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How to clean your laptop from dust: important recommendations and videos. How to properly clean the system unit of a PC and laptop from debris

At a certain point, the ergonomics and portability of a laptop become a disadvantage in the eyes of its owners. It’s enough to imagine a situation where you need to upgrade the hardware of a compact device, and all the “indisputable” advantages turn into one big problem: “labor-intensive dismantling of the case.” Infrequently, but still a need arises in the form of a question: “How to clean a laptop from dust without disassembling it?” - for many users it seems completely unsolvable. But is this really so? Let's find out!

Difficulty understanding the service process

How do you know when it's time to service your laptop?

So, the feasibility of the actions taken in resolving the situation “how to clean a laptop from dust without disassembling the device?” - This is, first of all, carefully carried out monitoring of the working elements of the system.

  • Go to your computer's BIOS.
  • Depending on the manufacturer of the base system, as well as its version, the section in which temperature information is displayed is often called PC Health Status.
  • New UEFI firmware displays "degree" readings in the main BIOS window.

If you see the current value of 60 degrees Celsius or higher, it’s time to clean the “patient”. An ear-irritating fan hum, statistical crackling and groundless “braking” of the OS are also unfavorable signs and a reason for your intervention. Of course, during the game you can feel the “hot potential” of your computer. However, this phenomenon may not always be a cause for concern. It is quite possible that you are “straining” the video card and central processor for too long. As you can see, the question: “How to clean a laptop from dust without disassembling it” can be anticipated!

Thoughtful design from caring developers: easy dismantling

Let's move a little away from the context of the main problem and still touch on the question: when is the disassembly process appropriate?

However, the question: “How to clean an Acer laptop?” can be resolved just as easily. Despite the fact that the process of disassembling devices of this brand is often incredibly difficult to implement. However, you can do without “creeping” inside with a screwdriver...

Internal cleaning of a laptop from dust contamination without “hacking” the case

Watching a video manual for servicing your specific laptop model is the first thing you need to do to make sure that unhindered access to the cooling system is not possible. Then remove the battery and follow the simple recommendations, which in the end will be a practical answer to the question: “How to clean a laptop from dust without disassembling it?”

How to clean

An Acer or HP modification of a laptop, as well as a portable device from another company, may become unmanageable! And in the literal sense of the mentioned expression.

If sweat marks are a blessing for fingerprint experts, then in the event of a critical accumulation of such a human waste product, it simply cannot be avoided. Dust and grease will cause the keyboard to become partially inoperable.

  • Using a brush (by the way, the bristles should be of medium hardness) thoroughly clean the laptop control module.
  • Pay special attention to the space between the keys. This is where you need alcohol!
  • A drop of the mentioned substance between the buttons and a few intense presses will certainly give a positive result.

When self-cleaning can be dangerous: what to do?

If dirt gets under the body part of the buttons, the process of step-by-step removal of each such element cannot be avoided. In this case, it is advisable to clean the laptop (the price of such a service is from 300-700 rubles, by the way, not high) in a special service center or a workshop for repairing such electronics. As a rule, non-island buttons have a complex design, and if you remove them yourself, there is a high risk of breaking the latches and fixing elements of the keys. However, for those who doubt their abilities, whose equipment is still under warranty, it is, of course, better to turn to specialists. Agree - this will be a wise decision!

  • Buy a special vacuum cleaner for your laptop.
  • Do not use the portable device outdoors in high humidity, dusty conditions, or in an environment that is considered unfavorable.
  • Completely clean the device regularly.
  • Remember: free access of air to the ventilation ducts of the laptop is the full operation of the cooling system. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use a laptop when it is “sinking into the arms” of upholstered furniture or is in “on your lap” mode for a long time.

In conclusion

Now, if you have a question: “How to clean an HP laptop?” - you know what steps need to be taken for this. After all, literally all portable electronics undergo, in general, the same “sanitization” process.

Particularly savvy users, before using the high-pressure hose of a running compressor unit, should think about how organizing such cleaning might end up. You might smile, but the result will be a forced movement of the laptop's internal components. Cleanliness to you and long-term operation of your laptop!

Problems with the laptop cooling system are mainly caused by dust clogging radiators and grilles. As a result, the compact PC begins to overheat and its performance is significantly reduced. To avoid such troubles, you need to regularly clean your laptop. We offer you several options on how to clean your laptop from dust yourself at home.

When to clean

If the device begins to slow down and freeze during operation, and in some cases even turn off, these are clear signals that it is time to clean it. These problems usually appear due to the fact that dust accumulates on the cooling elements and prevents the fan from working properly. The more dirt that collects inside the laptop, the worse its performance.

Another way to tell if your device needs cleaning is to examine the hardware data. To do this, you will need to go into the BIOS of your laptop. This can be done by pressing the F2 or F12 button when loading (depending on the device model). Go to the section where temperature information is displayed. Most often it is called PC Health Status. If the temperature readings display a value of +60 °C or higher, then it’s time to clean the computer.

In some cases, after a long period of use, the fan may begin to creak. This is also a sign that the laptop needs cleaning. The cooler bearings become clogged with dust, and squeaks are heard when they rub. A poorly functioning cooling system causes the processor and video card to overheat. This is where problems arise in the system. And if cleaning is not carried out in time, the laptop may break down completely.

It is best to take the device to a specialized center. Especially if the compact PC is under warranty. However, if this is not possible, then you will have to look for ways to clean your laptop from dust yourself. It is better to clean a device under warranty using a vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air. Otherwise, you may lose the support of the service center. After all, when disassembling the laptop, the seal will be damaged.

Using a vacuum cleaner

The laptop is cooled through special ventilation holes. They are usually located below and on the sides. Cold air is supplied through the bottom. And a heated flow comes out of the side one. To clean your laptop using a vacuum cleaner, you need to focus on these holes. Be sure to review the instructions on how to service your specific laptop model. You need to make sure that you can reach the cooling system without any problems, and that there is enough air power to blow out most of the dust.

For high-quality cleaning, it is better to use a vacuum cleaner with a blowing mode. Before you begin, unplug your PC and remove the battery (if possible). Turn the vacuum cleaner into blowing mode and use air from the main tube (without attachments or extensions) to thoroughly clean both ventilation holes. It is better to do this on the landing or in a well-ventilated area, as the dust will fly in different directions. An alternative to a vacuum cleaner is a hairdryer. Just remember that you will need cold air for cleaning.

Better results can be achieved using a can of compressed air. The presence of a long thin spout will allow you to clean dust and dirt not only from the ventilation holes, but also between the keys of the laptop. Start cleaning with them. Then turn the hand PC on its edge and blow through the inlet and outlet holes. Blow air in short, powerful bursts. Sometimes dust deposits become so dense that they cannot be immediately removed from the walls. Therefore, launch air streams one after another so that when they collide, they knock down dust from their habitual place. Blow away the dust particles until they disappear completely. Upon completion of work, treat the ventilation grilles with microfiber soaked in an alcohol solution.

Despite the fact that you remove the bulk of the dust, some part will still remain in the case. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out such cleaning at least once a month.


If your laptop has not been cleaned of dust for several years, then most likely a vacuum cleaner will not help you. In this case, you will need to disassemble the laptop and carry out the procedure in disassembled form. It is important to remember that each model has its own characteristics. To properly disassemble the laptop, you need to carefully study the manual. Some manufacturers place the cooling system in a special compartment. To get to it, just unscrew a couple of bolts and remove the cover. But such easy access to the cooling system is rare. Basically, to get to the fan and clean it, you have to completely separate the laptop into parts.

To ensure that disassembling a laptop PC does not cause much trouble, you should remember a few rules.

  • Be sure to remember where you unscrewed the screws from. They come in different lengths. Therefore, for convenience, put them in separate piles.
  • Do not use force to detach parts. There is no need to think that if the bolts are not visible, then the spare part is not secured. Sometimes special rivets are used for fastening. It's easy to break them, but it's unlikely to be repaired.
  • Use a flathead screwdriver to pry out some of the rivets. There is no need to put pressure on them.
  • Carry out all work with a complete blackout. Otherwise, one careless movement may cause a short circuit, and the computer will completely fail.

After you disassemble the device and get to the cooling system, do not use wet wipes or other cleaning products under any circumstances. Use dry clean only. Start with the fan blades and radiator fins. The cooler can be cleaned right on the spot or removed and blown out in a more convenient room. For example, in the bathroom. Even if you have disconnected the fan, you should not wash it under running water. There is no guarantee that moisture will not get inside the device and cause a short circuit in the future.

Remove dust particles with dry cotton swabs or compressed air. If you clean the radiator without removing it from the laptop, direct the air flow towards the air vents. For severe dirt, use soft brushes. Using gentle, light movements, clean the dust from the radiator fins and fan blades, and then blow it off with compressed air, a hairdryer, or a regular rubber blower.

After cleaning the cooling system, blow out all ports and air vents to remove any remaining dust. At this stage you can connect the vacuum cleaner. Just collect dust not from the surface of the laptop, but from the air. Sweep it away with a brush or a can of air.

This completes the cleaning. All that remains is to assemble the device. When assembling, make sure that no extra bolts or spare parts remain. It is advisable to carry out such general cleaning of the laptop 1-2 times a year. Then your laptop computer, no matter how old it may be, will last a long time and function properly.

Now you know how to clean your laptop from dust yourself in different ways. However, to avoid any problems and postpone major cleaning for a long time, purchase a can of compressed air and carry out a preventive procedure once every 2 weeks.

Good day, dear friends! Do you know how important it is for your computer to have a high-quality ventilation system?

This will ensure not only good cooling of all elements, but also the performance of the computer. But only such air exchange contributes to the rapid accumulation of dust.

Therefore, if you often use modern technology, then you simply need to know how to clean your laptop from dust yourself.
Let's find out how to properly clean smart equipment and whether it needs to be disassembled.

So, the fact that it’s time to clean the laptop is indicated by freezing and even system braking.

Dust often collects in the cooling elements. In this case, the cooler begins to perform its functions poorly.
In this case, the video card and processor may begin to get very hot, which will cause the computer to break down.

Different manufacturers use specific cooling systems. For example, if you take apart Samsung, Acer, Asus or Lenovo equipment, they will look different.

Some models may require cleaning after only a year of use.

It is best to clean your laptop every six months to a year. It is believed that cheaper models require cleaning frequently, while expensive ones require cleaning less often.

For example, once every 2-4 years.

The following signs will help determine whether you can start cleaning:

  • the surface of the laptop gets very hot;
  • there is noise coming from a dusty fan;
  • the operation of the device deteriorates. Unexpected shutdowns, slowdowns and glitches appear.

To clean the equipment, you need to stock up on supplies such as special wipes for the monitor, dry rags, a shaped screwdriver, a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner, silicone grease or machine oil.

Rules for cleaning a laptop

The following rules will help you carry out proper cleaning:

  1. You need to carry out the cleansing while it is turned off and cooled down.
  2. To get rid of dust you need to use cling film or a plastic bag. They help attract dust to their surface.
  3. You need to purchase a special cloth to wipe the monitor.
  4. Alcohol-free wet wipes, flannel cloth or cosmetic pads work well.
  5. If the contamination is severe, then a 3-6% vinegar solution or soap solution is suitable. You need to dip a rag into this mixture, then wring it out well and wipe the screen.
  6. Do not use foam sponges, paper napkins, terry towels or toilet paper for cleaning.
  7. It is prohibited to use washing powders, window cleaners and substances containing alcohol to wipe the monitor.
  8. To remove heavy stains, it is not recommended to use nails, a knife or other hard objects. It is better to use a plastic spatula or wooden stick.
  9. The corners of the screen can be cleaned using cotton swabs.

How to clean equipment without disassembling?

You can carry out cleaning work without first disassembling the equipment. In this case, you can use a vacuum cleaner.

With its help, you need to process the holes for supplying air to the fan, as well as the holes for the outlet of heated air.

Cleaning the ventilation outlets must be done with the computer turned off. The largest accumulations of dirt form on fans. The following methods are used to clean them:

  1. Blowing with a hairdryer.
  2. Cleaning with a can of compressed air.
  3. Blowing with a vacuum cleaner.

To clean, you will need a fairly powerful vacuum cleaner with a blowing mode.
The cleaning process is carried out as follows:

  1. Disconnect the device from the network. If possible, remove the battery.
  2. Turn on the blowing mode on the vacuum cleaner. You only need to use the main pipe, without additional nozzles.
  3. The hose should be brought to the fan grille, and then turn on the device.
  4. The pipe must be drawn from side to side. It is important to ventilate the grille and fan.

Some of the dust will come out through the holes in the housing. You can also use a can of compressed air or a hair dryer.

This procedure should be performed regularly.
In some cases, a major cleaning may be required.

Cleaning with disassembly

If preventative cleaning has not been performed for several years, complete disassembly of the equipment may be required.

But remember that you can only unwind the equipment if the warranty period has expired.

If the warranty is valid, then you can contact the Lenovo, Sony, Toshiba or any other service center.

Before work, you need to prepare a screwdriver, antistatic gloves and a can of compressed gas.

Then follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the device and also disconnect all additional connections.
  2. Unscrew the bolts from the back wall.
  3. Remove or slide the cover.
  4. Determine the location of the radiator and cooler. The cooler is similar to a fan and is housed in a box, while the radiator is housed in a grid box.
  5. Use a can to blow out these two devices. Then process the chips.
  6. It is important to clean the fins in the radiator. It is in them that a significant amount of dirt accumulates. For cleaning, use a thin brush or needle. Cotton swabs are useful for cleaning the fan.

The motherboard cannot be cleaned. Dust from this mechanism can only be blown off or removed with a vacuum cleaner, but it is prohibited to touch the surface.

If even microscopic particles of tissue get inside, this will lead to a short circuit. When working, you should maintain the recommended distance so as not to snag or damage the necessary elements.
There are models in which the fan can be removed. In this case, a more thorough cleaning can be done.

If there are no problems with the cooler, then you can blow it out with a can of compressed air. The cooler must be unscrewed very carefully to preserve all the spare parts.

Finally, you need to check all places for debris, and then begin assembling all the parts. After completing assembly, you need to check the operation of the device.

For example, how video works. In this case, the sound should be quiet. And during prolonged operation, overheating should not occur.
The procedures for removing contaminants are practically the same for different models.

The difference may be in the parsing process:

  • in portable devices Aser, HP or Aspire you need to remove the battery and also unscrew the bolts from the cooling system cover;
  • Samsung, Asus, Packard bell laptops require removal of the entire back panel;
  • and the Asus Ee PC model will have to be carefully disassembled to get to the cooling system.

How to clean your keyboard

A necessary step is cleaning the keyboard. A large amount of debris accumulates under the keys, which can affect operation. There are two cleaning options.

Surface does not require disassembling the device. In this case, you need to turn off the device, and then go over all the keys with a brush and vacuum the surface.

A cotton swab dipped in alcohol can be used to remove dirt from the buttons.
There is also a deeper cleaning method. In such a situation, you need to disassemble the back panel and then disconnect the cable from.

In this case you will have to perform the following actions:

  1. Turn off the power and remove the battery.
  2. Remove the back cover and all bolts.
  3. Disconnect the cable and remove the keyboard.
  4. Then take a photo of the location of all the keys.
  5. Remove each element using a flat object.
  6. Treat the surface first with a dry cloth, and then with a cotton swab and alcohol.
  7. Wipe down each key and arrange them in their proper places.
  8. Reconnect the keyboard.

How to care for your laptop

The frequency of cleaning directly depends on the operating conditions of the structure. If the laptop is frequently moved, then cleaning will be required much more often.

For preventive purposes, this procedure can be performed once a year.
To make the internal mechanisms of your laptop less likely to become clogged, follow these simple rules:

  1. For protection, use special USB coolers.
  2. To work in a chair or on a bed, use special tables. It prevents dust from entering from upholstery.
  3. You should not eat or drink.
  4. Do not forget to turn off the device or put it into sleep mode in time.

High-quality and timely cleaning will preserve the functionality of your equipment for a long time. In this case, the cooling process will be sufficient, and overheating will not damage delicate circuits.
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Until next time, dear fans of my blog!

If your laptop has lost performance, started to reboot spontaneously or go into hibernation, do not rush to take it in for repairs. There is a high probability that it just got dusty inside - especially if you have been using it for a couple of years and have never taken it apart. However, handing it over to specialists is not as affordable and reliable as cleaning your laptop from dust yourself. Let's say you didn't know how to do this. But this is just another reason to learn.

Check your laptop now. All you have to do is put your hand on the back panel. If it heats up noticeably, it means that the processor is susceptible to overheating: the cooling system is not able to remove excess heat.

No showdowns

Cleaning a laptop from dust at home does not necessarily mean disassembling it. You can resort to strong remedies without disassembling the device. For this it is enough:

  • turn on the laptop
  • run a resource-intensive program or game on it
  • turn on the vacuum cleaner
  • vacuum the ventilation holes of the laptop (as a rule, they are located on the bottom and back side of the laptop

You must turn on your computer for this procedure. To disperse caked dust, the fans of the built-in cooler must be turned on. Therefore, it is better at this moment to run a program that fully utilizes and heats the processor: then the cooling is also turned on to maximum.

Typically, a couple of minutes is enough to suck out all available dust. During the process, it is better to place the laptop itself on its edge, open, like a book. Make sure that nothing is left in its ports - not even small things like a nano-flash drive or a wireless mouse adapter.

You can also use a can of compressed air to clean the vents and the keyboard. These cylinders have a spout that can be easily inserted into confined spaces. The air jet effectively breaks up dust deposits. You can combine actions: break up the layers with a jet, and then pull them out with a vacuum cleaner.

To clean the keyboard, it is also better to hold the laptop on its side or even upside down. This way the garbage will fall out more efficiently. As practice shows, even quite large fragments can end up in the keyboard.

With disassembly

If you want to know how to clean your laptop from dust in the most radical way, then get ready: you will probably have to disassemble it. This sounds scary, especially if you don't have this experience. Therefore, if your device is under warranty, it is better to entrust the problem to specialists. But if not, you have nothing to lose.

Before cleaning your laptop from dust, make sure that:

  • You are in a well-lit room. It is important to see everything that happens under your hands.
  • You have the necessary tool. As a rule, a can and a set of two screwdrivers - straight and Phillips, as well as antistatic gloves are enough, but there are also more specific cases.
  • You have read the disassembly and assembly instructions. The methods are different for each laptop model, but in most cases, videos are available on YouTube or other video hosting sites.

Safety regulations state that before you climb into the housing of an electrical device, it must be de-energized. For laptop PCs, “de-energizing” means not only unplugging the power outlet, but also removing the battery. Of course, if it is removable. But you won’t be able to disassemble ultrabooks with non-removable batteries at home without special equipment.

  1. Open the case. Typically, the bolts are accessible from the bottom of the laptop. However, there are more specific solutions. For example, in some HP models you need to remove not the bottom, but the keyboard. Wear gloves.
  2. Make sure you remove all bolts before removing the cover or keyboard. We recommend putting the bolts in several boxes, depending on what they are fastening.
  3. Take photos of the inside of the laptop before disconnecting any cables. Even if you don't intend to disable anything, it's better to take a photo: sometimes these things happen by accident. And getting inside through the keyboard without disconnecting the cables is completely unrealistic. Having a photo, you can refer to it when you connect everything back.
  4. Determine where the cooler and radiator are located. A cooler is a cooling device that usually includes a fan. Focus specifically on the fan blades. A radiator is a massive block of metal consisting of individual plates (ribs) with a small distance between them. This design improves heat dissipation.
  5. Blow out the cooler (fan) and radiator using an air can. The radiator fins may need to be cleaned by hand. Depending on the gap, a sewing needle or a match wrapped in cotton wool may be suitable. A cotton swab is suitable for cleaning the fan blades.
  6. Make sure to clean all dusty areas. Reassemble the laptop, using the photographs you took if necessary.
  7. Clean the area where you cleaned.
  8. Turn on your laptop and listen to how it works. If the sound becomes quieter, it means the cleaning was successful.

Some important cleaning tips:

  • We do not recommend using a vacuum cleaner when cleaning a laptop from dust when it is disassembled. There is a risk that he will drag in important small details.
  • Do not touch the motherboard with brushes, rags or sponges, or other cleaning tools. This can damage the contacts or cause a short circuit.
  • If the cooler fan is removable, it is better to remove it for cleaning. This way you can remove dust more thoroughly.
  • There are special “keyboard vacuum cleaners” powered by USB. This type of vacuum cleaner can help with fine cleaning. However, it will have to be powered from a telephone adapter or from an external battery.

Ideally, you should clean the device once every six months or more often. However, there are principles by following which you can minimize the harm from pollution:

  • Do not eat or drink while working on your laptop. Food or liquid particles can cause a lot of harm if they get inside.
  • Use a cooling pad if possible. It not only helps the internal fan, but also mechanically protects the ventilation grille.
  • Don't keep your laptop on for longer than you actually need to. It wastes energy not only on useless waiting, but also on harmful dust inhalation.

These simple tips will help you save on laptop maintenance and extend its life.

One of the common causes of laptop breakdowns.

Their cooling systems, unlike their stationary counterparts, are characterized by low power, which is just enough to ensure heat removal during normal operation.

When dust accumulates inside the case, the cooling system can no longer cope with the load. Let's talk about why this is dangerous and how to clean your laptop from dust yourself.

What can overheating lead to?

The heat sources themselves - the central and graphics processor, the chipset (north and south bridge) and the hard drive - suffer the most from ineffective heat dissipation.

The design feature of BGA chips - video chips, bridges and some mobile processors is such that with constant temperature changes (heating during operation and cooling when turned off), the solder contact between the chip and the board and between the crystal and the chip substrate is broken.

And the higher the heating, the faster the defect appears.

When current passes through the soldering defect, an electric arc occurs, which heats the chip even more, increasing the area of ​​the defect and damaging the internal structure of the chip.

A vicious circle is created, which causes the progression of the malfunction. Once the process has started, cleaning the problem will no longer be possible.

Prolonged overheating of a hard drive can cause the bearings that support and move the read heads to fail.

As a result, the heads fall onto the surface of the “pancakes” and file down the magnetic layer on which the information is stored. It is impossible to recover data after this.

How do you know when it's time to clean your laptop?

The following are signs that dust has accumulated on your laptop:

  • The device turns off spontaneously (thermal protection is triggered). First, this happens under intense load (games, movies), then under medium load (office programs), and finally almost immediately after switching on.
  • The cooler turbine rotates at high speed and makes loud noise.
  • The case around the keyboard and touchpad gets hotter than usual.
  • Hot air comes out of the ventilation grille. The flow intensity, despite the high turbine speeds, is low, since the grille is clogged with dust.
  • The higher the load, the more performance drops. The laptop may freeze for a long time while working.

Objectively, the following temperature indicators indicate overheating:

  • Central processor - 65-70 o C at idle and 80-90 o C under load.
  • GPU - 85-90 o C at idle and 100-120 o C under load.

A lot of utilities have been invented to monitor the temperatures of laptop devices, for example:

  • SensorsView, etc.

Preventative cleaning of ventilation without disassembly

Cleaning (blowing) the ventilation hole is a way to prevent contamination of the laptop, since it is in this place (on the radiator and grille) that the maximum amount of dust accumulates.

Carrying out the procedure once every 1-3 months will prevent the dust from being compressed into a lump.

For purging, compressed air cylinders (sold in computer stores) and paper napkins are used.

The method allows you to clean dust from any laptops, such as HP, Lenovo , Toshiba, MSI, etc.

Operating procedure:

  • Turn off your laptop.
  • Place the nozzle of the cylinder against the edge of the ventilation grille, cover the rest of the part with a napkin and hold it with your hand.
  • Quickly press and release the balloon button - release air from it for no longer than 1 second, so as not to tear off the turbine bearing. At this time, dust will collect on the napkin.
  • Repeat the operation until the napkin is no longer dirty.

Do not be afraid that dust will scatter inside the housing - the turbine compartment is limited on all sides by walls, so dirt will only be blown out.

Cleaning the cooling system by opening the case

Important! If you decide to disassemble the laptop yourself, without resorting to the services of service centers and specialists, we recommend that you do this very carefully and in accordance with the documents that came with the purchase of the laptop. Remember that any unqualified intervention in the operation of the computer system can lead to undesirable consequences! If you do not feel confident that you can assemble the hardware correctly after cleaning, it is better to entrust this to professionals.

If the dust has managed to form a dense conglomerate in front of the ventilation grille, blowing it out is no longer necessary. You will have to open the case and remove any accumulated dirt manually.

Note! To clean dust from a laptop such as Acer TravelMate2480\4220, Aspire 5600\4720\4720Z\4720G\4320, Lenovo G570 and the like, just remove the battery and unscrew the cooling system compartment cover.

Cleaning dust from laptops like Samsung or Asus K series is a little more difficult.

To access the cooling system, you will have to remove the entire bottom panel, and on some models, the keyboard.

The most difficult thing to clean from dust is a laptop such as the Asus Eee PC - it must be disassembled almost completely.

Before you start cleaning, prepare:

  • A Phillips screwdriver, putty knife, pick, or hard plastic card to open the latches.
  • Compressed air cylinder.
  • Hard brush.
  • Paper or cloth napkins.
  • Tube of thermal paste, silicone thermal pads.
  • Industrial alcohol.
  • Machine oil.

The laptop must be de-energized during cleaning!