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Map of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia map in Russian. Capital of Saudi Arabia, flag, history of the country. Where is Saudi Arabia located on the world map


Arabian Peninsula

on S.-W. Asia. From the 2nd millennium BC e. peninsula inhabited by Arabs; his Arab, name Jezira el-Arab - "Arab Peninsula" (they use Baylyad el-Arab less often - "country of the Arabs") . The area inhabited by Arabs is Arabia, but Russian traditional Arabia, which is due to the borrowing of this name from Greek; from it and the Arabian Peninsula.

Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001.


to the south-west Asia, the largest in the world. It is washed by the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. The coasts are weakly dissected; plains and plateaus predominate, turning towards the coast into marginal mountains. The largest oil fields are located off the coast of the Persian Gulf. The climate is tropical, dry, and subtropical in the north. In summer temperatures up to 55 °C are observed. Precipitation on the plains is 50-100 mm, in the mountains up to 500 mm per year. Characteristic are the beds of temporary watercourses - wadis. Rocky and sandy deserts dominate, and in the mountains there are areas of sparse forests and savannas.

Concise geographical dictionary. EdwART. 2008.

Arabian Peninsula

(Arabian Peninsula), the largest in the world (area 2730 thousand km²) in the southwest. Asia, washed by the Red and Arabian seas, the Persian Gulf. Indian Ocean. North the border is drawn at 30°N. The peninsula stretches along the meridian for 2 thousand km and in latitude for 2.8 thousand km. It is inhabited almost exclusively by Arabs, hence the name of the peninsula. B.h. takes Saudi Arabia , and Kuwait , Yemen , United Arab Emirates , Qatar And Oman . Jordan and Iraq are partially located on the peninsula. The peninsula is formed by the Arabian Platform, one of the fragments of the ancient supercontinent Gondwana. Southwestern and southeast The edges are occupied by mountain ranges with max. 3760 m high. Plateaus and plains gently descend from them to the NE. Along the shores of the Red Sea there is a narrow strip of the Tihama lowlands. The coastline is slightly indented and there are few convenient bays. The Peninsula is almost entirely located in the zone of tropical deserts, mainly. sandy and rocky. Wed.-Mon. July temperatures almost everywhere approx. 30°C or higher (max. 54°C). January temperatures are from 7 to 24 °C. Precipitation on the plain is 100 mm/year, and in the mountains 500 mm/year. There are no permanent rivers; there are numerous dry riverbeds - wadis. In deserts, vegetation is sparse or absent. In the mountains there are savannah and sparse forests in places. On the NE. The peninsula is home to the Arabian Artesian Bass. Islam, one of the world's leading religions, was born in Africa. It is professed by the vast majority of the inhabitants of the peninsula. Here in the cities Mecca And Medina , are the main shrines of Islam. On the coast and in the waters of the Persian Gulf. concentrated b.h. world oil reserves. Vast sandy beaches, beautiful coral reefs near the coast, monuments from the Middle Ages. architecture, eastern exotic and modern services make the peninsula attractive to tourists.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of academician. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .

Arabian Peninsula

in southwest Asia, it juts into the Indian Ocean, the seas and gulfs of which it is washed (Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman, Persian Gulf). Most of the peninsula is occupied by Saudi Arabia. Yemen and Oman are located to the southeast. coast, and Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar - in the north. Jordan and Iraq are partly located on the peninsula. North the border is drawn along the line 30° N. sh., connecting the north. the extremities of the Gulf of Aqaba and the Persian. Sometimes this border is drawn according to the state. borders of Saudi Arabia with Jordan and Iraq. Pl. 2730 thousand km² (the largest peninsula on Earth). It stretches along the meridian for 2 thousand km and along the latitude for 2.8 thousand km. The coastline is slightly indented and there are few good bays. A northeast is formed. part of the ancient Afro-Arabian Plate. The once-occurring volcanic eruptions and outpourings of basalts formed extensive covers. To the northeast direction, the platform foundation gradually sinks under Meso-Cenozoic sediments. In the same direction, mountains and plateaus are replaced by plains, which are gently inclined towards the Mesopotamian lowland. and the Persian Gulf. Max. high 3760 m, plateaus and plateaus on Wed. 1800–2300 m, plains less than 1000 m, near the Persian Gulf less than 200 m. On average. parts of the peninsula, inclined layers of sandstones, limestones and clays form a series of cuesta altitudes. 300–400 m and a length of more than 1200 km. Karst landforms occur on limestones. Between the mountains and the shore of the Red Sea there is a narrow strip of the Tihama lowland. On the north-east The Peninsula, near the coast of the Persian Gulf, contains a significant portion of the world's oil and natural gas reserves. The climate is tropical trade wind, in the north it is subtropical with winter precipitation. Average month air temperature to the center. parts of the peninsula in July 33.4 °C (max. 55 °C), in January 14 °C. Precipitation on the plain is from 100 to 300 mm per year, in the mountains 500, in some places up to 900 mm per year. Almost the entire peninsula is occupied by sandy and rocky (hamad) deserts (Great Nefud, Rub al-Khali, etc.). There are few permanent rivers, and there are many dry riverbeds - wadis. There are oases around wells and water sources. Vegetation is sparse or absent. In the mountains there are savannah and sparse forests in places. There are many coral islands and shoals off the coast of the Red Sea.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .

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Detailed map of Saudi Arabia in Russian online. Satellite map of Saudi Arabia with cities and resorts, roads, streets and houses. The country-kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the world map is located in the southwestern part of Asia. It is the largest state on the Arabian Peninsula, occupying 2/3 of the entire peninsula. The capital of the country is Riyadh. The official language is Arabic, but since many nationalities live on the territory of the state, residents speak English, Farsi, Somali, Urdu and other languages.

Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia:

Population of Saudi Arabia- 33,000,000 people. (2018)
Capital of Saudi Arabia- Riyadh
Largest cities in Saudi Arabia- Medina, Mecca, Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Taif
Saudi Arabia dialing code - 966
Internet domains in Saudi Arabia- .sa

Climatic conditions in Saudi Arabia hot. Throughout the country, eternal summer almost always reigns. The subtropical climate zone predominates in the northern regions, and the tropical climate in the southern regions. On average, summer temperatures are +29…+31. In January it is much cooler - from +10 to +20 C. There is very little precipitation.

Behind Saudi Arabia The name “the country of two mosques” was established, since on its territory there are two holy Islamic cities - Mecca and Medina.

Mecca- This is not only a holy city, but also a spiritual center. Medina is especially famous for the fact that not far from it there is an uninhabited area of ​​​​Madayn Salih, which in ancient times was considered one of the most significant and rich cities in Arabia. As for attractions and historical monuments, in Saudi Arabia today there are more than 6 thousand places and unique structures that tell about the history of the country.

It is developing especially actively in Saudi Arabia tourism infrastructure. Saudi Arabia attracts tourists with its historical and cultural heritage and excellent opportunities for sea beach holidays. However, the development of tourism in Saudi Arabia is still hampered by several factors: the existing strict code of women's clothing, restrictions on stay in the country for non-religious people, and a ban on drinking alcoholic beverages.

What to see in Saudi Arabia:

Prophet's Mosque in Medina, Holy Mosque in Mecca, Floating Mosque (Jeddah), Al-Qiblatain Mosque, King Fahd Fountain, Black Stone, Madain Salih, National Museum, Jeddah City Museum, Murabba Castle, Al-Faisaly Tower, Fortress Masmak, Fakih Aquarium, Riyadh Zoo, Mount Jabal al-Nur in Mecca.


General information

Geographical position. Saudi Arabia is a state in southwest Asia, occupying most of the Arabian Peninsula. In the north it borders with Jordan, Iraq and Kuwait, in the east with Qatar, in the southeast with the United Arab Emirates and Oman, and in the south with the Republic of Yemen. In the east it is washed by the Persian Gulf, in the west by the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. The country's area is 2.24 million square meters. km. More than half of Saudi Arabia's territory is desert. Rub al-Khali, or Great Sandy Desert, with an area of ​​about 650 thousand square meters. km, located in the southeast of the country. In the north of the country there is part of the Syrian Desert, and the Nefud Desert, covering an area of ​​about 57 thousand square meters. km, lies further to the south. In the center of the country there is a plateau crossed by several small rivers that dry up during the dry season. In the southwest of the country there are small mountain ranges and the highest point in the country, Mount Jabal Sauda (3,133 m). Narrow coastal plains lie along the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Most of Saudi Arabia lies in a hot and dry zone. January temperatures in Riyadh range from +8°C to +2°C, and in Jeddah - from +19°C to +29°C. The July temperature in Riyadh is from +26°C to +42°C, and in Jeddah - from +26°C to +37°C. However, in the mountains in winter there are sub-zero temperatures and snow. The average annual precipitation in the country is about 70 mm.

Square. The territory of Saudi Arabia occupies, according to various estimates, from 1,750 thousand to 2,200 thousand square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital is Riyadh. Largest cities: Riyadh (2,576 thousand people), Mecca (1,500 thousand people), Jeddah (1,468 thousand people), Medina (500 thousand people), Ad-Dammam (200 thousand . people). Administrative-territorial division of the country: 17 administrative districts.

Political system

Saudi Arabia is an absolute theocratic monarchy with a cabinet of ministers. Head of State and Government: King Fahd bin Abdulaziz al-Saud (in power since June 13, 1982).

Relief. Most of the surface is desert plateau, in the west there are mountains up to 3,353 m high.

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains rich reserves of oil and natural gas, and less significant reserves of iron ore, copper, and gold.

Climate. The climate is hot, dry, tropical, subtropical in the north, tropical in the south. Average temperatures in July are above 30°C, in January 10-20°C. Precipitation is about 100 mm per year (in the mountains up to 400 mm).

Inland waters. There are no permanent rivers.

Soils and vegetation. The vegetation is extremely poor, and date palms grow only in oases.

Animal world. The fauna is represented by antelope, fox, gazelle, hyena, ostrich, panther, wild cat, wolf, mountain goat. Among the birds, the bustard, pigeon, and quail stand out.

Population and language

The country's population is about 20.786 million people, the average population density is about 9 people per 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: almost all the inhabitants of the country are Arabs, among them are the indigenous Saudis, whose ancestors lived in the country for several centuries (82%); Yemenis and other Arabs who arrived in the country after the 1950s during the oil boom (13%); nomadic Berbers (their numbers are steadily decreasing). Language: Arabic (official).


Almost all Saudi Arabian residents are Muslim, the vast majority of whom belong to the Sunni sect.

Brief historical sketch

In the 1st millennium BC. e. The Minaan kingdom arose on the Red Sea coast with its capital at Karna (modern Hodeidah in Yemen). On the east coast was Dilmun, which was considered a political-cultural federation on the shores of the Persian Gulf. For almost 1,500 years, no important historical events took place on the territory of modern Saudi Arabia. In 570 AD e. The Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca, and the teachings of Islam literally turned the history of Saudi Arabia upside down. Muhammad's followers, known as caliphs (caliphs), conquered almost the entire Middle East. With the emergence of the caliphate, whose capital was first in Damascus and later in Baghdad, the role of the prophet’s homeland became less and less significant.

In 1269, almost the entire territory of modern Saudi Arabia was under Egyptian rule. In 1517, power passed to the rulers of the Ottoman Empire. In the middle of the 18th century. The state of Najd was founded, which was independent of the Ottoman Empire. In 1824, Riyadh became the capital of the state. In 1865, civil war broke out in the country, and the weakened country was divided between neighboring states. In 1902, Abdul Aziz ibn Saud entered Riyadh and by 1906 his troops controlled almost all of Najd. In 1926, almost the entire country was under his rule. In 1932, he gave the country the name Saudi Arabia. Since World War II, Saudi Arabia has been the main US ally in the Middle East.

Brief Economic Sketch

The basis of the economy is the oil and gas industry. Oil refining, petrochemical, metallurgical, paper, textile, food industries; production of building materials. Crafts. Large and medium land ownership and small rental land use predominate. Main crops: date palm, wheat, barley. Vegetable growing, fruit growing. Nomadic livestock farming. Fishing; mining of pearls and corals. Export: oil, petroleum products, liquefied gas.

The currency is the Saudi Riyal.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Riyadh. Museum of Archeology and Ethnography; Royal Palace; Jamida Mosque. Al-Taif. A popular resort and summer capital of the country, however, non-Muslims are prohibited from entering the city. Medina. The Prophet's Mosque, which houses the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad, the tomb of the Prophet's daughter Fatima and Umar (the second caliph of the Muslim Empire). Mecca. Al-Haram Mosque, on the territory of which is the Kaaba, a small cubic building built by the Jewish patriarch Abraham. In the southeast corner of the Kaaba is the Black Stone, given to Abraham by the Archangel Gabriel. On the territory of the mosque there is also a sacred well, Zamzam (Zemzem).

Saudi Arabia is the largest state on the Arabian Peninsula. In general, throughout the world, this state is famous for its huge oil reserves and regular political and social conflicts, which sometimes develop into large-scale terrorist acts.
The country itself borders Kuwait, Jordan and Iraq. It also has access to the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf.

Saudi Arabia on the world map

Geographical features of the country.
Saudi Arabia is famous for its hot, dry climate. More than 80% of all territories of the country are deserts, the sands stretch for several kilometers. However, the temperature in the country rarely drops below 30 degrees Celsius. Local residents have long been accustomed to such heat and do not even pay attention to it.
It is also important to note the diversity of local flora and fauna.
Also in the country, the dry period without rain and cloudy weather can last up to six months. In fact, it only rains here in late winter and sometimes in spring. Meanwhile, due to such aridity, agriculture is difficult in the country.

Map of Saudi Arabia in Russian

State and administrative structure.
The largest cities in Saudi Arabia are Riyadh and Jeddah. These cities owe a large population because the main Muslim shrines - Mecca and Medina - are located in them.
In total, approximately 4 million people live in Riyadh, the country's largest city.
Saudi Arabia has very strong traditions, both social and religious.
If we talk about administrative division. The country is divided into 13 regions, which are approximately equal in size.
Saudi Arabia has an absolute, theocratic monarchy. At the moment, the king is Abdullah ibn Abdulaziz. In fact, a totalitarian regime has reigned in the country for half a century.
Besides. The rights of women who do not have the right to administrative positions and practically cannot get a job are regularly belittled.

The main attractions of the country have already been mentioned above - these are the two mosques Mecca and Medina. Every year several million pilgrims come here, who believe that prayer in the holy mosque will save them from all sins.
The country also has a wide variety of nature reserves and parks.
The desert is another attraction of the country created by nature. For the richest tourists, sand dune safaris are organized, which immerse travelers in a world of completely different natural living conditions. Photo materials used from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons