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Who has healthy teeth after childbirth? Dentistry after childbirth. Products for strengthening nails

Pregnancy and lactation are natural physiological processes that, in their normal course, do not have a negative impact on a woman’s health. However, many modern young mothers often experience various oral diseases after childbirth and while breastfeeding. It can be explained this way. In the oral cavity of any person there is a huge number of different microorganisms; they are the natural flora of the oral mucosa. Food consumption, in turn, promotes the active growth of bacteria. This is not dangerous for a healthy and unweakened body. But women after childbirth and during breastfeeding, due to changes in hormonal levels, a temporary decrease in immunity due to pregnancy, and intense mineral metabolism, are at risk for developing diseases of the teeth and gums.

In addition, health is weakened by the notorious environmental factors (polluted atmosphere and water, poor-quality food). And we ourselves, due to lack of time, allow the infection to “run wild” by violating the rules of oral hygiene, do not visit the dentist for preventive purposes and rush to a specialist only with acute toothache or when the condition of the teeth seriously begins to bother us, as a result the doctor has to deal with already running problems. In order to prevent the occurrence of caries, gingivitis and periodontitis after childbirth and during lactation, it is necessary to follow a number of rules.

Dental condition after childbirth

Even if you go to the doctor with confidence that your teeth are healthy, be prepared for the dentist to identify the first signs of caries, as this is one of the most common diseases of the oral cavity. A specialist may also detect that you have tartar, which is also a common occurrence.

Tartar is a dense deposit on the teeth, consisting of an organic base (mucus, desquamated epithelium, microbes, food, etc.) and salts (mainly calcium phosphate), which irritate the gums. It is located on the necks of the teeth, but can also cover a significant part of the tooth (crown and root). The formation of tartar occurs due to insufficient cleaning of the teeth, which contributes to the deposition of plaque on them, which is saturated with calcium salts falling from saliva. Unfortunately, even with proper brushing of teeth, there are some places (especially at the edge of the gums) that are not completely cleaned. This is where soft plaque appears, which can turn into tartar.

Tartar is dangerous because microorganisms thrive under it, causing inflammation of the gums and dental caries. If this is not systematically dealt with, then over time the tartar hardens and “grows” into the depths of the gums. The inflamed gum begins to bleed, blood cells rich in iron salts are destroyed and turn the plaque dark brown. To suppress bacteria, gingival fluid is intensively formed, washing the teeth. The cells and minerals in this fluid promote further stone deposition. It begins to grow and go deeper under the gum. Then the edge of the gum moves away from the tooth, a subgingival pocket is formed, in which various organic substances accumulate, and bad breath appears. A path is opened for bacteria to penetrate the gum tissue, the bloodstream and the circulatory system. The risk of cardiovascular diseases and chronic diseases of other organs increases.

It is necessary to remove dental deposits (plaque and tartar) from a specialist one to three times a year. The procedure is performed by a doctor or his assistant - a hygienist using hand instruments and special devices with attachments, most often ultrasonic (scalers). These devices allow you to carefully remove stone around each tooth without unnecessary pain. Then the surface of the teeth is polished with a brush with a therapeutic and prophylactic paste, or a special system is used in which a mixture of powder (sodium bicarbonate) with air and water is combined at the end of the nozzle. At the end of the procedure, the teeth are coated with protective varnish and sealant. Professional teeth cleaning lasts about 40 minutes. In addition to removing tartar, the doctor will also give individual recommendations on oral care, on choosing a toothbrush, toothpaste, and the use of additional oral cleansing products (dental floss, special brushes). He will treat your teeth with a special solution, as a result of which the plaque remaining after brushing your teeth will appear. In the future, this will allow you to pay closer attention to these areas, improve their cleansing and avoid the appearance of new carious cavities, gum inflammation and other dental problems. If teeth deteriorate very rapidly during lactation, it may be necessary to restore their mineral structure (remineralization). The doctor will apply a medicinal composition containing calcium to the teeth. If caries or other diseases are detected, treatment will be required. Modern medications for pain relief do not pose a threat to the health of the child and therefore can be used in the treatment of nursing mothers.

Maintain good oral hygiene after childbirth

Not everyone knows how to brush their teeth properly. Ideally, this should be done after every meal. However, in any case, it is recommended to brush your teeth at least twice a day: after breakfast and before bed, after which you do not need to eat sweet foods.

How to brush your teeth correctly

However, it is worth considering that even the best toothbrush and the best toothpaste are minor components in dental care; the truly important thing is the brushing technique. There is a certain technique for properly brushing your teeth. Right-handers should start brushing on the right side, and left-handers should start on the left. First, the teeth are cleaned from the outside, then from the inside, and lastly the chewing surface of the teeth is cleaned. Start brushing your teeth from the upper jaw. The teeth of the upper jaw are brushed in the direction from top to bottom, that is, from the gums to the crown of the tooth (the same direction of movement of the toothbrush is maintained when brushing the teeth of the lower jaw). Cleaning movements start from the front teeth (incisors) and lead towards the large molars. You should make “sweeping movements” in the direction from the gums, thereby removing food debris and plaque from the interdental spaces. Small circular movements allow you to remove plaque from the front surface of your teeth. The inner surface of the teeth should also be thoroughly cleaned, since plaque is often deposited in these places and tartar forms. Particular attention should be paid to the back of the incisors. When cleaning the chewing surface, the toothbrush is placed horizontally and moved forward and backward. The teeth of the lower jaw are cleaned according to the same scheme. The duration of brushing your teeth should be at least five minutes.

You can independently determine the presence of tartar like this. Using a cotton swab, you need to apply an iodine solution to the gingival surfaces of the teeth, and all the plaque along with the stones will appear as a photograph. For the same purpose, you can use special tablets, after resorption of which the plaque is painted a certain color.

Additional care

Additional means for caring for teeth and gums are dental floss - floss for cleaning interdental spaces, dental elixirs and rinses, medical toothpicks. If your teeth are pressed tightly together, you can use dental floss to clean the spaces between your teeth. A stretched thread is inserted into the interdental space, making sawing movements. It is preferable to use toothpicks to remove leftover food if it is not possible to brush your teeth after eating. Their working part corresponds to the shape of the interdental spaces. After meals, you can also use chewing gum. But it only slightly reduces the development of pathogenic bacteria and is by no means a complete measure for cleaning teeth. Rinsing with fluorides and extracts of medicinal herbs has a beneficial effect on the hard tissues of teeth and gums. If you have problems with fresh breath, you should definitely consult a doctor and rule out diseases of the nasal cavity, larynx, and gastrointestinal tract.

How to eat properly if your teeth are crumbling after childbirth?

The diet of young mothers must include dairy products, wholemeal bread products, vegetables, sea fish, and meat. If possible, you should avoid sweets and sugar. It is recommended to use multivitamin complexes for nursing women. It is worth mentioning such substances as calcium, fluoride, vitamin D. During breastfeeding, the need for them increases. Calcium. The daily requirement for lactating women is 1300 mg. The main source of calcium in food is dairy products: milk, yogurt, kefir, hard cheeses. Plays an important role in the formation, structure and functioning of the bone apparatus and teeth. Vitamin D. Daily requirement - 250 units. The main food source is sea fish. Only with the action of vitamin D is calcium deposition in bone tissue and tooth tissue possible. Fluoride is a mineral that the body needs in microdoses. It is found in black tea, sea fish, wholemeal bread products and mineral water. Its role in maintaining healthy bones and teeth is very important. This is one of the main microelements that has a preventive effect against caries. Please note that depending on the area where you live, tap water may or may not be rich in fluoride. An excess of this microelement is harmful to teeth, as it leads to the development of fluorosis. In areas where tap water contains excess fluoride (endemic areas), you should not use fluoride toothpastes to brush your teeth.

Despite countless problems and troubles with the baby, a young mother should not forget about her health. No amount of lipstick will make you attractive if your teeth are in poor condition. There is no need to be afraid of visiting the dentist. Contacting a qualified specialist will help you solve the problem without waiting for it to develop. And let your smile be the most beautiful!

What is caries

Caries (from the Latin "caries" - caries) is a pathological process manifested by impaired mineralization and subsequent destruction of hard tooth tissue under the influence of bacteria with the formation of a cavity. Microorganisms, “digesting” carbohydrates from food, release lactic acid, which contributes to the destruction of the mineral base of the tooth. Next, the bacteria penetrate into the underlying layers and begin to destroy them. A huge role in the occurrence of caries is played by poor nutrition, failure to comply with the rules of oral hygiene, as well as hereditary predisposition and individual characteristics of the structure of the dental system. There are 4 stages of caries development: spot stage, superficial, medium and deep caries. At the spot stage, examination reveals a white or dark spot. Usually a person does not experience any sensations at this stage. Superficial caries is already accompanied by short-term pain under the influence of mechanical and temperature stimuli. The enamel becomes rough. With average caries, a carious cavity is already defined. With deep caries, touching the cavity causes pain. It must be taken into account that this is an irreversible process that tends to constantly progress. When microbes penetrate into the internal cavity of the tooth, pulpitis occurs (inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth). It is well known to many for its sharp pain from cold and hot, as well as pain that gets worse at night. Therefore, at the first signs of caries you need to visit the dentist. The earlier treatment is started, the more reliable the effect and the less discomfort.

Oral health in new mothers

With the birth of a child, a woman strives to devote all her time to the baby. The desire to be nearby, protect, feed and give warmth to a defenseless creature is completely natural. This is an instinct that is inherent in the mother’s body by nature itself. However, the daily care of an infant takes on extreme forms for some young mothers. They stop taking care of themselves and their health. As a result, they are faced with various diseases that affect their appearance and well-being. Thus, women who have recently given birth and breastfeeding note a deterioration in the condition of their teeth and the appearance of various oral problems. at best, it is planned by them at the time of leaving maternity leave. It is necessary to visit the dentist, as well as, as soon as possible after giving birth. This applies to absolutely all young mothers.

The teeth of any person are constantly exposed to microorganisms and bacteria, which are normally present in the oral cavity and can, under the influence of various factors, develop and cause various diseases. All the forces of the body during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation are directed towards the child. It is important to remember that women during this period constitute a risk group for the development of a wide variety of diseases of the gums and teeth. Changes in hormonal levels and a temporary decrease in immunity due to bearing and feeding a baby require serious support for the body. Even completely healthy mothers who easily endured pregnancy, if they neglect their health or are excessively scrupulous about their newborn, can encounter oral diseases. After all, no one has canceled the destructive influence of such external factors as bad water, polluted air, stale food and stress. If you take good care of yourself, eat right, walk in the fresh air, take minerals and vitamins, and also maintain oral hygiene and visit the dentist, you can maintain a beautiful smile. Otherwise, the woman’s teeth will begin to decay.

Preliminary prevention of oral diseases

According to Anastasia Domozhirova, a dentist at the Stavko clinic, oral sanitation (treatment of existing problems and hygiene to prevent new ones) is mandatory for pregnant women. A certificate of dental health must be presented to the antenatal clinic. Therefore, during this period, women usually do not forget about the dentist. However, it would not be amiss to remind you when expectant mothers should visit a dentist. The second trimester of pregnancy (14-20 weeks) is considered safe for. Dental x-rays cannot be taken in the first half of pregnancy, but after the 20th week, targeted photographs are allowed using a special computer x-ray machine - a visiograph. There is no need to be afraid of pain relief; modern anesthetics, as well as filling materials, are absolutely safe and will not harm the intrauterine development of the child. To protect yourself and your child from the negative effects of incorrectly selected medications, you just need to inform the dentist about your pregnancy period, tell about the presence of chronic diseases and contraindications, and also coordinate all appointments with an obstetrician-gynecologist (if necessary). Having your mother’s teeth treated in a timely manner is a serious prevention of various inflammatory processes (nasopharynx, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract), which can also negatively affect the baby’s health. And most importantly, mom will shine with her smile, literally and figuratively.

Diseases of teeth and surrounding tissues after childbirth

Sometimes, having successfully treated their teeth during pregnancy, women forget about the dental chair for a long time. Often mothers worry that medications will pass into the milk and harm the baby. Therefore, they sit at home and even endure toothache. Meanwhile, a diseased tooth during lactation can become a source of infection, which will seriously and truly harm the baby: diathesis will develop, immunity will decrease, and intestinal upset will occur. And the mother will develop various diseases of the teeth and gums: plaque and tartar, caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, pulpitis, etc.

Dental plaque and tartar

If a woman stops taking care of her oral cavity, does not clean her teeth well from food debris, and if metabolic processes in the body are disrupted and poor nutrition, problems such as plaque and tartar may arise. “Plaque is a sticky, soft deposit on the teeth and gums. These are peculiar organized colonies of bacteria. They can be found in any person. But in the presence of predisposing factors, plaque can increase and cause the formation of tartar, a hardened mass on the plane of the teeth, - comments Anastasia Domozhirova. - This is a calcareous deposit, which, as a rule, has a rather dark color due to the fact that the stone contains dead cells , microorganisms, food debris, salts, phosphorus, iron and calcium. It is deposited on the necks of teeth and can partially cover the crowns of the roots. To prevent these formations, women during pregnancy and after childbirth need to eat rationally, avoid exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, do not forget about mineral and vitamin complexes and carefully care for the oral cavity.” On a regular basis, you need to visit the dentist’s office for professional hygiene. The doctor can easily deal with dental plaque using special equipment (ultrasound), and the mother’s kisses will not be dangerous for the baby.


Young women after childbirth and during breastfeeding especially need calcium. The child needs it for growth and proper development. Therefore, calcium in large quantities comes with milk from the mother’s body to the baby. Insufficient calcium causes it to be taken from her bones. And first of all, from the lower and upper jaws. Consequently, caries develops in the oral cavity of a nursing mother. This is also facilitated by a decrease in the ability of a woman’s saliva to reminalize. The enamel is strengthened due to the action of calcium and phosphates contained in saliva. And during pregnancy and lactation there are significantly less of these substances in saliva. During caries, the hard tissues of the tooth are destroyed: enamel and dentin. Caries detected in the early stages will not lead to serious consequences. If it is neglected, it is fraught with more serious problems: pulpitis, periodontitis and tooth loss. Anastasia Domozhirova explains: “Young mothers should understand that caries is dangerous not only for them, but also for their babies. Staphylococcus aureus often multiplies in carious teeth, causing various internal and external inflammations in children with weak immune systems.”

Inflammatory dental diseases

If the hormonal levels of a nursing woman have deteriorated, bleeding of the desendage may occur at the slightest injury. This is a serious call to see a doctor. Young mothers may not even be aware of the presence of diseases of the periodontal and other dental tissues: gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease, which in especially advanced cases lead to tooth loss. Only a specialist can cope with these problems: he will competently conduct an examination, prescribe treatment and tell you how to properly massage the gums.

Teeth are crumbling

As is the case with other oral diseases, hormonal changes in the body of a woman preparing to become a mother can cause her teeth to begin to crumble after childbirth. This also results from a lack of minerals and vitamins. And especially calcium and vitamin D, which is responsible for its synthesis. And also the presence of untreated caries. It is also possible that the color of the enamel may change for the worse - tarnishing. After eliminating the causes of the disease, you can discuss with your dentist the installation of veneers that will improve the appearance of your teeth.

Anesthesia and filling materials during lactation

Anastasia Domozhirova emphasizes that during breastfeeding (lactation), dental treatment is permitted and necessary. Feeding is not a contraindication. Modern anesthetics such as lidocaine and ultracaine are completely safe. They are completely eliminated from a woman’s body in 3-6 hours. If mom is still worried, then you can take some precautions. Namely, feed the baby shortly before an appointment with the dentist or prepare milk for future use. After treatment, the first portion of milk can also be expressed. As for filling materials, there are also no contraindications for a nursing woman. You can safely treat diseases of varying degrees and nature.

X-ray, surgery and orthodontics during lactation

“Which procedures should not be feared, and which ones should be avoided during breastfeeding,” are questions that young mothers often ask the dentist. For example, fear is caused by x-rays. But, as in the case of anesthesia, this is completely unfounded. Modern devices have a low level of radiation, which does not pass through the lead apron. It is not prohibited to remove a tooth if it is seriously neglected. Doctors will be able to install an implant in its place in the future, but only after breastfeeding has stopped. To please yourself and surprise others with a perfect bite after returning from maternity leave, you need. Opinions vary regarding the installation of braces during feeding.

A balanced diet, healthy sleep, walks in the fresh air, vitamins and a timely visit to the dentist will maintain the perfect smile of a young mother! Love yourself and take care of your teeth! And the specialists of the Stavko clinic will definitely help you in resolving any issue.

Dental health is at serious risk not only during pregnancy, but also after its successful completion, especially if the mother is feeding the baby with breast milk. What to do to keep your teeth healthy?

Why dental health is impaired during breastfeeding

Problems associated with violation dental health during breastfeeding are due to several factors.

One of the main risk factors is a lack of minerals in the body of a young mother. The composition of breast milk must meet the needs of the baby, and if necessary, calcium, fluoride, potassium and other trace elements are “washed out” directly from the teeth and bones of the nursing woman.

Another risk factor is a woman’s hormonal imbalance associated with the completion of pregnancy and the establishment of lactation. A real “hormonal storm” occurs in the body of a young mother for at least six months after childbirth. This leads to metabolic disorders and a decrease in the body’s overall resistance. Therefore, even the slightest damage to the enamel can lead to serious inflammation and tooth decay.

Is it possible to treat teeth while breastfeeding?

The period of breastfeeding can be quite long, and maintaining dental health necessary at this time. If a nursing mother has a toothache, it is imperative to see a dentist. Many mothers fear that medications used in dental treatment can harm the baby. However, in modern dentistry there are drugs that are eliminated from a woman’s body before they penetrate into breast milk. Other drugs can be completely eliminated from the body in a few hours - during this time the mother can feed the baby with pre-expressed milk.

If a young mother's teeth are severely weakened by pregnancy and breastfeeding, she may be offered a procedure remineralization. This procedure consists of applying special enamel containing calcium to the teeth. Enamel protects teeth from damage and prevents their destruction.

What to do to maintain dental health while breastfeeding

The rules for dental care during breastfeeding are not much different from the general rules for maintaining dental health.

You should visit the dentist periodically, not only when a toothache occurs, but also as a preventive measure - at least once every six months. The appearance of tartar in the oral cavity is a reason for an extraordinary visit to the dental office. Tartar is a dense deposit on the teeth and gums, consisting of an organic base (food debris, microbes, mucus, dead cells) and salts (potassium phosphate). Tartar causes diseases of the teeth and gums, and it is impossible to remove it on your own, no matter how often and thoroughly you brush your teeth.

You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day (after breakfast and before bed). If possible, it is better to brush your teeth after every meal.

Adequate nutrition is one of the main factors that allows you to maintain dental health. Food must, on the one hand, contain all the necessary nutrients and microelements in sufficient quantities, on the other hand, it must consist of coarse fibers that perform the function of natural teeth cleaning.

  • Dairy products are one of the main sources of calcium and lactic acid, necessary for dental health. Hard cheeses have the highest calcium content.
  • Solid vegetables: carrots, cauliflower, green beans contain coarse plant fibers that help clean teeth naturally.
  • Leafy greens: dill, parsley, celery, onion, lettuce contain a number of vitamins and microelements necessary for dental health and gums.
  • Fish and other seafood contain fluoride, which is essential for teeth, but when breastfeeding you should use these products with caution, as they are possible allergens.

Foods whose consumption is harmful to dental health

  • Sweets: Candies, sugary drinks, and sweet baked goods contain carbohydrates that can damage tooth enamel. If a nursing mother can afford to eat something sweet, it is recommended to rinse her mouth with water or tooth elixir afterward.
  • Whole grain bread, cereal, and brown rice contain healthy slow carbohydrates, but over time these substances also turn into sugars. Of course, you shouldn’t give up these products; the main thing is to clean your mouth from food debris in a timely manner.
  • Sour fruits: lemons, oranges, grapefruits, sour apples, etc. contain fruit acids that destroy tooth enamel. To wash away aggressive substances, just rinse your teeth with water.

Maintaining healthy teeth while breastfeeding is a difficult but doable task. To do this, you need to pay enough attention to your teeth: regularly visit the dentist, adhere to a proper diet, and do not neglect brushing your teeth. We wish your smile to remain dazzling!

Sometimes it starts right away during pregnancy. Sometimes after childbirth. There are lucky women who will not pass this cup. But exceptions only confirm the rule. They deteriorate, fade, fall out, crumble and flake. Yes Yes. That's all of them. Hair, teeth and nails.

Why this happens is no secret to thinking women. The child grows, eats, grows his own bones, hair, nails, and, alas, does it at your expense.
But we also need these devices for chewing, picking and warming the top of the skull! Plus, they damn well decorate a woman!

There are two ways to save the above objects. One way works from the inside, the other from the outside.

From the inside.

Your body should receive His Majesty Calcium. By the way, do you know that with a lack of calcium, the nervous system also suffers? So the first signs of a lack of this mineral in the body are fatigue, anxiety, and depressed mood. It is also necessary in the processes of blood clotting and fertilization. Daily consumption of 0.8 g of calcium is the key to the normal functioning of the body, and for a pregnant and nursing mother, the daily requirement increases to 1.5 - 2 grams.

I think you haven’t stopped drinking the vitamin-mineral complexes you took during pregnancy? There are also only calcium supplements, but still, calcium from food products is healthier and better absorbed. Leaders in calcium content, mg per 100 g:
Hard cheese 600, processed cheese 300, cabbage 200, boiled shrimp 110, low-fat milk and black bread - 100, cottage cheese, sour cream, leeks and dried fruits - from 80 to 95. Of course, you shouldn’t eat exclusively according to this list, but you should definitely increase your consumption.

And one more small nuance. It turns out that calcium that comes into the body from food or dietary supplements is not absorbed if there is a lack of vitamin D. I bet you know where to find it!

Our smart body itself produces the required amount, but only with the help of sunlight. If it’s winter, drink fish oil, or at least eat fish – and choose fattier varieties!


Modern cosmetology offers an incredible number of different products, each of which is considered unique and fast-acting. Before you turn your apartment into a branch of a cosmetics store, know this.

  1. nails crumble and peel

How to strengthen your nails after childbirth

Products for strengthening nails should not contain formaldehyde. This chemical is very common, but long-term use dries out and weakens nails. The best way to soften brittle nails is a wax-based lip balm.

  • Among the cosmetic procedures - wax “sealing”, which can be done at home, before bed. The wax should be heated, dip your nails completely into it and wait until the wax cools down. Put on cotton gloves and go to bed, and in the morning just wash your hands.
  • Ultra Nails nail strengthener has a formulation specifically designed for nails and cuticles. Rich in nutrients (found in calendula, lavender, tea tree, cucumber, aloe vera), protein, vitamins and mucopolysaccharides, each application strengthens and maintains nails. Ultra Nails Nail Strengthener is a nutrient-rich, formaldehyde-free, non-irritant formula that absorbs quickly to promote stronger, more durable nails and reduce breakage.

Products for strengthening nails

2. Teeth after childbirth

How to strengthen teeth after childbirth

Dentist– teeth’s best friend. Together with calcium, they are more effective than the most popular techniques and affirmations.

3. Hair falls out after childbirth not all and not just like that. The fact is that during pregnancy, due to the increased production of estrogen, hair growth increases and the lifespan of the hair increases.

After childbirth, we observe the opposite process - there is less estrogen, the lifespan of hair also decreases, there are scary clumps on the comb, and the result is bad hair after childbirth. The first three months are quite normal. Then action should be taken.

How to strengthen hair after childbirth

By the way, not a single cosmetic product is comparable in its effectiveness to ordinary burdock oil. Any pharmacy will provide you with this magical elixir, which quickly makes your hair strong, silky and shiny. Or you can choose something more progressive. For example, this follicle stimulation serum.

Breastfeeding is not a reason to stop dental treatment. During lactation, on the contrary, it is worth visiting the dentist more often. Since reduced immunity after childbirth and a lack of vitamins lead to various diseases of the oral cavity, inflammation of the gums and the appearance of caries.

However, not all procedures can be used by a nursing mother without risk to lactation and the baby. In addition, treatment often uses drugs that can cause harm. Therefore, be sure to tell your dentist that you are breastfeeding. He will select safe dental treatment for breastfeeding.


To avoid problems, regularly perform dental and oral health care. It's better to prevent than to treat! After all, the risk of diseases in nursing mothers is very high due to weakened immunity after childbirth. For prevention, use the following procedures:

  • Brush your teeth after every meal;
  • Use flossers and dental floss, special mouth rinses;
  • Visit your dentist regularly;
  • Change your toothbrush more often;
  • Choose pastes with a high fluoride content;
  • To strengthen bones and teeth, take vitamin complexes for nursing mothers. Read what vitamins you can take during lactation;
  • Eat foods containing calcium, especially sesame seeds, cottage cheese and cheese;
  • Don't drink too hot drinks, don't eat a lot of sweets. In addition, such food is harmful to lactation and the infant!

And daily dental and oral care will help you avoid health problems!