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How to treat pain under the left rib. Pain under the ribs: nature, causes, treatment. Dull aching pain in left side

Pain sensations that are localized on the left side in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs and under them are not specific. They can act as symptoms of various diseases of the internal organs, the nervous system. In the diagnostic field, pinpointing the nature and location of the pain can help the physician determine the cause of the pain.

What hurts in the left side under the ribs in front

In cases where the left hypochondrium hurts, this does not indicate problems specifically with the ribs, but pathological conditions of the internal organs. In this area of ​​​​the body are the following internal organs, which can cause pain under the left rib in front:

  • bowel loops;
  • part of the stomach
  • bud;
  • ureter;
  • the left side of the diaphragm;
  • pancreas;
  • lung.

After meal

If at first, immediately after the meal, the stomach hurts on the left under the ribs from the food eaten, this indicates the development of gastritis. The intensity of sensations changes due to the acidity of the stomach at a particular moment. Any fluctuations in the concentration of a substance enhances the irritating effect on the mucous membrane, leading to painful sensations. It causes heartburn, nausea, vomiting. In advanced cases, gastric ulcer develops, in which pain appears immediately after eating.

When inhaling and coughing

In cases where the left side hurts when breathing, as a rule, a subdiaphragmatic abscess is diagnosed. The nature of the pain is intense, decreases when lying down or half-sitting, increases during deep breathing, coughing, sudden movements or sneezing. Pain under the rib can sometimes shift to the supraclavicular region, under the scapula of the same side. As a rule, such a pathology is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication of the body, severe fever.

In most cases, a subdiaphragmatic abscess occurs after surgical interventions (cavitary operations), which simplifies the diagnostic process. Less often, the cause is trauma to the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, and sometimes an abscess is a consequence of a complication of purulent liver processes as a result of peritonitis (appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, others).

The rib on the left side hurts when pressed

Intestinal obstruction causes an inflammatory process, due to which the left hypochondrium hurts. Discomfort increases with pressure. Pain is accompanied by bloating, diarrhea or constipation. Nausea, vomiting, symptoms of intoxication of the body are characteristic. Increased pain in the left side below the ribs when pressed indicates in most cases a rupture of the spleen. Along with such manifestations, the following signs of intra-abdominal bleeding are observed:

  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • spasm of the muscles of the peritoneal wall;
  • pressure drop.

The child has

The cause of pain under the left rib in front in babies aged 4-9 months is diverticulitis (intestinal volvulus, lower section). Diagnosed in overweight children. It is a pathology when one intestinal tube enters the lumen of another. The course of the disease has the following chronology:

  1. The child begins to show anxiety.
  2. He folds his legs, writhing and crying.
  3. Suddenly the pain on the left side stops and the child continues to play, calms down.
  4. After a short period of time, the attack is repeated.
  5. After the repeated cessation of symptoms, vomiting begins.
  6. At the same time, the child's stool is normal at first, but later an admixture of blood appears.

Causes of pain in the left hypochondrium

It is not worth ignoring the condition when it hurts under the ribs in the center or on the left front, even if the discomfort has passed. This symptom indicates a serious disease that needs timely diagnosis and treatment. Clinical practice indicates the following common causes:

  • , chronic, acute ;
  • chronic myeloid leukemia;
  • glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • flatulence;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • ischemic colitis;
  • splenitis, splenomegaly, rupture of the spleen;
  • vegetative crises;
  • myocardial infarction, pericarditis, smiocarditis, angina pectoris;
  • in women during pregnancy, the volume of the broncho-pulmonary system expands.

Girdle pain under the ribs and in the back

If pain occurs under the rib on the left front, which later begin to appear behind, on the back, indicate the development of the inflammatory process of the pancreas (). The main symptom of this disease when it occurs is a very strong, burning girdle pain, dulled if a person bends the body forward or takes a sitting position.


On the left side, dull, spreading pain under the ribs in front is provoked by sluggish chronic, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There are unpleasant sensations periodically, but regularly and for a long time. In most cases, this indicates pancreatitis, cholecystitis, an ulcer, or gastritis. To confirm or exclude these diseases, you should visit a gastroenterologist to prescribe the necessary laboratory tests, ultrasound or procedures.


If it is stabbed on the side under the left rib during training, power loads, this indicates that insufficient warm-up was carried out. The body did not have time to prepare for an increase in blood circulation, so such sensations during training should not cause much concern. They pass quickly, have no consequences. If the tingling turns into dagger pain for no particular reason, this may indicate the development of a serious disease:

  • left-sided pneumonia;
  • lung cancer;
  • pleurisy;
  • inflammation of the left side of the diaphragm.


When it hurts and pulls on the left below the ribs in front, this is a symptom of sluggish duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenum),. When these symptoms are accompanied by vomiting and nausea, it indicates a stomach ulcer. If there are no other signs of gastrointestinal diseases, then angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, a pre-infarction condition without obvious painful manifestations in the chest area can be diagnosed.

What to do if it hurts on the left under the ribs

Even if there is a rapidly passing pain in front of the left under the ribs, from below, in the navel or in the center, which is accompanied by burning, vomiting, fever, you need to call an ambulance. As a first step, you can help the person lie down on the bed and open the window and door to get more fresh air. It is forbidden to carry out self-administration of drugs that can complicate the determination of the root cause of the disease. The following doctors can diagnose and prescribe treatment in case of pain under the left rib:

  • traumatologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • surgeon;
  • neuropathologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • cardiologist.

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Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Many are interested in if the left side hurts under the ribs, can it be a hundred? Often, various pains overcome us at the most inopportune moment. A person sometimes cannot determine the nature of the pain. This condition can be influenced by external factors, such as alcohol, an abundance of fatty and spicy foods, and poor environmental conditions. Therefore, in such a condition, do not hesitate, but go for a consultation with a doctor.

Such pain can occur with various diseases, such as heart problems, disorders of the digestive tract, spleen, ureter, back, colitis. Often such pains report violations in the kidneys or lungs, are associated with female diseases. Pain can be present in both adults and children.

Pain in the left side under the ribs can manifest itself in different ways. It all depends on the location of the lesion, the duration of the disease and the individual qualities of the patient. So why does the left side hurt under the ribs?

1 Anatomical arrangement of organs

What is on the left side? The organs of the digestive tract are located in the region of the left side, and therefore the pain most often occurs due to a violation of the digestive system.

Discomfort may be associated with malfunctions of the following organs:

  1. Stomach.
  2. Liver.
  3. Pancreas.
  4. Small or large intestine.
  5. The gallbladder, located closer to the left side.

To make a correct diagnosis, the site of damage and the onset of pain is initially determined. The anterior part of the abdominal wall can be conditionally divided into 9 sections and 3 floors:

  1. The first floor - it is called the upper section, here are the epigastric, and two areas of the hypochondrium.
  2. The second floor is the middle one, the navel area is located here, as well as two lateral sections.
  3. The third floor is the department located below all the others, there are two iliac regions - the right and left, and the pubic part.

2 Pain in the hypochondrium after eating

The explanation of the pain on the left under the ribs after eating can be covered in the following simple reasons:

  1. Wrong nutrition. Often people who prefer fast food complain of such pain after eating. This is due to the fact that during cooking, for example, french fries, vegetable oil changes very rarely. Gradually, the oil turns into poison, releasing harmful carcinogens. So it turns out that lovers of snacks "on the go" are most at risk of getting a peptic ulcer.
  2. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. A person who daily consumes alcohol before and after meals is not immune from many diseases. Of course, in moderate doses, alcoholic beverages are even useful, but the excessive use of alcohol, no doubt, destroys the entire biorhythm of the body, taking away vital resources.
  3. Binge eating. Delicious food in large quantities can lead not only to the appearance of extra pounds. From excessive consumption of food, the stomach is stretched, which leads to pain. You need to eat healthy food and control your weight.
  4. Injury. Often pain after eating can be caused by injuries of a different nature. The result of brute physical force can be hematomas, cracks, micro-tears.

3 Possible diseases

  1. Disease of the spleen. When the spleen is enlarged, its capsule is stretched, in this case there is also pain in the left side under the ribs. This state of affairs is dangerous not only for health, but also for life, since with a slight impact, the organ can burst. And this leads to internal hemorrhage. The first symptom of this condition may be a bluish rim around the navel, since blood accumulates in this particular section. The first thing the patient should do in this case is to call a doctor.
  2. Stomach problems. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, ulcers, neoplasms also cause discomfort in the left side under the ribs. With peptic ulcer or gastritis, after each meal, the pain becomes stronger. If so, visit a gastroenterologist. And if the discomfort is not associated with food - be examined additionally in order to exclude the tumor process. If the pain is associated with the stomach, then it will be accompanied by additional signs in the form of nausea, vomiting, heartburn.
  3. Diaphragm hernia. This disease is common and is characterized by severe pain in the hypochondrium. In this case, part of the stomach goes into the chest cavity, where the esophagus is located. If nausea occurs along with aching pain, then most likely the suspicions are correct. Diaphragmatic hernia often occurs in older people.
  4. Pancreas. Violations in the gallbladder and the development of diabetic disease can appear with a passion for alcohol. If the pancreas is affected, then there is significant pain on the left side of the abdomen, below the ribs, which spreads over the back area.
  5. Heart disease. If pain in the left abdomen is accompanied by shortness of breath, and the pain syndrome spreads to the left arm and shoulder blade, this indicates a heart attack. Call a doctor immediately.
  6. Intercostal neuralgia. Severe pains in the left side under the ribs are sharp and burning.

There are several causes of intercostal neuralgia:

  1. Nerve injury in osteochondrosis.
  2. Lumbar hernia.
  3. Scoliosis.
  4. Ankylosing spondylitis, spondylitis.
  5. Infringement of the intercostal nerves, muscle spasms.

In addition, predisposing factors for the onset of pain can be hypothermia, weight lifting, and nervous tension.

urinary and reproductive systems.

If the pain is associated with problems of the urinary system, then along with this, the person will experience discomfort when urinating. In some cases, the body temperature rises significantly. In diseases of the reproductive system, the menstrual cycle may be disturbed.

4 Occurrence of symptoms in women

Women also often suffer from pain in the side on the left side. For example, diseases of the ovaries or pelvic organs can contribute to this. The most common causes of this condition include the following diseases:

  1. Adnexitis. This is an inflammation of the uterine appendages. There is a cutting pain in the left side, pulling the lower abdomen, fever sets in. Urination is disturbed, the woman is shivering, the muscles in the lower abdomen are tense.
  2. Rupture of cysts. A cyst is a benign tumor that can appear in the left ovary. Strong and sharp pain appears when the cyst ruptures.
  3. Oncology. With cancerous tumors, there are pulling pains in the left side, which become more intense as the neoplasms grow. If such a condition is detected in time, then many problems in the future can be avoided.

5 Manifestations in men

Often such pain can be associated with an inflammatory process in the prostate. The first sign of prostate disease may be a decrease in sexual activity, after some time there is pain in the lower abdomen of a cutting nature, which increases with urination.

Other diseases that can manifest as pain in the side include the following:

  • stones in the prostate;
  • problems with the genitourinary system and urinary tract;
  • cystitis, urethritis;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • hernias formed in the groin area;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

6 Pain during pregnancy

The greatest danger is the first trimester of pregnancy, then such pain may indicate a possible miscarriage. To avoid a miscarriage or detect an ectopic pregnancy in time, if it pulls in the lower abdomen, dizziness, nausea, weakness appear, if the pain is intense, immediately seek help from a doctor.

Also, discomfort in the left side may appear for the following reasons:

  1. If there are intense contractions of the uterus, from the fact that there is not enough progesterone.
  2. With the rapid growth of the uterus.
  3. With the pressure of the embryo on the intestines, from which the food does not pass well, and, as a result, constipation and pain occur in the left side.

7 Types of pain

  1. Sharp pain, it is also characterized as penetrating. In this condition, you should not hesitate, but it is best to call an ambulance, as severe pain may indicate a ruptured spleen. With these manifestations, an irreversible disruption of the internal organs may occur.
  2. Dull pain in the region of the left hypochondrium occurs with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pancreatitis, cholecystitis or other diseases associated with the stomach can provoke such pain.
  3. Aching pain may signal that you have an inflammatory process (duodenitis and colitis). With pain in the hypochondrium on the left side and vomiting, one can talk about stomach ulcers. Aching pain indicates a malfunction in the cardiovascular system (for example, a pre-infarction state, coronary disease, angina pectoris).

The main causes of pain in the left side under the ribs were listed above. Do not guess and look for the cause yourself, only a specialist will help you understand the situation. Remember that some diseases with a similar symptom can be life-threatening. Therefore, your main task is to identify the cause of the pain as early as possible and begin treatment. Having stopped the pain yourself, you will delay the treatment.

Very often, people are faced with the fact that there are pains under the ribs on the left side. These pains can be symptoms of a variety of diseases that can indicate both problems with internal organs and disorders in the functionality of the body as a whole.

Very often, people are faced with the fact that at certain points there is pain on the left under the ribs. Most people believe that this is a signal of heart problems. However, such pain can also warn of various diseases of the internal organs.

Pain from the left rib can cause problems with such internal organs as:

  • kidneys;
  • spleen;
  • stomach;
  • intestines;
  • colon;
  • heart.


The kidneys are responsible for removing some of the waste and toxins from the human body. All this is excreted from the body with the help of urine. The formed kidney stones lead to the blocking of this function. Fluid begins to accumulate in the body, which exerts excessive pressure and is accompanied by bleeding and pain under the ribs. Pain localized on the left indicates that the formation of stones occurs in the kidney located on the left side. Initially, the pain is felt in the back, gradually moving to the stomach, it manifests itself on both sides and in the upper abdomen.


It is located on the left side of the upper abdomen. Some diseases can cause an increase in this organ, which can lead to pain on the left. An increase in size is accompanied by stretching of the spleen tissues, which can provoke their rupture. With this condition, there is cyanosis of the skin in the area around the navel. Urgent medical intervention is necessary, since tissue rupture entails an accumulation of blood inside the abdomen. While waiting for the doctors, it is necessary to put a cold compress on the stomach. Surgery most often ends with the removal of the spleen.

A ruptured spleen can be caused by factors such as:

  • injury;
  • Filatov's disease;
  • spells;
  • lyenitis;
  • thrombosis or embolism of the splenic artery.

The rupture of this internal organ is characterized by a sudden attack of acute pain, manifested on the left side. The pain is cutting. If the stomach begins to hurt against the background of asplenia (absence of the spleen), splenomegaly (abnormal enlargement of the spleen), leukemia (one of the types of cancer), then you should urgently consult a doctor.


Diseases of the stomach lead to the fact that the stomach begins to hurt in the top, left, right, bottom or middle. The nature of the pain depends on the disease. The patient may feel sick and vomit. The cause of pain can be such gastric diseases as:

  • inflammation or lesions of the mucous membrane;
  • functional dyspepsia.

Gastritis and ulcers are characterized by aching dull pain. The intensity of pain in gastritis directly depends on the level of acidity. To relieve part of the pain, the use of antacids and antiulcer drugs (gastal, almagel, omeprazole) is recommended.


It is so tightly woven inside the human body that the slightest change in position can lead to severe pain attacks that cause some discomfort. Pain that appears on the left under the ribs, at the top or in the middle, signals that the part of the intestine located in this area is blocked. If the stomach hurts very much, and symptoms such as nausea and vomiting appear, then this indicates intestinal obstruction.

Also, the stomach can hurt from accumulated gases. It is they who, having accumulated in the left intestinal loop, cause a feeling of discomfort and pain that occurs on the left side or.


Weakening of the colon can cause diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is an inflammatory process of one or more hernial protrusions of the walls of the large or small intestine. The disease affects the elderly. There is pain in the chest, which manifests itself on the left and convex changes in the upper abdomen, which are visible during visual examination or palpation. For this situation, nutritional adjustment is recommended, sometimes anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy. In some cases, surgery is indicated when the disease is accompanied by frequent relapses.


Chronic diseases of this organ are accompanied by dull pain that encircles or manifests itself on both sides. Pain may be a symptom of acute pancreatitis. The patient may also experience bouts of nausea, vomiting, and a marked increase in body temperature. If the pain in the abdomen is localized on the left side, has a aching character, but does not radiate to the back, then this may mean that the inflammatory process has captured the “tail” (the part of the gland that goes to the left).

Most often, inflammation is characterized by pain on the right, left and in the middle of the abdomen. The resulting pain is sharp, coming from the inside, encircling, given to the back. Very often, pain is manifested against the background of symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

An increased risk group of people who may develop pancreatic disease can include people who abuse alcohol and tobacco products. This category also includes people with diabetes and those taking steroid drugs.


A harbinger of myocardial infarction is a burning pain on the left. Pain in this case is accompanied by shortness of breath. The pain is given to the side, arm and back.

If the stomach hurts on the left side under the ribs, then this may be a signal of the development of a problem in the body. Pain can signal disorders in the muscles, nervous or endocrine systems, bone tissue.


The muscle that separates the chest cavity from the peritoneum. Located in the upper abdominal cavity. The diaphragm has a small opening through which the esophagus passes.

The weakening of the muscle is characterized by the fact that the stomach begins to hurt in the middle, on the left, sometimes the pain affects the upper abdomen. The weakening of the diaphragm leads to the fact that the food opening gradually expands, due to which part of the esophagus and stomach is located in the upper abdomen, ending up outside the peritoneal cavity. This leads to the development of diaphragmatic hernia. Weakening of the diaphragm can occur under the following conditions:

  • obesity;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • age after 60 years;
  • pregnancy (in extreme cases).

All these conditions lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

Nervous system

Diseases of the nervous system sometimes manifest themselves in the most unexpected way. For example, with abdominal migraine, pain is felt on the left under the ribs and in the middle of the abdomen. This disorder of the nervous system is extremely rare. It most often affects children and adolescents, but can also be found in young people under the age of 40. Pain occurs in the form of seizures and is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting. The patient's skin turns pale, the muscles of the chest wall seizes a periodic spasm. Similar symptoms can also appear with a special form of epilepsy.

Endocrine system

Pain in the left side of the abdomen in the region of the ribs can indicate vegetative crises, which most often occur in women aged 20-40 years.


In those cases in which a crack could form in the rib, the pain can be unbearable. Motor function is difficult, a person feels a certain discomfort. Damage may result from trauma. Usually accompanied by bruising that appears on the damaged side, which facilitates diagnosis.


It is characterized by the presence of air in the pleural cavity between the chest wall and the lungs. In this case, the air is trapped between the lungs and ribs due to the collapse of the lungs. This collapse causes a rupture of the lung membrane.

The disease appears suddenly. The patient feels a sharp pain that colitis or compresses from the inside. The pain is localized in the corresponding half of the chest (in case of damage to the left lung - on the left, right - on the right). The pain most often affects the upper chest, is given to the neck and arm. Some cases are characterized by the manifestation of pain in the middle of the abdomen or in the lower back. The feeling of pain may be accompanied by tightness in the chest, lack of air, which provokes an increase in respiratory movements.

When there is pain in the left side, one must take into account that many internal organs are located in the abdomen, so the root causes of discomfort can be very different.

Pain in the left side can be a symptom of various pathologies.

Important! In any case, when the patient's left side hurts, this should be paid close attention. Especially you need to be wary if the discomfort appeared unexpectedly and lasts more than half an hour. In this case, it is better to play it safe and call an ambulance or immediately consult a doctor on your own. Since a number of diseases require emergency surgery and hospitalization.

What organs are located on the left side

To answer the question of what can hurt in the left side, you need to know which organs are located here.

For the correct diagnosis, it is important to determine exactly where the discomfort is localized. Conventionally, 9 regions and 3 floors are distinguished in the anterior abdominal wall:

  • 1st upper floor, epigastric, right and left hypochondrium are distinguished in it;
  • 2nd middle floor, which consists of the left and right lateral sections, between them is the umbilical region;
  • 3rd lower floor, suprapubic region, left and right iliac region are distinguished in it.

Conventionally, the anterior wall of the abdomen will be divided into 9 areas

What is on the left side of a person? Here are the digestive and genitourinary organs, namely:

  • stomach (most of it);
  • spleen;
  • most of the pancreas;
  • loops of the small and large intestine;
  • left kidney, adrenal gland, ureter;
  • female reproductive organs, namely the left ovary and oviduct, part of the uterus;
  • male reproductive organs such as seminal vesicle, prostate.

Pain in the left side may appear as a result of a violation in any of these organs. Depending on the root cause, it can have a different character, be constant or paroxysmal, aching, girdle, dagger, radiate to the back.

Also, pain in the left side can be caused by:

  • endocrine disorders (diabetes);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • connective tissue pathology;
  • hernia;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • pathology of the nervous system.

Pain is divided according to the mechanism of their appearance, as well as according to characteristics, which allows for the correct diagnosis:

  1. Visceral pain that occurs when there is a violation of the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, when there are spasms and stretching of the muscles of these organs. They can be dull and aching, for example, with increased gas formation, or cramping, if the patient has intestinal colic. Often they radiate to adjacent parts of the body.
  2. Somatic pain, in most cases, has a clear localization and is observed constantly. It appears due to irritation of the peritoneum, for example, when a stomach ulcer ruptures. In this case, the pain will be sharp and cutting, aggravated by movement and breathing.
  3. Reflected pain appears due to the irradiation of unpleasant sensations. It arises in the organs localized not in the left side, it radiates here. For example, discomfort in the side can appear with left-sided lower lobe pneumonia, inflammation of the pleura, and a number of other pathologies.

Pain in the hypochondrium on the left

The nature of the discomfort

Pain in the left side under the ribs can be:

  1. Acute. If a dagger sharp pain suddenly appeared under the ribs on the left, then you need to immediately call an ambulance. As a rule, it is observed in violation of the integrity of the stomach, small intestine, spleen, kidney. If acute pain on the left under the ribs is observed when inhaling after a fall or an accident, then this indicates severe damage to the internal organs. Any of these conditions can end in the death of the patient.
  2. Dull. If for a long time there is a dull diffuse pain on the left in the hypochondrium, then this indicates sluggish diseases of the digestive tract, such as gastritis, pancreatin.
  3. Aching. Such pain, watching constantly, also indicates sluggish inflammation. It is characteristic of inflammation of the colon and duodenum 12. Often it is a sign of angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, pre-infarction condition.

Diseases in which pain is observed in the left hypochondrium

Discomfort in the left hypochondrium can be observed with the following pathologies:

Gastritis. With inflammation of the gastric mucosa, aching pain is observed in the left hypochondrium.

In addition, the following symptoms appear:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • heaviness in the pit of the stomach, aggravated and manifested when eating or immediately after eating;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

Signs unrelated to the digestive organs may also develop:

  • heart pain, arrhythmia;
  • pallor;
  • excessive sweating;
  • drowsiness;
  • symmetrical disorders of sensitivity in the arms and legs;
  • anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency.
stomach ulcer. The clinical picture depends on the severity and duration of the pathology. With a stomach ulcer, left-sided pain is observed after eating.

In addition to them, there are such signs as:

  • heartburn;
  • sour belching;
  • nausea and vomiting after eating;
  • weight loss.

Important! If perforation of a stomach ulcer develops, then there is a sharp dagger pain, blanching of the skin, weakness, fainting is possible. This is a dangerous condition that requires urgent hospitalization.

Tumor of the stomach. If there is a constant pain syndrome in the left side, which does not depend on food intake, then this may indicate oncology. There are no specific symptoms of cancer. The patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • aversion to meat;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • weight loss
  • anemia;
  • vomiting and feces mixed with blood (observed in the later stages, when the neoplasm decays).

In addition, pain in the left side can be associated with overeating, mechanical damage to the stomach.

Pain in the left hypochondrium is provoked by pathologies of the spleen:

Enlargement of the spleen(splenomegaly), as a rule, develops with Filatov's disease. In addition to pain, there are:

  • asthenia;
  • persistent headaches, including migraine;
  • vertigo;
  • arthralgia and myalgia;
  • excessive sweating;
  • frequent viral diseases;
  • tonsillitis.

In addition to pain in the left side with splenomegaly, migraine may develop.

Spleen rupture characterized by the appearance of sharp left-sided pain in the hypochondrium after physical impact on the organ. One of the main signs of pathology is the appearance of a bruise around the navel, a hematoma can be observed in the left side of the abdomen, pain can radiate from the hypochondrium to the back. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

In addition, pain in the left hypochondrium can be observed:

  • with a hernia of the diaphragmatic opening of the esophagus;
  • with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, such as cardiomyopathy, in which, in addition to pain, there is tachycardia, fatigue, coronary heart disease, accompanied by aching pain, burning behind the sternum, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, nausea;
  • in diseases of the respiratory system, namely left-sided pneumonia, as a rule, the pains with it are dull, slightly pronounced, but when coughing, the patient may notice that he has colitis in the left side and chest; with the development of pleurisy, pain intensifies not only when coughing, but also when breathing, changing the position of the body;
  • with intercostal neuralgia, with it the nature of pain can be very diverse, it can be acute, aching, dull, burning;
  • with diseases of the connective tissue and spine;
  • with injuries.

Left-sided pain in the iliac region

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Left-sided pain in the lower abdomen can be observed, with such pathologies as:

In which, in addition to aching pain in the lower abdomen, there are:

  • false urge to empty the bowels;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea, sometimes with mucus and blood.

When there is not only inflammation of the walls of the colon, but also ulceration of the mucous membrane, in which, in addition to the symptoms described above, the following signs may appear:

  • heat;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss
  • arthralgia;
  • violation of water-salt balance.

Intestinal obstruction. Its earliest manifestation is pain in the abdomen, they are observed regardless of food intake and can appear unexpectedly at any time of the day or night. They are of a convulsive nature. With the progression of the pathology, they usually subside after 48-72 hours, but this is a dangerous symptom.

Also observed:

  • constipation;
  • bloating and asymmetry of the abdomen;
  • nausea and repeated vomiting.

Also, pain in the left lower abdomen can be observed with bowel cancer. They are usually lubricated and weakly expressed, but still they are constant and not associated with eating.

In addition, there are:

  • constipation;
  • bloating and rumbling in the intestines;
  • impurities of blood in the stool.

Left-sided pain in the lower abdomen in diseases of the female reproductive organs

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left side can be observed in diseases of the female genital organs, such as:

  • inflammation of the appendages, with which pain can be observed not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the inguinal and lumbar region, in addition to them, fever, asthenia, cephalgia, myalgia, problems with urination are possible, dull pain in the left side, groin is characteristic of chronic disease, in the vagina, disorder of menstruation and sexual function;
  • torsion of an ovarian cyst, in which, in addition to severe pain, there is a violation of general well-being, hypotension, fever, vomiting;
  • an ectopic pregnancy, which can cause a rupture of the oviduct or ovary, resulting in a sharp unbearable pain.

Important! When an ectopic pregnancy is terminated, urgent hospitalization is required, since in this case there is a threat to the life of the patient.

Pain in the left side behind can be observed with heart disease. This symptom is most often characteristic of myocardial infarction, although it can also be observed with angina pectoris, aortic enlargement, and pericarditis. With myocardial infarction, there is a sharp pain in the heart, which passes into the left shoulder blade, side, upper limb, neck. In addition, it appears:

  • cold sweat;
  • nausea;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • pre-fainting state.

In addition to pain in the left side with myocardial infarction, cold sweat can be observed.

When a person grabs his left side, those around him, and himself, most often think that he has a bad heart. Even someone who has never experienced heart pain is convinced that, apart from this most important organ, there is nothing else on the left side of the body, at least nothing that could hurt. Meanwhile, in the area under the ribs, on the left side, there are: the lung, part of the diaphragm, spleen, stomach, left kidney, pancreas, left ureter, fragments of the large and small intestines and the sigmoid part of the large intestine, the left ovary in women and part of the prostate with appendages in men. And all this can cause pain in the left side, if any organ begins to malfunction due to pathology or other reasons.

In order to determine with greater certainty what exactly hurts in front under the left ribs, you need to know something about pain. For example, what it can be. All pain experienced by a person can be divided into groups.

Table. The nature of pain in groups.

This group includes pain associated with pathological changes in gastrointestinal motility. Pain is dull, can be jerky, cramping. They give both to the shoulder and to the thigh area.

Most often occur with spasms of the intestines. The cause may also be stretching of the muscle fibers.

With acute flatulence, pain sensations are cramping in nature, and with intestinal colic they are given to all nearby organs.

They arise due to irritation of the peritoneal receptors, which occur due to ruptures of organs and the outflow of their contents into the surrounding tissue. They are distinguished by acute manifestations, cutting, clearly localized, last constantly, intensify with activity and load. More often they are encircling.

May occur with perforation of a gastric ulcer. They intensify with any load, movement, even when breathing, from inhalation-exhalation.

Are generated by a spasm of smooth muscles. Occur in the pathology of internal organs of any nature - from colic to poisoning. They appear suddenly and just as suddenly go out. They can give under the shoulder blade and in the lower back, as well as in the legs.
The cause of these pains are inflammatory changes. The duration can be different, the nature too - from aching and pulling, to cramps and colic. They are "reflected" from organs located quite far from the left hypochondrium. They can occur with a heart attack, pleurisy, left-sided pulmonary inflammation and other diseases.
This type of pain is generally not associated with diseases of any internal organs. Pain of a neurotic nature that cannot be diagnosed. But the patient does not feign, but can really experience acute pain, especially when in depressive states or in the stage of a mental disorder.

Of course, an accurate diagnosis should be established only by a doctor. But you can try to determine by the nature of the pain what caused it, you can do it yourself.

The following differentiation of the reasons for which pain may occur is carried out.

  1. Pathological damage to organs.
  2. Infections.
  3. Internal breaks.
  4. Injuries.
  5. Load pain.

For example, with cardiomyopathy, pain is felt after exercise, with pneumonia - during coughing, with gastric and intestinal infections, pain is associated with meals, intensifying after eating, and with stomach cancer they are constant.

Pain and its causes

You should not suspect a terrible disease at the slightest tingling in your side. Yes, in the human body just like that, without a reason, nothing will hurt. But the reason is not always a dangerous diagnosis. For example, when running, walking fast or playing sports, there may be pain (heaviness, tingling) under the left ribs in front.

But this is only due to a change in the speed of blood flow from physical activity. Stop, catch your breath, lean forward a few times as you exhale and straighten up as you inhale, and the pain will go away.

If the pain does not go away, lasts a long time, increases, their intensity increases and other symptoms and signs are fixed along with them, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the pain and, before it is possible to get medical advice, try to understand why it arose.

It is often the result of a sore throat, tonsillitis and other infections. With cardiomyopathy in the left side under the ribs, pain is felt constantly, but rather weak. The manifestations of pain increase during physical exertion. In parallel, a rapid, confused pulse is recorded, the patient experiences severe fatigue.

ischemic heart disease

If the patient has coronary heart disease, he will experience dull aching pains in his left side. The sensations are not paroxysmal, constant, intensify with physical exertion, accompanied by shortness of breath, pulse failure and burning sensation in the chest area.

Pathologies of the respiratory system

The frontal left hypochondrium hurts with any pathologies of the respiratory organs: pneumonia, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis. At the initial clinical stage, pain is weak, radiating throughout the body - to the chest, back, shoulder and even the right side. But the characteristic signs will be: fever accompanying pain, a feeling of weakness, pain when exhaling in the back (pneumonia) or when inhaling (pleurisy), coughing, sweating, short, too frequent and shallow breathing.

By the way. Respiratory diseases change the appearance of the patient. He lies in a forced position, on his left side (so the pain seems to be weaker), the skin is pale, and the veins are enlarged.

With this pathology, it hurts not immediately under the rib in depth, but in front closer to the waist. Pain pulling down, quite intense, almost constant. They can continue even if the patient is in a supine position, subsiding slightly only when the patient is lying on his back.


Here, the pulling hypochondrium pain is necessarily accompanied by a feeling that the stomach swells from the inside, it bursts. Accompanying pain is heartburn immediately after eating and belching some time later. There is also heaviness in the epigastrium, there may be an urge to vomit. In this case, a bad smell comes from the mouth, and the patient may feel an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

A gastric ulcer is manifested by pulling pain from the left side, which appears and intensifies after eating. Accompanied by heartburn. Often the symptom is belching with a sour taste. The patient loses weight and almost constantly experiences nausea or vomiting after eating.

By the way. A duodenal ulcer is different in that pain in the left hypochondrium occurs with this disease not on a full, but on an empty stomach - on an empty stomach. Then, if the patient eats anything, even in small quantities, the pain goes away.

Important! With the perforation of any kind of ulcer, the pain acquires a cutting, dagger character. The patient bends in half, the skin rapidly turns pale, loss of consciousness may occur and vomiting of a substance resembling coffee grounds may appear.

Stomach cancer

Pain in the left side under the ribs in an oncological case is constant. They do not depend on the patient's spatial position, food intake, they are not even stopped by drugs (in the last acute stages). In parallel, the patient loses his appetite, is disgusted with protein foods, loses weight, and the skin becomes yellowish.


In pathological conditions of the spleen, the pain is dull in nature, but is pulsating and is localized strictly under the left rib. The causes of pathologies of the spleen can be ruptures and injuries, an increase in the organ, an abscess. Accompanying pains are fever and weakness, enlarged liver, migraine and sweating.

Directly under the ribs on the left, there is constant discomfort, in the form of prolonged dull pain. They radiate to the shoulder region, often found in the back (shoot through). All this passes with belching, sometimes accompanied by heartburn. Even with the slightest exertion, the pain can increase significantly. With obesity, the pain is much stronger.

Intercostal neuralgia

With this diagnosis, pain can be localized both in front under the ribs and behind, in depth. The pain has a different character (depending on the nature of neuralgia). It can be dull and aching or sharp and burning. There may be piercing pain during exhalation, sudden movements, exertion, at any time of the day or night. A feeling of numbness at the painful point occurs after an attack of pain

Rheumatoid diseases

Rheumatisms, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other connective tissue diseases give episodic pain sensations both behind, under the left ribs, and in front. The pain can be felt around the entire left side, quite strong, severe.


With this pathology, pain is felt constantly, and all the time is strong, with a starting point in the epigastrium. In this case, in parallel, there is an acute pain in the entire left side, extending to the back and the right side of the abdomen. Since the pancreas is located across the upper abdomen, the pain is often girdle. In combination with nausea and fever, bile-containing vomiting is the clinical symptom of pancreatitis.


Dull constant pain in the left hypochondrium. Localization is diffuse, periodically enhanced, present in the background. This may be a symptom of chronic cholecystitis. When the pain becomes cutting, the disease takes an acute form.


With colitis or duodenitis, the left side in front under the lower rib hurts achingly and deeply. The pain is constant. Additional symptoms are nausea, vomiting, a feeling of heaviness, changes in appetite and food cravings.

What to do with pain in the left side

In most cases, a medical consultation is necessary, in some cases, immediate hospitalization, and only in some pain episodes you can do nothing, it is enough to remove the factor that provokes pain.

When not to see a doctor

The most mild and non-medical episodes include:

  • violation of the diet;
  • binge eating;
  • taking alcohol or certain medications (non-steroids and other drugs).
  • If you overeat and drank a lot of alcohol at night, started a workout abruptly without a warm-up, made a run too fast, and all this (or one thing) caused pain in the left side below the ribs in front, after the factor that caused the pain was eliminated, she will disappear.

    When to visit a doctor

    But there are a number of cases when the appearance of pain requires a visit to the doctor.

    When urgent help is needed

    And finally, a number of cases where immediate medical attention is required. Dagger, sharp, cutting pain- all these epithets describe a sudden, very sharp and piercing pain that is not associated with exercise, food intake and other everyday factors. The syndrome, as a rule, is felt suddenly, and serves as a reason for seeking urgent medical attention.

    Behind this, one of the many serious diagnoses can be hidden, the failure to provide urgent assistance in which it will cause death.

    1. Rupture of the renal pelvis.
    2. Rupture of the spleen.
    3. Perforation of intestinal loops.
    4. Myocardial infarction.
    5. Perforated ulcer.
    6. Exacerbation of gallstone disease.
    7. Aneurysm.
    8. Thromboembolism.

    Important! If pain in the left side under the ribs in front is felt acutely after a fall, accident, any injury, you should immediately seek medical help to prevent the development of serious life-threatening damage.

    Table. The intensity of the development of pain in various diseases.

    Intensity and nature of painCause (disease)
    They arise instantly, the character is painful, intense.Rupture of an aneurysm, movement of gall or kidney stones, heart attack, perforation of an ulcer.
    Arise quickly, in a few minutes, grow, permanent.Intestinal obstruction (complete), vascular thrombosis, exacerbation of pancreatitis.
    Gradual onset, worsening over several hours.Exacerbation of cholecystitis, appendicitis, diverticulitis.
    Intermittent pains, intermittent, colicky, prolonged.Obstruction of the small intestine, an early stage of exacerbation of pancreatitis.

    Ulcer perforation

    When the ulcer of both the stomach and the duodenum is perforated, the pain is felt suddenly, as if struck by a dagger, but is felt initially in the right side of the upper abdomen, and only later captures the left hypochondrium. In this case, the patient takes a lying position on the left side or back, with legs bent to the stomach.

    Sharp pain attacks are repeated. The abdominal muscles are tense. Vomiting is indomitable and repeated. Body temperature is elevated. Pulse quickened. The pain spreads from left to right. Physiological jaundice may be observed.

    An attack can provoke the use of spicy or fatty foods in quantities exceeding the norm. Acute pains occur in the left side under the ribs and quickly take on a girdle character. Vomiting is intense, with a lot of bile, it is difficult to stop. The pain is severe to the point of screaming. The patient cannot find positions to relieve pain. There is bloating.

    Movement of stones

    Colic renal or hepatic, which accompany the movement of stones, are marked by cramping severe pains, of a very acute nature. With piercing cutting pain that occurs in the depths of the left hypochondrium, if it is impossible to find a position that alleviates the pain syndrome, it is possible to assume with a high probability an exacerbation of urolithiasis or cholelithiasis.

    Acute appendicitis

    Symptoms may be similar to a perforated ulcer. Sharp pain occurs in the right side, but radiates to the left hypochondrium. Accompanied by an increase in temperature, a feeling of bloating of the stomach and fullness of the intestinal region, tension in the peritoneum, nausea. Urgent surgical care is needed to prevent rupture of the inflamed appendix.


    Pain in thromboembolism of the mesenteric vessels can both have localization in the left iliac region, and occur without a specific localization. At the same time, the temperature rises, loose stools are observed, in which there may be blood, the patient is restless, begins to rush about, experiences intoxication. The abdomen swells, the pulse quickens, atrial fibrillation occurs, and hemorrhagic effusion may occur.

    Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta

    Aneurysm dissection is observed mainly in elderly patients suffering from atherosclerosis. Begins with sudden pain on the left side under the ribs. At the same time, the abdomen is even, not swollen, but the anterior wall of the peritoneum is very tense, and on palpation, a pulsating tumor is felt under it. With an increased heart rate, blood pressure drops. The extremities become cold, heart failure develops.

    Dangerous accompanying symptoms

    If acute left anterior subcostal pain occurs, which is accompanied by the following concomitant symptoms, urgent surgical intervention may be necessary.

    1. Dizziness, severe weakness, lethargy.
    2. Bleeding detection.
    3. Arterial hypotension.
    4. Feverish state.
    5. Tachycardia.
    6. Incessant vomiting.
    7. Increasing abdominal pain.
    8. Increasing bloating.
    9. No passing gases.
    10. Tension of the abdominal muscles.
    11. Painful defecation.
    12. Fainting at stool.

    Severe weakness, dizziness, fainting - very dangerous symptoms

    Diagnostic methods

    To determine the disease that caused pain in the left precostal space, it is necessary to carry out the following clinical procedures.

    As you know, the human body with the help of pain gives the brain a signal that something is wrong with it. It is with the help of pain that we learn about pathologies or an incipient disease. Even episodic manifestations of pain should not be ignored. Moreover, it is unacceptable to ignore the constants. Pain in the left precostal area is no exception. To endure it, or try to remove it with the help of anabolic steroids, without finding out the cause of the occurrence - such behavior can cost the patient his life.

    Video - Pain in the left side of the abdomen