make an urgently needed purchase at the moment. The amount of income received can vary within very wide limits, and it is quite possible that you will even be able to purchase the property you have long dreamed of.

Don't rush to spend all your money at once. Carefully plan all your expenses and determine how much money you will have available for purchases.

Why see a mattress on the floor in a dream?

According to the Orakul dream book, a mattress lying on the floor portends a lucrative business offer. It is worth understanding that by accepting it, you will have to radically change your lifestyle, perhaps even move to another city. This will indeed turn out to be a very favorable opportunity for self-realization, but at the same time it is necessary to prepare for temporary difficulties associated with getting used to new conditions.

Many people consider a mattress seen in a dream to be a symbol of sexual problems and failures, but this is a completely misinterpretation.

What does a mattress mean in a dream from the point of view of the Modern Dream Book? The first meaning is associated with new prospects at work, with the possibility of career growth. Secondly, a dream can portend quiet family happiness and well-being.

To interpret a dream, you should pay attention to the appearance and condition of the soft object, as well as the dreamer’s manipulations with this thing. As the dream book explains, mattresses seen in the morning are associated with work. If you dreamed of them before dawn, they relate to your personal life.

1. A new, comfortable mattress promises peace of mind. For an unmarried girl, the dream foretells a happy marriage. For those who are already married - complete understanding with their partner and sexual harmony. Buying this item means opening a new, extremely profitable business.

2. An old mattress is a symbol of stability. The dream predicts career growth or a salary increase. If at the same time springs stick out from the mattress, you will find a new place of work where you will be offered a higher position. A woman’s dream promises her husband’s fidelity.

3. If in a dream the mattress has an unusual shape, expect news that will greatly surprise you. A girl may dream of it as a sign of a quick marriage, a man may dream of it as a sign of flirting with a frivolous person.

4. Air mattress - a little adventure awaits you and your lover. Swimming on it means falling madly in love, lying down means a stormy but fleeting romance with a new acquaintance.

If you dreamed of a mattress thrown on the floor, get ready, an urgent business trip awaits you. If at the same time it is wet, it means new responsibilities and greater responsibility at work. Perhaps you will be given employees who are not very smart.

Other interpretations of sleep

Let's figure out why we dream of a mattress in the form of mats or mattresses. Thin, poorly padded and uncomfortable - you lack room for creativity at work, and you crave more in your personal life. Seeing a new, beautiful one means success with the opposite sex.

Seeing a mattress lying on a mattress in a dream means comfort in the house. Thrown on the floor - for the arrival of relatives or friends. Rolled up - for a quick move to a new place of residence.

A dreamed mattress is a symbol of order and regularity. You're too used to doing everything according to a schedule - maybe you need to give yourself a little freedom? The dreamer should think about rest.

Dreaming of yourself climbing up a mountain of mattresses means successfully solving a very difficult problem. If at the same time you stood at the very top, expect a monetary reward. If you slipped down, but began to climb up again - you will achieve success in a business that everyone else considered unpromising. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

A mattress seen in a dream means family happiness and comfort in a home full of peace and prosperity.

Buying a new mattress means deciding to build or purchase your own home.

Throwing away an old mattress is a sign of a successful financial transaction.

A leaky mattress with protruding springs means that you will soon take a leadership position in your work team. A mattress stuffed with hay or straw portends that through your line of work you will learn a lot of new things and make the necessary connections with significant and influential people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Swim, swim

“Swimming like a fish in water” is good at navigating the situation.

"Swim" (pleasure).

“Swim against the tide” - enter into conflict with others, internal disagreements.

“It just floats into your hands” is an easy success.

“Swimming shallow” is the inability to accomplish something significant.

“Going with the flow” means agreement with others or lack of will, laziness.

Interpretation of dreams from

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Mattress in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about a mattress?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does the Mattress mean?

If you dream of a bare mattress, then this dream portends you a very serious illness. If you observe the manufacture of mattresses or participate in it yourself, then this dream means that in your business you will be associated with wealthy partners and will soon earn a significant fortune yourself, this is how this dream in which the Mattress is dreamed is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about a Mattress in a dream?

Mattress (mattress, feather bed) - to family concerns, as it is said in the dream book about this dream, for details, if you dream about a Mattress, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about a Mattress in a dream?

If you see a mattress, it means you will have to take on new responsibilities and be responsible for it. A dream in which you sleep on a new mattress indicates: in the current situation and current environment, everything suits you quite well. Seeing how mattresses are made is a sign predicting the expansion of business connections and the accumulation of wealth.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about a Mattress according to the dream book?

If you saw a mattress in a dream, get ready for new responsibilities and increased responsibility. Slept on a bare mattress - you will be satisfied with your surroundings. If you saw the manufacture of mattresses, you will deal only with wealthy partners and soon you will make a significant fortune yourself.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a mattress for a woman:

Mattress - Means family happiness and comfort in the home, peace and well-being. Buying a new mattress means you will decide to build or purchase your own home. Throwing away an old mattress is a sign of a successful financial transaction. Leaky mattress - you will soon reach a high position

Summer Dream Interpreter

Mattress - Seeing an old torn mattress is an insult.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Mattress - Seeing an old torn mattress means a miserable life.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Mattress - to unemployment.

A mattress in a dream is not a good sign. In addition to the obvious symbol of rest and sleep, it can mean various kinds of problems, including those related to personal life. But even here there are some reservations, which will be indicated by the details of the dream. Their meaning is explained by different dream books.

Interpretation according to Miller

Gustav Hindman Miller, an American psychologist of the 19th century, generally rejects the interpretation of a dream about a mattress based on the intimate sphere. For him it means:

  • accepting new responsibilities that will entail new responsibilities;
  • a sign of satisfaction with the people who surround you;
  • connections with wealthy partners who will help you make good money.

As you can see, there is nothing personal in such an interpretation. Interestingly, Miller is not the only one who thinks so.

What does a mattress mean in a dream, according to Loff?

Interestingly, David Loff, who insisted on the individuality of each dream, agrees with his American colleague, stating that in a dream a mattress is a harbinger of business relationships with wealthy business partners, thanks to which your business will prosper. Although, on the other hand, a bare mattress is a reason to pay attention to your health, because it portends a serious illness. We find approximately the same meaning in other dream books of the 18th–19th centuries.

If you dream about a mattress

  • a mattress is seen as a quick solution to problems;
  • it foreshadows a quick unexpected trip;
  • dreaming about unfolding a mattress - to stability in business;
  • if the mattress is on the floor, then the person has taken on too many responsibilities, not all of which he can fulfill.

From the last interpretation we conclude that to see such a dream is not only to be seduced by profit or new responsibilities, but also to worry about fatigue, which can become chronic and greatly interfere with the implementation of other plans.

Dreams about mattresses and personal life according to Tsvetkov

A mattress in a dream is also a kind of symbol of comfort and well-being in the home. If you dream of buying it, it means that in life you will decide on more and think about building or purchasing your own home. Seeing yourself getting rid of an old mattress is a sign of success in business and personal life. If you dream that in front of you is an old and untidy place to sleep, then in reality you will receive a new social position, broaden your horizons and strengthen your position in society. Other dream books consider this dream a harbinger of resentment. But psychoanalysts believe that any bedding symbolizes marriage or sexual relations. As you can see, the result of the interpretation of such dreams directly depends on the dream book.