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Skin itching “out of the blue. Itching in the intimate area in women: why it itches, how to treat it

Itching often becomes one of the main symptoms of many diseases - sometimes ordinary dry skin, or a symptom of severe cancer, often causing insomnia and psycho-emotional discomfort in a person.

Many patients assess the severity of their disease by the intensity of itching, and not by the severity of skin manifestations.

Despite numerous studies, the mechanisms of itching remain largely unclear. Previously, itching was considered as a special form of pain, but now most scientists are of the opinion that itching is an independent sensation. This is supported, for example, by the fact that itching can only be caused in the superficial layers of the skin, the corneal mucosa and mucous membranes bordering the skin, while pain occurs in a variety of organs and parts of the body. In addition, you can cause any degree of itching without pain and vice versa.

Types of itching

Based on modern ideas about the mechanisms of itching, 4 types are distinguished:

    Pruritoceptive itching occurs when the skin is inflamed, damaged, or dry (itching due to scabies, hives, insect bites).

    Neuropathic itching occurs when the nervous system is damaged and is often combined with sensitivity disorders (for example, with brain tumors).

    Neurogenic is called itching that occurs without signs of damage to the structures of the nervous system (for example, itching due to stagnation of bile).

    A special form is psychogenic itching - severe, prolonged, not accompanied by any skin diseases. The basis of this state is, as a rule, a depressed emotional state.

It is worth noting that the nature of itching differs in various diseases. For example, with atopic dermatitis, numerous scratches form, and with urticaria, on the contrary, despite intense itching, scratches are usually not observed. Itching with scabies tends to intensify in the evening and at night. Patients with herpes describe the itching they experience as a burning sensation, and aquagenic itching (in contact with water) is characterized by a tingling sensation.

Methods for treating itching

General recommendations for patients with itchy skin include a diet excluding spicy, salty foods, coffee and alcohol, avoiding overheating and contact with hot water, irritating fabrics and chemicals (washing powders, cleaning products, etc.), as well as alkaline soaps that increase dry skin. Regularly (up to several times a day) it is recommended to apply moisturizers (based on petroleum jelly or glycerin) and cooling agents (for example, menthol cream) to the itchy areas. For inflammatory skin processes, local steroids are used, as well as the latest non-hormonal drugs - calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus and pimecrolimus), which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect and, unlike hormonal drugs, do not cause undesirable side effects such as atrophy ( thinning) of the skin.

However, the success of therapy for itching largely depends on the ability to eliminate the conditions that caused it. Specialists at the EMC Department of Dermatovenereology pay special attention to this problem. During the course of treatment, the patient is offered a detailed examination, according to the protocol of the AWMF-Leitlinie (Association of Scientific Medical Societies in Germany e.V.). The experience of highly qualified doctors helps to identify the causes of itching, which, in combination with comprehensive, individually selected treatment, allows you to achieve maximum results during therapy; An important factor is also the use of a wide range of examination capabilities and methods - both laboratory and instrumental.

For intense itching, specialists prescribe oral antihistamines. They reduce histamine-induced increases in capillary permeability, tissue swelling and itching. The most modern drugs - the 2nd and 3rd generations - have a long-lasting effect and almost do not cause side effects from the nervous system (lethargy, drowsiness, etc.).

Antihistamines are most effective for urticaria and atopic dermatitis, but they can also be used for itching of other origins. In severe cases that cannot be treated with antihistamines, drugs aimed at reducing nervous excitability are used - antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc.

In recent years, a large number of reports have appeared in foreign literature about the successful use of anticonvulsants (gabapentin, pregabalin) for chronic itching. The most effective use of this group of drugs is for brachioradial, senile (senile) and neuropathic itching.

For cholestatic itching resulting from bile stagnation, cholestyramine is used, the effect of which is to absorb bile acids. By reducing the content of bile acids in the serum, their deposition in the skin is reduced, which leads to a reduction in skin itching.

In the complex treatment of itching, physiotherapeutic methods are also used as effective methods - phototherapy, acupuncture, etc.

Light therapy (phototherapy) is a treatment in which the patient is exposed to bright light from artificial sources with specific wavelengths: lasers, light-emitting diodes, fluorescent lamps, dichroic lamps, or very bright lamps that emit the full spectrum of daylight. The exposure time is determined by the doctor individually, and in some cases at a strictly defined time of day. Phototherapy has proven clinical effectiveness in the treatment of itching.

With the help of acupuncture (acupuncture, acupuncture), the effect occurs on biologically active points of the body (acupuncture points) through special needles. Through acupuncture points in the skin area, it is possible to selectively influence individual functions of the human body; in addition, acupuncture has a general healing effect on the entire body.

Itching of the vulva or vagina can occur in any woman at different periods of life, at any age. Most often, redness and itching in the vagina are combined with the appearance of wounds from scratching, and this is already a provoking factor for possible infection by pathogenic pathogens, leading to inflammation with the formation of ulcers.

A healthy woman who observes intimate hygiene should not have any unpleasant sensations, and in the case where burning and itching appears, in no case should you engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, you should urgently undergo examination by a gynecologist. Because treatment with folk remedies without establishing the true cause that caused the discomfort is unacceptable, stupid and reckless. Only a doctor, based on test results, will make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Itching in the vaginal area is not a disease, but only a symptom of a dozen different pathological conditions of the female body, indicating that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the body, the development of some disease. Only by finding out which of them arose in this case can you take action. Without a clear diagnosis based on test results, you cannot use douching or use medications in suppositories, ointments, creams (see how to do it).

This will change the clinical picture and the results of subsequent tests will be false, which may lead to inadequate treatment and worsening of the condition. If a woman experiences itching, white, cheesy discharge, an increase in the amount of discharge, or discharge with a fishy odor that lasts more than 3 days, she should definitely consult a doctor. The causes of discomfort can be different - a sexually transmitted disease, an allergic reaction, or the body’s reaction to constant long-term stress.

How to prepare for a visit to the gynecologist?

  • You should not use any medications in the form of suppositories or sprays 1-2 days before the visit
  • You should abstain from sexual intercourse for 1-2 days
  • You should not use antibacterial products for intimate hygiene 1-2 days before visiting a doctor, especially if you douche.
  • On the eve of visiting a doctor, in the evening it is necessary to toilet the external genitalia with regular, preferably baby soap and warm water.
  • It is better not to urinate 2-3 hours before the visit.

The doctor will conduct an examination, take a bacterial culture for anaerobes, aerobes, and fungi, determine sensitivity to antimicrobial agents, and refer you for PCR diagnostics, RIF and ELISA for sexually transmitted infections. In addition, it is advisable to take a stool test for worm eggs and. This must be done to establish an accurate diagnosis. Only on the basis of complaints of vaginal itching, the causes of which are different, the doctor cannot make a diagnosis without additional research.

The main causes of severe itching in the vagina

All possible reasons can be divided into three groups:

  • Gynecological diseases
  • Other external and internal factors

Gynecological diseases

Burning and itching in the vagina are symptoms of almost any infectious process in the genital area. Diseases caused by opportunistic microorganisms - their presence in the vaginal microflora normally does not cause discomfort, but when provoking factors occur, they multiply, which leads to inflammation, these include:

Candidiasis of the vaginal mucosa

This inflammation is caused by the yeast fungus Candida (Candida albicans or Monilia), it is also called thrush, yeast colpitis. In addition to severe itching and burning, it is characterized by thick, abundant, curdled, white discharge ().

Bacterial vaginitis, colpitis, vulvovaginitis

When there is an active growth of opportunistic bacteria in the vaginal microflora, most often gardnerella, in addition to unpleasant itching, can be bothered by E. coli or coccal infections - these infections often occur as mixed ones, that is, candidiasis, gardnerellosis, and others develop infections. Before menstruation, discomfort usually intensifies.

Allergy to sperm

Sometimes married women who have only a single partner experience vaginal itching after unprotected intercourse due to an allergic reaction to the husband's sperm. This happens quite rarely and is manifested by burning, redness, itching of the external genitalia after sexual intercourse. An allergy to sperm, as well as incompatibility of the microflora of husband and wife, can be a serious problem for a married couple, as it causes discomfort in the woman, suspicion of infidelity, and sexually transmitted diseases in each other. However, the irritating component can be the sperm protein itself, as well as possible food products and medications that the beloved man takes. To clarify this cause of itching, you should take special allergy tests for your husband’s sperm.

Sexual infections

There are also a lot of hidden sexually transmitted infections, which may not show any symptoms for a long time, but when the immune system is weakened, with an exacerbation of concomitant chronic diseases or previous viral infections, they manifest themselves as minor discomfort, burning, itching. This is possible even if questionable sexual contact took place a long time ago, and unpleasant symptoms arose much later. These STIs include:

  • Venereal diseases— The Russian Ministry of Health identifies 5 main sexually transmitted diseases, many of which are common in some southern resort countries: gonorrhea, syphilis, lymphogranuloma venereum, chancroid, donovanosis.
  • , which very often has a chronically recurrent nature.
  • Trichomoniasis, which is also characterized by an unpleasant fishy odor and greenish or yellow-green foamy discharge.
  • Ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, such discomfort is also a characteristic feature for them.
  • Genital herpes, in which, in addition to severe itching around the vagina, painful rashes caused by the herpes virus cause concern.
  • Genital warts or genital warts is a viral disease that occurs in the genital area in the form of skin outgrowths, condylomas, the causative agent of which is the human papilloma virus (see).
  • As a complication of STDs, cervicitis, enometritis, and urethritis can occur. Cervicitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix, either due to an STI or occurring after an injury. Endometritis is an inflammation of the uterus; in these diseases, unpleasant sensations in the external genitalia occur due to the release of exudate, which has an irritating effect on the walls of the vagina. Urethritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra, which in addition to itching occurs.

Diseases in older women

The following list of gynecological pathologies is associated with other diseases that may occur in women of reproductive age, but are most often recorded in women over 45 years of age, during menopause:

Kraurosis of the vulva

This is a progressive chronic atrophic process on the mucous membrane and skin of the vulva, associated with age-related changes. This disease is accompanied by dryness, itching at the entrance to the vagina, sclerotic changes in the clitoris, small and large labia, and vaginal stenosis (see).

Atrophy of the vaginal mucosa

Dryness of the vagina, labia and tingling, burning sensation can occur with atrophic processes that appear with age in women. In menopausal women, the glands already secrete much less lubricant, the vaginal mucosa becomes more sensitive, discomfort, pain and itching appear during and after sex. Most often, mucosal atrophy in women begins during menopause, when the vaginal tissue becomes thinner. ( , ). It can also occur against the background of autoimmune diseases (see).

Urogenital fistulas

They can occur after a cesarean section, after childbirth and other gynecological or urological operations. If urogenital fistulas form, this leads to inflammation of the vagina from exposure to urine during urination.

Benign or malignant tumors of the uterus, cervix or vagina

These are polyps, fibroids, fibroids, Gartner's cyst, oncological pathologies of the uterus, cervix, vagina or ovaries ().

Diseases not related to gynecology

Intoxication, which occurs with almost any infectious disease, can affect all organs and systems of the body, including the vaginal mucosa, as well as:

  • Any allergic disease, allergic skin rash, dermatitis in the genital area can cause itching around the vagina.
  • Itching of the genitals can be a symptom of diabetes (see).

If, after visiting a gynecologist, no pathological inflammatory processes are detected in an older woman, no, diabetes mellitus should be excluded; for this, it is enough to take a sugar test ().

Stress, overwork

One of the reasons may be nervous fatigue, depression, stress, or any prolonged emotional overload in particularly sensitive, anxious women. Mental disorders, serious diseases of the nervous system, such as peripheral or central neuropathy, and any other brain lesions can also provoke itching.

Diseases of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland

Impaired thyroid function, liver disease (hepatitis), kidney or blood disease (leukemia), anemia, can affect the entire body, including causing discomfort in the perineum.

Helminthiasis or pubic lice

Sometimes helminthiasis causes unpleasant itching both in the anus and in the vestibule of the vagina, so a test for helminth eggs should also be taken during a comprehensive examination (,). Pubic lice may also contribute to this symptom.

Digestive diseases

Diseases of the digestive system, intestinal dysbiosis, external and internal hemorrhoids, anal fissures, can cause pain, burning and mild itching near the vagina, since the anus and vulva are nearby ().


Cystitis, which is a common disease in women, often combined with sexually transmitted infections, candidiasis and often with pyelonephritis, can also cause skin itching of the labia and vagina ().

Blood diseases

In the human body, everything is interconnected, that any disease can affect seemingly unrelated organs; a failure in one system causes disruptions in the functioning of the entire organism. Especially if it is an oncological disease, for example, leukemia, lymphagranulomatosis, as well as cancer of the female genital organs, it may even be in its early stage, which does not yet manifest itself symptomatically, but is already having an effect, causing discomfort in the perineum ().

Other reasons

Listed below are external triggers that contribute to the appearance of itching. If, after eliminating them for 3 days, symptoms of discomfort persist, you should definitely visit a gynecologist:

  • With uncomfortable, tight, synthetic, rough, low-quality underwear, a greenhouse effect is created or permanent injury to the perineum occurs.
  • Due to exposure to too low or high temperatures, that is, hypothermia or overheating.
  • External irritants can be various aggressive chemicals, additives, fragrances found in deodorants, soaps, shower gels, pads, toilet paper, tampons, pads, dyes for clothes, washing powders. There can be an allergic reaction to any aggressive substance.
  • A woman may also have an inadequate reaction to vaginal contraceptive pills (see), creams, suppositories.
  • Individual intolerance occurs in some women to the lubrication of condoms, to the lubricants or spermicides with which they are treated, as well as to the latex itself from which they are made, this is the cause of itching in the vagina after sex.
  • Powerful stress and prolonged nervous tension provoke any malfunction in the body.
  • Violation of the rules of intimate hygiene - a woman should wash her external genitalia without soap at least once a day (preferably in the morning and evening), as well as before and after sexual intercourse.
  • Poor nutrition. Addiction to diets (vitamin deficiencies and lack of microelements weaken the immune system, impair the regenerative properties of the skin and mucous membranes, which leads to microcracks), as well as the consumption of semi-finished products and fast food, which are rich in dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, leads to allergic reactions. And also a passion for sweet, spicy, pickled foods can provoke itching.

How to get rid of discomfort?

To get rid of itching in the vagina, first, you should eliminate all possible provoking factors - shower products, hygiene products, washing powder, contraceptives, change underwear, etc. Listen to your body; being attentive to yourself can help in identifying the external cause. If discomfort persists, you should consult a gynecologist.

It is especially important to be examined by a doctor after questionable sexual contact without using reliable methods of protection against infections - condoms. It should be borne in mind that hidden infections and STDs are very insidious and can manifest themselves a very long time after infection. In the chronic course of these diseases, it is characteristic that itching intensifies during ovulation and menstruation, and decreases after menstruation. Treatment of STDs is carried out only after a final diagnosis - these are antibiotics, immune stimulants, normalizing the microflora of the vagina and intestines, vitamin therapy, and physiotherapy.

Abundant cheesy discharge, burning, itching, intensifying after sexual intercourse or taking hygiene procedures, can also be a sign of which. In our article you can learn about the disadvantages and advantages of all known suppositories for candidiasis.

In the presence of atrophic changes in the mucosa, which arise as a result of a lack of estrogen and are accompanied by dryness, itching and burning of the vagina, estrogen drugs are usually prescribed.

Many recommend supplementing treatment with douching - this is a very controversial issue, since most gynecologists are categorically against any use of potassium permanganate and other solutions. Read more about douching, its harms and benefits, and whether to do it at all in our article.

  • What you need to know about itchy skin?
  • Types of itching
  • Causes of itchy body skin

What you need to know about itchy skin?

It would seem like a trifle, but what a worry! Previously, itching was considered a type of pain. Subsequently, they came to the conclusion that this is not entirely true, but they recognized its connection with the nervous system - after all, the signal that a particular area of ​​skin needs to be scratched/rubbed/patted comes from the brain. Let's take a nice example: a butterfly landed on your hand. The skin sends information through nerve endings (it’s ticklish) to the brain, and a signal is immediately generated (look and, if anything, shake it off; check if everything is okay).

Tickling and light touching also cause itching. Sometimes it's very nice.
© Getty Images

However, let's get back to the itching. Its reasons are, firstly, not so pleasant, and secondly, not so obvious. In any case, this sensation causes a scratching reflex to, if possible, get rid of the source of the itching and restore comfort to the skin.

Types of itching

The causes of itching turned out to be so numerous that in the world (and in our country) in some medical clinics there are entire centers dedicated to this problem. It is clear that everyone is familiar with itching as a result of a mosquito bite, but if skin itching throughout the body becomes the cause of insomnia, it must be dealt with seriously. In addition, like pain, it can vary in intensity from mild to unbearable, causing you to scratch the skin.

Based on the scale of manifestations, doctors divide itching into two types - localized and generalized.



This is already a serious story. You can't figure it out without a qualified doctor. Severe itching all over the body can be the result of both a skin infection and serious internal diseases, even mental problems.

Causes of itchy body skin

The range of these reasons is huge, let's start with the most common and simple ones.

Excessive dry skin

Leads to disruption of the integrity of its hydrolipid mantle. If the skin becomes dry and flaky, it is usually accompanied by itching. Unpleasant sensations can occur after a shower, for example, if you use soap, which in combination with tap water dries out the skin. In this case, the itching should be regarded as a request for help. You no longer have enough strength to correct the accumulated damage to your skin. You need powerful moisturizers.

So, provocateurs that can make just dry skin very dry:

    low temperatures;

    very low air humidity;

    hard water.

Skin restoration after sunburn, aesthetic procedure

Indeed, beauty often requires sacrifice. Especially hair removal... Itching often accompanies the recovery process. © Getty Images

Indeed, “it itches means it heals.” Here you will have to be patient and use soothing, moisturizing and regeneration-accelerating products. Histamine, which is produced in areas of damage, is to blame. One of its tasks is to increase blood circulation in this area, which speeds up the healing process.

Their army is innumerable, ranging from scabies mites (which are very easy to pick up) or lice, to pool fungus, staphylococcal infection (impetigo) and viruses, including herpes. Many diseases like chickenpox, which are accompanied by a rash, inevitably cause the skin to itch. Obviously, in this case, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment against the disease. The itching will also go away. In the future, to strengthen the skin’s immunity, it is important to moisturize it well and prevent excessive dryness.

Skin diseases

Psoriasis, eczema, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis - many dermatological diseases of a non-infectious nature are also accompanied by itching, because they are associated in one way or another with skin damage, disruption and, as a rule, excessive dryness.

In such situations, the doctor prescribes not only treatment, but also daily care that will help minimize the manifestations of the disease and keep it under control.

Vitamin and mineral deficiency

It is clear that for such pronounced manifestations the deficiency must be very serious. However, it is possible. , iron, B vitamins, vitamin A negatively affects the skin, leading to peeling and itching. But everything passes without a trace, you just have to satisfy your vitamin and mineral hunger.

Diseases of internal organs and systems

Skin itching, usually generalized, is often accompanied by very serious diseases, including diabetes mellitus, other endocrine (hormonal) disorders, blood, liver, kidney diseases, neurological and oncological problems. Therefore, in no case should you neglect this symptom and postpone consulting a doctor.

If the cause of itchy skin is not obvious, be sure to consult a doctor!
© Getty Images

Psychogenic itching

Psychogenic itch makes us itch when we read an article about itching or see someone scratching. This form differs from the others in the complete absence of visible and objective reasons for itching. This happens in moments of stress and excitement - due to nervousness. But not only. Sometimes this problem interferes with living and sleeping.

Generalized psychogenic itching may accompany a depressive state.

How to get rid of severe itchy skin all over your body

First, go to a dermatologist for a consultation. As we see, there can be many reasons, and very serious ones. At the same time, you can reconsider traditional skin care.

Alexander Prokofiev, medical expert of the La Roche-Posay brand, offers three universal tips for caring for your body skin:

  1. 1

    Use only mild products for cleansing, avoid soap;

  2. 2

    apply emollients (moisturizers) several times a day, the skin should never remain dry;

  3. 3

    try not to scratch the skin, as it is damaged, nerve endings are irritated and the vicious circle of atopy “itching-scratching” starts. Instead of using your own nails, it is better to use skin soothing products, such as Lipikar Stick AP+, it can even be used for eyelids.

Cosmetical tools

Depending on the cause of the itching, you should choose suitable cosmetics.

    If the problem is dry skin, then any moisturizing creams and body oils will improve the situation.

    In the case of allergy-prone skin, preference must be given. Some brands, for example, La Roche-Posay, develop entire lines for complete care specifically for such skin.

It is clear that cosmetics will not solve the problem until the original cause of the itching is eliminated, so do not neglect consulting a dermatologist.

What cosmetics will help with skin care?


If your skin is itchy and sensitive, it is important to avoid soap as much as possible and choose your shower gels carefully.

Lipid-restoring cleansing cream-gel for face and body of babies, children and adults Lipikar Syndet AP+, La Roche-Posay contains shea butter, vitamin B3, and a probiotic to restore skin.

Nourishing shower cream Nurturing Body Washing Cream series Crème de Corps, Kiehl’s not only cleanses, but also softens dry and sensitive skin thanks to shea and jojoba oils.

Lipid-replenishing softening oil for bath and shower Lipikar AP+ Oil, La Roche-Posay Addresses extremely dry skin of adults, children and babies. Contains components aimed at restoring the skin macrobiome and reducing discomfort caused by dryness.


Why does itching occur and sometimes the body itches in different places for no apparent reason? The scratching reflex can be caused by external or internal reasons, but it always occurs as a result of an impact on the nerve endings located between the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin.

At times, the body itches for seemingly no reason, but the itching has many possible causes.

Types of itching

But why does a person start to itch? So he massages the itchy area - that is, the place where the pathology arose. After this, blood supply to this area increases, lymph flow accelerates and the toxic component is removed, after which the desire to scratch this area gradually subsides.

In some cases, the skin begins to itch due to the accumulation of certain metabolic products in the body, which is a physiological reaction and stops on its own.

Doctors divide itching into the following 2 types:

  1. Localized or universal - for example, itching in the perineal area during pregnancy or itching in the anus with some types of helminthiases;
  2. Widespread (felt throughout the body) - for example, itching in liver disease.

Each of these varieties, in turn, can present as itching:

  1. Constantly felt;
  2. Occurs periodically.

The intensity of the unpleasant sensations of itching varies in nature and varies from insignificant to extremely severe. With the latter, the patient loses his appetite, his sleep is disturbed, he scratches the affected areas until there are bloody crusts.

It has been confirmed that skin itching occurs more often and is felt more intensely before bedtime, in the evening and at night. It’s quite simple to explain: in the evening the blood vessels dilate. The temperature of the skin also increases due to being under the blanket, and this in turn causes increased blood circulation and general sensitivity of the body.

Note! In the evening hours, a person is left alone with his itch, coming into the room from work or from the street, where there were many distractions. This is how an additional psychological factor is triggered, and you get the feeling that the itching has become stronger, even if this is not the case.


If the causes of itching cannot be determined visually, then it is called “itching of unknown etiology” and we begin to determine one of the possible provoking factors:

  • The patient has increased sensitivity. This phenomenon is observed in the case of:
  1. neurasthenia;
  2. states of hysteria;
  3. as a consequence of previous infectious and cold diseases;
  4. for mental illness and stress.

Note! Often this condition is also accompanied by symptoms of other nervous disorders - increased reflexes, pain, etc.

  • The man is simply too suspicious. He may just think or remember something that, in his opinion, may be causing symptoms of itching (fleas, previous illnesses, allergies) - and immediately begin to itch.
  • There was contact with real irritants - plants, insects, household chemicals, rough synthetics, etc.
  • An itchy patient was faced with the impact of internal irritants on the body. This is the so-called toxic itch. This happens with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the liver and bile ducts, diseases of the blood and endocrine system, obesity and hyperhidrosis.
  • It is impossible not to mention the so-called “pregnancy itch”. During pregnancy, the female body undergoes significant restructuring, as a result of which, due to changes in the properties of the vaginal mucosa, a suitable environment for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi is created for some time.

Pregnant women often experience body itching, which is called “pregnancy itch.”

The most common diseases in which the phenomenon of itchy skin is observed are:

  • Neurodermatitis– a multifactorial disease of a chronic nature, most often caused by so-called neurogenic-allergic factors and manifested in the form of specific skin rashes. This pathological condition develops as a result of disturbances in the functioning of two systems - the immune and nervous, as well as allergic diseases (atopic) and hereditary predisposition.
  • Hives. Pale pink itchy papules with this allergic disease appear quite quickly and also disappear in just a few hours.
  • Increased dry skin (xerosis). Develops as a result of exposure to frequently used detergents, sun and during the natural aging process. The amount of sebaceous gland secretions decreases, which causes skin irritation, and as a result, the skin is constantly itchy.
  • At Blood glucose levels increase, which in turn leads to severe itching. There is no rash. Typically, the body of patients suffering from this disease is dehydrated, and this in itself is a very good reason for the development of itching of the skin. In some cases, dry skin is complicated by fungal infection and cracks.
  • Scabies– is caused by scabies, the itching with this disease is intense and mainly manifests itself at night.

How to treat

What to do to get rid of itching? Before eliminating the symptoms, you need to find out the cause of the pathology (the main ones are listed above). In the case where the patient does not have serious systemic diseases, to eliminate unpleasant symptoms it is often sufficient to take the following measures:

  • do not forget about observing hygiene rules;
  • eliminate irritating factors, ensure that the skin does not dry out;
  • limit as much as possible the consumption of vasodilating products: coffee, alcoholic beverages, too hot dishes, too strong brewed tea, spices, etc.;

  • control the temperature in the room, avoiding its excessive increase;
  • try to avoid situations that provoke the development of stress, depression, and anxiety.

There are effective folk remedies to help combat excessive dry skin:

  • First of all, these are ordinary water baths, which are taken using hypoallergenic - for example, baby - soap. After a bath, the skin should not be wiped, but blotted with a cotton, bamboo or linen towel and lubricated with moisturizing oil. For example, olive oil will do;
  • itchy skin is also lubricated with lard;
  • on forums promoting folk remedies for the treatment of various diseases, a very popular remedy for many ailments is birch tar, which in this case is proposed to be applied to itchy areas of the skin;
  • there are recommendations about rubbing itchy skin with unsalted lard;
  • An effective and relatively comfortable remedy compared to other methods is rubbing with very warm water with the addition of natural;
  • A more effective remedy for severe itching would be bandages (wet-dry), which are applied to the itchy areas of the skin using bandages;
  • and finally, we cannot fail to mention the famous “Cleopatra’s Bath”, for which two teaspoons of olive oil are added to a glass of milk to prepare the application. The mixture is applied to the desired area, blotted and left to dry.

“Cleopatra’s Bath” – add a couple of teaspoons of olive oil to a glass of milk

Dry skin can develop due to too dry indoor air.
In this case, by eliminating the cause, you will also get rid of the need to take additional measures.

Advice! To eliminate the problem of too dry indoor air, hang wet towels on heating devices or place a bowl of water next to them. You can also install a special device in the room - an air humidifier.

If itching occurs in certain areas of the body after wearing synthetic or woolen fabrics, simply eliminate the irritant. The same recommendations should be followed for any other manifestation of allergies.

In addition, you need to monitor what detergents you use, cut your nails shorter to avoid night scratching, and regularly and thoroughly do wet cleaning. In some cases, the use of special detergents for allergy sufferers (sold in special allergy centers) and the installation of an air purifier are indicated. These measures allow you to minimize the discomfort that your disease causes you.

You should follow a diet that includes easily digestible foods with a minimum content of irritating ingredients. A dairy-vegetable diet is most often optimal for allergy sufferers - of course, in the absence of a history of allergies to milk components.
Milk is a mild diuretic and helps the body get rid of toxins and waste in a timely manner.

The following should be excluded from the diet: canned foods, meat and fish broths, smoked foods, pickled foods, cocoa and chocolate, coffee, non-dietary sweets and spicy dishes.

The following will be useful: vegetable soups with cereals, low-fat boiled meat and fish, low-fat cottage cheese and other fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs.

Advice! If another exacerbation occurs while following a diet, try reducing your salt intake to 3 grams per day.

The following drugs are used as drug therapy in the treatment of allergic diseases: Suprastin, Claritin, Trexil, Tavegil and others.
In some cases, ointments and creams based on glucocorticosteroids are used: Triderm, Symbicort, Diprogent, Fluorocort, Sinaflan and others.
Ointments, gels, powders and creams with the addition of novocaine, menthol, anesthesin and other soothing and analgesic components are also used.

Important! If the cause of skin itching is a certain disease of organs or systems, then treatment should be prescribed by a specialist, since without eliminating the cause, unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of the symptoms.

The most common reason for visiting a dermatologist is itching. There are cases when there are not even any rashes on the skin, but it itches so much that a person literally tears the skin. The suffering is further aggravated by the fact that everyone around them suspects a simulation or a mental disorder.

And, it would seem, it’s not a big problem - a person scratches himself, and that’s it, there are no specific skin diseases, let him be happy. But itching can indicate very serious problems, not to mention the fact that it greatly worsens the patient’s quality of life. Constant itching can lead to depression and even suicide attempts.

The most serious reason

The most important causes of itchy skin are malignant tumors. Itching may be one of the first signs of a tumor and appear before other symptoms. There have been cases when such a difference was up to 5 years!

Paraneoplastic (tumor-associated) skin itching can occur with any tumor, but more often occurs with carcinoma of the stomach, pancreatic cancer, lung, intestinal, brain, breast and prostate cancer. The whole body itches, but there are areas where the itching is more intense.

With Hodgkin's lymphoma, itching is also one of the most common accompanying symptoms and is observed in 25% of patients suffering from this disease.

If “thanks to the itch” you are examined on time, then cancer can be caught in the early, treatable stages.

Water: helps and provokes

Not as fatal as hidden tumors of internal organs, and perhaps the most common cause of itching is simple dry skin.

Modern hygiene requirements include daily showers. In principle, this is correct, but frequent use of detergents, especially in people whose skin is already prone to dryness (and this problem occurs in large numbers among the elderly), causes drying out of the skin. Soap washes away not only dirt, but also substances that retain moisture. As a result, there is itching, but no rashes.

Stop washing? Adherents of the “back-to-nature” concept, and to be honest, some colleagues (usually with a post-war education) advise exactly this. But bacterial and fungal infections will not keep you waiting, and the smell...

So you need to continue to maintain hygiene, but supplement it with special preparations that soften the skin and retain moisture in it (emollients). There are a huge number of them on the market, and they act in different ways; your doctor will tell you what exactly is right for a particular person.

And further. Some people simply don't drink enough water. Especially old people, whose sense of thirst may be dulled, and due to age, they may not remember or may not get what they want due to weakness (yes, that situation when there is no one to give a glass of water).

This leads to much more significant health problems than itchy skin, but also to that. People caring for the elderly should understand the situation and regularly provide water to their charges.

Unfortunately, as practice shows, such patients are often treated with disdain, believing that out of consultations with specialist doctors, only one is necessary - with a psychiatrist.

Yes, such a patient may also have a mental health disorder. But this does not happen as often as society imagines.

Etiology: announce the entire list

In addition to oncology, dry skin and mental status disorders, itchy skin without rashes can be caused by:

  • endocrine diseases: hyper- and hypothyroidism, diabetes, hyper- and hypoparathyroidism;
  • neurological diseases: cerebrovascular accidents, multiple sclerosis, peripheral nerve injuries, postherpetic neuralgia;
  • hematological diseases;
  • Sjögren's syndrome (a systemic disease associated with pathological dryness of the integument).

Therefore, you don’t need to go through it - in this case you definitely won’t succeed. You will only waste time, money and nerves. And the reason may remain unclear. Therefore, please leave the search for the cause to your doctor.

How will the doctor deal with this?

At the stage of collecting anamnesis, the doctor will definitely find out the following factors:

  • onset (sharp, gradual);
  • flow (continuous, intermittent);
  • character (stabbing, burning).

It is also important: whether the itching is localized or “itches everywhere”, how long it is present and at what time it appears.

The doctor will try to detect provoking factors - is there a connection with the patient’s activity (profession, hobby), perhaps there has been unusual physical activity recently, new pets have appeared, etc. Trips and travel, traumatic situations in the recent past, play a role.

Also important is your sexual history and, finally, what you have already tried to treat yourself.

Remember! Applying a variety of “folk remedies” to scratched skin greatly complicates the establishment of a correct diagnosis and the possibility of carrying out certain tests, and contributes to the development of pustular and other complications.

Stages of initial examination

After collecting your medical history, the doctor will conduct a general examination, take your temperature, find out if you are suffering from excessive sweating, or if you have been particularly tired or losing weight lately.

He will examine the skin to see if its integrity is damaged or if there is a “jaundice” tint. He will look to see if there are any “fungal” manifestations on the nails or if the color of the eye sclera has changed.

Assess the state of the endocrine system (tremor, impaired thermoregulation, increased thirst should be on your guard) and the blood system (is there anemia, are the lymph nodes enlarged)

The doctor should also check the health of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. And finally, he needs to find out the state of the nervous system (do you have headaches, paresthesia, visual disturbances, sleep disturbances, hallucinations, etc.) However, this entire sequence can be adjusted during the examination.

The list of tests you will be sent for depends on your medical history and initial examination.

For example, if there is thirst and increased diuresis, you will need to check glycated hemoglobin; if there is heartburn or intolerance to some foods, you will be sent for an FGDS, etc.

I repeat that there is no need for initiative; choosing tests at random, and especially “everyone in a row,” will only confuse you.

Until we got to the doctor

If there is absolutely no possibility of examination, and the itching is intolerable, you can use over-the-counter antihistamines - according to the instructions and taking into account contraindications.

Important! Despite the fact that the instructions for most modern medications say that they have little effect on sleep, alertness, etc., you cannot drive while taking them unless there is a direct phrase “does not interfere with driving.” And the very condition of itching does not contribute to attentiveness while driving.

And yet, given the danger of possible pathology, the sooner you get to the doctor and begin the examination, the better!

Good health!

Leonid Shchebotansky

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