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Questions for a guy on love topics. What questions can you ask a guy by correspondence?

When you meet a new guy on the Internet, the first question that arises in your head is: what questions can you ask a guy via correspondence? Some say that you need to be sincere and communicate with a new acquaintance as with everyone else.

But do not forget that from the first days you need to show your best sides. Although communication by correspondence is easier than meeting in person, you cannot fall flat on your face by asking stupid questions.

So, here's what you can ask a guy in a text message. If you already know what he does, then this could be a good topic to start communication with, for example:

  • How did you go to the gym today?
  • What's new at work today?

If nothing is known yet, then the first thing you need to do is find out about your favorite hobbies, work or institute. For example, here’s what you can ask a guy in a text message:

  • How was your day?
  • How are you?
  • What are you doing?

You shouldn’t immediately attack the guy and ask him what year Moscow burned. Also, in the first couple of years, you should avoid asking questions about previous relationships.

The questions you can ask a pen pal also depend on his age; it would be inappropriate to ask a 17-year-old guy if he has a car, just as it would be inappropriate to ask a 30-year-old guy what grades he got in school.

If you met a man from another city, then it would be good to talk about it, for example:

  • Is your city big (small)?
  • Is it cold here? (ask about the weather)
  • I've been dreaming of going there for a long time! (if we are talking about a metropolis or a famous city).

Here's something else you can ask a guy in a text message:

  • Where have you traveled? (this question will help you find out whether a person is sociable, whether he likes new acquaintances and places).
  • What are you reading now? (if the guy says that he doesn’t like to read, then you should think about further continuation of communication).
  • Do you have a brother/sister?
  • When is your birthday? Who are you according to your zodiac sign?

If the acquaintance occurred before any holiday, then of course you should not forget about it.

  • Are you going somewhere for New Year?
  • How will you celebrate February 23?
  • Have you already prepared a gift for your mother (sister, grandmother) for March 8?
  • Shall we go on holiday together for the May holidays? (depending on the situation, this question can sound either humorous or quite serious).

When thinking about what you can ask a guy in a correspondence, the main thing is to choose questions that will help you find common interests. It can be anything:

  1. Pets;
  2. cars;
  3. love of music, films, TV series;
  4. trips;
  5. work, college, school.

If a personal acquaintance has already taken place, then you should not delay the next meeting. There is no need to think that only guys are obligated to ask you out. Read about what questions you can ask a guy on a date here. Here's how to schedule an appointment:

  • What are you doing tonight?
  • I’m also going to this station, let’s meet?
  • I suggest going for a bike ride (go on a picnic or just take a walk) on the weekend.

This list of questions can be continued endlessly, the main thing is to remain yourself, because this is the only way to find your true soul mate.

What questions to ask a guy to interest him?

What questions should you not ask guys?

Questions you can ask a guy in correspondence

  1. What's the best gift you've ever received?
  2. What did you dream of growing up as a child?
  3. Do you have any nickname?
  4. If you could go on vacation right now, where would you go?
  5. What would you never do in life?
  6. Is there something that you have long dreamed of doing, but have not yet accomplished?
  7. If you could live in any other city, where would you live?
  8. Which famous historical figure would you like to be?
  9. What was your favorite toy or game as a child?
  10. What was your best birthday?
  11. What's the bravest thing you've ever done?
  12. What's the craziest and most spontaneous thing you've ever done in your life?
  13. If you could travel back in time, where would you go?
  14. What is your greatest achievement in life?
  15. What do you like most about the city where you live?
  16. What would you do if you won $1 million?
  17. What's your favorite movie/book?
  18. You're a night owl or an early bird?
  19. If this was the last day of your life, how would you like to spend it?
  20. How close are you with your family?
  21. What is your idea of ​​true love?
  22. What's the funniest story that happened to you in your life?
  23. Is there a person in your life whom you admire?
  24. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  25. How would you describe your friends in three words?
  26. What is the earliest memory of your life?
  27. If you had three wishes that could come true, what would you make?
  28. Do you believe in horoscopes and characteristics of zodiac signs?
  29. What was your worst online dating experience/worst date?
  30. What's your ideal weekend?
  31. Do you prefer beach or active holidays?
  32. Most hooligan act in life?
  33. What's your least favorite thing about dating?
  34. How did you meet your best friend?

And some funny questions

  1. What's in your fridge right now?
  2. Do you believe in aliens?
  3. If you were an animal, what would you be?
  4. Steak or cheesecake?
  5. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
  6. Where are you most afraid of tickling?

The article “What questions can you ask a pen pal” partially uses materials

Ask, be interested and you will find out what he breathes and what he hears, what he dreams about, for whom he suffers!


The main thing is that some “rules” are followed:

  1. Don't be intrusive! Guys (men) avoid people with such a negative “feature”! Wouldn't you avoid it yourself? Put yourself in the shoes of any of them.
  2. Don't bombard him with questions. Give dialogue a chance! Imagine what the conversation will turn into if you let “questioning rain” fall on the lines of your correspondence.
  3. Don't interrupt him. Write what you wanted to write when the guy or man fully speaks out, speaks out.
  4. Answer your interlocutor's questions! If you ignore them, you will lose the thread of communication.
  5. Always let us know if you are busy with something or if you need to go somewhere.
  6. Be mega-punctual even in virtual reality! We agreed to meet online at a certain time - don’t be late!
  7. Don’t force a boy or man to answer certain questions if he doesn’t want to. Switch the conversation to a completely opposite topic or take a “rest” from each other.
  8. Be honest and open, without forgetting tact. Be extremely careful with your words. Any “careless” word can hurt very deeply.

Questions for a man or guy (for online dating)

Don't rush to ask the guy the following questions

Such questions can drive any guy into a dead end!

You risk asking such questions ahead of time.– the man will be visited by the following thoughts:

If the guy (man) took the initiative, then let him think about what to talk to you about. If there are difficulties in communication, save the situation. You can not only ask questions, but simply have a conversation on various topics (entertainment, adventure, incidents, jokes, paranormal phenomena).

You can write a joke or copy it from the site. The main thing is that it is “inserted” on the topic, and not just for the sake of humor. Don't be offended if he doesn't understand what you wanted to say or prove with an anecdote. You see, dear, men are completely different people. They are different from us in many ways. And don’t try to count the differences, as you’ll lose track of everything!

If you ask questions, get answers to them, but the conversation doesn’t go well - don’t worry! Everything happens in life. You will definitely meet your favorite person.

Don’t fall in love with people you’ve never seen in reality (so that later, suddenly, you don’t get upset and disappointed).

Continuation. . .

We present to your attention 100 questions for a guy, and forget for a while the question of what you can ask a guy. These questions can be asked on social networks when texting or on the street while walking with a guy.

All questions can be divided into categories: some questions are about relationships, others about childhood, something about interests and much more. But we decided to leave everything unsorted so that you don’t miss questions and read everything. After reading the entire list, you can find a few questions that you want to ask your guy.

- What words are spoken to you most often?
- What kind of girls do you like?
-Are you a positive person?
- How to become a good person?
- Favorite book as a child?
- Favorite style of music?
- How often do you go to the movies?
- What helps you feel confident?
- What can’t be forgiven?
- What can you do with your own hands?
- What is your favorite smell?
- How to make a person like you at first sight?
- What online games do you play?
-What were you afraid of as a child?
- Your favorite actor?
- How do you relax?
- What is your most serious failure?
- What places do you like to visit?
- How do you greet your friends?
- What might confuse you?
- What weather do you like?
- What activity do you never get tired of?
- What moment of your life was the happiest?
- Do you like to joke?
- Which brand is the most popular on earth?
- What things do you use every day?
-What is your favorite fairy tale?
- What do you think about tattoos?
- What is your favorite fruit?
- What song would you call a hit of this summer?
-Who do you turn to for advice first?
- What is your favorite mobile application?
- What eye color do you consider the most beautiful?
- Which doctor were you afraid of as a child?
- What insects irritate you?
-Which chewing gum do you like best?
- What do you consider the most important thing in life?
- What screensaver is on your computer desktop?
- Which fruit is the healthiest?
- What is your favorite cartoon?
- What food do you not tolerate?
-What makes you nervous?
- Do you pay attention to little things?
- Are you a creative person?
-What is your favorite dog breed?
- Which job do you consider the most boring?
- What do you like to do in rainy weather?
- What can’t be bought with money and why?
- What can you do for a bet?
-What do you want to forget?
- What do you value most in people?
- What do you want right now?
- Do you have a pet?
- How does your morning begin?
- What do you remember about your childhood?
- What spoils people?
- Which athlete do you consider the best?
- How do you feel about open relationships?
- Which floor would you like to live on?
- Do you know how to skate?
- What wish will you make in the New Year?
- What should you not do on a first date?
- How often do you listen to the radio?
- What irritates you on TV?
- What do you think about most often?
-What is your favorite soft toy?
- Why do you love summer?
- Where can you hide from everything?
- What makes you smile?
- What is your favorite sport?
- What actions are worthy of respect?
- What food do you consider the most harmful?
- What film are you looking forward to most?
- What should you do every day?
- What is your character?
- What day of the week do you like best?
- What is your favorite holiday?
- Who are you according to your horoscope?
- What is your favorite movie?
- How do you find out the latest news?
- What did your friends teach you?
- Which animal do you consider the smartest?
- How do you feel about alcohol?
- What can’t you deny yourself?
- How do you fight sleepiness?
- How do you react to compliments?
- What record would you like to set?
- Which series do you like best?
- What do you do when you don't have money?
-What is your favorite jam?
- How does female friendship differ from male friendship?
- What is your favorite drink?
- What do you do better than others?
- What sport do you consider the most boring?
- What are you dreaming about?
- What do you see in your dreams?
-Are you an owl or a lark?
-Have you often fallen in love?
- What do you believe in?
- Do you believe in omens?

Now we will tell you several topics on which you can come up with your own question and find out what you can ask a guy. For each topic, we will offer you a couple of our own questions, and you should come up with the rest.

Relationship. What does love, relationships, betrayal, jealousy or fidelity mean to you?

Food. What is your favorite and least favorite food. What fruits and vegetables do you like and dislike?

Movies. What is your favorite comedy, melodrama, horror, humorous show?

Music. What band do you listen to and why? Do you go to concerts, where and when were you?

Sport. What do you love, know how, want to play? Who is your favorite football player?

Holiday. What holidays do you like and why? What do you want to receive on February 23, New Year, Birthday? What is your favorite gift?

Animals. What animals do you like? What animals did you have? Do you love cats, dogs, hamsters, parrots or guinea pigs?

Childhood. Did you fight as a child? What did you like to do as a child? What were they playing?

What can you talk about and what questions can you ask a guy over text or when going on your first, or perhaps your 200th, date? Every girl thinks about this, trying to please the young man she likes.

After all, to the standard questions: “How are you?” and “How’s life?” - you can always get the same answer: “Fine”... What question to ask a guy: funny, to improve his mood, or interesting - about your relationship? Or maybe puzzle him with a tricky question via correspondence on social networks?

Funny questions for guys

In order for the relationship not to be boring, regardless of whether we are going on our first or twentieth date, or chatting online, ask guys funny questions more often. This helps to relax the conversation and adds pleasant ease to your dialogue.

For example:

  • Is someone black standing on three legs? (Answer: piano);
  • Does the black one stand on 1 leg? (One-legged black man);
  • Who is this? With two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torsos and eight legs? (This is a rider sitting on a horse holding a rooster in his hands);
  • What is lighter: a kilogram of fluff or a kilogram of nails? (Equal);
  • The more you take from it, the bigger it becomes. What is this? (Pit)

You can defuse the situation of silence, find out more about the guy you like and at the same time laugh with the help of funny questions:

  • What fruit could you be?
  • What is easier - to find a needle in a haystack or a straw in a whole pile of needles?
  • Who or what would you like to take with you to a desert island?
  • What would you do with a million (billion) dollars?
  • What is his favorite comedy or favorite joke?
  • What do you do in the morning with an annoying phone or alarm clock?

Funny original questions with a trick are great for raising your spirits:

  • What do people on Earth do all at the same time? - They live.
  • What comes first in our country, Russia, and second in France? - Letter "R".
  • Which wheel does not spin while driving? - Spare.
  • Which river is the scariest? - Tiger.
  • Can an ostrich be called a bird? - An ostrich can't talk.

When choosing, read our article by following the link. And then your conversation will be interesting and rich.

Tricky questions for a pen pal

Why don't guys like to answer tricky questions when they meet? They are afraid that they might make a mistake. And in correspondence it is easier for them to navigate in order to answer correctly. And on occasion there will be few witnesses to their blunder.

  • What question cannot be answered positively? (Are you sleeping?);
  • What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (From empty);
  • If you had the opportunity at this moment to become a great director, what would your next film be about?
  • Would you change your appearance with someone? If yes, then with whom?
  • What do you think about men's fashion? What do you think a stylish man should look like today? (If your chosen one has good taste);
  • Have you ever found yourself in extreme situations? How did you get out of them?
  • If you became a woman for one day, what would you do during these hours?
  • How do you feel about talking about the other world, about parallel worlds, about UFOs?
  • If suddenly today is Friday the 13th, and the devil is knocking on your door. What will you do? What do you say?
  • How do you choose to cut unpleasant people out of your life?

In fact, the answer to this question is not so clear-cut. For example, you can find out from the previous article. This will help you find guidelines for your future life and avoid unnecessary worries.

When asking a guy about love and relationships, you need to do this not only tactfully, but also wisely. At the first meetings, you should not take risks by asking intimate questions, and then suffer from the fact that “they all only need one thing.” Provocative questions can be voiced when the relationship is established, there is trust and a mutual desire to develop their relationship. You can learn about this from the following article by clicking on the link.

The following questions can help you get to know your partner better and determine what he wants from a future relationship:

  • What are you dreaming about? What are your plans for the future?
  • What does “love” mean to you?...
  • How do you feel about the idea of ​​“free” love?
  • How do you feel about male and female infidelity?
  • Do you remember your first love? When did it happen?
  • Unrequited love, what is it like? Has it happened to you?
  • Is it possible to love two people at once?
  • Have you ever loved sincerely, with all your heart?
  • Have you often fallen in love?
  • What actions are you ready for for the sake of your beloved?
  • What do you expect from your beloved girl?
  • What should it be like in your opinion?
  • What is your ideal housewife and mother of your children?
  • What common hobby do you wish you had?
  • Where would you like to go on vacation?
  • Who should be the head of the family?
  • What is your relationship with your family and friends?
  • What do your friends mean to you? How often are you willing to spend time with them?

Bold questions include conversations about intimacy. You can switch to them when you are counting on sexual contact with a guy.

  • What parts of girls' bodies attract him most (breasts, legs, butt, etc.)?
  • Does he like deep necklines and short skirts?
  • When and how did he have his first sexual experience?
  • Did you dance a striptease? How do you feel about people of unconventional orientation?
  • Have you ever visited a nudist beach?
  • What positions does he prefer in moments of intimacy with a girl?
  • Why do you like this or that pose? Which one do you consider ideal?
  • Does a guy like to give his girlfriend intimate kisses in moments of intimacy?
  • Does he like long foreplay?
  • Which sexual fantasies does he want to try in reality, and which ones does he want to leave in his dreams?
  • What erogenous zones excite him?
  • About the size of organs, the number and frequency of contacts per day, and so on.

What questions should you not ask?

If you value relationships, then don’t ask a guy:

  • Does he love you;
  • Have you recovered?
  • How does this or that dress fit on you, does it make you look fat;
  • How does he like your hair or makeup?
  • Isn’t he bored with you?
  • Does everything suit him about your figure? Character and so on.
  • Don't be annoying, don't pester him, asking for his opinion about your relationship. If he is still with you, then he is satisfied. These questions can make him doubt and look for a girl who is more patient and has self-esteem. Appreciate yourself!
  • Don't ask questions about his ex-girlfriends or discuss their shortcomings!
  • Don't ask about his material wealth. Salary is a topic that not every man is ready to discuss. Moreover, if he has financial difficulties;
  • About relationships in his family, if he does not talk about them himself;
  • Bad habits, such conversations can irritate your chosen one;
  • Guy problems. This is a very slippery topic, as guys prefer to hide their weaknesses. They resolve disputes with their bosses at work or problems with business without the intervention of the female half.

During the sweet-bouquet period of relationships, you need to avoid talking about ex-wives or girlfriends. If he starts talking about them himself. That's what it means. That the relationship is either not over, or your chosen one is not ready to build new ones. In this case, none of the options will suit you, since even an attempt to create a relationship will be a failure.

Finally, we can say that we often attach excessive importance to words, we say a lot, but do little or act contrary to what is said. Sometimes it’s better to tactfully remain silent, look into your eyes, walk along quiet park alleys or dance. You can fantasize about what questions you can ask a guy both among friends and in a fitness club. The main thing is to show sincere interest in your chosen one - and then your communication will give you mutual pleasure!

These include those that are very difficult to answer. Those questions that cannot be answered unambiguously are also “added” to them. Tricky questions are questions with “twists”, with humor, with jokes, with tricks and with original puzzles.

The most tricky questions for men and guys:

  1. Who and what would you take with you to a desert island?
  2. How would you spend a million bucks if you had that kind of money?
  3. Imagine that today... Friday! Thirteenth! The devil rang at your door. What will you do, what will you say?
  4. What would you never be able to forgive?
  5. What are you ready to apologize for a million times?
  6. Who do you consider the most important in the family?
  7. What are you willing to do for your loved one?
  8. Would you communicate with a person who “has” a non-traditional orientation?
  9. You are sitting at a table (in a cafe or restaurant)…. A girl comes up to you and offers to have sex. What's your reaction?
  10. What lengths will you go to for sex with that beauty you've been dreaming about for a long time?
  11. How many girls did you have before I came into your life?
  12. Are you satisfied with the size (parameters) of your “most important” organ?
  13. What are you willing to do for big money?
  14. Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
  15. What are you doing in the bathroom for so long?
  16. What irritates (infuriates) you about girls?
  17. Why do you love me so much?
  18. Which person do you want to forget and why?
  19. Do you wake up early or sleep late?
  20. Which body part is considered the most erotic (in your opinion)?
  21. What does the coffee (tea) your beloved woman brings (cooks) smell like?
  22. Who do you dream of swapping looks with?
  23. Very good people go to heaven, bad people go to hell... Where do other people go after death?
  24. If you had the opportunity to make a film... What would it be about?
  25. How and for what can you openly send a person away?
  26. What (who) do you see in the mirror besides your own reflection?
  27. Could you kill a person?
  28. Why does this happen to a man: when he meets a woman and falls in love, he goes blind, when he marries her, he goes deaf?
  29. Who can't you forget and for what reason?
  30. How does the night end, and how does the day end?
  31. Would you go to your ex-girlfriend's (wife) wedding?
  32. Where do you want to be at this second?
  33. Who were you in your past life?
  34. In what business are you a real “teapot”?
  35. What kind of container can you not eat anything from?
  36. What questions cannot be answered positively?
  37. Do you know at least one word that consists of forty vowels?
  38. How do you get used to cutting people out of your personal life?

Why don't guys (men) like to answer tricky questions?


They are afraid to answer them incorrectly. Guys don't like to make mistakes in front of witnesses. Even if the witnesses are their real close friends (girlfriends).

  1. They don’t want to make others laugh. Guys mainly like to joke with someone. But they take jokes about themselves with hostility.
  2. Guys are not very confident in themselves. Not all of them, of course, but most of them. The fact that a girl might be smarter will incredibly offend them and give them a complex. That’s why they have a “somewhat strange” attitude towards girls with high intelligence.


Not all guys are equally liberated! Before asking to answer a question, loosen up the guy, gain his trust.

  1. Tricky questions must be asked in situations “specially created” for this purpose. Be completely appropriate to the situation so as not to put the person in an awkward position.
  2. You can't pester guys with questions if they're not in the mood! You shouldn't pester tired guys either. Otherwise you will “run into” cruel rudeness. A well-mannered guy can say this: “I’m being brainwashed at work, but outside of it I’d like to just relax!”
  3. Do not expect that you will receive truthful answers to your “difficult” questions! Be glad that the guy is not silent, but answers you something!
  4. There is no need to “pressure” your interlocutor with your erudition. Let him feel equality between you.
  5. Not all people know the exact definition of the word “tricky”. Take the trouble to explain to the little person what it is, or how you understand the meaning of this word.

Don't ask these types of questions to someone you barely know. Start communicating with simple questions!

  1. Remember to be correct and polite. This “couple” must always be remembered. And not only during the period when you are trying to “bombard” your interlocutor with difficult questions.
  2. Stay patient! Don’t be angry with your interlocutor because he thinks for a long time about how best to respond to this or that “trick.” Perhaps he strives to be original and interesting!

What to do (how to behave) if a guy or man starts asking “response” tricky questions?

  1. Talk for a long time, "intricately" and tiresomely, so that the guy himself asks you to stop. Talk for another minute after the “request” so that the boy loses any desire to ask such questions. No one likes long and overly clever answers!
  2. Don't gesture at all. Pretend that you feel sorry for “throwing out” even one single gesture into the conversation.
  3. Become an artist! To any question that you do not like, answer with phrases such as: “This information is top secret,” “ask another question, please!”
  4. Don't answer the question specifically. You have the right! After all, they tried to confuse you with a question! What's worse about you? Turn your answer into billions of mazes! You will laugh and have fun.
  5. Answer the “quick jokes” with the help of various jokes and humorous jokes. Tell all sorts of stories “on topic”. You certainly won't be bored!
  6. Answer the question with a question. You will shock your interlocutor! Certainly! This will be a surprise for him.

Act wildly tired if you are lost and don’t know what to answer. Depict it realistically so that they will definitely believe you.

Funny and tricky inscriptions on the asphalt

All photos are taken from real life. Such is the relationship, such is our reality...