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Is it possible to wear lenses if you have eye pressure? How to choose glasses for glaucoma and not harm yourself? Everyday and therapeutic models. Solar and electric light

Diseases associated with eye pressure are dangerous for humans because they lead to loss of vision. Are glaucoma and contact lenses compatible? This can be understood when you know the contraindications and indications for wearing them. For example, if a disease is diagnosed and glasses are not always comfortable to wear, then lenses come to the rescue in such cases. For each patient, the ophthalmologist individually selects these small optical devices.

Can I wear it?

As an alternative to glasses, therapeutic lenses can be used to improve vision and reduce internal ocular pressure (IOP) in combination with specially selected medications. If you have glaucoma, they can be worn if there are no contraindications. They do not independently affect IOP, but act as an additional therapeutic agent that ensures constant delivery of the drug to the cornea of ​​the eye and its prolonged effect.

Which lenses to choose?

It is worth choosing products with a high level of oxygen permeability, sufficient moisture content and protection from ultraviolet radiation. The UV filter protects the eyes, prevents the development of cataracts and vision deterioration. There are these types of density:

  • Soft - more comfortable due to the high moisture content, which prevents the eyes from drying out and transports air to the cornea.
  • Hard ones have a higher percentage of breathability, which is an indication for glaucoma.

In order to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, one-day silicone hydrogel lenses are used to monitor intraocular pressure, into which a microsensor is built in to monitor the indicator around the clock.

The product is used to treat the disease.

Special contact lenses for glaucoma are offered, which are used as an auxiliary treatment and increase the permeability of the eyes to drugs. These optical products were developed by American scientists. They are made of hydrogel - metaflycon. A biological film is applied to the edges, which consists of latanoprost, a substance that reduces internal eye pressure. It is absent in the central region so that the eye is sufficiently supplied with air and moisture, and visibility does not deteriorate.


To choose products for vision correction and not harm yourself, you must first consult with an ophthalmologist, who will advise which ones to buy after the diagnosis. It is important to remember that some antiglaucoma medications reduce the sensitivity of the eye, which increases the risk of injury. In addition, when wearing products, changes inside the visual apparatus itself remain unchanged, which increases the need for operations.

A contraindication to wearing lenses for glaucoma is that therapy for this disease begins with the use of eye drops, which may react with the solution used to store the vision-correcting product. In addition, some types of lenses absorb components from drugs used to treat the disease, which provokes intolerance. Eye drops often lead to dryness and irritation. Surgery for glaucoma is also a contraindication for wearing contact lenses.

Hello dear reader! If you are nevertheless faced with a disease such as glaucoma and have lost visual acuity, today we will analyze and select options for correction means.

Each of these means has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s also look at whether it’s possible to wear lenses if you have glaucoma? In addition, there are even contraindications to wearing certain types of lenses or glasses.

Features of wearing lenses

Fortunately, in most cases you can wear lenses for glaucoma. There are only a few nuances to consider:

  • stage of treatment;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • frequent changes in visual acuity;
  • surgical intervention;
  • intolerance to the material from which the lenses are made.

Stage of treatment - if you are prescribed, then most likely you will have to stop wearing contact lenses for this period. There may be several reasons:

  1. the lens blocks access for the drug to penetrate into the structures of the eye;
  2. The lens material may absorb some components of the product.

When using different ones, it may become “dry”. This is a side effect due to which less tear fluid is produced and the eye is not completely washed. Then wearing lenses will be uncomfortable, itching, redness and irritation of the eyes will appear.

Changes in visual acuity - as a result of successful treatment or vice versa as a result of long-term inactivity, visual acuity changes. This will require changing your contact lenses, which can only be done after an eye exam. Otherwise, you can cause harm, for example, by overvoltage with inappropriate diopters.

Intolerance - you will notice immediately, as soon as you put them on. The “feeling of a speck in the eye”, instant lacrimation, will force you to remove the lenses and you will no longer have the desire to put them on again.

Advantages of lenses over glasses

Wearing contact lenses is certainly more convenient: they do not fog up, do not break, do not get lost, fit tightly and do not slip off. And for many, it is the aesthetic moment that is important, when the presence of corrective means is not visible.

They can be soft, which are easier to put on and take off, or hard, which allow more oxygen to pass through, but are felt more clearly in the eye. for glaucoma they are also not contraindicated, they are recommended more for therapeutic purposes. They are also allowed for children over 3 years of age diagnosed with glaucoma.

Recently, new types have appeared on the market that have a clear advantage over glasses and other lenses:

  1. Lenses that promote greater penetration of eye drops and inhibit their release. This is a new development that helps reduce intraocular pressure thanks to the biofilm applied to them.
  2. A unique invention of scientists - lenses with a built-in sensor that allows you to monitor changes in intraocular pressure. Pulses that change when the size of the cornea changes are sent to the doctor’s monitor. They are one-day and of course expensive.

Since glaucoma is not a simple disease, but has its own characteristics, course and treatment methods, whether it is possible to wear contact lenses individually in your case, an ophthalmologist will help you finally decide.

Choosing glasses

Glasses have no less adherents than lenses. Therefore, they are also improved, endowed with useful functions suitable for various diseases.

  • relieving eye strain;
  • blockade of ultraviolet radiation;
  • decrease in intraocular pressure;
  • reduce the angle of refraction of light.

But not all green glasses are created equal. It is important not to run into fakes by buying them from dubious places. More often, such glasses are made to order and have a certificate of conformity.

At the same time, under no circumstances wear dark or black glasses if you have been diagnosed with glaucoma. These glasses dilate the pupil, which can lead to increased blood pressure.

There are glasses with photochromic lenses, also known as chameleon glasses. They change their capacity depending on the lighting, creating optimal conditions for the eyes.

Another type of spectacle lenses is progressive. There are no obvious contraindications for wearing with glaucoma, but it is advisable to undergo a preliminary consultation with a doctor. Their peculiarity is that they have 2 vision areas. The upper one is for viewing objects in the distance, the lower one is for nearby distances.

Like contact lenses, the range of glasses also includes models for treatment. These are perforated glasses - with many holes covered with an opaque plate. For glaucoma lenses, choose green for effectiveness. With this device, the load is distributed evenly and the strain on the eyes is reduced.

You need to wear them for an hour, several times a day. The main advantage of glasses is that they can be worn both before and after surgery, unlike contact lenses.

Video from an ophthalmologist about wearing lenses and glasses for glaucoma

The doctor talks about the types of glasses that are prescribed for glaucoma, and whether it is possible to wear lenses when using them is not recommended. Is there a therapeutic effect from wearing corrective devices?


Now, dear reader, you have the answer to the question of whether it is possible to wear lenses for glaucoma, their types and features of wearing. Know that there are different types of glasses that can relieve symptoms. All you have to do is decide what is right for you and consult your doctor about your choice. And we wish you healthy eyes and clear vision, see you soon. Sincerely, Irina Nazarova.

Glaucoma is a chronic eye disease, the main symptoms of which are increased intraocular pressure, deterioration of visual acuity and decreased field of vision. Glaucoma is the scourge of people over 40 years of age; it is rare among young people. The disease can be very dangerous if not treated properly. People suffering from these diseases often see much worse than those diagnosed with myopia or farsightedness, and therefore are in dire need of vision correction and wonder: is it possible to wear contact lenses with glaucoma? It should be borne in mind that the disease, among other things, affects the optic nerve, which is directly connected to the brain. It is the nerve that perceives the signals received by the eye, processes them and transmits them to the brain. Since the optic nerve is damaged in glaucoma, the degree of its damage determines how serious the disease is, including how much visual acuity decreases. The disease inevitably progresses over time, which should also be kept in mind. The causes of glaucoma vary, but the most common factors are perhaps changes and surges in intraocular pressure. A healthy eye has a spherical shape, which helps maintain optimal pressure, but changes in the shape of the eyeball and pressure in it can lead to damage to the optic nerve. Other reasons for the development of the disease include weakness of nerve fibers, their susceptibility to microtrauma, as well as poor blood circulation and insufficient blood supply to the eye. As mentioned above, many of those who suffer from glaucoma experience a variety of problems related to loss of visual acuity that can be addressed with the use of contact lenses. Contact lenses are great for people with this condition, but you need to be careful. Both soft lenses, known for their comfort, and rigid gas permeable lenses, which allow more oxygen to flow to the eyes, are indicated for glaucoma patients. What is best to choose for specific eyes in each specific case can only be decided by an experienced ophthalmologist, but in general, most types of lenses are suitable to be worn by even the most capricious and demanding patients. Unfortunately, a contraindication for lenses in the case of glaucoma is that the first stage of its treatment is often accompanied by the use of eye drops, which can react negatively with the liquid that accumulates on the surface of the lenses. Some lenses can absorb substances found in glaucoma medications, eventually leading to lens intolerance. Likewise, some eye drops can cause dryness or irritation, making continued lens wear very uncomfortable or impossible. That is why it is so important to contact an experienced ophthalmologist who can choose the right lenses and medications.

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Is there an effective way to prevent glaucoma?

Today there are no effective, proven ways to prevent glaucoma. The best thing that can be done is to slow its development at an early stage, with timely diagnosis and treatment.

This is why it is very important to have regular eye exams. The doctor can perform a series of painless tests - measuring intraocular pressure, checking visual acuity, field of vision, etc. This will help detect glaucoma at an early stage and prevent damage to the optic nerve.

It is worth remembering that only half(!) of glaucoma patients know about their disease, and the rest learn about it only when the visual damage has become irreversible. The best way to protect yourself from vision loss is to have eye exams with your doctor every couple of years, especially after you reach 40 years of age.

Can you go blind due to glaucoma?

Yes, you can. But even if a person has become a victim of this insidious disease, there is a good chance of maintaining vision, subject to proper treatment. The treatment significantly slows damage to the optic nerve due to high pressure in the eye. If you take the medications prescribed by your doctor regularly, then most likely the patient will retain his vision into old age.

If parents have glaucoma, will their children have glaucoma?

This is not necessary, but a family history increases the risk of the disease.

Other risk factors for glaucoma include:

1. Age over 50 years (for whites).
2. Age over 40 years (for blacks).
3. Cases of the disease in relatives.
4. Serious eye injury in the past.
5. Taking steroid drugs.
6. Diabetes mellitus.
7. Myopia.
8. Hypertension.

People with such risk factors should be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist, more often than other categories of the population.

Are there effective treatments for glaucoma?

At an early stage, glaucoma can be effectively controlled with eye drops that lower intraocular pressure. If the disease does not respond to drug treatment, the doctor may recommend surgical treatment.

Glaucoma medications work in different ways: some medications reduce the production of fluid in the eye, while others improve its drainage. But you should pay attention - medications for glaucoma (including drops) can affect the entire body, so you need to warn all your doctors that you are taking such drugs.

Surgical methods for treating glaucoma today include the so-called. laser trabeculoplasty, in which a laser beam is used to influence the outflow zone (drainage zone) of the eye. A trabeculectomy technique is also used, in which the doctor surgically creates a path for fluid to drain from the eye. After surgery, patients can continue taking drops.

Can marijuana treat glaucoma?

Research conducted in the 1970s in the United States showed that smoking marijuana can lower intraocular pressure. Other, more recent studies have produced controversial results.

The newest US review states that "there is no evidence-based evidence that marijuana is more effective for glaucoma than other drugs."

However, in many countries around the world, marijuana is an illegal plant, and this must be taken into account.

Is it possible to drive a car with glaucoma?

Many people with glaucoma can drive. It depends on the degree of vision damage. You can drive a car as long as the patient is able to pass a medical examination (for vision). For the sake of driving safety, you should consult your doctor on this issue.

Can I continue to wear contact lenses if I have glaucoma?

The doctor makes a decision about this individually.

Some medications (drops) can be used freely without removing contact lenses, and some medications require removal of lenses before use. In addition, some medications may change your visual acuity, requiring new contact lenses.

If the ophthalmologist decides that the patient needs surgery, this may affect the ability to wear lenses. You need to discuss this issue with your doctor.

How can you help an elderly person suffering from glaucoma?

Being left alone with this diagnosis is scary, especially for an elderly person who cannot count on good health anyway. If elderly parents, relatives, or acquaintances suffer from glaucoma, then the main thing you need to do for them is:

Monitor the regular, correct use of medications prescribed by a doctor, and ensure that they are always available in the first aid kit. Irregular use of glaucoma medications significantly affects the effectiveness of therapy. You can call the patient, visit him or set an alarm to remind him to take the drug.

Make sure to visit your ophthalmologist regularly. This can be difficult because many older people are reluctant to see doctors. But regular eye exams and tests are important for proper treatment.

Support the patient in the event of surgery, especially with postoperative care. If an elderly person does not have health insurance, then financial assistance can be provided - effective treatment for glaucoma is quite expensive, and requires large expenses for the rest of his life.

/ Questions and answers

Is it possible to wear lenses if you have glaucoma?

Damage to the optic nerve in glaucoma inevitably leads to decreased visual acuity. Therefore, sooner or later, every person who has been diagnosed with glaucoma faces the question: is it possible to wear contact lenses? Or will I have to use glasses?

Contact lenses for glaucoma are not contraindicated, but their selection must be taken with great care. This applies to any type of lens - both soft and rigid gas permeable lenses. If your ophthalmologist has prescribed eye drops, wearing lenses may not be recommended during the course of treatment with these drops. This limitation is due to the reaction that eye drops can enter into with the solution that coats contact lenses or with liquid accumulating on their surface. In addition, some types of soft lenses can absorb and accumulate substances found in eye drops, which over time can cause the lenses to deteriorate or even damage the surface of the eyeball. In turn, some eye drops increase eye dryness and even lead to irritation when wearing contact lenses. Therefore, when treating glaucoma with eye drops, it is necessary to consult with your ophthalmologist who prescribed these drops in order to correctly select lenses that are compatible with the drug used.

Other limitations include the need to remove lenses before using some eye drops, and possible changes in visual acuity during glaucoma treatment, which may require the purchase of new lenses.

Lenses for glaucoma are used not only as a way to correct vision, but also as a method of auxiliary therapy. For example, Canadian specialists have created lenses that improve the penetration of eye drops into the internal structures of the eye. With normal instillation, only about 5% of the active substance penetrates into the eye. Lenses help ensure more complete contact of the cornea with the active substance.

In addition, special contact lenses can also be used to diagnose glaucoma. The most effective way to detect the disease in time is to constantly monitor intraocular pressure. However, not everyone can constantly go to the ophthalmologist. And for busy people who, however, strive to monitor their health, silicone gel lenses for daily wear have been developed to help monitor intraocular pressure constantly. A tiny sensor is built into the lens, which records the change in the diameter of the cornea that occurs as the volume of intraocular fluid increases. Using a built-in microprocessor, this data is transferred to the server and becomes available to the doctor and patient.