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About the Persian cat breed. Description of the Persian cat breed How long is the tail of Persian cats

brief information

  • Breed name:
  • Country of origin: Armenia, Iran, Türkiye
  • Weight: from 3.5 to 7 kg
  • Lifespan: 15-20 years

Basic moments

  • The Persian cat is exclusively a domestic animal in the literal sense of this definition. Representatives of this breed have lost the ability to hunt; they cannot run fast or make high jumps. Your pet will not need walks outside.
  • Persians love to lie down for a long time. Such inactivity is typical for all representatives of the breed and is not a sign of any physical ailment.
  • Persian cats are very calm and do not need large spaces. They will never bother you with their activity and get under your feet. For the same reason, you won’t have to be upset about torn curtains and damaged upholstery of upholstered furniture.
  • Persians are very affectionate and do not like to be alone. They will even prefer to sleep in bed with you and it is difficult to wean them from this.
  • The animal’s kind, easy-going disposition allows even the smallest children to be left alone with it without fear.
  • Owners of Persian cats note their high intelligence. They are well trained, follow simple commands, and quickly get used to the litter box.
  • The Persian will rarely draw attention to his problems by meowing. In most cases, he will simply come to the owner and begin to look at him intently, as if trying to mentally convey to you the essence of his request.
  • Due to their balanced character, these “sofa” cats easily find a common language with other pets and peacefully share their living space with them.
  • The Persian cat will treat all household members peacefully and calmly; some wariness may appear only when a stranger appears, but this will not last long.
  • The attractive appearance of the animal makes most people want to take a cat in their arms. If she resists, never insist. The Persian does not like violence and can hold a grudge for a long time.
  • Persian cats have a tendency to overeat. They often beg in an effort to get a tidbit from their owner. If you do not accustom your pet to a certain diet and indulge his gastronomic desires, then health problems due to obesity will not take long to occur.

– one of the most beautiful among domestic breeds. This is a true aristocrat who incredibly combines unparalleled appearance, intelligence and regal demeanor with amazing affection and sincere love for her master. Thanks to this harmonious combination, the Persian cat is confidently ahead of other breeds in the popularity rating.

Breed characteristics




Need for care?

Health ?





*Characteristics of the Persian cat breed are based on the assessment of site experts and reviews of cat owners.

History of the Persian cat breed

There are several versions of the origin of Persian cats.

According to one of them, the first long-haired animals were brought to Europe in the twenties of the 17th century by the Italian aristocrat Pietro della Valle from his trip to Turkey and Persia. In the city of Isfahan, he acquired several pairs of amazing and unusual animals for Europe at that time and sent them to Italy. Unfortunately, nothing is known about the further fate of these animals. And who knows how the history of the Persians would have developed further if the French scientist Nicole-Claude Farbi, who corresponded with della Valle, had not turned out to be a true cat lover. Having become interested in the breed described by the Italian and previously unseen in the Old World, he brought several Turkish Angora cats to France. Luxurious long-haired beauties won the hearts of the European aristocracy, including the all-powerful Cardinal Richelieu. With such patrons, the new breed has become one of the most elite. Owning an oriental cat has become not only fashionable, but also prestigious. Depending on where they were brought from, furry pets in those days were called Turkish, Asian, Russian, and even Chinese. Bearing in mind that the Persians began their spread throughout Europe from France, for some time they were called French cats.

According to another version, long-haired animals originally appeared on the territory of Russia, where the presence of such a coat was due to harsh climatic conditions. It was from here that these strange animals came to the East, and only later, in the 17th century, did Europeans first learn about them.

The scientific literature of the late 18th century describes two main types of long-haired cats. The first is that the animals are light, graceful, with thin soft fur, a wedge-shaped head and pointed ears. The second is more massive, round-headed and short individuals with long hair and the presence of a thick undercoat.

Soon the new breed came to England. British felinologists have found sufficient grounds to divide long-haired cats into two breeds depending on their type. The first began to be classified as Turkish Angoras, and the second were called at first French and then Persian cats. The interest in long-haired pets and their breeding was so great that Persians were registered in 1887. They were one of the first among other domestic cats to gain official status. The breed was called "Persian Longhair".

A new stage in the development of the breed began at the end of the 19th century, when the Persians came to the United States. American breeders have put a lot of effort into changing the classic British version of the cat's appearance, and have been quite successful in this. A new “extreme” type appeared, which was characterized by the unusual appearance of the animal’s muzzle: an extremely short nose with a high stop, an overhanging forehead, pronounced folds from the corners of the eyes to the mouth, and widely spaced eyes. This unusual exterior attracted cat lovers, but it also caused multiple animal health problems. Only hard work made it possible to minimize the negative results of selection experiments. Extreme Persians are very popular today, and many consider them to be the real representatives of the breed. This is not entirely fair. There are many clubs in the world for Persian cat lovers who prefer breeding the classic type.

Video: Persian cat

Appearance of a Persian cat

The size of the animal is medium to large. Weight – from 3.5 to 7 kilograms.


Large, with a convex dome-shaped skull. The cheekbones are powerful, the cheeks are thick and round. The stop is clearly defined. The nose is very short and wide, often upturned. Persian cats of the “Pekingese” type have a small and depressed nose. The muzzle is wide and round. The jaws are well developed, the chin is weak.


Large, round, as if wide open. Widely located. The eye color must correspond to a certain color. For chinchillas, silver and golden individuals - a green tint, a blue iris is typical for color points. The combination of light blue eyes + white color is highly valued. Copper and orange tones correspond to the standard for a Persian of any color. White Persian cats can have different colored eyes (one is light blue, the other is orange).


The ears of Persian cats are relatively small and widely spaced. The tips are rounded, the inside of the auricle is well pubescent.


Thick with well-developed muscles, short.


Quite large, muscular, massive. The chest is deep and wide, the back is wide and short. The width of the shoulders and croup are almost the same. The bones are strong.


Short, powerful, with well-developed muscles. The bone is straight.


Strong, rounded, wide. Long hair between toes.


The tail of the Persian cat is short and thick in proportion to the body with a rounded tip. Very well dropped.


The Persian coat is long, up to 10 cm on the body and up to 20 cm on the collar, soft and delicate to the touch. The undercoat is thick.


The breed standard allows any color option. The classic types of color include solid (without stripes or patterns); tortoiseshell (in cats); “smoke” when the outermost part of the hair is white (the ideal proportion is 1/3 – white, 2/3 – colored); two-color, silver, golden, chinchilla, color point, seal point, layack point, blue point, tabby (marble, brindle or spotted).

Disadvantages of the breed

An elongated narrow head, large pointed and close-set ears, a long nose. Small slanted eyes. Long body, legs and tail. Oval paws and long toes.

Disqualifying signs for Persian cats are a knobby tail, poorly developed jaws with pronounced defects, and “medallions” on the chest.

Photo of a Persian cat

Personality of the Persian cat

The Persian cat has a surprisingly calm, friendly and balanced character. The psychological peculiarity of Persians is that they are very afraid of upsetting their owner: after all, they are purely domestic cats, very attached to humans and determined to give him joy and pleasure. Even if you accidentally offended a Persian cat, she will not “sulk” for long and will gladly accept all your apologies.

There is one nuance: at first Persians are afraid to sit in a person’s arms. Therefore, under no circumstances should you hold them if they break out. The cat must get used to the person.

Representatives of this breed are inactive, even somewhat lazy. Persian cats hardly even meow; to attract attention, they simply sit next to them and gaze intently into the eyes of the object. They like to lie in one place for a long time, so the questions “where is the cat now and what is she doing” will not bother you. But if you offer your pet to play with a ball or chase an artificial mouse, he will never refuse.

The Persian, unlike other breeds, cannot be called a cat that walks on its own. They are big homebodies who love their owner and appreciate comfort. They are not interested in walking outside, but lying on the windowsill and watching the world around them is their favorite pastime, so if you live on high floors, consider precautions so that your pet does not reflexively jump after a bird flying past.

It is not difficult for a Persian cat to establish contact with dogs; pet parrots and canaries are completely safe in the company of a Persian - even outside the cage. The heart of the Persians is open to everyone. True, they treat strangers with suspicion, but only at first, after closer acquaintance, they will be as friendly as with others.

Mother cats are very caring and take excellent care of their kittens, while they are absolutely not jealous of them and do not show any aggression towards others.

Due to its character, the Persian cat is ideal for both a single person and a large family, where there are not only small children, but also pets of other species.


Persian cats are very smart and vulnerable creatures. When raising a kitten, do not show impatience or aggression under any circumstances. Loud screaming and noise when communicating with the baby are also unacceptable. Methods of physical pressure have a particularly painful effect on the pet’s psyche. You must remember that you cannot carry a Persian cat by lifting it by the withers. The paws must have support.

One of the main requirements that a young Persian needs to learn is to comply with your ban on certain actions (aggressive behavior towards a person, damage to property). You can use the usual dog commands “Fu!” or “You can’t!”, which, for greater persuasiveness, it makes sense to accompany with a loud clap of your hands. Compliance with a command should be immediately rewarded, and disobedience should be immediately followed by punishment. You can’t hit a cat, just throw a newspaper at it or spray it with water.

Talk to your pet often. Moreover, do it expressively, and the baby will soon learn to distinguish by your voice whether you are happy with it or not.

Don't forget to play with the kitten. Persian cats do not like loneliness very much and easily become depressed.

When building your relationship with a new friend, remember that the best results can only be achieved with the help of love and patience.

The Persian cat is an elite breed. Keeping such an animal will require a lot of attention and considerable financial expenses from the owner. You are unlikely to find any other cat that would be as dependent on a person as the Persian. In order for your pet to always be beautiful and healthy, you will have to provide him with proper care, balanced feeding and proper support from an experienced veterinarian.

As for the living space, everything is more or less clear here. Persian cats are very calm and pliable; they like to spend a lot of time either in the arms of their owner or in a cozy, comfortable place allotted to them. They will easily get used to both the conditions of a city apartment and a large country house. The main thing is that family members do not forget about the animal.

Owners of private houses do not have to worry about their cat getting lost when going out for a walk. Persian cats are exceptional homebodies, and walking outdoors is not one of their favorite activities.

These cats are not hunters at all. Due to their phlegmatic nature, they get along well with other pets, including birds and rodents.

The Persian cat really values ​​comfort and coziness. If opportunities allow, purchase a special sleeping place for your pet - a house or a bed. Your concern will definitely be appreciated. A soft chair or sofa will be a completely acceptable alternative for the animal. In this case, you should exercise caution and attentiveness, especially with a kitten. You can inadvertently injure your baby if he sleeps in your bed or likes to lie in the chair in which you are used to reading newspapers or watching TV.

Persian cats are very impressionable creatures. Never force your pet out of its home. If the cat is resting, do not touch it. Wait until your beauty wants to go outside on her own; in extreme cases, lure her with her favorite treat or interest her with a toy.

If your cat's house is not equipped with a scratching post, make sure to purchase one additionally. Ask the breeder what type of accessory the kitten is familiar with and buy a similar product. To train your little Persian to sharpen his claws in one place, use catnip. If you notice your animal's desire to get a manicure, immediately take it to a certain place. Persian cats are very intelligent creatures and will quickly figure out what you want to achieve from them.

Like any cat, a representative of the breed is very clean and will definitely try to bury the products of its vital activity. Persians can dig around in the litter box for a very long time before going to the toilet. To avoid being irritated by the filler scattered around, purchase a large tray with a high side (at least 10 cm). Prefer granular filler with high absorption capacity over wood filler. Immediately buy a tray designed for an adult animal. It will be convenient for the kitten to do his business in it, and when he grows up, he won’t have to spend money on a new one. The toilet can be placed on a larger rubberized mat. This will make cleaning up after your pet much easier.

An important accessory is a special carrying bag. You will need it for a visit to the veterinarian, for a trip to an exhibition, and when moving from a city apartment to a country house. The accessory must be suitable in size for the pet so that the animal feels comfortable enough inside.

Thanks to its thick, long hair, the Persian cat tolerates the cold well, but it is still worth taking some preventative measures to avoid colds. Do not place the cat house or bed near entrance doors, windows or other places where drafts are possible. And if your pet prefers to spend time lying on the windowsill, lay a soft, warm cloth for him.

In matters of nutrition, almost all breeders without exception recommend choosing ready-made food of the highest quality category. Precisely calculated and well-balanced daily intakes will provide your cat with everything it needs, even without adding natural products to the diet. Mixed or natural feeding is more troublesome, since sometimes there is not enough time to prepare food for the cat separately, and the human menu is not suitable for it by definition. Seasonings, sugar, and salt in excess quantities can cause serious harm to the cat's body. Be sure to introduce special vitamin supplements with a seaweed complex into your cat’s diet in the required proportions (1 tablet with calcium + 3 tablets with algae extract or vice versa - depending on color) (for any type of feeding). The availability of freely available clean water is not even discussed.

Persian cats are prone to overeating, so you need to control their diet and under no circumstances feed them from your table or from your hands.

The special pride of the Persian cat is its fur. Caring for her is an art. You will need various tools - a rare comb with rounded teeth, a natural bristle brush, regular hair cutting scissors. During seasonal shedding, a special spray for removing fur may be useful.

The structure of the animals' fur is such that without systematic care, tangles form very quickly, which can only be gotten rid of in a radical way. To avoid such troubles, some owners comb the animal daily and rarely bathe it, while others, on the contrary, often use water procedures followed by styling the fur. You can choose your path only through experimentation. The main thing is systematicity and constant adherence to the chosen procedure.

For the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to sprinkle the fur with a special grooming powder purchased at a pet store. Baby powders are not suitable: they contain starch, which is harmful to the cat’s body, and the cat will definitely swallow it while licking itself.

Do not use a slicker when caring for the hair of a Persian cat - the undercoat hairs of this breed are restored very slowly. Do not comb your pet's tail unless absolutely necessary.

Caring for the Persian cat's ears and teeth is standard, but the animal's eyes require a little more attention. They need to be cleaned daily, but not with cotton wool, but with a clean soft cloth moistened with special drops or distilled water. Do not use any wet wipes!

The animal should be bathed in warm water (depth no more than 10-12 cm) using special shampoos, avoiding getting the head wet. As a precaution, apply special drops to the Persian cat's eyes and place cotton swabs in the ears.

Considering the natural laziness of Persian cats, it is necessary to play with them to keep fit: with kids - 3-4 times, with adults - 1-2 times a day.

Health and diseases of the Persian cat

The Persian cat is in good health, but there are a number of diseases, the predisposition to which Persians are quite high.

Almost fifty percent of Persian cats are at risk of developing a very dangerous disease - polycystic kidney disease. The first symptoms of the onset of the disease can be considered loss of appetite, depressed state of the animal, and frequent urination. The appearance of these signs requires immediate contact with a veterinarian. In the absence of the necessary treatment, by the age of 7-9 years the cat is likely to develop kidney failure, which can lead to the death of the animal.

A dangerous genetic disease is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is symptomatically expressed in rapid heartbeat and periodic fainting. The difficulty of diagnosis lies in the fact that in 40% of cases these symptoms do not manifest themselves until sudden death occurs. Statistics show that cats are more likely to suffer from this disease than cats.

Retinal atrophy can cause a lot of trouble for your pet, which usually begins at an early age and progresses quickly - the kitten can become completely blind by the age of four months.

Teeth are another weak point of the Persian cat. Changes in the color of the enamel and an unpleasant odor from the mouth should be a reason for a visit to the clinic. The result of your carelessness can be the development of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and tooth loss.

Like all long-haired cats, Persians can develop skin diseases if not properly cared for. Do not forget to bathe your pet in a timely manner and comb its long hair daily with special soft brushes.

The special structure of the animal's muzzle caused increased tear production. The glandular ducts in the Persian cat are almost completely blocked, which causes tear fluid to leak out. Your furry “chronic crybaby” requires daily hygienic care for the eyes and muzzle.

Almost all Persian cats wheeze or snore while sleeping. The reason for this is a shortened nasal septum. It is almost impossible to correct the defect. All that remains is to treat him as a cute flaw. Moreover, this does not affect the general condition of the animal in any way.

This breed does not like to bathe very much, but they need to be bathed more often.

While often licking themselves, neat Persians swallow some of the fur, and it accumulates in the stomach. To avoid health problems, you should give your cat special tablets or paste that will help get rid of hairballs painlessly.

Practice shows that with proper care, timely vaccination, and professional veterinary care if necessary, it is possible to significantly reduce the risks of various diseases or ease their course.

With good owners, a Persian cat is quite capable of living happily for about 15-17 years, and some live up to 20 years.

How to choose a kitten

So, you have answered your questions positively: do you want to get a cat, will it be a Persian, and will you have enough time to provide your pet with decent care?

The time has come to choose and purchase a kitten. It is best to resolve the issue of purchasing a purebred Persian through specialized clubs. Experts will help you with your choice, and you are guaranteed to buy a healthy high-breed baby.

If there is no such club in your city, we recommend that you follow the following tips:

  • take the animal only from the mother cat. This way you can evaluate the appearance of the mother, see if she is healthy, and in what conditions she is kept with her kittens. You can ask the owners if the kids are accustomed to the tray, what kind of diet they are accustomed to. Serious breeders must provide you with registration documents (measures or pedigree) for both parents and kittens;
  • You can pick up the baby only after he reaches two months. At this age, he already knows how to feed himself and will more easily endure separation from his mother. If you plan to use your Persian cat for breeding and showing in the future, wait until the kitten is three to four months old. At this age, it is already possible to more specifically assess its compliance with the breed standard;
  • examine your chosen one. The eyes and ears should be clean, the tummy should be soft. The fur around the anus is clean and dry. There should be no signs of scratching or bald spots on the baby's body. Also make sure there is no unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • It is better to purchase kittens of breeding or show classes together with an expert. He will professionally assess the condition of the animal to ensure it meets the standard and that there are no signs of genetic diseases. You cannot do without the help of a specialist when choosing a Persian kitten of complex color;

Of course, all kittens offered to you must be vaccinated and have documentary evidence of this.

Photos of Persian kittens

How much does a Persian cat cost?

If we compare the prices for Persian kittens of the classic and extreme types, they are quite comparable.

In the case when you just want to have a Persian at home “for the soul,” then a kitten without a pedigree from unregistered parents will cost approximately 2,000 rubles. A pet-class kitten purchased from a breeder will lighten your wallet by about 7,000 rubles. The price for breeding animals that have the appropriate documents and are suitable for breeding work will start from 15,000 rubles, and show-class representatives from champion producers can cost in the range of 25-30 thousand rubles.

In each specific case, the cost of a kitten will be determined individually. The final amount is influenced by many factors, namely:

  • nursery rating;
  • level of exhibition achievements of parents;
  • compliance of the kitten with breed standards.

The price will also include a certain amount to cover the costs associated with breeding and raising a kitten (vaccinations, veterinarian services, club fees).

Among the subjective factors influencing the price of an animal are the color and quality of the coat. Kittens of rare colors are more valuable, and if we talk about the classics, a white Persian cat will cost more.

The gender of the animal also affects the final price. Girls are in great demand.

It is better to purchase Persian kittens from breeders or specialized nurseries. A trip to the poultry market is unlikely to bring you the expected results in terms of thoroughbred and purebred of the acquired Persian.

Rita Ryzhova A year ago 218 views 4 replies

Persians are rightfully considered one of the most popular breeds of domestic cats. They have a captivating appearance and are distinguished by a calm disposition. The Persian cat breed is known in every corner of the world. The only drawback of the Persian cat is poor health, but all the advantages of the breed cover this nuance.

Description of the Persians

The Persian cat has a flattened muzzle with soft features, very thick and tall hair, a short nose, and a massive head in relation to the body. The combination of these appearance characteristics makes her very attractive. In Ukraine, this breed is the most popular. But the first mentions of this pet were found in records belonging to the Victorian era.

Currently, there are two varieties of the breed: standard and decorative. The latter variety has a rounded head with small ears, large eyes and a flattened nose. A small but voluminous body is completed by a curly tail. The average Persian cat has a slightly longer nose, and this is the main difference between the varieties. What they have in common is beautiful fur of various shades and patterns, a kind and piercing look, a melodic and quiet voice.

The modern Persian cat is the result of long-term selection. The breed combines all the positive qualities that have been selected by people over several centuries. A balanced character, intelligence and affection are combined in the Persian cat. Unlike other breeds, the Persian is attached to the owner and the family in which he lives. He is always where his family is, and does not seek solitude.

History of the Persians

For more than a century and a half, long-haired Persian cats have occupied pride of place among breeders in many countries. The history of the breed is connected with Persia (modern Iran), where cats with thick, soft and at the same time pleasant to the touch fur appeared. The ancestors of today's Persian cats were first recorded in 1626. At that time, the Italian Pietro della Valle was traveling through Persia. He turned his attention to unusual cats and brought several individuals to Italy. The Italian wrote about his trip to the East and his acquaintance with oriental cats in the book “A Trip to Turkey, Persia and India in 54 Letters.” The cats brought to Italy were not similar to modern representatives of the breed. The difference was: large ears and long, straight noses.

The next mention of the Persians in Europe comes in the 1760s. The famous French biologist and naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc mentioned them in his works. The cats the biologist wrote about came from Afghanistan, Persia, and Turkey. Engravings that have survived from the 18th century show that those cats were more reminiscent of modern ones: their skulls were not always wide and their noses were flat. Therefore, biologists do not exclude the relationship between Persian and Turkish Angora cats. At that time, Persian cats were called Asian and Russian. The direct connection of cats with Asia was clearly traced, but let’s try to figure out why Russian. Some biologists claim that Rus' is the birthplace of such cats. This is due to the thick coat of the pet. And only then cats were noticed in Asia. There is a second version of the appearance of pets: they came from crossing a cat with a manul. This is a small wild animal with characteristics similar to the Persians: thick long hair, wide body, squat figure.

Purposeful selection of Persians began in the 19th century in Britain. This is how a new breed of pets appeared with a wide muzzle, small ears located far from each other, large wide-set eyes, a snub nose and many shades of fur.

At the first cat shows in England, the Persian breed was not presented as an independent breed. She belonged to the Asian species on a par with the Angora cat. It was only in 1887 that a new breed officially appeared - the Persian, separated from other breeds.

When Persians arrived in the United States at the end of the 19th century, breeders began to improve the breed. Thus, an extreme breed of Persian cats with a shorter snub nose was developed.

And so, over the years, the Persian breed has become the most popular among “fluffy” cats. Although Persians have a genetic predisposition to certain diseases, their popularity throughout the world is only growing.

Their cute appearance and excellent character together allow them to win love for Persian cats for many years. The animal's naive, childlike appearance with touching eyes attracts and fascinates people. There is an old parable that says that such a cat was made by a wizard using fire, bright stars and smoke. That is why the cat combines a soft character and attractive appearance.

Personality of the Persian cat

Persians are wonderful companions. Cats are very sensitive to their owners' mood swings. They always know how to console a person.

It is difficult to imagine a Persian cat living in the wild, without warmth and care. She's not suited for this. Not only because of the difficulties in caring for the coat and possible diseases, but also because of the urgent need for communication, attention, and tenderness.

Unlike many cats, Persians are very peaceful. They are friends with both adults and small children. As a result of selection, Persian cats are absolutely devoid of aggression. You don't have to worry about your Persian biting a small child. He would rather run away than do this. But he will not want to be alone for a long time, and will soon return to his offender.

Persians are a very peaceful cat breed. They get along well with children and all family members. Persian cats are not aggressive. Animals are not capable of biting or scratching for no apparent reason. On the contrary, they are very patient. If kids clumsily play with a Persian, the cat will simply try to run away. As a rule, after some time the Persian returns to take part in the game again and be the center of attention.

These cute pets are quite obedient and do not damage property. Persians are considered quiet only in appearance, but in fact the cat has a lot of energy and is quite active. But if you compare it with other breeds, then compared to them it is more balanced.

Caring for Persians

Of course, Persians require careful care. And all thanks to the long and voluminous fur of the animal. If the owners don’t want to find fur all over the house and want the Persian to look beautiful, they will have to take care of it.

The Persian cat requires periodic bathing - 1-2 times a week and daily combing of the coat with a fine comb. Upon completion of the procedure, the remaining hairs from the animal’s body are collected with a damp terry glove. Following these simple rules, Persian fur will not cause you any trouble.

In the summer, Persians can be cut with a special clipper, avoiding places on the tail.

These cats need to regularly wipe their eyes with a damp, soft cloth.

The animal needs to trim its claws or teach the Persian to sharpen them independently on a scratching post.

To avoid the formation of tartar, Persians are fed dry food from time to time.

The Persian cat does not resist during grooming, which makes its owners very happy.

Persian cat nutrition

Without proper care and feeding, your Persian will develop health problems, including those with the gastrointestinal tract. You need to know which foods a Persian on a natural diet should not consume to avoid stomach problems:

  • any types of fatty meat or poultry;
  • any types of bones, both meat and fish;
  • fatty sea fish and all types of river fish;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
  • vegetables and fruits: onions, garlic, peas, corn, potatoes, eggplants, grapes, persimmons, avocados, and nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • yeast baked goods;
  • seasonings;
  • smoked meats, sausages;
  • confectionery.

The daily diet of a Persian cat should consist of 60% lean meats. Chicken or turkey breast, veal, and rabbit are good options. The meat must be processed: boiled or baked. Raw meat can be given only after deep freezing. Sometimes (1-2 times a week) you need to offer your cat meat by-products. A healthy pet is fed low-fat sea fish a couple of times a week. Preferably cod, pollock or pollock. The fish must be boiled and removed from the bones. If a cat has kidney problems, then this product should be excluded from the diet.

ABOUT Vegetables in the daily diet of a Persian cat should make up 30%. You can offer them boiled, raw or baked. Essential vegetables in a Persian's diet are: broccoli, cabbage, carrots, beets and pumpkin. You can also add greens and lettuce to your food.

The remaining 10% of the diet should be cereals: buckwheat, rice and barley. Also, for the Persian cat's digestive health, you need to offer her low-fat fermented milk products without food additives. Unrefined vegetable oil contains many vitamins, so it can also be used in cat food in small quantities.

If the cat eats natural food, then it is necessary to regularly replenish the supply of vitamins. Twice a year: in spring and autumn, you should give your Persian a special complex of vitamins designed for this breed. They should be selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the animal.

An excellent option for feeding your Persian is special premium quality food. You can use both dry and wet food. They contain 40% meat. In addition, they contain special minerals and vitamins that cats need. It is better not to offer cheap food and food from the economy segment to your Persian. They do not contain the required amount of natural meat and can be harmful to the cat's health.

Diseases of the Persian cat

If you take proper care of your Persian cat, it will not have any health problems. Sometimes the manifestation of hereditary diseases is possible. This is due, first of all, to the purity of the animal’s breed. During the selection process, in addition to the positive characteristics of the breed, some diseases were inherited.

Persian kidneys are considered the most vulnerable. Often, a cat can inherit polycystic kidney disease. Subsequently, this develops into kidney failure - a very serious and dangerous disease.

Kittens often inherit progressive retinal atrophy. It first appears between the ages of one and two months of a cat's life. At four months, the kitten completely loses its vision.

The peculiarity of the structure of the muzzle leads to diseases of the cat’s nose and eyes. If they are not cleaned on time, an infection may occur. Also, due to the flat structure of the skull, there are problems with the cat’s teeth. They manifest themselves as dark plaque, inflammatory processes, and in advanced form - tooth loss. Sick teeth can provoke the appearance of other internal diseases of the animal.

The most life-threatening disease for a Persian cat is heart disease - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It occurs at any age of the animal, as it is inherited from the parents. Most often, it manifests itself in older individuals. Sudden cardiac arrest and death of the animal are possible. Of all cat heart diseases, this disease ranks first, so when choosing a kitten, you need to carefully study its pedigree for inheritance of such a disease.

It is also important to monitor the timely deworming of the animal, otherwise the Persians will have .

Characteristics of Persians in the table


Persian cat video

Persians are very calm and peaceful animals that cannot imagine life without their owner. In his absence, the cats will sleep, but if the owners are at home, the Persian will be close to them. The appearance of this breed is especially noteworthy - a cute face and a lot of long hair make the individual very beautiful. However, you should understand that the cat will have to be constantly combed and even after this there will always be a lot of cat hair at home. Therefore, this breed is not suitable for allergy sufferers.

Persians are well suited for large families with children, as these pets are very sociable and friendly.

Persian cats are a unique and difficult breed. They have a special character, which not everyone is able to appreciate. What are they?

History of the breed

According to the official version, in the 17th century, strange cats with very long hair were brought from Persia to Italy. A short time later, similar cats were brought from Angora to France.

Only in the 19th century did serious work with imported cats begin in England, thereby identifying two independent breeds: Persian and Angora. This breed appeared in the Soviet Union only in the 80s of the 20th century. It was brought from Europe by diplomats and at first was very rare.

Standards, breed varieties and photographs

Ideally, the Persian has thick, long hair (up to 15 cm). The wool is thin, light, and has a silky texture. It forms a fluffy collar on the shoulders and chest, and panties on the hind legs.

Color may vary. Individuals with markings on the paws, tail and head are classified as a special color point breed.

The Persians have a massive, muscular body. The chest and belly are rounded, the shoulders and back are powerful. The paws are short, strong, thick. The tail is thick, blunt at the end or slightly rounded.

The head is massive, proportional to the body. The forehead is convex, the cheeks are full. The neck is short and thick.

According to the standard, the harmonious head of the Persians has:

  • Short small nose with a wide back. It should be slightly upturned and have wide holes.
  • Powerful, developed chin; wide, strong jaws.
  • Ears set wide and slightly tilted forward. They should be triangular in shape and slightly rounded at the ends. The shells contain tufts of wool.
  • Wide-set, round, expressive eyes. They should not be watery or bulging. The look is calm. The brow ridges are clearly visible.

At the moment, 4 types of this breed are officially recognized:

  • Classic. The nose is 5-6 mm below the line of the lower eyelids.
  • Modern. The nose is at the same level as the line of the lower eyelids.
  • Extreme. The nose is at the same level as the inner corners of the eyes.
  • "Piggy" or pig. The nose is located above the line of the upper eyelids. The forehead is poorly defined, the general skeleton of the body is weak.

Color standards

The Persian cat breed has many colors

Traditional Persian colors include solid colors and their combinations with white spots.:

  • Color of basic tones.
  • Smoky tones. The undercoat of such individuals is white, and the eyes are orange and shiny.
  • Tortoiseshell color: blue cream, chocolate cream, red and black. The pattern of such individuals is formed by two-color spots. The eyes are orange, and there is a bright color accent under the chin and nose.
  • Shaded colors: silver chinchilla, golden and silver cameo. The eye color of these varieties is usually orange, the silver ones are blue-green, and the golden ones range from green to brown.
  • The colors of their stripes and spots (tabby). Eye color – orange.
  • Solid color with white spots (bicolor). The eye color of such individuals varies from copper to orange.
  • Siamese color. Such individuals are also called Himalayan, they have blue eyes.

Character of the breed

Photo. Persian cat

Persians are friendly, affectionate and calm animals. They are inactive and not particularly curious. But they love to play, and sometimes they get so active that you have to be careful!

Persians do not like to impose themselves and show their affection only to those whom they really like. Taking spectacular poses, they allow themselves to be admired, but They really don’t like it when their peace is disturbed.

They are also very smart and cunning. Owners note that these animals are prone to feigning, for example, lameness, in order to attract attention.

Persians are very attached to people. In the absence of the owner, they patiently wait for him, and as soon as they hear a person approaching, they begin to actively spin around his feet and try to climb into his arms.

They feel the owner perfectly and are able to empathize with him. Because of their sensitive nature, they can even become depressed and develop nervous disorders. On such days they need maximum attention and care.

Persian cats need daily coat care.

Persian cats are difficult to keep. Their luxurious coat requires daily care. The emotional state of your pet depends on its condition.

This breed can have watery eyes, so be prepared to clean them. Check ears, gums, nose and claws frequently.

The toilet needs to be cleaned every day - they are very finicky creatures.

Persians remain kittens until old age; you need to play with them often.

Since these are very domestic cats, you should not let them outside.

What to feed the Persians

This cat breed needs to be fed premium food.

Persian cats need both meat and plant foods. The main part (40%) should be proteins: meat, eggs, cheese.

It is better to pre-boil meat (beef, lamb, game). Don't forget about the side dish of porridge and greens. It is better to avoid fatty pork - it can have a bad effect on the liver.

Offal is very useful for Persians: liver, kidneys, lungs, which should be given raw.

It is also worth introducing them to soup with the fat removed.

Persians are given fish no more than 2 times a week.

To keep your pet healthy, you need to give him food without seasonings and spices. Human food doesn't suit him.

For a balanced diet, special ready-made food is suitable, which already contains everything you need. But remember that only .

Food must be given in a flat dish, otherwise it is inconvenient to eat.

Persians eat little by little, but often – up to 20 times a day. Portions should be small.

Persian diseases

Persian cats are naturally in good health.

In general, Persian cats are quite healthy and there are no special problems with them. But some species suffer from an inherited disease, polycystic kidney disease, and less commonly, blindness.

There are also problems with teeth - plaque often forms on them, and there is a tendency to gingivitis. A dental examination is required.

Persians tolerate transportation very poorly. They begin to get nervous, breathing becomes difficult. It is especially difficult for exotic species.

A healthy Persian is a calm animal with even breathing, a moist nose and shiny fur. He has a good appetite and goes to the toilet regularly.

If alarming symptoms are detected (fever, wheezing in the chest, cough, excessive discharge from the nose and eyes), you should immediately take the animal to the clinic.

Breeding this breed is quite simple.

When choosing a partner for mating, you should pay attention to birth characteristics. The cat must have a good family tree.

There are cases when, when crossing “the best with the best,” the offspring are born with defects. This is especially true for extreme cats.

If it is not possible to work with an ideal partner, knit using the compensatory method. Choose a male whose faults differ from those of the female.

Breeding Persians is not particularly difficult. Estrus in cats occurs about 4 times a year and the behavior at this time does not differ from the behavior of other breeds.

It is difficult for Persian women to cope with the birth and care of babies without a person. In general, they are very affectionate and caring mothers.

Pros and cons of the breed

This breed is very difficult to care for.

The disadvantages include:

  • difficulty in care;
  • constant human attention is required;
  • peculiar character traits;
  • predisposition to certain diseases.


  • beautiful aristocratic breed;
  • very affectionate and calm character;
  • the ability to empathize with the owner, sensitivity.

Where and how to buy a Persian kitten

You can buy a kitten in a cattery in Moscow:

  • http://www.lumicat.ru
  • http://cat-brilliant.narod.ru
  • http://snow-dreams.ru

St. Petersburg:

  • http://www.sir-cheesmoor.com
  • http://silverspell.narod.ru

You can also buy a baby at an exhibition or in a special club in your city.

Kittens “from hand” cost from 1500 rubles, from a nursery – from 4000 rubles. The presence or absence of pedigree and defects will play a big role.

When purchasing a kitten, you should carefully examine:

  • run your hand along the back - the spine should not stand out;
  • the animal should not itch, shake its head, or cough frequently;
  • check ears, eyes, nose;
  • a healthy baby should be active, walk with your head raised;
  • the kitten should not be too small, the optimal age is from 2.5 months;

If you purchased an animal from a breeder, he must give you a registration card with a stamp and signatures. It contains expert assessments, pedigrees and titles of parents, and the address of the club to which he belongs.

The Persian cat is one of the most popular and, at the same time, the most ancient breeds in the world.. Several countries are vying for the right to be considered the homeland of these long-haired ladies: Iran, which in ancient times was called Persia, France, England and, oddly enough, Russia. For many centuries, pampered beauties have won the hearts of people with their unusual appearance and affectionate disposition.

Origin of the breed

People first started talking about Persian cats in 1620. Then the famous Italian traveler Pietro Della Valle described them in detail in his notes, paying special attention to their appearance. The long-haired beauties, unusual for the hot climate, impressed him so much that he bought 4 pairs of kittens in Isfahan and sent them to Italy. The fate of these four-legged emigrants is unknown.

But very soon other aristocrats became interested in the amazing breed. Cats from Asia Minor were brought to France, where Cardinal Richelieu himself became their passionate admirer, and in the 19th century to Britain. Queen Victoria of England kept a dozen blue Persian cats.

It was the British who began the targeted breeding of this breed. It must be said that in those days the Persian cat was not distinguished by such a pronounced snub nose: its muzzle was only slightly flatter than that of most cats. Animals received the classic, flattened deflection deep into the head already in the 30s of the twentieth century. In 1887, the breed received official recognition. Among the possible names there were about ten options - “Indian”, “oriental”, “Turkish”, “exotic”, “French” and even “Russian”.

By the way, Persian cats came to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century, and immediately gained enormous popularity among the nobility. On ancient paintings, tapestries and early photographs you can see many representatives of these snub-nosed beauties.

Despite the long road to recognition, the true origin of the “Persians” is still shrouded in mystery. There are many theories explaining the thick fur of southern heat-loving cats:

  • According to one of them, the animals were originally brought to Iran from Siberia. This may well be true, given the centuries-old trade ties between Rus' and Persia.
  • According to another version, the Persian cat was a descendant of domestic pets and mountain cats of Asia - manuls. This is supported by the similarity in the shape of the head and ears. Alas, the genes of short-haired Pallas’ cats do not explain where modern “Persians” got such a long coat that is more typical of a lynx.


Over the past centuries, the appearance of Persian cats has undergone changes. At least now they bear little resemblance to the animals that can be seen in the paintings of medieval artists.

  • The Persian cat has a massive, squat body, with low paws and a bushy but short tail.
  • Due to the high density of bones and muscles, their weight, with a relatively small size (on average up to 30 cm), reaches 7 kg.
  • Persians have a large head, sitting on a short and powerful neck.
  • The ears, on the contrary, are very small, rounded upward and decorated with fluffy tufts of fur.
  • The main distinguishing feature of the Persian cat is the flattened shape of the muzzle. Their short, flat nose has a pronounced deflection deep into the head - the so-called “stop”. According to breed standards, the top of the nose may be in line with the bottom edge of the eyes. However, the nose should not go beyond the line of the lower eyelid: this is considered a defect.
  • The eyes of this breed are famous for their expressiveness. Large and widely spaced, they seem almost round, which gives the animal a special charm.
  • The main pride of the Persian cat, without a doubt, is its fur. In some representatives it reaches 15 cm, that is, about half the total size of the cat. Thin and smooth hairs have a special texture, because of which the entire “fur coat” of the Persian seems to literally sparkle. Their undercoat is very thick and dense. Thanks to him, these cats can easily tolerate low temperatures, although they do not favor harsh weather.

Due to debate about the best nose shape, Persian cats are now divided into two similar, but at the same time distinct types:

  1. The first of them, “classic”, became widespread in Europe. Such animals have a familiar appearance to the eye: with a short, snub-nosed muzzle with a distinct stop, but the nose is only slightly turned up.
  2. The second species, called “extreme,” stood out after Persian cats attracted the attention of felinologists from the United States. It was thanks to the breeders of this country, who tried to emphasize the main external feature of cats, that the Persians received their short, highly upturned nose and ultra-flat muzzle shape.


The colors of Persian cats are distinguished by a rich palette. Today there are about a hundred different color options. Among them are white, red, blue, gray, peach, red, lilac, black, cream, as well as a huge number of their variations.

There are several types of colors that are found in cats of this breed:

  1. Solid. It is characterized by a monochromatic, uniform color throughout the animal’s body.
  2. Tabby is a rather rare color among Persians, in which the body is decorated with dark, black or red markings. They have different shapes, depending on which the color varieties differ: brindle, in which the spots merge into long stripes; spotted, reminiscent of leopard print; and marble tabby, the most valuable, with a beautiful pattern.
  3. Tortoiseshell color, which is a combination of two primary colors - black and red in different shades and combinations. Variations with cream or light beige colors look especially good on Persian cats, given their long hair: chocolate tortoiseshell, blue cream and lilac.
  4. Bicolor is another two-color color often found in Persian cats. The main color here is white, while the second color can be any darker one.
  5. The smoky color is very popular, in which the hairs have a different shade at the roots and at the tip.
  6. Not so long ago, the “chinchilla” type emerged - a very unique color, in which the dark coating affects only the very tip of each hair, and the main tone is set by the lighter part of the hair. So, in cats with the “silver chinchilla” color, the roots are painted white. And even more impressive “golden” beauties have peach or red fur.
  7. The least common pattern among Persian princesses is the “calico” patchwork pattern. It is not surprising that such a tricolor variety with small spots is very much appreciated among fans of the breed.
  8. Not so long ago, Persian cats had another color - a two-color “color-point”, in which the paws, muzzle and ears were painted in a darker color. Such representatives of the breed were traditionally called “Himalayan cats”, thanks to the gene that gave them their colors. Now these serious beauties are recognized as an independent breed.


The Persian cat is an ideal companion for a city dweller. This is one of the most “domestic” breeds: it is not inclined to walks, and most of all loves to soak up the soft sofa.

  • Lazy and not very active, Persians are nevertheless considered excellent hunters. In the Middle Ages, sailors gladly took them as ship cats, choosing this breed as an excellent rat catcher. Any domestic Persian cat will happily play with moving toys. However, this pampered aristocrat will also easily catch a mouse that runs in.
  • This is a silent breed. They rarely make a voice, and often the only sound heard from them is light snoring during sleep.
  • Persians are monogamous. They choose one person and remain selflessly devoted to him, although they are usually affectionate with the rest of the family.
  • They have a very calm, balanced character. They are not afraid of other animals and do not show aggression towards children. They have great affection for their owners. At the same time, they do not make a tragedy out of the owner’s departure on business, calmly enduring loneliness and joyfully welcoming people upon their return.
  • These cats happily sit in your arms, strive to climb onto the shoulders or lie down on a sleeping person. However, this applies only to their own: they will greet the guest very warily, and before allowing themselves to be stroked, they will peer for a long time from a secluded corner.

Health and care

The Persian cat cannot boast of excellent health and has several genetic diseases:

  • The main thing is related to the structure of her nose: her breathing is constantly difficult. When stressed, in pain or in hot weather, she experiences shortness of breath. If this continues for a long time, it is better to play it safe and show the animal to a veterinarian.
  • Another problem is the eyes. They tear, get wet, and from time to time they need to be wiped and special drops for animals should be instilled.

Wool requires special care. In all animals of this breed, especially representatives of light colors, it quickly becomes confused. To avoid this, you need to brush your pet for at least 10-15 minutes a day.

Special combs with rotating teeth were created especially for them - they do not cause pain when bumping into tangles. But you can also use a regular “massage”. Due to the nature of the Persian's coat, they also need to be bathed more often.


In terms of feeding, the breed is considered quite picky.. Dry food from elite brands is best suited for her. They cost a lot, but the high cost pays off with interest: the quality of food often determines how long Persian cats live. On natural foods, these animals will constantly lack nutrients.

But you need to be careful: some cats of this breed are allergic to certain types of food. You will have to select food for such sufferers individually.

Persians are considered domesticated and pampered. Meanwhile, they are able to withstand seemingly unimaginable tests. Three weeks after the tragic events of September 11 in New York, rescuers dismantling the ruins of a shopping center could not believe their eyes when they discovered a living, albeit very emaciated, Persian cat named Precious under multi-ton rubble.

Buying a kitten

Those who have fallen under the spell of the Persian cat and are wondering how much this fluffy miracle costs, need to prepare in advance for the thought of serious expenses. The starting price starts from 2,000 rubles, and the more rare and beautiful the color of the animal, the more the breeders will ask for it. Elite kittens of a Persian cat can cost a fan of this breed 30,000 rubles or more.

Due to their character traits, Persian cats can be classified as homebodies who love to communicate with their owners. The animal is extremely affectionate and completely trusts the family members where it lives. At the same time, the pet is absolutely not annoying, does not raise its voice without special reasons, but simply waits for attention to be paid to it. Although they are often classified as animals that constantly spend time on the sofa, the furry beauties love to play and catch insects that fly into the apartment.

The cat came to Europe back in the 16th century thanks to a famous traveler Pietro della Valle, who bought the animal in the Persian province of Khorasan. At the same time, the cat was similar to its modern relatives only in its long coat. Due to the fact that the breed was considered exotic in those days, only wealthy merchants and other members of the nobility could buy it.

The lion's share of the work in the selection of modern representatives of Persian cats was done by America. Thanks to the efforts of American breeders, the cat's fur lengthened and its nose became flattened, which turned into a real problem for the animal's respiratory system.

The breed became a trend thanks to Queen Victoria, who kept more than a dozen Persian cats with a blue color. She even ordered the construction of a special castle for pets. So, the Persian cat, as in the photo, turned into the most desired animal among the aristocracy of Europe.

Features of the Persian cat breed

The Persian cat can be safely classified as to the most beautiful and popular breed worldwide. Most Persians are sweet, magical creatures that turn into true friends and family favorites. Moreover, this happens not because of the external attractiveness of the furry pet, but due to the unique character traits that make a person fall in love with him at first sight.

The Persian cat breed is characterized by a miniature, wide and slightly snub nose. The breed also has short but powerful legs. The Persian cat breed standard implies that the animal has the following distinctive features:

  • round and massive head, proportional to the structure of the body;
  • short but wide neck;
  • large or medium massive body;
  • low, wide cheekbones and round, full cheeks;
  • shortened snub nose;
  • low-set miniature ears, rounded at the ends;
  • round eyes always wide open;
  • powerful shortened paws;
  • thick but short tail slightly rounded at the end.

Due to the variety of cat colors, breeders subdivide the breed more than a hundred subspecies. You can meet a black, gray, white, blue, cream, red, red and even purple cat. At the same time, a white cat may have dark orange, copper, green or blue eyes. But in most cases, the color of the coat corresponds to a certain shade of the eyes. If the animal has a single color coat, then no stripes or spots should be present. In general, the standards of Persian cats have a huge number of coat shades, which directly affect the cost of kittens.

Character traits inherent in the breed

According to the stories of owners of Persian pets, keeping a cat at home is a lot of fun. This is a playful representative of the cat family who loves his owner immensely. In addition, the breed The following character traits are present:

Although animals will always shower their owner with extra attention, they constantly sit or nap on a person's lap, and sometimes even smear themselves on their owner's shoulders, purring gently in his ear. The Persian cat does not tolerate loneliness, and therefore can constantly get underfoot.

Compared to other pet breeds, Persians are the most domestic. These fluffy beauties will not survive outside a house or apartment. Living in a large family, the animal always chooses a leader, to whom it remains devoted for the rest of its life, giving its love and affection.

Features of caring for a pet

The Persian cat can be classified as one of the most demanding animals in terms of care. Due to the very long and thick coat, it is important to take good care of your pet every day. Otherwise, the wool rolls down and balls form. Every person who decides to have a Persian at home should have metal combs with teeth of different lengths, as well as brushes with different degrees of bristiness in their arsenal. You will also need a whole arsenal of cosmetics: shampoos, conditioners and, of course, talc.

In addition, the cat suffers from regular discharge from the eyes and breathing problems, so it is important clean your eyes from time to time. Having decided to have a fluffy Persian cat at home, it is important to be prepared to constantly care for the fur, bathe the animal, and also clean the eyes and ears. Only by giving care and love to an animal can you receive affection and devotion in return.

How to choose the right kittens?

When choosing a Persian kitten, it is important to pay attention to how playful and active he is. A healthy animal does not sit still for long, and its coat is shiny. The kitten's belly should be soft to the touch, and no unpleasant odors should be emitted from the mouth. When buying an animal, it is important to ask the breeder for all the accompanying documentation and see in what conditions the Persian kitten was kept.

It is advisable to buy an animal at two months of age, when the kitten can feed on its own, and its body is fully formed. If a person decides to get a pet for the purpose of breeding, then it is better to buy the animal from a nursery at the age of 4 months, when any defects, if the kittens have any, can be easily identified. Photos of Persian predators will also help you decide on the choice of a red or white furry pet.

The times when the purchase of a Persian cat was available only to wealthy sultans or other nobility have long since sunk into centuries. If a person is fascinated by this cute and beautiful animal, then there is no need to doubt and boldly go to the nursery to acquire a faithful and devoted friend for the whole family.

Persian kittens