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The woman's rising sign is Virgo. Ascendant in Virgo for a man

The Ascendant and Descendant are one of the most important indicators of a personal horoscope. We will now figure out what their position in the sign of Virgo means.

The Ascendant is a sign that reflects your behavior, character, appearance, which does not depend on your will. It can help determine how others see you. The Ascendant can also be called your “I”, self-awareness, etc. The Descendant is your mirror “I” in other people. These people may be pleasant to you, while others may be extremely unpleasant.

How to distinguish people with a Virgo ascendant?

People with Virgo ascendant have an active personality. And they perceive this world with their minds. This in no way means that you are cold and insensitive; on the contrary, you can experience deep feelings and love your loved ones.

Virgos are firm in their decisions, but are ready to compromise after listening to the arguments and considering them reliable. For a person with a Virgo ascendant, anyone's ignorance is unforgivable.

This person is very diligent, extremely observant, reliable, but at the same time he can be strict and constrained. You can safely rely on such a person, because individuals with an ascendant in Virgo are very responsible. They try to do all the work to the end, without leaving it for later. They know how to adequately evaluate themselves and the work performed, so they can demand a well-deserved payment. But it happens that there is a war going on within you: to get everything you want with ease, or to earn it with your own labor. And yet, most Virgos achieve everything through hard work, and not at someone else’s expense.

Such personalities have charm and elegance - this is their own highlight. But it’s not easy to get to know you closely. People who want to connect their lives with you will have a hard time. It is not easy for you to demonstrate your feelings, although something is constantly happening in your soul.

Non-envious and non-aggressive. Criticism is taken calmly, but only if they consider it reasonable. They always try to develop, continue learning and not stand still. Their slogan could easily be the phrase “Self-development is one of the main details of life!” They love good literature and always think through their steps ahead.

People with an ascendant in Virgo have soft, oval facial features, the body seems fragile, but this is not so, the eyes are lively and mobile.

Virgo Ascendant for a woman

Women with a Virgo ascendant always have complete order both at work and in the family. They have positive qualities such as hard work, great patience, cleanliness, conscientiousness, modesty, and observation. Such a woman will become an ideal housewife and a good keeper of the family hearth, as well as a smart and active employee who will easily climb the career ladder. But before taking on this or that task, Virgos will definitely weigh all the positive and negative aspects, and only after they are confident of success will they take up the work.

But there are also negative qualities: extreme self-criticism, increased worry about little things, excessive sensitivity.

It is easier for this woman to be a performer rather than a leader. She is very sensitive to small mistakes and gets very upset if things don't go as she would like.

Virgo Ascendant for a man

The personality of a man with a Virgo ascendant is developed quite well. He often has logical thinking and is prone to introspection. In his studies he prefers exact sciences.

Such men are very careful in their work and try to complete the task efficiently the first time. Their hands are “golden”: everything in their house is in its place, and “the chandelier does not fall from the ceiling.” This type will be an ideal family man.

Descendant in Virgo

The following epithets are especially suitable for people with a Virgo Descendant: practical, reliable, hardworking, disciplined and able to organize everyday life. Accuracy and neatness in everything are of particular value. They have great sympathy for people with a calm and measured character.

Descendant in Virgo for a woman

This type of woman admires men who are responsible, economical, punctual, and have a calm character. They will also not be able to remain indifferent in front of partners with increased intelligence, the ability to think and the ability to carry on a conversation.

Descendant in Virgo for a man

The Descendant in Virgo in men gives them a weakness for women with pronounced attentiveness, caring, reliability, gentleness and thriftiness. This man needs to be protected, cared for and given due attention, constantly interested in his moral and physical condition. It is also important to pay attention to how his working day went and whether he was very tired, to be able to carry on a conversation, to support him in difficult moments. A woman should be sensitive and affectionate towards a man in the Descendant in Virgo, and be able to praise him for success in any endeavor. And then this type of man will be crazy about you.

People with a Virgo ascendant are smart and reserved. They are shy in new situations and need time to get used to new people and events. Unfortunately, this can give the impression that they don't want to engage and are overly critical. If you have the patience to wait it out, you will find a loyal and reliable friend.

People of Virgo rising sign are sensitive to any discomfort and are very attentive to the signs that their body gives. They take their health seriously. They prefer to engage in physical activity that develops both body and mind at the same time, for example, yoga.

They are very picky eaters and watch what they put in their mouth. Scrupulousness is what distinguishes their character.

People of this ascendant sign can be very restless, especially if they encounter something new and incomprehensible. They are very attentive to detail and are able to notice nuances that others may miss. They tend to attract people who need their help, and may also be drawn to them themselves. This can sometimes create unfavorable situations for them, especially in personal relationships. Sometimes they are mistaken about the internal qualities of their partners.

The calmness of Virgo people gives them a special charm. They make great friends because they are willing to allow themselves to be themselves and others to be different. They give their friends a lot of credit. Their excessive modesty can lead to them occupying a subordinate position. However, they learn quickly and spend a lot of time thinking about everything around them.

They are able to adapt to changing circumstances, but the willingness to do so varies from individual to individual. They are perfectionists and very demanding of themselves. They have a habit of being too critical and not taking all circumstances into account before expressing their point of view. They need to learn to be more considerate of other people's feelings.

Virgo rising sign people are very reliable and they are always there for you, even when their friends are in big trouble. They are always available and ready to help, just like the ambulance and the police. They are also very good teachers. They can be too tense at times. They are precise and careful and do not like rudeness.

People of this sign can collect such practical things as, for example, recipes. They may be prone to allergies or respiratory problems, and anxiety can become a problem for them.

Virgo people like to be busy with something. If they have nothing to do, they become irritable and nervous. They like to have every free minute planned out and also want to be dressed appropriately for any situation.

The nature is energetic, secretive, pedantic, modest, conservative, hardworking, thoughtful. The sign indicates a person’s desire for a reasonable and orderly relationship with others. As a rule, they can be trusted, because they only take on real cases. They fulfill their obligations pedantically and even with some tediousness. But it all depends on the sun sign.

They are prone to sharp criticism and themselves perceive criticism addressed to them, are ready to admit their mistakes and practically correct them. They value humor, are witty, prone to sharp remarks, do not tolerate laxity, are always punctual, collected, which is what they demand from others, because order and law, as they believe and affirm through their actions, are above all. Rising Virgos are often leaders and bosses, high-ranking officials. If the sun sign weakens the influence of the rising sign, then such people become wonderful subordinates - very efficient, punctual, meticulous in detail and demanding to the point of being boring, heartless bureaucrats.

Your identity

Patient and persistent, secretive, contemplative, envious, tenacious and decisive at a critical hour, if questions concern her personal interest, she usually does not reveal her plans to anyone. For the sake of the set goal, I am ready to work incessantly, regardless of time or health.
Very active, they are not satisfied with the first successes, because they know the final goal and go towards it. Rising Virgos strive for prosperity and are ready to work day and night to accumulate money and wealth. They learn willingly and easily, quickly master complex knowledge, and have great patience and perseverance.
The ability for all kinds of combinations, multi-step operations in business, adventurous, speculative interest are supported by subtle calculations. They often show self-doubt, indulge in worry and excessive anxiety. Sensitive to the environment and living conditions of other people. Punctual, obligatory, persistent and careful even in details. Without denying the interests of others, they are very cautious and scrupulous in defending their own, they show diplomacy, tact and cunning, not excluding deceit.
Hardworking, prudent, economical, practical, especially in the field of finance, business, and commerce.

Your appearance

Nature did not offend them and endowed them with a pleasant appearance. Average height or slightly higher, average fatness, average plumpness, good build, strong figure, stateliness, energetic gait, convincing gestures. The face is oval, with pleasant regular features, a straight nose, eyes are usually dark, impressive, hair is dark, chestnut or dark blond.

Your dominant tendencies

Active and patient, critical, methodical, inventive, demanding and decisive mentality, marked by a desire to teach, instruct, often in a mentoring tone. He loves learning, mastering knowledge, especially practical, not excluding abstract ones, and has intuitive abilities. Sometimes indecision and uncertainty, nervousness and inner restlessness. Accuracy and pedantry.

If you were praised by the Ascendant in Virgo, it means that you really did everything wonderfully. For Asc in Virgo is not able to flatter. But criticism is always welcome!


As a rule, people with a Virgo Ascendant look younger than their age. The body type is basically that of a teenager. There may be a slightly elongated face, especially in men. There is no such thing as a full face; for example, the Ascendant in Libra may have a tendency or a double chin, which is not very noticeable. For Virgo, according to my observations, this is not the norm. By the way, “is not the norm” is a typical Devian expression :)

As a rule, the cusp of the 1st house in Virgo is not prone to obesity. Hair is naturally closer to ash brown. There is one interesting feature of the cusp of the first house in the sign of Virgo - each of them tried on glasses at least once. This makes them seem smarter.

Ascendant Virgos take care of their appearance, keep their clothes and shoes clean, but pay even more attention to the appearance of others. If you see any deviations, turn off the light. There was a wave of criticism. You can't hide anything from them.

Character. View of the world

They have a critical view of the world. They look at people from a position of criticism and scrutiny. First, they analyze the surrounding situation, and then make a decision. They look at the world with a sober, realistic look. They are constantly dissatisfied with something. But ascendant Virgos are big pedants and prefer to come to meetings on time. They get angry when others are late. When meeting people, men rarely extend their hand first. Women don't start conversations. They need to fiddle with something in their hands or move their fingers during a conversation to calm their nervous system.

They will knock and wipe their feet before entering. They enter the new room slowly. They immediately evaluate the cleanliness of an apartment or building and pay attention to every little detail. It is more unpleasant for them than others to be in dirty buildings, with friends and acquaintances who have forgotten about cleanliness. The bathroom should shine. Asc in Virgo reacts very sharply to various smells. Therefore, do not pour a bottle of perfume on yourself if Virgo Ascendant is nearby. She may have allergies :)

People with this position in the natal chart are shy and reserved. They rarely become the leader and center of the crowd, as does

Virgo Ascendants are obsessed with cleanliness, but that doesn't mean they clean the house all the time. They may be a mess. But a person with 1 house in Virgo always knows where he has every thing. They have one habit - they constantly wash their hands. Cleanliness is the key to health.

Virgo Rising(Sanskrit: Kanya) is very intelligent, knows how to distinguish between good and bad, and has a good eye for detail. By nature, these people are analysts, good mathematicians and computer scientists. Attractive, well dressed, clean, neat. They eat good quality food. They have an interest in self-medication and alternative medicine. They can work in the food industry, as well as in medicine. Virgo Ascendants need variety in their work. Successful in business and communications. They are interested in art and music, and usually receive a good education. (Venus rules the 2nd and 9th houses). By nature they are soft, shy, naive (feminine sign). They love nature and vegetation. They enjoy hiking. There is a deep sensual nature hidden within them. It is believed that they will meet a peaceful end to life, they themselves are religious and their home is spiritual. On the other hand: critical, superficial. Typically health problems, very sensitive nervous system and digestion. There are difficulties in family life, they need a spiritual partner. Not many children as Saturn rules the 6th and 7th houses. They may worry too much about the state of the world, as they are perfectionists by nature. They may suffer from a lack of self-confidence and do not really like conflicts.

  • Symbol: a young girl with a bunch of cereals in one hand and a torch in the other
  • Ruling planet: Mercury
  • Qualities: Duality, Earth, Vata
  • Basic quality: perfection achieved through purification, focus on service, protection and improvement
  • Favorable Qualities: Analytical mind, service oriented, diligent, high standards, striving for ideals, sensitivity, restraint, commercial sense, methodical, attention to detail
  • Unfavorable qualities: makes high demands, unreasonable expectations, narrows focus too much, is tormented by anxiety, skeptic, nitpicks, takes too literally, bothersome, sad loneliness
  • Physical Features: average height, slender, thin, weak, graceful and prim, pleasant, dark or ruddy face, long nose
  • Character (qualities): Quiet, modest, reserved, cautious, benevolent, adaptable, and somewhat obscure. Good mental ability, loves to learn/hardworking and good at planning things. Practical and methodical, attentive to details, tends to have reserves (savings, etc.) due to lack of self-confidence and not expecting an easy victory (achievement). Good Follower/Employee


In practical matters, such a person is inclined to show amazing integrity. In developing and implementing his ideas, he acts consistently, systematically and systematically. Painstakingly records every detail and accurately analyzes all details, which is the basis for success in action, self-expression and perception. His goal is perfection and infallibility. Quality is valued much more than quantity. Such people strive for reasonable and orderly relationships with others. You can always trust them in everything, since they only undertake real tasks. They tend to fulfill their obligations pedantically and even with some tediousness. They are prone to sharp and harsh criticism of the imperfections they notice. They perceive criticism addressed to themselves calmly and balancedly. Everything in which such a person becomes involved is very significant and significant for him. Therefore, he strives to master all this reliably and have guarantees of a long-term connection with what he does. Such a person takes all the things he starts seriously and is inclined to act steadily towards his goal. He changes his own personality step by step and gradually. The character is solid, concrete, rational. Development is carried out on the basis of complete trust placed only in personal experience. The character is changeable, the personality is very trainable. Such a person is always busy with something, he feels obliged to bring comfort, cleanliness and order to the whole world, and this is quite troublesome, even if you limit yourself to your immediate environment. Often such people are dissatisfied with themselves and dissatisfied with others. If anything is wrong with them, then they are no longer able to sincerely enjoy life. But like no other person, such a person can see and appreciate the beauty and perfection of small details (both the external material world and his own internal structure). He loves to bring his skills to complete perfection, and therefore copes well with any work that requires meticulousness and thoroughness. Such people are often lost in situations that require the ability to quickly and broadly assess circumstances based on incomplete information. Synthesis is difficult for such a person, and in perception and self-expression difficulties arise with imagination. He tends to understand everything too literally (and therefore incorrectly) and expresses his feelings too precisely, which cannot stand dissection and analysis and die long before they manifest themselves outside. This is a sensible and proactive person, prone to neatness and organization, and therefore often tires himself out worrying about unimportant things. Knows the secret of eternal youth. Actively uses the ability to discern weaknesses in others, although he does this tactfully and diplomatically. Can become a penny-pincher and a whiner. Often such people become comedians or commentators. His insightful mind helps to determine what influenced the development of other people's personalities and what the weak points of their nature are.


Virgo is a sign associated with the element of earth, ruled by Mercury, symbolized by the virgin. People born under this sign have practical abilities - for example, keeping records or making things with their own hands. They have a weak body and a calm character. They dress well and endear themselves to the unconditional purity of their character. They are intelligent, successful in commercial activities, and have an interest in a wide variety of types of knowledge. They love to talk and are very curious. Their character has an impulsive, emotional streak, and they often engage in art, music, playing musical instruments, drawing, sculpting, designing, and work that requires attention to detail. If this sign is ascendant, it indicates a thoughtful, careful and punctual person, restless or nervous. These people are economical, methodical, and capable of doing hard work. They lack self-confidence and tend to hesitate about making any decision unless their heart tells them directly that it is good. Their nature is religious, but their mind is analytical. My experience is that they love nature very much. They suffer from unrest in their family and from hostile relationships with relatives. These are influential people who are able to judge things correctly, but tend to get carried away by their mood. Their life is usually long, and its end is peaceful and calm. In appearance, they are usually of medium height, with long arms and legs, an attractive face, brown-haired or brunette hair with large cheeks. The Virgo sign is a sign of a person who is pleasant, sensitive and creative, pure, innocent or naive in character. He can work hard to earn money, but he feels better when his freedom of action is not limited by the established, boring order.

Francis Sakoyan

Conscientiousness in the world around us means order in the family and at work. Integrity manifests itself in practical matters. They act systematically and systematically in the development and implementation of ideas. They tend to record every little detail and analyze it accurately. Success is based on this. The main goal is perfection. Everything that is done must be infallible. Quality is valued over quantity. Modesty, conscientiousness, caution, observation, thoroughness, correctness, simple and orderly living conditions, practical overcoming of situations. Calculation, pedantry, ceremony, prejudice. Often exploitation of neighbors. Modest, unobtrusive, often very quiet, shy. You are the type of person who prefers to be in a subordinate position, serving as an assistant, in a supporting role, rather than in a leadership role. You are quite modest in your assessment of yourself, demand perfection from yourself in everything and are extremely self-critical. No matter how well you do something, you always see the flaws and see how it could be done better. Often you simply give up trying to do something because you feel that you cannot meet your exacting standards. You have an eye for detail and get frustrated when things aren't done quite right - usually in small things that others take to be completely insignificant or taken for granted. You are difficult to please, and your relationships with others may suffer as a result. You are also exquisitely sensitive and very picky and scrupulous in choosing food, clothing, friends, work, etc. Order in your environment is very important to you. You get down to business very carefully and only after a realistic assessment of all the risky aspects and potential gains. If something is not safe enough, you are unlikely to do it. You tend to underestimate your own capabilities and experience a lack of confidence and trust in life, which hinders your spontaneity. You have a bad habit of worrying about everything. On the other hand, you rarely fall on your face, and everything you do, you do very well. Other people see you as an independent and rather reserved person. You have a strong sense of decency. Politeness, good manners, and correct behavior are important to you. The first thing that strikes other people is your clear, cold, objective and unemotional attitude, and although in fact you are capable of helping and caring, your sympathy is not so clearly expressed that others immediately feel it. You may seem dry and businesslike, more conservative than you really are, deep down. You are the type of person from whom others might expect technical advice or an unbiased opinion, but not emotional support. You are very observant, intelligent, have a great desire for learning and self-improvement, but are not particularly ambitious and are often satisfied with the most ordinary, not outstanding position in life.

Famous people

  • Bill Clinton
  • Winston Churchill
  • John Lennon
  • Shirley MacLaine
  • Richard Chamberlayne
  • John F. Kennedy
  • Paul McCartney
  • Jacques Cousteau
  • Sally Field
  • Tiger Woods
  • Cat Stevens
  • James Kelleher