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Therapeutic massage: benefits, effects on the body, contraindications. Side effects of reflex segmental massage (displacement of reflexes) Possible side effects

It has been known since ancient times as an effective method of therapy. The particular popularity of therapeutic massage is due to the fact that, with minimal restrictions, it is indicated for a variety of diseases and health problems. Moreover, therapeutic massage, when used correctly, does not have the same side effects as most modern medications.

How massage works on a person

First of all, therapeutic massage affects the receptors that are located on the surface of the human body. Massage actively affects muscles, as well as blood vessels and internal organs.

When the massage technique is chosen correctly, it activates the blood circulation process, as well as lymph flow from tissues and internal organs, promotes the release of valuable biologically active substances into the blood, increases the body’s immune strength, etc.

The number and frequency of therapeutic massage procedures is determined for each patient individually and depends on the condition of the body, past or current illness and other parameters.

The effect of therapeutic massage is often felt after the first session, but usually massage, as a therapeutic procedure, requires a course system.

Therapeutic massage techniques

Therapeutic massage is general when the area of ​​influence is extensive and affects almost all tissues and organs. Therapeutic massage can be local (or local), when only a certain part of the human body is exposed to massage.

Massage techniques usually include five basic techniques: active-passive movements, kneading, rubbing, vibration, stroking. To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, an experienced massage therapist uses all of the listed techniques in combination.

Where do therapeutic massages take place?

Therapeutic massage, as a traditional method of therapy, has long been successfully used by specialists in clinics, sanatoriums and other medical and preventive institutions. There are also private massage rooms, when visiting which you should first obtain a consultation from the attending physician, as well as find out the qualifications of the massage therapist, since behind the apparent simplicity of the massage therapist’s actions lies a complex system of manipulations, the incorrect implementation of which can provoke a deterioration in the patient’s condition. Every professional massage therapist knows that massage movements when affecting internal organs and muscles are different.

Indications for therapeutic massage may include diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, digestive and respiratory organs, metabolic disorders, as well as certain symptoms of some other diseases.

It is useful to know that the therapeutic effect of massage directly depends on the conditions in which it is performed. For example, a decrease in the therapeutic effect will occur if the patient, during a massage or immediately after it, is exposed to such negative factors as loud sounds from the street or the proximity of a noisy queue, etc. This is also important to consider when choosing a massage room.

The benefits of therapeutic massage

The effect of therapeutic massage on the human nervous system

With the help of therapeutic massage, you can both reduce and increase the general nervous excitability of the patient, activate many, even previously unused reflexes, and also significantly improve the condition of the skin, tissues and internal organs of the human body.

During therapeutic massage, the human peripheral nervous system is positively affected. A special massage can relieve or significantly reduce pain, improve nerve conduction, minimize negative changes in the muscles located near the damaged nerve, and speed up the recovery process. Also, therapeutic massage serves as a prevention of possible complications in the future.

The effect of therapeutic massage on human skin

With the help of therapeutic massage, you can improve the condition of not only the skin itself, but also the subcutaneous tissue.

During the massage therapist’s actions, the skin is cleansed of horny scales, microorganisms and foreign particles trapped in the pores. Thanks to therapeutic massage, the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands is normalized, the tubules of which are cleaned, and lymph flow and blood circulation are activated. The skin becomes more elastic and velvety, acquiring a healthy pink tint. Massage increases the skin's resistance to temperature changes, as well as to mechanical stress. Increased skin and muscle tone makes the skin more elastic, dense and smooth.

The human skin contains a huge number of receptors, thanks to which therapeutic massage has a beneficial effect not only directly on the skin, but also on muscles and blood vessels. Under the influence of massage, reserve additional capillaries open and expand. Gas exchange between body tissues and blood improves.

The effect of therapeutic massage on blood circulation

Under the influence of therapeutic massage, the blood circulation of the human body significantly improves and normalizes, which is associated with improved blood movement through the arteries and veins. There is also a positive effect of massage on lymph circulation, due to which the vessels through which lymph moves are freely cleansed.

The effect of therapeutic massage on the muscles of the human body

Thanks to therapeutic massage, the elasticity and flexibility of muscle fibers increases, atrophic processes slow down and muscles begin to contract better. During the massage, blood flow to the muscle fibers increases, which increases muscle performance. Special massage techniques also affect internal organs, but this type of therapeutic massage should be performed exclusively by a professional massage therapist. Therapeutic massage has a beneficial effect on the metabolic process in the body, as it helps to increase the number of leukocytes, red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood.

Contraindications for general therapeutic massage

Of course, the therapeutic massage technique, the number of sessions and their duration are selected individually for each patient. Therapeutic massage is not indicated for the general serious condition of the patient, inflammatory processes, or during exacerbation of chronic diseases.

There are, of course, much more contraindications to therapeutic massage than to hygienic massage. Such contraindications include: blood diseases, febrile conditions, bleeding, purulent processes, various skin diseases, as well as damage to the skin, varicose veins, thrombosis, atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels, angitis and many other diseases, which only a doctor can exclude from the list of contraindications .

Contraindications to local therapeutic massage

Massage of the abdomen, thigh muscles and lower back is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as within 2 months after childbirth and abortion. Abdominal massage is also contraindicated during menstruation, hernia, and kidney and gallstones.

You cannot massage the lower back and hip area if you have fibroids, as well as exacerbations of kidney disease.

How to prepare for therapeutic massage

It is not advisable to eat before a massage; a general therapeutic massage is performed at least an hour after eating.

Also, an hour before the massage, you need to take a shower with soap and a washcloth.

Before the procedure, you should refrain from using strong-smelling substances (perfume, etc.).

It is necessary to think about clothing for massage in advance, since the parts of the body being massaged must be naked. It is also necessary to remove jewelry.

It is important to come to your massage slowly so as not to sweat. Moreover, immediately before the procedure, you should tune in to a positive wave and disconnect from everyday problems.

During the massage itself, you need to relax, and if you experience any unpleasant or painful sensations, report them to the massage therapist.

The effectiveness of therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage, due to its complex effect on the human body, is considered a highly effective method of restorative therapy, and therefore is often included in a set of procedures aimed at the rehabilitation of people who have suffered long-term chronic diseases or injuries.

Therapeutic massage is also effective for healthy people, as it can be an excellent preventive measure for a number of diseases. Moreover, therapeutic massage strengthens the immune system, increases performance and improves overall well-being.

The therapeutic effect of massage (which is expressed in normalizing the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, improving blood flow and lymph flow) is actively used in cosmetology and sports and rehabilitation medicine. Thus, the therapeutic effect of massage has a beneficial effect on both health and beauty.

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Improperly performed segmental massage and its overdose can cause additional complaints - side effects called reflex shifts. The massage therapist must know when and where reflex shifts may occur and how they can be prevented or eliminated. N1. If, with right-sided sciatica, you massage near the L3-L4 segments on the left, nagging pain in the right leg, numbness, itching and tingling in the ankles and sole may appear. these phenomena are eliminated by massage of the soft tissues between the ischial tuberosity and the greater trochanter on the right.

N2. Massaging the soft tissue above and below the spine of the scapula and along the posterior edge of the deltoid muscle can cause numbness, pain and tingling in the arm. these phenomena are eliminated by intensive massage of soft tissues in the armpit.

N3. Too vigorous massage of the soft tissues of the left armpit can cause cardiac complaints in the patient. These phenomena are eliminated by massaging the lower edge of the chest on the left.

N4. When massaging the back of the head and cervical segments, headache, dizziness, fatigue, loss of consciousness, and sudden sleep may occur. These phenomena are eliminated by lightly rubbing the eyelids and forehead along the frontal muscles.

N5. Back massage sometimes causes muscle tension in the neck and chest, especially in the angle between the sternum and collarbone. These phenomena are eliminated by massaging the chest from the front.

N6. Massaging the muscles between the inner edge of the shoulder blade and especially between its upper inner corner and the spine can cause an attack of angina. this attack can be eliminated by massaging the left half of the chest to the sternum and massaging the lower edge of the chest on the left.

N7. when exposed to the lower thoracic and lumbar segments near the spine, sensations of pressure, heaviness and dull pain in the bladder may appear. such phenomena are often observed in women before menstruation. these phenomena can be eliminated by massaging the lower abdomen in the area of ​​the symphysis pubis.

N8. in case of stomach disease, the maximum point located below the spine of the left scapula can be massaged only after relieving the tension of the soft tissues in the underlying segments. If you do not follow this rule and start massaging this point earlier, stomach pain may appear or intensify. in this case, it is necessary to massage the soft tissues on the chest in front and the lower edge of the chest on the left.

N9. Vigorous rubbing of the soft tissues in the sternum area and in the places where the ribs are attached to it can cause thirst and suffocation. these sensations can be eliminated by deep stroking the soft tissues in the area of ​​the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra.

N10. when applied for constipation to sharp rubbing on swellings in the area of ​​segments d10-d12, dull pain in the bladder may occur. they are eliminated as indicated in paragraph

N11. If, after eliminating all reflex changes, more than five more procedures are performed, a relapse may occur.

N12. if the maximum point near the spine at the level of segments d2-d3 begins to be massaged until the tension in the lower segments and on the anterior surface of the chest disappears, this can cause an attack of angina. It is eliminated by massaging the lower edge of the chest on the left.

N13. intense massage in the area of ​​the sixth-ninth intercostal space on the left can cause an unpleasant sensation in the heart area. it is eliminated as indicated in paragraph

N14. Massaging soft tissues in the area of ​​the ischial tuberosity can cause lower back pain. they are eliminated by massage of the lumbar segments.

N15. Nausea and the urge to vomit that sometimes appear during a massage of the scalp are eliminated by vigorous rubbing of the soft tissues in the area of ​​the lower corner of the left shoulder blade.

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Hello! Today we reveal the secrets of hardware massage and tell you in detail about lpg massage. In this article you will learn about the benefits and types of this cosmetic procedure, its effectiveness and recommendations for use.

What is lpg massage

Lpg massage is a method of hardware massage. This method was developed in the 70s of the twentieth century by the French researcher Louis Paul Gitel. The method took its name from his initials.

The operating principle of lpg massage is based on mechanical impact on the body or face using special attachments of the device in two directions - vacuum And vibrating massage.

The device for this procedure is a chamber with special attachments (handles). The maniples have rollers at the end for vibration massage. The handpieces grab or pinch part of the skin at a speed of 4 to 16 times per second, and the vacuum has an additional effect.

Lpg massage is carried out through an individual special suit (endermological overalls) for a hygienic and painless effect of the manipule and better grip on the skin.

Recently, the so-called lpg integral massage has become popular, which is carried out by the latest generation of devices - lpg integral. It implements the latest development in the field of hardware massage - Ergodrive, which allows you to achieve high levels of effectiveness in weight loss and weight loss, anti-cellulite prevention. The Ergodrive technology is nothing more than a special handpiece that is more efficient, covers a larger area of ​​the body area being treated, and acts deeper than previous generations of handpieces. The fixing effect at the end of the procedure for skin elasticity is also important.

Lpg massage is also called endermological massage, lipomassage, cosmechanics, energy lifting. It is actively used in cosmetology and medicine. In medicine, it is used for treatment after surgery, in the postpartum period for recovery, to reduce keloid scars, to treat joints and initial varicose veins, and for back pain. In sports, lpg massage has also found application as an excellent recovery method after injury and as a relaxation method under heavy loads.

Hardware lpg massage has an effect on the subcutaneous tissues and muscles, causing them to get rid of excess fluid and toxins, stimulating cell regeneration and the production of collagen and elastin. Blood circulation increases and lymphatic drainage massage occurs, fats are broken down.

Lpg massage can be used on any part of the body, suitable for any age and gender. Due to physiological characteristics, lpg massage for women and men will differ in impact zones and other characteristics. There are LPG facial massage and LPG body massage.

With the help of lpg massage the following results are achieved:

  • weight loss;
  • contour tightening;
  • getting rid of cellulite and sagging skin;
  • removal of fat layer;
  • getting rid of scars and stretch marks;
  • elimination of wrinkles;
  • relaxing effect on the body;
  • skin tightness.

Advantages and disadvantages of lpg massage

The main advantages of this procedure:

  • deep effect on skin, tissue and muscles;
  • safety;
  • fast efficiency and noticeable visual results;
  • multi-purpose focus - improving skin condition, tightening muscle structure, breaking down fat, removing fluid and toxins;
  • Complex effect - cosmetic (aesthetic, health);
  • universality of the procedure - lpg massage can be performed on any part of the body and face;
  • persistent and long-lasting effect.

Disadvantages include the presence of contraindications and the need for preliminary diagnostics to detect contraindications, and the relative high cost of sessions.

Types of lpg massage

  • Vacuum lpg massage - resembles a cupping massage procedure, but gives a different result. With the help of vacuum LPG massage you can get rid of loose skin and sagging skin, and eliminate a double chin.
  • Vacuum roller lpg massage - affects both rollers and vacuum. At the same time, after capturing a certain area of ​​the body, the rollers begin to work in different directions. Very effective for weight loss, tightening contours and smoothing out relief.
  • Anti-cellulite lpg massage- the most complex type of procedures, requiring a highly qualified specialist and a high-quality lpg massage apparatus. Allows you to get rid of the “orange peel” on any part of the body - arms, thighs, buttocks, stomach, chest.

Indications and contraindications

Lpg massage is indicated for the following problems:

  • Availability ;
  • puffiness, haggard face;
  • "double chin;
  • unclear contours of the face and figure;
  • cellulite;
  • "breeches" effect;
  • scars, scars and stretch marks;
  • uneven skin texture;
  • sagging and sagging skin;
  • fat layers on the body.


  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • wounds and damage to the skin;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • hernia;
  • conditions with elevated temperature and enlarged lymph nodes;
  • colds and viral diseases;
  • epilepsy and other lesions of the nervous system;

Use LPG massage with caution during menstruation, rosacea and herpes on the face. After surgery, there must be a period of recovery and healing, and only after this can LPG massage be performed.

An individual approach is also observed in the presence of varicose veins and taking certain medications.

How to do lpg massage: mechanism of action and stages

Procedure steps:

Step 1. Preparation.

  • At this stage, the body is diagnosed and examined by a specialist to identify contraindications to lpg massage. If none are found, then problem areas are identified, a procedural scheme and course duration are developed. Often a photo is taken before the procedure and then after completion of the course to visually assess the results.
  • To carry out an LPG body massage, you need to purchase an individual suit, on which a specialist can immediately graphically mark problem areas and areas of influence.
  • It is not recommended to eat before the procedure, approximately three hours before it. Make-up should be removed from the skin and the skin should be dry.
  • You can drink at least 250 ml of clean water before the session to speed up the cleansing of the body.
  • Sometimes it may be necessary to apply a special lipo-burning or anti-cellulite cream for mechanical procedures. They are used only as prescribed by a specialist.

Step 2. Carrying out the procedure.

Having put on a special suit, the patient sits on a massage chair, the specialist begins the procedure, while influencing problem areas in different ways. This is done to achieve maximum effect depending on the condition of the problem: twisting, smoothing, grinding, rocking.

Twisting helps with cellulite, sanding helps with skin problems, rocking helps break down fat, smoothing gives clarity to contours.

The specialist also foresees and sets for the device the movement of the rollers in certain impact zones. There are three modes: Roll In, Roll Up, Roll Out. Each mode works differently and produces different results.

For some areas, LPG massage requires changing body position or making a certain physical movement recommended by a specialist during the procedure.

Modern devices have ready-made programs for influencing certain areas, setting the intensity of manipulation and speed or program parameters depending on the desired result.

The procedure takes from 30 minutes to 50 minutes. After the session, no additional restorative manipulations are required. Minor swelling and redness may occur, which will go away on its own.

The maximum result and durability of lpg massage can be achieved through physical training and a balanced diet.

There is no rehabilitation period required and it is possible to do your usual activities and lead your everyday life immediately after the sessions. Immediately after the session, it is not recommended to eat a large meal; it is better to do it three hours later.

For LPG massage of the face and body, different attachments are used.

LPG facial massage

The LPG massage technique on the face affects blood circulation, lymphatic drainage of the skin and subcutaneous layers, promotes cell regeneration, activates collagen production, evens out tone and color, and lifts contours.

With the help of LPG massage on the face, problems are solved:

  • facial wrinkles;
  • jowls and the impending century;
  • contour tightening;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • alignment of tone and unevenness;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • uniformity of complexion;
  • getting rid of double chin;
  • reduction of scars.

Contraindications to LPG facial massage include the presence of open wounds, pustules, and tumors.

LPG body massage for weight loss

For the body, LPG massage works in problem areas such as hips, legs, arms, buttocks, abdomen, neck and décolleté. The procedure has anti-cellulite, lifting, lipo-burning and aesthetic effects. For each zone and problem, different hands are used with different intensity of hardware impact.

  • LPG massage of legs and buttocks allows you to get rid of cellulite in this area, reduce volume, tighten muscles and skin, get rid of “breeches” and “ears”.
  • L pg belly massage will strengthen the abdominal muscles, get rid of extra pounds of fat on it, reduce volume, tighten the contours of the sides, eliminate or minimize stretch marks and scars.
  • LPG massage on hands makes it possible to reduce cellulite, sagging and sagging skin, strengthen muscles, and even out the relief.
  • LPG massage in the décolleté and neck area eliminates wrinkles, sagging skin, removes fat layer.

Possible side effects and complications

Like any procedure, LPG massage may have side effects:

  • swelling and redness- disappear on their own in a short time;
  • bruises and bruises- rarely observed and may indicate an incorrect procedure;
  • painful sensations- usually observed in the first minutes and then disappear. But if pain persists throughout the entire session and from procedure to procedure, you must immediately inform a specialist. A possible reason lies either in the high intensity of mechanical impact, or in the increased sensitivity of the body to mechanical impact;
  • slight chills, feeling of fever in the first hours after the session- this can be observed with vegetative-vascular dystonia and it is enough to take soothing tea and relax.

If any side effects occur, you must immediately inform a specialist to adjust the procedure program and course regimen.


Many people wonder whether it is possible to use LPG massage after childbirth, cesarean section, and other surgical interventions. Experts say that LPG massage is also useful in these cases, with the only condition that there should be a recovery period after surgery for a year. And only after this LPG massage will become effective and useful in eliminating scars, stretch marks, tightening muscles and skin on the body.

Phlebologists do not have a clear answer to the question of whether LPG massage is effective or harmful for varicose veins. It has been noted that lpg massage can relieve swelling in early-stage varicose veins, but is ineffective and even dangerous in other stages of varicose veins. In any case, you should initially consult with a phlebologist.

How often to do lpg massage

The duration of the course is developed strictly individually, based on the problem and condition of the body, the desired effect.

For the body and face there are also differences in duration and frequency.

On average, at least 10 procedures are required, the optimal number is from 10 to 20 sessions, including basic, corrective and maintenance courses.

  • For lpg facial massage 8-10 procedures of the main course are required, then 4-5 procedures of the intermediate course and, according to individual indicators, several sessions of supporting procedures. The frequency is 2 times a week, in the intermediate period - once every two to three weeks, at the maintenance stage - once a month.
  • For lpg body massage the optimal number of sessions is 6-8 procedures with a frequency of three times a week, at the next stage the frequency is reduced to 1 time per week or less often by 4-6 procedures, the maintenance stage includes an individual schedule according to indications.

The durability of the results of lpg massage lasts for six months, 8 months. This indicator is relative, since maintaining the result depends on lifestyle, the presence or absence of supporting procedures, physical activity, diet, and personal characteristics of the body.

Compatibility and compatibility with other cosmetic procedures

LPG massage can be combined with the following procedures:

  • ozone therapy;
  • Elos therapy;
  • mesotherapy;
  • cavitation (ultrasound therapy).

These procedures perfectly complement lpg massage and are fully compatible with it, subject to contraindications and specialist recommendations.

Lpg or manual massage

The cosmetologist will also tell you how to choose the most suitable procedure. When choosing between lpg or manual massage, you should be guided by the presence of contraindications, individual characteristics and problems. Numerous reviews and recommendations from specialists tend to choose lpg massage due to its greater efficiency and quick results, as well as the durability of the effect. Lpg massage is more physiological and affects the deeper layers of tissue and muscles. Manual massage is inferior to lpg in terms of durability of the effect and speed of achieving results.

Cavitation or lpg massage

This is also up to you and the cosmetologist to decide. These procedures have a fundamental difference in the method of influence and the hardware device.

Cavitation is a method of hardware cosmetology based on the effect of ultrasound on tissue. In terms of the achieved effect, these two procedures are very similar. The most optimal effect is achieved through complex (joint) use of both lpg massage and cavitation.

Only a specialist will determine the compatibility of procedures and the most suitable one for you.

When choosing between procedures or their compatibility, first of all it is necessary to take into account the state of your health and the presence of individual characteristics of the body. And in order to develop and recommend an effective set of procedures in combination with lpg massage, you need to completely trust the cosmetologist, undergo a thorough diagnosis and not hide the presence of health problems.

Wanting to correct their figure and prolong youth, women choose the most modern procedures that cosmetologists come up with. But even the most effective and safe of them have a number of contraindications to their implementation.

In this article you will find out what contraindications exist for LPG hardware massage and whether it has any side effects.

The essence of LPG massage

The principle of this cosmetic procedure is that a vacuum roller massager, consisting of rotating rollers, simultaneously captures the deep layers of the skin, forming a fold, and acts on it with vacuum. This promotes the fragmentation of fat cells, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, which leads to a reduction in wrinkles and improved functioning of the circulatory system. It can also be used to treat scars of various origins, even post-burn, and in recovery from injuries.

But before you start this procedure, you should be examined and consult with your doctor to see if you have any contraindications for LPG massage.

Contraindications to LPG massage

One of the most important contraindications to LPG massage is the presence of tumors - fibroids and cancer. No matter how much you would like, you should not carry out this procedure at any stage of treatment or even after it, as it accelerates the division of cells, even malignant ones, and this can provoke a deterioration in health.

Also, you should not take risks with problems in the functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart and respiratory system, if there are diseases of the endocrine system (, increase in nodular goiter). After all, during an LPG massage, blood circulation increases and the overall load on all organs increases, and the body may not be able to cope. For the same reasons, it is not recommended for hemophilia, treatment of blood clots, and in the first days of menstruation.

The disease lymphostasis (stagnation of lymph in tissues) is another contraindication to LPG massage.

During periods when the body is weakened by any infectious disease that causes an increase in temperature, or an exacerbation of a chronic disease (even bronchitis) has begun, it is better to refrain from performing such a massage, as it can cause an overload of the body.

LPG massage is also contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as it can cause miscarriage or lactostasis.

Also, you should not carry it out if you have existing neurological disorders, mental illnesses and conditions accompanied by increased convulsive activity; you should first undergo a course of treatment or rehabilitation, and only then take care of your beauty.

Even if you do not have the diseases and conditions listed above, you may not be allowed to undergo the procedure. This may be due to the presence at the site of its implementation of violations of the integrity of the skin (scratches, bites, abrasions, wounds), hernias, adenomas, lipomas. It should be taken into account that after surgery, there are also restrictions on performing LPG massage.

Even if you plan to do LPG massage only on the face, all of the listed contraindications will apply.

Is there any harm from LPG massage?

The LPG technique can be compared to a manual massage, so it will not cause any harm to your body, provided that the procedure technology, personal hygiene rules are followed and all the above contraindications are taken into account.

Having chosen an LPG massage from a wide variety of cosmetic procedures, you must honestly and in as much detail as possible tell the doctor about your state of health, so that, based on this, an individual program can be developed for you.

Contraindications for massage divided into absolute and temporary.

Absolute diseases include diseases for which they are not prescribed. For temporary contraindications massage used after the disappearance of pathological phenomena, appropriate treatment, and clarification of the diagnosis.

There are also diseases and conditions for which it is contraindicated massage certain areas of the body.

Absolute contraindications

  1. Malignant blood diseases and hemophilia.
  2. Malignant tumors (before their radical treatment).
  3. Scurvy.
  4. Gangrene.
  5. Vascular thrombosis during its occurrence.
  6. Angiitis.
  7. Aneurysm of the heart, aorta, peripheral vessels.
  8. Mental illnesses with significantly altered psyche.
  9. Active form of tuberculosis.
  10. Venereal diseases during the period of possibility of infection.
  11. Osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone marrow) acute and chronic.
  12. Causalgic syndrome (burning pain) after injury to peripheral nerves.
  13. Circulatory failure and pulmonary heart failure of the III degree.
  14. AIDS.

Temporary contraindications

  1. Acute febrile conditions with elevated body temperature until the diagnosis is clarified. Flu, sore throat, acute respiratory infections (ARI) (acupressure allowed).
  2. Bleeding and tendency to it (intestinal, uterine, nasal, from the urinary tract).
  3. Purulent processes of any localization, pustular skin lesions.
  4. Inflammation of the lymph nodes and blood vessels with their enlargement, adhesion to the skin and underlying tissues.
  5. Multiple allergic skin rashes with hemorrhages. Quincke's edema.
  6. Hypertensive, hypotonic, cerebral (cerebral vessels) crisis.
  7. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.
  8. Alcohol intoxication.
  9. It should be noted that massage can be prescribed 2-5 days after a sore throat, flu, acute respiratory infection, as well as recovery from a purulent process of any localization, cessation of a crisis, or clarification of the diagnosis.

Contraindications for massage of certain parts of the body

  1. It is not allowed to massage areas of the body affected by various diseases of infectious, fungal and unknown origin; any warts, various skin rashes, extensive damage, skin irritations, abrasions, cracks, herpes, molluscum.
  2. For psoriasis, eczema, and neurodermatitis, only the area of ​​the rash is not massaged; the nearby area can be massaged.
  3. For trophic ulcers on the toes in patients with sclerotic lesions of peripheral vessels, for endarteritis, do not massage the foot.
  4. Do not massage areas where there are benign tumors; Distant areas can be massaged due to indications for massage for other diseases or injuries in a given patient, but only using a gentle, non-intensive method.
  5. You cannot massage the area where there was previously a malignant tumor that was removed during surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. You can massage distant areas with concomitant diseases and injuries, but it is better in the long term: in children - after 2 years, in adults - after 5 years in the absence of metastases.
  6. After removal of a malignant tumor of the mammary gland without metastases, if swelling of the arm occurs (as a postoperative complication), you can massage the arms at any time after the operation using a gentle, suction technique (can be done several times a year if swelling of the arm returns). The chest cannot be massaged.
  7. In case of mastopathy, massage of the anterior surface of the chest is contraindicated.
  8. If you have an ovarian cyst, fibroid, uterine fibroid, endometriosis, or prostate adenoma in men, you should not massage the lumbar region and abdomen.
  9. Moles that protrude above the skin should not be massaged; they should be avoided; especially further away from moles that do not protrude above the skin, it should be massaged in cases where there is no hair on the moles (due to the danger of their possible degeneration into malignant neoplasms).
  10. Do not massage an area where veins are significantly dilated or bulging (varicose veins). For example, if the veins in the legs are dilated, you cannot massage the legs, but you can massage the lumbar and buttock areas in connection with this disease and other areas of the body with concomitant diseases.
  11. For minor skin damage or allergic rashes, you can massage an area significantly distant from the site of the lesion.
  12. On the days of normal menstruation, massage of the abdomen and lumbar region is not allowed. For scanty menstruation, it is recommended to massage.
  13. In case of hernias, abdominal massage is not allowed; Allowed only for infants.
  14. If you have stones in the gall bladder or urinary tract, you should not massage the abdomen or lumbar region.
  15. During pregnancy, the postpartum period and after an abortion, massage of the abdomen, lumbar region and hips is contraindicated for 2 months.
  16. Massage of the mammary glands is contraindicated for any disease, but it is advisable to use it in nursing mothers in the early stages after childbirth to increase milk production.
  17. Do not massage the groin, axillary areas, navel, or nipples.