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Negative ions and their impact on our health. Electrode potential difference

This book is for educational purposes only The search for information that led me to write this book began in 1970 . as an attempt to prove to myself that I am not suffering from hypochondria or depression mania.

For 10 years I lived and worked in Geneva, and almost from the moment I arrived there from New York, I began to suffer from completely inexplicable bouts of anxiety, depression, bodily illnesses and a kind of boundless despair that even made me think of suicide. Neither the doctors nor the psychiatrists could explain what was happening to me, but when one of them vaguely expressed that it was perhaps "something electric in the air of Geneva."

I jumped on this as a possible explanation and spent 5 years traveling around Europe, the Middle East and North America, meeting scientists and going through a fair amount of scientific literature. I made 3 discoveries.

The first is that in certain places at certain times - in Geneva, in most of Central Europe, in Southern California, along the coast of the Rocky Mountains, and in at least a dozen other parts of the world - the air becomes unhealthy not due to pollution. , which we all know about, but due to an imbalance in the natural air charge.

Science knows this charge as ionization and is vital to the creation and health of all life. When it is distorted, we humans can become mentally or mentally ill, and in most cases, we feel tired, irritable, or just "below".

I have also found that a quarter of the population is particularly sensitive to changes in ionization and that I am one of those chronically ion-sensitive or "weather-sensitive" people.

These discoveries alone were enough to calm me down a little: my mysterious lack of good mental and physical condition could now be explained by the fact that I lived in one of the most inhospitable places on the globe for ion-sensitive people.

However, there is a third discovery that made me write this book. I have found that man himself often makes the air electrically sick, but here's the difference: if in Southern California or Geneva or somewhere this natural phenomenon happens from time to time, then a person makes the air sick not occasionally or for a short time. term, but more or less permanently. Everywhere in cities, in cars, trains, buses and planes. In most high-rise buildings of offices and apartments, a person brings the natural state of ionization into such an imbalance that it creates serious harm to health.

Every person is affected by the effect of ions, although only one in four experiences such serious troubles as I do. On the other hand, where a person has messed up the ionization, most suffer from symptoms that range from inexplicable restlessness and tension, expressed in a feeling of fatigue and a feeling of "out of place", to unnatural bursts of hyperactivity.

We explain such states by what we know, namely: stress at work, conflicts in the family. The point, however, is that perhaps we are putting the cart before the horse. Most likely, unhealthy ionization is the cause of stress at work and discord in the family.

By distorting the electrical charge of the air with the help of modern technologies, a person does more harm to his health than a polluted environment, which scared mankind in the last quarter of the 20th century. You can make sick the air you breathe, and through it yourself, by wearing the wrong clothes or surrounding yourself with the wrong furniture. And it's almost certainly fair to say that it's not "the pace of modern life" that makes most cities hard to live in, it's electricity - or lack of it - in the air you breathe.

It took me 5 years to realize that my doctors were wrong, that I was not physically or mentally ill. All this is quite understandable, since the most significant scientific discoveries about ions were made relatively recently and are known only to a few specialists.
The two most important scientific developments have only taken place in the last 16 years, and since most scientists are underfunded and work in isolation, often unaware of the work of other scientists in the world, it takes a longer period of time before the results of their research become known. .
In fact, the main reason why WHO (World Health Organization) has only now begun to show interest in the effects of air electricity on humans is the poor interaction between scientists of different nationalities.


Working in isolation from each other, scientists in the late 18th and early 19th centuries came to the conclusion that IONIZATION affects the growth of plants and, possibly, all living things.

But only in 1890 . Scientists have discovered that this electricity in the air comes from the charged molecules, or ions, of the gas. In the 1920s, science still knew little about this phenomenon, but recently scientists have been able to prove that when nature or man interferes with ionization, life becomes unbearable for some of us and uncomfortable for all. We all know that air is made up of molecules.

Each molecule has a core, or nucleus, of positively charged protons surrounded by negatively charged electrons. Nature is constantly looking for balance in everything, and in this case, a balance in which there would be as many electrons as there are protons, so that positive and negative charges complement each other. This occurs in a stable or passive air molecule. But if we cannot see the molecule, scientists are able to weigh its constituent parts.

Since an electron is 1800 times lighter than a proton, it is the electron that is most easily displaced, and when this happens, the balance is disturbed and a “drifting” molecule, or ion, is created. The active electricity in the air comes from these "drifting" molecules, those that have lost or gained a negative electron in such a way that the equilibrium is disturbed.

If a molecule loses an electron, it becomes positively charged, and when that displaced electron is attracted to a normal molecule, that molecule becomes negatively charged. What is considered in nature to be the "ideal" environment for living beings is the relatively clean country air - the energy needed to expel electrons and create charged molecules comes mainly from the trace amounts of substances present in soil and rocks, as well as from sun rays.

Ions are of 3 types large, medium and small. It is small, or light, ions that are absorbed by living entities from plant leaves to human tissues. It is about them that we are talking here.

Large ions do not have a noticeable effect on living organisms. Since the earth itself has a negative charge, it repels negative ions, carrying them away from the surface, where various kinds of life take place. At the same time, it attracts positive ions to itself, bringing them closer to the surface. As a result, even on a beautiful sunny day outside the city, the air usually contains more positive ions than negative ones.

Scientists believe that one cubic centimeter of air in an open area contains from 1000 to 2000 ions. Their usual ratio is 5 positive to 4 negative. It is in this ratio, or balance, that life develops.

Scientists at the University of California grew barley, oats, lettuce and peas with only 60 positive and negative ions in the air and found that their growth was stunted and the plants were diseased. The same experiment in the air, where the number of ions was twice the amount in nature, gave an enhanced growth.

In Russia, scientists tried to grow small animals - mice, rats, guinea pigs - in the air, where ions were completely absent. They all died within a few days.

James Beall, a former NASA official who encountered the problem of ions while studying the environment required for space capsules, wrote: “Humanity evolved in ionized air. Nature has used ions in the development of our biological processes." Scientists in Japan, Russia, Israel and Europe have proven that disruption of the natural level of ions in the air is not only detrimental to plants and mice, but it is also detrimental to human physical and mental well-being.

There are currently about 5,000 scientific papers reporting ionization experiments, all of which support the conclusion that having more positive ions is bad for you, while having more negative ions is beneficial. In nature, there are circumstances in which an increased amount of negative ions are produced that are beneficial to us.

For example, in some hilly or mountainous areas, the combination of sunlight, cleaner air, and rocks, which are more charged ions than anything else on the surface of the earth, can produce high concentrations of both kinds of ions, with the ratio being much more negative. This is partly because there is less dust in the mountain air, which picks up negative ions.

It is no coincidence that throughout the history of mankind, people went to the mountainous regions to relax and gain strength, especially those who suffered from diseases of the upper respiratory tract. A person reluctantly violates the ratio of ions, he does this everywhere and constantly. He builds cities and covers the ground with asphalt and cement, which prevents the normal production of ions, so there are much less ions in cities anyway. And when a person pollutes the environment in which he lives, the situation becomes even worse.

Negative ions are more active than positive ions and more readily attach to microscopic pollutant particles. These newly charged particles, when combined with each other, become large ions that have no effect on living beings, and finally fall to the ground in the form of dirt. So, the larger the city, the less ions in its air and the stronger the pollution, the greater the violation of the ratio of positive and negative ions; and towards harmful positive.

The air conditioning and central heating systems that the buildings are equipped with make the situation even worse. In nature, the process of ionization occurs constantly; in a man-made environment, this process is corrupted. Humans are destroying that natural ionization that former NASA scientist James Beal described as being used by nature to develop our biological processes.

A medical scientist from Jerusalem says that every person on earth breathes 2,500 gallons (9.5 cubic meters) of air per day. We are constantly in the air, regardless of whether the ratio of ions in it is normal or not. It seems self-evident that since humans and all other living beings are known to function largely through bioelectricity, the electrical nature of the air must have some effect on all living things.

However, scientists and physicians alike have stubbornly refused for most of our century to accept the claim that negative ions have any biological effect. They refused to accept the idea that ions could affect our bodies and minds. The world is still full of skeptics.


One sunny summer day in 1972, when I called the Rothschild Bank in Paris, located in a new office building, they told me that the department I needed had moved back to the old convenient building, which he left a few months ago. Later, when I finally found the person I was looking for, I asked what was wrong with the wonderful new building.

"None of us could work there," he replied. "Everyone got colds and everyone felt bad all the time, so we went back."

He continued the list of complaints his colleagues had made: tension, lack of energy, depression and headache. He said the complaints stopped when they moved back to the old brick building they had worked in for many years.

Could the building have caused symptoms similar to those that occur with "wizard winds"? Could air conditioning systems create "wizard winds" after a year of research, I was convinced that I was not only right, but that the environment created by man in the era of technology poses a potential threat to everyone, and not just those who, like me, weather dependent.

Sprawling cities, automobiles, pollution, smoking, the modern synthetic fabrics that make up our clothes and furniture, new building materials, a modern transportation system, and central heating and cooling systems in hermetically sealed office and apartment buildings are all part of man-made an environment that leaves too few ions of both kinds for a normal, healthy life.

In humid areas during peak summer, the well-known discomfort is caused in part by the fact that the air becomes ion-depleted. Indeed, humid days are deadly for those who suffer from asthma or other allergic upper respiratory diseases, and the fact that such people find it difficult to breathe in hot, humid air has less to do with the amount of oxygen in the air, and more with powerful depletion of negative ions.

Air electricity is quickly conducted to the ground by moisture, and those negative ions that are attracted to moisture and dust particles lose their charge. We have seen how positive ions make breathing difficult and reduce the body's ability to absorb oxygen, and how negative ions aid breathing and improve oxygen uptake. In cities where there is little open land, the ion content is very low.

Pollution makes the situation even more serious, as there are fewer negative ions. Ultimately, the total amount of ions in the air of cities is always reduced to, according to many scientists, dangerously low levels.

The normal ratio of positive and negative ions of 5:4 is broken so that people become eternal victims of positive ion poisoning. Definitely 60% of Europeans living in cities and urban areas are suffering to a greater or lesser extent, without realizing why, but feeling that something is wrong, The works of Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, contain many references to climate and air, and their impact on human well-being. He said that "the south wind causes a decrease in hearing, weakening of vision, heaviness in the head and lethargy."

Almost all "magical" winds in nature blow from the south. Man-made "witchy" winds do not blow from the south, they can blow from anywhere from those places where ventilation, heating or cooling systems are located. In open space outside the city, the air contains about 6000 particles of pollen or dust per 1 milliliter, and in the industrial cities of North America and Europe, their number reaches several million per 1 ml.

These particles - dust - eat ions. Or, in other words, they destroy light ions, which have a physiological effect, and more negative than positive ions are destroyed.

Measurements carried out by scientists show that at the main intersections of streets in St. Petersburg, Paris, Zurich, Munich, Dublin and Sydney, the number of negative ions at noon is reduced to 50 - 200 per 1 cubic meter. see. Scientists in Zurich and Munich counted the number of ions in the center of these cities at noon on a sunny day and found only 20 ions per 1 cubic meter. see The effect of ion depletion in a closed room was first demonstrated in Japan in the late 30s.

Scientists from the medical faculty of the Imperial University Fr. Hokkaido started experimenting in an ordinary room, but 1938 . expanded the audience to such a size that they worked with the Cinema House, which can accommodate 1000 people.

The room was specially prepared so that the temperature, humidity and oxygen content could be controlled, but that the ions could be gradually removed. Then 14 men and women aged between 18 and 40 were placed in this room for a while.

While the level of temperature, humidity and oxygen was maintained at an optimal level, ions began to be removed. People began to complain of problems ranging from simple headaches, dizziness and increased sweating to feelings of anxiety. In some cases, they even lowered their blood pressure.

All subjects stated that the room was stuffy and the air in it was "dead". Another group of people were sent to the cinema, where in a crowded theater, smoke and a large number of people sitting next to each other led to the fact that the number of negative ions became very low. When the film ended, all the audience said that they felt the way we feel when leaving the theater - a mild but unpleasant headache and sweating.
These people were placed in a room where the negative ion generator was running, and all noted that within a few minutes they felt better, their headaches and sweating disappeared.

As the next step, Japanese scientists decided to prepare the cinema for filling it with ions. First, they directed their men to the packed cinema hall. When half of them began to complain of headaches and sweating, the scientists began to release negative ions into the auditorium from several places in the roof and walls. They brought the number of negative ions to 3500 in 1 cu. cm.
After 90 minutes of the film, those who complained of headaches and sweating said that both symptoms were gone and that they felt the same as they did before the film began.

Social scientists - psychiatrists and psychologists - have been talking for the past 10 years about the epidemic dimensions of circumstances they describe as "restlessness". They recognize that, to a certain extent, anxiety is normal, even necessary for human survival. However, they are worried that the level of anxiety has risen above "healthy".

One of the sedatives known since ancient times is alcohol. The statistics on the increase in the consumption of various kinds of alcoholic beverages, and consequently on the increase in alcoholism, are given so often that it would be superfluous to repeat them here. However, along with alcohol, we have become chronic users of pills, most of which are tranquilizers designed to alleviate or reduce anxiety.

In 1974 . almost 4 billion Valium and Librium, the most commonly used tranquilizers, were consumed in the US alone. And yet the symptoms described by people who have been victims of positive ion poisoning are the same or similar to those with which people turn to doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists with complaints about what in medical terminology can be called anxiety psychoneurosis, which means insomnia, excessive anxiety, inexplicable depression, constant colds, irritability, sudden panic, bouts of absurd indecision and uncertainty.

At the Catholic University in Argentina, a doctor took patients who he thought were suffering from classic anxiety and treated them in a closed room with negative ions. All of them had previously complained of inexplicable fears and tensions, typical of the victims of anxiety psychoneurosis. After 10-20 sessions, each 15 minutes in the ionotherapy room, 80% of patients reported that their symptoms not only disappeared during the sessions, but did not recur in between sessions.

Pay attention to the facts: there is ion starvation in cities and urban areas. In buildings with air-conditioned and central heating systems, ion starvation and positive ion poisoning exist. And almost all cases of psychoneurosis of anxiety, with which they turn to doctors, occur in cities.

There are many possible reasons why anxiety has become one of the major problems afflicting Americans, but the realization of the effects of ions on humans should cause psychiatrists and other professionals to change their approach to a problem that is traditionally considered psychological.

It is at least obvious that the effect of negative ions in an artificially created environment is the cause of great problems. As many scientists have proven, there is nothing supernatural in the effects of ions. In fact, this impact affects almost all human activities.

Let's compare the levels of negatively charged ions in various media:

The emission value of negatively charged ions of MILLDOM products is:

This book is for educational purposes only The search for information that led me to write this book began in 1970 . as an attempt to prove to myself that I am not suffering from hypochondria or depression mania.

For 10 years I lived and worked in Geneva, and almost from the moment I arrived there from New York, I began to suffer from completely inexplicable bouts of anxiety, depression, bodily illnesses and a kind of boundless despair that even made me think of suicide. Neither the doctors nor the psychiatrists could explain what was happening to me, but when one of them vaguely expressed that it was perhaps "something electric in the air of Geneva."

I jumped on this as a possible explanation and spent 5 years traveling around Europe, the Middle East and North America, meeting scientists and going through a fair amount of scientific literature. I made 3 discoveries.

The first is that in certain places at certain times - in Geneva, in most of Central Europe, in Southern California, along the coast of the Rocky Mountains, and in at least a dozen other parts of the world - the air becomes unhealthy not due to pollution. , which we all know about, but due to an imbalance in the natural air charge.

Science knows this charge as ionization and is vital to the creation and health of all life. When it is distorted, we humans can become mentally or mentally ill, and in most cases, we feel tired, irritable, or just "below".

I have also found that a quarter of the population is particularly sensitive to changes in ionization and that I am one of those chronically ion-sensitive or "weather-sensitive" people.

These discoveries alone were enough to calm me down a little: my mysterious lack of good mental and physical condition could now be explained by the fact that I lived in one of the most inhospitable places on the globe for ion-sensitive people.

However, there is a third discovery that made me write this book. I have found that man himself often makes the air electrically sick, but here's the difference: if in Southern California or Geneva or somewhere this natural phenomenon happens from time to time, then a person makes the air sick not occasionally or for a short time. term, but more or less permanently. Everywhere in cities, in cars, trains, buses and planes. In most high-rise buildings of offices and apartments, a person brings the natural state of ionization into such an imbalance that it creates serious harm to health.

Every person is affected by the effect of ions, although only one in four experiences such serious troubles as I do. On the other hand, where a person has messed up the ionization, most suffer from symptoms that range from inexplicable restlessness and tension, expressed in a feeling of fatigue and a feeling of "out of place", to unnatural bursts of hyperactivity.

We explain such states by what we know, namely: stress at work, conflicts in the family. The point, however, is that perhaps we are putting the cart before the horse. Most likely, unhealthy ionization is the cause of stress at work and discord in the family.

By distorting the electrical charge of the air with the help of modern technologies, a person does more harm to his health than a polluted environment, which scared mankind in the last quarter of the 20th century. You can make sick the air you breathe, and through it yourself, by wearing the wrong clothes or surrounding yourself with the wrong furniture. And it's almost certainly fair to say that it's not "the pace of modern life" that makes most cities hard to live in, it's electricity - or lack of it - in the air you breathe.

It took me 5 years to realize that my doctors were wrong, that I was not physically or mentally ill. All this is quite understandable, since the most significant scientific discoveries about ions were made relatively recently and are known only to a few specialists.
The two most important scientific developments have only taken place in the last 16 years, and since most scientists are underfunded and work in isolation, often unaware of the work of other scientists in the world, it takes a longer period of time before the results of their research become known. .
In fact, the main reason why WHO (World Health Organization) has only now begun to show interest in the effects of air electricity on humans is the poor interaction between scientists of different nationalities.


Working in isolation from each other, scientists in the late 18th and early 19th centuries came to the conclusion that IONIZATION affects the growth of plants and, possibly, all living things.

But only in 1890 . Scientists have discovered that this electricity in the air comes from the charged molecules, or ions, of the gas. In the 1920s, science still knew little about this phenomenon, but recently scientists have been able to prove that when nature or man interferes with ionization, life becomes unbearable for some of us and uncomfortable for all. We all know that air is made up of molecules.

Each molecule has a core, or nucleus, of positively charged protons surrounded by negatively charged electrons. Nature is constantly looking for balance in everything, and in this case, a balance in which there would be as many electrons as there are protons, so that positive and negative charges complement each other. This occurs in a stable or passive air molecule. But if we cannot see the molecule, scientists are able to weigh its constituent parts.

Since an electron is 1800 times lighter than a proton, it is the electron that is most easily displaced, and when this happens, the balance is disturbed and a “drifting” molecule, or ion, is created. The active electricity in the air comes from these "drifting" molecules, those that have lost or gained a negative electron in such a way that the equilibrium is disturbed.

If a molecule loses an electron, it becomes positively charged, and when that displaced electron is attracted to a normal molecule, that molecule becomes negatively charged. What is considered in nature to be the "ideal" environment for living beings is the relatively clean country air - the energy needed to expel electrons and create charged molecules comes mainly from the trace amounts of substances present in soil and rocks, as well as from sun rays.

Ions are of 3 types large, medium and small. It is small, or light, ions that are absorbed by living entities from plant leaves to human tissues. It is about them that we are talking here.

Large ions do not have a noticeable effect on living organisms. Since the earth itself has a negative charge, it repels negative ions, carrying them away from the surface, where various kinds of life take place. At the same time, it attracts positive ions to itself, bringing them closer to the surface. As a result, even on a beautiful sunny day outside the city, the air usually contains more positive ions than negative ones.

Scientists believe that one cubic centimeter of air in an open area contains from 1000 to 2000 ions. Their usual ratio is 5 positive to 4 negative. It is in this ratio, or balance, that life develops.

Scientists at the University of California grew barley, oats, lettuce and peas with only 60 positive and negative ions in the air and found that their growth was stunted and the plants were diseased. The same experiment in the air, where the number of ions was twice the amount in nature, gave an enhanced growth.

In Russia, scientists tried to grow small animals - mice, rats, guinea pigs - in the air, where ions were completely absent. They all died within a few days.

James Beall, a former NASA official who encountered the problem of ions while studying the environment required for space capsules, wrote: “Humanity evolved in ionized air. Nature has used ions in the development of our biological processes." Scientists in Japan, Russia, Israel and Europe have proven that disruption of the natural level of ions in the air is not only detrimental to plants and mice, but it is also detrimental to human physical and mental well-being.

There are currently about 5,000 scientific papers reporting ionization experiments, all of which support the conclusion that having more positive ions is bad for you, while having more negative ions is beneficial. In nature, there are circumstances in which an increased amount of negative ions are produced that are beneficial to us.

For example, in some hilly or mountainous areas, the combination of sunlight, cleaner air, and rocks, which are more charged ions than anything else on the surface of the earth, can produce high concentrations of both kinds of ions, with the ratio being much more negative. This is partly because there is less dust in the mountain air, which picks up negative ions.

It is no coincidence that throughout the history of mankind, people went to the mountainous regions to relax and gain strength, especially those who suffered from diseases of the upper respiratory tract. A person reluctantly violates the ratio of ions, he does this everywhere and constantly. He builds cities and covers the ground with asphalt and cement, which prevents the normal production of ions, so there are much less ions in cities anyway. And when a person pollutes the environment in which he lives, the situation becomes even worse.

Negative ions are more active than positive ions and more readily attach to microscopic pollutant particles. These newly charged particles, when combined with each other, become large ions that have no effect on living beings, and finally fall to the ground in the form of dirt. So, the larger the city, the less ions in its air and the stronger the pollution, the greater the violation of the ratio of positive and negative ions; and towards harmful positive.

The air conditioning and central heating systems that the buildings are equipped with make the situation even worse. In nature, the process of ionization occurs constantly; in a man-made environment, this process is corrupted. Humans are destroying that natural ionization that former NASA scientist James Beal described as being used by nature to develop our biological processes.

A medical scientist from Jerusalem says that every person on earth breathes 2,500 gallons (9.5 cubic meters) of air per day. We are constantly in the air, regardless of whether the ratio of ions in it is normal or not. It seems self-evident that since humans and all other living beings are known to function largely through bioelectricity, the electrical nature of the air must have some effect on all living things.

However, scientists and physicians alike have stubbornly refused for most of our century to accept the claim that negative ions have any biological effect. They refused to accept the idea that ions could affect our bodies and minds. The world is still full of skeptics.


One sunny summer day in 1972, when I called the Rothschild Bank in Paris, located in a new office building, they told me that the department I needed had moved back to the old convenient building, which he left a few months ago. Later, when I finally found the person I was looking for, I asked what was wrong with the wonderful new building.

"None of us could work there," he replied. "Everyone got colds and everyone felt bad all the time, so we went back."

He continued the list of complaints his colleagues had made: tension, lack of energy, depression and headache. He said the complaints stopped when they moved back to the old brick building they had worked in for many years.

Could the building have caused symptoms similar to those that occur with "wizard winds"? Could air conditioning systems create "wizard winds" after a year of research, I was convinced that I was not only right, but that the environment created by man in the era of technology poses a potential threat to everyone, and not just those who, like me, weather dependent.

Sprawling cities, automobiles, pollution, smoking, the modern synthetic fabrics that make up our clothes and furniture, new building materials, a modern transportation system, and central heating and cooling systems in hermetically sealed office and apartment buildings are all part of man-made an environment that leaves too few ions of both kinds for a normal, healthy life.

In humid areas during peak summer, the well-known discomfort is caused in part by the fact that the air becomes ion-depleted. Indeed, humid days are deadly for those who suffer from asthma or other allergic upper respiratory diseases, and the fact that such people find it difficult to breathe in hot, humid air has less to do with the amount of oxygen in the air, and more with powerful depletion of negative ions.

Air electricity is quickly conducted to the ground by moisture, and those negative ions that are attracted to moisture and dust particles lose their charge. We have seen how positive ions make breathing difficult and reduce the body's ability to absorb oxygen, and how negative ions aid breathing and improve oxygen uptake. In cities where there is little open land, the ion content is very low.

Pollution makes the situation even more serious, as there are fewer negative ions. Ultimately, the total amount of ions in the air of cities is always reduced to, according to many scientists, dangerously low levels.

The normal ratio of positive and negative ions of 5:4 is broken so that people become eternal victims of positive ion poisoning. Definitely 60% of Europeans living in cities and urban areas are suffering to a greater or lesser extent, without realizing why, but feeling that something is wrong, The works of Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, contain many references to climate and air, and their impact on human well-being. He said that "the south wind causes a decrease in hearing, weakening of vision, heaviness in the head and lethargy."

Almost all "magical" winds in nature blow from the south. Man-made "witchy" winds do not blow from the south, they can blow from anywhere from those places where ventilation, heating or cooling systems are located. In open space outside the city, the air contains about 6000 particles of pollen or dust per 1 milliliter, and in the industrial cities of North America and Europe, their number reaches several million per 1 ml.

These particles - dust - eat ions. Or, in other words, they destroy light ions, which have a physiological effect, and more negative than positive ions are destroyed.

Measurements carried out by scientists show that at the main intersections of streets in St. Petersburg, Paris, Zurich, Munich, Dublin and Sydney, the number of negative ions at noon is reduced to 50 - 200 per 1 cubic meter. see. Scientists in Zurich and Munich counted the number of ions in the center of these cities at noon on a sunny day and found only 20 ions per 1 cubic meter. see The effect of ion depletion in a closed room was first demonstrated in Japan in the late 30s.

Scientists from the medical faculty of the Imperial University Fr. Hokkaido started experimenting in an ordinary room, but 1938 . expanded the audience to such a size that they worked with the Cinema House, which can accommodate 1000 people.

The room was specially prepared so that the temperature, humidity and oxygen content could be controlled, but that the ions could be gradually removed. Then 14 men and women aged between 18 and 40 were placed in this room for a while.

While the level of temperature, humidity and oxygen was maintained at an optimal level, ions began to be removed. People began to complain of problems ranging from simple headaches, dizziness and increased sweating to feelings of anxiety. In some cases, they even lowered their blood pressure.

All subjects stated that the room was stuffy and the air in it was "dead". Another group of people were sent to the cinema, where in a crowded theater, smoke and a large number of people sitting next to each other led to the fact that the number of negative ions became very low. When the film ended, all the audience said that they felt the way we feel when leaving the theater - a mild but unpleasant headache and sweating.
These people were placed in a room where the negative ion generator was running, and all noted that within a few minutes they felt better, their headaches and sweating disappeared.

As the next step, Japanese scientists decided to prepare the cinema for filling it with ions. First, they directed their men to the packed cinema hall. When half of them began to complain of headaches and sweating, the scientists began to release negative ions into the auditorium from several places in the roof and walls. They brought the number of negative ions to 3500 in 1 cu. cm.
After 90 minutes of the film, those who complained of headaches and sweating said that both symptoms were gone and that they felt the same as they did before the film began.

Social scientists - psychiatrists and psychologists - have been talking for the past 10 years about the epidemic dimensions of circumstances they describe as "restlessness". They recognize that, to a certain extent, anxiety is normal, even necessary for human survival. However, they are worried that the level of anxiety has risen above "healthy".

One of the sedatives known since ancient times is alcohol. The statistics on the increase in the consumption of various kinds of alcoholic beverages, and consequently on the increase in alcoholism, are given so often that it would be superfluous to repeat them here. However, along with alcohol, we have become chronic users of pills, most of which are tranquilizers designed to alleviate or reduce anxiety.

In 1974 . almost 4 billion Valium and Librium, the most commonly used tranquilizers, were consumed in the US alone. And yet the symptoms described by people who have been victims of positive ion poisoning are the same or similar to those with which people turn to doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists with complaints about what in medical terminology can be called anxiety psychoneurosis, which means insomnia, excessive anxiety, inexplicable depression, constant colds, irritability, sudden panic, bouts of absurd indecision and uncertainty.

At the Catholic University in Argentina, a doctor took patients who he thought were suffering from classic anxiety and treated them in a closed room with negative ions. All of them had previously complained of inexplicable fears and tensions, typical of the victims of anxiety psychoneurosis. After 10-20 sessions, each 15 minutes in the ionotherapy room, 80% of patients reported that their symptoms not only disappeared during the sessions, but did not recur in between sessions.

Pay attention to the facts: there is ion starvation in cities and urban areas. In buildings with air-conditioned and central heating systems, ion starvation and positive ion poisoning exist. And almost all cases of psychoneurosis of anxiety, with which they turn to doctors, occur in cities.

There are many possible reasons why anxiety has become one of the major problems afflicting Americans, but the realization of the effects of ions on humans should cause psychiatrists and other professionals to change their approach to a problem that is traditionally considered psychological.

It is at least obvious that the effect of negative ions in an artificially created environment is the cause of great problems. As many scientists have proven, there is nothing supernatural in the effects of ions. In fact, this impact affects almost all human activities.

Let's compare the levels of negatively charged ions in various media:

The emission value of negatively charged ions of MILLDOM products is:

The first thing we do when we are born is to breathe. A person can live without food for 5 weeks, without water - 5 days, and without air - no more than 5 minutes. On average, we take 22,000 breaths per day, while absorbing 15,000 liters of air. Breathing is such a natural process that we do not notice it. Although it is still worth thinking about what we breathe! It has been proven that small charged particles (ions) contained in the atmosphere affect well-being: negative ones give a person calmness and energy, while positive ones increase stress and fatigue.

For the first time, Hippocrates spoke about the effect of air on the human body in ancient times. In his treatise On Air, Water and Terrain, he called air "the pasture of life and the greatest ruler of everything and in everything." He also proposed to create aeraria - sites for recreational walks in the mountains and on the seashore. Later, in the 18th century, M. V. Lomonosov studied the effect of air charged with electricity on the human body. He conducted experiments with an electrostatic machine and came to the conclusion that air, penetrated by electric charges of artificial origin, is similar in its properties to air during a thunderstorm.

And already in the 20th century, the brilliant Russian scientist A.L. Chizhevsky became the first to prove the effect of ions of positive and negative polarity on plants, the body of a healthy and sick animal and man. In 1918, he repeated the experience of I. Kiyanitsyn, who placed rabbits and guinea pigs under a hood with carefully filtered air. Despite the fact that they had plenty of food and water, after about 3 weeks the animals had breathing problems, and after another week they all died. Chizhevsky repeated the experiment without building a complex air filtration system, he simply placed a cotton wool in the air supply tube - the animals suffered the same fate. Then the scientist suggested that even the most primitive filter does not let through microscopic particles of electricity, ions, or, as he called them, “vitamins of the air.” Chizhevsky wrote that “having built a dwelling, a person deprived himself of ionized air, perverted the natural respiratory environment and came into conflict with the nature of his body. Residents of cities spend 90% of their lives inside buildings and gradually lose their immune forces, get sick and become prematurely decrepit.”

Think about your surroundings!

Today our life cannot be imagined without high technologies. Everywhere (both at work and at home) we use modern, high-performance and powerful equipment, without thinking about the fact that the consequences of its impact are far from unambiguous. TV screens and computer monitors emit large amounts of positive ions. The abundance of positive ions negatively affects the general well-being of a person. If we breathe air saturated with negative ions, we feel cheerful and cheerful. If we breathe air saturated with positive ions, we feel tired and depressed. It has been proven that in places where the air is heavily polluted, there are more positive ions than negative ones. Unfortunately, these "danger zones" are not limited to industrial sites or gas-polluted roads. In any room, be it an office or an apartment, you can find more than one source of positive ions: computers, office equipment, furniture, household chemicals, cigarette smoke, and even the person himself. Considering that the average person spends about 90% of their time indoors, it should not be surprising that at the end of the day we become tired and irritable.

What are negative ions?

These are negatively charged microscopic air particles. They are formed when a large amount of energy is applied to an atom or molecule. The resulting electricity affects the redistribution of electrons around the oxygen atom. An atom that has lost one or more electrons is called a positive ion, while an atom that has gained one or more electrons is called a negative ion. In nature, negative ions are formed in two ways: water molecules collide, as a result, positive and negative atoms are separated (as happens, for example, in the flow of a waterfall) and the surrounding air becomes negatively charged. In the second case, discharged electrons are acquired by water molecules during a thunderstorm.

Chizhevsky called air ions - air ions, and their treatment - air ion therapy. He also divided air ions into heavy and light. The fact is that ions can attach molecules with a neutral charge to themselves. If these are gas molecules, then a light air ion is obtained, but if these are liquid or solid molecules, a heavy one is obtained. Heavy ions are charged dust, soot, smoke and industrial fumes. At best, they settle on the surface of surrounding objects, at worst - on the inner surface of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Light air ions are involved in gas exchange, enter the bloodstream and affect cellular metabolism.

A simple solution to an important problem

Man, like all living things, must not lose touch with nature. It is nature that gives us the necessary energy, restores strength and maintains a good mood. The beneficial effect of nature on the human body is undeniable. The natural calming effect is achieved, first of all, due to the purity of the air and the abundance of negative ions. Being in a pine forest, near a waterfall or a fountain, we feel especially good, we can really relax and feel a surge of vivacity. It has recently been found that such sensations are caused by a high concentration of negative ions in the air. That is why the residents of modern megacities, who often feel a lack of clean and fresh air, try to “get out of the city” on weekends to take a break from everyday hustle and bustle and recharge with natural energy. As a rule, during the holidays we “leave civilization”, go to the mountains or to the sea to gain strength and restore our health. The more negative ions in the air, the better our health: the headache stops, fatigue disappears, we are again ready to deeply and fully perceive the world around us.

Where to look for negative ions? One cubic centimeter of air at the foot of the waterfall contains 50,000 beneficial ions; in the mountains - from 8,000 to 12,000; by the sea or ocean 4,000; in the forest 3,000; outside after a thunderstorm from 1,500 to 4,000; in rural areas from 500 to 1,200. And also in the sun, near fountains and springs, under the shower. For comparison, the air of city streets contains only 100 to 500 negative ions in the same volume of air. We can very well increase the number of useful ions in our environment. The easiest way is to ventilate the premises. Humidification also attracts negative ions. In the absence of a special humidifier, you can turn on the water under strong pressure from time to time or buy an aquarium. All electrical appliances that are not currently in use should be unplugged from the outlet. Good helpers in improving the composition of the air are indoor plants, especially geraniums. Conifers are considered natural ionizers: spruce, pine, fir, arborvitae, cedars.

Science does not stand still

Even Chizhevsky invented an apparatus designed to save city dwellers from ion starvation. They became an air ionization unit, the so-called Chizhevsky lamp. According to its principle, all modern ionizers are created. The device consists of a fan that produces an electric charge, and a number of needles, on the tips of which light air ions arise.

Lamp effect - mountain air in a city apartment! In rooms with artificially ionized air, a person feels good, concentrates more easily, and does not get tired longer. Chizhevsky's followers in the course of medical research found that ionized air improves the condition of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, the initial stages, stomach ulcers,. Aeroions perfectly heal wounds and burns, are a prophylactic against sore throats, migraines, nervous disorders, insomnia and irritability.

In Germany, scientists have noted the positive effect of exposure to negative ions in the treatment of chronic stress, depression and sleep disorders. With the help of ionotherapy, the level of serotonin in the body normalizes and anxiety and anxiety disappear in 80% of cases. And Japanese oncologists claim that ionized air is a powerful antioxidant agent, since under its influence the body produces the substance “ubiquinol”, which neutralizes active oxygen, causing cell damage and, thereby, cancerous degeneration of body cells is prevented. The antitumor effect of ionotherapy is also confirmed by the works of Israeli scientists. They noted a stop in the growth of tumors in 75% of cases, while no side effects were recorded in this type of treatment. There is a theory that the cause of any disease is a metabolic disorder in the cells of the body, and this, in turn, causes a decrease in their negative charge. It is possible to restore the negative charge of cells by using air enriched with negative ions for breathing, which perform a regulatory function in the body.

Negative ions - what is positive?

Despite advances in modern medicine, the number of respiratory diseases is steadily increasing. In the last century, diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc. did not claim as many lives as they do now. Most people live in cities. And the city is, first of all, the air poisoned by exhaust gases, polluted with chemical waste. Yes, we are accustomed to not noticing car exhausts, smoke emissions from the chimneys of nearby factories. But air is much more important for a person than water or food. Without air, a person cannot live even 5 minutes.

For human health, the air must be clean. How to avoid the negative impact of polluted air on your body and the body of your child? And is it possible not to get sick if microbes and viruses enter your body along with the air? Yes! Can!

Negative ions will help beat cancer.

Japanese oncologists put forward a new theory of the fight against cancer. It is based on the impact on the body of negative ions, which stimulate the production of antioxidants that eliminate carcinogens.

This theory was developed on the basis of research conducted by a group of scientists led by Kenji Tazawa, professor at the Toyama University of Medicine and Pharmacology, and Professor Noboru Horiuchi, director of the oncology clinic in Sakaide (Kagawa Prefecture).

A detailed report on the results of the study was made at a conference of the Japanese Cancer Association.

Negative ion therapy is widely used in medicine for the rehabilitation of the body after suffering a serious illness. The ability of negative ions to "refresh" the body has long been known.

As Professor Horiuchi explains, if a person is in a room saturated with negative ions, under their influence, his body produces an antioxidant called ubiquinol. Ubiquinol destroys highly active molecules and ions formed from oxygen. Scientists call these compounds "active oxygen".

"Active oxygen damages cellular proteins and thus stimulates the process that leads to the formation of a cancerous tumor," Horiuchi says.

After conducting research, experts have found that negative ions stimulate the production of antioxidants, in particular ubiquinol, which in turn destroys carcinogens. Professor Horiuchi claims that the human body, located in an ion-rich room, begins to produce these antioxidants, thereby helping itself to get rid of cancer. The action of ubiquinol lies in the fact that it neutralizes the ions that are formed from oxygen, and also under its influence highly active molecules decompose.

All this scientists call one term - "active oxygen". And from such oxygen, no protective coatings will save. It damages cellular proteins, as a result of which a cancerous tumor develops. Ubiquinol outpaces the action of active oxygen, and makes it inherently safe.

The experiment was carried out in two rooms. One of them contained ion sources (generators), while the other did not. The mechanism generated in the range of three meters, about 27 thousand ions per 1 cubic centimeter. With its help, the number of ions in the room increased by 27 times.

In one of the experiments, 11 athletes participated (because people involved in sports most often have an increased content of active oxygen in the body). During the week, 5 people spent the night in an ionized room, and 6 people in ordinary rooms. On the last day of the study, urine and blood samples were taken from the subjects. Thus, we found out: those who were in the ionized room had ubiquinol content in the body 5 times higher than the other group of people who were in the usual room.

After that, the research scientists said that this experience only once again proves that negative ions can interact with active oxygen. At the same time, do not give it the opportunity to negatively affect the human body.

How do negative ions have a beneficial effect on a person?

* help a person feel better physically and mentally

* help to cope with stress

* Relieve muscle pain

* increase sexual activity

*help fight aggression and fatigue

*have some analgesic effect

* help in regulating blood pressure

* has a beneficial effect on the skin condition

* reduce cellular sclerosis

* help with coronary and respiratory problems, tonsillitis, etc.

* help in improving metabolism


Research in the field of medicine shows that the absorption of air with a high content of only positively charged ions can harm human health. Such ions enter the bloodstream and can lead to unwanted reactions, such as excessive production of the hormones serotonin or histamine.

Excess serotonin in the body has a bad effect on the functioning of the lungs, reduces the level of oxygen in the cells of the body.

Serotonin molecules transported by blood cells can accumulate in certain tissues of the body. Serotonin, on the other hand, functions as a signal transmitter of the nervous system, controls the contraction of the smooth muscles of the organs of the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems.

An excess of serotonin can cause a variety of painful reactions in the body - migraine attacks, allergic reactions, pulmonary edema, laryngeal diseases, bronchitis attacks, nervousness, insomnia, hot flashes, fatigue and depression, nausea, intestinal cramps.

Histamine is another biogenic compound important for our health, primarily involved in the production of gastric juice, which is necessary for the process of digestion of food. Excess histamine in the body also leads to severe headaches, allergic reactions, rhinitis, bouts of nausea and insomnia.


The balance of positively and negatively charged ions in the air we breathe depends on the state of the environment. For example, in ancient books on practical yoga we find the following advice: if a yoga practitioner wants to develop his body and his mind, then it is advisable to perform yoga exercises near a pond. So, the ancients, who did not know anything about the existence of air ions, were aware of their beneficial effects on human health and mental abilities.

And vice versa, since ancient times it was believed that the foehn, dry and warm wind in the Alps, siroko, the wind blowing in Italy, and some other winds can contribute to the emergence of various ailments and ailments.

Both positive and negative ions are present in nature, but only being in balance, they have a beneficial effect on a person. And if you think that the air in your office is harmful to your health, then you are not far from the truth, and here is the proof:

  • metal objects, furniture, cabinets, shelves, etc. cause negative ions to descend to the floor of the room;
  • central heating and air conditioning systems destroy negatively charged ions in the air;
  • carpets and synthetic carpets, as well as non-natural materials used in furniture upholstery, have a positive charge and thus neutralize negative ions.
Allergy and negative ions.

What to do if you suffer from hay fever?

Avoid allergens whenever possible. You are less on the street, especially in sunny and windy weather, when the air is dry, and clouds of pollen are carried for tens and even hundreds of kilometers.

It is better to walk after the rain or early in the morning, until the dew has dried up. After the walk, take a shower and change clothes.

Room. Create a favorable microclimate in the room where you are most of all. Do not open windows wide open, and during ventilation, hang the window with well-moistened gauze. Remove everything from the room that collects dust: carpets, heavy curtains, shelves with books. Do wet cleaning daily.

Clean air is the main condition for good health. Best of all sea or mountain. Impossible? Don't be upset. The air of your room and the air around you can become healing. And the main assistant here is innovative products that enrich the air with negative oxygen ions.

Firstly, the negative air ions produced by these products, when combined with dust and pollen particles, deposit them on the floor, making the air clean, which is especially important for allergy sufferers.

Secondly, by receiving negative oxygen ions, the air becomes alive, useful for breathing, the swelling of mucous membranes decreases, the supply of tissues with oxygen improves, and the immune system strengthens.

It's good to have air conditioning. Many modern models perfectly purify the air. Unfortunately, together with dust, the air in the air conditioner completely loses all its electrical charges. Under such conditions, the body, already weakened by allergies, experiences severe oxygen deficiency. Therefore, along with the conditioner, be sure to use products with ions, and constantly, and not only during an exacerbation of an allergic reaction.

P.S. Scientists have proven that the air that a child breathes in the first months of life affects whether he will develop an allergy in the future, and which one. So, those born in summer are more likely to suffer from pollen, and in “winter” children, with age, a reaction to house dust appears. Therefore, the above recommendations should be applied to all young children.

How do negative oxygen ions affect the cardiovascular system?

Most cardiovascular diseases are associated with a violation of blood clotting and the integrity of the walls of blood vessels. Blood components have a negative charge that prevents them from sticking together.

With the loss of charge, blood viscosity increases, blood clots form. At the same time, cholesterol is deposited in the walls of the blood vessels, the vessels lose their elasticity, and their lumen narrows. This is the reason for the violation of pressure, heart attacks and strokes.

Ions are an integral part of the atmosphere that surrounds us everywhere. There are negative and positive ions in the air, between which there is a certain balance. Negative ions (anions) are atoms that carry a negative electrical charge. They are formed by incorporating one or more electrons into an atom, thereby completing their energy level. Positive ions (cations), on the contrary, are formed by the loss of one or more electrons.

Studies conducted at the beginning of this century showed that air dominated by cations (positively charged ions) adversely affects health.

If the air maintains a balance (relative balance) of positive and negative ions, then the human body functions properly.

Today, the air is dominated by positive ions due to pollutants, which can negatively affect health. Some people are especially sensitive to this imbalance. Cations especially affect the respiratory, nervous and hormonal systems.

The air saturated with negative ions is in the natural environment - sea, forest, air after a thunderstorm, near a waterfall, after rain. Thus, pure natural air contains more useful negative ions, in contrast to the air we breathe in rooms, offices, and polluted areas.

Albert Krueger (pathologist-bacteriologist) conducted research on plants, animals and came to the conclusion that negative ions control the level of serotonin in the body, calm and do not cause harmful effects.

Negative ions are very valuable for our life, health, because. they affect the body through the respiratory system. Negative ions are usually present where we feel good, relaxed, fun, easy... the body is saturated with oxygen, and the respiratory system is reliably protected from bacteria, dust, and harmful impurities.

Quality of inhaled oxygen

The cilia of the respiratory system trap dirt, dust from the air and other substances so that the air delivered to the lungs is much cleaner.

Electrochemical air - air with positive ions is difficult to digest, because. only negative oxygen has the ability to penetrate the membranes of the lungs and be absorbed by the blood.

Tiny positively charged particles of dust and smog form clusters to attract negatively charged ions. Their weight, however, becomes so great that they are unable to remain in a gaseous state and sink to the ground, i.e. are removed from the air. Negative ions thus contribute to the purification of the air we breathe.

Ionic air imbalance

The culprit for ion imbalance is chemical contamination. Ionic imbalance leads to the growth of various diseases: respiratory, allergies, mental problems. Experts say that virtually all the amenities of civilization produce harmful positive ions.

Positive ions have a negative effect on our health, and they prevail, for example, indoors, dirty streets, before a thunderstorm. Positive ions are present where it becomes difficult for us to breathe.

Automobiles, industrial smog, synthetic fibers, transmitters, ozone depletion, greenhouse effect, computer monitors, televisions, fluorescent lamps, copiers, laser printers, etc. negatively affect the balance of ions in the air (cations increase).

Today, the correct balance of ions can only be found in a clean area in nature. Negative ions, which are dominated by, for example, sea air, have a beneficial effect on health (). Negative ions in another way can be called air vitamins. Their number increases in ecologically clean areas, for example, a waterfall, sea, forest. In these places it is easier to breathe, the body relaxes and rests. In principle, a person should breathe air with at least 800 negative ions per cm 3. In nature, the concentration of anions reaches values ​​up to 50,000 cm 3. While cations predominate in urban areas.

However, these are the places where we spend most of our time. An excessive predominance of positively charged ions in indoor air contributes to headaches, nervousness, fatigue (), increased blood pressure, and in sensitive people they can cause allergies, depression.

Positive ions in human life

Positive ions are located where a person lives, i.e. in cities, enclosed spaces, next to a TV, computer, etc. A person's house is filled with various synthetic materials that pollute the air; modern technology, LCD monitors, printers, fluorescent lamps, telephones, televisions, as well as cigarette smoke, chemical detergents () are the worst enemies of air ionization.

Negative ions in human life

They prevail mainly from clean countryside, after a storm, in caves, on mountain tops, in forests, on the seashore, near waterfalls and other ecologically clean areas.

Areas with the highest concentration of negative ions are used as a climatic resort. Negative ions have a positive effect on the immune system, mental well-being, improve mood, calm, eliminate insomnia ().

Elevated concentrations of anions have a positive effect on the respiratory tract, help cleanse the lungs (). In addition, they increase the alkalinity of the blood, promote its purification, accelerate the healing of wounds, burns, accelerate the regenerative abilities of cells, improve metabolism, suppress free radicals, regulate the level of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) and neurotransmitters, thus contributing to an improvement in the quality of life.

A high concentration of negative ions has been found in salt caves, an alternative to which is used in sanatoriums for the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases.

In nature, the concentration of atmospheric ions depends on temperature, pressure and humidity, but also on the speed and direction of wind, rain and solar activity.

An environment containing a high concentration of negative oxygen ions has been shown to kill bacteria, and even lower concentrations retard their growth.

Thus, air with negative ions can be used to accelerate wound healing, treat skin diseases, burns, and also treat the upper respiratory tract.

The values ​​of negative ions in the forest reaches 1000 - 2000 ions / cm3, the Moravian cave karst up to 40000 ions / cm3, while the urban environment contains 100-200 ions / cm3.

The optimal concentration for a person should be higher than 1,000 - 1,500 ions / cm3, for workaholics and people engaged in mental work, the optimal value should be increased to 2,000 - 2,500 ions / cm3.

How to increase the concentration of negative ions?

To increase the concentration of negative ions, today there are various products, for example, bracelets, watches that emit anions.

In addition, there are salt lamps that can significantly improve the air in homes. They are recommended to be placed next to a computer, TV, air conditioner. You can also purchase an Orgonite crystal or an air ionizer.