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Opening a snack bar: possible problems and ways to solve them. Profitable business: how to open a snack bar. Business plan for a snack bar: equipment and list of necessary documents

The goal of the project is to open a catering enterprise “Russian Snack”. In the first year it is necessary to invest 2 million rubles. Income for 1 year will be 4 million rubles. The payback period is about a year.

Company information

The “Russian Snack” snack bar will operate on the territory of the shopping center from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. in Voronezh. Its clients will be: shopping center workers who prefer their first hot course to sandwiches, visitors to the center, as well as office workers located nearby.

Business environment

Before answering the question of how to open a snack bar, you need to do market research. And based on its results, make a decision. Perhaps the question will be irrelevant. According to statistics, every 10th catering enterprise goes bankrupt. And if competition is high, then the risk increases many times over. However, even in a competitive market, a lot depends on the novelty of the dishes and the skill of the cook. And the new is, as we know, the well-forgotten old.

After interviewing townspeople, as well as studying the results of public economic research on the regional public catering market, we came to the conclusion that we need to open a full-fledged snack bar with first, second courses and snacks. In addition, surveys have shown that Voronezh residents lack traditional Russian cuisine amid the abundance of Big Macs and cheburechkas.

Marketing and sales plan

Based on the fact that 1 visitor places an average order for 200 rubles, and there are 15 seats in the hall, you can expect at least 3.5-4 million rubles in annual income. But in order for people to go, you need to organize a good advertising campaign and not forget about promotions, information about which should be present in the most prominent places in the shopping center. It is also advisable to distribute information to visitors about ongoing promotions and discounts in the form of leaflets. And in order to “keep your finger on the pulse,” it is advisable to invite departing customers to fill out small questionnaires where they can assign points to each dish and service.

Operational plan

When opening a snack bar, you need to start by studying sanitary standards and requirements. There are many of them. It is not possible to list everything in this article. You also need to study fire requirements in advance. Otherwise, the money invested may cause losses even before the enterprise starts operating. For example, there must be an emergency exit in the room. If it is not foreseen in advance, then it cannot always be corrected later. There are cases when freshly completed repairs in a rented premises had to be abandoned because the inspection services did not find the notorious emergency exit in the premises being inspected. The habit of disdain for laws played a cruel joke on the investor. Therefore, you need to carefully study all the requirements and standards.

We found a small room in a shopping center building. 60 m2 is enough to accommodate a kitchen, utility room and living room. There is already a toilet in the building. It does not need to be arranged separately.

Next, you need to make repairs and purchase equipment. The finishing requirements are the simplest. The room should be cozy and tidy - that's all. Thus, repairs and furniture will not require significant expenses, but equipment will become an expensive item. We will need:

  • refrigerators;
  • electric stoves;
  • ovens;
  • other small kitchen appliances, as well as dishes.

Workforce plan

Those who already know from their own experience how to open a snack bar recommend that for a hall designed for 15 people, take 2 servers and 2 cashiers-bartenders who will work in shifts, i.e. In the 1st shift there will be 2 workers in the hall. In addition, we will need 2 cooks and 2 assistants. It was decided to outsource accounting.

Financial plan

Costs in the first year will be (thousand rubles):

  • rent and utilities - 200;
  • repair - 200;
  • furniture - 80;
  • wages and outsourcing - 600;
  • equipment - 120;
  • products and other materials - 700;
  • other expenses, including advertising and expenses for registering an enterprise - 100.

Are you worried about how to open a snack bar from scratch? We will provide step-by-step instructions and explain where to start. After all, such a business, even in the presence of high competition, is considered profitable and profitable. Financial investments pay off within the first year. And if you think through everything correctly, you can get a net profit much earlier.

These fast food eateries are popping up in large numbers in a wide variety of cities and regions. This is understandable, because a modern person has no time to stand at the stove and cook, and there is not enough money for gourmet meals and trips to restaurants. It’s much easier to go to the nearest catering establishment and eat inexpensively.

Business Features

Don’t think that a snack bar is similar in organizational aspects to a restaurant. There are quite a few nuances here, without paying attention to which you will have to spend a lot of money and be left without the expected profit. Let us list the important differences between a small eatery and fine dining establishments:

  1. The main clients are students, young families with average incomes, office workers, factory workers. Therefore, your eatery's pricing policy should be consistent with their financial capabilities.
  2. But do not try to save on the cost of dishes due to the low quality of products. Your clients will not forgive this. You must cook deliciously and not harm the health of your visitors.
  3. The ability to take food with you and order it by phone is a good marketing move, since not every student or office worker has time for a full lunch.
  4. Even before opening a diner, you need to decide on the main direction and theme of your establishment. It must meet the wishes and needs of your future clients.
  5. Choose a location with high traffic, otherwise there will be very few visitors, which will affect the rate of return on investment for the business.

If you are just deciding what type of catering establishment to open, we will list the main pros and cons. Among the advantages of the snack bar are:

  • thanks to the high level of attendance, you will quickly achieve large capital turnover even with low prices for ready-made dishes;
  • unlike the restaurant business, less investment is required at the start;
  • such establishments are relevant even in small towns, and not just in big cities;
  • a sufficiently small size of the total area;
  • simplicity in preparing main dishes does not require a highly qualified cook, which makes it possible to save on wages;
  • In order to reduce costs, it is allowed to purchase inexpensive furniture, a simple interior, and also have cheap dishes.

But to be objective, we need to consider the other side of the coin. Disadvantages of the snack bar:

  1. This is a mini-project that, even if successfully implemented, will not bring much wealth to its owner.
  2. When registering a small catering establishment, you will have to complete complex registration in many authorities.
  3. It will not be possible to save on renting premises, since it is advisable to look for a suitable location in the central areas of the city with high traffic.

Types of snack bars

Where to begin? From determining what exactly and in what format you will offer your clients. Today the following establishments of this kind are popular:

  1. General type diner - unpretentious interior, varied but simple menu, low prices and cheap furniture. It is in this form that we often see this version of catering in American films.
  2. Specialty snack bar - characterized by a main dish that may not even be complemented by anything else. Usually they have a name corresponding to what is being prepared - varenichnaya, cheburechnaya, kebab, etc.
  3. – differ from a regular snack bar with a simple self-service system. There is no need for waiters here, and the dishes are prepared very quickly. They became famous thanks to the American McDonald's.
  4. On wheels - a mobile version of a moving kitchen. To do this, you rent or buy a special van or trailer, which has space for preparing simple meals. Their variety is small, but such a business benefits from minimal investments and ease of finding clients by moving a van. You just need to check with the authorities in advance which places you are allowed to stay.

You can download a free sample here.


To register a business, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option is suitable if you do not intend to sell alcoholic beverages and also hire a small staff. Otherwise, you need to register a legal entity and pay taxes in the UTII form. OKVED indicates the standard for such catering establishments - 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes”.

Before opening the premises, it is necessary to prepare it in accordance with the requirements of the SES and GPI. Only after checking them and issuing permits can the establishment be opened. If you have specific equipment, it is advisable to have certificates for it, and also take care of the relevant documents for the supplied products.

It is necessary to draw up contracts in advance for the supply of goods, for waste removal, with utility services, etc. Special licenses will be required only in the case of the sale of alcohol, otherwise - only permission from Rospotrebnadzor. Each employee is required to undergo a medical examination and have a health certificate.

Don't forget the cash register and its correct registration.

Search for premises

As already mentioned, it is fundamentally important for your establishment to have a high traffic volume of people. And this can be achieved by choosing a building next to:

  • shopping center;
  • Universities;
  • offices;
  • train stations;
  • dormitories;
  • road junctions, highways for truckers;
  • plants and factories;
  • on the central streets of the city.

The size of the room can be small, within 30-50 m2. Be sure to highlight a food preparation area, a hall for visitors, a toilet and a storage area. Expensive renovations will not be required, since this type of eatery can use a simple, discreet interior.

Furniture and equipment

Once you have decided on the menu, it is easy to make a list of what you need to prepare the specified dishes. We offer a wide range of equipment, allowing you to expand your range as much as possible.

Equipment and inventory Cost, in rub.
1 Plate 40 000
2 deep fryer 20 000
3 Coffee machine 20 000
4 Fridge 100 000
5 Toaster 1 500
6 Grill 10 000
7 Food processor 30 000
8 Oven 30 000
9 Hood 50 000
10 Work surfaces 30 000
11 Equipment (pots, pans, etc.) 70 000
12 Dishes for clients 40 000
13 Trade showcase 40 000
14 Cash machine 10 000
Total: 491 500

Also worry about the availability of plastic tables, chairs, stands, simple hangers for clothes, air conditioning for the summer, etc. And although this constitutes the main initial expenses, for the full picture you need to familiarize yourself with a detailed example of a business plan with calculations. Keep in mind that if you are preparing only one type of dish, you will need much less equipment.


With a schedule from 10.00 to 22.00, you should take care of having two shifts, working, for example, three days in a row.

Each of them requires a cook (3 people), two waiters, a cashier and a cleaning lady. An accountant and manager are hired only at the request of the owner, since he can perform their functions himself.


When compiling a list of dishes that will be prepared in your establishment, be guided by the wishes of visitors. To do this, you can first go through local catering establishments and take a closer look at the most popular items. Also, the variety of assortment depends on the chosen focus. For example, if you only sell hot dogs, then it doesn't make sense to cook anything else.

When opening a general type of eatery, focus on the following recommendations for creating a menu:

  1. Soups (2-3 types).
  2. Salads (5-6).
  3. Main courses of meat, fish, poultry and vegetables (up to 10 options).
  4. Side dish (2-3).
  5. Desserts (up to 5 varieties).
  6. Drinks (with or without alcohol).

It is important to take into account the various requirements of visitors in this list. Try to include in the list several types of vegetarian dishes, low-calorie dishes, for children, etc. If you sell some alcoholic drinks, then you can add related products to them (for example, nuts and chips for beer).

So that you can always ensure the preparation of all specified items, draw up contracts in advance with reliable suppliers of semi-finished products and fresh products. It is profitable to enter into contracts with local manufacturers. The markup is set at 30% of the cost.

Financial calculations

Obviously, to bring such an idea to life, you need a certain start-up capital. Which one will largely depend on the availability of suitable premises in your property, the range of products offered and the appropriate equipment for its preparation.

We will offer average statistical figures for opening a general eatery from scratch.

In addition, you need to take into account the monthly costs of running the establishment:

If you calculate that about 100 people will visit your diner per day and the average check will be within 200 rubles, and on weekends the figures will be half as much, then your monthly income will be approximately 520,000 rubles. Thus, even in unforeseen situations, the initial investment will be fully recouped within six months.

Smart marketing

It is advisable to take care of advertising your business at the stage of its organization and preparatory work. You can place advertisements on the territory of the same offices and universities near which you will open, and also make full use of the Internet - create a website, register on city forums, make a page on social networks. This is enough to attract attention.

To increase your chances, increase your competitiveness and expand your customer base, apply the following strategies:

  • Set low prices that are affordable for most people who want to eat on the go.
  • At the same time, ensure the high quality of the dishes, their appetizing appearance and the freshness of the products used. Remember that a variety of spices, sauces and herbs can significantly transform even simple potatoes.
  • Your employees should be as friendly and polite as possible.
  • Create a discount program for holidays, various events, reduce prices for regular customers, or offer interesting bonuses.
  • Maintain perfect cleanliness in the kitchen and living room.
  • Think over the menu so that you can find a suitable dish for a variety of visitors - vegetarians, believers (for example, during Lent), families with small children, etc.
  • A very important point is the good location of the establishment.
  • Don't forget to decorate the windows, entrance and hall according to the upcoming holidays.
  • Run promotions, for example, sell freshly prepared meals at the end of the day at a discount.
  • With all the savings and simplicity of the interior, think about the original and pleasant design of the room. Perhaps some theme or romantic setting for a date would be suitable.

All you have to do is use your imagination and you will make your establishment the most popular in the city. And this will provide a fairly good profit for a long period.

Video: , diner?


Often there is not enough time to prepare food and many do not have the opportunity to afford a snack in an expensive restaurant, preferring budget establishments. Therefore, coffee shops and small cafes can be an excellent business. To develop a business from scratch, you need to figure out where to start and how to open a snack bar with minimal investment.

Organization before opening

To start a snack bar, you will need to immediately decide on the concept of the establishment. First of all, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Product range;
  • Location;
  • Target orientation.

To properly build a business, you need to understand the main difference between a snack bar and other establishments. Simple food is prepared here that can be eaten on the go. The parameters of the premises do not affect the development of the business. The main thing is accessibility and comfort for visitors. Small cafes are divided into 2 types:

  1. A specialty snack bar involves selling specific products. Often the names of such establishments come from the assortment sold: dumplings, cheburek, homemade.
  2. A general bistro offers a wide selection of dishes.

Business registration

Naturally, you won’t be able to open a bistro without registration. You can choose one of the options: individual entrepreneur or LLC. If the scale of the business is small, opening an individual entrepreneur is ideal. For a novice businessman, this has its advantages:

  1. Financial costs are less than for opening an LLC.
  2. The registration process does not exceed 7 days.

After registering the individual entrepreneur, within 5 working days you need to submit an application for transfer to the tax regime of the simplified tax system or UTII. If this procedure is not completed within a certain time frame, then the income is taxed according to the classical system.

If, when setting up a snack bar, you plan to sell alcoholic beverages, then you will have to register an LLC.

Particular attention should be paid to documentation for the state. organizations. This:

  • Production control program;
  • Agreement for disinfection;
  • Waste removal;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological permit;
  • Magazine of reviews and recommendations.

It is required to collect all the necessary documentation and submit it to the appropriate authorities, as a result of which the entrepreneur receives permission to open a business. You might also want to think about how to open a food truck on wheels from scratch. This activity will require additional permission, depending on the location of the actual trade.

Selecting a room

Before opening an establishment, it is necessary to conduct research and select a promising location for a diner. For a good start, high traffic flow is important. In this area, you should not lose sight of your competitors, because you can always be one step ahead. You need to analyze the menu of such establishments and find out the preferences of their visitors. High-quality service and mouth-watering dishes will certainly attract a lot of customers. Delicious food is a guarantee of success. Before opening a diner, you should decide on the menu. To compile it, you need to select dishes that can be prepared quickly and tasty. At the start of your business, you can start activities in a store, a large office center, near universities and bus stations.

Equipment and furniture for the establishment

When drawing up a business plan for a diner, you need to include the costs of interior decoration. Be sure to purchase tables and comfortable chairs for clients. You need to think about a basic snack bar set. This:

  • Counters;
  • Refrigerators;
  • Exhibition stand;
  • Spacious closets.

If at the start of opening the financial situation does not allow you to purchase new equipment, then you can rent it or buy used one.

Personnel issue

To open a profitable eatery from scratch, you need to select a staff. For this type of business, the main personnel are:

  • Culinary;
  • Sales assistants;
  • Administrator;
  • Accountant;
  • Cleaning woman.

Marketing plan

Understanding how to start a culinary business is not difficult - it is much more important to conduct a competent advertising campaign. It is better to start promoting your business even before the official opening. An effective type of advertising is holding promotions and distributing leaflets.

This is the face of the establishment, so it should be catchy and informative.

Without impressive start-up capital, opening a catering establishment is quite difficult. Cafes, bars, restaurants require significant investments both in renovation and interior design, and in the maintenance itself. Perhaps the only establishment that you can open with a small investment is a snack bar.

How to open a snack bar from scratch

As in any business, the first thing you need to do is decide on the concept. If you have good imagination and creativity, bring your idea to life. However, no one forbids you to spy on it from your competitors by combining the most successful moments.

Snack bars are divided into two types: specialty and general. The first include establishments that sell a certain type of product: dumplings, . The second category includes catering establishments with a more varied menu. Which concept is better? It depends on many factors, such as: location, amount of starting capital, competition, etc.

The next step is finding start-up capital. If you don’t know where to get money, be sure to read our latest article. In general, the following sources of funding exist:

  • Bank loan;
  • government support programs for small businesses;
  • attracting investors. To do this, you need to develop a competent business plan;
  • own money.

To open a diner you need about $8-10 thousand. Expenses include:

  • renovation of premises (up to $2 thousand);
  • kitchen equipment ($3 thousand);
  • furniture ($1 thousand);
  • registration with regulatory authorities and obtaining all permits ($1 thousand);
  • first purchase of products ($2 thousand);
  • transportation costs, advertising ($1-2 thousand).

Search for premises, purchase of equipment, recruitment of personnel

When wondering how to open a diner, the first thing we involuntarily think about is where it will be located. For such an establishment, the following are best suited:

  • automobile and railway stations;
  • places near universities and student dormitories;
  • busy highway;
  • close to shopping and business centers;

The snack bar does not involve renting a large room; 50 square meters of space is quite enough.

The main requirement for the premises is compliance with fire safety and SES standards.

The next step is purchasing equipment. This:

  • showcases;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • electrical appliances (microwave ovens, multicookers, coffee makers, mixers, toasters);
  • commercial furniture;
  • kitchen utensils, special clothing for staff.

The last thing left to do is to hire workers. The diner staff includes: a cook, sales assistants, and an administrator. In the first stages of business development, you can perform administrator functions yourself. An accountant is also needed to account for financial activities. It is not necessary to hire a specialist; it is more profitable to use the services of an audit company or accounting outsourcing.

As you can see, opening a diner from scratch is not difficult. The main thing is to carefully calculate all the risks, do marketing research and develop an attractive concept for the establishment.