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Why does a child vomit bile and what to do? Vomiting of bile in a child: causes, treatment What is the cause of yellow vomiting in children

Nausea combined with vomiting is an alarming signal indicating health problems. And if a child vomits bile, parents always have cause for concern, since the condition is associated with abdominal pain, a bitter taste in the mouth and an increase in body temperature. Gastric masses are yellow, green or yellow-green. They cannot be ignored. The child needs to be given all possible help and then see a doctor.

Why does a child spew bile?

Before taking any action, parents must know exactly what they are dealing with. Yellow vomit has several serious causes.

  1. Gallbladder diseases. With cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia and cholelithiasis, the organ functions poorly. If bile enters the stomach, the child first feels nauseous and then vomits.
  2. Intestinal infections. Vomiting in this case acts as a kind of defense of the body against bacterial damage. Repeated emptying of the stomach leads to the re-entry of bile, and the cycle continues.
  3. Viral hepatitis. Damage to the liver and bile ducts leads to vomiting with the release of bile. The baby has loose stools and stomach pain. Viruses are to blame.

If a child vomits in the morning, this indicates overeating of fatty, spicy or fried foods consumed during dinner. In adolescence, yellow gastric mass can be released against the background of strong alcohol intoxication. In newborns, regurgitation of bile is a symptom of intestinal obstruction or pyloric spasm.

Among these reasons, pediatrician Komarovsky considers gallbladder diseases and early transfer of the child to the common family table to be the most common. The enzyme system in children under 7 years of age is still poorly developed, so an adult diet is not suitable for them. Also, vomiting with bile can be a harbinger of appendicitis.

Neurogenic factors can provoke a gag reflex with the release of bile in children. These are improper blood circulation in the brain, acute emotional disorders, and psychosomatic diseases. Gastric masses with strange impurities can be released due to renal pathologies and sexual dysfunctions. In childhood, the described case occurs with diseases of the pharynx, pharynx, and root of the tongue.

How to alleviate a child's condition

What should parents do when such a nuisance occurs as a child vomiting bile? Firstly, do not panic yourself and calm your frightened child. Perform subsequent actions according to the diagram below:

  1. Induce a gag reflex by first giving the child 2 to 3 glasses of boiled water.
  2. Reduce intoxication with Smecta or Activated Carbon. Smecta solution is prepared at the rate of 1 sachet per 1 glass of water. You can make a suspension from coal tablets, guided by the ratio of 1 tablet. x 10 kg of child's weight.
  3. Place the patient in bed so that the head is placed higher, and preferably on its side.
  4. If the child is worried not only about vomiting, but also about fever, it is necessary to eliminate the fever. Let the patient take Ibufen or Paracetamol.

Here is a small list of activities that experts strongly recommend that parents do not do.

  • Leave the patient unattended until the doctor arrives.
  • Arrange gastric lavage using a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Try to do the washing while the baby is unconscious.
  • Give plenty of food or water to a child who has recently vomited bile.

Principles of pathology therapy

If vomiting bile was sporadic, you can do nothing - the condition will stabilize on its own. But if the attacks become more frequent, you need to visit a doctor and undergo the recommended examinations with your child. Based on their answers, the specialist diagnoses a functional disorder of the digestive organ. For treatment, the child will be prescribed suitable choleretic medications:

  • Holaflux;
  • Flamin;
  • Holagogum;
  • Berberine et al.

From folk remedies, children are recommended to make herbal teas, the components of which have choleretic properties. Immortelle, mint or angelica should be taken in the amount of 1 tsp, pour 200 ml of boiling water and cover for 15 minutes. Give the child 4 rubles. per day before meals. Single dosage – ½ cup. Course – 10 days.

How else can you help your child? Nutritionists advise giving the patient cool lime and cranberry juices. For frequent episodes of bilious vomiting, tea with ginger and cinnamon is helpful. You should not feed your baby products with caffeine during therapy. It is also necessary to abstain from tomatoes and citrus fruits - they irritate the gastric mucosa.

Daily meals should be portioned, that is, the child should eat little and often. You can’t have dinner right before bed, drink black tea, soda, or coffee. It is important to eliminate spices from your diet. It is advisable to sleep on your side.

Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of a gastrointestinal disorder. When they appear in a child, parents need to be vigilant and not hesitate to seek medical help. The gag reflex itself is protective, as it helps the body get rid of harmful substances that have entered the stomach.

Bile may be present in the vomit. The production of this substance is constant, so to some extent it is present in the stomach and during vomiting it is released along with the vomit.

Why is he vomiting bile?

Bile is a substance that is produced by the liver to participate in the digestion process. It gives the vomit a greenish or yellowish color. Before vomiting, the child develops a feeling of nausea, and there may be an increase in body temperature.

If a child spits up in the first months of life, then this is a completely normal phenomenon, which is associated with imperfection of the sphincter and incompetence of the diaphragm. After a few months, the organs are finally formed, and physiological vomiting goes away on its own.

You should be wary if your child is vomiting like a fountain with a greenish or yellowish tint, as this may indicate a disorder.

Physiological vomiting of a newborn does not have foreign impurities, unpleasant odor or discolored color. Normally, a baby regurgitates the food it eats, which may have a faint sour odor. Any deviations require immediate medical attention.

In preschool age and older, children are able to talk about their feelings, so the diagnostic search is somewhat easier.

If a child begins to complain of bitterness in the mouth and vomit of a characteristic color comes out, then this may indicate about the following violations:

  • diseases of the gallbladder or pancreas;
  • liver diseases;
  • food or drink poisoning;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • appendicitis;
  • helminthic infestations in the liver and its ducts;
  • bending or kinking of the gallbladder.

All pathological conditions are accompanied by specific symptom complexes, so it is worth paying more attention to the child’s accompanying manifestations and complaints.

Possible diseases

When vomiting bile, treatment tactics vary: while in some cases help can be provided at home, others require emergency hospitalization and specialist intervention.

Disease Features of development Treatment and diagnostic tactics
Pyloric stenosisThis is a narrowing of the stomach, which makes it difficult for food to pass from the stomach further into the duodenum. This pathology usually occurs after an intrauterine infection and manifests itself in the first months after the birth of the child. As the disease progresses, stenosis can worsen. The child loses a lot of fluid through vomiting.This dangerous condition requires hospitalization
PylorospasmThis is a narrowing of the gastric outlet. The baby regurgitates food in the stomach, often with the presence of bile. This occurs in premature babies.After diagnosing the condition, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis under the dynamic supervision of a doctor
Intestinal obstructionThe main reason for this condition is a violation of nutritional rules. Can be observed in children of any age. With an incorrect diet, constipation develops, the intestines do not empty, become clogged with feces and obstruction develops. Boys are more likely to develop intussusception, when one part of the intestine penetrates and enters the second. This is observed with excessive mobility of the cecumThis dangerous condition requires hospitalization in a surgical hospital; in case of severe pathological process, surgical treatment is performed

Before vomiting occurs, the child usually feels an attack of nausea, turns pale, and has chills. The more episodes of vomiting are repeated, the more it weakens and the risk of developing dehydration increases.

Other symptoms

Nausea and bilious vomiting may be accompanied by associated symptoms. Each of them characterizes a developing pathological process. By observing the child and his condition, one can suspect a type of disorder.

Disease Clinical picture
Pyloric stenosis
  • vomiting like a fountain;
  • characteristic sour smell of vomit;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • decreased urination and darker urine color;
  • rare stool;
  • constipation
  • regurgitation after every meal;
  • attacks of intestinal colic, severe cramps in the upper third of the abdomen;
  • decreased urination;
  • constipation;
  • possibly blood clots in the vomit;
  • sleep disturbance
Intestinal obstruction and intussusception
  • capriciousness, irritability of the child;
  • possibly - loss of consciousness, severe weakness and pallor of the skin;
  • frequent vomiting with bile, which does not bring relief;
  • bloody discharge from the rectum like “raspberry jelly”;
  • increased body temperature;
  • uneven bloating
Acute pancreatitis
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • high temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • foamy stool;
  • yellow coating on the tongue;
  • increased sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • uniform bloating
Intestinal infection
  • increase in body temperature up to 37 degrees;
  • vomiting with foam;
  • bloating, flatulence, pain often appears;
  • loose, foul-smelling stools that appear repeatedly
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • often - temperature rise up to 37 ° C;
  • symptoms of body intoxication;
  • bloating;
  • nausea, repeated vomiting, often in the morning;
  • diarrhea;
  • general deterioration of condition
Bend of the gallbladder
  • lack of appetite;
  • acute bursting pain mainly in the right hypochondrium;
  • frequent bouts of vomiting without improvement;
  • flatulence, no diarrhea

It is impossible to accurately diagnose using the listed symptoms alone. When contacting a specialist, you will need to undergo an additional examination and consult a surgeon to eliminate the need for emergency surgery.

All diseases are united by the presence of one symptom - vomiting bile. The appearance of a bitter taste in the mouth is the first alarming sign indicating that some kind of violation is occurring. As the condition worsens, severe intoxication of the body develops.

How to identify an emergency?

Due to their age and insufficiently developed communication skills, not all children are able to convey their feelings and the severity of their condition to their elders. You can suspect signs of the development of dangerous and emergency diseases by the appearance of the child and the changes occurring in his body.

The main symptom is pain. It develops in almost all dangerous diseases. The child complains of abdominal pain, the anterior abdominal wall is tense. He tries to take a lying position on his right side or stomach, so the unpleasant sensations recede a little.

Increased body temperature, increased sweating, weakness, malaise, increased heart rate and pale skin indicate the development of intoxication and a severe pathological process. The child vomits bile repeatedly, the condition is accompanied by loose stools, even a sip of water provokes a new attack of vomiting.

An emergency request for medical help is also required in situations where dietary errors have been noticed. Prerequisites for poisoning include eating stale foods, eating raw fish or vegetables and fruits that have not been sufficiently processed. Overeating can also provoke bile vomiting when the child does not know how to stop and a single meal is several times larger than the usual portion. These conditions require contacting the infectious diseases service in order to relieve intoxication and identify the pathogen.

A dangerous condition develops after drinking a large fatty meal with plenty of cold water. In this case, vomiting bile is a harbinger of a serious condition, which is popularly called “intestinal volvulus” (intestinal obstruction that develops as a result of rotation of the intestinal loop). Often the pathology is irreversible and death is possible.


First aid must be provided to every child when vomiting occurs. To prevent dehydration, you need to drink enough plain water or diluted with lemon juice. There is a medicinal alternative - this is a solution of Regidron, which has a salt base and promotes fluid retention in the body.

No food or medicine should be given on your own until emergency medical assistance arrives, so as not to erase the symptoms of the disease. The child should lie on his side to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract, as this is fraught with the development of aspiration and asphyxia (suffocation).

After diagnosis, specialists decide possible treatment tactics. For gallbladder kinks, stenosis and intestinal obstruction, surgical treatment is more often performed. Acute pancreatitis, infections of various natures and poisoning are treated conservatively; if a serious condition develops, hospitalization in a specialized hospital is indicated.

There are some folk remedies used for vomiting bile:

  1. 1. Beet juice. The root vegetable must be boiled, grated, placed in cheesecloth and squeezed. Take the resulting juice 3 times a day, 15 ml before meals.
  2. 2. Dill seeds. Take 1 teaspoon of seeds and pour a glass of water, boil. For nausea, take 30 ml 3 times a day.
  3. 3. Vegetable juices. Any freshly squeezed vegetable juices will be helpful for nausea or vomiting.

Before using these products, you should consult your doctor, because there are contraindications.

With the help of vomiting, the human body gets rid of harmful and toxic substances that can cause poisoning. This reflex is caused by a sharp muscle contraction and lowering of the diaphragm.

Vomiting bile in a child can have various causes, ranging from poor nutrition to problems with the liver, gall bladder, intestines, viral diseases or hepatitis. In any case, vomiting can be a warning sign. In order to establish the causes of the phenomenon, you need to take into account the child’s age and know what he ate in the last 24 hours.

First of all, you need to sit the child down: this position will not allow vomit to enter the respiratory tract. If the child is still small, he can be laid down, but his head should be turned to the side. It is necessary to provide access to fresh air into the room.

After the vomit stops coming out, the child needs to rinse his mouth and drink some water. You can give him a small amount of fructose, glucose, Atoxyl or Regidron solution. These substances will help soothe the inflamed mucous membranes and stop dehydration, but you should not give them too much to drink.

You need to take them one teaspoon every ten minutes; as often as possible, depending on how you feel. You should not give your baby medications, especially strong antibiotics, before he has been examined by a doctor.

If the child continues to vomit, a certain diet should be followed. Until the vomiting stops, the baby must stop any artificial formula and leave only breast milk on the menu.

It is advisable not to feed older babies for the next five hours after an attack. After this, you can give rice porridge and vegetable puree. Food should not be fatty, spicy, fried or have large particles.

Causes of childhood vomiting, symptoms and treatment

Vomiting bile can occur for various reasons, and before doing anything, it is necessary to establish what caused it.

  1. An attack may be caused by improper functioning of the gallbladder. It is provoked by diseases such as cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. In these diseases, a large amount of bile is sent to the stomach, which causes the gag reflex.
  2. A common cause is viral hepatitis . In the acute stage of this disease, in addition to the main symptom, the appearance of loose stools is observed. The virus negatively affects the bile ducts and liver.
  3. Intestinal infections can cause vomiting. A defense reflex is triggered in the body, and the stomach urgently empties. Excess bile enters the stomach and is also released when there is no more food left.
  4. The most common cause is poor nutrition: most often these are fatty and spicy dishes. Young children should not be fed foods that are not appropriate for their age group. Violation of the diet for young children often ends in vomiting. A child’s enzyme system develops until the age of 9 and is often unable to absorb what an adult can absorb. Such foods are not digested in the baby's body. Due to their retention in the stomach, the food eaten begins to rot, which the stomach gets rid of by vomiting.
  5. Vomit may also indicate poisoning. Children often put anything in their mouth. Harmful substances, bacteria, and stale foods can enter the body.

Preventing Dehydration

Vomiting, like diarrhea, causes dehydration. In order to prevent this, the child must drink enough water. However, you should not drink too much at once; this may cause an attack again, since the walls of the stomach are irritated.

You can offer your child a solution of glucose or salts from pharmaceutical powders. You can make a similar solution yourself: to do this you need to mix sugar, salt and soda. Mix the substances in a small amount in a glass of water. You need to use a teaspoon of the solution every 10 minutes.

After the child’s vomiting of bile stops, you need to monitor his diet. Avoid fatty, smoked, spicy and fried foods. You will also need to remove fruits and vegetables in any form from the menu.

Over the next few days, the child can be given chicken broth, herbal tea, and jelly. Usual products can be added gradually, after 2-3 days.

During the first 7–12 hours, the child needs to replenish the fluid supply at the rate of 50 ml per 1 kg of weight. Then the amount of liquid can be reduced to 10 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Simple boiled water, decoctions of various herbs or rose hips are suitable for this. Continue these procedures for 4 days.

Adverse measures for nausea and vomiting

When vomiting, you should not do gastric lavage; its mucous membrane is already inflamed. Under no circumstances should the procedure be carried out using potassium permanganate: this can seriously harm the baby.

Is it necessary to call a doctor?

Vomiting in children can be caused by various reasons, so you will still need to see a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. Only a specialist can determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

An urgent visit to a doctor is necessary if the child is bothered by acute abdominal pain, you notice an increase in temperature, vomiting does not stop for a long time and is accompanied by diarrhea. In this case, poisoning with drugs or low-quality products is possible.

It is important to monitor the child's proper nutrition, however, if vomiting is caused by other reasons, immediate medical attention is required.

You should not self-medicate, as you will not be able to make the correct diagnosis on your own, and incorrect actions may result in emergency hospitalization. Before giving your child any medications, you should consult a specialist.

Useful video about the causes of vomiting in a child

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Vomiting in babies can occur due to the fact that all organs and systems of the body are not fully formed. An infection that enters an immature digestive system will cause a more violent reaction in a child’s body than in an adult. Eating fatty, salty or sour foods the day before can cause yellow vomit in a child.

Causes of bilious vomiting in a child

There may be several reasons why a child may vomit bile. The main ones include:

  1. Poisoning that occurred. Intoxication could be caused by poor-quality food, taking medications to which the child has an individual intolerance, etc. The temperature ranged from 37.5, 38.5 degrees.
  2. Cholecystitis. It occurs as a result of the inflammatory process in the gallbladder, and the subsequent failure of its normal functioning. The disease is characterized by excessive production of bile, which, when it enters the stomach, provokes irritation and a gag reflex.
  3. Wrong diet. The body may react with nausea and vomiting to foods that are not appropriate for the child’s age. The enzymes present in the baby’s body cannot fully process heavy, salty, fatty foods. Against the background of their retention in the gastrointestinal tract, the fermentation process occurs. This causes vomiting.
  4. Infection. When harmful microorganisms penetrate, the body reacts to the infection, which contains bile.
  5. Viral hepatitis. This disease is characterized by liver damage. Hepatitis in the acute stage is accompanied by bile.
  6. Acute appendicitis. It is accompanied not only by gagging, but also by loose stools, the frequency of which reaches 7–10 times a day.
  7. Intestinal obstruction. This pathology requires urgent contact with a specialist who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

How to help a child

If vomiting occurs, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, it is necessary to calm the small child, provide him with peace and temporarily stop his physical activity.

There is no need to feed your baby while vomiting. The only exception is children in the first year of life, who must be fed with breast milk.

Carry out a number of procedures that will improve the baby:

  1. Rinse the stomach with warm clean water. Offer your child to drink in small sips. The amount of liquid drunk should be at least three glasses;
  2. Give your child activated charcoal. Crush the tablets (1 tablet per 10 kilograms of body weight is calculated) and dissolve in 100 ml of water. An alternative is smecta. Mix 1 packet in a glass of water. Divide the reception into several times.
  3. Put the baby to bed. Place a pillow under your head so that your head is higher than your body. It is forbidden to place the baby on his back. This can cause choking on vomit. It is allowed to place the child on the right side to prevent a rush of bile.
  4. If the child's condition is accompanied by fever, give him an antipyretic (nurofen syrup, analdim suppositories, children's paracetamol in syrup). At a temperature below 37.4 degrees, there is no need to give an antipyretic.

While the medical team is waiting, you should not leave the little patient alone, feed him, or perform gastric lavage with saline or manganese solution.

Vomiting of bile in infants

Vomiting of bile in a child without fever can occur due to improper latching on the breast during feeding. When breastfeeding, a large amount of air enters the baby's stomach, which causes vomiting. If the baby does not feed on the mother’s breast, but on formula, vomiting can be caused by ordinary overeating or an excessive number of feedings per day, which is not appropriate for the child’s age.

The incessant urge to empty the stomach should cause concern for parents. And also if the baby’s vomit has a green tint and contains mucus. This may be a consequence of pyloric stenosis. This disease is caused by the pathological structure of the opening that connects the intestines to the stomach. It can be so narrow that it will be an obstacle even for food in liquid form.

If your baby has a hard stomach, vomiting does not stop, stool contains bloody inclusions, or the body temperature is elevated, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Should I see a doctor to treat vomiting?

The threat to the health and life of the baby increases if its age does not exceed 12 months. Self-medication can worsen the child's condition. Therefore, calling an ambulance is mandatory. Timely diagnosis of vomiting will help in treatment, which will relieve the baby from the consequences of vomiting on his health.

If, after a doctor’s examination and tests, any disease is detected, the baby will be admitted to the hospital for further treatment. It will consist of the following points:

  • taking rehydration medications. They will restore the disturbed water-electrolyte balance of the body. One of these drugs is rehydron;
  • antibacterial drugs. Indicated in case of diagnosis of intestinal infection. Azithromycin and cefixime have proven themselves well;
  • taking sorbents. They are good at removing toxins and other harmful substances from the body. In addition to activated carbon and smecta, children can drink atoxil and enterosgel. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician;
  • antispasmodic drugs. They are able to eliminate painful sensations that appear against the background of smooth muscle spasm. For young children, it is permissible to use no-shpa or drotaverine;
  • Motilium and Cerucal are used as drugs that will stop it.

There are some diseases that can only be eliminated through surgery. For example, with pyloric stenosis, acute appendicitis, intestinal obstruction.

If you provide a sick child with first aid and medical care in a timely manner, you can confidently hope for a speedy recovery without further health consequences. In severe cases, treatment is carried out in hospital. If vomiting occurs in an infant or premature baby, treatment of even a mild degree of the disease should be in a hospital under round-the-clock medical supervision.

Folk recipes for restoring digestion in a child

You can restore a child’s digestive system when vomiting bile using traditional medicine methods. However, do not forget that the treatment is carried out on very young children, and such methods also have contraindications. Therefore, you should first consult with your pediatrician.

These treatment methods include:

  • juice from vegetables. It is recommended to combine potato, cabbage and carrot juice;
  • pumpkin seeds. They help normalize bile production. Children over three years old can be given up to five seeds every day;
  • flax seeds. Restores digestion and pancreatic function. The decoction will require 50 g of seeds. Pour water over them and boil for 45 minutes over low heat. Drink 1 teaspoon before meals every morning;
  • dill infusion Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a spoon of grated greens and let it brew for 3 hours. Regular intake will relieve the baby from bloating;
  • beet juice Eliminates bile stagnation, improves the condition after repeated vomiting. Grind the boiled beets and squeeze through cheesecloth. Drink juice 1 tsp. twice a day half an hour before meals.

Even an increase in temperature often does not cause young parents to panic as much as vomiting in a child, especially if there are no obvious reasons such as malnutrition or the flu virus, and the baby does not have diarrhea or abdominal pain. Why might this situation happen? What if attacks often recur, and in what situation is surgical treatment required?

The gag reflex algorithm is based on spasm of the digestive organs, as well as the abdominal muscles. The contents of the stomach, when the outlet is blocked, rises upward, where the entrance to the stomach opens, and then moves along the dilated esophagus. Mostly vomit is expelled through the mouth, but in some cases it can go through the nose. The posterior part of the brain, where the vomiting center is located, is responsible for this process.

Vomiting in children and adults can be noticed in its infancy stage, as it is accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • increased swallowing;
  • increased secretion of saliva;
  • feeling of heaviness in the throat;
  • epigastric pain (if vomiting is associated with digestive problems).

Mostly the contents of the digestive tract come out, represented by food debris mixed with gastric juice, but it is possible that the following will be observed in the vomit:

  • pus;
  • bile;
  • blood.


Most of the prerequisites for vomiting are related to the state of the digestive tract: from the entry of a foreign body into the esophagus, which cannot be coughed up for a long time (typical of a child under one year old), to food poisoning or exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is possible to give an answer to why the child started vomiting only after studying the associated factors and the nature of the vomit. Among the particularly obvious causes of a gastroenterological nature are:

  • acute gastritis;
  • bile duct dysfunction;
  • liver diseases;
  • acute appendicitis.

Infectious diseases can also cause vomiting, and they may not even be accompanied by fever. The urge to cleanse the stomach is a frequent symptom of intoxication of any nature, so it can occur during the flu, during a helminthic infestation, and even during long-term treatment with antibiotics. An additional nuance is an allergy to medications that irritate the gastric mucosa, which provokes a gag reflex.

Separately, doctors note the influence of psychogenic factors and diseases characterized by disorders of the nervous system. A sudden attack (from the point of view of the health of the gastrointestinal tract and the “purity” of the diet – causeless) can be provoked by:

  • strong excitement;
  • stress;
  • meningitis;
  • concussion;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

No temperature

If the stool is normal, there are no symptoms of a viral disease, but weakness is observed, there are complaints of headache or dizziness, and neurological abnormalities are possible that provoke pressure on the posterior part of the brain. Some of these conditions are caused by congenital disorders acquired during the formation of the fetus or as a result of birth trauma. Thus, in case of cerebral pathology, vomiting is observed in a fountain. If we consider acquired neurological disorders, these may be:

  • head injuries, including concussion;
  • meningitis;
  • brain tumors.

No fever or diarrhea

In diseases of the nervous system, after experiencing a psycho-emotional breakdown, severe shock, or a sharp jump in arterial or intracranial pressure in a small child, doctors do not deny functional vomiting. In infants, everything is often limited to copious regurgitation, especially after feeding, since the digestive tract is not yet perfect. In older children, the cause of such a functional reaction is an unstable psyche - neurotic vomiting can occur in response to:

  • punishment;
  • compulsion;
  • quarrel.

Separately, doctors distinguish psychogenic vomiting, which occurs during force feeding when the child refuses food. There are no health problems. All these cases are not symptoms of serious pathologies and they mostly disappear on their own as the nervous system develops, but they can also be observed in a teenager. Treatment in such a situation should be aimed at normalizing the psycho-emotional background, often requiring a visit to a psychologist.

Vomiting and diarrhea in a child without fever

Attempts by the body to cleanse the stomach that are not associated with infections and viruses may be associated with diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders (especially with diabetes). Often without fever, but with diarrhea, vomiting is symptoms of poisoning or an allergic reaction to certain food components: gluten, lactose, glucose. Rejection of fruits and vegetables is possible, especially in children. An active cough during exacerbation of bronchitis also provokes the onset of the process.

Frequent vomiting

Frequent vomiting is also possible in the following cases:

  • severe poisoning;
  • acute gastrointestinal diseases (mainly after eating);
  • problems with the endocrine system.

The child is vomiting and has a stomach ache, no fever

If the attack is continuous, it may be associated with helminthic infestation or be a sign of appendicitis (pain will appear to the right of the navel). Particularly severe causes of vomiting in children without fever, but with abdominal pain:

  • exacerbation of ulcers;
  • erosive gastritis;
  • polyposis

Green color

Cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis and even reflux disease are the most obvious reasons for the release of green vomit. Attacks may be frequent, and therefore the child gradually loses weight. The acquisition of a clear green tint in the released stomach contents can be explained not only by the presence of bile in it, but also by the recent consumption of spinach, dill, and other products of a similar color.

With fever without diarrhea

If a child catches a viral infection, which manifests itself as a high temperature on the first day, and the next morning the condition has not improved, the nausea will be permanent and may result in an urge to cleanse the intestines. Long-term preservation of temperature during acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections is intoxication, which each body fights in its own way. It is especially difficult to tolerate in infancy and preschool age: doctors advise calling an ambulance if, against the background of a rise in temperature that lasts more than a day, vomiting occurs, but the stool is normal.


If the baby wakes up due to strong gag reflexes, and then the stomach is cleansed, there is a risk that the cause is a duodenal ulcer. An additional factor confirming this diagnosis is abdominal pain, which subsides after the masses are released, but for several hours. However, not every case of peptic ulcer manifests itself as a night attack, but only with excessive production of gastric juice and its increased acidity. There are no food particles or additional impurities in the vomit - it is only gastric juice.

With regard to a single urge that occurred at night, especially in a small child, we can assume:

  • fright;
  • long-term horizontal position for gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • evening overeating;
  • stuffiness in the apartment.

With bile

The appearance of bile in vomit primarily indicates problems with the organs that produce it. In rare cases, this may even be characteristic of an upset stomach, but mainly the problem is in the functioning of the gallbladder, pancreas, and bile ducts. Liver diseases cannot be ruled out. It is necessary to clarify whether the child has congenital pathologies of these organs - against their background, even a slight nutritional error can provoke a gag reflex. This is especially noticeable in children whose diet their parents begin to expand with heavy foods.

Additionally, the appearance of bile is typical for:

  • infectious diseases that are accompanied by severe and frequent attacks of gastric emptying;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • viral hepatitis.

After meal

If, within 20-30 minutes from the moment of eating, the child notices the appearance of urges or the digestive tract is emptied, there is a risk that the reason lies in overeating or the quality of nutrition. Firstly, this may be a reaction of weak bile ducts to foods that are too fatty: hard on the pancreas and liver. Secondly, the stomach can react similarly if a product of poor quality gets into it, or if there is a history of an ulcer or acute gastritis. Additionally, the child will complain that his stomach hurts or that he has heartburn.


Emetology studies gag reflexes, but there are no separate specialists in this field yet, so if you are concerned about constant nausea in a child, even in the absence of other symptoms of deterioration in health, you need to visit a gastroenterologist. He will conduct an initial examination using abdominal palpation, get acquainted with the complaints, and then may send you to a neurologist or issue a referral to:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • FEGDS (insertion of a probe through the esophagus);
  • X-ray of the stomach with contrast agent;
  • analysis of stool, urine and blood.

What to do

Before deciding how to treat vomiting in a child, you need to find out exactly why it happened. Additionally, you should decide on its nature: periodic attacks can be easily stopped with dopamine blockers, vestibular nausea is also prevented. If all the additional symptoms of digestive problems appear - uncontrollable diarrhea, vomit with bile, abdominal pain, you need to call a pediatrician. Your doctor should advise you on specific effective medications for children.

First aid

The main thing that parents need to do is to calm their child, since an abundance of gag reflexes can provoke a panic attack, and if they are accompanied by attacks of bile release, loss of consciousness, etc., this becomes severe stress for the baby. Afterwards, he may be left with psychological trauma and a subconscious fear of repetition. Regarding how to help a child with vomiting, doctors give several tips:

  • To prevent dangerous symptoms of dehydration, the child should be provided with plenty of fluids (clean water only), especially if multiple attacks are observed.
  • Give the baby a solution of Smecta (1 sachet per glass of warm water), which must be drunk very slowly. If this medicine is not available, use activated charcoal.
  • When vomiting, an infant should be held almost vertically; an adult should be placed so that the head is significantly higher than the body.

Drug treatment

The use of medications has 2 goals: to eliminate the cause that provoked the urge to vomit, and to eliminate a particularly disturbing symptom. In the latter situation, it is practiced to prescribe antiemetic drugs that relieve spasm and act on the brain. The most effective and safe are Cerucal, Domperidone, Motilium. In addition to them, the following can be used:

  • Glucose-saline solutions, among which Regidron, Gastrolit, Gidrovit are especially recommended, can be taken after each vomiting attack to prevent dehydration.
  • Sorbents - Bifidumbacterin, Polysorb, Enterosgel are necessary if there is excessive emptying of the stomach due to poisoning, loose stools.
  • Sedatives - if the baby is restless and the gag reflex is intensified by spasms from strong crying. Barbiturates are predominantly used.
  • Neuroleptics - make sense in case of drug intoxication, recommended for the treatment of cerebral vomiting.
  • Antibiotics - only for intestinal infections, prescribed by a doctor after an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment with folk remedies

Regarding what to give a child when vomiting without fever, so that it does not harm the child’s body, Dr. Komarovsky advises resorting to herbs with an antispasmodic effect: mint leaves, dill seeds and even green tea with lemon. However, they will only weaken the intensity of the urge to vomit, but will not cure the baby. A full course of therapy should be drawn up after the diagnosis has been clarified.

Therapeutic diet

Even in the absence of gastrointestinal diseases, doctors advise taking care of the baby’s diet, removing heavy foods from him for a month. Food is steamed or boiled, fed in small portions and removed from the menu:

  • juices and soda;
  • confectionery;
  • meat;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits;
  • canned food


In case of pathologies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting attacks can be prevented by correcting nutrition, but in relation to infectious diseases, even strengthening the immune system may be powerless. If the doctor suggests a surgical pathology, long-term observation by a specialist will be required to see how it develops. If the situation worsens, medication cannot be avoided; surgery is not ruled out.


Vomiting is a reflex act that leads to emptying of the stomach or, less commonly, the duodenum. This process is controlled by the vomiting center located in the medulla oblongata. Vomit can vary in composition and include food debris, as well as bile, mucus, gastric juice, pus, or traces of blood.

In some diseases of the digestive system, central nervous system disorders, intoxication with alcohol, food or drugs, vomiting of bile may occur. Also, this condition is often observed in women in early pregnancy during the period of toxicosis. Vomiting is one of the ways the body self-cleanses harmful substances and, as a rule, after it a person’s condition improves. For effective treatment and prevention of recurrences of vomiting in the future, it is important to accurately determine the cause of the gag reflex.

Signs of vomiting bile

Bile is one of the biological fluids of the human body, which is produced by special liver cells (hepatocytes) and accumulates in the gallbladder. It has a yellow color with a greenish or brown tint, a specific smell and a bitter taste. The main function of bile is to actively participate in the process of digesting food.

Vomiting of bile is usually preceded by such phenomena as a feeling of nausea, increased salivation, increased respiratory rate, and involuntary swallowing movements. Vomit containing bile is distinguished by a yellow-green color and a bitter taste, the sensation of which persists for a long time in the oral cavity.

Possible causes of vomiting bile

When a person vomits bile, the reasons can be very different, ranging from ordinary food or alcohol poisoning to serious pathologies of the digestive system. Only a doctor can determine exactly why it happened after conducting a full examination of the patient. Sometimes vomiting can be caused by high fever, nervous disorders, circulatory disorders and brain diseases.

Digestive diseases

One of the symptoms of certain pathologies of the digestive system may be vomiting bile. These include:

  • liver diseases;
  • bile reflux;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts (calculous cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, biliary colic);
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • cyclic vomiting syndrome;
  • obstruction of the small intestine.

During an attack of biliary colic, the patient experiences bloating, severe pain, increased body temperature, vomiting and nausea. In this case, the vomit contains bile impurities. Attacks of vomiting during biliary colic usually recur every two hours and do not bring significant relief to the person.
Exacerbation of cholecystitis is accompanied by intense, gradually increasing pain in the right hypochondrium, yellowing of the skin and white membrane of the eyes, and itching of the skin. Attacks of vomiting bile appear in most cases after eating fatty or fried foods, are repeated frequently and are characterized by a certain periodicity. A similar clinical picture is observed in liver diseases.

The cause of vomiting bile can also be bile reflux, which develops against the background of a peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum, or as a result of surgical interventions in this area. This is a condition in which bile from the duodenum enters the higher parts of the gastrointestinal tract - the stomach, esophagus and sometimes the oral cavity. Large amounts of bile in the stomach provoke heartburn, nausea and the gag reflex.

Abdominal pain and vomiting may be symptoms of serious illness

Cyclic vomiting syndrome, accompanied by the release of bile from the body, is a condition in which attacks of vomiting occur for no apparent reason, even if the person is completely healthy, and last up to 10 days in a row. Frequent vomiting irritates the walls of the stomach and stimulates an increase in the production of bile, which the body tries to get rid of.

Intestinal obstruction is another reason that causes bile vomiting. With this pathology, food cannot move down the intestines, which causes its reverse movement through the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, vomiting. This disease occurs most often due to congenital defects in the structure of the intestine. Along with vomiting, patients experience severe abdominal pain and constipation. Intestinal obstruction can also be caused by duodenal stenosis, appendicitis, duodenostasis and other pathologies.

Pancreatitis includes a number of inflammatory diseases of the pancreas. One of its symptoms is severe, profuse vomiting mixed with bile, as well as severe pain in the upper right part of the abdomen, which increases when standing or sitting and decreases when lying down.

Important: Attacks of vomiting bile in the morning indicate in most cases that a person has liver or biliary tract diseases. If this symptom is detected, it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist and undergo an examination in order to avoid aggravation of the condition and the development of serious complications.

Intoxication of the body

Intoxication of the body, which is almost always accompanied by bouts of vomiting, can be caused by:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • medications (aminophylline, opiate analgesics, cytostatics);
  • chemicals;
  • low-quality food products.

Alcohol abuse is a fairly common cause of nausea and subsequent vomiting. With the constant consumption of large quantities of alcohol, irritation of the gastric mucosa occurs, which inevitably provokes a gag reflex. This is a protective reaction of the body, which thus tries to remove poisons and toxins that have entered it. If, after drinking drinks containing alcohol, a person vomits over time, this is a sign of the development of serious health problems, in particular with the gastrointestinal tract.

When drinking large doses of alcohol, vomiting of bile often occurs afterwards.

Important: Alcohol intoxication is a very dangerous condition for the body, which causes impaired coordination of movements, memory and speech, intestinal disorders, headaches and muscle pain, weakness, nausea and vomiting.


Vomiting of bile during early pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon caused by toxicosis. In this case, a woman often experiences vomiting as soon as she wakes up in the morning and gets out of bed. The reason for this condition is hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. If during toxicosis vomiting does not occur very often (up to 5 times a day) and does not cause much concern, then it does not need to be treated. This period usually lasts up to 20 weeks and you just need to get through it.

However, vomiting of bile during pregnancy is associated not only with toxicosis, but also with exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system (pancreatitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, etc.). During the period of bearing a child, the load on all internal organs of a woman, including the liver, intestines, pancreas, and stomach, increases significantly.

During pregnancy, an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract may occur, one of the symptoms of which is vomiting.

Treatment of vomiting with bile

How to stop vomiting bile? It is very important to first determine the reason that caused this phenomenon. With a single attack of vomiting without subsequent relapses, not accompanied by other symptoms, no special treatment is needed. Diet and adequate fluid intake are recommended. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations and, based on their results, will be able to make a diagnosis and select treatment. If vomiting is a consequence of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, then its elimination is possible only if the underlying disease is cured. In certain cases, your doctor may prescribe special antiemetic medications.

If the body is intoxicated with alcohol or other substances, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage if vomiting of bile occurs. What should I do for this? A person is given to drink about 2 liters of warm water at a time while sitting, and then he should independently induce a gag reflex. In the future, after cleansing the stomach, to prevent dehydration, you should drink small portions of still mineral water (5–20 ml each) every 15 minutes. To speed up the removal of toxins from the body, sorbents and a strict diet are prescribed.

Important: In case of myocardial infarction, high blood pressure, cholelithiasis, gastritis or peptic ulcer, gastric lavage is contraindicated.

To prevent and treat dehydration with excessive and prolonged vomiting, you need to drink plenty of water.

After an attack of vomiting, the patient is advised to rest and take a special diet. The duration of compliance with this regimen is determined by the doctor. The diet consists of completely avoiding fatty, spicy and fried foods, smoked foods, pickles, caffeine, and carbonated drinks.

What to do if a child vomits bile? Only a pediatrician can answer this question. Problems with the stomach and digestive system are among the most common in childhood. Babies put everything in their mouths and may react negatively to various types of food. Most often these are spicy, salty and fatty foods. Therefore, a child may vomit bile, although sometimes this can be a sign of the development of serious diseases.

Why might a child vomit bile?

Vomiting is easy to recognize; the main symptoms of this condition may be:

  • stomach urges;
  • contractions of the esophagus;
  • nausea;
  • all content will be released last.

Vomiting bile in a child indicates that the following organs are affected:

  • pancreas;
  • liver;
  • bile ducts.

Bile has a yellow-green color, and there is a constant bitter taste in the mouth that cannot be interrupted and eliminated. Therefore, if babies begin to vomit bile, you need to find out the cause of this condition in order to adequately respond to it. It is better not to self-medicate, but to call a doctor, especially if vomiting does not go away for a long time. Only a specialist can determine what to do if vomiting occurs.

Causes of vomiting

First of all, parents must calm down in order to correctly determine the cause of the appearance of bile. The main reasons include the following.

Eating so-called “adult” food, which usually includes foods inappropriate for age, fatty and spicy foods. For example, chips, snacks, crackers, etc. Parents, wanting to switch their children to a more adult diet, do not take into account the characteristics of each age and the body’s ability to digest enzymes. For some foods, the enzyme system in the body may not be sufficiently developed, so as early as eight to nine years old, a child may experience vomiting accompanied by bile.

Gallbladder disease. This may be cholecystitis or cholelithiasis, which are caused by improper functioning of the stomach. The release of a large amount of bile into the stomach can provoke a gag reflex, nausea and an attack of vomiting.

The presence of viral hepatitis in the acute stage. This is why the baby vomits bile, stools are disrupted, and damage to the liver and bile ducts occurs. This is due to a virus that penetrates the body and begins to actively act in the body of children.

Children often experience stomach upset due to intestinal infections caused by bacteria and viruses. Due to intoxication, the body puts up a protective barrier and begins to react to the presence of irritants by vomiting. With repeated emptying of the stomach, bile begins to flow into it, which begins to come out with repeated vomiting.

Foods that the child’s body cannot digest enter the stomach. Therefore, food begins to gradually accumulate and linger in the body. As a result, leftover food can ferment and rot, and the body must get rid of these toxins. The consequence of such processes is vomiting with the release of bile.

Sometimes vomiting is a symptom of more serious diseases, when the body is poisoned, a viral and bacterial attack is observed. Only doctors can provide qualified assistance in such cases, and they must rinse the stomach in various ways.

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