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Peppermint oil for acne. Video: About the benefits and properties of peppermint. Coniferous composition against acne

Despite daily care and significant monthly budget losses in favor of cosmetic products, we are not always able to keep our skin in a condition close to ideal. There are a lot of factors that influence the appearance of skin rashes, so there is simply no universal remedy for completely curing acne. However, along with specific therapy, you can always use a kind of stimulator of skin regeneration - natural essential oils. They perfectly disinfect the skin, nourish it, create a protective film, thereby preventing infection from penetrating into the tissue, dry and soothe existing areas of inflammation.

Surely you have already heard that almost all types of rashes can be perfectly treated with natural essential oils. When turning to traditional medicine, you should remember that there are various oils whose properties can effectively solve the problem of skin rashes for any skin type. Let's see which oils work and how they work.

Tea tree oil for acne

Tea tree oil is one of the few oils that can be used in its pure form without the risk of causing burns or allergic reactions. It can be applied to open or closed pimples using a cotton swab or cotton swab, this should be done twice a day, for a week or a little longer, until the pimples disappear completely.

Tea tree oil for acne can also be used in the care of children's skin, as it is completely hypoallergenic and does not have an intrusive aroma.

Rosemary oil for acne

Rosemary oil neutralizes the production of sebaceous secretions, it tightens pores, relieves inflammation and resists scarring. Rosemary oil for acne is recommended for people with oily skin and those who suffer from oily acne during adolescence. Rosemary oil is added to moisturizing creams and applied to the skin after cleansing procedures.

Castor oil for acne

This oil has proven itself in cosmetology; it is often used to care for problem skin. Helps gently cleanse pores of impurities and help reduce them. Castor oil for acne can be applied in its pure form.

Peach oil for acne

Peach oil is considered one of the most effective in the fight against skin rashes, as it has unique antioxidant properties, which allows it to activate all the hidden protective reserves in the skin tissues and “throw” them into the fight against inflammation. Peach oil for acne is suitable for people of all ages, but it must be used as an additive to the cream.

Olive oil for acne

Olive oil is suitable for those who experience skin damage and pimples due to increased dryness. Olive oil also helps against acne if acne does not appear on the face, but on those areas of the skin that are poorly supplied with sebaceous glands - on the outer surface of the thighs, on the forearms, on the neck. It is also used as a basis (base) for oil rubbing with the addition of the necessary essential oils.

Sea buckthorn oil for acne

Traditionally used to heal wounds and relieve inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, therefore it is also excellent for treating acne. It is also used to treat acne caused by subcutaneous mites. However, it should be remembered that sea buckthorn oil against acne can cause a severe allergic reaction, so be sure to do a 48-hour test before use.

Flaxseed oil for acne

Flaxseed oil perfectly eliminates irritation, so it is recommended for acne caused by allergic reactions. It also relieves inflammation, restores skin color and reduces swelling. Flaxseed oil for acne can be used in its pure form.

Lavender oil for acne

This oil has a pleasant aroma and can destroy most bacteria that cause inflammation and rashes, and evens out the skin. Lavender oil for acne must be added to the base oil, about 5-10 drops per serving.

Lemon oil for acne

Lemon oil, like grapefruit, tangerine and neroli oil, is very rich in vitamin C, which means it perfectly mobilizes the body’s protective properties and kills bacteria. Lemon oil for acne stimulates regeneration processes in tissues and helps remove even deep inflammation without scarring.

Pimples on your cheeks and cheekbones can tell you even more about your well-being than a hospital card.

We continue the story about how to cure acne and any rashes on the skin with the help of unique gifts of nature - natural oils. The big advantage of this natural treatment is that it extremely rarely produces side effects, is not as expensive as imported acne treatments, and at the same time has simply amazing capabilities!

Fir oil for acne

Like all coniferous oils, fir oil for acne is simply an ideal remedy. It soothes irritated skin, removes inflammation, cleanses pores from dirt and accumulations of sebaceous secretions, and normalizes the secretory function of the sebaceous glands.

Almond oil for acne

Procedures with almond oil correct the secretion of the sebaceous glands of dry skin, eliminate acne, and replenish the balance of vitamins, since almond oil contains vitamins A, F, B2, E. Almond oil for acne can be used in its pure form and as a base for oil formulations with other essential oils and substances beneficial to the skin.

Clove oil for acne

Clove oil is often used to treat advanced inflammation, where scar tissue forms. Clove oil for acne can quickly restore skin integrity and reduce the appearance of scar tissue.

Jojoba oil for acne

Most often, jojoba oil is used to soften, moisturize and nourish dry skin prone to injury and inflammation. It also acts as a base oil for procedures with essential oils. It goes well with any essential oils, but in combination with lemon and lavender oil, jojoba oil for acne heals the skin very quickly, normalizing sebum production and clearing pores of congestion.

Burdock oil for acne

Burdock oil has long been used in cosmetology, usually in hair care. However, burdock oil also helps against acne - it accelerates the regeneration process and perfectly cleanses clogged pores.

Coconut oil for acne

Natural coconut oil is rich in lauric acid and capric acid, making it a ready-made cosmetic product with powerful potential in the fight against breakouts. Coconut oil for acne has strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which allows it to effectively treat rashes of various natures by applying undiluted to cleansed skin (pre-heating in the palms).

Grapeseed oil for acne

The oil obtained from grape seeds is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, which activate regenerative processes. In order to cleanse the skin of acne, it is enough to apply anti-acne grape oil once a day to washed skin with a cotton swab.

Celandine oil for acne

Celandine is a poisonous plant widely used in folk medicine to treat various skin diseases. Celandine oil for acne is usually prepared at home with caution (recipes can be found online). As a rule, acne treatment is reduced only to external lotions. Due to its pronounced bactericidal properties and the presence of a large amount of alkaloids and vitamins C and A in the juice, celandine oil very effectively eliminates inflammation.

Black cumin oil for acne

Black cumin oil is used to treat rashes both in its pure form and as an additive to regular daily creams. Apply oil to pimples with a cotton swab, so that the oil gets to the core; when the main rashes have passed, a cream fortified with oil is applied to clean skin at night. It is better to use black cumin oil for acne not constantly, but in courses of two weeks.

Camphor oil for acne

Camphor oil disinfects and rejuvenates the skin, has a regenerating effect, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The use of camphor oil for acne is recommended only when it is added to a base oil, otherwise it can burn the skin.

Wheat germ oil for acne

Wheat germ oil helps moisturize dry skin and unclog the pores of oily skin. In the second case, you need to add wheat germ oil to a green clay mask (1 teaspoon of clay, a little warm water and five drops of wheat germ oil for acne). Keep the mixture on the skin for about a quarter of an hour.

Apricot oil for acne

Apricot kernel oil is very rich in its composition: it contains polyunsaturated acids, vitamin A, which is responsible for regeneration, vitamin C, which helps protect the skin from infections, and vitamin F, which stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Apricot oil for acne is usually added to a daily dose of night cream.

Milk thistle oil for acne

Milk thistle is a valuable plant that renews liver cells. For complex treatment of acne, milk thistle oil is drunk according to the scheme and wiped over the skin. The effect of this treatment is simply stunning: the skin is quickly cleared of rashes and acquires a beautiful color. Milk thistle oil for acne is a very rare product that is difficult to buy in a regular pharmacy, but can be obtained on websites dedicated to medicinal herbs.

Juniper oil for acne

Juniper raw materials, like most coniferous plants, have a pronounced antibacterial effect. Juniper oil for acne helps tighten pores, cleanse them of sebaceous plugs, tones the skin and eliminates all breakouts.

Shea butter for acne

Shea nut butter has unique cosmetic properties due to its rich composition: it contains catechins, phytosterols, allantoin, vitamins A, E, F, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, providing a powerful therapeutic and preventive effect. Shea butter for acne simply does not give rashes the slightest opportunity to “settle” on the skin seriously and for a long time!

So, the list of oils that help keep the skin clean is simply huge, so we can choose those that we like for their aroma, feel when applied, and, of course, those that are suitable for our skin type.

This article talks about how to use peppermint essential oil to your advantage. Recipes for masks and facial care mixtures based on mint essential oil are given, and it also talks about how mint oil is used in cosmetology

Peppermint has long been used in medicine in the East and West. It is included in cosmetic products.

In the tombs of the pharaohs and tombs of the Roman emperors, archaeologists found dried leaves and stems of this plant, which is considered the best remedy for normalizing the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful properties of mint

  • Peppermint helps with severe skin inflammation and excessive oiliness
  • Peppermint essential oil is an antiseptic that has the ability to thoroughly and deeply cleanse pores.
  • Peppermint oil with its amazing soothing scent tones and invigorates
  • The fresh vegetative part of the plant is eaten, and
  • extracts and oils are added to pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and perfumes.
  • Mint has a pleasant, cooling aroma.

Peppermint oil fully reveals the benefits of fresh mint

Effect of mint essential oil

  • Even in the works of Hippocrates and Avicenna, a plant is mentioned that has healing properties and has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of a person.
  • After a cup of mint tea, irritation goes away and a person calms down
  • The oil increases the body's energy levels and strengthens the immune system.
  • Menthol, extracted from essential oil, is present in products that help maintain fresh breath: chewing gum, dental lotions.
  • Mint can slow down hair growth by reducing the amount of male hormones, which is why it is used in hair removal and shaving products.

Receive aroma oil after steam distillation of dried flowers, and not the entire vegetative part of the plant, as when obtaining other essential oils.
The final liquid product is yellowish in color, sometimes turning light green, with a bright, sharp aroma, in which cold mint and warm camphor notes are closely intertwined

The healing properties of mint essential oil

A calming effect and a pleasant spicy aroma are not all the beneficial properties of peppermint oil.

  • With the help of essential oil, you can relieve asthenic disorder, which manifests itself as dizziness, nausea
  • Mint will relieve heartburn
  • stomach spasms, as well as a number of disorders and diseases

What diseases is peppermint used for?

  • toothache
  • heartburn attack
  • stomach cramps
  • heart pain, menstrual pain
  • upper respiratory tract disease
  • with periodontal disease; bad breath
  • for nervous exhaustion, fatigue
  • with the appearance of acne, rosacea
  • when caring for fading and aging skin, as well as in the presence of inflammation

Peppermint oil in cosmetology

Aroma oils, which are obtained from flowering crops, are widely used in cosmetology. These include peppermint oil from the Lamiaceae family, which contains menthol.

  • Peppermint oil quickly relieves skin irritation,
  • improves its protective functions,
  • eliminates bacterial dermatitis,
  • tightens pores and
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands for those with very oily skin
  • But if you have dry skin, then using peppermint aroma oil helps retain moisture in the skin.
  • The cooling properties of the oil in the field of cosmetology and the ability to improve blood circulation when used are used to even out skin color,
  • removing signs of fatigue and
  • healing skin in the early stages of eczema
  • Aroma oil can cope with unaesthetic vascular and capillary patterns on the skin, acne

Peppermint oil contraindications

Peppermint oil is not an allergen, but requires careful use
In what cases should you not use peppermint oil:

  • children under 7 years old
  • for diseases of the nasopharynx, lungs, bronchitis
  • for those who are undergoing a course of homeopathic procedures (oil can cancel the effect of drugs used in homeopathy)
  • before bed (the oil has an invigorating effect)
  • pregnant and lactating
  • prone to allergies or
  • those who have sensitive skin (you need to do a sensitivity test: apply a drop of oil to the area on the bend of the elbow, in the wrist area, check for an allergic reaction the next day)

Aromatic baths with mint oil, benefits

Warm water in a duet with mint has a fantastic relaxing effect on the body.

Just a few drops of peppermint aroma oil or a mixture of essential oils can banish anxiety, strengthen the immune system, and improve well-being.

After water treatments with mint aroma oil, the skin is cleansed, toned, and rejuvenated.

The invigorating mint aroma acts on the upper respiratory tract in a similar way to inhalation, and by dissolving in water, the oil penetrates the skin faster.

Each life situation requires selecting a specific aroma that will exhibit the healing properties necessary at the moment.

RECIPE 1: aroma baths(for relaxation and calm after a busy day): the first procedure with mint aroma oil should be carried out with a small amount of mint essential oil (no more than 3 drops). The oil is dissolved in an emulsifier. In the future, for a bath, you can increase the amount of oil to 7 drops
RECIPE 2: aroma baths, which will help you recover from a slight hangover: you need to dissolve it in cream, milk, honey or kefir and pour a mixture of grapefruit, orange, and mint aromatic oils into the water. You can add sage, thyme, rosemary oils
RECIPE 3: tonic arowanna: Pour 100 g of dried mint with hot water (8 glasses). After 20 minutes, strain and pour the resulting infusion into a bath of warm water.

Aroma bath relieves fatigue and rejuvenates. Metabolism is stimulated after a bath

To achieve deep relaxation, the aroma bath is completed by drinking tea brewed with herbs

Benefits of mint oil for facial skin

Peppermint aroma oil is an excellent cleanser.

If you prepare a mask with mint, it will quickly relieve skin irritation and improve blood circulation. After the procedure, the skin on the face is smoothed, refreshed, color improves and tone brightens.

With constant use of mint, wrinkles will not appear prematurely.

Peppermint aroma oil is ideal for caring for oily skin.

Meanwhile, the oil has the same healing effect on combination skin, and also prone to various rashes.

If dry skin, then the oil must be used with other components that moisturize and additionally nourish

Face masks with mint oil

RECIPE 1: skin cleansers
Action: cleanses and improves elasticity, the skin becomes fresh and healthier
Peppermint essential oil – 4-5 drops;
1 tsp honey
Preparation: The oil is dripped into a spoon of honey, dissolved in a glass of water and frozen in ice cube trays in the refrigerator. Use tonic mint ice cubes to cleanse your face twice a day, after washing your face.
RECIPE 2: refreshing mask
Action: After the mask, the skin takes on a healthy appearance, and small wrinkles are smoothed out
Peppermint oil – 4 drops;
Boiled and cooled oatmeal – 3 tbsp.
How to use: Combine butter with porridge. Apply to the décolleté area and face. Apply an oatmeal mask no more than 2 times a week

Peppermint oil for acne - masks

If you apply peppermint oil to problematic facial skin, then pimples, blackheads, and skin inflammations will stop bothering you.
RECIPE: acne masks
Blue clay – 15 g
Mineral water – 2 tbsp/l
Peppermint essential oil – 3 drops
Essential oils of yarrow, lavender, sage - 1 drop each
Preparation and use: dilute the clay with water, add all the oils drop by drop. Mix until the mixture has a creamy consistency. Apply a thin layer to the face, remove after 15 minutes. Wash with warm water

Peppermint oil for lips

Peppermint oil adds plumpness and brightness to lips, and also has a rejuvenating effect. Aroma oil is also an excellent remedy for the prevention of herpes.

RECIPE 1 gloss to increase volume: Drop 5 drops of peppermint oil into Vaseline and add 4-5 drops of almond oil. Mix Vaseline in a tube. Apply to lips with a brush

RECIPE 2: lubricate your lips with a drop of mint oil, which will increase blood flow and create additional volume for 2-3 hours

Peppermint oil for feet

Peppermint oil has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, disinfectant and cleansing baths are used for tired, swollen feet.
Peppermint essential oil – 5 drops;
Eucalyptus essential oil – 7 drops;
Tea tree essential oil – 7 drops
Preparation: you need to mix the oils and pour the resulting mixture into a basin full of hot water. Place your feet in the basin and wait until the water cools down. Do not wipe your feet after this
RECIPE for mint scrub
Epsom or sea salt - 4 tbsp;
soybean oil or any other vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
peppermint essential oil – 8 drops
Application: mix salt with soybean oil and add 8 drops of mint oil. The scrub relieves cramps and gives relief to tired legs
RECIPE 2: Mix 4-5 drops of peppermint essential oil with a small amount of honey, bran, sea or table salt. Add the resulting mixture to the foot bath. This procedure perfectly cools, refreshes and tones

Contraindications to the use of mint oil

It is strictly forbidden to use peppermint oil for treatment and recreational procedures for people with individual intolerance to mint.
It is easy to detect if there is severe burning, redness, or irritation of the skin. In case of any deviations from the procedures with peppermint oil, you will have to refuse

Traditional medicine and reviews from those who have experienced the healing effects of peppermint indicate that essential oil helps improve the general condition of the body. But besides this, it is an excellent cosmetic product that has a whole range of properties necessary in the field of cosmetology.

The main thing is not to use oil if you have insomnia, allergies, or sensitive skin.

Video: About the benefits and properties of peppermint

Essential oils are very popular among the ingredients in DIY care and medicinal cosmetics. This time we will reveal the secrets of using various oils in the fight against acne.

The effect of using essential oils against acne will be greater if you change and combine various beauty recipes, carry out programs for both aesthetic external correction and elimination of internal problems (impaired metabolism, poor diet, hormonal imbalances, etc.). Effective treatment of acne can only be comprehensive, and in case of an acute problem, you should definitely consult a doctor (gynecologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologist).

What oils help with acne? Tea tree oil is the number one remedy. This product is traditionally considered indispensable for the treatment of oily and problematic skin, for sensitive facial skin prone to irritation. Oils of clove, lavender, rosemary, fir, jojoba, lemon grape seed, ylang-ylang, eucalyptus and others help against acne. Also, in the fight for clear skin, peach oil, almond oil, linseed oil, and sea buckthorn oil are used as base oils.

The main essential oils for acne

- Undiluted tea tree oil helps well in eliminating single pimples (kills bacteria, dries, relieves inflammation). It is often used in the complex treatment of acne, introduced into various products; in folk medicine, it is most often applied directly to the inflammation on previously cleansed skin.

If you have problem skin that is prone to breakouts, then It will be convenient to use oil from a bottle with a roller applicator . A suitable product “Tea Tree Anti-Acne Soothing Oil” is available in the range of cosmetics with natural essential oils and herbal extracts Refan - a well-known brand from Bulgaria.

Eucalyptus and sandalwood oils are used in a similar way. If you have sensitive skin, and acne is accompanied by irritation or is itself such, then try using lavender essential oil, as well as rose and patchouli.

Lavender essential oil is a strong antiseptic, soothing, healing and tonic. If you experience acne, try lavender oil compresses. The skin needs to be cleansed and steamed over a hot facial bath, then a napkin soaked in lavender oil is applied to the face (you can pre-mix it with a light daytime face cream). The compress is kept for up to an hour and a half, after which the skin is cleansed with herbal tonic with chamomile. The procedure should be carried out once a week in the late evening.

After a bath or sauna, apply lemon oil to oily skin with a cotton swab. In addition to normalizing skin processes, relieving inflammation and activating cell regeneration, this essential oil lifts your mood and gives overall tone.

For acne, add thyme oil (5 drops) to your lotion or toner.

- Jojoba essential oil is quite popular in anti-acne products, as it significantly reduces sebum secretions and is also moisturizing. Add a few drops to milk, day cream for face skin and body cream.

Essential oils are selected with special care when massaging people with problem skin. Thus, rosemary essential oil or geranium oil helps stimulate the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, removing toxins from the skin, which lead to clogged pores and inflammation.

To prevent the occurrence of acne and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, steam baths are carried out, adding 1 drop of essential oils of mint, lavender and thyme per liter of boiling water.

Rubbing the skin with essential oils: fighting acne

Use the following three anti-acne recipes alternately in the evening and in the morning. In the first case, about an hour before bedtime, and in the second, half an hour before you plan to apply decorative cosmetics. Lightly moisten the skin with mineral water without gases, then proceed to treatment with the prepared composition; after 15 minutes, excess oil can be removed with a napkin. To prepare the products, you will need a medical syringe; an insulin syringe will be the most convenient and accurate. You can use the recipes below for both facial skin and acne on the back, shoulders, and chest.

- Mix the following oils: jojoba (5 ml), grape seed (3 ml), hazel (5 ml), geranium (3 drops), pine (2 drops).

We take hazel oil in an amount of 5 ml, kukui oil - 3 ml, macadamia oil - 2 ml. Add 2 drops each of clove, lavender and lemon essential oils to the mixture.

As in the first recipe, we use 5 ml of hazel oil and 3 ml of grape seed oil. Next, add a drop of geranium oil, 2 drops of manuka oil and 3 drops of miraculous tea tree oil into the mixture.

Peeling with essential oils for problematic facial skin

We wipe oily and problematic facial skin with a herbal tonic – chamomile infusion. To prepare a peeling mask, you will need the following ingredients: oatmeal (rice) flour and a teaspoon of grape seed oil. For a tablespoon of the base mixture, take 1 drop of the following essential oils that will help us fight acne: clove, lavender, thyme, cinnamon.

Apply the prepared facial peeling to the skin for 5 minutes, distribute in a circular motion along the massage lines. We wash off the mask with lukewarm water, dry the skin naturally, and then apply a second mask to tighten the pores. The main components are koalin and water, additionally add 2 drops of lavender essential oil and 1 tea tree. Wash off the mask after 5-10 minutes, after a couple of minutes apply moisturizer. This peeling should be done once a week.

All people have experienced the appearance of acne in their lives, which spoils their appearance and mood. This may be a short-term or permanent problem that definitely needs to be fixed.

Tea tree oil for acne is actively used in therapeutic masks:

  • To prepare, take 20 drops of oil, add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 1 egg white, leave on face for about 20 minutes and wash off;
  • take 3 tbsp. l kefir, add 0.5 tbsp. l. cosmetic clay and 4 drops of tea tree oil, apply to the face for 15 minutes and wipe off with a damp cotton pad.

Castor oil for acne

Castor oil is excellent for problematic and dry skin, has moisturizing, nourishing, antibactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, and treats age spots.

Choose castor oil for acne that is cold-pressed and comes in a dark glass bottle.

Before using the oil, an allergy test is carried out, because recinoleic acid, which forms the basis of the product, often leads to. If there is no redness on the bend of the elbow after a few hours, feel free to start treatment.

Castor oil for acne is applied with your fingertips to the skin before bed for 14 days. The product is not washed off.

Sea buckthorn oil for acne

The product has restorative and wound-healing properties, regenerates the skin and actively fights.

Sea buckthorn oil for acne is applied pointwise using a cotton swab. If the skin affected area is large, the oil is preheated in a water bath, and then the inflammation is carefully applied.

Please note: during the action, the oil turns the face yellow, but is easily washed off with cleansers.

Sea buckthorn oil is used for acne for preparing masks:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil with oatmeal. 1 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal flakes are mixed with 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil and 1 yolk. The flakes are used for thickness, so you can add them as needed. The skin is pre-steamed, the mask is applied for 20 minutes and washed off, not allowing it to dry on the skin.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil with clay. 2 tbsp. l. clay is mixed with 1 tbsp. l oil and pour in water until mushy. The mask is applied in a thick layer and washed off after 20 minutes. After this, acne is additionally treated with sea buckthorn oil.

Milk thistle oil for acne

Milk thistle contains a unique substance silybin (silymarin), which restores and protects body cells from damage. That is why the oil is recommended not only for external, but also for internal use, which cleanses the liver and removes toxins, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the facial skin and makes it clean and non-inflamed.

To do this, for 2 months three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. milk thistle is mixed with a medium-sized tomato grated on a coarse grater. The mixture is consumed half an hour before meals. The results will be noticeable after 2-3 weeks of use!

  • 1 tsp. boric acid powder;
  • 3 packages of crushed streptocide tablets;
  • 10 tables chloramphenicol;
  • 10 aspirin tablets;
  • 100 ml of clean cold water;
  • 80 ml alcohol (96% strength).

Apply to inflamed skin morning and evening, do not wash off! The mixture is stored in the refrigerator and used for up to 3 weeks.

Apply lotion to the skin, alternating with spot application of milk thistle oil.

Camphor oil for acne

This remedy is considered antiseptic and bactericidal. Used to treat purulent wounds and inflammation.

Camphor oil for acne makes acne invisible and heals active inflammatory processes. The skin becomes lighter and with prolonged use, small acne scars and age spots disappear.

Treatment mask for acne: take 2 drops of milk thistle oil, camphor, black cumin, mix everything and apply to the face. Make a mask before going to bed and do not wash it off.

The essence of using camphor oil is that it actively prevents the occurrence of new inflammatory processes.

Flaxseed oil for acne

Healing flaxseed oil for acne has wound-healing and cleansing properties and contains a number of vitamins beneficial for the skin. The oil is applied to problem areas and used as part of medicinal products.

The aroma of mint is invigorating and refreshing. The tonic aroma of tea with mint leaves will help you wake up in the morning, and in the evening it will have a calming and relaxing effect on the body.

But mint is not only a culinary product. The essential oil of this plant is now successfully used in skin care.

Masks with the addition of mint essential oil will soothe irritated skin, help brighten and even out skin tone, and improve blood circulation.

In addition, mint essential oil prevents the formation of wrinkles and is a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Systematic use of mint oil on the face will improve the color and refresh the skin, protect against herpes and fungal skin diseases.

Using mint oil on the face

The product is actively used for:

  • oily skin (normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat, tightens pores well);
  • inflamed skin (helps remove acne and its marks);
  • aging and dull skin (moisturizes and tones, preventing the formation of wrinkles and further fading);
  • tired and dull skin (refreshes and tones the skin).

In addition to these properties, the oil has many other equally important ones:

  • eliminating redness;
  • elimination of spider veins on the face;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • restoration of the protective functions of facial skin;
  • elimination of herpes on the lips;
  • treatment of sunburn;
  • treatment of bacterial dermatitis.

Face mask recipes

Face mask with mint essential oil for clear skin

Take 2 tablespoons of grated cucumber and 5 ml of peppermint oil (diluted). Mix the ingredients and add 2 teaspoons of green clay. Stir well and apply to cleansed facial skin. Let dry and rinse with warm water. This mask will cleanse your skin and absorb excess sebum.

Masks for oily skin

To get rid of oily shine, even out tone and narrow pores, a special mask will help, which will also nourish it at the same time.

Mask No. 1

To prepare the product, you will need two or three large spoons of oatmeal (can be ground), which should be steamed with boiling water to obtain a thick consistency. Next, add 0.12 ml of mint essential oil. Apply the mask carefully to the neck, décolleté, and facial skin. Wait for ten minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

Mask No. 2

For oily and problem skin, a cleansing mask with a pronounced antiseptic effect is suitable. To do this, dilute the blue cosmetic clay with a tablespoon of distilled water in a ceramic container, add a few drops of mint and lemon essential oils into it, and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the resulting paste to a previously cleansed face for 20 minutes. The mixture should be washed off with water at room temperature.

Mask for dry skin

There are always many problems with dry skin, especially with moisturizing it and removing irritation and flaking. But masks with mint oil help to quickly and effectively cope with the problem: take a couple of drops of oil and mix them with oatmeal or sour cream, cream, white cosmetic clay, crushed cucumber, pumpkin or zucchini pulp.

Cleansing mask

In yellow cosmetic clay (one tablespoon), you need to add two drops of mint essence. The clay, in this case, should be in a liquid state (it is dissolved with warm water), add grape seed oil (two teaspoons), the same amount of almond oil and lemon essential oil (one drop). This mixture perfectly cleanses the skin, activates blood circulation, saturates the dermis with oxygen, and the antiseptic components have a beneficial effect on existing skin problems.

Refreshing mask

Take 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, add 2 drops of oil and mix well. Apply the mask not only to your face, but also to your neck for 15 minutes. The procedure can be repeated no more than 2 times every 7 days.

Mask against blackheads

Porous skin prone to the formation of blackheads can be treated with an effective mask, which, in addition to mint oil, contains tomatoes and grapes. If you use this composition on your skin every other day, your skin will turn from problematic to healthy and radiant.

Ripe tomatoes should be kept in boiling water for a couple of minutes and the pulp should be rubbed through a fine strainer. Add juice from several grapes and a teaspoon of vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, to the pulp. Carefully pour a tablespoon of starch into the mixture and pour in 2 ml. mint oil. It is better to wash off the mask not with plain water, but with slightly salted water. And it's better if it's sea salt.

Treatment face mask for acne

  • 15 grams of blue clay
  • 20 grams of mineral water
  • Three drops of peppermint oil
  • One drop each of yarrow, lavender and clary sage oils

Mix all ingredients. First, add water to the clay until it reaches a creamy consistency, and then add essential oils. Apply the mask to clean facial skin (do not put it under the eyes) and keep it on the skin for about fifteen minutes. Rinse off first with warm and then with cold water.

Ice cubes with mint oil

Toning ice cubes for the face with peppermint oil improves skin tone and helps cleanse it. Initially, dilute honey (1 teaspoon) in water (no more than 200 ml), and add mint oil to the solution (no more than 4 drops), and then pour everything into a special form. It is recommended to use mint ice up to 2 times a day after washing. Such a simple procedure will give your facial skin a fresh and healthy look.

Who should not use peppermint essential oil?

Having carefully studied the reviews, we can say that mint essential oil is not a strong allergenic substance. But, despite this, you should definitely test for an allergic reaction before use.

Apply the oil to a small area of ​​your skin and see if there are any negative effects within ten minutes.

If you have never used peppermint oil before, you should know that it may initially cause a slight tingling and cold feeling. This is considered a normal reaction.

Although this oil is very beneficial, it should not be used for a long period of time. Doctors say that with frequent use of this essential oil, you may experience insomnia, since although this oil has a calming effect on the body, it acts as a strong stimulant.