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Dachshund: character, description and photo. Dachshund character - boy and girl. A dachshund is not a toy for children. What kind of owner does a dachshund need?

The dachshund has been one of the most popular breeds all over the world for many years. The character of this dog allows it to be adopted by people of different temperaments and lifestyles. She adapts perfectly to her owner's habits. The dachshund is so smart and clean that it has become a favorite of many dog ​​breeders. Despite the fact that she was bred as a hunting dog, she perfectly adapted to life in a city apartment. And its dwarf varieties even became decorative.

History of the breed

The dachshund is one of the most ancient dogs. It was bred in Germany for hunting burrowing animals. It was very popular among hunters for its unusual working qualities. This breed successfully combines fearlessness and perseverance, has excellent tracking abilities, and has a voice that can be the envy of the largest dogs. The peculiarity of burrowing breeds is that they must make decisions themselves, so dachshunds are very smart and independent. Many centuries of breeding in this direction have made these dogs so unusual. The dachshund has still retained all its working qualities, which determine the characteristics of its character.

Who is this breed suitable for?

Despite the fact that dachshund breeding was aimed only at improving hunting qualities, this dog can adapt to any conditions. She can live quietly without hunting, which is why now this breed is most often bred in the city. Who is the dachshund suitable for:

  • The owner's character does not matter, since she easily adapts to his habits. The dachshund is amazingly suitable for energetic, active and cheerful people. She will be happy to accompany her owner on active walks, participate in outdoor games, and run in the morning.
  • But a dachshund is also suitable for calm and leisurely people. The nature of the breed is such that it perfectly senses the mood of its owner and will calmly stay at home and be content with a short walk.
  • This breed is well suited for single people. The dachshund is a very sociable dog, she loves to participate in all the affairs of the owner, listens to him attentively and amuses him with her funny antics.
  • This breed is also an excellent option for families with children. The dachshund loves children, plays great with them, and its small size makes it possible for even little ones to handle it on a walk.

Breed varieties

Over many years of selection, these dogs were crossed with other breeds. People have tried to improve the dachshund's performance, such as making it smaller, tougher, or more attractive. Now there are several varieties of the breed.

  1. The short-haired dachshund is the oldest variety. It was from her that the rest came.
  2. The long-haired dachshund was created by crossing representatives of the breed with spaniels. This variety arose in the 18th century.
  3. Dogs of this breed were crossed with pinschers and various terriers. And by the end of the 19th century, the wire-haired dachshund was developed.
  4. Small dogs were needed to hunt small burrowing animals. And in the 19th century, dwarf and rabbit dachshunds appeared, possessing not only miniature sizes, but also excellent working qualities.

Characteristics of all dachshunds

  1. Brave and courageous, they will protect their owner in any situation.
  2. They are very inquisitive and playful, always ready to participate in all the affairs of the owner, sticking their long nose everywhere.
  3. Dachshunds are smart and quick-witted. They are considered to have the intelligence of a four-year-old child.
  4. Independence and the ability to make decisions make raising and training this dog difficult.
  5. Dachshunds are very sociable, love affection and enjoy communicating even with strangers.
  6. They love this breed because of its sensitivity and ability to adapt to the mood of its owner.
  7. The negative qualities of the dachshund include its stubbornness and cunning. If not raised correctly, they can create a lot of problems for the owner.

Boy or girl?

Those who decide to get a dachshund often cannot decide what gender of puppy to buy. Experts believe that there are no special differences in character, so you need to be guided only by the features of the content. A bitch means regular heat and the need to breed her at least once. Many people don’t like a male dog because of the possibility of running away after a female dog in heat. But there are other differences between the two sexes.

  1. The character of a female dachshund is more calm and balanced. They are easier to train, flexible, but at the same time more cunning. Such dogs are more suitable for families with children, as they are very affectionate and not at all aggressive. They are ideal for calm owners who can more easily tolerate the absence of active walks. Homebodies will prefer the character of a girl dachshund. She is interesting to communicate with and easier to educate.
  2. The character of a boy dachshund may not appeal to everyone. It is more difficult with him, since he is smarter and often tries to dominate the family. Males are more stubborn and assertive, they are fearless and often do not spare themselves in protecting their owner. But at the same time, they are calm, lazy and simple-minded. The character of a male dachshund is more suitable for single, active people or athletes.

Features of raising these dogs

What are they? One of the most difficult breeds to train is the dachshund. The nature of these dogs is very independent and they are often uncontrollable. But not because they are stupid or disobedient, but on the contrary, dachshunds are so smart that they understand the meaning of commands the first time, but they will not always carry them out. A feature of hunting breeds is the ability to make decisions independently. Therefore, your Dachshund will first consider whether what you ask is worth doing. In addition, these dogs are very cunning and stubborn. They will try by any means to achieve what they want. And it’s not a fact that the prank for which you punished your pet will not happen again. But this is why many people like the dachshund so much. The character of this dog allows you to have fun and interesting time with it. But in order for communication with a dachshund to bring you only positive emotions, from the moment the puppy appears in your home, he needs to be raised. Each command must be clear, and it is necessary to achieve its implementation, but not with severity, but with encouragement and affection. Only discipline will make your dog a devoted and obedient friend.

Longhaired dachshund

Her character is more intelligent than other varieties. It was originally intended for harsh weather conditions, which is probably why it is more durable and easier to adapt to the situation. The long-haired dachshund is more cunning, but at the same time calm and affectionate. Representatives of this breed love children very much, are flexible and easy to train. The beautiful appearance of the long-haired dachshund and its small size attract many dog ​​breeders, and this type of breed is no longer used for hunting, having turned into a companion dog.

Wirehaired dachshund

Her character is more complex, it even contains more traits from the terriers with which the ancient representatives of the breed were crossed to obtain this variety. Her appearance is quite attractive, with a stiff beard she looks a little like a fox terrier. This species was purposefully bred for hunting, so its working qualities are more pronounced. The wirehaired dachshund is more energetic, courageous and active. She has a balanced character, self-esteem and is very loyal to her owner.

Dwarf varieties of dachshunds

In the 19th century, they decided to breed a small dog to hunt small burrowing animals. At first they tried to cross an ordinary dachshund with a miniature pinscher, but the offspring lost their working qualities. Therefore, breeders took a different route: they selected the smallest representatives of the breed and crossed them. Long-term breeding work has led to the emergence of new varieties. A dwarf dachshund was bred. The character of these small dogs is quite complex. They are very smart and stubborn, but at the same time friendly and affectionate. Now this type of breed has become classified as decorative dogs, although, like standard dachshunds, they are excellent guards and devoted defenders.

This very unusual dog is a dachshund. Its character requires special treatment and strict upbringing from its owner. Only then will the dachshund bring him many moments of joy.

If you are planning to have and dachshund and child, then you should have a child before you get a dog. Otherwise, the dachshund, with its self-confident character, will have a hard time understanding its place in the family hierarchy. A Dachshund can truly love a child as well as all family members. But at the same time, she will not miss the opportunity to try to show who is boss.

Dachshunds are very fond of children, who usually have more time and desire to communicate with the dog. Children, in turn, see the dachshund as a true, loyal friend, always ready to join them in games.

When parents are tired or simply do not have enough free time to spend with the child, the dachshund, to the best of its canine strength, compensates for parental attention and plays the role of a cheerful and tireless nanny. And absolutely sincerely.

The dachshund has enough energy reserves for any baby. At the same time, which is important in the communication of children with pets, the dachshund is restrained in manifestations of “play aggression” and is unlikely to bite a child, even if it is very playful. If a child manages to wear out the dachshund or accidentally offend him, then he will simply leave for a while, and will soon return full of strength and enthusiasm.

At the same time, a dachshund can experience real jealousy when a small child appears and receives more attention.

When a dachshund appears in the house, the child must immediately be explained what is not only undesirable, but dangerous to do with it. The child needs to be told about the dachshund’s vulnerabilities and the threat to its health that jumping and, especially, falling from high objects pose. If the child understands that this dog in the house is not a toy, but a full-fledged member of the family in need of care and love, no problems will arise.

The Dachshund is an energetic and active dog that has strong hunter and watchdog instincts. The Dachshund's personality traits include playfulness and curiosity.

Dachshund dogs gained enormous popularity in many European countries in the eighteenth century. Thus, in 1730, the hunting writer Dietzel, in his book “Underground Hunting,” described the dachshund as a friendly, intelligent and devoted dog, which is an excellent companion, watchman and hunter. Due to these qualities, the dachshund continues to be very popular among breeders today.

Main features of a puppy

The main features of the dachshund's character appear in the first months of life. As soon as a small cute puppy appears in the house, the owner cannot help but notice his mobility, playfulness and curiosity. The baby is happy to be involved in any active games, especially if the role of a companion is assigned to the owner. You may notice that the dachshund is constantly in search of impromptu holes, which could be bags standing on the floor, mountains of laundry, etc. Thus, the puppy actively manifests its burrowing dog instinct and innate curiosity. For this reason, a caring owner should closely monitor the baby, since the latter can become entangled and even suffocate!

From the first days of life in the house of a new owner, a dachshund puppy will demonstrate affection for a friend in human form, since dogs of this breed quickly become attached to humans. If you do not take into account this feature of the dachshund’s character and ignore the puppy, then there is a high probability that the dog will grow up apathetic and detached.


If you decide to become the owner of a dachshund, be prepared for the fact that raising a dog requires a serious approach. By nature, representatives of this hunting breed have high intelligence, which makes them easy to train. However, excessive energy and emotionality can cause a dog to behave poorly, manifested by ignoring commands, barking for no real reason, and even aggression. To avoid this, you need to pay enough attention, time, effort and patience to raising your pet, since dachshunds are quite stubborn.

You should always be consistent in raising a dog of this breed, since the dachshund has a good memory, which allows it to quickly adapt to the conditions set by the owner. If you under no circumstances want your pet to climb onto the bed or sofa, let him know immediately. Literally a few minutes spent in a forbidden place will lead to the fact that in the future the dog will constantly climb into places where it is not allowed, and it will not be easy to wean it from this habit.

When playing with your puppy, do not allow yourself to tease him by encouraging barking or even minor biting. With this behavior, the puppy tries to test the boundaries of what is permitted, trying to dominate the owner. If the owner allows the dachshund to behave in this way, then a failure in upbringing may result in the development of aggressive behavior in the pet, which will manifest itself in barking, growling and even biting.

To prevent constant manifestations of aggression in a dachshund, you need to decisively abandon the idea of ​​raising a dog, accompanied by screaming and physical violence. If you have problems raising your dog, you should immediately seek help from an experienced dog handler.

Compatibility with other pets

If you want to take a dachshund puppy into your home, but you already have pets such as a cat, rodents, birds or reptiles, be sure to study all the nuances of the compatibility of a hunting dog with other pets.

A dachshund is a hunting dog, so it is not recommended to have one if there are rodents living at home - rabbits, guinea pigs, etc. For a representative of this breed, any rodent is regarded as prey, so a dachshund with a keen sense of smell will behave restlessly and aggressively, sensing the scent of a potential “prey.” If you are determined and take a dachshund puppy to a home where there are more vulnerable pets, make sure that the cages with rodents are in places inaccessible to the hunting dog.

As for birds, the dachshund is also interested in them as prey. If you have ornamental birds at home, take care of their safety.

Dachshunds get along well with cats, but only if the owner takes the puppy into a house where an adult cat already lives. But even in this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that at first the older pet will begin to show jealousy towards the puppy. Usually cats react to a new family member with hissing or complete ignoring, and the puppy, catching this mood of his future friend, gets scared and behaves warily. Over time, the relationship between the animals improves, and the dachshund gets along well in the same house with the cat.

Dachshund and other family members

The dachshund is one of the breeds that is not recommended for keeping in the same home with small children, and there is an explanation for this. Usually a small child who has not reached school age perceives a cute puppy as a toy, sometimes allowing himself to treat the pet indelicately. Despite its kindness and sociality, the dachshund is a vindictive dog, so it remembers the tricks of the offender for a long time and reacts aggressively to him. For this reason, it is better to get a dachshund for a child who is conscious about caring for the dog. Only in this case will your pet become your child’s best friend!

It is definitely not recommended for older people to own a dachshund, since a dog of this breed needs active walks and games, which can be a big problem for a person with poor health and poor physical endurance.

The right approach to raising a dachshund will reveal the best character traits of this intelligent, active dog, which will become a true friend and companion for its beloved owner.

✮ Hello everyone!✮

8 years ago we brought home a baby dachshund. It took us a long time to choose a dog. Initially, I wanted an English cocker spaniel, but at that time we were looking for a dog through advertisements in the newspaper, there was none there.

Then I decided to take a dachshund. In the first ad, an adult dog was given into good hands. But when we called, the first question was: " Are there children in the family?"The owner explained that dachshunds hate children. At that moment it seemed wild to me. How can such a cute little face hate children? Later it turned out that it could.

We didn’t take that dog; she was also old. We decided to get a puppy. A little later we found an advertisement where dachshund puppies were being sold for 500 rubles. They were purebred, but without documents. We decided to take it because purebredness was not important to us. But when they came for the puppy, they showed us the documents of the parents. The puppies were purebred, the owners simply did not want to bother with documents. And in general, their dachshund’s first birth was, as they explained to me, “for health reasons.” But I believe that childbirth will not add health to the dog. But yes, sterilization will help in this regard.

I warn you right away, there will be few photos(and even less in good quality), because My dog ​​is very active, when he notices the camera, he sticks his nose into it. It turns out this:

I didn’t have any photos of my dog ​​as a puppy, since the computer died when the dachshund was 7 months old. But a friend helped, found her old phone, there was only one photo left.

We adopted this puppy, she is about a month old:

We spent about a week coming up with a name for our taxi driver. As a result, they named her Daria, Dashka. This is because my mother wanted to call me that, but due to some circumstances she did not do it. And the name Dasha is beautiful, the whole family likes it

Before sending the puppy and me home, the owner gave some instructions:

  • Regarding vaccinations. How, when and which ones should be installed. We were also told not to walk the dog outside until we get the first 2 vaccinations.
  • How to feed. We were told to feed the dog once a day! Tight, in the morning. And no pieces, otherwise he will get fat. More precisely, a puppy needs to be fed more often, but an adult dachshund needs to be fed once a day. We, of course, started feeding her several times a day. She ended up gaining weight. The veterinarian advised feeding the dog less.
  • She recommended not to let him into bed.

On the first night I violated the last recommendation. The baby whined so much, she couldn’t sleep alone. I held on for half the night, then I couldn’t stand it (I really wanted to sleep). In the morning, the dachshund snored peacefully in my bed. It was a huge mistake. Use all your willpower, and use earplugs in the end! But never take your puppy to bed - it will be very difficult to wean her off this!

Having matured, Daria realized that lying in bed was bad. But nevertheless he does not miss this opportunity. Let me give you an example of one case

One day I got tired and fell asleep in the living room on the sofa. There was also a mother in the hall who scolded the dog for the sofas and beds. But our Dasha is not stupid and understood perfectly well that when I was sleeping, my mother would not scream. So she calmly jumped up to me. Half asleep, I didn’t kick her out, hugged her and began to fall asleep further. And my mother walked around for about 10 minutes and hissed so as not to wake me up. Then she told me that on the dog’s face it was written “well, try, drive me away”


Almost immediately we encountered an unpleasant problem - Dasha turned out to be a real rodent! We bought her tendons in a tube when she was a puppy. Later they began to buy bones from tendons. But the dog still chewed everything and everyone! There was no way to wean it off. Moreover, she often took pencils from the table in my bedroom (there was a chair nearby that she could jump onto). Headphones, wires, baseboards.... Everything I had access to.

How did we deal with this problem?

But no way. Just at one point, the dachshund chewed the cord from the laptop, which was connected to the network, and was slightly electrocuted. The dog got away with one fright (and we were also very frightened), and did not touch any of our things again.

So be careful! The dog can hurt itself. Everything ended well for us, but it could have been worse!


Everyone knows that dachshunds are burrowing dogs. When hunting, they wear down their claws well, but pets need regular trimming. But we started doing this a year ago. The fact is that all this time the dog was doing her own pedicure. I'm serious! She was biting her own claws. We even thought it was for the best, because she wouldn’t harm herself.

But now our girl is no longer young, she has stopped practicing claws. This made me very upset. No, I don’t mind paying 100-200 rubles. for a dog pedicure. It’s just that after this procedure the dog bleeds... Definitely. Even with one nail, they'll mess up! When the dog chewed its own claws, this did not happen.


You can feed your dachshund either natural food or special food. Since we have two dogs, we cook for them ourselves. It’s just that he’s a big dog and feeding him wet food will be expensive. But I don’t want to give dry food as the main food. No matter what they say about the benefits... Well, what will happen to our stomach if we eat food in breadcrumbs? So dogs need soft, warm food.

The diet needs to be thought through to the smallest detail. This is what my mom does. She cooks food for 2 days. We have 4 types of food in total, they alternate (dogs don’t like to eat the same thing). We cook some meat and cereal, adding vegetables. Sometimes we add pasta, but not much. For dogs, pasta is empty food.

Sometimes dogs get bones (beef bones) as a treat. Definitely boiled. But most often we give bones from tendons.

Don’t even think about giving bird bones! They can injure the lining of the mouth or esophagus.

Your dachshund needs to be given raw liver from time to time, this will give it a better coat.

Dachshunds have bottomless stomachs, so you need to carefully monitor the amount of food you consume. This dog will never stop, he will eat, tear, eat. Especially when it comes to delicious food.

Well, of course, the dog should always have a full bowl of fresh water.

Now I’ll tell you about the character of the dachshund.

Dachshunds hate drunks. I have another dog (not a purebred shepherd), he is calm around drunk people. And Dashka... She can smell drunks a mile away and starts barking. Once she pulled out the leash and rushed at her drunk neighbor. By the way, I was warned about this feature when I adopted the dog.

Dachshunds hate children. I was warned about this too. At first it seemed strange to me. Well, this beauty can’t hate children. When she barked menacingly at the children as a puppy, I didn’t take it seriously, I just said “ugh” and took the dog away. But this did not go away with age; my dog ​​attacked all passing children. I only walked her on a leash, but the children are like that... they see the dog and rush towards it as fast as they can. Daria didn't bite anyone, but she scared a lot of children. And my parents also scolded me for it. I keep my dog ​​on a leash... Why don’t parents take the child by the hand when he rushes towards someone else’s dog?

When guests with children come to me, Dasha always sits on a leash. And barks when he sees children.

I think if the child was there before the dachshund arrived, they could become friends. But if the child is born after... In general, I do not recommend getting a dachshund if you are planning to have children. Only if you are 100% sure that you can make friends with a child.

I’ve seen so many advertisements where adult dachshunds are given away after the baby is born...

Dachshunds love peace and quiet. If someone is swearing at home, music is playing loudly, someone is running - the dog begins to bark, whine, and squeal. If you start fighting in front of her as a joke, she will rush to restore order! If you play the guitar, you will howl heart-rendingly. If you swear, you will whine quietly and pitifully.

When I first met my beloved, I scared him a couple of times. She stood next to her and began plaintively calling “Dasha, save me, Dashenka.” My savior barked at the guy

Dachshunds are afraid of thunder. I used to love falling asleep to the sound of thunder, but now I can’t. Dasha whines and squeals. Doesn't calm down until you approach her.

Dachshunds are very shy. A little squeal. I don't know what this is connected with. It seems to me that these are features of the nervous system of dachshunds. Because we didn’t hit the dog. It hit us on the ass a couple of times for educational purposes, but only as an adult. And in general, it’s enough to look at her angrily, for her this is already a big punishment.

I re-read different forums. They wrote that this can be passed on by heredity.

The veterinarians (who spayed and bandaged the dog) said that we have a normal dog, we just spoiled it. So she complains about something almost wrong. Probably we shouldn’t have reacted too emotionally when Dashka did something wrong as a puppy. There was no point in running as fast as you could to feel sorry for the dog.

Somehow Dasha screamed heart-rendingly. I run to her. It turned out that a towel had fallen on her! An ordinary light towel. The dog felt dark and scared...

I'm fed up with "kind people" on the street asking, "Are you hitting the dog?"

And the neighbor said that all dachshunds are so hysterical.

Sociable dog. She definitely needs a person or another animal. Loves to participate in any movement. Loves to be the center of attention. When I praise the cat, the dog comes up and starts poking her with his nose, pushing her

Very active.

You shouldn't get a dachshund if you don't like to take long walks. The dog needs to run, jump, dig something, run after someone. It's impossible to catch her if she doesn't want to. It is also very difficult to photograph, the dog is constantly on the move.

Commands are difficult to teach. I managed to teach her the "die" command. True, initially I said “sit,” but Dasha responds to any command by lying down with her belly up, and then jumps up for a treat. We also know “fu” and roughly understand “fas”. But she perceives “face” differently. Someday he will bark, someday he will run up and jump, to whom I point.

For comparison. My second dog Pirate knows “sit”, “lie down”, “in the booth”, “give me a paw”, “give me the other paw”, “fu”, “stand up”. Yes, and understands other words perfectly. He also brings sticks. Dasha doesn't do this.

Freezing dog.

Well, that’s understandable, she’s short-haired. In winter we walk little - we do everything and go home. But in the coldest weather she goes outside, pees and goes home. Then he can finish his work at home. If we take him out in clothes, he doesn’t go to the toilet, although the clothes are comfortable.

The dog has a “nest” under the stairs, next to the radiator. It was not for nothing that I called her place a nest, because the dachshund turned out to be a nesting dog. She definitely needs rags in which she will burrow. We realized this when she tore up her bed, trying to burrow into it. Now she always has a few things to wrap herself in.

The dog's heat is going smoothly. The girl is neat, she has never left a bloody trace in 8 years (except for her bed).

Dachshunds have a zapodlyansky character. If she didn’t like something, wait for an answer. Moreover, she feels the atmosphere of home. If, for example, one of the family members did something bad to another, she will go to “revenge”.

She sat down to pee under my father's feet several times (that's when she got her ass kicked). And once I actually learned something...

In general, two women came to us to check the meters and distracted my father. He was clearly not happy about their arrival, and the dog sensed it. One woman stood on a chair, taking readings, and the other stood on the floor and wrote it down. Dasha sat down close to the second woman... and made a mess! Right under his feet. It was terribly uncomfortable.

This is how the dachshund expresses its hostility.

There is an opinion that the dachshund does not get along with other animals. But that's not true! My dachshund just loves cats.

Even on the street, she always tries to lick some cat. A hedgehog also spent the night with him, whom Dasha immediately fell in love with.

And when we got a little kitten, happiness knew no bounds!

The dog was so taken with the little lump that she began to produce milk! And she herself never gave birth!

This photo shows the first meeting:

On the very first day, Dasha became a mother. She licked Murka, slept with her, and worried if she squeaked.

The dachshund does not require special care, the main thing is patience, attention and love.

She only got sick twice. The first time I got sick was between the 2nd and 3rd vaccinations. We were very scared then. During the walk, Dasha began to drag her hind legs, and then she completely lay down. I immediately took the dog home and put him to bed. The dog lost all interest and just lay there. It was decided to call a veterinarian to the house. We were simply afraid to go on our own.

The vet examined the dog and prescribed...vodka. He said that the dog had a cold. Indeed, after a tablespoon of vodka, Dasha began to run briskly again.

And the second time she got bumps on her belly. The veterinarians diagnosed him with cancer. The bumps were cut out and the dog was sterilized. Fortunately, everything is left behind, Dasha is healthy and enjoying life. I recommend sterilizing your animals.

They also say that dachshunds are aggressive. Personally, my dachshund only attacks children and drunk people. She adores the others and fawns over everyone.

I told everything I remembered. If I remember anything else, I will update the review.

The dog is complex, it needs to be trained constantly. If we taught Pirate (a nobleman-shepherd) everything as a puppy, he still remembers everything perfectly. But if you give a slack in raising a dachshund, she will forget everything. Well, or she will pretend that she forgot.

She needs a lot of attention and care. Dachshund is also a manipulator. If you react emotionally when she hurts her paw, you feel sorry for her, indulge her whims - then she will regularly begin to limp and whine.

If you already have a lot of experience raising dogs, or you just have a lot of patience, this dog is for you. But I wouldn’t recommend taking a dachshund as your first pet. Especially if you have children in your plans. Dachshunds hate it when they run around and make noise. Yes, she even stops my cat when she starts to get mad

I met three dachshunds who were simply thrown out of the tram. It’s just that my stop is the final one, several times I saw people who dropped off the dog and then drove on... And then the dog looked into every passing vehicle until kind people took it away. Some people cannot cope with this breed, and at best they look for good hands for their pet. A friend of mine got a dachshund, but he couldn’t handle raising it, so he gave it to his friends. I also saw many advertisements about lost dachshunds, where they were looking for owners.

Therefore, I encourage you to study the characteristics of the breed before getting an animal. And this applies not only to dachshunds. You must be prepared for all the “joys” of parenting, because you are taking a living creature, and not a cute toy.

I found two more photos of Dashenka and Murochka

The modern dachshund is a hunting dog, retrained as a companion, watchman, and... an ornamental breed. Initially, she was required to have stubbornness, endurance, moderate aggression, the ability to make decisions independently and find a way out of a difficult situation. In the twenty-first century, dachshunds living in small apartments no longer need to chase badgers and rabbits or fight in narrow holes.

By temperament, an ordinary dachshund is 100% sanguine. Of course, each pet has its own set of positive and negative sides, but, in general, the breed has inherited a number of characteristic traits from its ancestors:

- stubbornness;
- intelligence;
- courage;
— courage;
— cleanliness;
- affection;
- increased communication skills.

The dachshund does not like to be ignored for a long time; it needs communication with a person like air. She will not walk for a long time in bad weather, and would rather “admire” the world around her through the window. But on a fine day, she will run out into the street and drag her owner along with her.

This breed does not tolerate loneliness well. She needs constant attention, without which she feels unnecessary.

By the way, to punish it, it’s enough to simply ignore it for a while. Well, if you manage to ignore the pet’s attempts to capture the owner’s attention.

A naturally cheerful and active baby will not be happy if she is locked in a small apartment for the whole day. Trying to “attract attention”, she can howl, whine, and scratch doors. Too much loneliness can ruin a dog's cheerful character, causing it to turn into an aggressive and sad creature.

If a dachshund has been left to its own devices for a long time since puppyhood, then rest assured that it will find something to occupy itself with. Only the owners won’t like the results, because she will take the path of destruction, dig up all the beds, tear all the pillows with her long and strong claws, and chew everything she can reach or jump to.

The best option to prevent such destructive behavior is to accustom your pet to a crate from a young age.

The dachshund was left at home alone, the result is in the photo

How not to spoil the character of a dachshund

The character and habits of every dog, and our heroes in this case are no exception, can be adjusted.zluka

Excess aggression is a significant drawback (by the way, this is a disqualifying sign), although this quality is a direct legacy of hunter ancestors.

During the learning process, character traits must be taken into account. A smart, intelligent and quite independent dog, it is easy to train. She quickly learns commands and, with a good attitude from the owner, calmly carries them out. If a dachshund shows unmotivated aggression towards family members, people or animals, or chases cats and other dogs while walking (hunting roots are evident), this behavior must be corrected immediately through training.

An attempt to impose something on a dachshund or force it by force in most cases will end in complete failure. This is a very stubborn and wayward animal. But the “carrot” method works very well in relation to them. It is useless to force her to do something without breaking her psyche, but you can motivate her with praise or a treat.

In training, it is beneficial to use the dachshund's love for playing and running. The dachshund has a very developed fetch instinct; it will happily run after a stick or fetch a ball.

In the family and with children

A cheerful and mischievous “dog with a motor” easily and simply enters the family circle, becoming everyone’s favorite. Dachshunds enjoy playing outdoor games with both children and adults. By the way, active games allow the dog to release energy and improve his mood. It’s better to energetically race around with the kids than to chew on the owner’s set out of boredom. Constant communication with “pack members,” including children, gives sociable kids great pleasure.

A light and cheerful character, innate attentiveness and affection for family members, along with good upbringing, make the dachshund an excellent nanny.

Probably, after this video, all questions regarding the attitude towards children have been removed.

Dachshunds do not have a tendency to run away, so the child will not be left alone on the street without a pet. Small size does not in any way affect the dog’s desire and ability to protect its small owner from a person or an aggressive dog. If a dangerous situation arises, the brave dachshund makes a decision with lightning speed and barks menacingly at the enemy. And the strong jaws and resourcefulness of a hunting dog leave no chance for the attacker to win. In addition, its small size, intelligence and calm disposition allow the child to walk the pet independently.

In which house will she be happy?

A charming and funny dachshund will become a loyal friend and everyone's favorite in a large and friendly family. She will become a friend and playmate for children who love outdoor games. It is suitable for lovers of long walks, hikes or morning runs.

Movement is the meaning of life for a dachshund. Before buying a puppy, you need to soberly assess your strengths and capabilities for walking a dog.
Despite the fact that nowadays the dachshund is bred as a decorative dog or companion dog, the breed has not yet lost its working qualities. The dachshund can be recommended to the avid small game hunter. Although this dog is also suitable for lovers of “quiet hunting”.

Compact, quiet and unassuming, the dachshund is ideal for those who love to travel. She will be the first to jump into the car, anticipating new impressions and emotions. A dachshund, unlike large and simply disobedient dogs, can be taken with you on a train or plane. With such an accompanying person, the trip will be more fun, and there will be even more photos.

For whom is the dachshund not suitable?

In inactivity, the dachshund quickly gets fat and turns into a dull and sad creature.

Like other sanguine dogs, it is contraindicated for melancholic people. Sociable, requiring constant communication and attention, the dog will simply annoy the owner. As a result, she will feel unwanted and unloved. It is not recommended to own a dachshund for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and, due to habit or physical capabilities, are unable to provide the pet with a normal walk.

This is a very interesting and cheerful dog. The owner, having raised the puppy correctly, will receive a true friend, and the dog will be happy in a home where it is loved and appreciated.