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Mucus with brown discharge. Other causes of dark brown discharge. When specific discharge is normal

Vaginal discharge in women is a physiological phenomenon when it is transparent, in small quantities, does not have a strong or foul odor and does not cause discomfort.

A signal that there are some problems in the body is a change in normal indicators, for example, the appearance of brown discharge. The color of the discharge can vary from light brown to dark with an admixture of blood, which to some extent indicates the cause of its occurrence.

For example, brown discharge with a light tint most often occurs due to diseases transmitted through sexual contact or inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs, while dark brown discharge is the result of bleeding of various origins from the uterus, cervix or vagina.

Causes of brown discharge in women

The most common causes of brown, odorless discharge in women are:

  • Sexual crisis - discharge is observed in newborn female children in the first days of life and is caused by a high content of female hormones (maternal) in the body;
  • Early onset of menstruation - some women, a few days before the expected menstruation, may experience brownish vaginal discharge of a spotting nature, which is caused by a change in the secretion of cervical mucus and hormonal changes in the body;
  • Polyposis;
  • in organism;
  • Pathological growth of the uterine mucosa;
  • Malignant neoplasms in the uterine cavity, cervix or vagina;
  • Attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine mucosa;

Itching and brown discharge in women

Brown discharge in women and itching of the external genitalia are most often caused by the development of inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity and its appendages.

Itching occurs as a result of irritation of the mucous membranes by excessive vaginal discharge. If such symptoms appear, a woman should immediately contact a gynecologist, otherwise the inflammatory process will progress and become chronic.

In addition, severe itching of the genital organs leads to the appearance of small cracks in the skin and mucous membranes - they are the entrance gates for the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, which causes the development of a secondary infection.

Itching along with brown discharge in women can signal some serious diseases of the endocrine system, namely. The discharge is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body, and severe itching is caused by irritation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs with sugar microcrystals.

At the end of menstruation or in the first days after menstruation, the appearance of brown vaginal discharge is acceptable - this is a consequence of hormonal changes. If the discharge continues for more than 3-5 days, the patient should consult a doctor.

The causes of prolonged brown spotting after menstruation are:

  • Side effect of using oral contraceptives;
  • Use of intrauterine contraception;
  • and uterine cervix;
  • Increased proliferation of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus.

Sometimes discharge appears as a result of rough sexual intercourse and is caused by injury to the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix.

Brown discharge before menstruation

In some cases, a few days before the expected period, a woman may experience brown discharge. Most often they are caused by:

  • Violation of hormone levels in the body;
  • Change of place of residence, for example, moving to a country with a different climate;
  • Experienced stress;
  • Antibiotic therapy;
  • Surgical termination of pregnancy;

This phenomenon does not pose a danger to a woman’s health if it occurs once; when brown discharge appears before each menstruation, the cause of this condition should be sought.

The appearance of spotting brownish discharge instead of full menstruation in women of reproductive age most often indicates the onset of pregnancy. This condition can continue until the end of the first trimester, and is caused by ongoing hormonal changes.

Brown discharge with an odor instead of menstruation may indicate a missed pregnancy and the development of an inflammatory process in the uterus. This condition poses a threat to a woman’s life. The embryo and its membranes remaining in the uterus begin to decompose, resulting in severe intoxication of the body.

If medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner, death may occur.

Brown discharge during menopause can also occur in women instead of the usual menstruation, which is due to hormonal changes and a decrease in estrogen levels in the blood.

Brown discharge during pregnancy

The causes of brown discharge in expectant mothers vary depending on the period. In early pregnancy, brown discharge is caused by:

  1. Implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus - spotting brownish or bloody discharge occurs approximately 7 days after conception. There is no need to worry, they are caused by damage to small blood vessels and will soon disappear without any medical intervention;
  2. Threatened spontaneous abortion - discharge from the genital tract, accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, may indicate increased uterine tone and the onset of a miscarriage. To maintain pregnancy, a woman should immediately contact a gynecologist;
  3. Ectopic pregnancy - brown discharge is accompanied by pain (mainly on one side) in the lower abdomen, radiating to the perineum and sacrum, which intensifies with changes in body position, stress, and sexual contact. A life-threatening condition is a drop in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, acute abdominal pain, pallor, increased discharge - this indicates a rupture of the fallopian tube and requires immediate surgical intervention;

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of brown discharge may indicate a slight placental abruption, progression of cervical erosion, and the threat of premature birth.

Sometimes discharge from an expectant mother may occur after gynecological procedures, for example, colposcopy, vaginal examination, etc.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of brown discharge from the genital tract represents the passage of a mucus plug and indicates impending labor.

Many women ask the question, why does cinnamon discharge appear? This question is difficult to answer, since there are many causes for this disease. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination to find out the exact cause and begin the necessary treatment. Vaginal discharge is a secretion, which in turn is produced not only by the uterus, but also by the glands of the vagina. If a woman has mucous discharge from the vagina that does not have any odor, then this is considered normal.

What is a normal secret? This is primarily mucus, which is secreted through the cervical canal of the cervix. In other words, mucus contains dead epithelial cells. Every woman should understand that there is no way to get rid of ordinary (normal) discharge, because it is a natural physiological process.

But, if the secretion acquires an unpleasant odor and a brown color, then this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

If a woman has mucus that has a brown tint, this means that a pathological process is occurring in the body. Often small amounts of blood are found in it. But, it is necessary to note an important point that not all brown discharge indicates a pathological process; it can also be a normal phenomenon. How to figure it out then? Let us give a standard classification by which it will be possible to conclude whether the brown secretion is normal or not.

Normal in the middle of menstruation:

  1. If the woman was taking hormonal medications.
  2. During aggressive sexual intercourse.
  3. At the first unprotected sexual intercourse.
  4. Often occur before the onset of menstruation.

Discharge of an unpleasant odor with a brown tint, which indicates pathology:

  1. If a woman experiences similar mucus in the middle of her period, taking into account the fact that hormonal drugs have not been used previously.
  2. Often occur during menopause, this is also a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
  3. If the secretion appears after sexual intercourse, the woman additionally experiences severe pain.

Now we can draw a small conclusion which brown discharge is normal and which is not. Now let's look at the reasons for their occurrence in more detail.

Causes of brown discharge in women

Sexual crisis, not many have heard of such a concept. The fact is that these discharges can occur in newborns. Since there are many hormones (maternal) in the body.

The second reason is the onset of menstruation. Brown mucus is often discharged before your period. But to distinguish it from pathology, it must have a spreading consistency. The cause of discharge during this period is a change in secretion, directly due to hormonal changes in the body.

The third, no less common reason is the occurrence of polyposis. This disease is characterized by the appearance of multiple benign neoplasms in the uterus or ovaries. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the neoplasms can develop into cancer. Against this background, serious health problems may arise.

Additional reasons:

  1. If there is a hormonal imbalance in the body.
  2. They can talk about growth of the mucous membrane itself, of a pathological nature.
  3. If a woman has a malignant tumor in her uterus.
  4. Benign or malignant formations on the cervix or in the vagina itself.

In addition to these reasons, a secretion with a not very pleasant odor occurs due to erosion, or if the fertilized egg is attached to the uterine mucosa.

Infectious causes should also be noted. For example, they can occur with trichomoniasis. This disease is transmitted sexually.

A woman with trichomoniasis experiences severe itching, dryness and burning. It should be noted that with this course of the disease, the woman develops copious discharge, which has a rich brown-orange color.

Gonorrhea is another disease that is accompanied not only by brown discharge, but also by pain and severe itching. In addition, with gonorrhea, urination is impaired. As a rule, mucus with gonorrhea indicates an advanced course of the disease.

Chronic pathologies and brown discharge

In women of reproductive age, brown discharge may indicate chronic pathologies. In most cases, they occur with endometritis. With this disease, the inflammatory process occurs on the mucous membrane. Endometritis can occur after intrauterine interventions or after frequent miscarriages. With this disease, a woman not only develops brown discharge, but also experiences severe pain that can radiate to the abdomen and back.

The second chronic disease is. In this case, the main cause of discharge and other symptoms is the rapid growth of endometrial nodules, directly outside the uterine cavity.

The third sign is the occurrence of hyperplasia. With this phenomenon, excessive growth is observed, as well as compaction of the inner lining, in particular in the uterine cavity.

The most dangerous conditions

While gynecological diseases can be quickly cured, some dangerous conditions require more thorough treatment.

Brown discharge can occur with tumors of the ovary, uterus or cervix. It should be noted that the tumor can be both benign and malignant.

The main danger of this condition is that at the initial stage the tumor is almost impossible to detect, since there is no clear clinical picture.

How to determine a tumor:

  1. If after sex or before (after) menstruation you experience brown discharge or spotting.
  2. If they have bloody clots, they resemble the appearance of meat slop.
  3. When pain occurs.
  4. Discomfort during urination.
  5. The act of defecation is disrupted.
  6. Unmotivated weight loss.

As soon as the above symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is recommended that in order to promptly identify a dangerous pathological process, it is necessary to periodically visit a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound examination.

Brown discharge in women after menstruation

If the discharge continues 1-2 days after menstruation, then this is considered normal. But, if they last for 3-5 days, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  1. May occur as a side effect, for example, after using oral contraceptives.
  2. If after menstruation a woman used intrauterine contraception.
  3. In more severe cases, brown discharge after menstruation may indicate the presence of a polyp in the cervix or in the uterus itself.

According to statistical data, it was also noted that these discharges in women often occur when the mucous membrane grows directly in the uterine cavity.

Can brown discharge occur instead of menstruation?

Yes, as a rule, it indicates pregnancy. Therefore, during this period they can continue until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. The cause is a complete hormonal change in the body.

But, if brown vaginal discharge occurs, which in turn has an unpleasant odor, then this indicates a frozen pregnancy or the beginning of an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity.

Therefore, as soon as you notice an unpleasant odor, you must immediately consult a doctor in order to promptly prevent severe intoxication of the body.

Brown discharge after sex

As mentioned above, brown discharge after sex can be normal or indicate serious problems. Therefore, to determine the nature of the mucus, you need to see a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

What could be:

  1. After sex, brown discharge may indicate a benign pathological process in which columnar epithelium begins to line the cervical canal. This phenomenon in medical practice is called ectopia of the cervix.
  2. If the epithelial cover is damaged, for example with. In addition to discharge, erosion causes an unpleasant odor, itching and burning of the genitals.

In order to identify the exact cause, it is necessary to take a smear not only for flora, but also for cytology.

Diagnostic measures to identify pathology

First, the doctor needs to rule out pregnancy, so the woman is examined in the mirrors on the gynecological chair.

After which they prescribe:

  1. Clinical blood test.
  2. Biochemical blood test (detailed).
  3. A blood sample is taken from the woman to determine hormone levels.
  4. A test for sex hormones is carried out, and the level of the thyroid gland is determined.
  5. It is mandatory to undergo microflora analysis; material is collected from the vaginal mucosa.

If necessary, the woman is prescribed a PAP smear; the material for the study is taken from the cervical canal.

If there is a clear suspicion of a pathological process or benign formation, it is necessary to undergo an additional biopsy.

As an instrumental diagnosis, a woman can be prescribed an ultrasound using ultrasonography, and hysteroscopy is also performed.

As you can see, there are many reasons for the occurrence of these discharges. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your health. As soon as discomfort occurs and the mucus acquires an unpleasant odor and a peculiar consistency, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Preventive actions

A timely visit to a doctor plays an important role. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations every six months in order to identify the disease at the initial stage of its development.

Ideally, women should not have any bloody or brown discharge from the genital tract outside of menstruation. But often girls notice spotting before or after menstruation, as well as after sexual intercourse. It is necessary to pay attention to this; often such minor manifestations hide serious diseases. When should you sound the alarm and run to the doctor? In what cases can brown discharge between periods be normal?

Read in this article

Discharge is normal

Discharge from a girl's genital tract can change throughout the menstrual cycle. It depends on age, hormonal levels, the presence of various diseases and some other reasons.

During puberty, when puberty just begins, the body, saturated with estrogen, begins to stimulate the formation of mucus in the vagina. It can be transparent and whitish in color. Most often it has a viscous consistency, sometimes like “lumps”. All this indicates a favorable development of puberty, the girl’s complete health and the fact that her menstrual function will soon improve.

After sexual intercourse

Stormy intimate relationships, especially under the influence of alcohol or drugs, often lead to injuries to the genital organs. Moreover, their nature varies from small cracks to serious ruptures. In the first case, you don’t have to worry too much; a slight smear will go away in a day or two. But with heavy discharge, surgical intervention is often indispensable; you should seek medical help.

During the first sexual experience, bloody discharge may also be detected, usually a few drops or a light spotting. They can be repeated up to 3 - 4 sexual contacts.

While taking oral contraceptives

In the first month of taking hormonal drugs, including for the purpose of contraception, various types of bleeding from the genital tract are often observed. This can be a short-term daub, or sometimes more abundant and long-lasting regulation.

Similar disruptions to the menstrual cycle are allowed during the first month. If symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor for examination. This may indicate an inadequate dose of the hormone in the drug or that it is not suitable for this girl.

This pathology occurs more often in premenopausal women, after numerous abortions and other interventions in the uterine cavity. But there are also cases of the disease in young nulliparous girls.

Most often, brown discharge occurs between periods without pain. Sometimes they can be mistaken for ovulation, but their constant nature forces us to look for a more serious cause.

Endometrial hyperplasia and polyps, in addition to intermenstrual discharge, are the cause of heavy, clotted periods.

Malignant neoplasms

The oncological process also manifests itself with irregular bleeding. Their nature can be different - from smearing to abundant. Their appearance is often noted, including after sexual intercourse.

Bloody discharge during menopause in 30% of cases indicates endometrial cancer.

Pathology of the cervix

In the presence of cervical erosion or a polyp of the cervical canal, periodic brown bleeding may appear between menstruation. They are provoked by sexual intercourse, physical activity, etc.

A characteristic feature of endometriosis is the appearance of spotting brown discharge on the eve of menstruation and after it. Usually their duration is more than 2 - 3 days. In this case, pain and discomfort may appear, including during sexual intercourse.

Pathology of the thyroid gland and other endocrine organs

The thyroid gland, to a greater extent than other internal secretion organs, affects the functioning of the genital organs and the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, with its pathology, disorders more often occur, including intermenstrual discharge.

Availability of an IUD

The intrauterine device can cause spotting on the eve of menstruation and after it. Moreover, sometimes they last up to 3 - 5 days, which brings considerable discomfort to the woman. All this can be accompanied by and. This is how the body reacts to such a foreign body. Only by removing the IUD will it be possible to get rid of the symptoms.

What does color tell you?

Bloody discharge may vary in color. But it is impossible to say based on this alone what the cause of the violations is.

So, we can highlight the following:

  • brown,
  • very dark, almost
  • bright scarlet, bloody.

If greenish tints are added to this, purulent in nature, as well as with an unpleasant, putrefactive odor, which indicates that the infection is attached to the underlying disease. In this case, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

Spotting after intercourse

“Contact” spotting that appears in a woman immediately or several hours after sex always alarms doctors. This is one of the most common and first signs of cervical cancer. That is why, in the event of such complaints, it is necessary to undergo a full examination in order to identify the pathology in an unadvanced form.

But not only with cancer of the cervix and vagina, brown discharge appears between menstruation; the causes may be hidden in a polyp of the cervical canal or uterine cavity, erosion, an inflammatory process and some others. Only a doctor can finally figure it out after an examination.

Diagnosis of the presence of pathology

What does brown discharge after menstruation mean? Dark discharge after menstruation is often a reason... Blood-streaked discharge after menstruation... Brown discharge between menstruation: causes...
  • Menstruation is brown. Menstrual bleeding is one of the signs of a healthy female body, ready for childbearing. ... Brown discharge between periods: causes...

  • 12/09/2017 at 16:31

    Hello! You describe the complaints a little chaotically, at least it’s not entirely clear to me)). So, it would be good if you answered the following questions:
    1. Before or after menstruation, or regardless of it at all
    2. Every month?
    3. Height and weight, have there been episodes of elevated blood sugar levels?
    4. Have you ever been examined for sexually transmitted infections using PCR or culture.
    After this, you will be able to judge what is happening to you.

    Regarding Metrogyl, do not worry, if pregnancy is ruled out, the drug will not cause harm. Another question is how much it will help). If you are very worried, try making an appointment, for example, at a private clinic, there is no queue. All the best!


    I’m 14 years old and haven’t had my period yet, but I’ve had light brown and dark brown discharge for the last 4 days, what could this mean?

    Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

    Hello! Bloody or brown discharge from the genital tract is either a sign of the onset of menstruation or other diseases. First of all, you should tell someone close to you - your mother, sister, etc. Adults familiar with menstruation can help you figure out if it's them). Also, pregnancy should not be ruled out, but only if you are sexually active. If the discharge continues to be spotty, or you cannot rule out pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. If they “transition” into normal heavy bleeding, this means the beginning of menstrual function. All the best!

    Brown discharge not associated with menstruation is a big concern for women, and there are quite good reasons for this. It is generally accepted among experts that vaginal discharge is a kind of indicator of women’s health and the state of the reproductive system. The indicators of mucus secretion can tell a gynecologist a lot. Of course, the brown mucous mass does not always appear as a result of a pathological process, and in some cases there is no reason for special concern. However, often this phenomenon becomes a symptom of a disease, and this is no longer something to joke about. When brown vaginal discharge appears, you should not panic, but you should not let the process take its course - the situation must be kept under control.

    Why does the discharge turn brown?

    Vaginal discharge is always present in any woman, which is a normal physiological process. Normal discharge is considered to be clear, odorless and irritating mucus, manifested in a small volume, and its intensity varies during the menstrual cycle, reaching a maximum during the period of ovulation. The usual composition includes leukocytes and lactobacilli.

    Brown discharge is a mucous mass with bloody impurities. It is the blood that provides them with a brown tint (with rare exceptions when the coloring is provided by pigments), and the saturation depends on the concentration of the blood component. Very small amounts of blood in the mass give a pale brown tint, and an increase in blood content increases the color saturation (dark brown discharge, and sometimes even almost black).

    It should be noted that brownish tints are provided by clotted blood, i.e. there is rapid blood clotting and a deep source of bleeding; a slow removal of the mass is possible. If the blood does not have time to clot, the discharge becomes red, scarlet or pink.

    It is the bloody bases of brown mucus that cause increased anxiety. In order for such discharge to appear, an internal source of bleeding is necessary. Physiologically, the female reproductive system is constantly aimed at creating conditions for fertilization of the egg and maintaining conception, which becomes the essence of the menstrual cycle. Physiological discharge in women largely depends on the periods of the menstrual cycle, which is facilitated by changes in hormonal levels.

    Complete cleansing of the system from everything unnecessary in case of failed fertilization is ensured by menstruation, the bloody component of which is perceived as a completely natural phenomenon. However, small blood impurities of the same nature can be released at other times, which causes shades of brown in the discharge. The process of ovulation itself also creates sources of bleeding. Thus, dark brown discharge is largely determined by the menstrual cycle.

    In addition, it is necessary to note some other characteristic periods in the life of women when the characteristics of vaginal discharge can change radically. First of all, this is the entire period of pregnancy with a real hormonal “revolution,” as well as the period of puberty in girls, menopause, and sexual intercourse.

    In general, brown discharge can be caused by non-hazardous physiological processes, but it can also become a sign of a pathological lesion (disease, injury). When analyzing the nature of mucus, the following indicators are taken into account: color and its saturation; volume; consistency; presence of odor, itching, pain, discomfort, impurities, etc. Pathological discharge is always accompanied by additional symptoms.

    Physiological processes

    In order to understand the degree of danger of dark brown vaginal discharge, it is necessary to differentiate non-dangerous, physiological phenomena from pathological processes. First of all, physiological processes are determined by the menstrual cycle. Brown spotting for 1-2 days after menstruation is considered quite normal. This is how the remains of unclaimed cells come out of the uterine cavity: first it is red-brown, and then light brown mucus. If the brown masses persist for more than 5 days, you should consult a doctor, because... pathologies are possible. Spotting brown discharge can be detected 2-3 days before the start of menstruation. This is how the female body reacts to sudden external changes (climatic, psychological factors, physical overload).

    In the middle of the menstrual cycle (13-16 days after menstruation), the appearance of spotting is associated with the ovulation process. Such phenomena are, in principle, anomalous, but within the acceptable norm. They are caused by a sharp hormonal imbalance.

    Most often, fairly heavy brown discharge can be observed within 3-4 months after the first use of hormonal-type contraceptives.

    During pregnancy, at different stages, brown discharge may have a natural physiological nature. In the early stages of pregnancy, physiological phenomena are caused by the implantation of the egg into the uterine wall. The process of fixation of the fertilized egg occurs with the rupture of the smallest blood vessels, and the released blood mixes with the vaginal mucus. The mass may acquire a brownish, beige or pink tint. Such discharge is quite thick (cream consistency) and abundant, but does not have alarming symptoms, and the pain syndrome is quite insignificant. The duration of the process can be 2-4 weeks.

    Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause spotting around the time of your period before conception. This brown discharge is also considered normal. Moreover, these manifestations should not be abundant and long-lasting (more than 2-2.5 days). A relapse of such an anomaly can occur again after 2-3 months.

    Possible causes of non-pathological manifestations

    Another fairly powerful stimulus for activating secretions can be considered sexual intercourse. Almost 20% of all women experience a significant increase in the intensity of discharge, incl. brownish after sex. Bloody discharge is observed during the first sexual intercourse in a girl’s life and the subsequent 2-3 contacts. Another option for the appearance of blood impurities in vaginal mucus is sex when a woman is not ready for contact, when insufficient lubrication has been released, and frictional movements lead to abrasion of the vaginal mucosa and microcracks.

    A fairly common cause of these manifestations can be various types of contraception. In particular, they are considered a normal reaction of the female body to starting to take hormonal contraceptives or switching to other pills. Bloody marks can be detected within 4-6 months after starting to use the tablets. If discharge is detected after this period, it means that this type of drug is not suitable and should be replaced with another drug. If changing pills does not help, then you need to contact a gynecologist.

    A similar reaction of the body may follow when suddenly stopping taking pills after prolonged use. A reaction is even possible if a woman simply forgot to take one tablet at the usual time. The body gets used to receiving a portion of hormones from the outside. Brown discharge also occurs with other methods of contraception. This phenomenon is detected within 3-4 months after installation of the intrauterine device. Longer and more abundant discharge means that spiral protection is not suitable for a woman’s individual characteristics.

    Manifestations of pathogenic factors

    Brown vaginal discharge may be a sign of pathology of the genitourinary system. The following main pathogenic causes of this manifestation are identified:

    1. 1. Endometritis is an inflammatory reaction of the uterine mucosa (endometrium). Brown mucus is usually accompanied by an unpleasant odor and sometimes an aching pain in the lower abdomen. The main causes of the disease are abortions, miscarriages, hormonal imbalances, infectious lesions, and postpartum complications. The pathology has a chronic course and is very dangerous during pregnancy, because disrupts the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall.
    2. 2. Endometriosis - damage to the uterus or its cervix. Pathology in the uterine cervix develops in the form of small cysts and nodules or strip growths of red or bluish color. Damage to the uterine body mainly occurs in the muscle layer. With endometriosis, dark brown discharge is recorded, clearly indicating a blood component. After menstruation, the mucus secreted becomes somewhat lighter than before.
    3. 3. Endometrial hyperplasia. Dark brown spotting-type discharge is observed before menstruation and for a long time after its completion. The causes of this pathology: metabolic disorders (especially carbohydrate and lipid), hormonal imbalance, arterial hypertension, congenital anomalies, various diseases of the reproductive system.
    4. 4. Presence of polyps. Brown discharge is often a sign of the presence of polyps in the uterine mucosa or cervical canal. Their presence often provokes an inflammatory reaction. Particularly severe bleeding is detected when polyps are damaged, in particular during sexual intercourse.
    5. 5. Detachment of the ovum. Prolonged spotting and spotting may indicate detachment of the fertilized egg or placenta from the uterine wall. An important symptom is paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen with irradiation to the lumbar area.
    6. 6. Ectopic pregnancy. When such an anomaly arises, brown manifestations with an admixture of ichor are observed. Additional symptoms: arterial hypotension, pain in the lower abdomen, tachycardia, dizziness, general weakness.

    Presence of diseases and pathologies

    Brown bleeding from the vagina can be provoked, in addition to the above pathologies, by a number of other diseases of the inflammatory, infectious and tumor type. The following diseases should be noted:

    1. 1. Oncological diseases. Particularly noteworthy are uterine cancer and cervical cancer. Bleeding in the presence of such tumors is especially pronounced after sexual intercourse.
    2. 2. Erosion or ectopia of the cervix - ulceration or defects in the mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix. Pathology can occur in a woman at any age, and the greatest danger is the tendency to transform into a malignant formation. The disease is especially dangerous if there is a papilloma virus in the body, which increases the likelihood of cancer. Erosion upon examination is observed in the form of a superficial ulcer with an area of ​​redness measuring 3-20 mm. Bloody discharge increases during sexual intercourse, because... mechanical damage to defects occurs.
    3. 3. Uterine adenomyosis - extensive growth of the uterine endometrium. Main symptoms: brown discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle, excessively heavy periods, menstrual irregularities, bloating, pain that worsens during sex.
    4. 4. Uterine fibroid is a benign tumor that has a connective tissue structure and forms on the uterine wall. Symptoms directly depend on the degree of proliferation and include menstrual irregularities, pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen, dysuric symptoms, and radiating pain to the lower back.
    5. 5. Sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, candidiasis, etc. Characteristic signs: strong unpleasant odor, severe itching, burning. Bleeding increases after sexual intercourse.

    Brown discharge in women can be caused by various reasons. Physiological manifestations do not require treatment, but require preventive measures: careful hygiene, optimization of nutrition, giving up bad habits, strengthening the body. If pathologies become the cause of the discharge, then you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor, after conducting appropriate examinations, will diagnose a specific disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

    Discharge from the female genital organs is a fairly physiological phenomenon if it is colorless, odorless and free of impurities. Brown discharge, which can appear at various periods - before and after menstrual periods, during pregnancy, after sexual intercourse, etc., can serve as an unpleasant signal. But a brownish tint to discharge in women can also be normal. What are the reasons for such phenomena and what should you pay attention to?

    The discharge can be of different shades: from light brown to dark and rich. This can indirectly reveal the cause of their occurrence.

    Light brown discharge is the result of bacterial vaginosis, an infectious process that is sexually transmitted, and microtrauma of the uterine cervix.

    Dark brown discharge usually indicates the presence of clotted blood in the discharge. Blood can be of vaginal, cervical or uterine origin.

    In what situations can they appear?

    Brown discharge in the form of spotting marks can appear in a teenager before puberty, at the onset of menopause, during reproductive age and during menopause. They all have different causes.

    Photos of brown discharge of varying consistency and character are presented below:

    Causes of brown discharge

    The brown tint of the discharge always indicates the presence of coagulated blood in it. The intensity of the color depends on its volume and consistency of mucus. Liquid leucorrhoea, as a rule, can be light brown, almost pink. Thick discharge that contains stagnant blood or clots may be dark brown.

    The causes of bleeding can be:

    • Physiological processes that are associated with disruption of blood vessels (these include menstrual periods, ovulation, the introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrium, cleansing the uterus after childbirth);
    • Hormonal disruptions in the body that lead to pathologies of the menstrual cycle;
    • Violation of the epithelial membranes of the genital organs during abortion, gynecological procedures, sexual contact;
    • Age-related changes in the structure of the vaginal mucous layer;
    • Violation of the surface layer of the cervix and vagina due to inflammation;
    • Processes in the uterus and ovaries, which lead to improper development of their tissues and blood vessels;
    • Traumatic lesions of the genital organs;
    • Inflammatory process of the bladder.

    Normal discharge

    Normally, brown discharge is not profuse, does not have an unpleasant aroma and is uniform in structure. Such discharge may appear when using hormonal contraception, with minor damage to the capillaries of the vagina during douching, examination by a doctor, in some cases even after violent sexual contact, as well as at the beginning and end of menstrual days, during ovulation, and consolidation of the fertilized egg in the uterus.

    Brownish leucorrhoea can also occur after nervous stress or physical fatigue.

    Pathological discharge

    They may be abundant or spotting, depending on the type of pathological disorder. It has an unpleasant aroma, includes dark-colored blood clots or particles of dead tissue, and can include pus, foam, and lumps. May often alternate with bright bleeding.

    A clear symptom of the disorder is the occurrence of spotting on any day of the menstrual cycle, if it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, and other menstrual pathologies also appear, infertility is diagnosed.

    The disorder is indicated by the occurrence of bloody leucorrhoea during menopause. A symptom of significant diseases may be the regular occurrence of bleeding after sexual intercourse. Brown discharge, which is accompanied by itching and burning in the genitals, frequent urination, and an increase in body temperature, is considered pathological.

    Diseases and disorders when bloody leucorrhoea occurs

    • Ectopic pregnancy.

    This is a dangerous condition when the fertilized egg is attached not in the uterine cavity, but outside it (often in the fallopian tube, rarely in the uterine cervix). The reasons for this may be inflammatory processes in the appendages, the formation of adhesions and tumors in the uterine cavity. Violation of the tissue in the area of ​​attachment of the fertilized egg leads to the appearance of spotting dark brown discharge. They are associated with rupture of the membrane of the embryo, its rejection, and “tubal abortion.” One of the riskiest options is considered to be a rupture of the fallopian tube at 6-8 weeks.

    • Erosion, uterine dysplasia.

    The diseases are associated with changes in the structure of the epithelium of the pharynx of the uterine cervix, which extends into the vagina, ulceration of the surface and disruption of small vessels.

    • Colpitis, cervicitis.

    Inflammatory process of the vagina and cervix. Thinning and atrophy of the mucous membranes occurs, and bleeding cracks form on them. Microflora pathologies lead to the development of fungi (candidiasis), and the penetration of pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases into the genitals improves. Brown discharge has an unpleasant odor and an unusual consistency.

    • Endometritis.

    Inflammation in the uterus is the reason why purulent brownish discharge occurs instead of the usual critical days. Pain appears in the lower abdomen, and an increase in body temperature is likely. Chronic course causes late infertility.

    • Endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis.

    Pathogenic growth of the endometrium leads to various disorders of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of spotting brown discharge after menstruation, as well as in the intervals between cycles.

    • Polyps.

    Their formation is one of the signs of endometrial hyperplasia. Polyps are rounded growths in the basal layer. They are often found in women during menopause.

    • Cysts on the ovaries.

    Signs depend on the type and origin of such neoplasms. Spotting brown discharge with ichor may occur before and after menstrual days. This increases the duration and total amount of blood loss. Blood clots may occur.

    • Tumors of the uterus.

    Signs depend on their location and volume. Discharge mixed with blood occurs when the tumors have become quite large, which complicates the diagnosis of such diseases.

    Brown discharge after menstruation

    A signal from a woman’s body about an emerging disorder is considered to be discharge that occurs a few days after the menstrual period. In this case, the woman must consult a doctor to determine the causes of the discharge and, if necessary, select the necessary therapy for the woman.

    What does this mean? Such discharge may appear due to the following reasons:

    • Prolonged endometritis;
    • Endometriosis;
    • Significant mucosal injuries;
    • Uterine hyperplasia;
    • Sexually transmitted diseases and other infections;
    • Polyps;
    • Ectopic pregnancy.

    As a rule, in addition to brown discharge, which is dangerous for women’s health, a woman may experience other unhealthy symptoms. This can be a pulling and sharp pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back. In addition, there is a loss of strength, mood, reluctance to have sexual contact, etc.

    The most reasonable decision that can be taken in such a situation is to immediately contact a specialist. Perhaps everything will not be so dangerous, but just a normal option, but another outcome is also likely. And in this case, consulting a doctor on time can not only relieve you from significant health problems, but also protect your life.

    Light brown discharge : if they last more than 3 days and have an unpleasant aroma, then this is often considered a symptom of chronic endometritis - an infectious and inflammatory disease of the uterus, which in most situations occurs due to difficult childbirth or abortion.

    Copious dark brown discharge : Discharge of this color can become a symptom of uterine hyperplasia or endometriosis. Often, such discharge occurs with submucosal (located directly under the mucous membrane) endometrioid nodes in the uterine wall. In addition to bleeding, the main symptom of endometriosis is severe pain in the lower abdomen.

    Brown spotting can be observed after the end of menstruation if a woman has reduced blood clotting, weak uterine tone, or if the woman was overly active in the last days of menstruation. If such discharge occurs within 1-2 days, it does not pose any danger. If they last more than 2 days and also have unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen, then the cause may be diseases of the genital area.

    In some cases, such brownish discharge may appear after an examination by a gynecologist or after sexual intercourse, if there is erosion of the uterine cervix and the mucous membrane is injured. This condition should also be treated by a specialist.

    Brown discharge mid-cycle

    If brown spotting occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, then you first need to pay attention to its quantity and nature. The color of the discharge matters:

    1. Dark discharge often occurs when a woman just starts using oral contraceptives (there is a sharp change in hormonal levels).
    2. Light brown discharge can occur not only when taking hormonal contraceptives, but also as a result of abnormalities in the woman’s genital organs. In such a situation, traces of oxidized blood from damaged small vessels give the discharge a tint.
    3. Red-brown discharge occurs due to the formation of microcracks on the vaginal walls due to insufficient formation of protective mucus during sexual intercourse. A similar situation appears, for example, during the first sexual acts, when deflowering. Often a woman encounters this symptom at the very beginning of menopause.

    Normal brown discharge mid-cycle

    It is considered normal when a woman experiences lightly colored spotting of a brownish-brown hue right before or immediately after menstruation. In the middle of the cycle, brown discharge is natural if it is insignificant and does not have any unpleasant odor. The cause can be physiological processes in the body.

    • Ovulation.

    When the follicle ruptures and a mature egg is released, an insignificant amount of blood may be released, which, after oxidation from the air, receives a brownish tint. This is usually done on the 14th day from the start of menstruation.

    • Attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall.

    During the period of implantation of the embryo into the endometrium, minor damage to the endometrial vessels may occur. Drops of clotted blood may stain the mucus that is released. During this period, the woman is able to feel mild pain in the lower abdomen.

    • Short term miscarriage.

    If for certain reasons the embryo detaches from the endometrium, then slight bleeding occurs. It takes on a reddish-brown hue, lasts 1-2 days, and then acquires the usual color of menstruation. Moreover, the woman often does not even know that she was pregnant and had a miscarriage.

    • Puberty.

    The first menstrual cycles in teenage girls usually occur with deviations; the cycle will be established after approximately 1.5-2 years. Until hormonal processes are fully regulated, adolescents may experience brown spotting between menstruation.

    • During menopause.

    Menstruation during menopause can also become irregular, as ovarian function weakens. Between and after menstrual cycles, scanty reddish-brown discharge often occurs.

    Please pay attention ! It is important not to miss a significant disease (inflammation, tumor formation) in the presence of such a sign.

    Pathological discharge in the middle of the cycle

    Pathological discharges include those that, in addition to a brown tint, also have other unusual symptoms. In this case, breakthrough intermenstrual uterine discharge is considered one of the signs of diseases of the uterus or appendages.

    You need to contact a specialist in the following cases:

    1. Brown discharge with an unpleasant aroma occurs between menstrual cycles, and the woman does not use hormonal contraception.
    2. Pain occurs in the lower abdomen and lower back. You feel dryness in the vagina, irritation, burning, and an increase in body temperature. Sexual intercourse brings pain.
    3. The discharge is of an unusual nature (lasts several days, includes clots of dried blood, appears regularly between periods, is profuse).

    Experts advise that if you have any doubts about the reasons for brown discharge that occurs between critical days, immediately carry out a gynecological examination, even if there are no specific symptoms of ailments.

    Brown discharge before menstruation

    The organs that are part of the reproductive system are considered among the most vulnerable in the female body. Their functioning can be affected by various conditions that are not related to diseases. Doctors identify some causes of brown discharge before menstruation, which are determined by physiological processes:

    • The end of the formation of the organs of the reproductive system

    If a girl’s period began not so long ago, and the cycle has not yet stabilized, then experts do not consider brown premenstrual discharge as a pathology. Discharge is normal for six months to two years from the first menstruation and there is no need to worry about it. It is worth thinking about the presence of disorders in a woman’s body if such discharge is constant and continues for 7-8 months. In this case, you need to immediately consult a doctor to identify an accurate diagnostic conclusion.

    • Introduction of hormonal contraception

    Such drugs have an effect on the hormonal levels of the whole body. The presence of characteristic brown mucus a few days before menstruation is a symptom of the presence of the desired effect of contraception on the body. You need to worry if such discharge has been going on for more than 3 months. Such a symptom may indicate the need to select another method of contraception.

    • Use of an intrauterine device

    The principle of influence of this method affects not only the likelihood of pregnancy, but also the shade of the discharge. After installing the IUD, experts assume the possibility of light brown discharge before menstruation during several cycles.

    • Eating disorder

    Sudden changes in body weight, diseases (bulimia, anorexia), regular strength training sessions that exceed the body's load can cause fluctuations in the menstrual cycle and the occurrence of spotting. This phenomenon can be eliminated with the help of treatment. To do this, you should contact a nutritionist.

    • Premenopause

    This period characterizes the beginning of the restructuring of the reproductive system. The entire hormonal background is subject to change. Changes in estrogen levels can cause dark brown or black discharge before your period is due. To eliminate such phenomena, a specialist may prescribe the woman to take hormonal medications.

    • After sex

    Insufficient lubrication or excessively active sexual intercourse can lead to injury to the surface of the vagina, uterine cavity and labia. This phenomenon can cause discharge of brown clots. They can go away a couple of days after sexual contact and do not require special treatment. In addition, after sex, such a symptom may occur due to the presence of erosion of the uterine cervix.

    The main actions that are aimed at identifying the cause of discharge before menstruation include:

    • Examination by a gynecologist;
    • Taking a vaginal smear;
    • Ultrasonography;
    • Complete blood count and hormone analysis;
    • Histology;
    • Colposcopy;
    • Biopsy;
    • Study of heredity.

    This range of procedures is required to better study the root cause of this phenomenon and select an effective course of therapy.

    Brown discharge during pregnancy

    Brown discharge during pregnancy - spotting and bloody - is a violation. Normally, discharge can occur when the embryo attaches to the uterine wall, when the integrity of the endometrium is disrupted in the early stages of 1-2 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, spotting may occur during pregnancy in the first trimester on days when menstruation was expected. For any brown discharge, you need to contact a specialist or call an ambulance.

    Causes of brown discharge during pregnancy:

    • Insufficient levels of the hormone progesterone, which causes endometrial rejection and poses a risk of miscarriage;
    • Ectopic pregnancy;
    • Placental abruption, previa.

    Any brown discharge during pregnancy in later stages carries the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

    About normal discharge

    Normal brown discharge may not be abundant and does not have an unpleasant aroma; it is uniform in structure. Such discharge occurs when using hormonal contraception, with a slight violation of the integrity of the capillaries during douching, examination on the gynecological chair, in some situations after too active sexual intercourse, as well as at the beginning and end of critical days, during ovulation, and the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall.

    Brown vaginal discharge can also occur due to nervous stress and physical fatigue.


    If any brown discharge occurs, you should contact a specialist. First of all, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy and the threat of miscarriage.

    If there is no pregnancy, then detection and treatment of the cause that caused the appearance of brown discharge is required.