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Seeing a beautiful girl in a dream. The girl you like - interpretation of sleep from dream books

To properly understand such a plot, you first need to remember what sensations the dream left behind. Warmth and calm inside suggest that the relationship is truly over and you can forever let go of your partner from the past. Other options for why an ex-girlfriend dreams are described below.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend - interpretation from dream books

The Exoteric Dream Book notes that a frequently repeated dream with the main character under discussion, which leaves behind unpleasant emotions, turns out to be an important sign. In reality, there is a lot left unsaid between partners, so you need to talk frankly with the woman. The dream does not promise to return love, but advises you to try to accept each other in a new capacity. For example, try to become friends.

In Miller’s dream book, an ex-girlfriend is in an “interesting position” - a hint that the man’s new relationship will be much more successful and happier. You don’t have to worry that they will lead the lovers into a dead end, as has happened more than once before.

Tsvetkov’s work notes that the wedding of an ex-girlfriend in night dreams always turns out to be a very positive symbol. It indicates that in the near future, a representative of the stronger sex will finally be able to finally let go of his past. Nothing will stop him from moving forward to new acquaintances, affairs, and undertakings.

Kiss with your ex-lover

A kiss with an ex-girlfriend in a dream can have different meanings for the dreamer. If at the same time the woman looked very bright, impressive and condescendingly agreed to such a rapprochement, it means that in real life the man lacks self-confidence. He looks to the future with fear and does not imagine his role in the future. The current situation must be corrected, otherwise the dreamer will not be able to achieve the desired success.

If an ex-girlfriend slaps a man in the face for kissing him in a dream, it means that he needs to treat his new lover with special attention. The partner lacks love and care, which gradually destroys warm feelings for him. If you neglect the situation and do not try to correct it, then your next relationship will end in failure.

Seeing the death of an ex-girlfriend in a dream - meaning

If the sleeping person himself kills his ex-girlfriend, this has nothing to do with his attitude towards her. Dream Interpretations explain this plot by the fact that a man’s current troubles in life and conflicts with others are rooted far in the past. The dreamer doesn’t want to let him go, so he constantly marks time in one place. The plot you see should be taken as a call to start dealing with old problems and finally forget about the past.

Also, why do you dream about the death of your ex-girlfriend? If you had to see the funeral of your former lover, it means that in reality you should expect drastic changes. Whether they turn out to be positive or negative will suggest various details of the plot. For example, the mood and emotions of the sleeper himself.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend whom you still love?

Most often, a man dreams about relationships from the past if he still has strong feelings for his ex-girlfriend. It is unlikely that such a dream has any special meaning. This is just a sign that all the dreamer’s thoughts are occupied with his past love. In this state, a man will definitely not be able to start a new relationship.

If the situation in the dream was pleasant, the girl smiled and was disposed towards the young man, then you can try to start communicating with her again in reality. It is better to try your luck and be rejected than to remain idle and dream the impossible.

Reconciliation in a dream

If in a dream a man makes peace with his ex-girlfriend, perhaps this is his true desire, which is suggested by the subconscious. To understand what to do after such a plot, you need to decide on your real feelings. It's probably really worth trying to get your lover back. This is especially true if in the dream both partners were cheerful and happy.

If a man does not plan to start a relationship with his ex-girlfriend again, but sees a dream about reconciliation, most likely the latter foretells him a temporary affair. Freud's dream book notes that this will not be true love, but only a sexual relationship.

It happens that in a dream, reconciliation with a former lady of the heart ends in intimacy. This is a clear sign that in reality a representative of the stronger sex will receive a pleasant surprise or a valuable gift in the very near future.

Frequent dreams about an ex-girlfriend

Sometimes in a man’s dreams a woman with whom he broke up a long time ago often appears. In this case, you definitely need to remember what mood she is in. If a girl constantly cries and grieves, she probably promises the young man trouble in reality. The man himself will be solely to blame for them. He will greatly offend a person who will ultimately take cruel revenge for what happened.

If a former lover appears in visions with another man or even a spouse, it means that the sleeping person’s new passion will demand to legitimize their relationship. It will not be possible to avoid responsibility. You will have to either agree to the girl’s terms or prepare to break up.

It happens that according to the plot of the dream, a man meets his ex-lover secretly from everyone. This is a clear sign that a representative of the stronger sex is surrounded by his fan who is embarrassed to declare herself.

The meaning of sleep depending on the day of the week

The meaning of the dream depends on the day of the week.

This parameter may turn out to be fundamentally important for the interpretation of the plot:

  • A dream on Monday in which a man fought with his ex-girlfriend means that monetary surprises await him in the near future. This could be either a salary increase or an unexpected lottery win.
  • Tuesday's dream suggests that a lover from the past is remembering her ex-man. Based on the emotions of the sleeping person from the vision, you can determine whether she speaks well or poorly about him in reality.
  • A dream for Wednesday, in which the ex-wife hugs a man, promises him a quick meeting with a beautiful girl. A new acquaintance can become his companion for the rest of his life.
  • A dream on Thursday with a laughing ex-woman becomes a harbinger of an improvement in your financial situation.
  • A dream on Friday often turns out to be prophetic. You can disassemble its plot “bone by bone” and expect something similar in reality.
  • A dream on Saturday, in which your ex accidentally meets on the street, promises a man new love.
  • A dream on Sunday with a very aggressive young lady from the past indicates that the dreamer does not trust his current lover.

Anyone who has ever fallen in love has noticed that the girl they like can appear in their dreams quite often. At the same time, such dreams do not give rest. They may be quite similar to reality. And there are several opinions about why you often dream about the girl you like. To find out the truth in this matter, it is necessary to check both the mystical and scientific point of view.

Why do you dream about the girl you like?

In general, this is due to the fact that you are constantly thinking about her. And most of our dreams are a reflection of what is in your memories.

For example, if you watched a horror movie today, then in a couple of days you may have a nightmare based on it.

It is believed that dreams starring a girl are the first sign of falling in love. Even if you don’t want to admit it to yourself, your subconscious will say everything for you.

Moreover, if you don’t dream about her, it doesn’t mean that you don’t like her. It's possible that your brain works differently.

Mystical interpretation

Dream books and psychics can also interpret this dream. In particular:

  • If a girl smiles at you in a dream, then she wants to say something. You need to confess your love to her;
  • She calls you by name. This means she thinks about you often. Therefore, she is not indifferent to you;
  • She doesn’t recognize you and doesn’t notice you - this is a sign that in real life she doesn’t like you;
  • The girl scolds you. This is a sign that you and her are definitely not a couple.

But you shouldn't believe everything literally. Such interpretations are often wrong. Remember that everything depends only on you. And don't live solely in your dreams.

A few more interpretations

Sometimes, you may dream of a girl who you like and at the same time behaves strangely. For example, she will run away from you or laugh, although in life she is serious.

In this case, everything in your life will soon change. You can find a new acquaintance or start a serious relationship with someone you don't even think about.

But your beloved in a wedding dress is a bad sign. It is possible that problems await you in your personal life. You may be single for a long time or you may be betrayed. Previously, it was believed that after such a dream it was necessary to go to church.

How to proceed?

Sometimes your lover dreams about you all the time, and you can't do anything about it. In such a situation, it is necessary to try to conquer her. Start communicating with her, confess your love to her. It's better to try than to suffer.

If you know for sure that she doesn’t like you, then switch your attention to another lady. Meet someone. Chat with someone.

Do not isolate yourself and do not withdraw from the world. Otherwise, your love will torture you. And those around you will think that you are just crazy. Try to live a normal life, and your illusions will definitely pass.

- personification of the dreamer’s warm feelings for her. The dream also foreshadows adventure, a romantic meeting or a joyful event. You can find out more about why you dream about the girl you like from several authoritative sources.

Why do you have a dream?

Actions of the dreamer and his companion

Kissing a girl in a dream promises pleasant changes in life and the development of romantic relationships. If a girl took the initiative, then the dreamer is a shy, slightly reserved person. If a guy kisses you, then in reality the girl will reciprocate.

Hugging a girl in a dream means protecting and supporting her. If the girl herself hugged the dreamer, then he needs someone’s advice or support.

See a girl smile portends a serious conversation with any representative of the fair sex in the near future. If a girl calls the dreamer’s name in a dream, then in reality this means mutual love.

Walking with a girl and holding her hand indicates that the dreamer’s current romantic relationship will not last long. He will experience the breakup painfully. The girl takes on an indifferent appearance and ignores the guy, but in reality she does not have any feelings for him.

Quarrel or be rude to a girl in a dream means that you should give up your intentions to conquer the girl. She still won’t reciprocate, and the dreamer will only waste time.

If a girl runs away from the dreamer in a dream - means that in reality a person experiences strong embarrassment next to the person he likes. The dream also indicates a hypocritical friend who wants to quarrel between the guy and his beloved.

A girl sits or lies on a bed in a dream - she will soon get sick or move a long distance from the dreamer.

Receiving a letter, message or gift from a girl indicates her respect for the dreamer, her friendly attitude towards him. Perhaps she feels sympathy for him, but not romantic attraction.

If the dreamer himself writes her a letter or gives her a gift, then in reality he behaves stupidly and recklessly. It is possible that he puts his beloved in an awkward position.

Girl's appearance

A well-groomed, pleasant appearance of a girl predicts positive changes in the dreamer’s life and the receipt of some good news. It’s not exclusively that the girl you like will reciprocate the sleeping man’s feelings.

Untidy, rumpled look of a girl indicates the dreamer's dissatisfaction with life, especially in the personal sphere. The dream also foreshadows unplanned expenses and speaks of moral and physical fatigue. If the guy is already in a romantic relationship, then the dream indicates problems in communicating with his soulmate.

Pregnant girl in a dream promises the fulfillment of plans, the implementation of all plans into reality. Seeing the person you like in a wedding dress means troubles in your personal sphere, infidelity of your significant other or betrayal of a close friend.

Seeing a girl in the image of your wife indicates an imminent change in status, foreshadows promotion.

Seeing a girl with a flaw on her face means committing a rash act, as a result of which an innocent person will suffer. The dream also speaks of the torment of the sleeper’s conscience, of feelings of guilt or regret about past actions.

If a girl in a dream did not look the same as in reality, then this means deception on the part of a loved one. The dreamer lives in illusion, deceives himself, and those around him play along.

Feeling of a dream

To enjoy sleep and wake up rested and happy indicates that the dreamer is in love and that his feelings are mutual. The dream also foreshadows a solution to a complex problem in reality, a pleasant holiday with friends or family.

If the dream caused unpleasant sensations, then in reality the dreamer is a complex, uncommunicative person who craves attention. Because of his suspiciousness and fear of being rejected, he cannot build a normal relationship with a girl. The dream also promises troubles at work and financial losses.

If the dream caused a feeling of fear or anxiety, then in reality, the dreamer is in danger from his own careless actions. Now it’s better not to take any steps, to lie low for a while, perhaps take a vacation or a day off.

Value by day of week

The interpretation of a dream largely depends not only on the details of the vision, but also on what day of the week the dream occurred.

  • From Monday to Tuesday– if the dream is favorable and pleasant, then now is the time for decisive action. If the dream was full of negativity and left unpleasant feelings, then it is better to hide and wait for some time.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday– the dream indicates a person’s sociability and openness, his desire for knowledge and adventure. If the dream left an unpleasant aftertaste, then this indicates the dreamer’s isolation and problems in communicating with the opposite sex.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday- the dream foretells good luck, successful completion of affairs, and the favor of the person you like. Now is the time for decisive action not only on the love front, but also in the material and financial sphere.
  • From Thursday to Friday- such a dream is considered prophetic and all the events that happened in it will come true. The dream also promises the fulfillment of what you want, a change in your personal life. If the dream caused unpleasant sensations, then in reality the dreamer has no chance to build a relationship with this girl.
  • From Friday to Saturday- the dream foreshadows reconciliation with relatives with whom the dreamer is in a quarrel, a family dinner or. It also indicates a possible rapprochement with the girl you like, a warming of relations.
  • From Saturday to Sunday– if the dream is rosy and pleasant, then in reality the dreamer is in love and constantly thinks about the girl. If the dream left behind an unpleasant feeling, then in reality the person is not confident in himself or his feelings.
  • From Sunday to Monday– a pleasant dream foreshadows troubles, a quarrel with your other half, a conflict with relatives. A dull, unpleasant vision promises prosperity and good luck, a warm relationship with your soul mate. Often indicates a romantic date or a pleasant acquaintance.

As the classics said, “A sultry woman is a poet’s dream!” And a beautiful girl is a man’s dream, we answer. Many guys want to see a fatal beauty in a dream. But do they think about why she is dreaming? Doesn't beauty carry a hidden threat? Let's not guess and guess, but just look into the dream book. Just before this, you need to remember how the beauty behaved and what you did with her.

Brief interpretations

For especially forgetful and impatient people, there are interpretations that explain the meaning of the dream literally in a nutshell. Are you one of those? Then this is the place for you! This is what a beautiful girl dreams about:

  • Meeting her is a pleasant surprise.
  • Kissing an unfamiliar beauty in a dream means someone will deceive you.
  • Having sex with a beauty means your loved ones pay little attention to you.
  • Talking about nothing, just chatting, brings a good mood.
  • Chatting with a pretty girl on an important topic - if you try, it will be easy for you to achieve success.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

According to the authoritative opinion of Miller’s dream book, a beautiful girl means home joys. If you want to understand why a beautiful girl dreams of being sick and pale, then the answer you will get is this: one of the family members will get sick. Did the guy dream that he was a pretty girl? To mental disorders, but only if it is not associated with creative activity. For a talented young man, such a vision means an acting career.

“Allow me to introduce myself...” or Adventure, hobby, attraction...

A good sign is meeting a young and very beautiful girl in a dream. Anyone who wants to find out why such things are dreamed about will be pleased with a fun adventure. And if you see an acquaintance with a girl in a black dress, then fun will be planned for the night.

Did you dream that you managed to fall in love with a very young girl? The prospects that will befall you may seem a little naive, but in reality this is not the case, Tsvetkov’s dream book suggests. If you fall in love with a very pretty girl with blue eyes and blond hair in a dream - in reality you will be carried away by something new for yourself, which will give you an indescribable feeling of delight.

Intimacy as a symbol of lack of attention

The interpretation of a dream in which you see yourself having sex with a beautiful girl is quite piquant. Did you dream that during sex you are trying to kiss your partner? Intimacy in a dream speaks of a lack of female affection, and kissing someone is a sign of deception. From which it follows that such dreams indicate problems with the opposite sex in reality. Moreover, this applies not only to the stronger sex; if a woman dreams of such a vision, it predicts the same thing.

For a man who wants to figure out why he dreams of kissing a beautiful girl, the Gypsy Dream Book has prepared its answer: you think and make too much plans, women like decisive men, not dreamers.

A dream in which a man sees his own girlfriend in a dream is not a rare occurrence, and often this vision has a relationship with reality. If a man asks a question: what does it mean if I dreamed about my girlfriend, he can find a clear answer in this article.

What if I dream, what does it mean if I dreamed about my girlfriend?

“What does it mean if I dreamed about my girlfriend” is a fairly popular question that is often heard from the lips of those who are accustomed to interpreting their visions. A dream in which a man hugs and kisses his girlfriend usually has a positive interpretation. This vision foreshadows good news or sudden surprises that are about to happen. Of course, such a vision can have a different interpretation.

For example, if a girl appears in a dream with another man, it means there is not enough trust in the relationship. Most likely, the man is constantly jealous of his beloved, and the dream reflects his excitement and mistrust. This vision may mean that soon the relationship will crack due to a major quarrel. The owner of the vision has the opportunity to prevent a problem before it begins to develop.

If in a dream the girl you love gets very angry, screams and is nervous, it means that in real life she has something to hide. Perhaps the girl wants to end the relationship, but does not know how to do it. A bad sign will be a dream in which your beloved cries. Usually this vision foreshadows an imminent collapse of hopes, serious changes in personal life, and for the worse. Perhaps the established relationship will not be so strong, and the man will have to come to terms with an imminent separation. Failure of hopes may have something to do with a career, but most often such a dream means a crisis in a relationship.

In order for the interpretation of the vision to proceed without problems, the owner of the dream needs to remember all its details. Even the nuances of a person’s appearance, clothing and behavior in a dream can indicate the correct interpretation, helping to predict one’s own future.

To see in a dream how your beloved girl is late for somewhere and is getting ready means that in real life she will encounter unexpected problems. Most likely, the person himself did not even know about the existence of such problems, so overcoming them will become the most difficult test for him.

A good interpretation is a dream in which the girl you love shows care and seems kind and calm. Such a vision means that complete mutual understanding will reign in the relationship for now, which will allow lovers to move to a new stage.

If in a dream a girl appears in a wedding dress, it means that in real life a man will face serious positive shocks. Many psychologists believe that such a vision directly indicates the presence of fears before the important step of getting married.

A dream in which an unmarried girl appears means that a person should expect victories and the fulfillment of all his desires. This is definitely a good symbol, indicating that in the future problems will bypass the owner of the vision.

If in a dream a person sees his girlfriend surrounded by friends, it means that in real life he will have new associates. This vision can relate to both business and deeply personal relationships. Perhaps it is the help of new comrades that will be the reason to overcome all life’s troubles.

What does it portend?

A dream in which a man sees his girlfriend sick does not bode well. Most likely, such a vision foreshadows a crisis in relationships and a general deterioration in personal affairs. To save a relationship, a man will most likely have to make a lot of effort.

If a man sees his girlfriend dead in a dream, it means that in real life his beloved may become seriously ill or suffer. You should take care of your soulmate and make sure that she is not in any danger.

A dream in which a man sees his beloved girl getting into trouble is considered a bad sign. Most likely, this vision will mean that in real life all the problems of the beloved come from the man. The owner of the vision should analyze his behavior in order to make his beloved happy.

A dream in which lovers walk together in a park or street has an excellent interpretation. Typically, this vision means that no problems are expected in the relationship yet. Most likely, the couple will be happier than ever. However, if someone is watching the couple from the side, it means that in real life there are envious people who are ready to cross the path of the lovers. Perhaps the man has a competitor in the fight for the heart of his beloved. It is better to identify this competitor as soon as possible, before he begins to take active actions.

A dream involving a beloved girl can have many interpretations. Each such vision can have an impact on a person’s real life, and that is why dreams need to be interpreted carefully, paying attention to all the little things and unimportant details.