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We collect the arsenal of a home hairdresser: how to comb long hair in cats. How to properly comb a cat so that she likes it The cat does not allow itself to be combed out what to do

The coat of a cat is an indicator of its health. If she constantly sheds, looks bad, then you need to change the diet and include vitamins. The coat requires special care, especially for long-haired breeds. The most common care for cats is constant combing and washing.

Cat combing

The cat licks its hair every day, thereby she tries to get rid of odors and comb. However, by taking care of her toilet, she may swallow wool, which will subsequently collect in her stomach. Thus, here it is no longer possible to do without surgical intervention. Long hair can roll into lumps and the cat will not be able to get rid of them on its own. Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, and first of all with health, you need to regularly comb your cat (long-haired 3 times a day, and short-haired 2 times a week).

Before you start combing the wool, you can sprinkle it with talcum powder (this will simplify the procedure), after using a metal brush or a comb with the rarest teeth, draw along the growth line of the hairs. And then you can use a comb with thick teeth and remove tangled knots (especially scrupulously in the neck and tail). If there are a lot of tangled lumps in the cat's fur, then they must be carefully cut off with scissors. Then comb the wool with a massage brush. Sprays or conditioners can then be used to make the coat shiny.

How to comb a cat

To start combing a cat, you need to be patient. This should be done gradually. It is desirable when she is resting, for example, during sleep. You need to start scratching where she likes and is pleased. It is best to groom the coat daily, namely before feeding, so that the cat gets used to the comb, hands and movements.

Try to communicate with her and praise. After this procedure, reward her with delicious food. During combing, the fallen hairs are removed, and they will no longer fall into the ventricle.

For hair care when combing you will need:

  • comb with rare teeth;
  • comb or rubber brush;
  • combs with rare teeth;
  • flea combs.
Brushes and combs made of unnatural hair are not used, as they contribute to the appearance of static electricity and can provoke brittle hair.

Bathing cats

It is not worth resorting to frequent bathing, since by nature a cat is a very clean animal and with its tongue it licks all the dirt off itself. With each wash, the protective lubricant produced by the subcutaneous glands is washed off, and especially with the use of shampoos, the hairline loses its shine.

Bathing instructions:

  1. Excessive smearing of wool, whether it be artificial or natural substances.
  2. The presence of fleas.
  3. Preventive measures.

Swimming restrictions:

  1. Bathing a sick animal is definitely contraindicated, as it is exposed to even more infections.
  2. It is not recommended to bathe a cat with a full belly. The period from eating to bathing must be 3 hours.
  3. Do not make stressful situations for your pet.
  4. Do not submerge your animal upside down in the water.
  5. Remember, if the cat has a long coat, then before bathing it should be carefully combed out.
  6. As mentioned above, you should not be zealous with frequent bathing.

How to wash a cat?

A cat should not be washed with soap or shampoo intended for humans. Because they are different in composition. In order not to damage the skin and coat, it is better to use cat shampoos. You can use cat cosmetics. It comes in the form of a spray and dry powder, which is sprinkled on the cat, and then carefully combed out.

Bathing cats

Washing a cat is an activity for 2 people, but if it doesn’t work out, then you need to take care of yourself. First of all, put on a terry bathrobe, put on knitted mittens on your hands, which will protect you from claws, and the animal will be comfortable. Be sure to cover the ears with cotton wool before bathing the cat so that water does not get there. Apply a pea of ​​Vaseline to the corner of the eye so that there is no irritation of the mucous membrane.

The best place to bathe is in the kitchen sink, as it fits your height comfortably. The surface of the sink must be strengthened, for this, use a rubber mat so that the cat stands confidently on its paws. Take a little water, so that only it touches the tummy. The water should be up to 38 degrees. Gradually lower the cat into the water and slowly moisten it. Wash with shampoo, then rinse thoroughly with water. Then wrap the cat in a large towel, preferably a terry towel, and hold it in your arms for 30 minutes. If she is not afraid of a hair dryer, then you can use it and dry the coat.

Long-haired cats are the pride of their owners.

They attract the admiring glances of others and beckon with their bewitching beauty.

But only the cat and its owner know how much effort it takes to maintain the impressive appearance of long-haired pussies.

Basics of daily grooming

It is widely believed that a cat is able to take care of itself.

This statement may be true, but it concerns outbred residents of neighboring courtyards.

They really do not care about wind and snow, dirt and rain.

They are able, thanks to the unique structure of the cat's tongue, to independently remove excess hair and get rid of pollution.

It is a completely different matter when it comes to thoroughbred cats, especially long-haired ones, such as and, and, and. They are not able to keep their wool in proper order. And no matter how much the pussy tries to work with its tongue, without additional care, the fallen hairs accumulate, form tangles and create an untidy appearance of the animal.

In addition, with matted wool, serious skin diseases are formed. With severe irritation of the skin, you have to resort to unplanned haircuts.

And if for some breeds a seasonal haircut is a natural procedure, then the Persians after a haircut are likely to change their color. And for show cats, this is a complete collapse of a career.

With daily licking of the hairs, the cat swallows the hair, which accumulates in the stomach. It's good when a cat spits up lumps of stray hair or they come out with feces.

But there are cases of intestinal blockage when the problem has to be solved in an operative way.

Therefore, regular hair care for long-haired cats is not only a cosmetic procedure, but also a preventive medical one.

In addition, daily combing of the animal helps to massage the skin, which improves blood flow and affects the well-being and mood of the pet.

How to train a cat to comb?

In the process of combing a cat, the appearance of small and significant problems is inevitable in the form of processing especially sensitive areas, the formation of matted hair.

Therefore, the cat may respond to such a procedure inadequately. For some pussies, brushing is as much of an ordeal as bathing.

Considering that a long-haired cat will have to be combed almost daily, and during periods of molting especially fluffy specimens twice a day, it is necessary to accustom a cat to combing from a very young age.

You can start combing a fluffy kitten from the age of 1.5 months. If you try to develop the habit of a daily pleasant procedure, in the future there will be no problems with daily grooming.

It is necessary to choose a favorable moment when the animal is in a good mood. It is better to carry out the procedure before feeding. Then the cat will associate combing with delicious treats that are given to her after the session.

If you try, then for a home beauty, combing will not be an inevitable procedure, but a pleasant pastime, when the hostess says gentle words to her pet.

Between the cat and the owner, thanks to daily communication, a special psychological bond is created.

And even when you have to hurt the cat during grooming, it will react adequately and will not resist combing in the future.

Getting ready for brushing

Only at first glance, combing does not cause much difficulty.

Of course, if you follow the requirements for the regular care of long hair, the number of problems decreases dramatically.

But all the same, with an amateurish approach, either the animal does not perceive the procedure, or a lot of strength and nerves will have to be spent, or too much hair is combed out, but the result is not encouraging.

To properly conduct daily grooming, you will have to stock up on both patience and knowledge, as well as a certain arsenal of a home hairdresser.

To conduct a home combing session, you will need specific devices in the form of:

  • a metal comb with long, sparse and slightly rounded teeth;
  • a metal comb with frequent rounded teeth of medium length;
  • a metal comb with frequent short rounded teeth;
  • combined massage brushes, in which metal teeth have an antistatic coating;
  • scraper to remove matted wool;
  • kapron comb;
  • special gloves for combing.

In addition, you will need additional ones in the form of talcum powder, conditioner and spray.

Step-by-step instruction

Usually cats calmly tolerate scratching the neck, head, and back. Therefore, it is better to start manipulations from these places.

But it is difficult to calm an irritated animal and it will not be possible to continue the procedure in a calm rhythm.

Therefore, it is better to go from simple to more complex and problematic areas.

  1. Comb the head, cheeks and area behind the ears first with a fine-toothed comb. After that, you can use a toothbrush to collect the fallen hairs from the head.
  2. The collar of a long-haired cat is carefully combed in the direction of hair growth. For Persians, in which the collar should give the impression of a halo, finish the procedure by combing out towards the muzzle.
  3. We comb the breast up, directing the comb from the paws to the muzzle.
  4. We comb the back of a long-haired cat after hygienic combing towards the withers so that each hair is separated from each other.
  5. We smooth the sides from the head to the tail.
  6. We comb the cat's belly, laying it on its knees on its back, running the comb from the chest to the tail.
  7. In this case, you need to act especially carefully so as not to hurt the papillae.

  8. We comb the front paws when the cat lies on its back. Stretching out the foot, we comb the armpit area.
  9. We comb the “panties” on the hind legs from the heels to the tail.
  10. To comb the tail, use a sparse comb that needs to be drawn against the coat. At the end of the procedure, the tail is shaken so that it fluffs up.

In addition to daily grooming, the cat should be combed directly and when the animal dries after a hygienic wash.

To facilitate the procedure of combing long hair, you can use a special talcum powder.

You can use cornmeal.

Such powders help to greatly facilitate further manipulations carried out with the long hair of cats.

Do not use baby powders, especially those with fragrances.

Cats are often allergic to these products.

Sprinkle the wool with the product, after which we carry out the processing with a scraper.

GiGwi Trimming comb

The scraper helps to remove superficial stray hairs.

Use a scraper before the main combing, sprinkling wool with special talc.

Using such a device can greatly facilitate subsequent combing.

Manufacturer: GiGwi

Estimated cost: 420 rubles.

Now you can start combing with a metal comb with rare teeth.

If tangles have formed, which is most often observed behind the ears, between the shoulder blades, on the stomach and in the groin, use a comb with rare teeth.

Divide the stray hair into parts and comb gently, holding the lump at the base.

If there are significant tangles, use scissors with blunt tips, directing them along the hairs.

This method allows you to cope with large and complex tangles.

Tangles are cut out when other methods do not help get rid of the problem.

TRIXIE - Trixie scissors for cutting dogs and cats 180 mm

Scissors are a necessary tool for keeping long-haired cats.

They will come in handy in the fight against tangles, helping to unravel the stray lumps.

If necessary, you can independently correct the haircut of the animal.

Estimated cost: 742 rubles.

Long hair combs for cats

Use a variety of combs for combing wool, starting with combs with sparse teeth, moving on to those with fine teeth.

At the next stage, a comb with rare teeth is used, which allows you to comb out small knots and remove dead hairs.

A similar device is also useful for combing the collar, "panties" and tail of a long-haired cat, where the hair is restored much more slowly.

When choosing a comb, pay attention to the processing of the teeth. They must be antistatic.

Combs with plastic teeth do not create an electrified wool.

Estimated cost:

  • - 226 rubles;
  • Hello PET Comb - antistatic 24 teeth / 12 / 14324 - 199 rubles;
  • - 112 rubles;
  • - 470 rubles.

Slickers for long haired cats

To fully care for the long hair of a cat, you will need a slicker.

This is a special brush with numerous fine teeth that easily penetrate the thickest undercoat.

The main function of a slicker brush is to comb out dirt, dust, loose hairs and fluff from the fur of a pet.

You can’t do without a slicker during the molting period, when you need to remove old wool.

Hello pet — metal slicker with a drop of hello pet I.P.T.S. Big slicker "Lux"

Estimated cost:

  • - 167 rubles;
  • I.P.T.S. Large slicker "Lux" - 448 rubles;
  • - 205 rubles;
  • Hello pet - metal slicker with a drop of hello pet -280 rubles.

Mittens for long haired cats

At this stage, you can use a special glove designed for combing cats.

Such a gadget will help to comb the hair, and massage the pet, and calm the animal.

The mitten has an insert with spikes made of soft plastic.

Thanks to this mitt, you can remove old hair and dirt from your pet.

The rounded tips of the spikes gently and gently affect the skin of the animal, and also create an additional massage effect.

TRIXIE Mitten "Anti-fluff" double-sided Hello PET - mitt for combing dogs and cats with spikes and mesh Dezzie - mitt for cats Dezzie

Estimated cost:

  • Hello PET - mitten for combing dogs and cats with spikes and mesh - 173.3 rubles;
  • TRIXIE Two-sided anti-fluff mitt — 370.6 rubles;
  • - 329 rubles;
  • Dezzie - Dezzie's mitten for cats - 172.2 rubles.

Massage brushes for cats

When all the hairs are combed and untangled, you can proceed to the final stage.

The hair is processed with a massage brush, which allows you to style the hair in a hairstyle that is natural for the breed.

The massage brush for cats has a soft base that springs up when pressed and does not harm your cat's skin.

Smooth teeth with an insulating layer at the ends sort out tangled hair and provide a massage to the skin.

During the massage, blood circulation increases, which means that nutrients are more actively delivered to the hair follicles, which improves the quality of the coat and activates its growth.

Massage also helps speed up the process of skin regeneration.

Dead skin flakes form a layer on its surface, which slows down hair growth and can cause discomfort to the animal.

During the massage, dead particles are exfoliated, which accelerates the process of skin regeneration.

The pet can relax during the massage, many cats are happy to allow themselves to be combed with a massage brush for cats.

GiGwi is an oval massage brush with rounded corners, metal teeth, rubber cushion and plastic body.

A massage brush with metal teeth is suitable for removing dead hair and hairballs from long-haired cats.

An additional bonus for the animal will be a pleasant massage.

Estimated cost: 238 rubles.

Furminator for long hair

During the seasonal molt, it is better to take care of the coat with a furminator.

This device helps to eliminate all unnecessary hair.

Furminator allows you to remove up to 90% of unwanted hair. the device does not cut the fur, but pulls out the dead undercoat without damaging the guard hairs and the living undercoat.

The Furminator is a safe device that does not require special skills from the owner.

You need to choose a furminator for your pet based on the size of the animal.

Trixie - universal medium furminator for dogs and cats I.P.T.S. Profur Medium - medium Furminator with replaceable blade

Daily grooming of a long-haired beauty takes a lot of time and requires patience and perseverance from the owner. But the result is not only a magnificent and healthy appearance of a thoroughbred beauty, but also the psychological pleasure of communicating with a pet.

Have you noticed how hard your cat licks its fur? Pets are very clean, but even they need help sometimes. Before brushing a cat, you should know as much as possible about this procedure. After reading our tips, you will become well versed in this matter.

Why you need to brush your cat

When you start scratching a cat, you not only take care of his fur, but also get additional positive emotions from his mood. After all, it is also a useful massage for the skin, which allows it to breathe better. And also, a way to remove foreign irritants that are entangled in the animal's fur.

The most obvious benefit in this procedure for the owner himself is the well-groomed appearance of his cat, which is pleasant to look at. And of course, in the state of the apartment, because there is much less wool and dust.

How animal fur works

Do you already know what cat hair is and what it consists of? It is set up very simply:

  1. Auricle: This is long cone-shaped hair. They protect the skin of the cat from injury and retain heat.
  2. Undercoat: This is short and fine hair. As a rule, they serve to keep the heat in the animal's body and prevent it from freezing in the cold season. It is in the cold that there is an active growth of undercoat hair, which is also called downy.
  3. Vibrissae and sensory hairs: Whiskers, eyebrows, hairs located above the upper lip - thanks to them, cats have a pronounced sense of touch, which helps to analyze the environment. Also, they are on the tail and paw pads, it is due to them that pets easily hunt for moving prey.

How to care for cat hair

You should start caring for a cat's coat from the time when he was a kitten. This is necessary so that the pet gets used to combing and does not worry, perceiving this as a form of communication with the owner.

But even an adult cat can be easily accustomed to this. Just stroke it with your hand along the entire length of the coat and strictly along the coat, in no case do not mind. And after that, you can pick up a scratcher.

How to brush a cat's fur?

There are several types of items that you can comb your pet with.

  • Brushes. They are rubber and steel. Their teeth are rounded.
  • Combs. Made from metal, plastic or wood. In appearance, they differ in frequent and rare parting between the teeth.
  • Terry cloth can perfectly serve for laying pile on a cat's coat. If there is no fabric, you can replace it with wet suede.
  • Special gloves with roughness, designed for massage.

Pick up a rare comb and start combing the cat. After that, use frequent. A brush made of bristles perfectly removes static from the pet's coat and gives the fur a shine. It is necessary to complete the combing procedure with a brush made of rubber. She perfectly collects the fallen hairs.

How to brush shorthair and longhair cats

  • Shorthairs are groomed with a comb, in which the teeth are of equal length. After the procedure is completed, we no longer use a rubber brush, but use wet suede.
  • Grooming long haired cats requires more time, as it takes much longer to comb them. The comb must have teeth with frequent and different heights. If you do not scratch them daily, then be prepared for the formation of tangles.

In the event that tangles have formed in the fur, immediately proceed to unravel them. Try doing this with your fingers. If not, carefully cut with scissors.

Owners who are not embarrassed by tangles in cats and they ignore them, risk the health of their ward. Indeed, in cases of felting of wool, skin diseases can occur, from which the pet will suffer greatly.

How often do they need to be brushed?

If you let your cat go outside, be sure to inspect it upon return for the presence of tangles, which may appear due to burrs clinging to wool or dried paint.

Vet Tip: If your cat is stained with paint, don't try to wash it off with solvent and don't let him lick it off. Best of all, wait. After a while, the paint on the wool will dry and you can carefully cut it off with scissors.

Proper grooming is essential for all cats. Moreover, depending on the length of the fur, the frequency of combing depends. For example, cats with long hair need to be brushed daily. But for shorthairs, once a week is enough.
In spring and autumn, during the molting period, you need to adjust the frequency as needed. Also, if the pet is sick or stressed, he loses his hair, it also needs to be combed out, help him.

Where should they be scratched?

Scratch your cat along the entire length of his body, from tail to head: chest, sides, back, tummy. For convenience, hold the cat in your lap, turning as you need.

The process of combing should be pleasant for the pet, do not suppress his will and do not scratch with force. Find a way to make this procedure evoke only positive emotions in the cat.

What to do with combed hair?

You can just throw it away. Unless, of course, you are one of those craftsmen who spin it, and then knit mittens and socks. This is a normal practice, although rare.

Shedding in a cat is a natural process. And how to comb a cat?

Molting is a natural process that is characteristic of any age and different breeds. Even cats like sphinxes cannot do without the process of fur renewal. Of course, long-haired pets give owners more trouble than their counterparts with a short fur coat.

Cat owners need to understand that fighting molting is useless. Here you can only influence the intensity of hair loss and the condition of the coat.

It is worth noting that molting in cats occurs seasonally, that is, 2 times a year - in spring and autumn. For the first time the process is observed at the age of six months. During this period, the animal loses its soft coat, and in its place, stiffer hairs, characteristic of an adult, form. In addition, a beautiful outlined pattern appears on the fur, and the point becomes more expressive.

Moulting also does not bypass domestic cats. In long-haired beauties, this process is more intense in the spring. In autumn, hair loss is not so noticeable. In short-haired breeds, molting occurs more evenly. The period lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. During this time, the animal acquires a new fur coat.

A cat that cleans up after itself is the dream of any owner.

Reasons for heavy shedding

But not all cats shed seasonally. Many fluffy owners complain that their pet is “scattered” with wool all year round. The reason for this is the constant presence in the room. The fact is that the cat simply ceases to feel seasonal shifts, since the microclimate in the house is almost always the same. Another reason for the long "apartment shedding" is the heating season in the winter-spring period.

The source of abundant hair loss can be severe stress - moving, changing the owner, switching to a different diet, the appearance of another animal in the house, visiting a veterinary clinic, etc.

Improper care, unbalanced nutrition also lead to severe hair loss in a cat. Lack of vitamins and minerals, a mono-diet primarily affects the condition of the coat and disrupts the natural process of fur coat renewal.

The same applies to improperly selected care products. If, after using a new shampoo, you notice that the animal’s fur has begun to fall out or somehow change (for the worse), then it should be replaced with another product.

Often, strong molting occurs due to diseases - ringworm, etc. Often, it is intense hair loss that is a symptom that indicates malfunctions in the animal's body.

Both unneutered cats that are not allowed to copulate, and cats that have just gone through childbirth, can suffer from severe hair loss. This category also includes cats that are already nursing kittens.

Why do cats need to be brushed?

For months, unkempt wool turns into ugly tangles. If you continue to ignore the combing procedure, then the fur coat will no longer look like the previous one, but will turn into a hard shell. Imagine how this will complicate the life of an animal - you can’t wash yourself, or scratch yourself. Why scratch it, the poor animal can’t even stretch normally.

But that's just part of the problem. Further, an inflammatory process will begin to develop under the shell, and for bacteria such an environment is simply ideal. As a rule, it is at this moment that the owners begin to fuss, looking for the answer to the question: “Who infected my cat?”. Although the thought that all this could have been prevented by brushing the pet every day, of course, will never visit them.

They will be informed about the need for the procedure by a veterinarian who will come with a typewriter and will cut the fur coat of the once beautiful Angorka or Persian under anesthesia. In addition, during the conversation it turns out that the fight against tangles was carried out constantly with the help of a special shampoo, on the label of which it was written "To remove tangles." It should be noted that this is just a publicity stunt. Shampoo from tangles is used only for preventive purposes, and when they appear, the remedy is already absolutely useless, and even harmful.

After removing the shell, the veterinarian will explain to the owner that combing should be done daily with special brushes and combs. Moreover, long-haired handsome men must go through this procedure during the molting period several times a day. As for their counterparts with a short fur coat, here you can do it once every 2 days.

Often not necessary either. Enough 1 time in 2 weeks with a strong molt. If the pet himself does not mind, then the procedure can be carried out more often.

It is worth saying that the tangles are not so catastrophic. The trouble is that the cat will zealously lick dead hairs. What to do here - so laid down by nature. It will not do without the fact that the hairs from the mouth will fall into the stomach. Can you imagine, if the shedding is intense, and the cat has long hair, then in what quantities does it penetrate the digestive tract? Many will ask: "Well, what's wrong with that, throw up once and that's it?". Not all. Lumps of wool that enter the stomach can cause intestinal obstruction, and there it is not far from the operating table.

  • less often clean the apartment from wool;
  • resist eating falling hairs;
  • prevent clogging of the stomach and intestines;
  • accelerate blood circulation, metabolism;
  • prevent and get rid of tangles;
  • grow hair beautiful and strong.

In order for the procedure to be as useful as possible and bring a lot of pleasure to the cat, it should be carried out correctly.

Which comb to choose

We think that there are more than enough arguments proving the benefits of combing. In order for the care of the pet's coat to be of high quality, you should take care of choosing a tool, that is, combs, brushes. There are many types of such devices. How not to make a mistake and make the right choice?

Basically, to get rid of old and unnecessary wool, they use:

  • a brush with bristles made of natural materials;
  • mitten;
  • furminator;
  • comb-brush;
  • crest;
  • double-sided brush;
  • slicker, etc.

Natural bristle brushes

Natural bristle brushes have a good advantage. The bristles, when exposed to the hairs of the wool, do not create static electricity and do not electrify it. And this is very important. After all, the cat very carefully monitors the condition of its fur coat. If in the process of combing her fur sparkles, then this will bring a lot of negative emotions to the cat. The next time she is unlikely to voluntarily agree to this procedure.

Attention! You should not buy a comb for a cat with plastic or plastic teeth. From them, the pet's hair will be strongly electrified.


The mitten is suitable for both dry coats and wet ones. On its surface there are rubber or metal teeth of various lengths. The mitten perfectly massages the skin of the animal, due to which it improves blood circulation, metabolism, and the coat becomes shiny and healthy in appearance.

But for the full removal of dead hairs, this brush is not suitable. She does not comb the hair, but removes the hairs that are ready to fall out. It is more advisable to use this device at the final stage of combing or if your cat completely refuses to comb with other tools.

Comb with rare teeth

Comb with rare metal teeth

Double-sided brush

A double-sided brush is a very convenient and versatile option that replaces several devices for combing cats at once. On one side of the tool there are bristles made of natural or artificial material, and on the other side there are metal rounded teeth.

A feature of the slicker (slicker) is its teeth. They are made in such a way as not to touch the hard (backbone) fibers. The teeth are made of metal, rounded at the ends. You should choose such a tool depending on the length of your pet's coat. The higher, thicker it is, the larger the teeth should be.

It is worth noting that the slicker is not used in the case of "shell" or matted wool. It is used only for a healthy fur coat or after combing out with a rare-toothed comb. Do not use this brush every day. Enough 2 times a week during the molting period. If you use it more often, then it threatens to turn your beautiful cat into a shabby miracle. After the end of the molting period, the slicker is used no more than 1 time per week, even less often.

Perhaps one of the most popular for combing wool. It is a tool that resembles a small rake. There are two types - deluxe and classic. They differ in the size of the comb and appearance. So, for adult cats, a comb with a width of 4 - 6.8 cm is needed. For kittens, 3.2 cm is enough.

Furminators are available with teeth of various lengths, which makes it possible to choose the tool exactly for the fur coat of your animal. Many owners note that after using this device, the amount of hair falling out is noticeably reduced, and the coat looks healthier, well-groomed and beautiful.

Attention! If there are wounds, abrasions, scratches on the skin of the fluffy, then furminators cannot be used.

How and how to comb cats with short hair

Unlike their long-haired counterparts, short-haired cats are fairly easy to care for. It is enough to comb them out once a week (during the molting period, 1 time in 2-3 days). To care for a short coat of animals, it is recommended to use such brushes.

Table 1. Combs for shorthair cats.

CombWhat is used forNote

Attention! You need to take care of your teeth. If they lose their original appearance, bend, they will begin to tear out the hair.

Number of teeth - 49. Price - 140 rubles.

A rubberized comb and furminator are also suitable for combing beauties with short hair.

Before the procedure, walk on the cat's coat with a wet hand. This will not allow the wool to scatter in different directions. After that, use the comb several times - run along the growth of the hairs - from the scruff to the tail. If your cat does not experience discomfort, then you can comb against the coat. This will remove unwanted hairs much faster. If the animal actively resists, do not insist. Perhaps he is uncomfortable or hurt. Next, you need to use a massage brush or mitten to remove the fallen hairs or a wet palm.

How and how to comb out long-haired cats

Cats with long and semi-long coats should be brushed every day. During molting, the procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day. It is preferable to use such options for combs:

Table 2. Combs for cats with long hair.

Comb modelMethods and areas of useNote

Coltun cutter from Hello Pet side (mini)

Used to remove tangles.

It is a device with curved teeth-blades.

Quantity of teeth - 8. The handle with an emphasis for a thumb. Blades are made of stainless steel.
Price - 435 rubles.

The teeth of the slicker of this model are bent at the ends. Frequently located. The tool is used only for a fluffy tail, collar area and "panties". Suitable for all breeds.The slicker bristles are made of steel. The kit includes a comb that removes hairs from the slicker. product color - red, black. Price - 430 rubles.

It is used for combing the area of ​​the tail, collar, pants.Very light, does not slip on the hand. The teeth are rounded, do not scratch, are not pressed into the skin of the animal and do not fall out. The handle is made of wood. The height of the teeth is 2 cm. The price is 517 rubles.

Furminator Ferplast

Suitable for all types of wool. Does not damage the guard hairs.

Attention! For pussies, furminators are considered the most acceptable (in terms of comfort and painlessness).

The ends are rounded. The pressure of the teeth on the cat's skin is minimal. Price - 990 rubles.

Comb with teeth of various lengths

Used for close-lying, dense hairs and the same undercoat.

With its help, the fur coat can be laid, fluffed.

The handle is made of plastic, the teeth are made of metal. Elegant design. Price - 480 rubles.

Attention! Many cats do not like to have their tail touched. And this is not surprising, because the tail is one of the most sensitive places in animals. Therefore, if in the process of combing out the cat does not allow you to touch it, do not insist. In the end, the tail is the area that "scatters" the hair around the apartment the least.

How to comb out

There are 7 actions that will allow you to get the most out of combing.

  1. Combing time. Depends on the length and thickness of the coat. Long-haired pets should be scratched for at least a quarter of an hour. It takes much less time to care for a cat with a short coat - 10 minutes.
  2. Tummy. Scratch this area after turning your pet on its back. If he actively resists, leave this venture. Ask family members for help. Let someone take the cat by the front paws and lift it up. In a standing position, the tummy and "panties" are also easy to comb out.
  3. Accuracy. In the area of ​​the collar, armpits and "panties", comb gently, because in these areas the hair tends to crumple, which causes pain during the procedure.

Important! Take a basin of water, moisten your hand and run it over the back of the animal several times. Then proceed to the treatment of other parts of the body. Continue until there is not a single hair left on the arm. In this way it is very good to get rid of unnecessary hair (even without the help of a brush!).

Video - How and how to comb a cat

How to comb out

There are 3 actions that will allow you to get the most out of combing.

  1. Scratch from tail to head. Comb out coarse outer hairs and soft undercoat in the opposite direction to the growth of the coat (but do not insist on resistance of the pet!). This will allow you to rid your pet of dead hairs much faster.
  2. Sequencing. Long-haired breeds need to be combed first with a brush with rare teeth, then with frequent (tightly adjacent to each other). The manipulation ends with the use of a mitten or a cylindrical brush to remove all unnecessary hairs.
  3. Helping hand. Take a basin of water, moisten your hand and run it over the back of the animal several times. Then proceed to the treatment of other parts of the body. Continue until there is not a single hair left on the arm. In this way, it is very good to get rid of unwanted kitten hair (even without the help of a brush!).

If tangles have formed on the animal's coat, they must first be removed. Otherwise, combing will be useless and will bring a lot of discomfort to the cat.

Video - How to properly comb a cat

Attention! Teach your pet to comb from childhood. There were cases when adult animals refused this procedure.

Before proceeding with the procedure, you should carefully examine the skin of the animal. If abrasions, wounds, cuts from claws are found on it, then it is better to refuse combing for a while, otherwise there is a possibility of even greater damage to the skin, infection, and the development of an inflammatory process.

Veterinarians recommend choosing the moment when the cat is in a good mood for combing. No need to pull the pet by the tail and threaten with a comb when he has just woken up or eaten. Nothing good will happen if you comb an animal when it kicks, bites and yells at the top of its lungs. Combing such a procedure can hardly be called, rather, tearing out tufts of wool. And after such a horror, the poor cat will never want to repeat the procedure, and at the sight of a comb, he will convulse or climb onto the closet.

It is better to carry out the manipulation before feeding. After all, after the successful completion of the procedure, you can praise your pet by giving him his favorite treat. Only after this combing will the cat associate with something good and kind.

How to train an adult cat to brush

Never yell at an animal, tie its paws, hold it seven. Think, maybe the procedure is really very painful for him. Perhaps it's the wrong tool for combing, which tears out his hair or scratches his skin.

The mistake of many owners is surprise and persistence. So, if your neighbor told you a beautiful story that after combing his cat stopped shedding and now the hair does not appear in the mouth, in food, in the air, then you don’t need to quickly run to the store after that, buy a comb and apply it on the cat .

In this case, the main thing is gradualness. If you don't want your pet to associate you with the infamous Freddy Krueger and your hairbrush with a shiny metal hook, then start with this:

  1. Show the comb to the animal. Let her smell it and understand that this item is absolutely safe.
  2. Keep consistency. Brush your hair for a few minutes at the same time every day. Let the cat begin to take the procedure for granted.
  3. Start swiping in places that are most pleasant for the cat to touch - the neck, chin, cheeks, head. Then proceed to more inaccessible places.
  4. Do not put pressure on the body of the animal.
  5. If the cat resists, then at first use a massage mitt, and then move on to more effective combing tools.
  6. After each procedure, praise the cat and give her a favorite treat.

Remember that the animal cannot reach the ears, withers and back of the head on its own. Therefore, do not forget to comb out these areas.

All movements should be as smooth, gradual, gentle as possible. Take your time. At the same time caress the cat, speak softly, praise him, call him by name. This procedure is a kind of unity with the animal, after which your cat will trust you and love you even more.

Combing for this Siberian cat is a real test

Attention! In no case do not put pressure on the comb, trying to capture as much wool as possible. This will hurt the cat, cause aggression. The animal simply will not let you finish the procedure, and it will be useless.

Features of combing British cats

If we talk about, then the combing procedure should be carried out 1-2 times a week throughout the winter. The fact is that in a given period of time a dense undercoat is formed on the fur coat, on which tangles can form.

It is best to use a slicker with metal rounded, long and densely set teeth for combing fluffy British cats.

Attention! For the British it is better not to buy a slicker. If you spoil the undercoat, then the coat of a cat of this breed will lose its attractiveness and will not seem plush.

Resourceful owners remove hairs with a wet hand. And it is right. In this way, you can remove a lot more dead hair than any other comb. Of course, we are talking about daily care.

How to properly comb Scottish cats

Perhaps the only one of its kind - they can be scratched against the growth of fur. At the same time, the probability of damage to the undercoat and discontent of the cat itself is small.

For Scottish straights and folds, it is preferable to use brushes with natural bristles or metal teeth with balls at the ends. The ideal option would be a double-sided comb.

The Scots are recommended to comb out first according to the growth of the hairs, then against it. The remains of dead hairs are best removed with a damp palm. You need to start the procedure with a comb with rare teeth, then move on to using a brush made of natural material or a furminator.

What to do if the cat is vomiting fur

No wonder we touched on this ill-fated and frequently asked question to veterinarians. If a cat vomits fur, then a large amount of wool has accumulated in her stomach. And the reason for this is the unwillingness of the owner to comb out his pet.

It's not too late to fix everything and help your pet get back to normal:

  • Brush your pet with long hair several times a day. As for their counterparts with a short fur coat, here you can do it once every 2-3 days.
  • Bathe your cat during shedding season 1-2 times every 2 weeks. If your furry loves to take a bath, you can do it more often.
  • Feed your pet green grass. This will help him quickly clear the stomach of unnecessary contents.

  • Buy specialized food that helps to quickly clear the gastrointestinal tract from the accumulated foreign mass. Today, there are many manufacturers of such food.
  • In veterinary pharmacies, a special paste is sold to remove wool from the stomach. The tool is very effective and quickly removes unnecessary contents from the digestive tract. You need to use it for at least a week.

  • If wool falls out in large quantities and all year round, perhaps the problem lies in or some other malfunctions in the body. Therefore, it is more expedient to show the animal to the veterinarian and undergo an examination.
  • Watch your animal's diet. Buy him vitamin feed and. As a rule, the latter is the main reason for the cat's poor health and intense hair loss.
  • To cleanse the intestines and stomach, it is often recommended to add a few drops of flaxseed oil, a little fish oil or oats to your pet's food. Be sure to consult your veterinarian before use.