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No menstruation for 2 months reasons. If your chest hurts, but you don’t have your period, what does this mean? Natural factors for missing periods

Any woman of childbearing age may experience irregularities in her menstrual cycle. There are many reasons for this. But any deviation from the menstrual schedule is a reason to consult a doctor. After all, they often talk about problems with the reproductive system. The doctor will try to find out why there are no periods and tell you what to do.

No period for a long time - what to do?

What is considered a delay and when to contact a doctor? All women have an individual menstrual schedule. The normal duration of one cycle is from 21 to 32 days. When your period does not come on a certain day, a deviation of 2-3 days is normal, but no more. After waiting a little more than a week, you should schedule a visit to the gynecologist.

In order to establish the reason for the absence of menstruation, the doctor will prescribe an examination with tests, including hormone tests, a visit to an endocrinologist, and an ultrasound examination of the pelvis.

When no serious diseases have been identified, then when asked what to do if you have not had your period for a long time, doctors usually say to wait, and in the meantime take the drug or its analogues in order to induce menstruation.

I haven’t had my period for a year – what should I do?

Nowadays, the absence of menstruation for a year or even more is quite common. The period of breastfeeding and the pregnancy itself are not taken into account. Such serious disorders can be the result of various diseases, both the genital area and other organs.

When there are no periods for a month, six months, a year, we don’t know what to do. This condition is called amenorrhea. A woman cannot do without qualified medical care. Treatment is often long-term, because it takes time to restore normal balance to the body. The cause of amenorrhea in the modern world is the fashion for a slender body and the pursuit of beauty. Women go on exhausting diets, and this soon affects their health. When it comes to anorexia, which is difficult to treat, then the absence of menstruation is its faithful companion. Girls who are severely underweight do not have periods until their weight and hormonal levels return to normal.

The same problem exists with excess weight. Only under the supervision of nutritionists and trainers is it possible to reduce weight to normal without extreme diets. A radical change in lifestyle, including sports and physical activity, can not only reduce weight, but also maintain it at the desired level. Amenorrhea in obesity often becomes an obstacle to motherhood.

The frantic pace of life, frequent business trips and climate change are all risk factors for the female body. Various stressful situations in the family and at work exhaust the nervous system and negatively affect women's health.

When we don't understand why we don't have our periods, we don't know what to do. After all, it seems that my physical form is in order, examinations did not reveal any abnormalities, but menstruation does not come. In this case, a consultation with a psychologist will help, who will help you get out of the crisis situation. It would also be useful to prescribe sedatives, thanks to which the nervous system will soon return to normal.

Athletes or women who suddenly decide to take up sports without proper preparation may also experience a lack of menstruation. As soon as the body adapts to the new state, Usually the monthly cycle is successfully resumed without additional treatment.

The absence of menstruation may also indicate such serious diseases as a brain tumor, severe mental damage, and malignant neoplasms of the genital area. These diseases must be diagnosed as soon as possible for treatment to be successful.

Any disruption to the menstrual rhythm should alert you. After all, this can lead to serious consequences. Self-medication is inappropriate here, because without proper diagnosis you can further complicate the situation.

A missed period is a situation where menstrual flow does not start at the expected time. As a rule, the main reason for the delay is the fact of pregnancy. However, the absence of menstruation may not always be due to this joyful event for many.

Features of the menstrual cycle

Nature predestined a woman to be a mother. At the beginning of the cycle, a woman’s body prepares for motherhood; the pituitary gland begins to synthesize hormones that affect the maturation of the egg. The uterus is enriched with blood, nutrients, and covered with mucus. After a while (usually on the 14th day of the cycle) ovulation begins: a mature cell moves to the uterus, where it will wait for fertilization within 24 hours. If it does not occur, all processes are reversed: the activity of hormones decreases, the mucus exfoliates. Menstruation begins.

The cycle is regular. It is established during puberty and repeats monthly during reproductive age (up to 45-50 years). For most women, the cycle is equal to the lunar month and lasts 28 days, but the permissible limits of the cycle are “21 - 35 days.” Average duration -3 -7 days. If menstruation comes on time, then this is evidence that everything is in order in the female body.

However, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, especially its repeated and prolonged delays, may be alarm signals and, if ignored, can lead to serious consequences.

To avoid missing a missed period, keep a menstrual calendar

Natural causes of delayed menstruation

During puberty, girls adjust their menstrual cycle and prepare for reproductive function. Due to hormonal changes, the arrival of menstruation is not always regular and accurate; the cycle needs time to stabilize. But long delays in girls aged 17-18 years, when the reproductive system has already fully formed, should be a reason for examination. There may be health problems caused by slower physical development, underdevelopment of the uterus and ovaries, and dysfunction of the pituitary gland.

During the reproductive period, the natural cause of delay is pregnancy.

After 40 years, reproductive function begins to decline, and the woman gradually enters the menopause phase. Menstruation becomes less abundant, irregular and gradually disappears.

If the delay is not caused by teenage hormonal changes, pregnancy or approaching menopause, you should visit a gynecologist.

When to go to the doctor

In some cases, the delay does not exceed 7 days, may be a reaction to any obvious factors that are temporary in nature. For example, a recent acute viral illness or winter vacation in warm countries. In these cases, the woman usually does not experience physical discomfort. Her cycle, having passed the adaptation period, returns to normal. However, if after a month there is still no menstruation, you need to visit a doctor. If, in the absence of menstruation, alarming symptoms are observed, such as painful sensations in the chest and abdominal cavity, atypical discharge, when the lower abdomen pulls, then after 5-7 days of delay you should consult a gynecologist.

Systematic cycle disruptions, albeit short-term, also indicate the need for a medical examination, as they are signs of a pathological process occurring in the body.

Often a woman torments herself with the question of why there are no periods if she is not pregnant; what are the possible reasons. Knowing the factors that can provoke the onset of such a state will help you maintain calm, navigate this alarming situation and determine a further plan of action.

If the delay in menstruation exceeds 5 days and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor

Physiological causes of delayed menstruation

Organic and functional disorders

Examination for delayed menstruation

If the menstrual cycle is irregular, having ruled out a possible pregnancy (pregnancy test is negative), a woman should carefully analyze her well-being and not delay the examination.

Perhaps the reason for the delay in menstruation is the body’s adaptation after a recent illness or its reaction to the change of seasons.

But there is no need to wonder for a long time why menstruation does not occur if there is no pregnancy. If there is a 5-day delay in menstrual flow with severe accompanying symptoms, or a delay of more than a month in the absence of other ailments, a visit to a gynecologist is necessary.

Only a doctor can reliably determine why menstruation is delayed.

The doctor will conduct an examination, including a gynecological examination and an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and prescribe blood and urine tests. Since the body is a complex multifunctional system, it is not always possible to quickly determine the cause of such a failure.

In addition to the main examination, ovulation studies (control of basal body temperature over time), tests for hormones of the thyroid gland, ovaries, and pituitary gland may be additionally prescribed. If necessary, observation by a nutritionist, endocrinologist, or psychotherapist is possible.

Sometimes, to clarify the clinical picture and make an accurate diagnosis, it is advisable to use laparoscopy and MRI of internal organs and the brain.


Why does a girl of reproductive age who is sexually active not have periods? First of all, you can suspect pregnancy, but not only it, but also many other circumstances and reasons can lead to delays in menstruation. Let's look at the most common situations.


If you haven’t had your period for 1-2 weeks or more, even though you don’t exclude the possibility of pregnancy, you can certainly dispel your doubts in several ways. At this stage, the ultrasound can already show the fertilized egg (if it is in the uterus). According to a blood test, the hCG level is significantly higher than zero and corresponds to the stage of pregnancy. During a gynecological examination, the doctor diagnoses an enlarged uterus, taking on a round shape (out of an interesting position, it has the shape of a pear), cyanosis of the cervix and labia. There will be no periods throughout pregnancy and for some time after childbirth.


The pregnancy period gradually gives way to the lactation period. Many young mothers never begin to have their periods... throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. For those who start, they come, most often, irregularly, and may be too scanty.

Young age

Why has a 13-15 year old girl not had her period for 2 months? There is nothing surprising here. In girls, the first two years after menarche (first menstruation) may experience delays of up to 2 months, and this does not at all indicate pathology. You just need to wait it out or visit a pediatric gynecologist who will dispel all doubts.


Every woman at the age of 40-55 experiences a gradual decline in ovarian function, that is, reproductive function fades, ovulation becomes increasingly rare, as well as menstruation. If you are about 40 years old and you are experiencing menstrual irregularities that you haven’t had before, it is recommended that you go to a gynecologist and get examined. It is quite possible that competent hormonal therapy will help prolong youth, since it is known that after menopause, a woman not only cannot get pregnant, but also the aging process begins to occur much faster.

Lifestyle change

Why is there no menstruation, and the test is negative in a woman who is not too young, who is not breastfeeding and has excellent health (no gynecological problems)? If this problem is not systematic, then the reasons should be sought in changing your lifestyle. Perhaps you started to adhere to some kind of strict diet or simply suddenly lost several kilograms, and these kilograms were not superfluous. Then you need to gain a little weight again, and your periods will return. Sometimes delays occur due to strong emotions, stress, during long trips, especially to places with unusual climatic conditions. In a word, periods can be delayed with any change in lifestyle. A one-time delay means nothing.

Hormonal shifts

Very often, when asked “why I don’t have periods,” doctors answer that this is a normal hormonal imbalance. And if this is really a small “glitch”, then it’s okay. But the reasons can be more serious, such as, for example, an increased level of the hormone prolactin (by the way, due to which menstruation does not occur during lactation) due to a microadenoma (tumor) of the pituitary gland; or hirsutism, which occurs due to increased levels of “male” hormones in a woman. Hirsutism manifests itself as male-type hair growth (hair appears above the lips, on the chin, on the thighs, and very abundantly; acne appears on the skin, etc.). Both of these pathologies are detected through a blood test + doctor’s observation of the patient.

Diseases of the genital area

For example, a corpus luteum cyst. It is diagnosed using ultrasound. In addition to a delay in menstruation, nagging pain may be observed in the area of ​​the ovary, where the cyst has formed, and in the lower back. If the cyst remains in the ovary for a long time, it may rupture and cause severe bleeding. If the cyst does not go away on its own, and the woman feels any discomfort due to its presence, surgery may be performed.

The menstrual cycle may also be disrupted with adnexitis - inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The disease reveals itself primarily through pain. The most common causes are hypothermia and various infectious diseases.

You can talk for a long time about why there is no menstruation due to this or that disease. But why guess? The diagnosis must be made by a doctor. And in conclusion, we will talk about the tests and examinations that you will most likely have to undergo if you are affected by the problem of an irregular menstrual cycle.


If you think several times a year about why you don’t have your period, but the test is negative, then it’s time to get properly examined. After all, the absence of menstruation indicates some kind of problem in the body. At a minimum, it will be difficult to get pregnant, and at maximum, an irregular menstrual cycle may be one of the symptoms of serious diseases - endocrine, for example.

First, the doctor must make sure that the patient is not pregnant (either uterine or ectopic). To do this, the woman is given a referral for a blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin. If there is no pregnancy, and there are no complaints other than irregular menstruation, the gynecologist recommends that the woman measure her basal temperature for at least 3 months and make charts. Based on them, it will be possible to judge the presence of ovulation and how the cycle proceeds as a whole. Next, an ultrasound of the uterus and hormone tests are prescribed. Based on their results, the doctor may refer the woman for consultation to other specialists - for example, to an endocrinologist. If it is clear that a girl is underweight (which may be the cause of amenorrhea), then she is recommended to visit a nutritionist. Additional examinations not related to gynecology may also be prescribed if various pathologies are identified. For example, if prolactin is elevated, magnetic resonance imaging may be prescribed in order to exclude the presence of a benign pituitary tumor, which is often the cause of hyperprolactinemia.

In a word, don’t let the situation get worse. If your body gives you signals that something is wrong with it (delayed menstruation), you need to respond to them. Be healthy!

Long-term absence of menstruation can be caused by natural physiological processes. Then the situation is considered normal, there is no reason to worry. If you haven’t had your period for 2–4 months without any apparent reason, you need to visit a gynecologist.

Changes in hormonal levels are the main reason for delayed periods. All reasons are conventionally divided into several groups.

Whatever the reason for the delay in menstruation, you should treat your body carefully. If alarming symptoms occur, you should seek help from qualified professionals.

Delayed menstruation in a teenager

The first menstruation occurs at the age of 12–13 years. Sex hormones contribute to its appearance. The formation of hormonal levels is evidenced by the physical development of the girl. Secondary sexual characteristics appear - breast enlargement, hair growth in the groin area, armpits, waist formation. In this case, the girl’s weight plays an important role. If your body weight is less than 45 kg, menstruation will not begin. For this reason, periods for overweight teenagers begin earlier. For thin girls, menarche occurs at 14–16 years of age.

The onset of menstruation does not indicate a stable monthly cycle. The hormonal background is far from constant. There will be a delay in menstruation and their character will change. Moreover, a break of two months is considered normal. In general, a girl's menstrual cycle should become similar to her mother's. If everything was different for the mother, you can take the teenager for a consultation with a gynecologist. There may be pathological abnormalities.

Test negative for missed period

To get a true result, you need to choose high-quality products with high sensitivity and carry out the analysis correctly. Pregnancy is considered to have occurred from the moment the egg is implanted in the uterine cavity. Then the level of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, increases every day. In urine, the level of the hormone increases much more slowly than in the blood. In the early stages of pregnancy with a delay of up to 1 week, it is recommended to carry out the analysis with a morning urine sample. Then the hormone level is highest.

The operating principle of all tests is based on the reaction of the reagent. If its sensitivity is from 25 units, it will not be able to demonstrate pregnancy in the early stages. In addition, even a test with 10 sensitivity units can also misfire. When ovulation does not occur in the middle of the cycle, closer to the end, the body does not have time to quickly rebuild itself by the time menstruation begins. Then, if there is a delay of up to 1 week, the result may be false. The second gray stripe does not indicate pregnancy at all. This means that the reaction did not occur. Most likely, the test was kept in the urine for longer than 30 seconds.

If we are talking about a delay of menstruation by 2-4 months, a negative test is a clear confirmation of the absence of pregnancy. Cycle disruption occurs due to menopause, if age allows such conclusions, gynecological diseases, nervous pathologies, diseases of the endocrine system.

Late period but not pregnant – what to do

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the events of past months. If there are no obvious factors influencing the menstrual cycle, it is recommended to undergo an examination. Delayed periods are caused by gynecological diseases:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • chronic endometritis;
  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

Thyroid dysfunction is directly related to the production of hormones. You will also have to visit an endocrinologist. A delay in menstruation can occur after taking antibiotics and some other medications. This should be written about in the instructions, and the attending physician must warn you.

It is very difficult to independently determine the cause of a missed period when you haven’t had one for several months. The most harmless cause may be a disorder of the nervous system. Then, after restoring rest, the menstrual cycle also normalizes. In other cases, long-term treatment and hormonal medications will be required.

How to call them

The absence of menstruation in women of reproductive age entails disruption of the functioning of other systems and internal organs. The question arises about their forced summons. In the absence of serious gynecological diseases, the situation is regulated quite quickly. The reason for this phenomenon is an insufficient amount of progesterone, the second phase hormone. It is replenished with synthetic analogues. The most common means for inducing menstruation during a long delay is Norkolut. If menstruation is delayed by several months, start taking pills any day.

The dose of the drug is determined by a specialist. Usually 1 tablet per day for 10 days. Or 2 tablets at a time for 5 days. Menstruation should occur during the treatment process. If the progesterone level was not so low. Or 1–3 days after completion of the course. goes on as usual.

People have several recipes for inducing menstruation. For example, a decoction of parsley, which causes increased contraction of the muscles of the uterus. But in such a long absence of menstruation, folk recipes will be ineffective. It is necessary to induce critical periods with the help of special medications prescribed by a doctor. The wrong dosage may not give the desired result or cause severe bleeding.

Lack of menstruation after 40 years

At this age, the reproductive functions of the body decline. Unstable hormonal levels lead to absence of menstruation for several months. Then the amount of estrogen gradually accumulates, ovulation occurs again, and after a few weeks spotting appears. Menopause lasts about 4 years. Ends with a complete absence of menstruation. However, if the situation is concerning, you should visit a gynecologist. During menopause, the risk of gynecological diseases associated with hormones increases.

If a woman notices that she has not had her period for a long time, but is not pregnant, she needs to look for the reasons for this deviation with the help of specialists. Gynecology is a rather specific science; it is not possible to diagnose diseases in this area on your own. It would be best to go to a hospital as quickly as possible, where they can provide timely assistance and understand.

Of course, you can hesitate for a long time and hope that the situation will normalize on its own. This almost never happens, and over time the woman faces even greater difficulties. If a girl does not have her period but is not pregnant, consultation with a specialist is required.

Etiology of the disease

There are a lot of options as to why exactly the menstrual cycle failed. After a comprehensive diagnosis, the only correct one can be determined by the doctor, who will then be prescribed complex treatment.

As a rule, disruptions in the menstrual cycle occur due to the following reasons:

  1. Ovarian dysfunction. Failure of the menstrual cycle and constant delays are a notorious dysfunction. A similar phenomenon can occur as a result of a huge number of negative changes in the body. There is no clear answer here.
  2. Excessive exercise or stress. Difficulties at work, in relationships with other people, constant frustration and unpleasant life situations provoke serious stress in the body, affecting health. In order to normalize the menstrual cycle, you must first eliminate the root cause, and only then take on the gynecological aspect of the issue.
  3. Abrupt climate change. Frequent moves, trips to the sea or abuse of solariums primarily affect the reproductive system. After the body adapts to new conditions, the menstrual cycle usually returns to normal.
  4. Problems with excess weight. Excess or lack of muscle mass should never be ignored! Of course, if the problem has just manifested itself, interruptions in the reproductive system may not be observed. However, literally in a few years they will in any case bother a careless woman.
  5. Poisoning and subsequent intoxication. In addition to pregnancy, smoking, drug use and alcohol can cause the absence of menstruation. You need to change your lifestyle urgently! And only then contact a gynecologist for comprehensive treatment.
  6. Hereditary predisposition. A similar factor, even if rarely, does occur. There are no anatomical problems here, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of the deficiency. All that remains is to come to terms with it and, if necessary, take the medications prescribed by the doctor to at least slightly stabilize the situation.

Even if the problem has already made itself felt, you should not panic. The main thing is to seek help in time. Then the chances of getting rid of the disease without significant losses increase.

Gynecological manifestations

Another important one is the occurrence of tumors, both benign and malignant. This problem needs to be diagnosed as early as possible. Otherwise, the disease can have serious consequences, including death.

The reasons for the absence of menstruation may also lie in an incorrectly installed IUD or chronic inflammatory processes that have affected the genitourinary system.

As a rule, eliminating the irritating factor leads to a complete and fairly rapid normalization of the cycle.

Miscarriages and abortions, which occur in the lives of many modern women, cause severe stress in the body, which it can fight with a variety of means. One of them is a cycle disorder that lasts for several months. As a rule, everything returns to normal on its own, but cases cannot be ruled out when the help of specialists cannot be avoided.

Preventing an unwanted pregnancy is a serious decision and requires careful steps. Especially when it comes to hormonal contraceptives. The substances they contain subordinate the menstrual cycle to the pill regimen. If for some reason a woman refuses to take them, amenorrhea inevitably occurs for several months. A similar situation is observed if a woman takes extreme measures and takes emergency contraceptives. The hormonal background changes very quickly, which never leaves its mark on the body.

When there is no period, but not pregnancy, this may indicate the so-called polycystic ovary syndrome. This rather complicated name hides a serious hormonal imbalance caused by a malfunction of the ovaries. Recognizing the disease is very simple: the woman quickly recovers, she becomes overweight and has male-pattern hair growth. However, visual assessment is not always a 100% diagnosis. It is urgently necessary to undergo a number of tests and visit an antenatal clinic. Polycystic ovary syndrome is certainly dangerous, but the disease can be successfully treated with a properly selected hormonal course of drugs.

What else should you know about the situation?

It seems that all the reasons have been studied, but the right one has not yet been found? This means that other related problems that could well provoke a cycle disruption are overlooked. In particular, we are talking about a disease such as diabetes, as well as problems of the endocrine system or adrenal glands. Every hypothesis needs to be tested! Then the root cause of the disease will soon reveal itself.

In addition, the causes of disorders can be caused by the following aspects of life:

  1. Taking medications. Anabolic steroids, powerful antidepressants and a number of other medications can have a whole range of side effects. Usually the cyclicality of menstruation returns after the medication is stopped. However, if this does not happen, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. He can certainly help resolve such a complex issue.
  2. Climax. One of the most common causes of delayed menstruation, which is purely anatomical in nature. Of course, there is no need to be scared and ask why your periods stopped. But it’s still worth visiting a gynecologist’s office.

If the menstruation expected very soon does not make itself felt for a long period of time: about two, or even more months, you should in any case go to the doctor and not discount the possible pregnancy. Medicine knows of cases where women were unaware of their situation for a long time, even despite its obvious signs. And only if the pregnancy is refuted by the doctor, you can start looking for another reason.

2 months without menstruation is a significant period during which you need to take at least some action to save your body. The first step is to visit a gynecologist. Further, the help of other specialists may be required.