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“I have a wide bone”: what scientists say about the density and weight of bones. The hardest bone in a person Who has the strongest bones

Pavel Filatov Thinker (5862) 7 years ago

Well, it’s not entirely correct to call teeth cats. Moreover, only enamel is hard, but at the same time it is very fragile. The strongest bone, as far as I remember, is the femur - with a vertical load it can withstand about 1.5 tons. well, the fragile ones, probably, in the middle ear are the hammer, anvil and stirrup

Andreev Andrey Thinker (7745) 7 years ago

In my opinion, the cranial bone is the strongest, and the most fragile is the heel bone.

Lida Thinker (7800) 7 years ago

Functions of the musculoskeletal system.

The skeleton and muscles are the supporting structures and organs of human movement. They perform a protective function, limiting the cavities in which the internal organs are located. Thus, the heart and lungs are protected by the chest and the muscles of the chest and back, the abdominal organs (stomach, intestines, kidneys) - by the lower spine, pelvic bones, back and abdominal muscles, the brain is located in the cranial cavity, and the spinal cord - in the vertebral column. channel.
Bone. The bones of the human skeleton are formed by bone tissue, a type of connective tissue. Bone tissue is supplied with nerves and blood vessels. Its cells have processes. The intercellular substance makes up 2/3 of bone tissue. It is hard and dense, its properties resemble stone.

Bone cells and their processes are surrounded by tiny tubules filled with intercellular fluid. Nutrition and respiration of bone cells occurs through the intercellular fluid of the tubules.

Bone structure. The size and shape of the bones of the human skeleton are different. Bones can be long or short.

Long bones are also called tubular. They are hollow. This structure of long bones ensures their strength and lightness at the same time. It is known that a metal or plastic tube is almost as strong as a solid rod of the same material that is equal in length and diameter. In the cavities of the tubular bones there is connective tissue rich in fat - yellow bone marrow. (Increase)

The heads of the tubular bones are formed by spongy substance. The plates of bone tissue intersect in the directions in which the bones experience the greatest tension or compression. This structure of the spongy substance also ensures the strength and lightness of the bones. The spaces between the bone plates are filled with red bone marrow, which is a hematopoietic organ.

Short bones are formed mainly by spongy substance. Flat bones, such as shoulder blades and ribs, have the same structure.

The surface of the bones is covered with periosteum. This is a thin but dense layer of connective tissue fused to the bone. The periosteum contains blood vessels and nerves. The ends of the bones, covered with cartilage, do not have periosteum.

Bone growth. During childhood and adolescence, people's bones grow in length and thickness. The formation of the skeleton ends by the age of 22-25. The growth of bone thickness is due to the fact that the cells of the inner surface of the periosteum are dividing. At the same time, new layers of cells are formed on the surface of the bone, and intercellular substance is formed around these cells.

Bones grow in length due to the division of cartilage cells covering the ends of the bones.

Bone growth is regulated by biologically active substances, such as growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. If the amount of this hormone is insufficient, the child grows very slowly. Such people grow up no taller than children of 5-6 years of age. These are dwarfs. (Increase)

If in childhood the pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone, a giant grows up - a person up to 2 m tall and above.

When the function of the pituitary gland increases in an adult, some parts of the body grow disproportionately, such as fingers, toes, and nose.

In adults, bones do not lengthen or thicken, but the replacement of old bone substance with new continues throughout life. Bone substance is capable of restructuring under the influence of load acting on the skeleton. For example, the bones of the big toes, on which the ballerina rests, are thickened, their mass is lightened due to the expansion of the internal cavity.

The greater the load on the skeleton, the more active the renewal processes are and the stronger the bone substance. Properly organized physical labor, physical education classes at a time when the skeleton is still forming, contribute to its development and strengthening.

Bone composition. Bones are formed by organic and inorganic substances. The meaning of mineral and organic substances can be easily determined by performing a simple experiment. If you bake a bone for a long time, the water is removed from it,

Irina Kovalenko Enlightened (35892) 7 years ago

The strongest are teeth. the most fragile is anyone with osteoporosis!

mulik Connoisseur (263) 7 years ago

The strongest bone on the skull is the frontal bone. the most fragile is somewhere around the neck

Pan_Arkas Student (155) 7 years ago

The head, that's where the power is! And the most fragile thing is the spine: (((

Irina Pro (558) 7 years ago

I completely agree with Dr. Filatoff about the strongest bone, and the most fragile, in my opinion, is the nasal septum. Men, do you agree with me?

Incredible facts

Muscles and bones provide structure to our body and allow us to jump, run, or simply lie on the couch.

We have 17 muscles to smile and 43 to to frown. Therefore, this is an extremely broad and varied topic, but only the most interesting can be mentioned.

Facts about bones

Number of bones

In newborns 300 bones, and in an adult it becomes 206. The reason for many bones in babies is the division of large bones into smaller ones, which grow together with age (for example, the bones of the skull). Nature created this for newborns who need "elasticity" to be born.


  • The skeleton contains 34 unpaired bones.
  • The skull bones consist of 23 units.
  • The spinal column consists of 26 bones.
  • The ribs and sternum are made up of 25 bones.
  • The skeleton of the upper limbs consists of 64 bones.
  • The skeleton of the lower extremities consists of 62 bones.

Change in human height

We are higher in the morning than in the evening approximately by 1 cm.

The cartilage between our bones is in a relaxed position at the start of the day. However, during the working day we sit, walk or do other activities, which causes the cartilage to shrink at the end of the day.

For example, in astronauts the change in height is even more interesting. During prolonged exposure to weightlessness, their growth increases by 5-8 cm.

The danger with this change in height is that it reduces the strength of the spine. Growth gradually returns to its previous parameters when the astronauts return to Earth.

After a person dies, his height increases by approximately by 5 cm compared to his height during life.

Facts about teeth

The tooth is the only part of the human body that does not recover on its own. If you have ever lost a tooth, you probably know how unpleasant it is. Once the outer shell (enamel) is damaged, you will have a quick trip to the dentist.

Interesting Facts:

  • Tooth enamel is the hardest fabric which can be produced by the body.
  • Even considering that calcium is necessary, including for bone tissue, 99% calcium is found in teeth.
  • Some studies prove that 2,500 years ago, the Mayan people (men) decorated their teeth with precious and semi-precious metals and stones. By this they showed the strength of their individual.

Bone Strength

Human bone is stronger some types of steel and 5 times stronger reinforced concrete. However, this does not mean that your bones cannot break.

Bones also have a very high resistance to compression and fracture.

In older people, the amount of minerals in the bones decreases, causing the bones to become brittle (osteoporosis).

Muscle Facts

Facts about language

Strongest a muscle in the human body is the tongue. This means that the tongue is the strongest muscle in relation to its size.

Taking into account daily eating and speaking, it can be argued that the language becomes stronger every day.

Since the tongue has extreme mobility (about 80 movements), it can soak and chew food, clean teeth with solid food particles, mix saliva with food, and push already chewed food into the esophagus.

Without language we would not be able to speak.

Muscles and bones are the basis of the human body, which allows us to walk, jump or simply lie on the bed.

1. In order to smile, you need to use 17 muscles, and in order to frown - 43. Unless you want to thoroughly stretch your facial muscles, smiling is the simplest form of facial expression. Those who frown and squint a lot know how tiring it is, which, without a doubt, does not contribute to a good mood.

2. A newborn has 300 bones, but as they grow older, their number decreases to 206. This happens because many of the baby’s bones are made up of smaller bones, for example, the bones of the skull. This makes the birth process easier for the baby. Bones grow together and become stronger as the child grows.

3. In the morning a person is about a centimeter taller than in the evening. The cartilage between the bones gets compressed due to standing, sitting, etc., which makes us a little shorter at the end of the day.

4. The strongest human muscle is the tongue. Of course, you won’t be able to do push-ups with your tongue, but it’s a fact: the tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body in proportion to its own size. Think about it - every time you chew, swallow or speak, you use your tongue, which serves as good exercise for it.

5. The strongest bone in the human skeleton is the jaw bone. The next time someone threatens to punch you in the jaw, smile - after all, the jawbone is one of the strongest bones.

6. A person uses 200 muscles to take a step. Depending on how you distribute the load, one single step will use about 200 muscles. This is a considerable burden, considering that a person takes an average of 10,000 steps per day.

7. The tooth is the only part of the human body that cannot be restored. If you have ever had a chipped tooth, you will confirm that it is sad but true. The surface of the tooth is covered with enamel, which is not living tissue. And this means that it cannot recover, which provides dentists with work.

8. Muscles atrophy twice as fast as they grow. However, this does not justify those who like to lie on the couch - building muscles and getting in shape is relatively easy, so you shouldn’t be lazy and procrastinate with sports.

9. Bones are stronger than some types of iron. This does not mean that bones cannot be broken, since they are much less dense than iron. The tensile strength of bones is 3.5 times less than that of iron. Iron is much heavier than bones, but a bone weighing 1 kilogram is stronger than iron of the same weight.

10. The legs contain a quarter of all human bones. You may not have thought about it, but the legs have the largest number of bones compared to any other organ. How much exactly? Of the approximately two hundred bones of the human body, 52 two are located in the legs.

Bones are the basis of the human musculoskeletal system. Together they form the skeleton. Despite being lightweight, they are incredibly durable. Human bones are several times stronger, ten times more elastic and lighter than steel. All bones are flexible and strong, and their structural features are determined by their location. What are the strongest bones in the human body?

General information about bones

There are 206 bones in the human body: 36 unpaired and 170 paired. They differ in shape and structure depending on their functions. One of the main properties of bones is strength. Thanks to it, bones can withstand enormous loads and perfectly serve as the foundation of the entire body.

Bone is a living part of our body. They are equipped with nerves and blood vessels. Over the course of a person's life, bones grow and change. With prolonged inactivity, bone can be resorbed (for example, the walls of a dental cell during tooth extraction).

The chemical composition of tissues changes with age. Over time, more salts accumulate and the amount of organic matter decreases. Salts make bones harder, but also more brittle. This is why older people get fractures more often than children from falls and even minor injuries.

Functions of bones

It is the basic functions that determine which bones are the strongest in the human body.

The following functions can be distinguished:

  1. Support. In fact, bones are the frame to which our muscles and joints are attached.
  2. Protective. The bones of the skull, ribs, and pelvic bones protect human internal organs from mechanical damage.
  3. Motor. Thanks to bones at the junction with muscles and joints, a person can perform different movements.
  4. Cumulative. Bones accumulate various substances and minerals, including salts, vitamins, phosphates and calcium.
  5. Spring. Thanks to the special structure of some bones, the shaking of the entire skeleton during movement and walking is reduced.

What are the strongest bones in the human body?

Many bones in the human body are very strong. The strongest bones in the human body include:

  • Bones of the skull (including the frontal and jaw).
  • Femur.

Their elasticity is constantly tested by external mechanical influence. In terms of stretching and hardness, the strength of bones is close to the strength of cast iron. The hardness and elasticity of human bones can only be compared to reinforced concrete.

The tibia is considered the strongest bone in the human body. It can withstand a load of 1650 kg, equal to the weight of 27 people. This is due to the fact that it bears the greatest burden to support the human body. The main function of the tibia is support. Thanks to its strength, a person can not only stand firmly on his feet, but also be able to carry large loads.

Where is the tibia located? This is the largest component of the lower leg. The upper part of the tibia is the base for the knee joint. The bone is located on the medial side of the leg next to the fibula. It is the second largest in the human body, after the femur. It is easy to feel along the front surface of the shin, since it is not covered by muscles.

Strength and flexibility are important properties of bones, because thanks to them we can perform all kinds of movements without feeling pain and without fear for the safety of internal organs. The tibia, as the strongest bone in the human body, performs an important function and actually bears the entire mass of the human body. Bones are the basis of our body. The stronger they are, the stronger the person. The condition of the skeleton has a direct impact on the overall health of a person.

could make up a whole chapter in the Guinness Book of Records. Among them there are record holders who can surprise any skeptic. In addition to the fact that bones protect internal organs and form a skeleton to which muscles and ligaments are attached, due to which a person makes various movements, they produce leukocytes and red blood cells. Over 70 years of life, they supply the body with 650 kg of red blood cells and 1 ton of leukocytes.

  1. Each person has an individual number of bones. No academician can answer exactly how many there are in the body. The fact is that some people have “extra” bones - the sixth finger, cervical ribs, and with age, the bones can fuse and become larger. At birth, a baby has more than 300 bones, which allows it to pass through the birth canal more easily. Over the years, small bones grow together, and an adult has more than 200 of them.
  2. The bones are not white. The natural color of bones has tones of a brown palette from beige to light brown. In a museum you can often find white specimens; this is achieved by cleaning and boiling them.

  3. Bones are the only hard material in the body. They are stronger than steel, but much lighter. If we were made of steel bones, then the weight of the skeleton would reach 240 kg.

  4. The longest bone in the body is the femur. It makes up ¼ of a person’s total height and can withstand pressure loads of up to 1500 kg.

  5. The femur grows in width. As you gain weight, it thickens, which allows it not to bend or break under the weight of a person.

  6. The smallest and lightest bones are the auditory ones - anvil, malleus, stirrup.. Each of them weighs only 0.02 g. These are the only bones that do not change their size from birth.

  7. The strongest bone is the tibia. It is the bones of the legs that hold the record for strength, since they must not only withstand the weight of the owner, but also carry him from place to place. The tibia can withstand up to 4 thousand kg in compression, while the femur can withstand up to 3 thousand kg.

  8. The most fragile bones in humans are the ribs.. 5–8 pairs do not have connecting cartilages, so even with a moderate impact they can break.

  9. The most “bony” part of the body is the hands along with the wrists. It consists of 54 bones, thanks to which a person plays the piano, smartphone, and writes.

  10. Children don't have kneecaps. In a child under 3 years old, instead of a cup there is soft cartilage, which hardens over time. This process is called ossification.

  11. An extra rib is a common anomaly in humans.. Every 20th person grows an extra pair. An adult usually has 24 ribs (12 pairs), but sometimes one or more pairs of ribs grow from the base of the neck, which are called cervical ribs. In men, this anomaly occurs 3 times more often than in women. Sometimes it causes health problems.

  12. Bones are constantly renewed. Bone renewal occurs continuously, so it contains both old and new cells at the same time. On average, a complete update takes 7–10 years. Over the years, the process slows down, which affects the condition of the bones. They become fragile and thin.

  13. Hyoid bone - autonomous. Each bone is connected to other bones, forming a complete skeleton, except for the hyoid. It has a horseshoe shape and is located between the chin and the thyroid cartilage. Thanks to the hyoid, palatine bones and jaws, a person speaks and chews.

  14. The most broken bone is the collarbone. According to WHO statistics, thousands of people of various professions and leading different lifestyles are treated with a fracture every day. Often, during a difficult birth, a newborn baby gets a fractured collarbone.

  15. Eiffel Tower "prototype" tibia. The head of the tibia is covered with miniature bones. They are located in a strict geometric sequence, which allows it not to break under the weight of the body. Eiffel built his tower in Paris based on the structure of a bone. What’s interesting is that even the angles match between the supporting structures.