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Numerology according to the Pythagorean table online. Magic Square of Pythagoras. The Mystery of Your Birth Date - Fletcher

Numerology is an ancient teaching that reveals the secrets of life and the human soul. You can not only clarify your purpose, but even learn something about previous lives.

The psychomatrix, or Pythagorean square, is a universal way to understand yourself and see the development of qualities, which is also useful for self-knowledge. You can also find out a lot using your name by calculating your Destiny number. But it is the Pythagorean square that gives a complete picture of a person. The name of Pythagoras is not accidental here: it was he who deduced the basic principles of numerology, which numerologists still use today. Previously, there was no division between mathematics and numerology, just as astronomers were also astrologers. Therefore, the same people studied numbers as is customary in mathematics, and at the same time in accordance with numerological ideas about them.

There are many sites where you can find an online calculation of your psychomatrix. However, by doing the calculation yourself, you not only comprehend the basics of numerology, but also completely consciously get to know yourself. You will know for sure that no errors were made in the calculations, and your interpretations of the psychomatrix have an exact relation specifically to you. Thanks to the Pythagorean square, you can not only clarify your interests and capabilities, but also see how your relationships with other people can develop and understand what kind of partner you need.

How to calculate the Pythagorean square

For calculation Pythagorean square, or psychomatrix, you will need any piece of paper and pen. Draw a 3x3 grid. Next, write your date of birth aside. Let's say it's February 16, 1978. These numbers must be correctly distributed across each column that you have drawn. The first column will contain numbers from 1 to 3, the second - from 4 to 6, and the last from 7 to 9. Not all numbers are always included in the date of birth. In their place you can leave either an empty cell or a dash. The numbers must be placed in the order shown in the figure below.

Write down your date of birth as follows: day and month together and year of birth separately. In our case, only a two is indicated in the place of the month, a zero is not placed. It turns out: 162 1978. Now you need to calculate the first number. To do this, add up all the numbers of your date of birth: 1+6+2+1+9+7+8=34. This is the first number. It indicates the qualities that need to be developed to achieve your goal and fulfill your purpose. To correctly interpret these qualities, it is necessary to understand the meaning of numbers 3 and 4.

The second is obtained by adding two digits of the first calculated number. In our case, it is 3+4, that is, the second number is 7. It shows the most pronounced qualities of a person and indicates the purpose for which he came into this world.

To obtain the third number, you need to subtract from the already calculated first number (in our case, 34) the first digit in the series of digits of your date of birth (162 1978), which is always first multiplied by 2. In our example, the following is obtained: 34-(1*2 )=34-2=32. The fourth number can be obtained by adding the digits of the third number: 3+2=5. Both of these numbers show what kind of inheritance we inherited from our parents, that is, the qualities and characteristics that we inherited from them.

Now all the numbers received must be written down under the date of birth line for clarity. In this case we get the following:

1621978 347325

It is believed that the resulting number of numbers will indicate what kind of life the soul lives. In our example, it turns out that this is the 13th life. If you are interested in learning a little more about your previous life, numerology can also help you with this using your birth number.

Let's enter the data into the psychomatrix. Line by line it comes out like this:

first line: 11, 4, 77 second line: 22, 5, 8 third line: 33, 6, 9

It happens that some numbers are missing. You can put a dash in their place.

Decoding the psychomatrix along the lines

In the case when there is no number or it is present only in a single quantity, we can talk about a poorly developed quality, which may not even be present at all in a person.

Two numbers are the norm, especially when sufficient attention is paid to these qualities, that is, they are demonstrated.

Three numbers indicate a very well-developed quality, which can be developed further if necessary. If there are four of them, then the quality is developed almost to the limit, but still not to the end.

Five numbers in a line indicate an extremely developed characteristic of a person, which manifests itself in the best form; in fact, this is its maximum. If there are more numbers, numerologists talk about information overload, due to which this seemingly developed characteristic can weaken and even adapt to influential loved ones.

The meaning of the lines in the psychomatrix

The first line speaks of a person’s determination and his ability to defend his views. It shows how effectively a person sets goals and objectives. Its understanding is strongly influenced by the first column, which will be discussed below.

The second line indicates the development of the qualities of a family man and attachment to the family as such. You can see how much a person wants and is ready (or vice versa) to have a family.

The third line speaks about the development of habits and the tendency to manifest them, indicating the readiness or unwillingness to change, to perceive changes. It also shows how much a person knows how to become attached to other people.

The meaning of the columns in the psychomatrix

In order to understand how developed your qualities are in a column, you can use the same principle as for deciphering the qualities of the rows of the psychomatrix. Each column also has its own meaning.

The first column is responsible for self-esteem, a person’s originality and the ability to distinguish oneself from the crowd.

The second column talks about the ability to arrange a home and provide for a family.

The third column talks about the person's talent. It is worth making a reservation: for the manifestation of talent, other developed qualities are also necessary, for example, will. Therefore, even having good inclinations, a person does not necessarily demonstrate them fully.

Numbers and their meaning
  • 1 - strong-willed qualities
  • 2—energy and vitality
  • 3 - interest in exact sciences and technology
  • 4 - health
  • 5 - intuition and thinking
  • 6 - skill, propensity for physical labor
  • 7 - luck
  • 8 - tolerance and kindness, sense of duty, positive qualities that manifest themselves in relation to loved ones
  • 9 - intelligence, memory, extrasensory abilities.

To understand the development of these characteristics and their impact on a person, also pay attention to how many of them are in one cell. Follow the same principle as for decoding columns. Also, for understanding, check whether the value of each individual digit is being overshadowed by its column or row. That is, if there is only one digit, there are 3 in the column of digits, and there are 5 in the row with this digit, then it affects the row and merges with its value.

In numerology, numbers can have certain interpretations, varying slightly in different calculations, but they are all interconnected, and you can understand

Hello. The so-called “psychomatrix”, invented by the ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras, which is called the Pythagorean square by date of birth, is one of the most popular calculations in numerology. It helps determine strength of character, energy, health, intelligence and other innate qualities.

Teaching in Numerology

The Pythagorean square is a special teaching in numerology that came to us from the priests of Egypt. It was they who came up with the idea of ​​recognizing a person’s character by numbers. Pythagoras developed his theory using the square as a basis. The psychomatrix or Square will also help you find out the main character traits, compatibility and much more.

A square is the numbers of the date of birth, added according to a certain system. Then these numbers need to be written according to the squares of the matrix from 1 to 9.

After this, the matrix should be analyzed with subsequent conclusions. According to the Pythagorean Square, a complete description of a person and his unmanifested abilities are also given with high accuracy.

How to make a matrix

  • Add all the numbers of the date of birth 05/07/1985: 7+5+1+9+8+5=35.

This will be the 1st working number.

  • Add the numbers of the 1st working number: 3+5=8.

The result was the 2nd working number.

  • Double the 1st digit of your birthday. In the example, the first zero is not counted, but we double the number 7, that is, 7*2=14.
  • The resulting number 14 must be subtracted as follows: 35-14=21.

The result was the 3rd working number.

  • Add the numbers of the 3rd working number: 2+1=3.

This is the 4th working number.

Then all 12 numbers 7.5.1985. must be written in those cells of the Square that correspond to the indicated numbers, for example, in the above line there are two units, write them in the “character, will” box. In the energy level under the number 2 we write only one number two, since there is only one number two in the line.

If one group of numbers turns out to be more than three, then this quality is highly developed in this person. Empty squares do not indicate a lack of qualities, they are simply replaced by others.

After filling out the table, a transcript follows horizontally and vertically.

  • The first line talks about .
  • The second is about whether this person needs it in general.
  • The third line speaks of attachment to habits and stability.
  • The first column indicates self-esteem.
  • The second is on the desire and ability to earn money,
  • The third talks about talents.
  • The diagonal along the line - 3,5,7 - is a person’s temperament, and 1,5,9 -.
  • Detailed decoding of the Square

    In addition to decoding, you can determine the compatibility of life partners.

    Digit 1

    One or two units (1 and 11) indicate an agreeable but weak character. This individual waits for approval every hour, loves to exaggerate his strong-willed qualities, but does not dare to make difficult decisions. Likes to argue about every issue.

    Three units (111) indicate a balanced character, but in a violent conflict it can show its strong will.

    1111, that is, 4 units has a person with a very strong character and an iron will. He loves to command and subjugate others.

    Digit 2

    Twos 2 has an individual with weak energy that runs out quickly.

    22 is the most suitable energy level for life. A purposeful person can realize himself in all areas of interest to him; he does not know what laziness is. Always sets goals and achieves them. Knows how to work with people. High self-esteem is important to them. But you can’t get wasted and waste your energy.

    Three and four twos 222 and 2222 – unbridled energy. The individual may be a psychic.

    Digit 3

    Cs - 3 and 33 mean diligence and accuracy in all matters. 33 - a person has an analytical mind, has an aptitude for technology and exact sciences. Such people can become excellent scientists, mathematicians, and physicists. People endowed with memory and logic can repair and design equipment. But with weak 5, 6 and 9 it is not worth doing repairs.

    333 – pedantry, diversified development, but there is no clear knowledge of one thing, a little of everything.

    3333 - a pedant to the core, criticizes, gets irritated when his usual order is disrupted. If there are no C grades, then the person has a humanitarian bent, has abilities for creative professions, and needs to reveal his talents and aspirations in time.

    Digit 4

    Fours - 4 and 44 - poor health, frequent colds.

    444 – excellent, strong health. Always ready to play sports.

    4444 – excellent health, strong, strong body. Such a person always wants to throw out the energy that overwhelms him. He must engage in the variety and work hard.

    Number 5

    Five - 5 - weak intuition, learns from experience.

    55 – a person himself understands what he is doing wrong and what is right.

    555 - as if he knows everything about his destiny, takes only the right, wise actions.

    Digit 6

    Six 6 – a penchant for mental work, does not like to work physically. He shouldn’t tempt fate and go straight to study.

    66 – can work hard physically, but not to the point of falling. May become interested in gardening or rabbit breeding.

    666 and 6666 – respects physical labor, and after good work loves to eat properly.

    Number 7

    Seven 7 - from birth there is a dull talent. Numerology recommends finding your path by testing yourself in various types of creative activities.

    77 – there is talent and it slips in different directions

    777 and 7777 are a real talent. Talent must be used, otherwise a person will not experience dissatisfaction with life.

    Number 8

    Eight - 8 - unscrupulousness, weak sense of duty. An individual is not critical from birth and can forgive himself and others a lot.

    88 – a person with a strong sense of duty and responsibility.

    888 – a strong sense of duty, is not bribed, will not compromise on principles. People can run the country.

    Number 9

    Nine 9 - mental abilities and memory. With one nine, a person has a poor memory, but is able to create something new. He wants to study, but studying is difficult.

    99 – a person has the ability to learn, he has an excellent memory. He is capable of solving difficult problems. He can handle science. In order not to reduce your mental abilities, you should not pay much attention to minor problems and responsibilities. Learn to understand other people so as not to accumulate resentment.

    999 and 9999 are very developed, intelligent people, with excellent memory and developed thinking. Fate itself outlined the path to science.

    System compatibility analysis

    Numerology will tell you the compatibility of partners based on their date of birth. If the family graph is strongly manifested in both partners, then this is a good sign. The money column must be strong for at least one of the partners.

    If one person is born with a strong spirit, and the other is very domineering, then it is difficult for them to be together, but there are exceptions here too.

    Life schedule according to Pythagoras

    Using the life schedule, you can find out how each 12 years of your life will go.

    For example: 05/07/1985 Multiply the date: 7*5*1985=69475 and get the main points, draw a graph based on them.

    The horizontal line is the years starting from the birthday. Each subsequent point corresponds to a 12-year life cycle. The number of points as you wish.

    On the vertical line, put the numbers from 0 to 9. Zero will be at the zero point.

    • Now take the first digit from the number obtained above. This is 6, put it above the year of birth. These are the years from 1985 to 1997 (0-12 years of life).
    • The next number 9 means another 12 years: from 1997-2009. We do this until the last digit.
    • Having passed the last point, we move to the beginning of the series of numbers 69475 and the life period after 2033 we begin to build from the first number 6 vertically.

    Decoding of all points
    • 0 - everything you have done before will lead to a dead end, you will have to start all over again, a difficult period of life. Most likely, karmic debts are being worked off. But it also means the beginning of a new period of life. It is necessary to draw conclusions and engage in spiritual growth.
    • 1 – a period when you need to work hard, all expenses will bring good results. If you follow this path, you will come to victory. You may be irritated and unbalanced.
    • 2 – there is a difficult choice of the further path. There will be ups and downs, but you will treat them philosophically.
    • 3 – stable period, confidence in the correctness of choosing your path. You will bring your plans to life, but learn to obtain the resources that will be needed for this period of life. Make friends, learn to communicate with people.
    • 4 - period of spiritual development, pay attention to the strength of connections with relatives. Avoid sudden changes.

    • 5 is a good period. It will take place in search of love, the warmth of loved ones, and also under the sign of active actions. You will want new experiences, changes, and get involved in adventurous, unpredictable actions.
    • 6 – life will pass under the sign of harmony and happiness. Enjoy, create, create, your good-natured state will help arrange everything as it should. Take advantage of this period.
    • 7-financial crisis. Be economical, careful, do not make adventurous investments. You can start studying everything otherworldly, secret, intimate.
    • 8 – changes will occur, a new era will be born, material success will come. We will have to adapt to a rapidly changing world. But success awaits you in literally everything.
    • 9 - Higher powers lead you to accomplish a particularly important task. You will be “haunted” by success again. As soon as you finish one task, immediately take on a new one.

    It is worth paying attention to life's ups and downs, which will be visible on the chart. During these periods you need to be careful. Horizontal segments are considered more favorable in life.

    In general, it is not difficult to calculate the Pythagorean square: first you need to imagine the date of birth as a set of numbers, not numbers. The date of birth is recorded in the sequence DD MM YYYY (single-digit numbers must be written without leading zeros).

    For example, let’s say someone was born on March 19, 1983. Then the date of birth of this person for calculating the Pythagorean square will be written as follows: 19 3 1983.

    So, the Pythagorean algorithm:

    numbers of the day and month of birth: 1 + 9 + 3 = 13;

    numbers of year of birth: 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 21;

    and finally the two resulting numbers: 13 + 21 = 34.

    The result was 34 - the first working number.

    Now add up the digits of the first working number:

    7 is the second working number.

    From the first working number, subtract twice the first digit of the birthday:

    32 is the third working number.

    To get the next working number, add up the numbers of the previous one:

    5 is the fourth working number.

    We got two rows of numbers:

    1st row - date of birth: 03/19/1983;

    2nd row - working numbers: 34; 7; 32; 5.

    Count the total number of digits in two rows (not sum, just count!). In our case, there are 14 of them. This means that the person being told fortunes has come into this world 14 times. According to Pythagoras, a person comes to earth 15 times, and then moves on to live in another, more perfect dimension.

    I don't know where he knew this from:)

    Now draw a square and divide it into 9 small squares. In the first square, enter all the ones from the 1st and 2nd row of numbers, in the second - twos, in the third - threes, and so on.

    It should look like this:

    Interpretation of results

    So, everything is ready to analyze the results of numerological calculations and draw up a psychological portrait of the individual.

    Square 1. Character

    1 - egoist;

    11 - a selfish person, but sometimes he can think about others;

    111 - positive and stable character;

    1111 - very strong-willed and strong character;

    11111 - tyrant and dictator;

    111111 is a cruel person, but he will do anything for his loved ones. Extremely unpleasant to communicate with. Such people, fortunately, are very rare.

    Square 2. Bioenergy

    There are no twos. There is no biofield. The channel is open for active absorption of energy. Such people like old things (collectors). They treat others well, but at the same time they try to profit at the expense of others, “absorbing” their biofield;

    2 - there is enough bioenergy for life, but at the moment it is not enough, so you need to play sports. Such people are hypersensitive to atmospheric changes;

    22 - there is enough bioenergy, such a person is able to heal other people;

    222 - good psychic;

    2222 - these people are very much loved by the opposite sex. However, if three sixes are added (666), you need to be careful!

    Square 3. Organization and ability to science

    No C's - A very neat and punctual person who stands out among others with his cultural speech and good manners;

    3 - for such people everything depends on their mood. They don’t like mess, but they clean up again depending on their mood (“if I want, I do it, if I don’t want, I don’t…”);

    33 - good abilities in exact sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry);

    333 - ability to science. Neat to the point of being boring;

    3333 - these people make good scientists. Distinctive features are pedantry and accuracy.

    Square 4. Health

    There are no fours - such people have obvious or hidden health problems;

    4 - normal health; diseases begin in old age;

    44 - a very healthy person with high resistance to disease and a lively temperament;

    444 - the same thing, only more clearly expressed.

    Square 5. Intuition


    No A's - a person was born with a closed channel of intuition. He is active, trying to do something. He always thinks about his actions, but inevitably makes many mistakes. Such people have to make their way in life through hard work;

    5 - the intuition channel is open, these people make fewer mistakes;

    55 - highly developed intuition (can be investigators or lawyers);

    555 - clairvoyants. Everything that happens around them is clear to them. They know what to do;

    5555 - such people are subject to time and space, they can penetrate into other dimensions.

    Square 6. Grounding

    There are no sixes - a person came into this world to get a profession. He does not like physical labor, but is forced to do it;

    6 - earthly person. He thinks about studying, but he cannot do without physical work;

    66 - loves to work, although physical work for him is only a hobby;

    666 is an alarming sign. A very attractive and temperamental person, but will require a lot of money from his partner;

    6666 - this person worked a lot and hard in his previous earthly transformations.

    Square 7. Talent

    There are no sevens - a person will become talented in his subsequent transformations. And in his present life a difficult fate awaits him;

    7 - this person has a vaguely expressed talent that can be developed;

    77 is a sign of very talented people. They are musical, have artistic taste, and can draw. A person of this sign is endowed with everything - both good and bad. There are no closed doors for him. Even if he goes to trial, he will be helped to win the trial;

    777 is a special sign. These people will face serious difficulties;

    7777 is a warning sign. People with this combination of numbers should be very careful.

    Square 8. Responsibility

    There are no eights - a person easily borrows, but is in no hurry to repay;

    8 - a person with a developed sense of responsibility;

    88 - a very developed sense of responsibility. This person is always ready to help other people;

    888 - a person is called to serve the people;

    8888 - obvious parapsychological abilities, as well as abilities in the field of exact sciences.

    Square 9. Mind

    9 - such a person needs to develop his mind;

    99 - a smart head, but given to a lazy person;

    999 - smart, lucky person;

    9999 is a rude and merciless person, with a rare mind.

    To facilitate the calculation of the Pythagorean square and, more importantly, to simplify the interpretation of the results, many computer programs have been developed, as well as online calculations. Here are a couple of links -

    Program for calculating the Pythagorean square - (1.3 MB)

    But this is only a basic calculation of the Pythagorean table. More information about additional calculations can be found in the books of A.F. Alexandrova - he has a lot of books on this topic and, in my opinion, he is the best who understands this.

    For fun, I analyzed the birth dates of my friends and acquaintances and noticed that people with a large number of ONES are very emotional, those who have a lot of 2s are very active and cheerful.


    It is also worth noting that the numbers that end up in the table are your numbers from birth, BUT they can change throughout your life for the better or for the worse. Everything depends on you.

    The Pythagorean square is a numerological technique for calculating fate using the numbers of a person’s date of birth. The date of birth carries a lot of information about a person: his character, his abilities, success in life, aptitude for activities and professions. The Pythagorean square allows you to find out the individual characteristics of a man and a woman, and then, based on this data, calculate the compatibility of the couple.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    January February March April May June July August September October November December
    2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901
    Calculate Compatibility

    You can also create your own personal Pythagorean square, which will tell you about your abilities, skills, talents and health.

    How is Pythagorean square compatibility calculated? As you can find out from the article "", each of the nine cells of the Pythagorean square talks about some quality of a person. For example, the first cell of the Pythagorean square shows the strength of a person’s character - the more units, the more strong-willed the person. The second cell of the Pythagorean square is responsible for a person’s energy - the more twos in the second cell, the more powerful the person is from an energy point of view. The fourth cell of the Pythagorean square will tell you about a person’s health: a large number of fours promises a person excellent health, and the absence of fours indicates illness.
    The author of this system for analyzing a person’s personality is Pythagoras, a famous philosopher, numerologist and mathematician. The Pythagorean square accurately describes the qualities of a person, his destiny, and has been very popular among people for many years. Over the years, scientists have emerged who have been able to discover new possibilities for personality analysis based on the Pythagorean square.

    One of these people is the numerologist-mathematician Aleksandrov, who proposed to consider the Pythagorean square not only as separate 9 cells, each of which tells about the quality of a person’s personality, but also to analyze the columns, rows and diagonals of the Pythagorean cell. Each column, row and diagonal of the Pythagorean square carries information about a person’s personality. For example, the first row of the psychomatrix (cells 1, 4, 7) will tell us about a person’s sense of purpose, and the first column (cells 1, 2, 3) will tell us about a person’s self-esteem. It is based on these personality qualities, which are described by the rows and columns in the Pythagorean square, that the compatibility of the couple is calculated.

    Analysis of the compatibility of a couple using the Pythagorean square (using an example): For example, let’s take a guy and a girl born on January 8, 1987 and October 14, 1991 and analyze their compatibility. To analyze the compatibility of your couple, use Pythagorean squares based on your dates of birth. To do this, at the beginning of this article, enter your dates of birth in the boxes called “He” and “She,” and then click the “Calculate” button.

    For analysis, take turns taking the lines, pillars and diagonals of the Pythagorean square. Each diagonal and column are responsible for a certain personality quality. The more numbers in a line or column, the more developed the quality is for a given person.

    To calculate the determination of a guy in a given pair, you need to add up the number of numbers in the first line. It turns out: 3 digits + 1 digit + 2 digits = 6. The girl’s determination: 7.

    Thus, according to the criterion of determination, this couple does not quite suit each other. The girl in this couple will be more active and ambitious, which can negatively affect her relationship with the young man. The man in this couple should develop determination in order to achieve harmony in his relationship with his girlfriend.

    Do the same with your Pythagorean squares: count the number of numbers in the first line of the guy and the girl, and then analyze how you match each other in terms of the quality of determination.

    This couple is not in too much of a hurry to start a family; he is quite happy with a romantic relationship throughout his life without entering into a legal marriage. Both the girl and the young man have a low level of attachment to the family, which is 3 digits.

    It is believed that a guy and a girl are suitable for each other according to this criterion, since both of them are not attracted to family values ​​and are ready to live their whole lives in a celibate relationship, but have a feeling of love for each other.

    Determine your compatibility with your loved one by the level of attachment to your family. To do this, count the number of numbers in the second line of the guy’s square and the girl’s square. The more numbers, the more expressed a person’s attachment to family and family traditions.

    The stability of a man is 3: 1 digit + 2 digits. A woman’s stability is 4. Such a couple has moderate stability: they value a calm family life, but at the same time they are ready for unexpected changes in their lives. An excellent level of stability in a couple for a long and strong relationship.

    The first column of the Pythagorean matrix is ​​responsible for the couple’s self-esteem. A man's self-esteem has 4 points, and a woman's self-esteem has 6. This is not very favorable, since a woman can crush a man with her strength and self-confidence. A man in such a union should develop faith in his professional abilities, and a woman should believe in him and inspire him to new exploits.

    The numbers 4, 5 and 6 are called the Material column in the Pythagorean square. The material well-being of the man in this couple is 1 point, and the material well-being of the woman is 4 points. This means that the wife in this couple is better able to earn money and has the ability to do so. This is not a very favorable compatibility, but in our time some couples are satisfied with this type of family life, when the woman provides more for the family than the man.

    Using the same method, determine how much you match each other in terms of material well-being. The more numbers in the second column, the more successful the person is financially.

    A man's talent level is 7 points, and a woman's talent level is 3 points. This is excellent compatibility for family life: a woman automatically respects a man for his abilities in a creative or other field. Such a high level of talent in men suggests that he is capable of achieving a lot in the field of literature, painting or business.

    The temperament or sexuality of a couple is calculated along the diagonal of the square using the numbers 3, 5 and 7. The sexuality of a man is 3 points, and the sexuality of a woman is about 0 points. This is not a very favorable compatibility, since the man in this pair needs sex more than his girlfriend.

    This couple does not belong to the category of people who are deeply interested in spirituality and worship God. Although this couple has some interest in everything deep and mysterious. The guy and the girl have favorable spiritual compatibility for creating a strong family.

    9. Household crisis

    With the help of the Pythagorean square, you can also find out when household crises await your family and prepare for them, reducing discord and conflicts in the family to a minimum. Use a calculator for calculations.

    Using the example of the same pair of a guy and a girl, we will calculate the duration of a domestic crisis in their relationship. Having understood the method for calculating the timing of a domestic crisis, use it to calculate the timing of a domestic crisis in your relationship with your loved one.
    1) Count how many digits are contained in the ascending diagonal, the third and second lines of the Pythagorean square.

    The guy gets: 3 digits, 3 digits, 3 digits.
    To calculate the volume of a man’s household stability, let’s multiply these numbers: 3×3×3=27.

    The girl gets: 0 digits, 4 digits, 3 digits.
    To calculate the amount of everyday stability of a girl, let’s multiply these numbers: 3×4=12.

    2) Calculate the total amount of household stability.

    To do this, multiply the amount of everyday stability of a girl and a guy.
    Total household stability = 12×27 = 324

    3) To calculate the period of onset of a crisis in everyday life, you need to divide the total amount of household stability by 365 days. This way we will find out the number of years after which a domestic crisis will recur in the family. Let's calculate the period of onset of the crisis in everyday life: 324:365 days = 0.8 years. It turns out that a domestic crisis in this family will occur even more often than once a year. This couple needs to seriously think about improving and making their life easier, try to build their relationship on a spiritual basis, without focusing too much on the little details of everyday life.

    10. Spiritual crisis

    The Pythagorean square allows you to recognize the period of spiritual crisis in a married couple.
    Using the example of the same pair of a guy and a girl, we will calculate the period of spiritual crisis in their pair. With this example, you will understand the method of calculating a spiritual crisis. Use this method and calculate the duration of the spiritual crisis in your relationship with your loved one.
    1) Count how many digits are contained in the descending diagonal, the first column and the first row of the Pythagorean square.

    The guy gets: 5 digits, 4 digits, 6 digits.
    To calculate the volume of a man’s spiritual stability, let’s multiply these numbers: 5×4×6=120.
    The girl gets: 4 digits, 6 digits, 6 digits.
    To calculate the amount of spiritual stability of a girl, let’s multiply these numbers: 4×6×6=144.
    (If there are no digits in a line or diagonal, then 0 does not need to be used when multiplying digits).
    2) Calculate the total amount of spiritual stability.
    To do this, multiply the amount of spiritual stability of the girl and the guy.
    Total amount of spiritual stability = 120×144 = 17280
    3) To calculate the period of onset of a spiritual crisis, you need to divide the total amount of spiritual stability by 365 days. In this way we will find out the number of years after which a spiritual crisis will recur in the family. Let's calculate the period of onset of a spiritual crisis: 17280:365 days = 47 years. This family is very strong on a spiritual basis; a serious spiritual crisis in this family will occur only after 47 years of marriage. Despite the fact that this couple will face a conflict on a daily basis (domestic crisis) every year, they will be able to save the family on the basis of high spiritual stability.
    It is worth noting that the most dangerous years for a family union are the years of intersection of spiritual and domestic crises. For this couple, this year will come after 47 years of relationship. This year will be the most critical for the couple, since in addition to the domestic crisis, the family will face a deep spiritual crisis. We need to prepare for this year and try to maintain relationships, getting through the crisis with the least loss for the family.

    Pythagorean square is a fundamental term in. Any work with a person begins with compiling him by date of birth. Let's figure out how to correctly calculate your Pythagorean square and what the numbers in this table mean.

    Compiling the Pythagorean square: step-by-step algorithm, how to calculate it

    For example, you were born on October 16, 1991. Start counting using the following algorithm:

  • Write down the numbers of the day and month of birth: 1610. Add the numbers, you get the first number: 1+6+1+0 = 8
  • In the same way, calculate the sum of the digits of the year of birth: 1+9+9+1 = 20. You got the second number
  • Calculate the sum of the first two numbers obtained as a result of the calculation: 8+20 = 28. This is the first working number
  • Next, find the sum of the digits of the first working number: 2+8 = 10. This is the second working number
  • From the first working number, subtract the first digit of the date of birth multiplied by half: 28-2*1 = 26. This is the third working number
  • And finally, add the digits of the third working number: 2+6=8. As a result, we get the fourth working number.
  • 6 1 0 1 9 9 1
    2 8 1 0 2 6 0

    Please note that if the working number consists of one digit, we write it with a leading zero: not 8, but 08.

    The initial data has been obtained, now you can create a Pythagorean square. To do this, you need to count how many times each number appears in the table:

    • unit - 11111
    • deuce - 22
    • three - absent
    • four - absent
    • five - absent
    • six - 66
    • seven - absent
    • eight - 88
    • nine - 99

    And draw a square:

    1 2 3
    2 22
    3 66

    Each number in the Pythagorean square by date of birth, which we were able to calculate, is responsible for certain personality traits. Next, we’ll look at what exactly they are for.

    Decoding the Pythagorean Square

    In the Pythagorean square, compiled according to your date of birth, there is room for nine numbers. Each of them is responsible for the presence or absence of certain qualities and character traits in a person:

    • unit is character and willpower
    • two - charisma and energy, natural magnetism
    • three - creative abilities, thirst for knowledge
    • four - external beauty and internal health
    • five - “sixth sense”: intuition, as well as logical abilities
    • six - professional skills and hard work
    • seven - luck, shows how lucky a person is in life
    • Eight is responsibility, a sense of duty
    • nine - development of the mind, memory, ability to concentrate

    Also, the Pythagorean square by date of birth is deciphered in columns:

    • the first column is responsible for self-esteem
    • the second - for the ability to earn money, attitude towards material things
    • third - an indicator of talent, the presence of special abilities
    • the first is an indicator of determination
    • second - readiness for family life and serious relationships
    • third - stability and a stable position in life


    • diagonal 1-5-9 is responsible for the spiritual potential of the individual
    • the second diagonal shows how developed the sexual temperament is

    Depending on the number of numbers, everyone can determine how developed a particular quality is.

    Pythagorean Square: detailed explanation

    So, let's look at the number of units in your square:

    • 111111 - this meaning occurs in people who are very tough and have a difficult character. But despite his penchant for dictatorship, he is ready to do anything for those close to him.
    • 11111 - dictatorial qualities are well developed. Such a person can be called a tyrant. Dictates his own rules to everyone
    • 1111 is already closer to the golden mean. A person with very strong willpower, with a tempered character
    • 111 is the golden mean. The person is easy-going, it’s easy to negotiate with him, he quickly makes contact
    • 11 is almost an egoist, but there is a chance that he will be fixated not only on himself. Likes to engage in self-praise, constantly presents himself from the best side
    • 1 - an absolute egoist, his own interests always come first, even if they harm others
    • absent - a person is deprived of his own energy, but he, like an empty vessel, is ready to be filled with energy from the outside, well-mannered, treats others well
    • 2 - bioenergy is present, but additional sources are required. It is advisable for such a person to play sports
    • 22 - a sufficient amount of bioenergy, capable of not only receiving it, but also sharing it
    • 222 - developed extrasensory abilities, capable of filling any person with energy
    • 2222 - a person has powerful natural magnetism, incredibly attractive to the opposite sex
    • absent - a person with highly developed punctuality. Perfectionist, order must be in everything
    • 3 - not obsessed with order, the orderliness of their lives depends on other character traits
    • 33 - natural sciences are good, logic is developed
    • 333 - a person has a strong ability for science, he is incredibly pedantic, can make discoveries


    • absence - poor health, easily catches any infection, you need to constantly strengthen your immune system
    • 4 - during his life he gets sick no more often than other people, and in old age he suffers from many illnesses
    • 44 - he has a bright sexual temperament, good health
    • 444 - stormy temperament, almost iron health
    • absent - a person is devoid of intuition, he does not have a “sixth sense”, therefore he makes all decisions guided by logic and common sense
    • 5 - there is intuition, but it is poorly developed. Rarely makes mistakes in life
    • 55 - intuition is well developed. Such a person is close to the legal profession - judge, lawyer, investigator
    • 555 - intuition is excellently developed, the person is practically a psychic. Makes decisions based on premonitions, but almost never makes mistakes
    • 5555 - this is extremely rare. Many fives - a person is clairvoyant. Able to recognize and understand the causes of all events that occur and predict the future


    • absent - a craftsman, does not need education, does not like to do physical labor
    • 6 - work related to physical activity is required
    • 66 - a grounded person, he does not need physical labor, but loves to play sports and active recreation
    • 666 - brightly developed temperament, gives a lot of energy to the partner
    • 6666 - workaholic, rest for him is wasted time
    • absent - life is hard for a person, he works hard to ensure a decent standard of living. There is a possibility that he will go into religion
    • 7 - has a talent that is not expressed too strongly, needs to be developed
    • 77 - a person with pronounced creative abilities. These are musicians, artists
    • 777 is a dangerous sign. Such people are “kissed by God” and, as a rule, come to the earthly world for a short time. Fulfill their destiny and go to another world
    • 7777 is an angelic sign. Either he dies at an early age or lives his whole life under some mortal danger


    • absent: consumer person, prefers to take and never gives
    • 8 - a well-developed sense of duty, able to take responsibility for someone
    • 88 - human assistant. Ready to help others, a well-developed sense of duty
    • 888 - man was created to serve the people. He will make a good politician and military man
    • 8888 is an extremely rare occurrence. A person with strong parapsychological abilities, a genius of the exact sciences
    • 9 - mental abilities must be developed through hard effort
    • 99 is a smart person, but he needs to study a lot to succeed
    • 999 - highly developed intelligence, excellent mental abilities. The danger is that, due to the fact that everything is easy, one does not make any effort and, as a result, can degrade.
    • 9999 - rude and cruel, but very smart person, sarcastic intellectual

    Keep in mind that you cannot consider the meaning of the symbols from the Pythagorean table separately. Character must be assessed by analyzing all the meanings together.

    Watch a lecture by a numerologist about drawing up a Pythagorean square: