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Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Indications, contraindications, methods of implementation. Preparing for the procedure. Ultrasound of which organs is done for women - ideal screening for women's health. Is it possible to do an ultrasound every month?

Is it harmful to do an ultrasound and what do experts say about this? Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound for short) is one of the most accessible methods. It is often used not only as an initial examination, but also to monitor treatment in the postoperative period.

Moreover, if necessary, scanning can be carried out even several times a month (at least every week). At the same time, patients often worry whether ultrasound can be done so often.

Ultrasound principle

To answer the question, you must first understand the principle on which the survey is based. It is based on the ability of ultrasound to reach the tissues of internal organs. As a result, the waves are reflected differently, depending on the density of the structures. The signals are captured by a highly sensitive sensor, which can slide or be located in the vagina or rectum.

Using the device, the data is transferred to a computer, where it is instantly processed and converted into an image that is displayed on the monitor screen. Ultrasonic waves are absolutely harmless and do not cause even minimal harm to the body.

Therefore, the examination is considered the safest - unlike X-rays or CT scans, which are based on the use of radiation or MRI, which cannot be performed if metal implants are built into the body.

Is it harmful to do an ultrasound?

You can also disassemble all the versions that claim that ultrasound is harmful. According to one of them, dangerous vibrations are emanating from the device. As a result, cancer cells are activated due to a certain frequency spectrum. To confirm this, an example of the resonance caused by a sensor with 20 Hz is given. This condition is supposedly favorable for the appearance of cancer, since the rhythm of the waves coincides with the rhythm of the malignant tumor.

However, there is no official confirmation of this version. At the same time, a number of arguments can be presented against it. If the ultrasound machine were harmful, then doctors would work with it under protection or from another room (as in the case of radiography, CT). Doctors don't diagnose cancer even though they do many scans every day. Oncology is caused by other reasons.

Other researchers refer to mechanical effects on tissue, suggesting a destructive process due to the ability of ultrasound to be reflected and leave a mark. However, this is refuted even by the laws of physics.

There is also a widespread version of the danger due to frequent ultrasound. It is assumed that ultrasound has a negative effect on children, since they are more sensitive to negative effects, unlike adults. However, there is no basis to talk about any dosage here.

It is not visible on ultrasound, unlike X-rays, where radiation actually has a negative effect. But even in this case, the examination can be done several times a year, and this in total will not exceed the maximum permitted level. not registered, this is the safest examination that does not poison the body.

This has been proven by many studies. It is precisely because of the safety of ultrasound that the following is prescribed:

  • necessarily three times during pregnancy;
  • as a primary examination of newborns;
  • for genetic disorders;
  • to detect violations of internal organs.

Indications for ultrasound include:

  • incorrect location of the fertilized egg;
  • detection of abnormal fetal development;
  • suspicion of placental abruption;
  • disruption of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, pelvis, cardiovascular system, etc.

Ultrasound has such a small impact force that it is not capable of deforming or harming even the finest structures, much less organs and systems. If this were not so, then the skin through which the waves penetrate for tens of minutes would be the first to be affected. However, there is no damage to them.

A small example: if ultrasound could cause harm, then when scanning the eyes, the capillaries would break, since they are very fragile and thin. However, this does not happen and the body does not react to the rays.

Frequency of ultrasound during pregnancy

It is carried out three times - at 12-13 weeks, 20-22 weeks, 32-33 weeks. If necessary (for example, suspicion of abnormal fetal development, etc.), ultrasound can be prescribed as much as required. The examination does not have a negative impact on the child, but, on the contrary, makes it possible to detect pathology in its infancy.

Ultrasound can indeed be harmful, but only at high power and with prolonged exposure. However, an ultrasound examination takes no more than 15 minutes, which is completely harmless to the body. Conclusion - scanning can be done as many times as necessary.

During an ultrasound examination, high-frequency sound waves are used. The property of body tissues to reflect and absorb such waves differently is used to obtain high-quality images of the human body. Such research of the body has been known for more than forty years.

Naturally, many patients are interested in how often an ultrasound can be done. Numerous studies indicate that they can be done as many as necessary for an accurate and complete examination.

So, the doctor ordered an ultrasound scan for the patient. Not everyone understands why such an examination is done. It must be done in order to:

  • recognize the onset of the development of most diseases (including very dangerous ones) even at the earliest stages);
  • establish a diagnosis using ultrasound, and do it most accurately (in the presence of certain clinical symptoms);
  • to effectively monitor the treatment of many pathologies (including in a hospital setting);
  • to prevent the development of dangerous complications as a result of treatment and development of the disease.

How often can this test be done?

Doctors say that examination of the body using ultrasound can be done frequently, without time limits. In addition, such a study is also very simple and painless.

However, it must be taken into account that the frequency of ultrasound is determined only by the attending physician. The patient cannot determine the frequency of such an examination on the basis that “he needs it” or “everyone does it.” According to medical research, not a single case of harmful effects or negative effects of ultrasound on the human body has been found. This is also confirmed by laboratory studies, in particular in mice.

Here are a few more arguments in favor of the harmlessness of ultrasound.

  1. Ultrasound does not accumulate in the tissues of the body and does not cause negative effects on it in the long term.
  2. The passage of ultrasonic waves does not cause changes in the structure of organs and tissues.
  3. This examination does not cause any psychological discomfort.
  4. Even several diagnostic sessions in a relatively short time will not harm a person, unlike, say, computed tomography using X-rays. That is why ultrasound can be done at any age for many pregnant women.
  5. Older people are also not at risk from ultrasound. There is no evidence that it is harmful to young children.
  6. The doctor conducting this test does not wear any protective equipment, although they are exposed to ultrasound quite often. And this is another proof of the harmlessness of ultrasound.

Ultrasound and pregnancy

Experiments conducted on the harmfulness (harmlessness) of ultrasound examination for the mother and fetus prove that even repeated studies of this kind are harmless for infants. It has also not been proven whether a woman who has had ultrasound scans many times can give birth to a child with genetic abnormalities.

In other words, there is no evidence of the harm of ultrasound examination, just as there is no evidence of its harmlessness. That is why such examination is carried out by women strictly at the time specified by the doctor. This is especially true in cases where 3D research is used for examination.

Recently, information has appeared according to which babies in the womb can hear ultrasound very well, and it is unpleasant for them (in the form of a loud, piercing scream). In addition, they are well aware of the vibration coming from the ultrasonic sensor.

According to some researchers, a small child feels the same as a person who is directly next to the plane at the moment of takeoff. And this, you see, is far from a pleasant feeling. However, a very strong and piercing sound can negatively affect the neuro-emotional state of a small child.

For those who are especially worried about the harm of ultrasound to a child, we can cite this fact: doctors can perform an ultrasound on a pregnant woman even at the 38th week, that is, just before giving birth. And in these cases it will be completely safe.

Frequency of ultrasound examination for a child

Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to perform an ultrasound on a small child, and how many times a year this can be done. Because of the prevailing myths and stereotypes around such a study, some parents are even afraid to take their child to a sonologist.

Modern medicine claims that such fears are completely unfounded. Moreover, not taking your child to a specialist is much more dangerous: this could result in missing the onset of a dangerous disease or making an incorrect diagnosis. There is no need to be afraid of such an examination: it is safe for children even the youngest years. You can take a child patient to a doctor for an ultrasound examination almost an unlimited number of times. Moreover, it can be produced repeatedly even within one day.

There are also no restrictions on the age at which ultrasound examinations can begin. Nowadays, so-called ultrasound screening is increasingly used. That is, the doctor performs a total examination of the entire body using ultrasound. This is done for the timely detection of potentially dangerous diseases, the symptoms of which are not detected. Note that in such cases, ultrasound is not capable of causing any noticeable negative effects on the body.

Parents can contact a sonologist in the following cases:

  • in order to see the internal organs during the examination and thus find out where the child’s pain is;
  • if you suspect an “acute abdomen” disease;
  • when the baby develops severe anxiety, when he eats poorly, sleeps and spits up;
  • if there are neurological problems (for example, the baby does not move his legs well or has impaired reflexes;
  • frequent increases in temperature.

An ultrasound should also be done for those children who do not have symptoms of any pathologies and feel well. In general, it is advisable for all children aged one to one and a half months to undergo an ultrasound examination.


So, due to the harmlessness and safety of ultrasound for humans, it can be done as often as desired. In this case, the organs and tissues of the body will not change under the influence of such radiation. Patients are fully insured against any unpleasant sensations during diagnosis, as well as after it.

The fact that ultrasound is completely safe for human health is also evidenced by the fact that it can be done multiple times, even within one day. In all these cases the patient will feel quite normal.

Few women ask this question during pregnancy. Most people take this procedure for granted: it is convenient, painless, produces immediate, extensive results and is considered safe. However, as with almost any medical procedure, the use of ultrasound comes with certain risks, such as misdiagnosis and possible negative effects on the fetus.

There is not a single confirmed official case of harm caused to a pregnant woman or child after an ultrasound scan. However, ultrasound is a form of energy and it affects the tissue it passes through. It is known that some animals use ultrasound as a weapon: dolphins use it to kill fish, sperm whales use it to kill squid, etc. At the same time, embryonic ultrasound gives confidence that the child is growing and developing normally. Editorial “So Simple!” decided to find out the details of the shaky reputation Ultrasound during pregnancy.

Is it possible to do an ultrasound?

All mothers strive to avoid any interference with the body during pregnancy and childbirth. But to check whether everything is in order with the child’s anatomy, ultrasound diagnostics is the best opportunity to obtain the necessary information. There are a number of benefits that ultrasound provides.

What does ultrasound give during pregnancy?

  1. Find out the exact date of pregnancy and date of birth.
  2. Rule out the presence of an ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Possibility to find out the gender of the child and the number of future children.
  4. Detect pathologies in the early development of the ovum
  5. Assess the rate of fetal growth.
  6. Examine the placenta and amniotic fluid levels.
  7. Diagnose gross deformities and dangerous genetic diseases of the fetus.
  8. Predict complications.
  9. Find out the presentation of the fetus in the womb.

During the diagnostic process, high-frequency waves pass through the mother's tissue and amniotic fluid, reflecting from the skeleton and internal organs of the child. The sensor reads these waves and displays them on the monitor screen. According to some scientists, at this time the fetus’s heart rate accelerates, it begins to react violently and move, trying to protect itself from radiation.

Ultrasound is thought to increase tissue temperature by 1.8 to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit. Experiments have shown that ultrasound, both conventional pulsed and Doppler (a technique that sends a continuous wave of ultrasound), can heat tissue above the maximum permissible temperature, especially in the bone area, when the device is in one place for more than 2-3 seconds.

The public became worried when the German newspaper Die Zeit published the results of a study by scientists from Yale University. They show negative effects on the brain cells of the unborn baby.

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A team of specialists, led by the venerable neurobiologist Pasko Rakic, irradiated pregnant mice with an ultrasound examination device for 3 days. In newborn mice, brain neurons were found in the wrong place - deep in the layers of gray matter. That is, instead of taking the appropriate place in the cerebral cortex, the neurons simply “got lost” and lost some of the chemical characteristics of the “correct” neurons. As a result, a complete mutation of the cells has occurred with DNA deformation, and they can no longer perform their natural function.

Another study found that adult mice that were exposed to doses of ultrasound had a 22% reduction in the rate of cell division. Also, the animals died of cells in the small intestine twice as fast. Ultrasound has been found to cause lung damage and focal bleeding in a number of other mammalian species.

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A new study from the University of Washington found an association between autism in boys whose mothers had first-trimester ultrasounds and the severity of their illness.

In the 1990s, there was a high risk of miscarriage or premature birth. The trial was carried out on 9,000 pregnant women, divided into two groups. One group did not undergo an ultrasound at all, and the pregnancies proceeded without complications. Another underwent ultrasound at 16–20 weeks and 16 fetal deaths were found.

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In addition, ultrasound examination by scientists from China indicates the risk of autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, jaundice, genetic disorders, childhood cancer and allergies. We know that increased maternal body temperature can cause birth defects. And if the temperature rises due to ultrasound, even locally, then the child may subsequently suffer from developmental defects.

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Despite the results of laboratory experiments that have shown that ultrasound diagnostics can lead to physical changes in tissues, the connection between exposure to ultrasound during pregnancy and deformities in the fetus has not been confirmed. The lack of information is due to the fact that research into the effects of ultrasound on humans in Western countries is not encouraged and is in fact prohibited, as it is considered unethical.

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Doctors claim that the data obtained is not enough for ultrasound to be recognized as either a completely harmless or a harmful or dangerous procedure. In reality, only one thing has been proven: ultrasound can have a mechanical and thermal effect on various human tissues (including a child). However, in reasonable quantities, the ultrasound procedure does not pose the slightest threat to the fetus and mother.

It’s definitely not worth getting involved in it unless absolutely necessary. For this reason, we do not recommend that Ultrasound of the fetus during pregnancy were carried out only out of curiosity, to determine the sex of the child and photographs of the fetus as a keepsake. The procedure should only be undertaken for medical reasons and under the supervision of qualified medical professionals. .

The development and improvement of hardware diagnostic methods provides the opportunity to choose a method of conducting research that is unlimited by either the quality or cost of the results obtained. However, not all diagnostic procedures combine high information content, affordability and the absence of negative effects on the body.

The issue of choice is especially relevant when it is necessary to conduct an examination of the abdominal organs, when the symptomatic picture is unclear, and the causes of poor health may be hidden in a variety of diseases. Ultrasound, in this case, is the first step, allowing not only to quickly and without harm to health perform an examination of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, but also to obtain quite detailed information as a result, which, if necessary, can be clarified using radiography or MRI.

Often, diseases of organs such as the liver or pancreas require systematic monitoring of the course of the disease, and this is unacceptable using radiography, and expensive using MRI. In this case, ultrasound can be considered the best option. However, a logical question arises: how informative is an ultrasound examination and how often can an adult have an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity? Let's try to figure it out.

The effect of ultrasound on the body

The ultrasound method is based on the echolocation effect, which allows, by the degree of reflection or absorption of directed ultrasonic waves to a certain area of ​​the human body, to determine the position and shape of the organ located in the projection of the ultrasound beam, the homogeneity or heterogeneity of its internal structure.

It is worth noting that, despite the wide range of ultrasound capabilities, which can bring biological tissue to a boil or destroy stones in the gall bladder and kidneys, the power used in diagnosis is only a hundredth of the power of high-intensity ultrasound used in curative surgery.

The duration of the examination plays an important role in leveling the danger of ultrasound. Everyone knows that a regular ultrasound takes a little more than 20 minutes, and in order to achieve even slight heating of tissue using much more powerful radiation, it takes about 3 hours.

In addition, for the study of each specific organ, there is a strictly defined ultrasound power and frequency range, so when studying the abdominal organs, only 3-4 MHz is required, for the thyroid gland 7-8 MHz, and for ultrasound densitometry from 2 to 19 MHz.

Important! There is an assumption that ultrasound can have a certain effect on the development of the embryo’s brain. But since there is no complete evidence base that can refute or confirm this theory, the number of sessions of ultrasound procedures in the early stages of pregnancy should be minimized.

The property of ultrasound to stimulate regenerative processes in tissues has found application in physiotherapy

Allowed number of procedures

The advantage of ultrasound examination performed on modern equipment is the ability to obtain a two- or three-dimensional computer image that provides complete information about the size, position of the organ being examined and the presence of hypo- or hyperechoic zones in it.

If necessary, the data obtained as a result of the procedure can be reconsidered if doubt arises. By following certain rules for preparing for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, the essence of which boils down to excluding from the diet any foods that can affect the appearance of gases in the intestines, you can reduce the time of the procedure to a minimum.

The frequency of diagnosis depends entirely on the main purpose of the ultrasound. For example, a planned examination must be done once a year, and a targeted study of the condition of a particular organ, especially in the presence of pathological formations, can be carried out as many times as necessary.

There are no restrictions for repeating diagnostic procedures multiple times in the postoperative period, while the main purpose of ultrasound is to monitor the recovery of the body after surgery on the abdominal organs. When diagnosing the condition of the liver and pancreas, it is not recommended to eat any food 6-8 hours before the procedure, however, if the main purpose is to study the kidneys, then you need to drink at least 0.5 liters of water 0.5-1 hour before the ultrasound .

Abdominal organs

Abdominal organs studied using ultrasound include:

  • stomach;
  • duodenum;
  • pancreas;
  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • spleen;
  • intestines.

Ultrasound image shows an echinococcal cyst of the liver

Very often, diseases of the abdominal cavity, for example, fatty degeneration of the liver, cholelithiasis, may show virtually no symptoms and the presence of the disease, in this case, is indicated by indirect signs (poor complexion or yellowing of the whites of the eyes). Such conditions can last for quite a long time and are detected during routine ultrasound.

Since ultrasound can confidently be considered a safe diagnostic procedure, it is necessary to undergo an examination at the slightest sign of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs:

  • the appearance of a bitter taste in the mouth;
  • constant or paroxysmal pain in the abdominal area;
  • changes in the color of the whites of the eyes or skin;
  • loss of appetite;
  • indigestion;
  • increased drowsiness or fatigue;
  • diuresis disturbances.

Also an indication for systematic monitoring of the condition of organs is the presence of chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, chronic cholecystitis or pancreatitis. If focal changes characteristic of malignant tissue degeneration are detected on the ultrasound picture, it is impossible to make an unambiguous diagnosis without performing a biopsy.

Regular ultrasound diagnostics allows you to get not only a real picture of the condition of the internal organs, but also to assess the degree of effectiveness of the treatment for a previously diagnosed disease. Since there are no restrictions on performing ultrasound, the number of studies in a certain time period can be any and depends on the doctor’s decision.