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The fight against cancer continues to be relevant to this day. In an attempt to help our patients, the MEDTRAVEL CLUB team found very interesting material about homeopathic medicines that came to us from India, whose effectiveness has been proven in many countries. Considering that there is almost no information on this issue in Russian, we tried to study this topic as widely as possible and hope that the material will be useful to you.

Homeopathy and Banerji Protocols


Dr. Prasanta Banerjee
Founder/Manager of Prazanta Banerjee Research Foundation

Dr. Pratip Banerjee
Co-founder and representative manager of the Prazant Banerjee Research Foundation
Kolkata, West Bengal, India

General information:

Homeopathic medicinal preparations intended to combat various types of cancer.

Banerji Protocols are used in 60 countries by homeopathic doctors with the same effectiveness as Banerji's doctors themselves. The drugs also cope with the consequences of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. According to statistical data, in a group of 21,888 cases of patients with malignant tumors, the following were observed:

21% complete recovery
23% improvement
24% did not continue treatment
32% exacerbation of disease/death

Classical homeopathy has recognized Banerji Protocols as a very effective method of treatment and is currently successfully using the work of Dr. Banerji.

Banerjdi's drugs against brain and breast cancer were tested by scientists from MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA. The results, which were subsequently published in the International Journal of Oncology, showed that the drug works to destroy cancer cells without affecting healthy cells.

The drugs are carefully selected on an individual basis: they look at how the cancer developed and what form the metastasis took. Be sure to consider the symptoms and their dynamics throughout the medical history. All this significantly influences the choice of a particular drug. After the patient has achieved recovery, the drug is continued to be taken for three months, then the dose is gradually reduced.

Difference between traditional medicine and homeopathy.

The goal of traditional medicine is to control disease by taking medications, even if those medications are just vitamins. If the patient stops taking the medication, then the disease, sooner or later, returns.

Homeopathy targets the human immune system. Homeopathic medicines, taken according to symptoms, make the immune system stronger than the disease itself, which will lead to the person coping with the disease. In the case of traditional medicine, everything happens exactly the opposite - the drugs act on the disease itself, its source. First, the patient is diagnosed, the infection is identified, medications are selected, and then these medications fight the disease cells. What happens is that medications kill cancer cells along with healthy ones, causing irreparable harm to the patient and leaving side effects. For many deficiency diseases, traditional medicine proposes to correct the deficiency by taking certain medications throughout life. For example, in cases of hypothyroidism, thyroxine deficiency is corrected by oral administration of OT throughout life. The homeopathic approach is fundamentally different - the patient is prescribed specific medications that activate the thyroid gland. This effect persists even when the patient stops taking the medication. Dr. Banerjee has enough evidence for this, which you can find on their official website.

Specific examples of some Banerji Protocols homeopathic remedies:

Lycopodium 30CH: for excess fluid in any area of ​​the body (hydrocephalus, cerebral edema caused by tumors, pleurisy, pulmonary edema, ascites, etc.)
Carcinosinum: promotes weakening of defense in tumor areas. Improves the immune system. Relieves pain in cancer.
Kali carbonicum: for lung cancer, damage to the soft tissues of the body.
Thuja: for hard tissue tumors.
Ferrum phos-3X: hemoptysis.
Hepar sulfur: for dry cough in case of lung cancer.
Arsenicum album 3CH: stomach ulcer.
Arsenicum album 6 CH: sneezing, runny nose, cold.
Arsenicum album 200CH: skin ulcers, rash.
Medorrhinum: in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, kidney failure and arthritis.
Symphytum 200CH: effective for any disorders of bone tissue
Camphora 200CH: Taken to clear the pharmacological effects of Banerjee's drugs. Auxiliary

"FOTOSTIM" accumulates in cancer cells. After photoactivation by daylight, cells die . Restores the body from chemotherapy, radiation therapy.

Price: 7200 rub. Delivery within the Russian Federation.

post-operative homeopathic treatment

Often even after successful surgery the person becomes worse, which can sometimes “negate” all the efforts and skill of the surgeon. In the postoperative period, there is a high probability of postoperative complications, such as postoperative bleeding, a state of intoxication after the operation itself due to tissue trauma and prolonged anesthesia. During this period, complications may appear such as:

intestinal paresis with symptoms of postoperative intestinal obstruction;

poor healing of postoperative wounds;

suppuration of postoperative wounds;

the formation of rough scars, fistulas or lymphedema, which is especially typical for oncological operations with removal of lymph nodes and impaired lymphatic circulation.

In order to prevent them or eliminate emerging disorders, homeopathy uses:

f for the prevention or treatment of complications after anesthesia - agaricus, nux vomica, gelsemin;

for the prevention and treatment of bleeding or disorders in the blood coagulation system - lachesis, naia, arnica, ledum, phosphorus, sulphuricum acidum;

for disturbances in the functioning of the intestines associated with surgery - opium, hydrastis;

for sluggish or poor tissue healing after surgery - silicea, strontium carbonicum, boldo, pulsatilla;

for purulent postoperative complications - hepar sulfur, sulfur iodine;

when forming rough postoperative scars - graphite, fluorica acidum, causticum;

during the formation of fistula tracts - silicea, strontium carbonicum,

in case of postoperative lymphedema - apis, aurum metallicum, barita carbonica.

Often, phantom pain may appear in a missing organ or in the area of ​​a surgical scar. In this case, allium cepa, staphysagria, ledum, calendula, bellis perennis, hypericum are used.

Studies conducted at a homeopathic oncology clinic in Switzerland reveal a significant increase in the average survival rate of patients who received homeopathic treatment before and after surgery. It is noted that the period postoperative recovery goes away much faster when accompanied by individually selected homeopathic remedies.

getting ready for surgery

There are three main methods of treating malignant tumors: surgery, radiation and drugs. Each of the main treatment methods can be used alone or in combination with others. Surgical treatment has always been used for tumors, and Oncology itself emerged from the depths of surgery. Today, surgical treatment remains the leading method of treating tumor diseases.

As oncology developed, the possibilities of surgical treatment and its boundaries were determined. Surgery cannot always completely solve the problems of a cancer patient; sometimes it becomes impossible due to the severity of the patient’s condition or the high prevalence of the tumor process. In addition, it is always necessary to remember that even the most radical surgical operation is a form of struggle not with the cause that gave rise to the disease, but only with its consequence.

Whatever the development of surgery, there is always room for auxiliary treatment that contributes to the success of the surgery itself. Homeopathy, which has a large arsenal of therapeutic agents and is guided by the principles of an individual approach, is a good assistant to the surgical method of treatment. It is important that almost all remedies used in traditional medicine, including antibiotics, can be used in conjunction with homeopathic remedies.

Some pathological changes in the body are caused not by the operation itself, but by its anticipation. The patient develops anxiety, various latent and obvious neurological disorders develop, and sleep is disturbed. It has been proven that while waiting for surgery, even the clinical picture of the blood changes, the state of its protein fractions changes, and the physiological functions of the protein molecules themselves decrease. In particular, the ability of blood albumins to bind and transport biological substances important for life suffers, and without this property of albumins, no matter how many vitamins or other necessary substances the patient receives, they will not be able to get into the tissues.

For timely correction of such disorders, patients can be prescribed, taking into account their individual characteristics, homeopathic medicines to restore nervous and vegetative-trophic processes. The means of choice may be:

For various types of insomnia, - actea racemosa, coffea, hyoscyamus, conium, avena sativa, zincum valerianum, cypripedium, scylla, nux vomica;

For disorders of the nervous system in persons of an unbalanced type (cholerics) - bryonia, nux vomica, arsenicum album, cocculus;

For disorders in strong, balanced persons (sanguine people) - amber, aconite, lycopodium, calcarea phosphorica, sulfur;

getting ready for surgery

Means for reducing preoperative nervous tension in phlegmatic people - antimonium crudum, graphite, calcarea carbonica;

For people who are very impressionable and have a clear fear of surgery, Ignacy, Pulsatilla, Platinum, Sepia, Argentum Nitricum are recommended.

Often the tumor, which is still small in size, cannot be removed due to the poor general condition of the patient. Existing disturbances in the functioning of the heart or in the state of cerebral circulation make such an operation dangerous or impossible due to the threat of patient intolerance to the surgical intervention itself. To correct these disorders in order to create the conditions necessary for the surgical operation, the following homeopathic remedies can be used:

If you are prone to hypertensive crisis - aconite, crotalus, glonoin, naia;

For threatening pre-stroke conditions in patients with a red face - belladonna, glonoin, arnica, lachesis, opium;

For the same indications, cocculus, cuprum metallicum, secale cornutum are used in patients with a pale face;

In cases of excessively low blood pressure, camphor rubini, veratrum album, quinine, acidum phosphoricum, tabacum, carbo vegetabilis, arsenicum album, ammonium carbonicum are used to prepare the patient for surgery;

For various disorders of the heart, which are limiting factors for surgical treatment, aconite, veratrum album, arsenicum album, caffea, gelsemin, ignatia, arnica, crategus, digitalis, spigelia, naia, nux vomica, cactus are used;

For the homeopathic treatment of chronic bronchopulmonary diseases with asthmatic syndrome, which are often an obstacle to surgical treatment, aconite, cuprum metallicum, belladonna, arsenicum album, lachesis, hydrocyanicum acidum, laurocerase, strammonium, ipecac, iodium, sambucus, lobelia, ambergris, moshus, spongia are used .

Often, for patients with a developed tumor process, it becomes impossible to undergo the necessary surgery due to poor blood counts (anemia, bleeding disorders). To quickly prepare such patients for surgery, homeopathy uses phosphorus, carbo vegetabilis, laurocerase, lachesis, naia, quinine, quininum arsenicosum, manganum aceticum, cuprum arsenicosum, cuprum aceticum, ferrum phosphoricum, ferrum aceticum.

When preparing a patient for surgery, it is necessary to take into account which organ or area of ​​the body will be subject to surgical intervention. Taking into account the planned operation in homeopathy, preliminary “strengthening” of one or another organ is carried out using the following organotropic homeopathic remedies. For planned surgical interventions during the preoperative preparation period, the following are used:

on the brain - helleborus, hypericum;

on the liver - cardus marianus;

on the stomach and intestines - lombricum;

on the lungs - tropeolum;

on bones and joints - rus toxicodendron, stillingia, hecla lava, symphytum;

on the uterus - chamomilla, trillium;

on the glands - spongia, conium.

The individual meteorological reactivity (meteosensitivity) of the patient is of considerable importance, which in all cases is taken into account by the homeopath when preparing the patient for surgery. This always increases the chance of a favorable postoperative course.

To correct meteorological reactivity and eliminate possible weather-related deterioration of the patient’s condition, the following homeopathic remedies are used:

for people sensitive to thunderstorms - acidum phosphoricum, potassium phosphoricum, pulsatilla, sepia;

“barometer people” reacting to any weather changes - nitricum acidum, chelidonium, lachesis, magnesia phosphorica, melilotus, rhododendron;

for patients who are very sensitive to the slightest draft - capsicum, nux vomica, chamomilla;

for patients who do not tolerate warm rainy weather very well - Mercurius solubilis;

for patients who do not tolerate windy weather well - muriaticum acidum, allium flail, arsenicum iodine, ipecac, nux moshata.

Before preparing a patient for a radical operation, it is necessary to take into account that very often a growing but quiet tumor after surgical intervention can give an “explosion of metastases”, which occurs due to the insemination of the body with tumor cells, in which case the course of the pathological process acquires a new quality. To prevent these complications and reduce the likelihood of metastasis, viscum album, bovista, cactus, badyaga, strontium carbonicum, zinc metallicum are used.

Hidden early cancer II its homeopathic treatment

Unfortunately, at present, more than 3/4 of patients are admitted for treatment for cancer with already widespread or advanced processes. What is the reason for such a late recognition of the disease, since the modern level of diagnosis of various diseases is very high? Why don’t doctors feel confident in early detection of cancer? To answer these questions, you need to get to know with some features of the occurrence of the tumor process.

In the body of every healthy person, thousands of atypical mutant cells are generated and destroyed every minute from their own tissues. This self-protection process is possible due to the normal functioning of various internal antitumor surveillance mechanisms. What happens when these mechanisms, due to various reasons (chronic stress, chronic infections, chronic inflammation, hormonal imbalance, immune disorders, chronic intoxication, premature aging) begin to malfunction? One or more atypical cells are able to survive in a weakened body.

Due to the fact that these cells appear from their own normal cells, they are not recognized as foreign and continue their life in the body, but according to their own laws, not obeying regulatory centers. These abnormal cells are not cells that perform any useful function, they just constantly multiply and compete with normal cells for nutrients. The cell mass gradually increases and a tumor formation is formed, growing into neighboring organs.

Scientists have found that from the moment the first tumor cells are born and the onset of the tumor process to the appearance of the patient’s first complaints, months and even years can pass. Obvious symptoms of cancer (especially pain) appear as late manifestations of the disease as a result of significant spread of the cancer tumor deep into organs and tissues. The period of the latent, asymptomatic course of the disease before the appearance of its visible signs is three-quarters of the entire period of the disease! This is how much time a sick person and a doctor have to treat a tumor that is not yet widespread and weak.

Is it possible to determine the onset of a tumor disease?

For a long time (often even several years), the cancerous tumor that appears has microscopic dimensions; it does not yet disrupt the functioning of other organs and does not give any clear clinical manifestations. However, cancer cells, like all living cells, during their life processes produce and release various substances into the blood,

which spread throughout the body. Malignant cells, unlike normal cells, secrete pathological substances and have a toxic effect on the body. With small tumor sizes, the toxic effect is still weak. Often the initial signs of a malignant tumor are hidden under the masks of harmless and simple, at first glance, diseases that do not cause concern for the doctor or the patient himself. These diseases are not local manifestations of a cancerous tumor; they only accompany a latent tumor process. Their presence tells an experienced doctor as much as simple and familiar plants on the surface of the earth, signaling deeply hidden underground deposits, do to an experienced geologist.

Such clinical manifestations accompanying the tumor process are called paraneoplastic syndromes or diseases. The clinical picture of paraneoplastic manifestations is not related to the site of origin of the tumor itself or its metastases, but is formed as a result of the interaction between the tumor and the body.

The appearance of paraneoplastic syndromes often indicates the presence of a tumor process at a very early stage of its development and, sometimes, several months, and sometimes even several years, precedes the known clinical symptoms of cancer. They should not be confused with precancerous diseases, which precede cancer.

What diseases can be considered paraneoplastic?

A huge number of patients come to see a dermatologist, therapist, neurologist, etc. every day with a wide variety of complaints. It would be absurd to see every such patient as an oncological patient, and to regard ordinary eczema or varicose veins as a distant symptom of a tumor process. A reason for caution may be cases when a “banal” disease for a long time does not respond well to conventional treatment, when the patient simultaneously has several simple diseases, but with a very persistent course, which cannot, despite their apparent simplicity, be cured with conventional methods of therapy . Long-term illnesses or existing individual complaints of an unclear nature, which make it difficult to choose the specialist doctor to whom to contact, should also cause alarm.

Often, due to insufficient awareness among a wide range of doctors about the earliest signs of cancer, of those patients who even saw a doctor on time, only a few get to the oncologist at this initial stage. The rest continue to go from specialist to specialist. They are observed, treated unsuccessfully, and forced to take tests and undergo examinations again and again. This happens until the disease takes on the familiar ominous signs and becomes obvious.

One of the most common paraneoplastic manifestations of cancer internal organs are skin symptoms that appear much earlier than other clinical manifestations of the tumor process. In this regard, the words of one of the founders of the Russian dermatological school, Professor A.G. Polotebnov, are very relevant, who wrote: “Skin diseases are not moss, overgrowing granite.”

Paraneoplastic skin syndromes include a number of persistent skin diseases. Among them, the leading one is the dark coloration of the back of the neck, elbows, groin areas, around the navel, anus, external genitalia, and, less commonly, pigmentary dystrophy of the skin on the dorsum of the hands and feet. The skin in these places becomes rough, and it seems as if it is covered with sand. In addition, papillomatous and condylomatous growths of a dirty white color appear on the skin. Sometimes patients experience persistent itching.

Figured erythematous dermatoses often accompany the tumor process in the early stages of its development and can appear several months before the appearance of other signs of a malignant tumor. These are, as a rule, red skin spots of various shapes, covering various parts of the body, with persistent itching and a changing pattern, an unstable effect of the treatment without a tendency to a complete cure.

Itchy skin and its connection with cancer have long been known to oncologists. The appearance of persistent skin itching in various parts of the body may be the first and only early clinical symptom of a malignant tumor. Skin itching often appears suddenly and varies in intensity. It may itch the entire body or specific areas. For example, persistent itching of the nose can be observed with tumors of the cerebellum, vaginal itching with uterine cancer, and itching of the anal area with cancer of the rectum and prostate gland. With cancer of the internal organs, there is prolonged itching, mainly of the lower extremities.

Less commonly, paraneoplastic skin lesions manifest as persistent chronic recurrent urticaria.

In recent studies, a number of scientific reports have appeared on the possible connection of vitiligo - white depigmented spots on unchanged skin - with malignant tumors of internal organs. According to scientists, the development of vitiligo in some cases precedes the appearance of clinical symptoms of a malignant tumor by 2-3 years.

Persistent eczema as a paraneoplastic syndrome is also quite common. The development of paraneoplastic eczema can significantly advance other manifestations of the malignant process. Eczema as a paraneoplastic disease is most often observed in cancer of the breast, genital organs, and thyroid gland.

Other commonly encountered paraneoplastic syndromes include various osteoarticular manifestations. Of the osteoarticular diseases, the most important, as early manifestations of a latent tumor process, are rheumatoid arthritis, hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and isolated thickenings of the nail phalanges in the form of “drumsticks”.

Doctors are well aware that such osteoarticular changes occur against the background of many chronic inflammatory diseases. In contrast to paraneoplastic, these manifestations in chronic inflammatory diseases occur some time after the appearance of distinct inflammatory symptoms in a particular organ. The development of paraneoplastic osteoarticular diseases may precede the first clinical symptoms of cancer by several months or even years. These diseases, according to various oncologists, occur in 13 percent of cancer patients and are more often observed in latent cancer of the lung and gastrointestinal tract.

Fever (rise in body temperature) is of particular diagnostic importance in relation to paraneoplastic manifestations. Persistent and prolonged rises in body temperature, even at low values ​​(37.0-37.5 degrees) with an unclear cause, accompanied by a normal blood picture and not amenable to therapy, should always raise suspicion of a malignant tumor process. Most common prolonged fever observed in colon and rectal cancer, liver tumors, stomach cancer, uterine cancer and kidney tumors.

I have listed only some of the most common paraneoplastic syndromes. In fact, there are many more of them, and they can manifest themselves in various organs, occurring in the form of, for example, incomprehensible blood picture disorders, changes in the function of the endocrine glands, in the form of muscle weakness, thrombophlebitis, appetite disturbances, and voice changes. The development of the clinical picture of paraneoplastic syndromes is always individual, depends little on the type and location of the tumor, and is more related to the characteristics of each patient, the sensitivity of his organs and tissues to the toxins of cancer cells. This is what determines the diversity of clinical forms and manifestations of paraneoplastic syndromes.

I would like to once again draw your attention to the fact that paraneoplastic diseases are no longer precancerous, they arise in a person only after the emergence of tumor cells in his body and disappear after these cells are removed from the body, reappearing with relapses of the disease or metastases. Therefore, if after surgery to remove the tumor they return or similar symptoms appear after some time, it is necessary contact your oncologist again.

The clinical manifestations of various kinds of paraneoplastic diseases found in a patient serve as the most reliable indicator for a homeopathic physician to select from the arsenal of homeopathy specifically accurate homeopathic medicines for the treatment of the entire tumor process according to the principle of similarity, that is not a separate tumor, but a cancer disease with all its individual clinical manifestations.

For hidden and asymptomatic tumors, there is another treatment option. As you already know, malignant tumors that are still microscopic in size can exist for a long time asymptomatically and secretly in the body. One of the reasons why single cancer cells and tumors developing from them survive is a decrease in the sensitivity of regulatory centers. That is, when the brain ceases to “feel” pathological substances secreted by cancer cells and respond correctly to them, allowing the development and growth of the tumor.

Case two. Patient K., 48 years old, turned to a homeopath to correct her weight and eliminate dysmenorrhea. The method of homeopathic treatment was the use of an autonosode prepared from the patient’s own blood. After a month of treatment, profuse, foul-smelling, meat-slop-colored vaginal discharge suddenly began, which quickly ceased after stopping the use of autonozode. Continued use of autonozode after a few days caused the discharge to recur, but it became lighter and cleaner. After another pause and resumption of the use of autonozode, abundant, light, odorless discharge appeared, which stopped on its own after three days. With further use of the drug for three months, this did not happen again, while the patient’s weight decreased by twelve kilograms, and normal periods began to replace painful periods with clots and inclusions of scarlet blood.

According to her, “after these memorable cleansing phenomena,” the persistent itching in the vagina and eczematous rashes around the anus, which she kept silent about at the beginning of treatment, completely disappeared. It also turned out that the patient had previously received hormonal treatment and was observed by a gynecologist for a precancerous disease - glandular endometrial hyperplasia, the course of which changed for the better.

The effect of treatment is regarded as the spontaneous elimination by the body’s defenses under the influence of an autonosode of a maturing latent malignant tumor in the uterus. Vaginal itching and eczema around the anus that disappeared during treatment can be considered paraneoplastic manifestations.

Case three. Patient M., 45 years old, turned to a homeopath for preventive treatment in order to prevent recurrence of breast cancer. She previously underwent surgery to remove a malignant tumor in her right breast.

By the time she sought help, complaints of joint pain that had disappeared after the operation reappeared.

The method of homeopathic treatment was the use of an autonosode prepared from the patient’s own blood. After two months of using the autonozode, a severe cough appeared with the release of a large amount (several glasses) of foul-smelling purulent sputum, which lasted for several days, then these phenomena stopped with a general improvement in the patient’s well-being. After some time, without additional treatment, the pain in the joints completely disappeared.

The effect of treatment is regarded as the spontaneous elimination by the body’s defenses under the influence of an autonosode of possible tumor metastasis in the respiratory organs. Previous joint pain is considered as paraneoplastic manifestations.

All these patients are currently under dynamic observation.

The described cases from practice are far from the only ones. They indicate that almost every person can use autonosode for the purpose of preventive treatment and freeing the body from incipient but still hidden tumors from time to time. This is especially shown:

Residents of cities exposed to environmental stress;

People who have been experiencing chronic psycho-emotional stress for a long time;

Patients with persistent chronic diseases of various organs;

Mature people whose self-regulation processes undergo age-related changes;

For cancer patients after tumor removal for the purpose of sanitation of latent tumors or metastases and for the prevention of disease relapse.

The homeopathic method gives the doctor new opportunities, and the patient new chances for timely and effective treatment.

Several cases from the practice of homeopathic treatment of diseases related to precancerous ones.

Case one. Patient M., 43 years old, sought help from a homeopath for the treatment of a long-standing gastric ulcer. The immediate reason for contacting was surgical intervention strongly recommended by surgeons, since the condition of the ulcer, according to the results of fiberoscopy and biopsy, caused oncological alertness.

During the examination of the patient, it turned out that, in addition to other usual symptoms of peptic ulcer disease, he was very worried about pronounced gas formation in the intestines, the pain was relieved by straightening the body (bending backwards), as well as a change in salivation: viscous saliva stretches in long threads.

Based on these individual characteristics of the manifestation of the disease, a regimen of homeopathic preparations: potassium bichrome, bismuth, and carbo vegetabilis was prescribed. The patient's condition quickly improved; after repeated fibrogastroscopy, performed after three months of treatment, complete healing of the ulcer was noted.

Case two. Patient S, 32 years old, turned to a homeopath for the treatment of long-term cervical erosion. After another visit to her gynecologist, she was offered surgical treatment, which the patient refused.

During the examination of the patient, some individual characteristics of the disease were revealed, which were manifested by nagging pain in the legs in the evenings, not allowing her to sleep; a tendency to develop bruises on the skin in various parts of the body, even from minor pressure or bruises.

Based on these features, a regimen of hydronotile, cycum metallicum, phosphorus was prescribed and a repeat visit was recommended after two full monthly cycles, after a preliminary visit to your gynecologist. The treatment result surprised the patient and her gynecologist : There was no erosion.

Case three. Patient G., 49 years old, turned to a homeopath for treatment of large, fast-growing fibroids

After examining the patient, assessing her constitution and concomitant diseases, she was appointed. A scheme is proposed using a homeopathic autonosode prepared from the patient’s own blood, as well as thuja, calcarea iodate, and lapis album.

The first reviews of the results of treatment were her words: “I’m surprised: I drink such small drops and grains, but such changes occur to me that have never happened before, even when taking hormones.” After three months of treatment and a re-examination by her gynecologist, the patient reported that the fibroids had decreased by one third: “Now it no longer sticks out from the abdomen and even I myself have stopped seeing it in front of the mirror.”

At the time of writing the book, the treatment has not yet been completed; it continues with further positive changes. Gynecologists are surprised and no longer insist on surgical treatment.

Case four. Patient P., 56 years old, consulted a homeopath about treatment of prostate adenoma. Before this, I was observed and treated by a urologist. The patient presented typical complaints of discomfort and pain in the perineum, difficulty urinating and frequent nighttime urges with a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. After assessing the individual constitution and concomitant diseases, a homeopathic treatment regimen was prescribed using autonozode prepared from the patient’s own blood, as well as sabal, clematis, conium, and sulphuricum acidum.

Since the patient arrived from another city, it was difficult to maintain constant contact with him, but two months later a message was received by e-mail: “Currently, all symptoms of the disease have practically disappeared and the condition of the gland, according to urologists, is very decent and does not require, according to them “In my opinion, there is no pharmacocorrection.”

Skin diseases

Pigmented nevus (mole). A congenital spot or nodule that appears at a young age, measuring 0.1 cm or more, with a flat, smooth surface, not penetrated by hair; color from dark brown to black.

Blue (blue) nevus. Same as pigmented nevus, but the color is from blue to cyanotic. Less often than pigmented nevus, it undergoes malignancy.

Giant pigmented nevus (birthmark). Congenital pigmented hair nevus, occupying a significant area of ​​skin, often with multiple fibromatous nodes.

Diseases of the nasal cavity

Papilloma. Usually a single polypoid growth, prone to bleeding. It is formed mainly as a result of prolonged irritation of the mucous membrane by chemical or mechanical agents, pathogenic microbes. Often the cause of development is an allergy. It manifests itself as difficulty in nasal breathing, headache, stuffy ears and decreased sense of smell, copious mucous or mucopurulent discharge mixed with blood.

Adenomatous polyps. Round formations with a smooth surface, prone to bleeding when touched. Characterized by difficulty in nasal breathing, mucopurulent discharge, sometimes mixed with blood.

Diseases of the mouth and lips

Papillomatosis. Small dense red nodules on the mucous membrane of the hard and soft palate. The cause of the disease is viral infections.

Post-radiation stomatitis. Redness and dryness of the oral mucosa, accompanied by erosions, atrophy, and sometimes hyperkeratosis - excessive skin thickening.

Warty or nodular hyperkeratosis of the lips. A nodular dense grayish-red formation with warty growths on it, located on the outwardly unchanged red border of the lips. In appearance it resembles an ordinary wart.

Post-radiation cheilitis. Redness of the lips, dryness, cracks, erosions that occur after radiation exposure. There may be hyperkeratosis or warty growths of the epithelium on the surface.

Diseases of the bronchi and lungs

Chronic recurrent bronchitis. This is a common disease that most doctors and patients do not cause due concern. Meanwhile, a long-term inflammatory process in the bronchi under conditions of increasing air pollution often leads to degeneration of the epithelium of the bronchial tree with subsequent malignancy.

Localized pulmonary fibrosis. This process is most often preceded by chronic inflammatory lung diseases, toxic lesions, prolonged dust exposure, and stagnation of blood in the lungs due to circulatory failure. The essence of fibrosis is the excessive growth of coarse fibrous tissue in the lungs in place of dead cells and damaged blood vessels. The disease is clearly demonstrated by chest x-ray. It manifests itself as a periodic exacerbation of pneumonia in the area of ​​pneumofibrosis, which should cause caution in the treating physician.

Thyroid diseases

Endemic goiter. Among the diseases caused by environmental factors, the most dangerous for cancer is endemic goiter. In goiter-endemic areas, an increased incidence of thyroid cancer is always recorded. The situation is significantly aggravated by other chemical goitrogenic factors acting on the patient’s body, such as: cabbage diet (“cabbage goiter”), excessive consumption of cruciferous vegetables (radish, rutabaga, mustard) or products made from corn, rapeseed, millet, and beans. Nodular forms of goiter pose the greatest risk. At the same time, classifying nodes after radioisotope examination as “hot” or “cold” does not reduce the degree of risk.

Chronic gastritis. A common chronic disease. Probably everyone can “boast” of having one form or another of gastritis. The greatest danger in an oncological sense is the presence of atrophic gastritis with a decrease in the secretion of gastric glands and a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice. All these components of the pathological process are alarming signs of precancerous disease. The greatest danger is from focal (localized) gastritis of any part of the stomach. They most often precede stomach cancer.

Stomach ulcer. Just like gastritis, this is a common disease that is accompanied by ulcerative formation in one of the parts of the stomach. Malignant degeneration of an ulcer complicates the course of peptic ulcer disease in 10-12% of cases. This happens more often the higher the ulcer is located in the stomach. The patient experiences a decrease and change in appetite, a change in the usual pattern of pain, and increasing weakness and anemia. Duodenal ulcer is a separate disease that rarely develops into cancer.

Diseases of the large intestine, rectum

""Colon polyp. A disease accompanied by the appearance in the lumen of the intestine of a tumor-like growth on a stalk or flat base. Presumably, viruses are the main cause of pathological changes. The patient complains of moderate abdominal pain, mucus and blood in the stool, persistent stool.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Chronic inflammatory bowel disease of unknown etiology. Characterized by the formation of ulcers in the large and small intestines, suppuration of the mucous membrane, and the appearance of pseudopolyps on it. The main signs of the disease are loose stools mixed with blood.

Therefore, accelerated growth of a thyroid nodule that has been present for a long time is an alarming sign.

Consequences of ionizing radiation. It is especially dangerous in childhood, since the effects of radiation can appear after a long period of up to thirty years.

Diseases of the esophagus and stomach.

Chronic esophagitis, or chronic inflammation of the esophagus. It occurs due to repeated exposure to the mucous membrane of the esophagus of various irritating factors: too hot food or drinks, strong alcohol, toxic substances from polluted air. Often the cause of the pathological process can be allergic components. Often this disease accompanies chronic inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and stomach, as well as chronic infectious processes. It is manifested by nausea, easy vomiting and regurgitation of food, frequent heartburn, burning sensation, soreness behind the sternum, pain when swallowing, and sometimes dysphagia - difficulty swallowing. The condition is aggravated when erosive and ulcerative changes in the mucous membrane appear in the esophagus. There is a danger of malignant degeneration.

Stomach polyp. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of a tumor-like formation in the stomach cavity. The reasons for it are not fully understood. Often the existence of a polyp does not manifest itself with any symptoms. In such cases, it is detected by X-ray or endoscopic examination. If the polyp reaches a significant size or closes the exit from the stomach, then various complaints about disturbances in the functioning of the stomach appear. When the polyp is ulcerated, slight gastric bleeding is observed.

vi, mucus, pus, combined with painful and false urge to defecate. During periods of temporary subsidence of the disease - remission - frequent, pasty stools with a slight content of blood or mucus always remain. Patients often lose weight and become weak. With this disease there is an increased risk of developing bowel cancer.

Adenomatous polyp of the rectum. A typical precancerous disease with a high risk of malignant transformation. The patient develops mucus and blood in the stool. Often these symptoms are mistakenly attributed to a fissure or hemorrhoids.

Prostate diseases

Prostate adenoma (prostate hypertrophy). Prostate adenoma is not a precancerous disease, but prostate cancer often coexists with it. Therefore, it is important to conduct timely examination for the purpose of differential diagnosis. In the clinical picture of prostate adenoma, the first signs of emerging disorders are a delay in the onset of urination, weakening of the urine stream, and increased frequency of urination, especially at night. The most initial symptom of the disease may be premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

Breast diseases

Fibrocystic mastopathy (fibroadenomatosis, dishormonal hyperplasia). This disease is a consequence of chronic stress, dyshormonosis, caused by changes in the activity of the endocrine glands, and various types of metabolic disorders. At different times, mastopathy was either classified as a precancerous disease or was denied this status. Although the latest scientific research claims that mastopathy cannot serve as a source of breast cancer, precancerous diseases and their homeopathic treatment, but according to statistics it very often accompanies it. This always requires differential diagnosis, and only then can further treatment and observation be carried out.

breast fibroadenoma. The essence of fibroadenoma is the excessive growth of predominantly rough, fibrous connective tissue, which replaces the normal elements of the gland. Fibrous changes in the mammary gland are often preceded by inflammatory diseases (previous purulent mastitis), chronic intoxication, and the presence of foci of chronic infections. Fibroadenoma is more common in girls or young women. They may have multiple or single formations in one or both mammary glands. The danger of malignancy transformations Represent leaf-shaped fibroadenomas.

Uterine diseases

Cervical erosion. Sharply defined, devoid of epithelium, bleeding surface. It manifests itself in the form of profuse leucorrhoea, contact bleeding after sexual intercourse.

Endometrial polyps. The disease is manifested by long and heavy menstruation, frequent premenstrual bleeding from the vagina. The causative factors for the occurrence of the pathological process are various kinds of stress, hormonal disorders, chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, hereditary burden of tumor diseases.

Malignant degeneration of polyps is observed against the background of concomitant obesity and diabetes mellitus.

Uterine fibroids. Benign tumor of the uterus consisting of muscle and connective tissue elements. In the conditions of modern stressful life, accompanied by frequent stress and toxic environmental influences, the frequency of this disease in women has increased sharply. The causes of the disease are frequent abortions, pathology of the cardiovascular system, liver disease, and hormonal disorders. Oncological alertness is caused by fibroids with rapid tumor growth and the danger of malignant degeneration of myomatous nodes.

When choosing a homeopathic treatment for a precancerous disease, a homeopathic physician focuses not so much on the name of the disease or diagnosis, but on the characteristics and manifestations of this disease in a particular patient, the causes preceding it, and the nature of the individual manifestations of the disease. For this reason, with the same diagnoses, different individual homeopathic medicines will always be indicated for different patients.

How to use homeopathic methods to prevent the degeneration of polyps, cysts and fibroids into cancerous tumors? What are the prospects for homeopathy in the treatment of cancer?

The first certified homeopathic oncologist in Russia, an employee of the Center for Traditional and Alternative Medicine “RIN+MED” in St. Petersburg, tells the storySergey Veniaminovich Barakin .

-The term “precancer” today refers to almost all chronic inflammatory diseases - gastritis, esophagitis, mastopathy, cervical erosion, inflammation of the uterine appendages. And in accordance with the diagnosis, they are called to treat them radically - cauterize, remove, cut out. Why do you have a different opinion?

– Indeed, polyps, cysts, fibroids and other benign formations of various organs are considered to be precancerous diseases. All of them are in principle reversible. But at the same time, there is a possibility of their degeneration into cancer. That is why many doctors and patients believe that it is better to “play it safe” and have surgery.

However, observations of patients show that even after reasonable surgical interventions, a painful background always remains in the body. This means that there is a possibility that the problem will return in one form or another.

It turns out that cauterization or removal alone fights only the effect of the disease, but not its cause. And therefore, surgery cannot guarantee a reliable cure. New ways to target precancerous conditions are needed. The search for substances that could prevent cell degeneration and inhibit the growth of tumors. These should be medications that do not suppress, but rather activate the patient’s own defenses. And most importantly, such treatment should affect the entire body, all organs and systems affected by the disease. Today, only homeopathy has the possibility of such an approach. And its use in practical oncology today is becoming more and more justified.

– What is the essence of the homeopathic approach to treating such conditions?

– Probably many have heard about the main principle of homeopathy –

Impact on like with like. More precisely, this is treatment with ultra-low concentrations of substances, which themselves, in a larger dose, can cause a disease with the same clinical picture.

For example, everyone knows that caffeine can excite the nervous system. But this effect is achieved only when consumed in medium doses. And its very large concentrations, as well as very small ones, lead to inhibition of nerve cells. That is why the homeopathic medicine Coffey, which is microdoses of caffeine, is used as a sleeping pill and sedative.

– It’s curious: if like is treated with like, then what are the drugs used to combat precancerous conditions made from?

– One of the most important medicines is made from the blood of the patient himself. It is called an autonosode. To prepare it, only one or two drops of the patient’s blood are taken from a finger. Even such a minimal amount contains a full spectrum of biologically active substances. These are both products of a person’s disease and substances that resist the disease.

After taking the test, the blood is subjected to multiple serial dilutions. This is done in order to separate and “personally” present each substance present in the solution. As a result, a homeopathic medicine emerges from the “biochemical copy” of the disease, acting on the principle of an individual vaccine.

– How does it “work”?

– The action of this drug is based on the targeted “switching on” of the immune system. Under the influence of such a medicine, the immune system begins to recognize the altered cells as “foreign” and begins to actively fight them.

Unfortunately, with very severe depletion of the body, such treatment may not bring tangible benefits. But this usually happens in the later stages of cancer. If you take the drug at the stage of precancerous changes and in the initial stage of the oncological process, the result is most often positive.

In our practice, there is a lot of evidence of the successful fight against cervical erosions, fibroids, ovarian cysts, breast tumors, thyroid nodules, and chronic gastric polyposis. In a period of one to three months, you can achieve not only a reduction in the size of the formation, but also its complete resorption.

– What else, besides blood medicine, is included in the treatment complex for precancer?

– As a rule, several more homeopathic medicines are included in the treatment regimen. First, almost all patients are prescribed medications that inhibit excessive cell growth. These are medicines made from various magnesium salts. For example, Magnesia carbonica, Magnesia phosphorica, Magnesia sulphurica. It is magnesium that makes the body resistant to cancer. In addition, this same mineral acts as a pain reliever.

Secondly, patients with tumors and polyps need zinc supplements. For example, Zincum metallicum. They are designed to normalize the process of cell maturation.

Almost always, precancerous diseases are accompanied by general syndromes and processes. The most common of these is chronic inflammation. For its treatment, such remedies as Aconite, Bryonia, Silicea, Gepar sulfur, Apis and others are used. The treatment complex may also include means to improve blood circulation. Each drug is carefully selected by a homeopathic doctor, taking into account the manifestation of the disease in a particular person.

Homeopathic organomedicines are no less important. These are medicines made from unchanged organs and tissues of animals, similar in composition and functions to human organs and tissues. They have a targeted effect on the area affected by the disease and are used to normalize the function of a particular organ.

And finally, it is worth mentioning constitutional remedies -

Those that are prescribed depending on a person’s physique, his emotional sphere, and the characteristics of the work of various organs and systems. In homeopathy, four types of constitution are diagnosed. Determining which of these types a particular patient belongs to is perhaps the primary task of a homeopathic physician. The final result largely depends on the accuracy of such “diagnosis”. For this reason, homeopathic medicines cannot be prescribed in absentia.

– It’s good if the patient sees a homeopath at the stage of benign changes. And if the process has gone further, cancer cells have appeared, can homeopathy help here?

- Yes, definitely. The only difference is that at the stage of precancerous changes, including those accompanied by chronic inflammation or hormonal imbalance, homeopathy may be the only method of treatment. And in the case of confirmed cancer, the main methods of treatment still remain traditional radiation and chemotherapy, as well as surgical removal of tumors. Homeopathy plays an auxiliary, but also very important role here.

Let's say, if a patient is scheduled for surgery, then homeopathy is designed to prepare him for the operation. Preliminary “strengthening” of a particular organ is carried out using special means.

Taking homeopathic remedies after surgery helps prevent possible complications, promotes rapid wound healing, and prevents the formation of adhesions, rough scars and swelling. To prevent metastases, operated patients are prescribed autonosode -

Medicine from his blood. It is prepared before surgery, when the full spectrum of disease products is present in the patient's blood.

– Is it possible to combine homeopathic treatment with radiation therapy?

– I would say: “It’s not possible, but it’s necessary.” In such a situation, homeopathy can enhance the effect of traditional treatment. It is known that a cancerous tumor becomes more sensitive to radiation with increased oxygen content. Using this property, before radiation therapy, oncologists try to “saturate” tumors artificially. The patient is placed in a pressure chamber or given oxygen injections, but these measures do not always bring the desired result. Homeopathic oncologists in this situation use “their” catalysts and reactivators of cellular respiration, for example Lacticum Acidum, Hydrocyanicum Acidum.

The combined use of radiation, chemotherapy and homeopathy is, without a doubt, always more effective than just one method of treating the problem.

At the end of 1930, the surgeons and researchers of the British Imperial Cancer Campaign published The Truth About Cancer, and the Marquess of Reading, the chairman, enthusiastically wrote in the foreword: “We have much more reason these days to have a more encouraging prognosis for cancer,

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than twenty years ago." Nothing could be more inappropriate and misleading than such a statement. The truth about cancer can be gleaned from the following official figures relating to England and Wales, not given, however, in the above-mentioned book:

Overall mortality

Cancer mortality

Ratio of cancer deaths to all deaths

According to official figures, cancer deaths in England and Wales have exactly doubled in the twenty years covered by the review. The prognosis is not "hopeful" but hopeless, and the state of affairs is even more serious because during the last twenty years there has been a sharp increase in the number of operations performed at an early stage of the disease, extolled as the only cure. Therefore, it seems to us that such operations not only are not “the only way to cure”, but generally are not such, and if the mortality rate from this disease continues to grow at the same rate as now, cancer, a disease of civilization, can destroy civilization. For those who have read my books on cancer, it is obvious that cancer is a disease of civilization and that it is preventable. Unfortunately, the surgeons and researchers who monopolize the solution to cancer are only interested in the useless technical details of laboratory procedures and surgical treatment of the disease. They disdain the common sense measures to prevent this disease, which is practically unknown among primitive peoples living primitive lives.

For decades, surgeons have monopolized cancer treatment. They forced doctors to transfer cancer patients to them as early as possible. Surgeons and researchers told doctors that drug treatment was useless. Guidelines proclaim that the only treatment for cancer is surgery, which includes radiation. That's why doctors of conventional medicine don't even try

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treat people suffering from cancer. If surgery does not help, patients die. The only drug treatment consists of a syringe of morphine, etc. at the very end. With cancer, as with many other diseases, the doctor’s actions are limited to pain relief.

A physician who does not immediately refer cancer patients to a surgeon runs the risk of having his career ruined by charges of serious negligence towards the patient, professional incompetence, etc. Many homeopaths do the same as their conventional colleagues and immediately send their patients to the surgeon, but there are others who undertake to treat cancer patients with drugs, and they manage to achieve a significant number of cures, which, however, are never mentioned in the professional literature. Dr. John G. Clark wrote in his book Homeopathy Explained:

Homeopaths, unlike the followers of the old school, are not dismayed by the presence of tumors and changes in solid structures. Homeopaths know from experience that most tumors can be treated with drugs and that the action of the life force that caused them can be reversed. While allopaths know no better way to deal with harmful neoplasms than to remove them (which, although it removes the neoplasm, leaves the disease itself in the body), homeopaths strive to get rid of the neoplasm by curing the patient of that painful condition for which the neoplasm is just a way of external expressions.
It only takes half an hour to cut off a breast because of a tumor and leave the patient disfigured for life; it may take many months or years to cure a patient of her painful condition and make her completely healthy. Many patients who imagine that the tumor is the whole of their disease prefer the shorter method, as it appears to them; and in most cases this is indeed a shorter method, since it clearly shortens the patient's life. Homeopathy, properly understood and practiced, will save the surgeon an enormous amount of work.

Dr. J. Compton Burnett wrote in his book "Tumors

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breasts and their treatment and drug cure":

If we think about this, we quickly come to the conclusion that trying to cure tumors with topical absorbents or surgery is similar to trying to cure an apple tree of apples by smearing the apples with iodine or performing an operation on the apple tree to rid it of apples. The only difference between these two processes - the growing of apples by apple trees and the growing of tumors by the human body - is only that the growing of apples is part of the normal biology of the apple tree, while the growing of tumors by the human body is a pathological process.

Dr. Thomas Skinner wrote in his work Homeopathy and Gynecology:

I am often asked whether surgical methods are ever justified? My answer, both as an allopath and as a homeopath, was and remains the same. I treat others the way I would like to be treated and my answer is “NEVER!” Moreover, if a patient comes to me for a consultation who has undergone surgery for real cancer, I prefer not to undertake it, because the scar after excision is fibrous in nature and cannot be treated (when the cancer returns, and it will definitely return), pain and irritation becomes stronger, and the organ is no longer in a natural pathological state, which makes our medicines powerless, and morphine becomes the only possible palliative.
I have encountered this quite often, which forces me to refuse patients who have been under the surgeon’s knife. We must remember, no matter what some doctors say, that cancer—real cancer—is a constitutional and in no case a local disease. It affects all blood and all tissues. The time must come when our society will become so enlightened that the use of a surgeon's knife to trim and chop off diseases will become a thing of the past.

The three eminent doctors whom we have just mentioned not only fearlessly expressed their negative views on the mania to operate, based on the mistaken belief that cancer is a purely local disease, but also tried

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cure cancer, and they have a significant number of successful examples in this area, as we will see later. Dr. F. Gisevius Jr. stated in the outstanding German Manual of Homeopathic Treatment:

It should be noted that with uterine cancer it is difficult to decide whether to have surgery or not. However, it seems clear that it is necessary to operate only in cases where a successful outcome is very likely, for there is no doubt that careful treatment with homeopathic medicines gives much better results than surgical operations followed by a rapid return [of the tumor]. Such an operation, according to Dr. Fritsch, increases the patient's suffering and leads to death more quickly than with purely palliative treatment.

Dr. Kroner and Dr. Schwartz wrote in the same book:

It can be considered a fact that numerous cases of cancer have been cured or given relief by the use of homeopathic medicines. A high cure rate was not achieved. However, in our opinion, the success rate of cancer treatment with homeopathic medicines is unlikely to be lower than with surgical treatment. In many cases of cancer, unfortunately, it is not entirely clear whether the tumors treated homeopathically were actually malignant. On the other hand, many homeopathic doctors are no doubt in awe of the statement that "cancer cannot be cured by anything short of surgery" and are therefore afraid to say that they have cured a cancer patient, believing that the tumor, probably wasn't cancerous.
We would like it to be a rule that homeopathic treatment of cancer should be tried in all those patients who, for one reason or another, have not been referred to a surgeon. We've noticed that older people with slow-growing cancers do better if they don't have surgery. Moreover, if complete excision of the tumor is impossible, then it is better not to perform surgery. If excision is not enough, the patient's condition worsens. The decision as to whether it is necessary to operate in the above-mentioned doubtful cases or not should

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accepted by the patient and his family. And in any case, homeopathic treatment should be used before and after any operation to prevent relapse of the disease.

Drs. Kroner and Schwartz mention thirty-nine cancer drugs, a wholly insufficient number, and describe their characteristics.

Another German physician, Dr. Karl Stauffer, wrote in his work “Homeopathic Therapy”:

Treatment of cancer with homeopathic medicines did not produce such amazing cures as we are accustomed to with other diseases. Homeopathic doctors have published a large number of undeniable examples of cancer cures, but it should be noted that the cure rate is low. However, it is safe to say that homeopathic treatment brings relief to cancer patients, relieving them of pain and discomfort, and often homeopathy has a positive effect on the course of the disease. Each cancer patient should be treated individually in a homeopathic manner, but the homeopathic physician should sensitize the patient's family to the seriousness of the disease and the likelihood that other treatments will need to be tried, and if surgery is preferred, the physician should recommend continuation of the drug treatment at the same time with this.
My practical experience has allowed me to notice that relapses after cancer operations are more malignant than the original disease in its non-operated form. In addition, those who have had surgery suffer much more pain than those who have not had surgery. Moreover, after surgery, the disease tends to quickly spread throughout the body, and the likelihood of all kinds of complications increases. I duly warn all my cancer patients about this.

Drs Skinner and Dr Stauffer are not alone in their belief that surgery tends to make cancer patients worse off. In volume 16 Dr. G. Fergie Woods wrote:

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The more I encounter the results of surgery for malignant diseases in general, the stronger my conviction becomes that the use of a knife in such diseases is illogical and leads to very poor results. Moreover, recurrent pain after surgery is usually worse and less responsive to treatment or temporary relief measures than pain that was present before surgery. From my observations, it is much more difficult to obtain results from the use of homeopathic medicines in patients who have undergone surgery, no matter what the disease. It seems to me that there can be no doubt that operations increase the malignancy of the diseases in such patients.

The American homeopathic surgeon Dr. Edmund Carleton in his work “Homeopathy in Medicine and Surgery” stated:

As an overview and conclusion, I will say: it is impossible to cure cancer or any other disease just by its name in accordance with diagnostic indications, that is, as such. A person cannot do this. I have cured individual patients of various types of cancer, taking into account all the deviations of these patients from the norm and prescribing to each of these patients such drugs as have been shown by experiments on healthy people to produce symptoms very similar to those experienced by these particular patients . This is the only way to treat sick people, whether they have cancer or any other disease.

Cancer deaths in England have doubled in the last twenty years. A similar increase in mortality occurred in all civilized countries. What is the reason for this menacing and terrifying increase in mortality? Here we will not go into detail about the causes and possibilities of preventing cancer. Those interested in this subject should read my books Cancer, What Causes It and How It Can Be Prevented, and Cancer, Surgeons and Investigators, with an introduction by Sir Arbuthnot Lane and published by John Murray. Many homeopathic doctors are of the opinion that modern treatment methods are to blame for the increase in cancer mortality. Dr. A. H. Grimmer openly stated in "Homopathic Recorder" in 1929 and 1930, that the modern mania for the use of vaccines, serums, etc. causes poisoning

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blood and is probably largely responsible for the spread of that most terrible of diseases. Undoubtedly referring to Virchow's theory that cancer is caused by irritation, he wrote:

Perhaps, among all irritants and stimuli of suppressive action, the most irritating effect is caused by the almost universal use of serums and vaccines used for the prevention and treatment of acute infectious diseases. These insidious poisons penetrate very deeply and have a powerful effect. Therefore, could it not be that constant and frequent injections of these disease by-products directly into the bloodstream weaken the immunity of people, especially young children, whose bodies do not yet have the conditions to naturally protect against these toxins, thus reducing the body's ability to resist cancer and similar chronic diseases? And is it necessary to try to prevent the natural manifestations of any acute disease that may never occur if the immunization process involves weakening the protective mechanism with which the body fights chronic manifestations of a disease state such as cancer, diabetes, epilepsy and mental and physical disabilities of various types? And if we add to this the massive destruction of children’s tonsils, one of the most important links in the body’s defense, which further weakens the body’s chain of resistance, then we get a very gloomy picture of the state of health and general well-being of future generations. How long can humanity continue to bear the burden of poisoning by serums and potent drugs and the resulting suppression [of pathological symptoms], adding strength to the ever-expanding miasmatic causes of disease?
There is another fatal form of irritation which is responsible for many cases of cancer, and is a procedure in favor of which many of those who are considered authorities in its treatment speak. This procedure involves irradiating each mole, wart, small ulcer or any mark that appears on the skin with high doses of X-rays or radium rays. It either irritates or burns areas of the skin due to overdose, causing necrosis of surrounding cells, which leads to rapid spread of the painful area and often turns a benign and harmless small tumor into a rapidly progressing destructive malignant cancer. And if the dose was not so high, then the painful area, mole or wart may turn out to be

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destroyed and seemingly cured, leaving behind an unseemly scar. In the latter case, it is inevitable that such a patient will develop cancer in some of the vital organs within the next few months or years, in accordance with his inherited constitution.
Pompous egoists tell the public that the disease is incurable because they have not been able to find a way to cure it. They brand anyone who claims to have cured cancer with their favorite curse: charlatan. Anyone who has the temerity to criticize their methods of surgery and radiation, which are accompanied by disfigurement and torture of the patients, as well as high mortality, with the patient dying faster than those whose illness was allowed to unfold naturally without any intervention on their part , they declare not only a charlatan, but also a threat to society.
Over the past four years, I have treated two hundred and twenty-five patients with a proven diagnosis of cancer in various forms and at all stages of the disease. At the moment, one hundred and seventy-five of them are still alive, many of them have completely recovered, and all symptoms of cancer have disappeared. Only one patient in this group of those who are now alive shows signs that he is at risk of early death. All who did not respond to homeopathic treatment received surgical treatment or treatment with x-rays or radium in material doses.

According to Dr. Grimmer, cancer is largely a medical disease, that is, a disease caused in part by modern treatments. He is by no means alone in his assumption.

The following excerpts summarize the views of many leading homeopathic physicians and surgeons on the nature and treatment of cancer. It should be noted that Dr. Skinner and Dr. Carlton were surgeons, and that they are by no means the only homeopathic surgeons who spoke positively about the drug treatment of this disease. Many of the leading homeopathic physicians advocate drug treatment for cancer because they have too often witnessed the deterioration and death that follows operations that have been hailed as "highly successful." On the other hand, they have witnessed a large number of cancer cures in patients who could not undergo surgery. There are so many examples of cancer cures in the homeopathic literature that

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one could fill several volumes with them. I will quote several interesting examples described in accessible language.

Dr. John G. Clarke, addressing the Homeopathic Congress in 1927, said:

In December 1924, I was called to examine a married lady, 52 years old, the mother of eight children, all of whom were living and the youngest of whom was 9 years old. Her periods had stopped 12 months earlier. When I was asked to examine her in consultation with her regular physician, she was in a private hospital recovering from exploratory surgery. She continued to have vaginal discharge for some time, and therefore, a month before she was admitted to the hospital, she underwent curettage... Nothing special was found in the extracted tissue; It only turned out that the uterus was enlarged. The doctor who initially treated the patient told me what was discovered when the abdomen was opened [during the operation]: a tumor the size of a tangerine extended from the base of the left ovary. The sacral bone was affected by neoplasms, and a ring of neoplasms surrounded the sigmoid flexure of the intestine without causing its narrowing. Seeing all this, the surgeon acted very wisely and did not do anything, only sewing up the incision he himself had made. The patient was asked to undergo a long course of X-ray treatment in order to subsequently undergo a colotomy. I had a different opinion, so the patient returned home and came to me for treatment.
Since she ate so much meat, I put her on a vegetarian diet, which she accepted without any problems and adhered to carefully. The medicine I prescribed for her was Hydrastis 1.2 drams in 6 ounces of water (about 8 grams in 180 ml. - Note translation.), take a dessert spoon every 4 hours. It was December 9, 1924. Her condition has improved significantly in all respects. Since she slept poorly and was bothered by menopausal hot flashes, she was given medicine on December 22 Lachesis 30, one dose at bedtime, in addition to Hydrastis. On January 13th she was able to return to running her business, a very large firm, and has continued to run it ever since. She required a number of other medications, but today, as far as she or I can tell, she is in perfect health and full of strength.

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From a colleague who had seen the lady's previous doctor about another patient, I learned that the latter had stated that "of course the diagnosis was wrong." But they themselves made this diagnosis after they looked inside! There is, however, no doubt that the patient was cured.

It should be noted that this patient was cured with the help of Hydrastis, or goldenseal, and there is every reason to believe that the patient really had cancer. However, readers should not conclude that Hydrasits is a specific remedy for cancer. A good homeopath will use the medicine that matches the totality of the patient's symptoms. Homeopathic cures for cancer have been achieved using over a hundred different medicines. Speculating on the possibility of finding a “specific cure” for cancer, such as a vaccine or serum—an idea that excites most cancer researchers—Dr. J. Compton Burnett quipped in his book On the Drug Curability of Tumors:

Cancer is a chain of links, and each type of cancer has links of a different nature, and each link is a biological process. And you want to influence all this with “some” medicine? This is completely unimaginable and has no analogue among pharmacobiological phenomena.

Dr. Burnett is credited with numerous cancer cures. This can be learned from his works. One example will be cited below.

At the Eighth International Homeopathic Congress, Dr Le Hunte Cooper described a number of examples of his cancer patients, and I would like to quote the following interesting story:

I will briefly describe an example of which I am very proud, and I think justly so, since the patient was none other than our very honored and respected colleague Dr. A. R. of Harrogate. He very kindly allowed me to mention his name, since his presence now among us, which is indisputable evidence of what homeopathy can do for such patients, is of great importance.

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He first addressed me by letter on July 7, 1909, at the age of 61. He reported that he had caught a cold two weeks before and had had intestinal discomfort ever since. He had a purulent discharge from the bowels beginning on the third, which caused Dr. F., the local allopathic physician, to examine the rectum. Dr. F. kindly compiled for me a complete description of what was discovered, which I present below:
"Dr. A.R. reported that he had been constipated for several years, which had recently become significantly worse, that his rectum was causing him discomfort and that he was experiencing pain in his descending colon. Upon examination, it was found that the lower rectum is slightly swollen and approximately 3-4 inches (7-10 cm. - Note translation) from the anus there was a large hard, nodular, immobile mass. It is very tightly attached to the sacrum, and also, apparently, attached to the bladder in front. Almost half of the pelvis was occupied by this mass. The passage of the rectum is narrowed, and, for example, only a small pencil can pass there. A rectoscopic examination shows that the mucous membrane at the site where the neoplasm is located is ulcerated, and pus is released from there, and the finger encounters loose tissue, which causes bleeding." He further reported that "I am sure that this is an inoperable malignant neoplasm, and to avoid complete obstruction, which, it seems to me, is only a matter of time, and to allow the supply of tissues, as well as to prevent the absorption of toxins, the presence of which is indicated by temperature in the evenings and malaise, I advise a colotomy. I believe that Dr. R., Dr. W. and Dr. R., Jr. agree with me." To this letter, I replied that I advise a colotomy only in the most extreme cases. Dr. R., as he notified me, took the dose Ornithogalum before writing to me, and as it seemed to him that there was some reaction, I allowed this medicine to continue its action, and then repeated its use, but as it had previously disappointed me in similar cases, I soon transferred the patient to Ruta. He took this medicine at various stages of treatment, as well as Carcinosinum, Ver. alb., Can. ind., China, Aescul. hip., Bell., Anagal. arven., Baptis. And Kali carb. as indicated, and also a nosode type preparation prepared from his own fluid from the hydrocele.
Quite soon after starting treatment, his bowels began to work normally, although he later wanted to give enemas with olive oil, which I did not object to, although

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I thought there was absolutely no need for them. He also took calcium lactate for a short time, but I don't think it helped at all. However, I thought it would be better to mention all these even minor details for the sake of completeness of the description. If time permitted, I would prefer to follow the entire sequence of the treatment process, giving precise descriptions of the results of each remedy, but this is impossible. Suffice it to say that examinations of the rectum showed that the tumor was gradually shrinking, and on February 28 of this year, that is, one year and seven months after the start of treatment, I was notified by letter that Dr. F. checked the intestines, which turned out to be normal. Dr. A. R. was able to continue to practice all this time, and when I last saw him a few days ago, he was in perfect health, except for old arthritis in the right hip joint. You can verify all this for yourself, since he is present here today.

This remarkable cure by the doctor was accomplished with the help of a large number of different medicines. Each medicine was given according to the patient's changing symptoms. In such a case we cannot attribute the cure to any one remedy. They probably all contributed to this.

While Dr. Le Hunte Cooper cured his colleague with the help of several drugs, his father, the late Dr. R. T. Cooper, who cured many cancer patients, in his book Cancer and Its Symptoms, described a very remarkable example of a patient with an indisputable diagnosis of cancer, which he cured with the help of a single drug, Ornithogalum, or the stars of Bethlehem, a plant related to garlic. His account was given as follows in Dr. J. G. Clarke's monumental Dictionary of Materia Medica, Volume 2, page 678:

George M., 40 years old, suffered from stomach cancer and had surgery at a cancer hospital. The operation was not completed due to many adhesions, and also due to the fact that it was impossible to remove all tissue affected by the pathology. Cooper first examined him on July 22, 1898, when he was writhing in pain on the bed and could not hold anything in his stomach for any length of time. His suffering

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relieved by warm food and worse by cold drinks. The pain was worse at night. They began in the stomach, spreading into the arms and between the shoulder blades, with a sensation as if an iron brick was being pressed into his stomach and chest. Under the place of attachment of the diaphragm, a bulge was noticeable, which reached the pit of the stomach. The tongue was red and coated at the back. There was constipation and sometimes diarrhea. The patient's father died of a stomach ulcer at the age of 73.
On Saturday July 23 at 6 p.m. Cooper gave him one dose of mother's tincture Ornithogalum. After this, the patient began to experience severe pain. He almost went crazy with pain at 3 o'clock, then again at 13 o'clock when he had a bowel movement. At 3 o'clock he began to take the 1000th part of a grain Carbo vegetabilis every three hours. On July 26, he stopped doing this because it seemed to him that it was increasing the pain, which had now spread throughout his body.
On the 27th the patient began to vomit a foamy substance, which brought him great relief. Cooper considered this evidence that Ornithogalum affected the disease, but its effect was limited by the action Carbo vegetabilis. Therefore, the patient was sent a second dose of maternal tincture Ornithogalum, which he accepted on the evening of July 28. Almost immediately after this, the patient began vomiting a black jelly-like substance, which greatly relieved the pain and brought general improvement.
From that moment on, steady progress began. On August 29, the patient reported that he was quite well, although sometimes he had severe pain in the lower part of the stomach. On September 9, the dose of the medicine was repeated. On September 18th he reports: "Sleep much better. Pain in left leg and foot, but not as bad at all. Slight pain in lower stomach and a little more swelling."
He was given another dose, and the effect of it led Cooper to believe that the swelling was the result of "high pressure exerted on the excretory organs due to the release of poisons into the system." “A few days later,” says Cooper, “he came to me in a state of great fear and, turning up his trousers, showed me the terrible state, as it seemed to him, of his legs. They were swollen, and one could see large red streaks and areas spreading downwards. legs. Believing that they were caused by the rapid elimination of cancerous poison, I surprised him not a little by insisting that he

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went home without any medicine." The patient soon recovered completely. I myself saw him shortly after this and examined him carefully, but could not find any signs of any illness, except for the scar left after the operation. In July 1901 he was alive and healthy.

An eminent homeopathic surgeon is Dr. George Burford. At the meeting of the British Homeopathic Society, reported in the nineteenth volume "British Homeopathic Journal", he presented the following four examples of cancer cures:

1. Malignant bowel disease.
The patient is aged 75 years. Pain in the rectum was first noticed four months before the first consultation. An easily visible neoplasm with infiltration of the walls of the rectum, especially the anorectal canal.
Diagnosis: malignant tumor (diagnosed by a local doctor, confirmed by a specialist who declared the condition inoperable and recommended a colotomy). No surgery was done; instead, the patient was given a course of treatment that included a strictly vegetarian diet and the removal of very bad teeth.
Drug treatment: Ruta, Carcinosinum(repeatedly), Acidum nitricum, Aloes, Thuja etc. After sixteen months the neoplasm could not be detected; the walls of the anal canal continued to remain thickened. The improvement continued. In 1928, no traces of pathology remained; general health is excellent.
First noticed in 1922. Symptoms caused by the presence of a painful mass in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. The supraclavicular and axillary lymph glands are slightly enlarged. On the advice of a local doctor, the patient consulted a prominent specialist surgeon, who advised immediate surgery. No operation was performed; instead, a strictly vegetarian diet was recommended and the following medications were given: Scrophularia, Carcinosinum, Phosphorus, Calc. carb., Silica and others. Recent report from the consulting radiologist: "No trace of tumor other than a small mobile gland above the collarbone. General health in excellent condition, gained almost a stone in weight (approximately 6.34 kg - Note translation.)

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3. Malignant disease of the ovary (Cystadenoma papilliferum malignum).
The patient is 45 years old. For some time I suffered from uterine bleeding (a recent episode lasted five weeks in a row), and there was severe pain. A solid mass behind the uterus was found, but no definite uterine mass was identified. The operation revealed a cystic ovary the size of an orange with loose papillary processes that extended into the adjacent peritoneum. The entire mass was removed, but the papillary growths had to be left. The uterus was not affected. The patient was until recently kept on a series of medications, which included Thuja, Carcinosinum, Silica, Calc. carb. At the moment there are no traces of relapse of the pathology.
4. Malignant disease of the left breast.
In 1921, the patient experienced a blow from a child's head to the left breast. In 1922, many scattered nodules developed on both breasts, especially in the right breast. In 1924, the nodes on the right breast disappeared, and the mass on the left breast gradually increased. In 1925, the condition began to cause concern, and the patient was advised to undergo surgery, which the patient categorically refused. The already popular drug treatment continued uninterruptedly ( Natrum cacodylicum, Thuja, Silica, Graphites etc.). From that time on, a steady improvement began, and in 1927 all traces of pathology disappeared. There were no relapses, the patient gained weight, and her general health was excellent.

It should be noted that all four patients were cured with a wide range of drugs chosen according to the patient's symptoms. The only medicine that was given to all four patients was Carcinosinum, a nosode, that is, a disease product, which I believe was first used by Dr. J. Compton Burnett.

The curious way in which experienced homeopathic doctors select medicines to treat cancer patients can be seen in the following example of a cure performed by Dr. Burnett (from his book "50 Reasons Why I am a Homeopath" ) :

Several years since the drug called Cundurango, appeared in your school as a cure for cancer, as did the one that followed it Chinese turpentine, these medicines were greatly extolled by some,

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but not for long, and then disappeared from sight.
Cundurango, I thought then, of course, it will cure cancer patients of a certain type, but not all cancer patients. How do we know which patients it will cure? Clinical data regarding Cundurango, have shown that it does have a truly healing effect on some cancer patients, especially stomach cancer. Hahnemann taught us that the proper way to determine the healing scope of a medicine is by experiment, where the medicine is given to healthy people to see what it can do to them.
So I got some bark Cundurango, made a tincture and drank it in large quantities. My post on this can be found in Allen's Encyclopedia of Pure Matter Medica. In general, I have found that (among other things) it causes formation of cracks in the corners of the mouth.
Some time after this, I had to treat a middle-aged woman with cancer of the left breast, but she also had a deep fissure with thickened hardened edges, probably epitheliomatous (cancerous) in nature, in the corner of her mouth on the left side. I think you would agree with this diagnosis if you examined this woman. Therefore, I reasoned like this: empirically we know that Cundurango may cure some cancer patients; Now I also know from direct experiment on myself that it causes cracks in the corners of the mouth; homeopaths say that like cures like; Means, Cundurango should be a healing remedy for this patient.
The patient took this medicine as a homeopathic remedy for three years and continued to experience gradual, slow improvement, ending in complete cure. Eight years have passed since then, and she is still in perfect health. I think it is obvious that if it were not for homeopathy, such a cure would not have been achieved, and the patient would have died long ago from this terrible disease.

Of course, it seems the height of absurdity and the last word of quackery to treat a patient with breast cancer, guided by the trivial symptom “deep crack in the corner of the mouth.” Such actions will seem completely unscientific and worthy of ridicule to the conventional medicine doctor, scientist and surgeon. However, Burnett, guided by this key symptom, cured the patient, while conventional medicine could not have helped her. This is not the only case when he managed to cure a patient with cancer for a minor reason,

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a seemingly insignificant and strange symptom.

Let's look at a few more examples of cancer patients being cured by doctors who paid attention to symptoms that conventional medicine doctors would look at with contempt. Dr. John G. Clark published the following interesting example in his book Rheumatism and Sciatica:

In August 1888, a lady from the countryside wrote to me asking me to prescribe something for her “sciatica”, and I sent her a quantity Colocynthis. Soon she again sent me a letter asking me to send more medicine, since it helped a lot with her pain.
I heard nothing from her from that time until, in December of that year, I was surprised to learn that she had “advanced uterine cancer.” I am not responsible for the diagnosis, since I did not see the patient at that time, and several months later, when I admitted her, I did not examine her. But I have little reason to doubt the accuracy of the diagnosis. It was directed by a doctor of the old school, one of the ablest doctors in the country. Moreover, the symptoms were consistent with the diagnosis. This gentleman informed the lady that she probably had no more than four months to live.
When I heard this sad news, I thought that perhaps the patient could still be helped. I wrote to her and asked her to tell me as accurately as possible everything she felt and experienced - in short, all the symptoms. And here, as we will see, homeopathy has a great advantage. The old school doctor's diagnosis gave me nothing to work with; but the patient herself, whom I had not even seen, could give me the key factor for this situation. The patient, it must be said, was a 73-year-old lady, short, pale and very soft-bodied. What follows is what she told me about herself.
Three or four months earlier, after a more severe attack of "rheumatic" pain than usual, she noticed red marks on her underwear. At first she didn't pay much attention to it, but the pain and discharge became worse, and then, fearing that it might be something serious, she went to the doctor, as a result of which she was given the above-mentioned diagnosis.
She described the pain as “dull, heavy, pressing,

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starting in the inner part at the top of the right thigh, and spreading to the knee." Sometimes the pain was so strong that she felt ill and felt weak. The discharge became more numerous, it became dark and smelled of decaying tissue. This last feature was reported to me by her sister The discharge was accompanied by great weakness and trembling, the urine sometimes looked just like blood, and there was a sediment in it like sand.
The leading characteristic of this patient was pain from the hip to the knee on the right side. The description of her does not correspond exactly to the course of the sciatic nerve, and since I do not have an exact description of her "sciatica" for which she first consulted me, I cannot be sure that this is the same pain as described above, but I I believe that this was exactly the case. In any case, it was close enough in location that a lay person could confuse it with sciatic nerve pain. However, the most interesting thing about this lady was what came next. Guided solely by the symptoms she listed for me, I was able to identify Kali carbonicum as the most probable remedy for it, since pain from the hip to the knee, especially on the right, is one of the characteristic symptoms of the remedy. I sent her several powders of the medicine in very high potency, and the result exceeded all my expectations. Thanks to occasional doses of the medicine, not only the pain gradually went away, but also the discharge stopped, the urine became normal, so that after a few months she had practically no symptoms left, and when they returned to a slight extent, repeated doses Kali carb. dealt with them quickly. When I saw her the following fall, she was and remains to this day completely cured of her illness and felt as good as only a person of such a respectable age as her could feel.

A lady who, as she was told, suffered from uterine cancer, complained of severe pain in her leg, characteristic of Kali carbonicum known for the reason that this medicine caused the same pain in the testers. Dr. Clark gave the lady Kali carbonicum in a very high potency, and the medicine eliminated not only the pain in the leg, but also the disease of the uterus.

Dr. E. I. Case in his book "Multiple Clinical

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examples" described the example of epithelioma, that is, skin cancer, as follows:

A slender black-haired mechanic, 47 years old. His mother died of stomach cancer. He had epithelioma for almost two years. He was treated electrically and allopathically. The affected area was located on the bridge of the nose and was three quarters of an inch in diameter (approximately 1.9 cm - Note translation) and is covered with a thick yellowish crust. It was surrounded by an inflamed surface that extended to the cheeks and lower eyelids and was bluish in color and covered with light brown dandruff. He loves salt very much and consumes it in excess. Several months before this disease appeared, he had malaria, which was suppressed with quinine. He cannot urinate in front of other people.

Any attentive reader of this book who has read the description of the example and the chapter “Miracles Performed with Table Salt” will immediately exclaim: “This patient clearly needs medicine Natrum muriaticum!" Natrum muriaticum is a specific medicine for malaria suppressed by quinine, it is an antidote to quinine, an antidote to table salt poisoning, and it has the rare and very characteristic symptom of "cannot urinate in the presence of others." Dr. Case gave a cancer patient a dose on October 22 Natrum muriaticum in the 100,000th potency, which resulted in a great and continuous improvement. On January 29, that is, after three months during which the medicine was not needed, the patient was given another dose of the medicine in the 500,000th potency, the third dose in the millionth potency was given to him on March 18, and the fourth and last dose of the same strength was given to him on September 16 . A complete recovery followed. Eighteen months after the start of treatment, Dr. Case wrote in his log: “The nose is now healed and appears normal, except that blood vessels are visible at the site of the scar.”

Dr. F. J. Wheeler in Volume Nineteen "British Homeopathic Journal" reported a sick caretaker who came to him with numerous signs of malignant disease, having lost weight to 7 stone 13 lb 4 oz (50.5 kg. - Note translation), in complete exhaustion and

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with all the signs of stomach cancer, accompanied by vomiting black masses. The leading symptom in this patient was that he was always worse between 4 and 8 p.m., which is a clear indication for Lycopodium, which causes worsening around this time of day. Since other symptoms indicated Lycopodium, the patient was given several doses at large intervals Lycopodium in the 200th potency, as a result of which he began to recover quickly, gaining 2 stone (12.7 kg. - Note translation), considered himself recovered and returned to work.

Symptoms that seem completely unimportant to conventional medicine doctors, such as a deep fissure in the corner of the mouth, a peculiar pain in the leg, an inability to urinate in the presence of other people, regular worsening in the afternoon, etc., often lead to amazing cures of cancer and other diseases that allopaths cannot cure.

Sarcoma is a disease similar to carcinoma. It often affects young people. As a rule, it is much more malignant than cancer and, like cancer, is incurable for an allopath. Dr. T. F. Allen performed a truly brilliant cure of an undoubted sarcoma, which had been operated on several times. In the fifty-first volume "Munsly Homyopathic Review" he reported:

A Spanish lady from a good family, who owned vast estates in Cuba, could spare no expense and get the world's best physicians and surgeons at her disposal, which she did, and her diagnosis, I believe, was clear and accurate, since she I consulted with Prof. H. from the wonderful University of New York, an outstanding author and teacher. In accordance with this diagnosis, she underwent various operations. The operations were performed by eminent surgeons in the most professional manner, but despite them, her disease returned several times exactly as predicted by the eminent expert who advised her. A former surgeon of the United States Army declared it hopeless and that further surgical intervention was completely excluded, and then I was asked to give my opinion... She

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suffered, as it was reported, from cerebral symptoms, she was in danger of brain destruction, probably bleeding, and it was recognized that the disorder was most likely the result of malignant disease, and there was nothing left to do but agree with the opinion of the eminent specialist in histology, viz. , that, as feared, there was a relapse of malignant sarcoma.
And in fact, the last relapse of the disease (on the arm) was already noticeable even then. The tissues of the forearm were swollen, infiltrated, the lymph nodes were red and inflamed, the glands of the axillary fossa were inflamed and painful, and, taking into account the medical history, they left no doubt, as I and the surgeon who had observed her before, believed in the malignancy of the neoplasm, which appeared for the third time and posed a danger to her life. From the specialists, only the recommendations mentioned above were possible, which, as far as I knew, or as far as I could imagine then, could not have any effect on the sarcoma. My opinion was based on the need to prescribe for cerebral symptoms and for symptoms of recurrent fever.
The symptoms were mainly as follows: at about 10-11 o'clock the temperature begins to rise, the pain in the head intensifies (the temperature rose to 40 ° C), this is accompanied by dizziness, loss of coordination of movements, increased numbness, heat in the head and a complete lack of thirst, after which at about 12 or 13 o'clock the fever begins to subside slowly, so that in the afternoon or evening she is much better, the fever is almost gone, and as night falls she can go to bed and sleep, but the next day at about 10 or 11 o'clock the attack recurs again.
Such relapses were repeated so regularly that the only medicine that could be prescribed with any hope of success was Gelsemium, which I recommended to use in the 6th dilution in half a glass of water, therefore, in accordance with the recommendation, a powder was prepared from several grains soaked in the sixth hundredth dilution, which had to be diluted in half a glass of water and given every hour until the temperature will subside. Then stop taking it until the temperature starts to rise again the next morning, and then take it again

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medicine during the next attack. I said then that although I had no hope for the patient’s recovery, such a regimen was the only way to stop the periodic rise in temperature.
The result was amazing and completely unexpected. The next day the temperature did not rise above 38.3°C, and on the third day it did not rise at all, the patient felt well, and a week later she looked completely recovered. Two weeks after this, the lady herself came to my office and showed me a malignant neoplasm on her arm, the redness around which had subsided significantly, after which it dried up and fell off, leaving behind a smooth surface, where everything ended. The inflammation of the lymph glands subsided, the pain disappeared, the bandages no longer caused discomfort, and the symptoms ended. The dizziness went away along with the fever, her dull appearance and behavior disappeared, and her appetite returned. A few weeks later she went for a drive, and for three years none of these symptoms recurred. She looks completely recovered, so much so that she spends the winter quite calmly at her estates in Cuba.
Of the medicines she was given, as already mentioned, only half a dozen powders Gelsemium in the 6th dilution. For three years she has not been given any other medicine for any other reason, and she does not appear to need any medicine now.
This, it seems to me, is one of the most magnificent and most amazing results of pure, straightforward, complete homeopathy that I have ever seen.
In response to various inquiries as to what I thought the diagnosis might be, I can only say in the words of an eminent expert, recorded and carefully preserved by the lady and her family, that it was a malignant relapsing sarcoma... The cure was simply a homeopathic cure; it was based on pure symptomatology. Gelsemium was the only medicine that could be prescribed, it was the only chance of life that the lady had; no other treatment was possible. No other system of therapy would have cured the lady.

In this example, the most striking features

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from the point of view of the homeopathic physician there were cerebral symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, etc., which clearly indicated Gelsemium. The lady was given billions of grains Gelsemium, and by this single remedy the sarcoma, which had seemed to the highest authorities to be quite incurable, was cured.

Dr. Allen, in the same publication, describes a case of tongue cancer as follows:

A prominent lawyer of this city developed carcinoma, epithelioma of the tongue. I would like to point out that the gentleman in question was a famous lawyer, and he was doomed either to death, or to what was worse for him than death, mutilation and loss of language, by the most prominent surgeons of the city.
It is safe to say that his illness aroused the widest and very noticeable interest among many of his acquaintances in the city, and when they turned to me for a recommendation for treatment, I recommended with great hesitation not to have an operation, since it seemed to me that there was a possibility stop the development of the disease. I doubted because the strong opinion of eminent authorities was not in my favor. However, my recommendations were accepted, and even then, as you can imagine, I took up the treatment with great hesitation, because I felt that the life of this person depended on the success of my treatment. But I also felt that if the treatment was successful, as I hoped, it would ensure his happiness and success later in life.
When I first saw it and examined the tongue, it looked like there was a hole cut through the center of the swollen tongue with protruding and hardened edges. At first I thought that the nature of the disease was perhaps syphilitic, but after the most careful examination I came to the conclusion that this man did not have a syphilitic plaque, and, as subsequent events showed, my appointment Phosphorus was partly based on the fact that, besides very marked indications of laryngeal symptoms, which need not be given here in detail, but which can be found in any materia medica, he suffered from marked mental depression. Symptoms Phosphorus were very clearly expressed both physically and mentally. Phosphorus was appointed in the 6th hundredth dilution in

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liquid form. Several grains were moistened with this solution, and the patient was required to take one granule every four hours. Of course, I examined him often, sometimes two or three times a day, but I never changed my purpose. The medicine had a beneficial effect from the very first day. The malignant appearance of the tumor slowly improved, his general health and mood, as well as his disposition, improved so much that within a year he was able to marry, as he had intended in case of recovery, and since then he has completely recovered.

The patient's symptoms, especially the mental symptoms, which, as has been shown in previous chapters, are considered by homeopaths to be especially important, strongly suggested Phosphorus. The latter was given in doses of a billionth of a grain and resulted in complete recovery.

At the beginning of this chapter, there was a quote in which Dr. Thomas Skinner spoke out against surgery on cancer patients. In the twenty-fifth volume "Homyopathic World" Under the heading "Sarcomatous tumor - the result of vaccination" he described a remarkable example of a cure that he was able to achieve:

On November 6, 1889, I was approached by the parents of a male child, six months old, who was suffering from the effects of vaccination; at least so said the parents, and they also informed me that both the vaccinator and his consultant were also of the opinion that the child's illness was the result of vaccination, although they had never before seen such serious consequences after it.
By undressing the child and examining his back, it was possible to detect a tumor, which a leading surgeon from London identified as a sarcoma, and I believe that he was right, since the tumor felt like soft tissue in consistency. This tumor was no doubt constitutional in origin, as it was congenital, but when it was noticed at birth, it was the size of a shilling piece, pale in color, and located slightly to the left of the spine in the region of the lumbar region. Soon after vaccination, it began to develop rapidly, reaching a size of four by six inches in diameter (approximately 10 x 15 cm) in less than four months. Note translation) and became about two to two and a half inches (5-6 cm. - Note translation) thick. Skin over

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the entire tumor was very pale in color, and the tumor very much resembled an anastomotic aneurysm.
The vaccinator, the family doctor and those physicians and surgeons with whom the family consulted were unanimous in the opinion that nothing could be done, since any operation with a knife, wire or cauterization would be fatal to the child. Moreover, the swelling was not the only form of constitutional or septic disorder, the child suffered terribly from what the mother called "a chain of fiery red eruptions" which were worse at night, interfering with sleep, but also disturbing all day; sometimes they took the form of ear eczema, but more often they were all over the body, and very much resembled smallpox vesicles, only without a depression in the middle. To the picture must be added diarrhea with green, watery, foul-smelling stools, extreme weakness and irritability, which the old-school nurses tried to cope with with brandy and sometimes small doses of morphine.
Treatment. — Medicines used — Lycopodium(100,000th potency), Graphites(30000th potency), Mercurius vivus(50000th potency). Merc. viv. was given because there was a danger of inflammation of the left parotid gland, and also because the child’s mother had already lost three children before shortly after their birth. An abscess formed in the left parotid gland, which opened on December 11, 1889, with general relief. At the same time, since the child’s urine was very saturated with ammonium, he was given Аcidum nitricum in the 1000th potency evening and morning.
20th of December. Copious sweat on the head during sleep; since the abscess has not yet closed, the child received Silica 50,000 one dose.
On April 30, 1890, I first suspected that vaccination might be the basis of such septic poisoning. I knew from the very beginning that the “fiery red rash” began after the vaccination, but even if I was told about this, I did not pay attention to the fact that increased tumor growth also began after the vaccination. I wrote to find out if this was so, and then for the first time I was informed that this was really so. Therefore, on April 30, 1890, I gave the child one dose Thuja 20,000 and one dose Melitagrinum 100,000th potency; the latter had to be given when “fiery red rashes” appeared, since this medicine stops them, alleviates the child’s suffering and delays their appearance. He received one dose on July 14 Thuja 100,000, and he received his last dose of this medicine on August 11, 1890.
Thuja caused a rapid reduction of the tumor and

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accompanying discoloration of the integument, as the nurse informed me, and when I last saw the little patient, about the middle of July of this year, apart from a small fold in the skin on a small part of the place where the sarcoma was, there were no other traces of tumor or discoloration there were no coverings. I was told that the "fiery red rashes" were now like angelic visits - few and far between.

I have quoted only a few very interesting examples, described in simple terms by reliable doctors, but I could easily fill a thick volume with hundreds of descriptions of similar examples that I have collected. The described cases of healing may arouse surprise among doctors of conventional medicine, who, as soon as they are told that cancer has been cured, immediately ask: “What medicine was used?” Conventional medicine doctors were taught to treat diseases by their names, rather than treat patients by their specific complaints. According to the broad and ridiculous classification of epilepsy, all epileptics are given bromide and luminal, without regard to their specific needs, the specific causes of the disease and the fact that bromide and luminal are likely to provide only temporary relief and will not cure the disease.

The examples I have described, and the hundreds of others I have collected, prove conclusively that the new science of treatment can cure the most hopeless cases of cancer and sarcoma, and in most cases will bring untold relief to the unfortunate sufferers. A glance at the examples selected for this chapter, and the two examples of Field Marshal Radetzky and the iron manufacturer given in Chapter Two, will show the reader that homeopaths often succeed in curing cancer, and that they do not do this with the help of a “specific medicine”, as , for example, a serum or a vaccine, but with the help of one of the many remedies of the homeopathic Materia Medica, which is indicated according to the totality of the patient's symptoms.

It will be noted that in almost every case a different remedy was used. Books on homeopathic therapy mention at least one hundred medicines that have been found to cure cancer and that

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Homoeopathic physicians who have difficulty in treating cancer must keep this in mind when they are guided by the great law of the new science of healing, that is, the law that like cures like.

The numerous cures of cancer accomplished by homeopathy are never mentioned in conventional medical books and journals, and, as far as I know, no homeopath has been invited to any of the numerous guidelines of councils created by public subscriptions or government grants for the study of cancer. Dr. W. Ameke wrote a book, “The History of Homeopathy,” which begins with the words: “The history of homeopathy is a judgment on the medical profession.” It was impossible to express it more precisely.

16.06.2004, 01:48

As British scientists have found, popular herbal drugs can negate the effect of cancer treatment, according to the website of the British newspaper Guardian ([Only registered and activated users can see links]).

Popular folk remedies or nutritional supplements often interact with medications prescribed by oncologists. For example, garlic or cod liver significantly thin the blood, St. John's wort changes the effect of hormonal drugs, antibiotics and chemotherapy. And echinacea, which is used to prevent colds and flu, makes treatment for blood cancer useless.

More than half of cancer patients take herbal medicines. Moreover, as a rule, patients do not consult their doctor.

16.06.2004, 02:11

Dear Dzintar Vasilievich,

This note has already been discussed on the forum. Particularly telling was Hard's comment:

Published by: Gromoboy
I would really like the authors of these opuses to familiarize themselves with at least the institute course of pharmacology (gnosis) and learn the difference between phytotherapeutic and homeopathic preparations.

16.06.2004, 02:44

Yes, indeed.... Thanks for the tip. I accidentally came across this link while looking for other information....

15.07.2004, 03:48

By the way, maybe homeopathy is so popular that the average person confuses it with herbal medicine. It turns out that even ORT is not free from such “confusion” - one can be curious. ([Only registered and activated users can see links])

15.07.2004, 10:08

Why did you bring up such a “hot” (for those who don’t understand) topic not in the homeopathic part and not in the “miscellaneous” part?

15.07.2004, 16:47

Especially nice: “Milk thistle - restores liver cells - is in great demand in the village.” Apparently they are snacking on it...

15.07.2004, 17:39

Herbalists are also extremely serious people, no less serious than homeopaths. And distributors of dietary supplements are very, very serious people. I wonder which one is more serious? :)

15.07.2004, 18:27

In the open-access journal CA Cancer J Clin 2004; 54:110-118 there is a good review on the “efficacy” of various “alternative therapy” options...

16.07.2004, 01:10

Why did you introduce such a “hot” (for those who don’t understand) topic not in the homeopathic part and not in the “miscellaneous” part? And I didn’t intend to start a discussion. Look at the first post carefully (text). The meaning of the message is completely different. Really, what does homeopathy have to do with it? Aren’t you afraid that homeopaths will sue for libel????? Flag in hand.
They are serious doctors and don’t deal with such bullshit like bio-additives. And such a message undermines the authority of homeopathy. It is impossible to undermine what does not exist.

15.08.2004, 16:10

Here's another interesting note:
Homeopathy, based on the principle of “treating like with like,” if it has an effect on the human body, it is only through self-hypnosis. This conclusion was reached by American scientists who spent $105 million on research into various alternative types of medicine, in particular homeopathy.
As the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph reports, scientists have not been able to find serious evidence that the method of homeopathy, which uses small doses of its causative agent to treat a disease, really helps patients. The head of the research team, Stephen Straus, however, noted that homeopathy does not cause much harm.

06.06.2005, 18:09

We tested the effect of several homeopathic metal-containing drugs on the growth of tumor cell cultures. Slow growth has been reported in several cases. This does not mean that this will occur in vivo. Indeed, there is enough evidence to suggest that low doses of homeopathic medicines can increase the resistance of tumor tissues to chemotherapy.

27.07.2005, 12:03

Oncolog has already expressed his attitude towards homeopathy on oncoforum.ru.
“Homeopathy is a sophisticated form of quackery. And the fact that in Russia, the only country in the world, homeopathy is equated with scientific medicine only proves that the Ministry of Health was and is full of idiots.” It sounds harsh, but many people think so. But in Germany, homeopathy and homeopathic medicines are legalized. Many conventional doctors prescribe homeopathic medicines (manufactured). Clinical trials and certification of homeopathic remedies in Germany have been simplified. It’s strange, but the authorities are not as strict about homeopathy as they are about “normal” medicines.”
I received red points for homeopathy, it was unexpected, I felt like a revolutionary or a dissident. But I am not an enemy of homeopathy: If a foreign substance enters the body, and stays there for a long time, then something happens. Why not?. If just food works, then why shouldn't homeopathy :)?

27.07.2005, 15:09

Dear oncologist! You are bored, you are doing scientific work in a foreign land - all sorts of cells, reagents... I want to talk about life. Prepare a speech on the topic “why do we need oncologists when there are homeopaths,” speak at a meeting of the German Society of Oncologists, and send a transcript of your colleagues’ speeches.

I assure you, the success will be stunning (that is, completely stunning).
If you are a doctor, then you understand perfectly well that in real life there is a problem of compliance - who knows which drug is really needed or the water in the package will be considered the main thing by the patient, you understand perfectly well that in real life no one will forbid anything to the patient - they told, enlightened , tried to explain - then, friend, you are responsible for yourself.
It is unlikely that oncologists in Germany have heart-warming conversations on the Internet about the benefits of homeopathy. Insurance company, courts, etc.
It is unlikely that oncologists in Germany prescribe homeopathic medicines instead of the necessary ones and even together with the necessary ones (why?).
Another thing is that sometimes it’s scary to take a toy away from a child.

So I wish you success in a real discussion..

27.07.2005, 17:55

“Prepare a speech on the topic “why do we need oncologists when there are homeopaths,” speak at a meeting of the German Society of Oncologists, and send a transcript of your colleagues’ speeches. I assure you, the success will be stunning (that is, completely stunning. If you are a doctor, then you understand perfectly well......"

I will not recommend homeopathy to a cancer patient instead of normal proven therapy. But if we are interested in expanding knowledge, then we can talk about homeopathy. Dear colleague, I am not a professor, but I am quite competent in my field. I have so many certificates and diplomas, and I have been working for so long that I have long been able to say whatever I consider necessary. Without fear of looking like a fool. At least among my colleagues. But, I didn't want to offend anyone.

27.07.2005, 18:06

That is, are you interested in conducting mini-lectures for the general public on a topic that interests you?

27.07.2005, 22:40

Did I understand correctly what you mean?
The patient may misunderstand everything and make the wrong decision.

On the Russian Internet, everyone lectures each other, losing their sense of proportion. Can you imagine that a German doctor, moderator of a medical forum, would publish the following text, intended for thousands of specialists and cancer patients? “And now the stinking Slavic Orthodox ethics is attacking the primordially German spirit.” In Germany, for such texts you can lose the right to work as a doctor. But with you everything is possible: Replace the word “Orthodox” and open:
[Only registered and activated users can see links]

And all because of emotions. I believe that any difficult and controversial things can be discussed calmly without risk to patients or one’s own authority. If you avoid difficult topics, they still won't go away.

02.08.2005, 14:11

Can you imagine that a German doctor, moderator of a medical forum, would publish the following text, intended for thousands of specialists and cancer patients?

Can. Are you responsible for the entire Deutschenet? :rolleyes: As I understand it, the oncoforum is a project of Dzintar Kozlov and you can’t say that he is running this project poorly. He has a penchant for communism, but what to do, again, this does not matter for oncology. This conversation was quite matter-of-fact

02.08.2005, 17:48

I like his work on the Internet, but among German doctors this is impossible. I guarantee it.

02.08.2005, 19:07

In Germany, I think the distributors of dietary supplements and other alternatives are less arrogant and irresponsible, aren’t they? Existence determines consciousness, and Russian reality determines the style of communication. Alas.

03.08.2005, 09:51

Being determines consciousness, therefore........

I agree, but partially. We create our environment, not just adapt to it. A calm environment is a great achievement of civilization.

I repeat, but there are things that really exist. Homeopathy is not a myth. In Germany, these drugs are produced by pharmaceutical companies. Hundreds of thousands of people widely receive prescriptions for homeopathic medicines from normal doctors and obtain them from normal pharmacies. Cadmium is used by homeopaths and in the Kachugin method. The Kachugin method itself has existed for 50 years and has long been used in humans. These things are controversial. It's clear. But they do exist. If we begin to prove that this does not exist, we will put ourselves in a stupid position. But we can choose a different path. Facts vs. Facts. Then you can win or lose. But the conversation will be professional. I'm afraid that my attractive colleague will again accuse me of being talkative.

03.08.2005, 10:21

Dear oncodoctor!
Could you remember how chemotherapy came to oncology in general?
How quickly was it accepted by doctors and what was needed for this? After all, this is not such a distant past.

03.08.2005, 11:10

"""It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there"""".......so says the Eastern wisdom!!! Why criticize everyone around.....everything is fine when there is a measure....and homeopathy works great, and bioenergetics... with charged water, metallic plates....but you can die from an ordinary drip of saline solution....or a "horse" dose of morphine... :cool:

03.08.2005, 13:07

And homeopathy works great, and bioenergetics... with charged water, metallic plates.... but you can die from an ordinary saline drip.... or a "horse" dose of morphine... :cool:
What, may I ask, “works”? The placebo effect - yes, it works. But don’t bioenergy therapists charge a lot for this “work”?

03.08.2005, 15:11

Good work is worth what they pay for it.
The people's idol of Russia is Ostap Bender, not Mechnikov:(.
Among the doctors there are many Benders, but the Mechnikovs are very interesting.
Even if he is an outsider.

03.08.2005, 15:33

The people's idol of Russia is Ostap Bender, not Mechnikov: (Do you mean a scientist or a mechanic? :D

03.08.2005, 15:42

In my humble opinion, homeopathy can actually work in some areas of medicine. In particular, many homeopathic preparations (if you believe the instructions;)) contain ultra-small doses of food/plant/household allergens - I fully believe that they can have a significant effect on the clinical course of allergic diseases - desensitization by systemic administration of ultra-small doses of antigen to induce clonal deletion of AG - specific lymphocytes - a fairly popular area in immunology today. But I have big doubts about oncology...

03.08.2005, 18:53

Colleague completely agree.

Homeopathy works a little. But rather weak. This is not only psychotherapy. Hindus tested the effect of homeopathic complexes on the cytotoxic effect of high doses of cadmium. It turned out that they were weakening. It is curious that the homeopathic protector itself contained cadmium ions. I don't have an article handy here, so take my word for it.

Russia “is not the only country in the world where homeopathy is equated with scientific medicine.” This is what our colleague Kozlov convinces us of. He made a mistake.

Respected among German doctors, the pharmaceutical company HEEL [Only registered and activated users can see links] exports its homeopathic compositions to almost a hundred countries. And these medications, according to doctors, help. But I would not recommend homeopathy to a cancer patient. And not because it is a “sophisticated form of quackery,” but because it is weak. Chemotherapy is stronger.

I would formulate it this way: “homeopathy is a gentle method of treatment for those who have time to get sick.” Homeopathy for cancer has been tried for a long time. Does not help. Homeopaths have different metal-containing compositions, for example cadmium (like the Kachugins). It cannot be said that these are substances neutral for the body. But cadmium and platinum act on the tumor in higher doses than those used by homeopaths. And the mechanism of action is not homeopathic. This is being studied now, but not by homeopaths.

03.08.2005, 19:08

Respected among German doctors, the pharmaceutical company HEEL [Only registered and activated users can see links] exports its homeopathic compositions to almost a hundred countries. And these medications, according to doctors, help. Misconception? or what? No sane doctor would prescribe this nonsense.

03.08.2005, 19:31

Well, the fact is that Hel successfully uses drugs in the adjuvant treatment of many types of allergies, the head. allergology consultative and diagnostic You are unlikely to be impressed by the doctor of the Filatov Hospital - and she has more medical experience than many. But that’s not the point - I don’t want to resort to calling any authorities as witnesses. Nobody says that this is a panacea - but in many cases it works as an adjuvant - many clinicians can give you an hour-long lecture HOW, if you wish, I can give you a two-hour lecture WHY) Recently, Cancer published an article on a randomized trial of Traumeel S (a Helev drug) in the treatment of post- HT stomatitis. Don't hesitate)

03.08.2005, 19:35

The experience of the doctors at the Filatov Hospital is, of course, a wonderful argument, but I would like normal publications in peer-reviewed medical journals. Do you know about those regarding the role of drugs from a “respected German company” in the treatment of allergies?

And I gave an example simply because she treated me ten years ago) I must admit, successfully)

03.08.2005, 19:39

Do you consider this work to be the basis for the use of Heel drugs at the Filatov Hospital in the treatment of many types of allergies?

03.08.2005, 19:45

03.08.2005, 19:49

I'm not exaggerating. Publications, especially such ones, are not clinical recommendations. There are different publications. And I really don't like the research.

03.08.2005, 19:52

Justify) In general, recently in Nat Rev Cancer there was a whole review on complementary medicine - I highly recommend reading it)

03.08.2005, 20:04

Dear Mr. Belousov! We proceed from the version. that all the doctors working here have already read a lot about complementary therapy, and from quite relevant sources, so let’s not send each other to comrade. Cochran.
We proceed from the second version, that even our curiosity has a limit, and force people to analyze the abstract of the 2001 article, in which there is no indication that randomized (the randomization method is not specified) groups of 15 people turned out to be balanced by age (fluctuations - 3-25 years), body weight, concomitant diseases, type of transplant, race, etc. - too cruel. You want to provide us with a full-text article - wonderful. Analyze it yourself and find out whether these data were confirmed in another sample.

03.08.2005, 20:10

Thanks for the answer and constructive criticism! Unfortunately, I do not have full-text access to this journal. But for the sake of interest, I’ll find an article and report on the results as soon as possible.

03.08.2005, 20:10

Funded by:
International Society of Homotoxicology, Baden-Baden, Germany

03.08.2005, 20:15

You are distorting) You asked for an example of a study - I provided it. Why don't you like it? The P value is not great, and it’s not what they publish, but the difference is still significant.
Regardless of homeopathy.
Whether you like or dislike the clinical results here is not based on the P value, but whether or not they coincide with the concepts of specific authors.
For example, if the same Israeli study had not found an effect, she would have liked it.

03.08.2005, 20:21

"First the stronger sex was created
Then, after finishing school,
The Creator of the universe has passed on to the fairer sex" (c)

For a person who is proud of his education with a course in statistics, you, Vladimir Yakovlevich, are surprisingly blind to statistical errors in the text..
You see, the magic words “randomization” and p less o.oooooooo1 are not enough, even to avoid making comments on the design.
By the way, I didn’t point out one more flaw - find it yourself (I saved this for later)... To school, to school. dear Vlalimir Yakovlevich.. Errors in medicine are not errors when measuring the perimeter of a table...

03.08.2005, 20:28

Galina Afanasyevna!
I’m not talking about “statistical errors,” but about psychology.
And he only noted that if the results obtained were different, then
No one would have paid any attention to statistical errors.

04.08.2005, 19:48

Your psychological knowledge and predictive gift are equal...
The information value of your psychological and prognostic hypotheses is comparable to the exciting activity of moving a certain liquid between two empty containers...

04.08.2005, 22:48

Galina Afanasyevna!
My psychological knowledge and prognostic gift have nothing to do with it. Assessments and opinions on the forum, in which personal preferences play a dominant role, are quite obvious, and you don’t need a special “gift” to see them.
And the method of asserting one’s rightness through the opponent’s personality (as this time) is also quite familiar to this DC.

05.08.2005, 14:39

So as not to be unfounded. To messages like [Only registered and activated users can see links]
a violent negative reaction immediately follows, without any, at least minimal curiosity to hear about specific clinical cases.
The author was immediately identified as a charlatan and, if he had not left the recreation center himself, would have soon been banned.
But if prof. Yakimov reported that he heard that in a neighboring hospital they tried OT on 8 patients and found no effect - then, I’m sure, it would quickly gain a solid positive reputation, and questions about the design would not even occur to anyone.

When on the forum I cited an article by two other professors, based on the results of “double-blind” studies on many patients, the studies themselves, naturally, did not arouse the same curiosity. But they found fault with the terminology. That they say diseases must be called the same in all countries.
Well, at least like this disease: Graves' disease; Parry; Flayani; Graves' disease; diffuse toxic goiter; diffuse thyrotoxic goiter.

05.08.2005, 14:57

"B-e-e-e-e-ed" (c)
“He never understood anything” is probably also a quote from somewhere...
“I never heard enough of them” - we are talking about your clinical successes, and the Master is about poetry a la Ivanushka Bezdomny.
At least he regained his sight and realized that the poems were monstrous...
You have your ozone professors - well, this is a suitable company - hundreds of patients. different sores, ozone for everyone, p< всего, что может быть, ура к светлому будущему...
Some, however, can see the light and do something intelligent...

Don’t worry about it like that, Vladimir Yakovlevich - we are all anti-ozone radishes, and that’s all business..

05.08.2005, 17:02

Yes, the review I mentioned is not in Nature reviews cancer, but in Nature reviews immunology.

If I find this number at home, I’ll translate it and post it somewhere. Interesting article. On the topic, I can say that I treat all alternative and non-traditional medicine with great skepticism. However, I am even more skeptical about people who accept anything as dogma. There are none in physiology. And in terms of the “psychology of attitude,” Mr. Zaitsev is right. For some reason, when Michael Pfreundschuh gave a lecture at the gem center on the use of rituximab in the treatment of NHL, no one asked the question: “You know, Michael, everything is of course good - but somehow, in my opinion, there is no indication of the randomization method, so that groups 18-60 years old are balanced in age, race, etc. A whole hall of people in white coats looked with inspiration into the mouth of the foreign Guru. Now imagine the same situation - a Russian professor and reads about herbal medicine. They will throw rotten eggs at you ANYWAY. Even if everything is verified down to the millimeter, there is always a wonderful “I don’t believe it” argument, which painfully reminds me of the apologists for vodka with butter with their “it works and that’s it!”

05.08.2005, 17:30

Galina Afanasyevna!
I am citing the messages “with ozone” only as an example. Instead, you can insert much more, the same immunomodulators, even Western, randomized ones. And in general, the history of medicine is replete with examples when new techniques (which then became standard) were accepted by a significant part of the medical community at knifepoint. And now!
I have already written that many millions of wounded and sick people during the Second World War (since 1943) were very lucky that the deity, EBM, later appeared. After all, decisions (at the government level) on the mass production of penicillin were made on the basis of isolated clinical evidence of effectiveness, for which penicillin was collected drop by drop. Despite, by the way, the sarcasm of a number of medical authorities of that time: “well, now they offer to treat with mold. Because bacteriologist Fleming is too lazy to wash laboratory glassware.”
The funny thing is that the initial skepticism towards penicillin was based on the dominant serotherapy and Mechnikov’s phagocytes at that time.
Based on which, it was believed that further progress in the treatment of infectious diseases would be associated primarily with immunity.

05.08.2005, 17:35

It is probably even funnier to accept as a dogma the need to carefully study precisely and specifically alternative methods on the basis of vague stories or pseudoscientific research.
Let's not play a game about the advanced fighters of the front line of alternative science (i.e. just Mendel, Virchow and Lomonosov rolled into one) and the retograds who do not allow urologists, trepangic healers and talented homeopaths to live a normal life.
Let's try to spend time on something more sane...
And you should ask about research design and statistics in all those cases when you need to ask, or when you know that you need to ask..

05.08.2005, 17:54

You are right, the guys Belousov & Zaitsev - well, to hell with them, these doctors - they read a lot of things, and they demand the same from us, the primordial ones.

Ish, they imagine, they put on white coats, but there, they didn’t ask Michael about anything... So what was Michael talking about, child? Maybe the uncles read what he was talking about? Well, let’s take a look at Medline and see what’s written there... That’s right - 274 links using the keywords mentioned in vain, 7 of them (more than one) pass as links to clinical ones with a good level of design..

And then, they giggle at immunology - and we give them an immunogram - you see, the CD 4\CD 8 ratio is broken - this is the ratio that needs to be treated... And Zaitsev knows for sure that everything is from immunology - immunology is primary, life is secondary.

Well, okay, Zaitsev is a biochemist and an enthusiast, what can we take from him, but a doctor may already know literature in his specialty.

You should have asked Michael about design and statistics - they would have asked, since there were doubts, it’s not too late - write letters, since there is an email.
The uncles didn’t ask - but there are problems - compare the articles, conduct a meta-analysis. What are you doing? like a woman at the market - they offend you, don’t judge like that, they’ll give you a pretty penny for ozone...

If you have something to say, say: this and that has been proven...Level of evidence -D - a couple of clinical cases, and one vague randomized one, God knows how, in a small group...

05.08.2005, 18:33

Well, okay, Zaitsev is a biochemist and enthusiast, what can we take from him?
Galina Afanasyevna!
The only question. Just please, in a normal, literary way, without distorting the words. Why don't you help Yana and Zhivov? With your rating! A couple of “disapprovals” and there will be no “enthusiast” here.

05.08.2005, 18:40

Oh, come on... it’s normal to have your opinion here, I think only Dzintar knows how to prove it, but it’s not observed (. I repeat - I’m not for homeopathy, rather even against it - and ozone therapy in the same steppe. I haven’t read a damn thing or about one or the other - I’m not interested, I’m working on cancer-associated B - cell antigens. But at the same time, I reflect that in this state of affairs, my negativity towards these methods is nothing more than my own impressions at the emotional level, and I don’t present your opinion as the ultimate truth.

05.08.2005, 18:51

To top it off, the famous immunologist Alexander Rudensky, when he recently came to give lectures, organized a seminar at which two complex and interesting articles from Science were discussed. After an hour and a half, Alexander himself brought us to the conclusion that both articles can be thrown into the trash, because the evidence in them, upon closer examination, is 0. I HAVE NO DOUBT that in most works devoted to homeopathy, on a similar scale, the evidence is generally negative. But no one has rubbed my nose into this yet. Only emotions.

05.08.2005, 18:55

Yes, the review I mentioned is not in Nature reviews cancer, but in Nature reviews immunology. ... I treat all alternative and non-traditional medicine with great skepticism. However, I am even more skeptical about people who take anything for dogma...
Dear Doctor Belousov,
Indeed, there are countries in which they find time and money to study complementary and alternative medicine, but at the same time, patients, when visiting a doctor, have the opportunity to receive treatment that has proven the greatest effectiveness for a given disease (which does not yet include any ozone-urinophytotherapy).
I am not sure that it is ethical to spend time and money studying herbal medicine, ozone therapy and other things in a country where there is currently not enough money in medicine for basic things. And when treatment methods that are routine throughout the world have not been introduced in many areas (due to lack of money, equipment, etc.). Read the "anesthesiology" section on this forum.
Moreover, it is unethical to prescribe procedures and drugs with unproven effectiveness and safety to patients.

P.S. Does your clinic use Rituximab? Did Michael tell Pfreundsch about radioimmunotherapy for lymphomas?

05.08.2005, 18:55

Even if I said “oh well,” it’s a shame that you never heard what this is, after all, the very opinion that you may not consider the final authority. You just can’t understand the reasons for the irritation, but they are simple.
Zaitsev - may he forgive me - is NOT A DOCTOR and CANNOT understand medical literature. Zaitsev thinks in political categories - democracy, freedom of speech, in technical ones - experiment as the basis of scientific progress, and criminal - if something is wrong, it means the mafia and money...
And quite sincerely (especially taking into account the ozone business) he cannot understand why such an amazing article - “everything and everyone was treated, they randomized it and 83% recovered” - does not cause wild delight. Well, you can’t seriously talk about medicine with Zaitsev.

Another thing is you. By definition, a doctor MUST BE ABLE to understand the information - well, we are not talking about ozone and urine therapy, in fact, in this discussion.
The point is that being a doctor is a special job; you don’t experiment here. At the same time, it is necessary to improve, improve, change - because we want to help our patients as best as possible...

The flow of reasonable and unreasonable information is colossal, and one can, a la a biochemist-fighter for the truth, snatch some sloppy works for the hundred and fifty-fifth time (geography and titles of the authors are not discussed) and think that the problem is their hostility to the virtual Zaitsev or the authoritarianism of vile individuals, but one might guess that a serious conversation (and oncology deserves it, doesn’t it) is not being conducted at a children’s level.
There is an international glossary for discussing medical recommendations, and there are requirements for scientific publications.

Yes, we are obliged to study everything more or less sane, especially in cases where our ability to help the patient is small - but the story should be serious, and not snatched children’s works, which the oncoimmunologist himself cannot even evaluate.

No, something is wrong with the training of oncoimmunologists - if an adult boy waits for someone to poke his nose, he’s not a kitten, after all...

05.08.2005, 19:02

Galina Afanasyevna, I’m afraid to disappoint you (or vice versa - like everything fell into place) - but I’m not a doctor. I am a chemist by education and a molecular biologist by occupation. I am engaged in purely experimental oncoimmunology, identifying and characterizing oncology-associated autoantigens that cause a humoral immune response.

05.08.2005, 19:08

Phew, what happiness.. Life is getting better.

05.08.2005, 19:08

Galina Afanasyevna, I’m afraid to disappoint you (or vice versa - everything seems to have fallen into place).
It's a pity that I don't have the opportunity to approve this phrase

05.08.2005, 19:20

To top it off, the famous immunologist Alexander Rudensky, when he recently came to give lectures, organized a seminar at which two complex and interesting articles from Science were discussed. After an hour and a half, Alexander himself brought us to the conclusion that both articles can be thrown into the trash, because upon closer examination there is 0 evidence in them.
In residency (training doctors after medical school), this form of communication is called a “journal club”. They are usually carried out once a month.

05.08.2005, 19:23

He is the one, JC is. We have our own laboratory every week, well, when the luminaries come, God himself ordered it.

05.08.2005, 21:00

05.08.2005, 21:17

[Only registered and activated users can see links]
[Only registered and activated users can see links]
[Only registered and activated users can see links]

05.08.2005, 21:32

) Familiar) Well, with Alexander, unlike the local inhabitants (sorry), at least it’s nice to discuss...

05.08.2005, 22:31

A couple of years ago, the “residents here” devoted a lot of time to discussions with alternative figures. For the sake of the patients, mainly. And doctors, of course. The discussions were long. You can find and read them. Respected Professor Melnichenko, in particular, patiently sorted out the errors in the works they cited and talked about the rules for conducting clinical trials and ethical standards. One can only marvel at her patience.
The doctors are tired. They want to talk to each other about medicine. And they also want to calmly consult patients, without fear that some Doctor X will burst in with a bag of dietary supplements or sugar balls and start recommending them for all diseases, confusing patients. Therefore, when another post appears that “Hel’s preparations work successfully” or “many homeopathic preparations contain ultra-small doses of food/plant/household allergens - I fully believe that they can have a significant effect on the clinical course of allergic diseases” in “the local inhabitants “Apparently my head is starting to hurt. Don't you feel sorry for them?

[Only registered and activated users can see links]
I read it carefully. IMHO - unproven, unprofessional. What did you find so “very literate” in L.M. Shapovalova’s posts?

06.08.2005, 09:44

07.08.2005, 10:42

Good afternoon
The latest issue of the World Journal of Surgery is almost entirely devoted to EBM issues for the surgeon....

Some quotes from the article “How to Analyze Articles” can easily be included as an epigraph:

"The ‘‘E’’ in EBM stands for evidence, not expert opinion."

"Whereas some students question the practical usefulness of critical appraisal, others embrace it with excessive enthusiasm. In their vigor to find fault in published papers and to criticize for criticisms sake, they fail to evaluate the
value of an article."
Natalya P. approved: Link, link!

And look what Bekhan Khatsiev posted on the site.. ([Only registered and activated users can see links])
Hello, Alexander!
I still do not give up my attempts to find something worthwhile in alternative medicine.
I was at the center of classical homeopathy, now homeopaths treat oncology and train in Switzerland. Links to a famous homeopath, an Englishman who treats in India and the Spinedi Clinic (Switzerland). Here is the scientific basis for the principle of Homeopathy:
http://[Only registered and activated users can see links]vest.ru/dots.html?id=981907#.UMsKU7Hwefs.liveeurnal

These are the results: In the world-famous D. Spinedi clinic (Switzerland) and in the Parik family clinic (India), healing occurs even in cases of hopeless cancer patients who completely get rid of the fatal disease without surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. For example, in the clinic of D. Spinedi, over 10 years in a group of patients with stage 4 cancer (with metastases), complete cure was achieved in 5-10% of cases, depending on the nosology. In 30-50% of patients, good stabilization is observed within 5-15 years (remission occurs, i.e. there are no symptoms of the disease). At the same time, all patients feel significantly better. Excellent results are observed in groups with stage 1-3 cancer.
Actually the question is: Where are the results of homeopathic methods or preparations published?
How scientifically valid is “scientific justification”?
Can homeopathy treatment be harmful? (I have now been on Avastin for 9 months).

07.01.2014, 20:31

In the world-famous D. Spinedi Clinic (Switzerland) and in the Parik family clinic (India), healing occurs even in cases of hopeless cancer patients who completely get rid of the deadly disease without surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. For example, in the clinic of D. Spinedi, over 10 years in a group of patients with stage 4 cancer (with metastases), complete cure was achieved in 5-10% of cases, depending on the nosology. In 30-50% of patients, good stabilization is observed within 5-15 years (remission occurs, i.e. there are no symptoms of the disease). At the same time, all patients feel significantly better. Excellent results are observed in groups with stage 1-3 cancer.
Have you noticed the new topic in this section?

Just today I posted a similar text, though about the plague and for 1722...Actually the question: Where are the results of homeopathic methods or drugs published? Nowhere.
Because there is no "research" being done.
According to the “principles” of homeopathy, it is impossible to compare even two patients. How scientifically substantiated is the “scientific basis”? Try, for example, treating your friends with homeopathic cognac or filling up your car with homeopathic gasoline. Can homeopathy treatment be harmful? Theoretically, no, there isn’t active substance, one water “with the memory” of what was once in it (as stated).
PS What hasn’t been in this water before... and where hasn’t it been before... :D

07.01.2014, 22:20

So this is a duck? or how? Message from 12/12/12:
? A phenomenon previously unknown in nature and not even theoretically predicted was discovered by Russian scientists. The discovery, already recognized as sensational, promises a real revolution in pharmacology and medicine. It turns out that drugs can be effective in ultra-low doses. This means it is possible to create effective drugs used, for example, for leukemia, writes ITAR-TASS.
The head of the research team, Academician Alexander Konovalov, spoke about this in his scientific report at a meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The message has a strictly academic sound and the title is “Formation of nano-sized molecular assemblies (nanoassociates) in highly dilute aqueous solutions.” It is known that when a certain solution is diluted with water, it loses its properties the more, the more water is added. It is enough to compare the qualities of pure alcohol, its 40 percent mixture with water and the same mixture in which half a percent remains.
However, during 6 years of research, a group of Russian scientists managed to establish that only 25% of solutions correspond to such classical concepts. But the remaining 75% “behave non-classically: their properties change unexpectedly,” noted Academician Konovalov.
This phenomenon, however, is observed only in highly dilute aqueous solutions - up to 10-20 moles (unit amount of substance) per liter. But it is precisely at such insignificant concentrations that some solutions acquire such physicochemical and, what is especially important, biological properties that, in accordance with existing scientific views, should not exist!
The details are important for narrow specialists, but for the general public, a new Russian discovery promises visible changes in medicine and pharmacology: after all, with the development of appropriate technologies, it will be possible to obtain the necessary effects from the action of drugs in ultra-low doses.
“Drugs can be effective in ultra-low doses,” emphasized Alexander Konovalov. “At negligible concentrations of the substance, effective drugs can be created, used, for example, for leukemia.” But the lower the dose, the fewer side effects, which significantly complicate the lives of patients fighting a deadly disease.
As scientists have found out, this occurs due to the fact that nano-sized molecular assemblies are formed in such solutions, called “nanoassociates” by the authors of the works. The size of nanoassociates varies depending on the degree of solution dilution, neither linearly nor monotonically: from several tens to several hundred nanometers. In this case, the necessary conditions for the formation of nanoassociates are the presence of an external natural electromagnetic field. In turn, the mandatory need for an external electromagnetic field for the formation of nanoassociates may be one of the channels of influence of electromagnetic fields on living organisms.
“Nanoassociates dictate the “weather” in these solutions,” said Academician Konovalov. “It is the formation of nanoassociates that causes the non-classical behavior of solutions. The reason is the changed structure of the dissolved substance. But we don’t know what it is yet. This is a challenge for physicists, biologists, and biochemists.” .