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I hesitate to ask: “How not to get pregnant without protection?” Important questions about contraception. Do I need to protect myself during pregnancy: hormonal and physiological changes in a woman's body, the necessary conditions for conception and an explanation by a gynecologist

In the modern world, the joy of carnal pleasures, which is not accompanied by pregnancy as an obligatory consequence, has not been considered something indecent for a long time. Just the joy of close intimacy with a loved one - it's so natural.

Pregnancy is planned, but the joy of sex happens spontaneously. And the more unexpected sex, the more pleasant it is. Planning love is somehow not accepted, but if the main goal is to protect yourself without contraceptives, then you will have to work out several methods. And in this case, both partners need to be careful.

In the heat of surging passion, there is no time to think, without fuses, so it’s better to think about it in advance.

How many ways are known?

Even in ancient times, violent sex did not always end with a partner's rounded tummy. Even then, not all women were ready for the role of a mother of many children, and the most advanced and courageous of them practiced various “anti-pregnant” ways of making love.

The most successful and tested of the options for how not to get pregnant without fuses have been passed down from generation to generation, so they have reached modern mistresses.

More or less effective means and methods of contraception make up the popular twenty, known to any experienced couple.

Among them, douching and coitus interruption are the most used among partners.

However, it should be noted that none of these methods can give a 100% guarantee of protection. And in order to determine “your” technique, it is necessary to study to the subtlety all the nuances of the body - your own and your loved one.

Intimate affairs should be discussed with a gynecologist

The practice of sex is an interesting science, but professorial heights in it can only be achieved by studying the theory qualitatively. The couple should be prepared for the fact that it is necessary to “let in” a third, namely an experienced gynecologist, into the theoretical part.

Why is this needed? No matter how pro in sex a person considers himself, he alone will not be able to determine a number of the most important external and internal factors that affect the possibility of conception.

Therefore, the question is often: “What to do in order not to get pregnant?” - goes beyond the bedroom and intimate relationships. The couple themselves have the right to decide whether to take it out to people, but it can be very difficult to do without professional advice.

Minimal chances: happiness or problem?

Before falling into constant thoughts on the topic: “What to do in order not to get pregnant?”, You need to make sure that this is your topic. According to statistics, 35% of women have to make tremendous efforts in order for the pregnancy to “work out”.

Perhaps this sounds a little cruel, but the likelihood that a woman who by all means is escaping from an undesirable interesting situation, on the contrary, must be saved from possible childlessness, is very high.

And here we can talk not only about infertility. There are a certain number of other nuances of the body that prevent conception: the non-standard location of the uterus, and its bend, and the composition of the vaginal flora, which can be detrimental to male spermatozoa.

Everything about the state of your body can be found out only by the results of the examination. Perhaps after them, instead of a far-fetched problem, how not to get pregnant without fuses, another one will appear: how to have children ...

love by calendar

One of the most ancient and most used methods of protection is calendar. He is also considered the most reliable, although one hundred percent certainty in this cannot be. What can I say: such calendars sometimes lie. And even if the notorious product fails in some cases, then one should not rely too much on calculations either.

But since we are talking about how not to get pregnant without fuses, we will not mention the usual contraceptives.

In order not to “fly in” after calculations, a woman needs to know exactly on which days between menstruation she has an ovulatory period (the readiness of an egg for fertilization).

The duration of this period is small - only 1-2 days, falling approximately in the middle of the cycle.

To be as accurate as possible in calculations, you can use various methods (there are entire treatises on this subject), one of which is subtraction.

The essence of the method is to choose the shortest and longest menstrual cycle over the past six months.

11 should be subtracted from the number of days of a long cycle, and 18 from a short one. This will make it possible to understand in which of the days between menstruation the maximum appears.

Example: 30 - 11 = 19. The nineteenth day is the beginning of a dangerous period.

That is, according to the calculations, from 7 to 19 days it is necessary to exercise increased vigilance in bed.

Temperature regime

In order not to miss ovulation, you can use another way - to measure basal temperature.

The procedure is not very pleasant, but it gives maximum confidence that a woman will be able to determine the days of ovulation on her own and very accurately, because the graph of changes in basal temperature is quite stable: before the release of an egg that is ripe and ready to accept a sperm cell, it noticeably decreases.

In order to significantly reduce the likelihood of becoming pregnant without fuses, a woman needs to measure the temperature in the rectum every morning, without getting out of bed. All indications must be recorded and carried out daily.

The most enjoyable way is sex in the sauna

For men who should not shy away from solving the topical problem, how to protect their partner from, there is also a way of temperature control. But he is much nicer than a woman.

The inability of sperm to reproduce at too high a temperature has been scientifically proven. Even under the Turkish Sultanate, men, trying to protect their numerous wives and themselves, first of all, from numerous offspring, sat on a container of hot water before sexual intercourse.

Analyzing the ways of preventing pregnancy of a woman, undertaken by men, one can come to the conclusion that love in the bath is not only romantic, but also meaningful.

True, in order to completely protect the partner, a man needs to spend one and a half to two hours in the steam room (during this period of time the sperm will lose viability) alone with his thoughts, and then invite the lady to him.

Interruption of the act

Studying and testing options on how not to get pregnant without fuses, many couples consider the simplest. But in order to stop in time and find another “vessel” for sperm, a man must have great sexual experience, restraint, attentiveness and not be selfish.

Based on the fact that during good sex you can get so carried away and “fly away”, completely forgetting about caution, a timely interruption may not take place.

And if it does, then there are several significant "buts":

  • the release of spermatozoa can happen earlier - before the onset of orgasm in a man;
  • spermatozoa may be present in primary lubrication;
  • drops of viable sperm can remain on the walls of the vagina and, upon repeated contact, penetrate the egg.

In search of an answer to the question of how not to get pregnant, all methods are good. But this one is only suitable for those who will not be disappointed by an unexpected pregnancy. According to statistics, the effectiveness of interruption of the act is only 60% (three cases out of five).

Get in the right posture

Some of the couples who practice vertical sex (standing up) claim that they don’t even have such a question, is it possible to get pregnant without fuses. They are convinced that it is impossible.

The validity of such a statement lies in the peculiarity of any liquid flowing out of an overturned vessel.

Figuratively speaking, the “vessel” during lovemaking is always a woman. Assuming a horizontal position, it allows the sperm to flow towards the egg.

But if the woman gets up, the sperm will be forced to change route and spill out. The horsewoman pose has the same effect when the woman is on top.

Creating an unbearably acidic environment

It is proved that even the most active "gum" do not tolerate any acids. This is the basis of another method of protection without fuses: douching with solutions of citric acid or diluted with water in a certain proportion.

It is worth noting that this method is not suitable for everyone and can cause dysbacteriosis or burns.

But if there is no other way out, and you have to protect yourself in this way, you can wash yourself immediately after the act, dip your fingers in lemon juice and slide them deeper into the vagina. Try not to wash out the juice for several hours, provided that it does not cause discomfort.

No guarantees

There are enough ways to protect yourself from pregnancy without contraceptives. But none of them guarantees 100% protection.

On this occasion, there is one old saying that has not lost its relevance to this day: if God wants to give you a gift in the form of a baby, he will do it anyway. Take it, don't give up.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life. Especially if she is really desired, and the couple has prepared for her.

For the prevention of abortion and pregnancy planning, various contraceptives are used, among which the appropriate one is selected for a particular couple.

The choice of contraceptives is usually made with the help of a doctor. Indeed, the effectiveness and acceptability of drugs, that is, the health of both partners, depend on the correct use.

Even well-known condoms- this is not only a barrier way to prevent pregnancy, but also an opportunity to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.

There are several good reasons for using contraception.

Avoid abortion and its complications

Unfortunately, the most common method of contraception in Russia is still the artificial termination of a pregnancy that has already begun - abortion. According to statistics, in our country in 2010 alone, more than a million women terminated their pregnancy by abortion.

For many years, Russia has been one of the leading places in the world in terms of the number of abortions. Their consequences lead not only to gynecological diseases, but also to maternal mortality, impaired reproductive health, complications of subsequent pregnancies and childbirth, as well as infertility.

In the first months after an abortion, complications often develop: inflammation of the genital organs, diseases of the cervix, and others. They are able to become chronic, and cause infertility. According to various data, after the first abortion, infertility occurs in 20 percent of women. And 25 percent of complications after an abortion lead to death of a woman.

Therefore, the prevention of abortions and their complications is one of the main tasks in maintaining the reproductive health of women and the guarantee of the birth of healthy children.

Avoid too early pregnancy

According to some reports, more than 50,000 underage girls aged 13 to 17 become mothers every year. More than two thirds of pregnancies at this age end abortion or miscarriage.

Having a baby too early takes away time and energy that a girl could use to get an education in order to gain independence. Therefore, teenage pregnancy has a significant impact on future prosperity young mother and her family.

At the same time, close people do not always provide the girl with support - both moral and material. And the burden of unexpected difficulties can lead to the use of alcohol and drugs.

Avoid too late pregnancy

A common problem of unplanned pregnancy in women over 40 is the birth of a child with chromosomal abnormalities And. This is due, among other things, to the fact that aging of eggs occurs with age, and over the previous years of life, various toxic substances and other harmful factors have had time to act on a woman's body.

In particular, with age, a woman increases the risk of having a child with down syndrome. Genetic pathology leads to mental retardation of the child and violations of his physical development. If at age 25 this probability is 1 in 1250 pregnancies, then at 45 it increases to 1 in 30.

Achievements of modern medicine allow a woman to give birth to a child after 40 and even after 50 years. But everything will go well only if the body of the expectant mother is ready for pregnancy, and she is under the supervision of doctors from the first days after conception.

Don't exacerbate health problems

Pregnancy can exacerbate chronic diseases. If it is not planned, both the expectant mother and the baby are in serious danger.

For example, if a woman has had hypertension, pregnancy exacerbates pressure problems and greatly increases the risk of developing pre-eclampsia, characterized by increased pressure due to the presence of protein in the urine and swelling.

If a woman is sick with diabetes, an accidental pregnancy can result in intrauterine death of the fetus or the appearance of developmental defects in the baby - diabetic fetopathy. The greatest influence is exerted by the increase in blood sugar in the expectant mother in the first 6-8 weeks of pregnancy, when all the organs of the fetus are being formed. But, as a rule, a woman learns about pregnancy only one and a half to two months after an unplanned conception.

Dangerous accidental pregnancy in diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular and nervous systems and other organs.

The use of contraception allows you to postpone conception for a period when the diseases are in a state of stable remission, and doctors are more likely to be able to predict how a woman's body will behave when carrying a fetus.

The most important

The use of contraceptives allows you to control the life and health of both partners: protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections and plan the desired pregnancy.

Contraception is especially important for those who are at high risk of medical and social problems associated with pregnancy: adolescents, women over 40 and those with serious chronic diseases.

Contraception is the most important issue for teenagers. Adolescents have a question, why use protection, if it is very easy to interrupt sexual intercourse. Often such cases are practiced by married couples.

The most important need for protection is protection from HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. For young people who lead a varied lifestyle, it is necessary to use contraceptives. In the male sex, interruption of sexual intercourse can affect male health. And sooner or later manifest on erectile function. Even adult men do not know about such a complication during the interruption of sexual intercourse.

Young people are mistaken in that, believing that it is not possible to get pregnant during menstruation, the possibility is very high.

Contraceptive reliability and use cases

Condoms are very reliable and the most popular of contraceptives. It not only protects against unwanted pregnancy, but also from infection with all sorts of diseases.

Spermicides are a kind of creams, gels, pastes and various suppositories that are injected into the vagina 10 minutes before having sex. But this kind of contraceptives must be approached with care. If such contraceptives are introduced earlier than necessary, there is a high probability that they will not protect against infections.

Hormonal preparations this type of contraception must be taken by a woman every day. They look like regular pills, and are very good at protecting against unwanted pregnancies. Before taking this type of contraception, you must complete a full course of diagnosis and consult a doctor. Some women may be contraindicated in taking hormonal drugs. Only after a complete diagnosis does the doctor prescribe the correct hormonal drugs.

Barrier contraception is the most common spiral that women put in to prevent pregnancy. It is recommended to put women who have already given birth. This type of contraception does not protect against infections.

Emergency Contraception The name speaks for itself. They should be used only in emergency measures, for example, when an unforeseen situation occurs during sexual intercourse, such as a condom rupture and sperm entering the woman's vagina. But this kind of pill is harmful to the female body. Before sexual intercourse, it is worth taking the issue of choosing contraceptives very seriously.

This is a personal matter and each person must understand what can happen if you do not protect yourself. Be careful.

Maria Sukhanova

Why you need to protect yourself

According to a survey of more than 3,000 young people from Russia, some basic aspects of sex education, such as safe sex and contraceptive methods, are not properly discussed in schools (only 13.4% of respondents claim to have learned about contraception at school), or with their parents (29% of respondents talked about this topic with their parents), or even with doctors. Young people, as a rule, receive all answers to questions they are interested in from various (81.1%), from friends (31.3%) and on the basis of personal experience, which, alas, is often negative (72.4% of boys and girls). admitted to having had unprotected sex at least once in their lives). The survey also revealed that respondents consider condoms (89.1%), pills (65.2%) and sterilization (63.7%) to be the most reliable methods of contraception. However, the majority of study participants (92.6%) said they would like to know more about contraception.

What is the safest and most reliable method of protection? Before answering this question, it is necessary in principle to understand why you need to protect yourself and what health problems unprotected sex entails.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, viral hepatitis, HIV, herpes simplex virus, human papillomavirus - this is not a complete list of possible infections. The most common consequences of STDs are chronic inflammation of the pelvic organs: they cause the development of adhesions and, as a result, infertility (this applies to both men and women). Some infections can cause complications such as cervical cancer, damage to the liver, bones, nervous system, and immune system.

unwanted pregnancy

Unprotected sex often leads to unwanted pregnancies. As a rule, young girls and mature women become the most vulnerable link. Some expect that it will “cost”, others believe that pregnancy at their age is no longer possible. If a woman in such a situation is set to carry and give birth to a child, she should take into account a number of features associated with the course of pregnancy and childbirth. So, early pregnancy is dangerous with possible obstetric complications - an immature organism is not yet ready to bear a child. And the main risk in late pregnancy is miscarriage, the development of gestosis, placental abruption, exacerbation of chronic diseases, the development of diabetes, premature birth, chromosomal pathologies, fetal hypoxia during childbirth.


It is important to remember: termination of pregnancy entails quite serious health problems - hormonal imbalance, the occurrence of chronic endometritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus), genital injuries, sometimes requiring urgent surgical assistance. In addition, all of the above problems can lead to the development of infertility. In addition to the negative consequences of a physical nature, a woman who has had an abortion often experiences severe psychological stress, which can subsequently leave an imprint on the rest of her life.

Now consider the main methods of contraception that will help to avoid all of the above problems.

  • Physiological or natural methods of contraception: abstaining from sexual activity on days close to ovulation.
  • Mechanical methods: mechanical retention of the sperm from penetration into the uterine cavity.
  • Chemical methods: the use of special chemicals (spermicides) that destroy spermatozoa and increase the viscosity of cervical mucus.
  • Intrauterine methods of contraception: placing a foreign body (spiral) in the uterine cavity containing metal or hormone additives that damage the spermatozoon due to toxic effects and prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg.
  • Hormonal contraceptives: the use of drugs containing progestogens or progestogens together with estrogens.
  • Surgical method: ligation or separation of the fallopian tubes.

To date, the most common method of contraception with high efficiency is hormonal contraception. It is of two types: combined and gestagenic.

Combined contraception

Combined contraception includes oral contraceptives, patches, vaginal ring.

Mechanism of action of oral contraceptives: hormones suppress ovulation, thicken cervical mucus, thin the endometrium, making implantation of a fertilized egg impossible.

This effect of hormones reduces pain, reduces blood loss, makes the menstrual cycle regular, reduces the risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer, and may help protect against PID (pelvic inflammatory disease). A variety of dosages and combinations of hormones make this type of contraception suitable for almost all women (in a wide range of such drugs there are regimens of 21 + 7, 24 + 4, 26 + 2, which significantly shortens the non-hormonal period and minimizes negative symptoms). But this method requires a woman to be attentive and organized when receiving. An important point: doctors do not recommend the use of combined hormonal contraceptives with estrogen for women who smoke. However, this is not a problem - the gynecologist will help you choose an equivalent replacement.

Some modern oral contraceptives, in addition to their main task, also perform additional, but no less important ones - for example, they make up for the deficiency of folates in the body. This, in turn, helps prevent the development of fetal neural tube defects when planning pregnancy, contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems, and improves the condition of the skin and hair. You can read more about folates and oral contraceptives on the project website “.

The mechanism of action of the patch and vaginal ring: the hormone, bypassing the liver, enters directly into the blood. The patch is applied to the skin on the first day of the menstrual cycle and is changed every week (the fourth week without a patch). The vaginal ring is placed on the same days of the cycle as the patch, but requires replacement only after a month.

This method of contraception ensures a uniform flow of hormones into the blood and allows you not to monitor the intake of pills. The only negative is that it is not suitable for women weighing more than 90 kilograms, and in some cases it can cause changes in the menstrual cycle.

Gestagen contraception

Progestin contraceptives include mini-pills (preparations containing minimal doses of the hormone), implantable and injectable contraceptives.

Mini-pills thicken cervical mucus, change the endometrium, reduce the contractility of the fallopian tubes (however, breakthrough bleeding is possible). They can be taken during lactation and premenopause.

The mechanism of action of injectable and implantable contraceptives is the same as that of combined oral contraceptives. Only when taking tablets, the active substance enters the bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract daily, and when injected, it is administered intramuscularly once a month. The hormonal implant is inserted into the upper arm and provides contraception for five years. This method provides high efficiency and duration of action. In addition, such contraceptives can be prescribed for gynecological pathologies such as adenomyosis and uterine fibroids (for these diseases, the use of drugs containing estrogens is contraindicated). The disadvantages of the method include changes in the menstrual cycle, headaches, decreased libido and weight gain, but this is extremely rare.

We collect questions that Belarusians are usually embarrassed to ask friends and professionals, but often google. Today we are asking a specialist about contraception: how to protect yourself correctly and what to do if everything does not go according to plan?

Dmitry Trofimchik

What are the methods of contraception and how do they work?

Often talk about the division of contraceptive methods into abortive and non-abortive. I must say right away that this division is not medical. From the point of view of genetics and biology, as well as in most religions, the birth of life is considered the moment when the spermatozoon has already entered the egg and the male and female sex cells have merged. And in clinical gynecology, the fact of establishing pregnancy is either an increase in the specific pregnancy hormone - hCG (but subject to a delay in menstruation), or the detection of a fetal egg on ultrasound. Before the delay of menstruation, the question of whether a woman is pregnant or not is not even discussed by doctors. So here it is abortive methods- these are the methods that prevent the already fertilized egg from moving into the uterus and then attaching to the mucous surface of the uterus. Emergency contraception - the same abortive method, when a fertilized egg does not develop, it is thrown out. Non-abortive methods- these are hormonal drugs that, in principle, prevent the appearance and development of the egg itself, as well as barrier agents (condom, vaginal caps, suppositories, etc.). This also includes interrupted sexual intercourse, the calendar method.

As a doctor, I can call hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptive methods, there are also concepts barrier and barrier-free. Non-hormonal methods: calendar method, condom, interrupted intercourse, vaginal creams and suppositories - they do not affect the ovaries, but the sperm (they destroy spermatozoa).

Are there hormones for men?

No, if they exist, they are not used in practical medicine. Yes, there were developments, but they were not successful and had many side effects. Men can consider 3 ways:

. interrupted sexual intercourse (if it can be called a method at all);
. vasectomy, when the spermatic cords are tied. That is sterilization.

Are Hormonal Remedies Safe?

In addition to pills, there are hormonal patches, a ring, and injections. Hormonal pills are a reliable way, but with regular use. Probably, every woman at least once missed one pill - she forgot. But the main thing here is to remember in time and take the necessary measures.

Hormonal pills reduce libido?

This side effect is common. And in this case, you can try changing the pills on the recommendation of a doctor.

But pills are more popular than other methods because, firstly, they appeared first, secondly, they are more convenient to use, and thirdly, such pills usually have many other (therapeutic) effects. They can solve the problem of bad skin, excessive hair or skin rashes. It happens that they are prescribed not for contraception, but for the treatment of gynecological problems, such as bleeding. Athletes can regulate their cycle, shift or exclude menstruation - if competitions are scheduled on such days. Some women take advantage of this opportunity during their holidays.

Of course, you need to choose pills with a doctor (yes, prescriptions are also needed for them). There are contraindications: varicose veins, migraine (as a diagnosis), thrombosis, smoking, liver disease, oncology (even through close relatives - mothers, sisters, aunts).

Are vaginal rings, intrauterine devices suitable for everyone?

Hard to tell. The only option is to apply for 2-3 months and observe whether the method is suitable or not, monitor discomfort. It happens that the vaginal ring is unpleasant for a woman's partner.

This principle of contraceptive selection is applicable to other means. For example, the hormonal patch is changed once a week. If you visit the pool several times a week, then this method is not suitable.

Vaginal suppositories can be used with irregular, rare contacts: the vaginal flora suffers from their composition, plus foaming sometimes occurs during sex. And this can confuse a partner.

What method of emergency contraception do you recommend?

Special hormonal pills for emergency contraception.

You can also consider another option - to put an intrauterine device within 5 days after unprotected intercourse. This is suitable if a woman, for example, has contraindications to taking hormonal contraception.

In what cases do “those same 3%” occur when the condom does not break, but the woman becomes pregnant?

Logically: when part of the sperm got into the vagina - and both did not notice it. Yes, the condom is popular, but it's less reliable than the pill or coil.

Is it possible to catch a sexually transmitted infection (STI) with a condom?

When applied correctly, it is considered that it is not.

What if the guy just doesn't want to use protection?

If a guy does not want to use protection, he may have a number of reasons. Perhaps he wants his partner to become pregnant, and if there is no question of pregnancy, then he does not want to use a condom or resort to coitus interruptus.

What is a girl to do? Be ready for any surprises. Naturally, you need to take care of this yourself: apply vaginal creams or tablets before intercourse. There are also emergency methods of contraception.

And if a girl wants only with a condom, and the guy in it "does not shine", what should I do? If the condom is uncomfortable and the desire passes?

A girl who insists on a condom is afraid of an unwanted pregnancy or infections. What is more afraid of? If you are pregnant, then you can use a vaginal cream (but this is with rare contacts) or choose long-term and reliable contraception, for example, hormonal. If you are thinking about infections, then you need to prove to her that you are “clean”. Well, if everything needs to be decided right this second, well - then, perhaps, there will be no sex.

What tests do I need to pass to be sure that I am a safe partner(s)?

For women and men: for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, Trichomonas. Blood tests for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C. For women, there are still standard swabs for flora (exclude thrush or gonococci).

Women: there is an extended blood test for the TORCH complex (usually included in the examination during pregnancy) - this is a test for toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes. It is also necessary to be tested for HPV - the human papillomavirus. These tests are expensive.

It is wrong if one partner is checked - you need to make sure that everything is fine with two. And if any problem is found in at least one of the partners, both should be treated at the same time.

Is it possible not to protect yourself during menstruation?

In short, it's possible. Getting pregnant during menstruation is the rarest case. I read recently, researchers wrote that part of the spermatozoa can be preserved in the vagina after intercourse and wait for a favorable moment to then penetrate the uterus, fallopian tubes and overtake the egg at the time of ovulation. But this is hardly true. Spermatozoa live an average of 1-5 days, an egg - a day. There is also an assumption that sometimes eggs can mature in two ovaries, but not at the same time, but with a difference, for example, of 2 weeks. And then theoretically there is a possibility of getting pregnant during menstruation if there is unprotected sex. But this is an unproven fact.

Does the calendar method work -And How?

It works, but subject to a regular cycle. A normal menstrual cycle is 21 to 34 days. The main thing is its regularity. 2-3 days is not a delay. So, with 28 days of the cycle, classic ovulation is on the 12-14th day. At this time, you can become pregnant. And the closer to ovulation, the higher the chance of getting pregnant. Closer to menstruation, the chance is less.

There are various mobile applications, such as Flo (by the way, it was developed by Belarusians). It contains many parameters of the menstrual cycle. The application itself remembers all this data, then artificial intelligence analyzes it, and the application gives you, for example, the following conclusion: “You are on the 8th day of the cycle - the probability of getting pregnant is extremely low.” Now I have all young girls up to 35 years old at my appointment to the question “when did you have your last period?” they immediately take out a smartphone and look at all the information there.

Folk remedies - lemon, vinegar - do not help from conception?

More harmful: an extremely acidic environment has a very negative effect on the beneficial flora of the vagina. No doctor recommends using folk remedies. Then you can be treated for months.

If spermatozoa are in the vagina for several minutes after intercourse, then a significant number of them have already been able to penetrate the cervix and further, it is too late to try to extract them from there. And after 40 seconds, run to the bathroom - why such sex?

Physical exercises - squats and jumps - do not affect anything.

How did you protect yourself before?

Coitus interruptus was the most popular and the only way. By the way, according to statistics, it is the most inefficient. They didn’t know anything about the menstrual cycle, and hormones were synthesized in the 60s and 70s. Judging by how the population has grown over the past hundreds of years, people have not been protected at all.

Who is better protected - a woman or a man?

Depending on the state of health of partners. But it is logical that a woman still becomes pregnant, and therefore, based on the fact that her body is at risk, she has to take care of protection in the first place.

Does orgasm (women) affect conception?

It is believed that orgasm is favorable for conception, but this is unproven. It hardly matters, but in any case, an orgasm is preferable.

Are twins always born after stopping hormone pills?

Twins are born only if there is heredity, more often through the female line (we are not talking about IVF). Hormonal agents do not affect this in any way.

And why do “infertile couples” sometimes have children without problems in new relationships?

In 10% of infertility, the cause has not been established. And the diagnosis of “infertility” itself is made to a couple, and not to a woman or a man. In such cases, it is customary to talk about the incompatibility of partners in matters of conception.

There is also such a type of infertility as immunological, when there are various components in the woman's cervix that immobilize the spermatozoa of a particular (exactly this!) sexual partner, but if you want to get pregnant, this problem is easily solved by IVF methods. And if the couple breaks up, a new partner appears and there is no this incompatibility or immunological factor of infertility, then pregnancy does not take long.

How do I know if I'm infertile and don't need protection?

I have already told about the fact that infertility is diagnosed in a couple. And a clear criterion is if there is a regular sexual life (not every day, but still) for 12 months in the absence of contraception, and pregnancy does not occur.

A man can pass a spermogram, if his spermatozoa are "immobilized, deformed, defective", then there will be an expert opinion on infertility.

For women, a study can show, for example, obstruction of the fallopian tubes. But here a miracle can always happen, and everything can be restored.

Is there a 100% birth control?

In medicine, the very concept of "100%" is used very rarely. In gynecology, such a figure is unacceptable. Moreover, modern advances in medicine make it possible to have children even for women who do not have a uterus, but have ovaries, at least one. Patients with removed fallopian tubes can also count on a successful solution to the issue of childbearing.

With any method of contraception, there is a chance of getting pregnant, but depending on the method, the probability will be different. For example, the highest probability is with interrupted sexual intercourse. And the most reliable way is sterilization. But I will say that there is no one hundred percent method of contraception, and if someone uses such a figure, you should know: this is a populist move.

Illustrations: website