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What drugs are used to treat chickenpox in children: antiviral drugs and symptomatic drugs. What ointments are recommended for use with chickenpox Red ointment from chickenpox what is the name

From chickenpox instead of brilliant green, there are various means of antiseptic and healing action. Chicken pox should be treated as soon as pimples appear on the skin, because usually such rashes are characterized by peeling, and they are very itchy, and because of this it is quite possible to infect.

In the formation of such a pathological process, specialists prescribe antiseptic agents that can effectively treat an unpleasant rash, disinfecting damaged areas of the skin. This is important because with more intensive antimicrobial therapy, unpleasant concomitant effects can be avoided.

The most popular and common medication that is used in the event of chickenpox is an alcohol and water dye - brilliant green (brilliant green). This drug has a disinfecting effect, and it also has a pronounced drying effect, due to which the healing processes are accelerated and the patient recovers faster.

Frequent problems

  • You can wash brilliant green from the skin with alcohol mixed with lemon juice, you can also use ordinary soap for this.
  • Solutions of fucorcin and brilliant green are noticeable on the skin after application, and it is easy for an adult to detect a new wound formation and carry out treatment on it. After applying them, it is required to clean the skin when the wounds have healed. Both are effective and popular.

In addition to the brilliant green solution, there are other antibacterial medicines that are used in the formation of a pathological process.

One of these medicines is iodine solution. But the presented substance has some limitations, for example, it is forbidden to treat a pimple or an ulcer with a solution. Doctors explain this by the fact that such therapeutic manipulations worsen the regeneration process, and as a result, severe itching appears.

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

In the form of a substitute for brilliant green, potassium permanganate is prescribed to patients as an alternative. With it, you can soothe the itching on the skin, as well as dry the profuse rashes.

The doctor prescribes to lubricate the affected skin with a 5% solution of the substance. This procedure is carried out 3 times a day, the duration of treatment depends on the form and stage of the infectious process.


In the form of additional treatment, patients are often prescribed furatsilin. To do this, prepare solutions from tablets of the drug. Such a component is effective when an infection has occurred in the oral cavity, and also if the localization process manifests itself on the genitals in children.

Often, doctors prescribe ointments for chickenpox, which moisturize the affected skin. These include Acyclovir, Gerpevir, Zovirax and Virolex. These medicines are antiviral agents. Due to the properties of ointments, the intense appearance of a rash on the skin of a child is reduced. Good help such funds at an early stage of the disease. There are cases when, with the help of an anti-inflammatory ointment, the development of pathology stops.

Doctors often prescribe calamine for chickenpox, a medicine that comes in the form of a lotion. Its main advantages are antipruritic and cooling effect, which makes it easier to endure an unpleasant ailment. The medication is prescribed to treat the affected areas on the patient's body. It is an antiseptic drug that eliminates infectious bacteria and prevents the formation of scars and scars after the rash clears up.


In medical practice, rivanol is used in solution - an antimicrobial drug. When applied to the skin, a slightly noticeable yellowish coloration is formed on the affected area. The solution washes well with soap.

methylene blue

Chickenpox in adults is smeared with methylene blue, and it is also prescribed for chickenpox in a child. This is an aniseptic solution of blue color, 1 percent. When used, it disinfects the sites of rashes, and if taken correctly and repeatedly, the infection does not spread to other areas of the skin.

Other drugs

When a child develops chickenpox, it is necessary to treat the wounds that have arisen. If severe itching occurs during the disease, then the child is prescribed glycerol, which effectively eliminates the itching condition, and also anesthetizes the skin.

With the hemorrhagic nature of the pathology, specialists resort to treating the affected area with the help of:

  • vicasola;
  • calcium chloride;
  • routine.

As a rule, with this type of infection, the child develops complex symptoms that need to be eliminated in a timely manner.

Tea tree (oil solution) also helps. This is an effective and safe drug, which is used to cauterize the skin. The drug does not provoke the formation of an allergic reaction, so it is safely used to dry the wounds.

Due to salicylic alcohol 1%, there are no traces of wounds on the affected areas. As you know, this is an inexpensive medication that is used without restrictions, and, unlike brilliant green, it does not stain the skin, as it looks like a colorless liquid.

Treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist who will tell you how to treat the skin with chickenpox. He will prescribe the right medicine, or rather an ointment or gel for external use.

Many specialists, when a child is sick, prescribe antihistamine substances in combination with external substances to eliminate the rash.

Processing rules

As soon as the first rashes appear, lubrication with antiseptic preparations is required. At the first treatment, the result is noticeable, since the substances dry the skin well.

It is necessary to gently soak cotton pads or cotton swabs in the solution, and treat all pimples.

Precautionary measures

  • Doctors prohibit the treatment of the oral cavity with an antibacterial agent, and other mucous membranes should not be lubricated with a substance with an antibacterial property. If the infection was localized on the mucosa, then furatsilin is used in solution, boric acid, and preferably a decoction of a medicinal plant.

  • Doctors also warn that antibacterial and drying medications should not be used excessively when chickenpox develops in children, because these substances have the main characteristic of overdrying the skin surface, which can lead to scarring of the wound.
  • In no case should you smear the infectious focus with ethanol. Alcohol is very drying of the skin, and due to this, itchy wounds occur.
  • You can not comb the wounds. To avoid unpleasant consequences, use medications that reduce the itching process.
  • Small children up to a year old should wear cotton mittens so that the child does not scratch his affected skin.

Healing procedures

Therapeutic therapy for chickenpox includes not only the use of external agents:

  1. Requires bed rest, complete rest.
  2. Doctors advise isolating the child until crusts appear on the rash. The fact is that if one of the adults did not suffer from this disorder, then it is likely that infection can occur.
    For this child is settled in a separate room.
  3. It is recommended to drink liquid in large volumes, and also after eating, carry out the procedure in the form of rinsing with a disinfectant.
  4. It is required to ensure that the child has proper nutrition, add fruits, dairy products and vegetables to the diet. They contain vitamins that the patient needs in such a difficult infectious period.
  5. The room where the patient is located must be frequently ventilated and bed linen changed.

If the child's temperature periodically rises, then antipyretic drugs are prescribed. As a rule, write out:

  • paracetamol;
  • nurofen;
  • ibuprofen in syrup.

Additional techniques

The duration of treatment methods depends on the form of infection, its severity, as well as the localization of inflammatory processes. In medical practice, it often fixes the treatment of a rash for about a week. With this form, the rash disappears from the skin of the body and leaves no traces. But, in rare cases, with a severe infectious disorder, scars form.

After the crusts have crumbled and fallen off, treatment of the affected areas with linseed or olive oil is recommended. The oils contain vitamin E (tocopherol), and in large quantities.

As you know, thanks to this component, there is a rapid regeneration process in the tissues. This means that the skin begins to heal more intensively. If the disease has formed on the mucous membranes, then these oils are not used.

In this case, the shells are treated with miramistin in the form of a solution. The specialist prescribes the treatment of the oral cavity in the form of rinses. Due to such procedures, pain is reduced, and sores heal quickly. To date, Miramistin spray has appeared on the pharmaceutical market. A more convenient form of the drug. It is prescribed for children from 3 years of age.


As a result, regardless of what remedy was prescribed to the patient for the treatment of infectious rashes, except for brilliant green, it is worth consulting with a pediatrician in advance. The ointment should be healing and anti-inflammatory action.

  • Important! The use of any means without the knowledge of a physician can only aggravate the situation and worsen the child's well-being.

A specialist during a thorough examination will reveal the exact picture of infection and select the optimal doses, taking into account the age of the child, as well as the severity of the pathological process. You should not self-medicate, it is better to come once for an appointment and make sure that the therapeutic measures will be correct.

Chickenpox is always accompanied by itching and blisters, which cause a lot of inconvenience, especially for babies.

Ointment for itching with chickenpox for children can significantly alleviate the course of the disease and speed up the healing process.

As you know, chickenpox can lead to serious complications. But even in the case when a person suffers a mild illness, his body is covered with an itchy rash. It is impossible to feel normal when the whole body itches. This condition is not well tolerated by adults, and for children, chickenpox can be a big problem. The thing is that combing the rash is not recommended in any case. If an adult understands this and can restrain himself, then it can be difficult for a baby to explain why this should not be done.

For such situations, various solutions to the problem are provided. The most widespread are medicinal ointments for chickenpox for children, which allow not only to quickly get rid of blisters, but also eliminate itching. Proper treatment of chickenpox rashes is an integral part of treatment. Chickenpox may go away on its own, but complications can develop without treatment for the rash. We are talking about the occurrence of such problems as shingles and purulent acne. After them, ugly scars can remain on the human body for life.

To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to use special disinfectants and ointments for chickenpox. Nowadays, pharmacies offer a lot of different products that can be a great alternative to brilliant green. They not only cope with the task more efficiently, but also do not stain clothes. Numerous stains are one of the biggest problems with brilliant green, but in general it dries the wounds well and prevents them from spreading further through the body.

Important! With chickenpox, it is very important to avoid situations in which you can get complications.

It is primarily about combing blisters. They are filled with a fluid that is incredibly contagious. Thus, if a child touches a pimple, he will release new portions of the virus, which threatens to spread the rash even more.

Important! If you scratch the rash during chickenpox, then it will not go away for a long time. Moreover, the rashes will become more intense every day.


With chickenpox in children, itching will be less noticeable if the baby is given anti-allergy medicines. But you need to choose the safest. Many popular antihistamines have the disadvantage of a large number of side effects. But, if increased drowsiness is not so terrible for a child, then addiction is already serious. Considering that chickenpox can last more than 2 weeks in babies, some allergy medications can be addictive during this time.

During chickenpox, you should not give your baby Tavegil, Suprastin or Diazolin. From them, the baby may experience symptoms such as nausea, severe dizziness and impaired coordination. Moreover, all these remedies do not last long, so the itching will return after a couple of hours.

When it comes to how to smear (treat) chickenpox in children, doctors usually recommend Fenistil. This tool is available in the form of drops and gel. Any option is suitable for getting rid of itching with chickenpox. The gel is transparent and leaves no residue. It can even be used to treat children under 1 year old. It is necessary to apply the drug only on the affected areas of the skin. A large surface of the skin should not be lubricated with Fenistil, as this can cause an overdose of the drug. You can use Fenistil gel no more than 3 times a day.

Local treatment for chickenpox

Most often, young patients have a mild form of chickenpox. However, this does not mean that there will be no rashes on the body at all and they will not have to be processed.

After confirming the diagnosis of chickenpox, specialists try to prescribe brilliant green to patients. This time has been used to treat chickenpox acne for decades. The effectiveness of brilliant green is undeniable, but it is inconvenient because it heavily stains clothes and linen.

As for the treatment of chickenpox in children (what to smear), various local agents are often prescribed as an alternative to conventional brilliant green. They are ways to get rid of itching, prevent the spread of infection. For example, Calamine lotion can be very useful for young patients. When the skin is treated with this remedy, itching completely disappears for a while. This is due to the fact that the lotion contains a lot of useful substances. The therapeutic, anti-allergic and preventive effects are due to the high content of zinc oxide, zinc carbonate, sodium citrate, medical clay, phenol and glycerin in the drug. The use of Calamine helps protect the skin from further infection, while acne heals quickly and without the risk of scarring.

Also, ointments with an immunomodulatory effect will be useful for treating the skin of a child during chickenpox. Nowadays, the choice of such drugs is very wide, but Viferon, Infagel and Irikar are in the greatest demand. These creams relieve itching for a long time and contribute to the very rapid healing of rashes on the body. But their most positive quality is absolute safety for the child's body.

To get rid of itching, you can buy La Cree ointment. It is considered very effective in chicken pox. This remedy contains extract of avocado, walnut and various herbs. Moreover, the composition of the ointment from chickenpox instead of brilliant green La Cree includes panthenol, which is often used as a substitute for brilliant green. This tool perfectly relieves itching and has an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect on the human body. The unique composition of the drug allows it to be used even for the treatment of chickenpox in children.

Gistan also boasts a large number of medicinal herbs in its composition. This is a dietary supplement that can be useful when you need to quickly get rid of itching. But you need to be careful, since histane is a dietary supplement, and histane H is already a hormonal remedy that is not related to the treatment of chickenpox in children and adults.

What ointment can replace brilliant green?

When it comes to chickenpox in children, doctors most often prescribe brilliant green. This remedy is excellent for treating affected areas of the skin. Zelenka prevents the spread of infection throughout the body and is the safest remedy for treating children. But she is not able to get rid of itching, so parents often use other drugs for these purposes. Moreover, everyone knows how much greenery can stain things.

An analogue of brilliant green, only already transparent and not staining, is Epigen, it is produced in the form of a cream, spray or gel. Epigen is very easy to apply to the body and is excellent at fighting the varicella-zoster virus.

You can use this tool up to 6 times a day, gently spraying on the skin. The drug in this form should be carefully applied to the places where the rash accumulates.

The action of Epigeg in chickenpox can be compared with brilliant green. This remedy reduces inflammation and fights the virus. It prevents bacteria from spreading in fresh wounds, which minimizes the possibility of purulent acne. At first, Epigen is applied to the patient's body 5-6 times a day, and after the rash begins to pass, you can reduce the number of applications to 2 times a day.

Important! Epigen, like Zelenka, is absolutely safe for children.

It can also be used by pregnant women and young mothers during lactation. Very rarely, patients are allergic to Epigen. In this case, you must stop using the drug.

Colorless ointments

When it comes to the treatment of chickenpox, and the doctor tells parents that they should smear their baby with brilliant green, this becomes extremely unpleasant news for those who do not want to endlessly remove green stains from clothes and bedding. Moreover, the hostesses are well aware that brilliant green is washed poorly.

But you don’t need to get upset, since Russian pharmacies sell a lot of different ointments for chickenpox instead of brilliant green, which do not leave marks on clothes. The most common means that are completely colorless and do not stain linen are Fenistil, Viferon, Zovirax and Tsindol. These drugs relieve itching well, as they have a high level of antihistamine effect. But each of them has additional advantages.

As part of a colorless ointment for chickenpox for children, Viferon contains interferon, which promotes rapid healing of wounds. The rash quickly turns into crusts, which fall off more actively than without the use of ointment. Zovirax is useful not only because it relieves itching, but also because of its antibacterial effect. It fights the viruses that cause chickenpox and is fairly safe. For the treatment of children, Zovirax ointment from chickenpox can be used instead of brilliant green 5-6 times a day.

Zindol consists of zinc oxide, so it is able to quickly eliminate irritation on the skin even after it has been damaged by scratching. The ointment has a beneficial effect on the skin and softens it. The softening effect also extends to the crusts. Under them, the wounds heal faster, and the crusts fall off.

These ointments for itching with chickenpox in children are very convenient to use, as they do not leave any marks on clothes. But you can use them to treat chickenpox in a child only if the drug is approved by a doctor. Do not forget that, despite all the safety, these drugs are medicines with their own contraindications and side effects.

Can sedatives be used to relieve itching in children?

When a patient develops chickenpox acne, many doctors recommend the use of sedatives that allow you to get rid of the itchy skin problem for a long time. But when it comes to treating children, this idea is best abandoned.

To date, there is a fairly large selection of ointments for chickenpox for children, which are absolutely safe, have virtually no side effects and have shown themselves well in the fight against this disease. As for sedatives, they are only suitable for adults, but even here the emergency use of drugs of this type is rare.

It is worth remembering that ointments for itching with chickenpox in children should be used only those that are approved by the doctor. It will be more efficient and safer. If there is an urgent need to take a sedative, you can brew chamomile or mint.

Calendula and string can be added to the bath while bathing. Despite the fact that many consider water procedures unacceptable during the appearance of acne from chickenpox, you still need to swim. These should be short-term rinses, but without the use of washcloths and coarse detergents. It is best to add a decoction of medicinal herbs to the water, which will quickly soothe the skin. As for whether it is possible to smear chickenpox with tincture of calendula, this is allowed, only you need to use it after the skin has completely dried. So the treatment will be better and more effective.

With such a viral illness as chickenpox, almost every person encounters in his life, and most often in childhood. And although infection is possible only once (strong immunity is developed to the virus), and the active phase does not last long, chickenpox brings a lot of discomfort and discomfort. The standard and well-known method of eliminating the main symptom is to lubricate the rash with brilliant green, but today the pharmacological market offers more effective drugs. One of the forms is therapeutic ointments of various types of influence.

Varieties of ointments for the treatment of chickenpox

There is no specific therapy for chickenpox, and the primary task is to eliminate the red rash, which is very itchy and haunts the patient. If the papules are combed, then this can turn into a number of complications, so this should not be allowed. In order to get rid of itchy pimples all over the body as quickly as possible, they are treated with special compounds. They may have a different mechanism of influence, in particular:

  • antiviral agents - this group of drugs is aimed at inhibiting the process of the spread of the virus. Thus, the disease proceeds in a milder form and passes faster. That is, this group acts directly on the causative agent of the disease;
  • antihistamines help to effectively cope with itching, relieve swelling and inflammation on the skin. Thanks to this symptomatic effect, numerous pimples stop annoyingly itching;
  • homeopathic preparations - they are able to have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, relieve redness and swelling. Thanks to the use of such ointments, the likelihood of infection of the wound during combing is minimized;
  • zinc-based preparations - dry the rash, accelerate the processes of tissue regeneration, so pimples pass much faster. In fact, the tool accelerates the maturation and cleansing of papules, and the subsequent restoration of the skin.

Regardless of the drug chosen, the main guarantee of its effectiveness is the beginning of the use of the ointment from the very first stages of the development of the rash.

Reviews of the best ointments for chickenpox instead of brilliant green

When a numerous rash spreads throughout the body, a simple question arises - how to smear from chickenpox? It is especially relevant in adults, because not everyone will agree to show themselves to others, being covered with standard green spots from brilliant green. We offer to consider the most commonly used drugs for the quick elimination of pimples.

Zinc - an effective remedy

This drug has a very aggressive effect, actively drying the skin and accelerating tissue regeneration. Many people have a question - is it possible to smear chickenpox with zinc ointment? Such a remedy is often prescribed by specialists, it has a minimum number of contraindications, is approved for use for patients of any age, and is not toxic to the body. The composition also contributes to the rapid removal of the inflammatory process and the healing of damage, due to which it is considered an effective and most affordable remedy for chickenpox in the price category.

Acyclovir - healing ointment against chickenpox

This drug belongs to the group of antivirals, and at the heart of its composition has a component identical in structure to the DNA element thymidine. After being applied to the skin, the agent acts directly on the causative agent of smallpox, stopping its reproduction, which helps to achieve a quick result. The ointment needs to be applied pointwise to the papules themselves, and the procedure should be repeated up to 6 times a day. In fact, the sooner you start using the drug, the less will be the prevalence of the rash on the body.

Calamine for itching with chickenpox

The active ingredients in this ointment are calamine and zinc oxide. Due to the written components, the drug is able to dry the rash, reduce the intensity of edema, irritation and inflammation, minimize disturbing itching, and also stimulate tissue regeneration processes. When using Calamine during chicken pox, it turns out to reduce the likelihood of scratching, since the drug actively fights itching. In many European countries, this particular product is standard in the treatment of chickenpox at any age.

Viferon - colorless ointment

The basis of this antiviral drug is the substance interferon. The product not only stops the processes of virus reproduction, but also helps to relieve inflammation and activate the processes of regeneration of the tissues involved in the process. The tool relieves itching only partially, so you should not hope that it will relieve the discomfort to the fullest. At the heart of the drug is an agent ready to fight the causative agent of the disease, so the effect of its use can be noticed almost immediately. The big plus of the drug is that the ointment itself is colorless, that is, it will not leave any marks on the skin.

Zindol remedy for the treatment of rashes and blisters

Tsindol is a suspension (in simple words, a talker) created on the basis of zinc oxide. Despite the fact that many people talk about an ointment with that name, it simply does not exist - it can be prepared independently on the basis of this remedy. The drug quickly removes redness, dries up the rash, forms a protective layer against external factors of influence, and also destroys pathogenic bacteria, reducing the likelihood of infection. The suspension is applied pointwise directly to the affected areas themselves. The frequency of application is 4-6 times a day. A couple of hours after use, the composition is washed off with water.

What drugs can get rid of scars and scars?

Often, after chickenpox, scars and scars of different sizes remain on the body, especially if the rashes are strongly combed. This effect is more common in adults than in children, since the skin is not so actively updated. So, to eliminate the consequences of the disease, you can use:

  • ointment Contractubek c- the use of this drug reduces the severity of skin deformation, leads to the alignment of the surface of the scar relative to the surrounding skin, and also softens the stiffness of the tissues. The tool is able to increase the elasticity of scar tissue, restoring its regenerative abilities. The ointment contains allantoin, sodium heparin and onion extract Serae. The tool should be applied exclusively to the scars themselves 2-3 times a day, accompanied by a light rubbing;
  • Mederma- Gel for external use based on the extract of Serae onion and allantoin. Suitable for fighting scars and scars up to a year. The gel is recommended to be applied topically 3 times a day, followed by rubbing until completely absorbed;
  • Dermatix- silicone gel, which is designed to combat already formed scars, is also suitable for old scars. The composition is applied to the area, previously washed with soap and water and thoroughly dried, and allowed to dry completely on its own. The procedure is carried out twice a day for two months.

Separately, it is worth noting a large group of ointments based on dexpanthenol (D-Panthenol, Panthenol, Panthenol-Ratiopharm, etc.). Depending on the manufacturer, these products may contain a number of auxiliary components, for example, sea buckthorn oil, triglycerides, lanolin, citric acid, etc. To achieve high-quality results in the fight against scars after chickenpox, a white ointment is applied in a thin layer twice a day to still fresh scars. The active ingredient will help relieve the inflammatory process, and will also lead to rapid skin regeneration.

Names of medicines against chickenpox for children

In childhood, the disease itself is rarely complicated, but severe itching becomes a real problem for a child, who is sometimes difficult to explain that it is impossible to itch. To combat the rash and minimize discomfort, the following drugs can be used:

  • Fenistil gel;
  • Psilo-balm;
  • Viferon;
  • Zovarix;
  • Gistan;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Calamine etc.

The drugs described have different types of influence, but all of them are able to quickly alleviate the condition of the child and make recovery less problematic and uncomfortable. If the baby does not comb the rash, then the likelihood of infection and the formation of scars is minimal, which is also very important.

Chickenpox is a serious viral infection, accompanied by fever and characteristic herpes skin rashes. In the treatment of chickenpox, brilliant green or, in a simple way, brilliant green is used to treat the rash. Due to the persistent green color, after treating the rash with brilliant green, chickenpox patients are very easy to recognize. However, not everyone loves green. In addition, Zelenka does not have a therapeutic effect on rashes. Therefore, in this article we will consider a colorless chickenpox remedy, which, in its antiseptic properties, is not inferior to brilliant green and, in addition, it really treats a rash.

Colorless remedies for the treatment of chickenpox

Today, pharmacology produces many different cosmetic (non-drug) and medicines, in the form of ointments, creams and gels. Their action can be different: some remedies relieve itching well, others have antiseptic properties, others improve the natural protective functions of the skin. Along with such means, medicine offers combined preparations with a wide spectrum of action and often possessing all the above-mentioned properties.

What colorless remedies in the treatment of chickenpox rash can be used:

  • Castellani-Gefe solution. Refers to antiseptics, applied externally. In fact, this is a modified Fukortsin, which has the same properties, but does not have color and, as a result, does not leave marks. This drug has the surface of the skin, preventing the spread of infection. The composition of this drug includes: ethyl alcohol, an aqueous solution of phenol, acetone and resorcinol. For the treatment of rashes, it is used 2-3 times a day, preferably at bedtime, after sleep and in the middle of the day. In fact, this is a colorless brilliant green with chickenpox;
  • Alcohol solution of salicylic acid. Antiseptic, applied externally. Ingredients: ethyl alcohol and salicylic acid. It may have a different concentration, depending on the concentration of alcohol in the composition (1-2%). It dries the skin well, has disinfecting properties, reduces inflammation, relieves itching a little. Allergic reactions are possible, and also has side effects in the form of redness, burning, dry skin areas after applying the drug, due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the composition. It is applied 2-4 times a day to areas of the skin that have foci of a rash, using cotton swabs. It is forbidden to apply salicylic alcohol to healthy skin, due to a possible chemical burn. Absolutely colorless and leaves no residue. A good analogue of greenery;

  • Lotion Calamine. Cosmetic. The colorless remedy Calamine for chickenpox is widely used in dermatology. The active substances are: calamine and zinc oxide. Excipients: distilled water, glycerin, medical clay, sodium citrate, phenol. It is quickly absorbed into the skin, has a disinfecting effect, relieves itching by cooling the skin areas affected by the rash, reduces swelling and inflammation. Allergic reactions when using this product have not been identified, it is absolutely harmless. Contraindicated for use by people with individual hypersensitivity to the constituent components. The price of colorless ointment Calamine from chickenpox can vary between 600-1000 rubles per 100 ml bottle. To be precise, Calamine ointment does not exist, as it is a lotion that has a slight pinkish tint, and when dried it forms a white color, leaves no residue. Calamine lotion can be used repeatedly during the day, applied with a cotton pad or swab to the affected areas of the skin epithelium, shake the bottle well before use;

  • Gel Fenistil. It is an antihistamine. Active substance: demitinden. Excipients: benzalkonium chloride, carbopol 974R, sodium hydroxide, distilled water, sodium edetate, propylene glycol. It is quickly absorbed into the skin, has an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect. Relieves itching by blocking free histamines. The gel is colorless and practically odorless, leaving no residue. A contraindication to the use is individual sensitivity in relation to the components of the drug, as well as angle-closure glaucoma and benign prostatic adenoma. It is not recommended to use for the treatment of newborns. During pregnancy, it is recommended to use with caution. Allergic reactions when using this drug are expressed in the form of itching, burning, and the appearance of allergic rashes is also possible. Fenistil gel is used 2 to 4 times a day, applied to the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer;
  • Viferon gel. It is an immunomodulatory antiviral drug. Active ingredient: human recombinant interferon alpha-2b. Excipients: distilled water, alpha-tocopherol acetate, sodium tetraborate decahydrate, sodium chloride, sodium carmellose, benzoic acid, methionine, citric acid monohydrate, human serum albumin solution, distilled glycerin, ethanol. It is quickly absorbed into the skin, has an antiviral effect and helps to accelerate the process of tissue regeneration, due to the stimulation of the protective functions of the skin. It is used 3-5 times a day, applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin with a cotton pad or cotton swab, not rubbed. After application, a thin film forms on the surface of the skin, which can be washed off with water if desired. This gel has a faint shade of gray, is not transparent. Allergic reactions are possible in the form of a rash and itching in local areas of the skin. Contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug;
  • Zovirax cream. Antiviral drug for external use. Active substance: acyclovir. Excipients: distilled water, liquid paraffin, soft paraffin, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, cytostearyl alcohol, dimethicone, glycerol monostearate, poloxamer 407, macrogol stearate. It is widely used to treat manifestations of viral infections caused by herpes simplex viruses. Penetrates deep into the skin, has an antiviral effect. It is applied 5 times a day with an interval of 4 hours, applied to the areas of the skin epithelium affected by the rash and to the areas of the skin adjacent to them. The course of treatment can last from 5 to 10 days. It is necessary to start therapy from the moment the first foci of the rash appear. Zovirax cream is colorless, but also opaque and leaves no residue when applied. Local allergic reactions are possible in the form of redness, itching, burning, tingling, as well as allergic dermatitis (rarely) and Quincke's edema (isolated cases). Contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to the elements that make up the cream;

  • Zinc ointment or paste. It is considered an anti-inflammatory agent. It is used in medicine in the treatment of various dermatitis, shallow skin disorders, burns, eczema, etc. Zinc oxide is the active ingredient. When applied to the foci of chickenpox rash, it dries up the bubbles, has a disinfecting and astringent effect, and reduces the inflammatory process. After applying the product, a film forms on the surface of the skin, which serves as a barrier against irritating factors, which can be washed off with water. Local allergic reactions are possible in the form of itching and skin rash. A good colorless ointment for chickenpox and very cheap. To be precise, the ointment is rather white than colorless, but like all of the above funds, it leaves no traces;
  • Hydrogel Poksklin. Designed to relieve the symptoms of chickenpox. The active substances that make up the gel: panthenol, allantoin, galactoarabinan network copolymer, aloe vera extract, chamomile and lavender extract, polyglucuronic acid network polymer, water. Excipients are: phenoxyethanol, ethylhexylglycerin, polyglyceryl-10 laureth, laureth-9, PEG-40, hydrogenated castor oil, glycerin. Quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, has an antibacterial effect and relieves itching, cooling the skin, accelerates tissue regeneration, soothes and softens the skin. Does not contain toxic substances. It can be used several times a day, applied to the areas of the skin epithelium affected by rashes, not rubbed. Contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to the components that make up the hydrogel. The product has a white color, but is absorbed very quickly, leaving no residue;

To ensure a speedy recovery, you can apply any kind of ointment from chickenpox. Such ointments can have different effects: it depends on the composition of a particular drug. For example, there are ointments that relieve the sensation of itching, or dry the crusts faster and speed up healing.

Thus, choosing the necessary ointment, you should determine what exactly you expect from the medication.

Names of ointments from chickenpox:

  • zinc cream - its action is aimed at drying the bubbles, eliminating itching and accelerating the moment of cleansing the wounds;
  • zinc ointment - according to the principle of action is similar to zinc cream. There is also a more extended composition of the drug - this is a zinc-salicylic ointment;
  • ointments with antiviral activity - reduce the manifestations of the disease (rash). Such ointments include antiviral agents such as Zovirax, Acyclovir, etc.;
  • antihistamine ointments - aimed at eliminating itching. Among such drugs, Gistan and Fenistil-gel are the most popular;
  • homeopathic ointments - relieve the inflammatory process and soften the sensation of itching (Irikar).

Fukartsinovaya ointment with chickenpox

What effect does Fukartsinovaya ointment have with chickenpox? This is a drug that has the same effect as Fukortsin, a long-known drug that is used for chickenpox along with brilliant green. Fukortsin perfectly eliminates the inflammatory process, and also serves as a prevention of the possible attachment of a secondary infection. In addition, the drug dries up the opened bubbles, and this happens much faster than when using other external medicines. This is due to the excellent astringent property of the drug.

The ointment is applied to the area of ​​​​rashes about 3 times a day. Duration of treatment - until the rash disappears completely. The drug can be successfully combined with any other antimicrobial ointments and drugs.

Fukortsin avoid prescribing children under 3 years of age and women during pregnancy, since the degree of toxicity of the drug has not yet been reliably established.

Acyclovir ointment for chickenpox

Acyclovir is an antiviral ointment whose active ingredient is similar to the natural DNA component thymidine.

Acyclovir ointment for chickenpox prevents the reproduction of the virus in the human body, which contributes to a speedy recovery, as well as a decrease in the total number of rashes. Stimulates local immunity in the area of ​​application.

External use of the drug involves its application up to 6 times a day, at approximately the same time intervals. At the same time, the earlier treatment with Acyclovir is started, the sooner the healing of the rashes will occur.

The use of the ointment can be continued until the period of formation of crusts, or until the wounds are completely healed, but not less than 5 and not more than 10 days in a row.

Acyclovir is approved for use with virtually no restrictions, except for the phenomena of allergic hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Zinc ointment for chickenpox

Zinc oxide ointment is a common remedy used for chickenpox. Zinc ointment eliminates inflammation, dries up wounds, inhibits the growth of bacteria. Applying the ointment to the area of ​​​​rashes eliminates local irritation, itching.

For the treatment of chickenpox, zinc ointment is applied to a dry and clean surface, directly to the rash, in a small layer up to 6 times a day. Treatment with ointment can last up to 4 weeks, until the rash is completely healed.

The ointment is not used with a tendency to allergies and intolerance to zinc preparations.

The drug is non-toxic and has no side effects.

Chickenpox ointment Calamine

Calamine is zinc carbonate that can be added to ointments or lotions. Calamine preparations contribute to the effective removal of itching. This ointment perfectly dries, soothes and cools the skin, has a bactericidal effect, eliminates signs of inflammation, swelling. Thanks to Calamine, the skin is quickly restored.

Chickenpox ointment Calamine is used several times a day, as needed. When applying the product, it is necessary to prevent the drug from getting into the eyes, nose and mouth. Wash hands thoroughly after application.

The average duration of the drug is from 7 to 10 days.

Ointment for chickenpox Calamine has practically no contraindications, it can be used even in children under 3 years old. However, in the event of an allergy to the drug, its use should be discontinued.

Ointment for itching with chickenpox

An excellent ointment for itching with chickenpox is Psilo-balm - an anti-allergic drug for external use. Due to the antihistamine action of the drug, its significant antipruritic effect was found. In addition, Psilo Balm is a local anesthetic with a pleasant cooling effect.

The ointment is applied in a small layer to the areas of rashes: light rubbing of the drug into the skin is allowed. As a rule, use 2-3 g of ointment up to 4 times a day.

The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor. But, as a rule, Psilo-balm is used for about 10 days.

Ointment from scars with chickenpox

When the blistering rashes on the skin dry up and a dense crust forms, which then disappears, it is time to apply the ointment from chickenpox scars. For home use, Contractubex gel is excellent, which is applied three times a day for 3 months, as well as external Mederma ointment also for 3 months. These remedies are well suited for resorption of scar tissue.

For poorly visible scars, superficial peeling procedures are used with scrubs or body masks. Peeling promotes exfoliation of the upper epidermal layer.

With pronounced scars, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe physical procedures. It can be electro- and phonophoresis.

Vitamins contribute to the rapid resorption of scar tissue, so you should take multivitamin complexes containing, among other things, a sufficient amount of zinc.

Ointment from chickenpox instead of brilliant green

Instead of the usual green for chickenpox, you can use a really large number of drugs. These include antihistamines and antiviral agents for external use. One of these safe means is Epigen - an antiviral drug based on glycyrrhizic acid. Epigen is easy to apply, as it is available both in the form of a gel and in the form of a spray, which is sprayed over the entire affected surface.

The tool perfectly copes with the inflammatory reaction, destroys viruses and bacteria in the wounds, and alleviates the patient's condition.

Epigen is applied to the surface of the skin 6 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is from 5 to 10 days. The drug can be used, including during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If during treatment signs of irritation or an allergic reaction are found, then the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Colorless ointment for chickenpox

Many colorless chickenpox ointments are currently being used as a replacement for brilliant green and fucorcin coloring preparations. What means are most common and effective:

  • Fenistil-gel - will help with itching, relieve swelling, anesthetize and cool the rash. Effective immediately after application and for a long period. It is enough to use the product 2 times a day;
  • Viferon - antiviral gel with interferon. Accelerates healing and falling off of crusts from wounds;
  • Zovirax 5% is an antiviral agent that destroys the viruses that cause chickenpox. The cream should be used up to 6 times a day for about a week;
  • Tsindol is an analogue of zinc ointment, with zinc oxide. Apply 2 times a day. The ointment successfully relieves irritation, softens the skin, promotes faster formation of crusts.

In fact, if you ask a pharmacy about colorless remedies for chickenpox, then most likely the pharmacist will dictate to you a whole list of such drugs. At the same time, their essence is almost the same - this is the antiviral and antihistamine effect of ointments. Which drug to choose is up to you.

Ointment for chickenpox in adults

External remedies for chickenpox in adults can be used in the form of an ointment, gel, paste, alcohol and aqueous solutions. In adults, there are practically no contraindications to the use of one or another external drug for the treatment of chickenpox (in some cases, with the exception of pregnancy and drug allergies).

Ointments for chickenpox will alleviate the general condition, stimulate the drying of crusts, and serve as a good prevention of complications, which most often occur just in adulthood.

Antiviral external agents (Acyclovir, Virolex, Panciclovir) block the development of viruses, reduce the number of rashes. Such drugs are able to stimulate local defenses, which accelerates the recovery and restoration of the skin.

Sometimes, with the addition of a purulent infection and the development of complications, one has to resort to antibiotic therapy, which includes, among other things, the use of antimicrobial ointments.

Ointment for chickenpox for children

Chickenpox in children is usually milder than in adults. Nevertheless, it is impossible to do without treatment, since it is necessary at all costs to alleviate the condition of the child.

In most cases, herbal ointments are used for children:

  • Alpizarin 200 mg is an antiviral ointment based on the fruit of the mango tree. The drug is considered very effective, but only in the initial stages of the disease;
  • Helepin (lespedeza extract) - destroys viruses and inhibits their reproduction, stimulates cellular immunity;
  • Gossypol is an ointment based on an extract from cotton and cotton seeds.

Antihistamine ointments can be used to alleviate the condition of the baby, to reduce itching.

Antibacterial ointments are used to prevent complications (suppuration).

Treatment is usually carried out at home. General (specific) treatment of the disease is rarely prescribed.

Ointment after chickenpox

Ointment after chickenpox is usually used to prevent scarring. Such treatment is carried out immediately after the crusts fall off the wounds.

If you use the ointment after chickenpox some time after recovery, then such treatment may be ineffective: only fresh scars can be treated.

For example, if Contractubex ointment is applied correctly and in a timely manner, then this will certainly help in preventing the formation of scars. In addition, other ointments can be used to dissolve scar tissue:

  • Dermatix is ​​a silicon-based silicone gel, which is prescribed to prevent the appearance of keloid and hypertrophic scars, as well as to eliminate pigmentation after wound healing;
  • Aldara is a cream with a local immunomodulatory effect. The active ingredient is imiquimod, an interferon inducer. The drug promotes active skin regeneration;
  • Medgel - gel plates, which are used to prevent the appearance of scars immediately after the end of the epithelialization process;
  • Kelofibrase is a popular drug based on urea, heparin and camphor. The drug softens and smoothes scar tissue, improves blood circulation in the skin, eliminates tightness and smoothes the skin, removes residual signs of inflammation.

Dosage and administration

Usually, chickenpox ointments are applied 5-6 times a day (for example, every 4 hours), with a small layer on the affected area and on areas located in the immediate vicinity of the rash. The duration of treatment is at least 5 days, more often up to 10 days, or until the crusts completely disappear from the wounds.

Ointments should be applied with clean hands or with a gauze swab, which will prevent the spread of infection outside the affected areas.
