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Medicines that promote conception. For those who are against chemicals. Classification of drugs for the reproductive sphere

Every woman who decides to become a mother begins to take her health more seriously and plan her pregnancy in advance. But there are times when a woman cannot get pregnant for a number of reasons and she is prescribed a lot of additional examinations in order to make an accurate diagnosis and fix the problem as soon as possible. If there are no serious disorders in the woman's body, then doctors recommend taking drugs that will help speed up the process of conception.

Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes appropriate medications that will bring maximum benefit to the patient.

If a woman does not have any health problems, but there are only minor hormonal disorders or a lack of some in the body, the doctor will prescribe drugs that will resume the correct functioning of the reproductive system.

Even if you do not have problems with reproductive function, your body should prepare for the upcoming pregnancy. Taking medications has a positive effect on the further development of pregnancy without complications.

Before you start taking medication, you should change your lifestyle in order to get the most out of the upcoming course.

A woman should:

  1. To refuse from bad habits. Alcohol is eliminated from the body in 3 weeks, which cannot be said about nicotine. Tobacco accumulates in the body very quickly, and reducing its amount is not as easy as it seems. Therefore, at least three months before the upcoming pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to give up addictions.
  2. Change your diet. This does not mean that the expectant mother should go on a diet. A woman needs to enrich her diet with all sorts of useful vitamins, preferably natural ones.
  3. Exercise or light physical activity. During pregnancy, sports are contraindicated, but light loads can be useful, especially if you pay attention to the upcoming birth and prepare the body for such an event.

After a woman adjusts her lifestyle, it is worth addressing another equally important factor. Replenish the missing elements in the body for a speedy conception. If, after checking the tests, no violations are noticed, the woman is prescribed herbal preparations and medicines that will contribute to the speedy conception.

If there are hormonal disorders, the doctor will prescribe, which will bring the body back to normal. And if there are difficulties with ovulation, pills are prescribed that stimulate the ovaries.

Under no circumstances should you take medications on your own without consulting a doctor. If the dosage is incorrect and you do not know your diagnosis, medications can only worsen the situation.

What medications are there for planning pregnancy: classification

Modern medicine has managed to create many drugs that have a positive effect on pregnancy or help its onset. They can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • hormonal drugs (including combined oral contraceptives, progestogens and drugs to stimulate ovulation);
  • non-hormonal agents (dietary supplements, vitamins and herbal substances).

Unfortunately, many doctors are convinced that any pregnancy must be maintained with the help of various medications and procedures.

But, the only medicine that a healthy pregnant woman should take during the first trimester is folic acid. It does not cause any harm, but rather improves the functioning of the mother’s body and reduces the risk of placental abruption or.

Immediately before pregnancy, doctors prescribe drinking folic acid to replenish the necessary supply of microelements to support the fetus.

For the full development of the fetus, all the necessary vitamins A, C, E and almost all group B must be present in the mother’s body. Do not forget about the normal amount of iodine, calcium and many others.

If problems in the body begin before or during pregnancy, doctors prescribe other drugs that eliminate the problem and do not harm the fetus.

Self-medication should not be practiced under any circumstances. Many medications can cross the placenta, which leads to bad consequences. The child may be born with disabilities or not be born at all.


After the tests have been completed, a woman may be prescribed hormonal medications to speed up conception or to ensure a normal pregnancy if the woman’s hormones are not in normal quantities. They may be higher than normal or lower. To replenish or balance hormonal balance, tablets or suppositories are prescribed.

  1. For example, the drug. It is prescribed to expectant mothers if there is not enough progesterone hormone in the blood. Lack of progesterone is called luteal insufficiency, which leads to problems with conception. Even after successful fertilization, a pregnant woman must take this drug to maintain the hormone in good shape. Duphaston reduces the risk of spontaneous miscarriage.
  2. For unstable menstruation, the doctor prescribes oral contraceptives to stabilize hormones. After the expectant mother undergoes a course of hormone therapy, the chances of pregnancy will be significantly higher. The most effective OKs are noted: Yarina and Zhanina. After taking these pills, women's hormonal levels normalized and they were able to get pregnant safely without additional drugs for conception.


Herbal medicines are prescribed to girls who do not have severe disruptions in the functioning of the body or who have contraindications to taking hormonal drugs.

  1. Cyclodinone is a pill that improves the functioning of the reproductive system. Such a medication contains only herbs that contribute to the production of missing hormones. Also, cyclodinone is prescribed if a girl has an irregular menstrual cycle. Even without taking hormonal drugs, it is possible to “even out menstruation” and get pregnant safely.
  2. — they contain sage, plantain and Adam's root. In order for herbal treatment to be effective, you need to contact a phytotherapeutist.


Stimulation of ovulation is prescribed if the girl's ovaries do not cope with the desired task. Due to a lack of hormones, the egg does not have time to mature, or it cannot mature at all. In the ovaries there are follicles, inside which the egg begins to mature.

On a certain day, the follicle must rupture so that the mature egg can enter the uterus and wait for fertilization. If this follicle cannot rupture, drugs are prescribed that contain follicle-stimulating hormones. If everything is fine with this part, but there is not enough progesterone for the maturation of the egg, the doctor prescribes luteinizing hormones.

Drugs that replenish missing hormones:

  • puregon;
  • clostilbegit;
  • Menogon etc.

Before taking medications to replenish missing hormones, get tested. You may need a drug that contains both FSH and LH.

Hot injections for conceiving a child

Calcium gluconate is prescribed for those planning a pregnancy if the girl has no apparent reason for not being pregnant.

Helps relieve inflammatory processes in the body, which interfere with fertilization.

Most often, no more than 3 injections are given. After which pregnancy occurs safely.

Hormone therapy: indications and list

Hormonal medications help prepare the uterus for pregnancy and bearing a child without complications. It happens that the problem with conception may not be with the girl, but with her partner, in which case the man should undergo an examination.

Hormonal medications are prescribed for:

List of medications that a doctor prescribes for hormonal disorders:

  1. Utrozhestan. Contains the necessary progesterone. It is this hormone that helps prepare the uterus for bearing a baby and for successful attachment to its walls.
  2. Duphaston is prescribed if a girl has had a spontaneous miscarriage, or if there is a lack of luteinizing hormone. Also, this medicine is prescribed for endometriosis and unstable menstruation.

Drugs for deficiency of FLH, LH or prolactin:

3.1. kidney and adrenal diseases;

3.2. problems with the thyroid gland;

3.3. pituitary tumors.

The effectiveness of hot injections

Doctors say that after a procedure such as a hot injection, pregnancy occurs quite quickly. It is enough to give three injections - and the girl will have the long-awaited conception.


Each drug has its own contraindications that you need to pay attention to. For example, some hormonal drugs are contraindicated for those girls who have allergic reactions to one of the components. Or there are serious diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

Before taking the drug, consult your doctor and undergo all allergy tests to avoid negative consequences.

Possible negative consequences of taking medications

If a woman does not have any diseases that could cause her condition to worsen while taking medication, then there should be no consequences.

There may be consequences if:

  1. Medicines are taken more often than prescribed by the doctor. In this case, an overdose occurs.
  2. Allergic reaction in the form of a rash. You should stop taking the medication.
  3. General deterioration of condition. The prescribed medications are not suitable for the patient.

When can pregnancy occur?

Pregnancy occurs when all problems with reproductive function are eliminated and the woman is completely healthy. Immediately after the body has established its functioning, fertilization of the egg occurs.

Pregnancy is possible only on favorable days for conception. This is 3 days before ovulation and 3 days after it. On other days, the chances of getting pregnant are much lower.

Even if there are some problems conceiving a child, do not despair. Modern medicine can fix almost any problem. The main thing is to take the diagnosis seriously and undergo the mandatory course of treatment.

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Taking fertility drugs for men is an important condition for successful fertilization and the birth of a healthy baby. Today, pregnancy planning is becoming increasingly popular. However, couples often make one mistake: they focus exclusively on preparing the female body. Before conception, it is important to improve men's health. Vitamin and mineral complexes, drugs that increase fertility, and a healthy lifestyle will come to the aid of a representative of the stronger sex who dreams of becoming a father.

When planning, a man should carefully monitor his health

Planning starts with giving up bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine negatively affect sperm quality, which can delay conception indefinitely. Under the influence of substances that poison the body, sperm can be destroyed, half of them become defective. This is fraught with infertility. A father's bad habits also increase the risk of the unborn baby developing various pathologies. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, the first thing a man needs to do is give up alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. “Healthy” sperm will mature within three months after the disappearance of bad habits.

It is important to make other lifestyle changes as well. The future dad needs to watch his diet. It is recommended to avoid fatty and fried foods, foods with preservatives and dyes, and soda. Instead, a lot of fruits and vegetables should appear on the menu. Don’t forget physical education: sports can improve the general condition of the body, which is important for successful conception.

When thinking about adding to the family, a man should give up frequent trips to the bathhouse/sauna. Regular overheating worsens the quality of spermatozoa. It is not recommended to wear tight pants, synthetic underwear.

Why you need to visit a doctor

If a couple decides to take a responsible approach to the issue of procreation, then they need to check the condition of their own body in advance. This applies not only to women, but also to men. We are planning a baby - so we visit the doctor together. All couples need to remember this axiom, because often when planning, women go for examinations, while men turn to a specialist only when they have been unable to conceive a baby for a long time. This is the wrong approach.

A man should undergo a full examination as soon as he decides to become a dad. This will help you identify problems (if any) and take steps to resolve them. This way, the chances of a quick conception increase, and the likelihood of pathologies appearing in the unborn baby is minimized. Naturally, provided that the partner also undergoes a complete examination.

What tests should a man take when planning? Objectively assess the state of the body and reproductive function help:

The doctor assesses the condition of the body based on test results. If the examination shows the presence of a disease, the doctor develops a treatment plan. When no serious violations are detected, the doctor gives useful recommendations on how to strengthen the immune system and improve sperm quality. By listening to the doctor’s advice, you will be able to conceive a child much faster.

The importance of vitamin-mineral complexes

The male body is subjected to great stress. Stress, the rhythm of life, and the environment are to blame for this. If you add to this an unbalanced diet, bad habits and various diseases, you get a deplorable picture. All these factors indirectly affect conception: they weaken the body and negatively affect the reproductive function of a man.

Vitamin and mineral complexes will help correct the situation. Their goal is to provide support to the body, restore internal resources, and reduce the effect of unfavorable factors. You can use vitamin-mineral complexes only after consulting a doctor. He selects medications taking into account what substances are missing in the man’s body. This allows you to get maximum results. After restoration, the long-awaited two stripes will not keep you waiting.

When are vitamin complexes necessary? The doctor must prescribe them if:

  • the immune system is weakened (for example, you recently had an illness);
  • spermogram showed poor results;
  • the man did not eat a balanced diet or adhered to a strict therapeutic diet for the last six months;
  • there are regular stresses (for example, stressful work);
  • the body constantly receives significant physical activity.

The vitamin-mineral complex taken must be selected correctly. An independent choice of vitamins is fraught with an aggravation of the situation: only a doctor knows which substances are in short supply, and no one has canceled the danger of hypovitaminosis.

You need to take vitamins in a course. Its duration is determined by the doctor. After pregnancy, the expectant father may refuse medications. However, with a weakened body, it is better to continue vitamin therapy until the time recommended by the doctor: the baby needs a healthy dad.

Vitamins and minerals that improve sperm

There are a number of vitamins and minerals that can help you conceive. They improve the quality and quantity of sperm. In the body of a man who plans to become a father in the near future, the following substances should be supplied in sufficient quantities:

Seeing a doctor

Although elements that are important for the reproductive system can be obtained from food, this is often not enough. Even if the nutrition is as balanced as possible, it is far from a fact that the need for minerals / vitamins will be one hundred percent satisfied.

If the body is weakened, there are factors that reduce fertility, it is not possible to get pregnant for a long time, then the couple must definitely take synthetic vitamin-mineral complexes. The doctor will select suitable medications that meet the needs of the female and male body. You should not make a decision on taking complexes on your own: at best it will not give results, at worst it will harm your health.

Do men need folic acid?

Everyone knows about the importance of folic acid during the planning period for the female body. It is vitamin B9 that is responsible for successful fertilization, prepares the female body for stress, and ensures the normal development of the baby. For men to conceive, folic acid is needed no less than for women.

A healthy lifestyle brings your dreams closer to reality

What is the value of this element for the stronger sex? Folic acid:

  • involved in the formation of sperm structure;
  • increases sperm motility;
  • minimizes the appearance of defective sperm.

With a sufficient amount of this important substance in the body of both partners, the chances of conception increase many times over. Folic acid is the first assistant in the fight against infertility. Sperm with defects can be formed in the body of a completely healthy man. Pathological processes of spermatogenesis are triggered by smoking, alcohol, and unhealthy eating habits.

B9 is found in large quantities in beans, lentils, spinach, dark green vegetables, and raisins. The daily intake of the substance is on average 300 mcg. If it is not possible to conceive a baby for a long time, then the norm of folic acid for men is increased to 1000 mg. It is very difficult to obtain this important substance from foods in such a volume, so you need to take medications for men containing that same folic acid. A doctor will help you choose them. It is important to remember that nicotine destroys B9: before taking a multivitamin or a monocomponent drug, you need to get rid of the addiction.

How to find the "magic" pill?

The pharmacological market offers many drugs for the treatment and prevention of male infertility. It is advisable not to wait until the problem becomes obvious, but to act proactively: start taking multivitamins and other preventive medications a couple of months before the expected conception.

The doctor will tell you what pills a man should take. It is impossible to choose a “magic pill” on your own, thanks to which fertilization will occur the first time. In principle, there are no pills with an immediate effect, and effective multivitamin complexes can be chosen only after assessing the condition of the body. Naturally, only a doctor can objectively assess health, based on the results of a full examination.

Depending on the problem, men are prescribed various synthetic drugs, vitamins and even complex hormones. Such pharmacological products contain substances that promote conception. A prerequisite is the presence of folic acid and tocopherol in complex preparations. Together, these elements greatly increase the quality and quantity of sperm, which increases the likelihood of successful fertilization.

“Male” drugs that promote conception are taken in a course. To select pills, you should consult a doctor in advance: a couple of months before the start of “work” on procreation. This way the body will have time to recover, and by the hour “X” the sperm will be of better quality, which gives hope for successful fertilization. Each drug comes with instructions that are important to follow. The duration of taking the complex is determined by the doctor: do not ignore his recommendations.

Folk remedies to help

Folk remedies can also help increase your chances of conceiving. It is important to choose those that will definitely not harm your health. To increase your chances of conceiving, for example, you can drink quince juice. Drink a tablespoon of it every evening. The vitamin and mineral composition of the fruit helps improve sperm quality. Vitamin E, which stimulates spermatogenesis, can be obtained by taking rose petal tincture.

If conception does not occur due to low sperm motility, then it is recommended to drink a decoction of plantain seeds or knotweed tincture. However, it is important to consult your doctor about the possibility of using folk remedies based on these or other herbal components.

A responsible approach to procreation issues can speed up conception and reduce the risk of pathologies in the unborn baby. When planning, paying attention to the preparation of the male body is no less important than the female one.

Pregnancy is a special mystery of nature, when a small life grows in a woman’s body, resulting from the fusion of two sex cells. But this event does not always come at the right time. Sometimes fertilization does not occur for a long time and then the woman is preoccupied with the problem of what means to use, what to drink in order to quickly become pregnant. Let's try to figure it out.

Medicines to support conception

The causes of the failure may be different, therefore the measures to eliminate them are also different in each case. Let's remember how the process of conception occurs and determine which pills to take in order to get pregnant if there are irregularities at different stages of the menstrual cycle.

What pills to take to get pregnant

Deviations from the norm in the first phase of the cycle are characterized by a delay in follicle growth and egg maturation. In this case, it is clear what to drink in order to get pregnant: medications containing estrogen are needed, since it is this that is responsible for the normal development of the liquid sac. Follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormonal drugs are used here Klostilbegit, Puregon, Menogon, etc.

The most important stage in the cyclic period is ovulation, the process of rupture of the follicle and the release of the germ cell from the ovary. In this case, you no longer need to think that you need to drink to get pregnant. Apart from an injection of hCG (human choreonic gonadotropin), no other medicine will help if the bubble cannot burst on its own due to a lack of the hormone in the body.

Substitutes for natural hCG

The injection is given when the follicle reaches 20-25 mm, if there is a problem, and the release of the egg occurs after 24 hours. During this time, sexual intercourse should be performed, since this period is the most optimal for conception. Substitutes for natural hCG are Pregnil, Profasi, Horagon, etc..

In the second phase, progesterone comes into play, which controls the process of fertilization, prepares the uterus to receive the fertilized egg and monitors the development of the child until birth. If there is a deficiency of the hormone in the body, synthetic substitutes are prescribed. In this case, what can you drink to get pregnant: Duphaston, Utrozhestan or other progesterones, a specialist doctor will advise.

But you cannot prescribe treatment for yourself. It is imperative to consult a doctor who, after the necessary examination, will find the cause of the problem in your body, and also select the optimal course of treatment and medicine for each stage.

Herbs – what to prefer

Some women avoid using synthetic drugs. And they want to use folk remedies. Their gynecologist will recommend which herbs to drink in order to get pregnant. The most famous one is sage. Its decoction is used for medicinal purposes. This herb is considered a phytohormone estrogen.

Also brew as a decoction and drink hogweed, red brush, rose petals, plantain seeds, etc.. And what seems to be the best remedy for you and what herb to drink to get pregnant, decide after consultation with your doctor. Since herbs affect certain functions, you should not drink them uncontrollably and not according to instructions.

Vitamins for pregnancy

Currently, vitamins play a significant role in pregnancy planning. The first place is taken folic acid (B9). It begins to be taken several months before possible conception. This is followed by tocopherol (E) and ascorutin (A). Each of them is indispensable in the complex process of childbirth. And therefore, when a woman is thinking about what vitamins to take in order to get pregnant, it is impossible to single out just one; as a rule, the doctor will recommend a specific vitamin complex.

We should not forget that all these natural components are also found in food products. For example, parsley, lettuce, spinach, asparagus and peaches are rich in folic acid, and pumpkin is rich in vitamin E.

You shouldn’t make plans about what to drink in order to get pregnant quickly; it’s better to review your diet, adjust your weight if necessary, avoid stress and lead a healthy lifestyle. Then your efforts will be crowned with the long-awaited birth of a baby with minimal effort on your part. And to expand the family, both spouses need to take care of their health, take vitamins, and getting pregnant with a second child will no longer be a big problem.

To have offspring is inherent in us by mother nature at the level of instincts. Don't believe anyone who says they don't want to have children. I would like to say to such couples - do not anger God! Otherwise, it may turn out that you will soon have to look for the answer to the question - what pills to take to get pregnant?

Other couples passionately desire to have a child, but due to circumstances they have to take drugs to help them become pregnant. Life is not fair…

Will not be distracted by the lyrics. So, what drugs help a couple have a baby?

Pharmacy for the reproductive sphere. Classification

Medicines are amazingly diverse. All means that help you get pregnant can be divided into 3 groups:

  • hormonal drugs– Utrozhestan, Duphaston, oral contraceptives;
  • preparations based on medicinal plants– cyclodinone, bromicriptine;
  • special means to stimulate ovulation– crostilbegit, gonal;
  • vitamin complexes– folic acid, vitamin E.

Important to remember! These medications are prescribed only by the attending physician after examination. The reasons for difficulties with conceiving can be different, so those pills that helped your friend may not only not help you, but also harm you!

Be prepared that you will need to take medications that help you get pregnant for more than one month.

Hormones protect women's health

Let's start with contraceptives. It is only at first glance that these pills should protect against unwanted pregnancy. Very often this is just a positive free bonus. Many oral contraceptives are prescribed to balance the hormonal status of orgasm.

After discontinuation of the drug, if the couple is not protected, the likelihood of conception increases significantly. So oral contraceptives also help you get pregnant.

Utrozhestan tablets

The main active ingredient is the hormone progesterone. The preparation "Utrozhestan" uses natural natural progesterone. I prescribe pills with a lack of progesterone in the body. This substance is called the pregnancy hormone. Progesterone helps prepare the surface of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg.

What is Utrozhestan capable of?

  • Normalizes the composition of the endometrium.
  • Reduces the effect of the hormone oxytocin on the contractile function of the uterus.
  • Improves the condition of PMS, helps normalize the normal menstrual cycle.
  • Threatening conditions during pregnancy - habitual miscarriage, threatened abortion.

The drug can be taken either orally or by inserting capsules into the vagina. Utrozhestan is usually prescribed from days 16 to 28 of the cycle. But the dosage and method of introducing the drug into the body are determined only by the attending physician.

Duffaston tablets

The main active ingredient is dydrogesterone. This is a synthetic analogue of progesterone. Available exclusively in tablet form. Indications for use are the same as for Utrozhestan.

How to drink Duffaston is decided by the attending physician. Methodologies may vary. Prescribe 1 tablet from 1 to 25 days of the cycle, and 2 tablets per day from 16 to 25 days.

Since both drugs are complete analogs, their contraindications and side effects are the same.

Contraindications for Utrozhestan and Duffaston

These drugs are not prescribed for:

  • Uterine bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • History of cancer. Especially progesterone-dependent tumors;
  • Episodes of allergies, itching, intolerance to the drug during previous use;
  • With progressive thrombophlebitis.

Before your doctor chooses which pills to prescribe, be sure to tell him about your illnesses and possible allergic reactions.

Be prepared for the fact that you may not be able to get pregnant quickly after the first use of these drugs. And you will have to take the pills for several cycles.

You should not be afraid of prescribing hormonal drugs. In this case, hormones will only be beneficial.

Herbal preparations for conception

Some herbs contain natural phytoestrogens. These are not female hormones, but substances as close as possible to them.

Sometimes it is enough to drink tinctures or extracts of certain herbs in order to get pregnant normally. You can buy dry herbal raw materials at the pharmacy, or you can use ready-made dosage forms.

The drug cyclodinone

The main active ingredient is an extract of common twig. This plant is common in the Balkans and the Mediterranean coast.

The ripe fruits of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Potato seeds are used in Mediterranean cuisine as a pepper substitute.

Sometimes the female body produces an excess of the hormone prolactin. This substance is important during lactation, but in large quantities it interferes with getting pregnant. Cyclodinone normalizes the balance and hormones begin to work strictly according to plan.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Cyclodinone

Let's start with the readings:

  • Hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • Lack of ovulation and disturbances in the corpus luteum phase;
  • The growth of the endometrium in the uterus is endometriosis.

The drug is not prescribed for:

  • The woman's probable pregnancy;
  • Diseases of the urinary system and liver;
  • Epilepsy and diseases that can cause seizures;
  • Brain injuries of various origins;
  • High blood pressure
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

There are 2 forms of Cyclodinone - tablets and drops.

The drug bromicriptine

This product is based on ergot alkaloids. Just like Cyclodinone, it inhibits the production of prolactin; the indications for use are the same as Cyclodinone. Release form: tablets and capsules.

The side effects of the drugs are the same:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Irritability, nervousness.

Once again, I would like to emphasize that "Bromikriptin" and "Cyclodinone" do not belong to the class of hormones.

Your doctor will decide how to take medications to get pregnant. Be prepared that you will have to take these medications several cycles in a row.

The action of these drugs takes place at the level of the central nervous system. The active substances irritate the hypothalamic-pituitary system. And the brain forces the ovaries to produce the development of follicles. One of the drugs that help women get peanuts is Krostilbegit.

Drinking Crostilbegit is prescribed at a dose of 50 mg from days 5 to 9 of the cycle. According to the plan, ovulation occurs on days 12–15. You can actively work on conception. If it was not possible to get pregnant in the first cycle, then the next month you will have to drink the drug in a larger dose.

The drug "Gonal" has a similar effect.


  • The gynecologist will decide which hormones to take after the examination.
  • Don't ask your friend what medications helped her get pregnant. You may have a very different diagnosis and comorbidities.
  • Remember! You can drink any medicinal or folk remedies that help conceive. But without a doctor's recommendation, it will not help you, but it will also harm you.
  • Don't get hung up! You will succeed!

More than 10% of women of childbearing age experience problems with conception. Girls who are looking for easy ways ask the Internet which pills to take to get pregnant quickly. Go to the pharmacy and take drugs at your own risk. More thoughtful and responsible expectant mothers go to the clinic and ask the doctor this question.

If pregnancy does not occur within a year, the couple requires a thorough medical examination. It is important that the attending physician finds out the reasons why conception does not occur. And he prescribed adequate treatment that suits this particular couple.

A woman’s healthy body is ready for pregnancy if the reproductive system is working correctly. Conception occurs under the following conditions:

  • The menstrual cycle is regular;
  • Ovulation occurred at the right time (approximately in the middle of the cycle);
  • Its duration is about two days;
  • At this time, the sperm has fertilized the egg;
  • The fertilized egg should implant firmly in the uterus within a few days.

Based on the research and test results, the doctor draws a conclusion at what stage of conception the woman experiences a malfunction of the reproductive system. And he will prescribe appropriate treatment with drugs that will restore the impaired function.

What pills stimulate conception?

There are three types of hormonal drugs, the action of which is aimed at restoring impaired function.

  • Ovulation stimulating agents. Thanks to them, increased growth of follicles in the ovaries occurs. They contain luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.
  • With the help of medications containing hCG, the growth of the follicle and its ability to release an egg are stimulated. That is, these drugs help the egg meet the sperm.
  • To ensure that the egg is securely implanted in the uterus, a medicine containing progesterone is used. This hormone thickens the walls of the uterus and also promotes the formation of a safe environment during pregnancy.

All drugs that stimulate conception can be taken only after consultation with a doctor and under his supervision! It should be remembered that all of them are potent drugs, which, if used independently and uncontrolled, can cause harm rather than help.

The doctor will tell you which pills are suitable for a particular woman, because everyone’s body is individual.

When not to take hormones

You can take pills only after a thorough examination. It is important for the doctor to exclude the following diseases:

  • violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes. If there are adhesions, then with hormonal stimulation the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • poor sperm motility in men. In this case, it is not the woman who needs to be treated, but her husband;
  • Congenital anomalies of the structure of the female reproductive system. Hormonal pills will simply be useless.

It should be remembered that pregnancy may not occur after unsuccessful gynecological operations or the use of medications that caused a miscarriage. In this case, before drinking drugs for quick conception, you need to wait a few months (sometimes you need to pause for a whole year) for a full recovery of the body.


The growth of follicles is stimulated by drugs such as Clostilbegit, Menogon, Puregon.

The choice of drugs depends on the individual characteristics of the female body.


"Klostilbegit" does an excellent job of stimulating the production of pituitary hormones. However, it can be taken for only a few cycles throughout life. If you do this more often, the number of eggs will decrease significantly, and over time it may disappear altogether. Therefore, a woman will never be able to get pregnant again.

The drug cannot be used if the endometrium of the uterus is thinner than 8 mm. Moreover, the medicine negatively affects its growth. The thin endometrium will not allow the fetus to gain a foothold in the uterus, and the long-awaited pregnancy will not occur.


"Puregon" acts much softer, which helps to grow several follicles. Therefore, the drug helps to get pregnant both naturally and with the help of artificial insemination.


If there is a lack of estrogen, the gynecologist will prescribe treatment with Menogon. You should start taking the medicine from the second day of menstruation.

Within ten days, while undergoing treatment, the gynecologist will monitor the reaction of the ovaries to the effects of the drug.


Women who have suffered a spontaneous abortion are familiar with the drug Metipred. It is also prescribed to patients whose amount of male hormone exceeds the required amount.

You need to take these tablets to bring your hormonal levels back to normal, as well as to eliminate allergic reactions and inflammation.

Metypred should be used only after being prescribed by a doctor, who will calculate the required dose and timing of treatment.

HCG injection

If after the treatment it was possible to achieve a positive effect, that is, the follicles have reached the desired size, then medications containing the hormone hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) will be prescribed.

Most drugs in this group are available in the form of injections. Most often, a single injection is used, after which ovulation occurs within two days.

To achieve maximum effectiveness, doctors recommend having sexual intercourse the day before the injection and the day after it.

The most famous drugs are “Choragon”, “Gonakor”, “Perfinil”. Their use restores the menstrual cycle and the onset of ovulation.

All of these medications are also hormonal drugs, which can be used only one day after taking the drugs of the previous group.

Drugs that increase progesterone levels

After this stage of treatment, it is important to take medications that provide a favorable environment for the attachment of a fertilized egg. These are drugs that contain the “pregnancy hormone” - progesterone. These include Duphaston and Utrozhestan.

"Duphaston" is a medicine that should be used not only to initiate pregnancy, but also to maintain the one that has already occurred. Moreover, this medicine has virtually no side effects. The exception is minor bleeding. To eliminate them, you need to take an increased dose of the drug.

The medicine does not change the period of ovulation; it does not affect it at all. After all, the main purpose of the drug is to prepare the walls of the uterus for the attachment of the egg.

Already 2 hours after taking the medicine, the effectiveness of the dose taken reaches its maximum.

Only a doctor can prescribe the regimen for taking the drug and its dosage.

In order to maintain pregnancy, the drug “Utrozhestan” is also used. Its pharmacological properties are as follows:

  • Normalizes endometrial levels;
  • Prevents the activity of hormones, under the influence of which the uterus contracts;
  • Prevents the onset of manifestations of premenstrual syndrome;
  • Regulates the menstrual cycle;
  • Helps cope with mastopathy.


The onset of pregnancy and its normal course are also facilitated by the intake of folic acid and vitamin complexes, which should also be taken after consultation with a doctor.


Despite a woman’s great desire to achieve a long-awaited pregnancy, not everyone can use hormonal drugs.

The main contraindications to the use of these drugs:

  • Individual intolerance to the components included in the drug;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Kidney and liver diseases;
  • Diabetes.

Even if a woman is healthy, medications containing hormones should be used with caution and only under the supervision of a doctor.

Do not despair if pregnancy does not occur immediately after treatment. For many women, successful conception occurred after several cycles.

Important! The information presented in this article is for informational purposes only. Self-administration of any drug that stimulates pregnancy can lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, at every stage of preparation for conception, a consultation with a personal gynecologist is necessary.