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Inflammation of the tongue mucosa treatment. Diagnostics is the best assistant in the treatment of tongue glossitis. Symptoms of tongue inflammation

In the treatment of inflammation of the taste buds of the tongue, various drugs of general and local action are used.

A white, coated tongue is a characteristic sign of glossitis. This plaque is a product of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms that live in the oral cavity and provoke inflammatory processes. The tongue must be cleaned regularly, especially with severe inflammation. The procedure should be performed using a cotton swab pre-moistened with an antiseptic - a solution of potassium permanganate or Furacilin. Antibiotics are not recommended for this purpose.

Inflammation of the tongue receptors is accompanied by severe pain. In some cases, the pain is so severe that it interferes with eating. Pain can be managed with local anesthetics. For example, 2% Trimecaine solution.

Often inflammation of the taste buds is accompanied by dry tongue. In such cases, the use of Anestezin is appropriate. This drug has a softening effect, helps moisturize the mucous membrane, heal microcracks on it, eliminates burning sensation, and has a mild analgesic effect. Anestezin is available in the form of tablets for the preparation of solution and ointment. The product must be applied to the tongue at least 2 times a day. Before applying the drug, the mouth should be rinsed thoroughly with warm water and any existing plaque should be removed from the tongue.

A long process of inflammation of the taste buds can lead to the appearance of cracks and erosions on the tongue. In such cases, regenerating drugs should be used.

Glossitis is a common manifestation of decreased immunity. For chronic inflammation of the taste buds, it is recommended to take general strengthening, immunostimulating drugs and vitamins.

Treatment of inflammation of the taste buds without drugs

At the first symptoms of inflammation of the tongue receptors, the following measures should be taken:

Brush your teeth, paying special attention to the gums and spaces between the teeth;

Rinse your mouth thoroughly to remove any leftover food and toothpaste;

Avoid eating certain foods.

Spicy, fatty foods, spices, and salt provoke an increase in the inflammatory process. By eating incorrectly, you can be sure that the symptoms of glossitis will only get worse over time. If the tongue receptors are inflamed, it is necessary to eat exclusively liquid food cooled to room temperature.

Regular rinsing of the mouth with an infusion of calendula, sage, and chamomile helps eliminate the manifestations of the disease. These herbs have an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect on the oral mucosa.

If treating glossitis at home does not give a positive result, you should consult a specialist. Perhaps the problem of the disease lies within the body. This could be an infection or a malfunction of internal organs.

The structure of the human tongue suggests that food debris, pathological and natural microflora: bacteria, microbes and even viruses are concentrated in the papillary region. External factors, such as general systemic diseases, hypothermia, decreased immunity, diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine and digestive systems, metabolic disorders and allergies lead to damage to the tongue. Independent inflammation of this organ, as a rule, occurs in the case of mechanical trauma (blow, bruise, bite, jaw fracture, burn, frostbite, damage from a prosthesis or braces).

Let's look at what tongue diseases exist (photo below), their symptoms, and how to treat them.

Inflammatory diseases of the tongue

General inflammatory processes of this organ are combined into one well-known term - “glossitis”. This disease exists in acute forms listed below:

Chronic inflammatory diseases

Such specific ailments arise slowly, often asymptomatically, and often accompany other chronic diseases.

Infectious diseases

The main “culprits” of infectious muscle damage can be fungal microorganisms, rods and bacteria, viruses, microbes:

Tongue diseases: effective treatment methods

All diseases of the human tongue require timely treatment, as they may indicate much more complex systemic disorders and processes in the body.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the primary treatment methods:

  1. Perform comprehensive treatment of the body and chronic diseases, the consequences of which are inflammation of the tongue. If the inflammation is a consequence of gingivitis or stomatitis, consult a dentist; if the entire oral cavity is “chosen” by a fungus, use antifungal drug therapy and ointments for external immunity, rinse with soda, clean the tongue of plaque. Also, do not forget to strengthen the immune system.

    You should clean your tongue from plaque using a special scraper.

  2. Local damage due to frostbite, bruises, injuries, cracks, cuts, etc. should be treated with topical anesthetic creams and ointments. It is also necessary to prepare rinsing solutions that have antimicrobial, disinfecting and healing properties. Homemade recipes are ideal: a soda-salt solution with drops of iodine, a weak solution of manganese, a solution from a furatsilin tablet. You can also make lotions from essential oils (sea buckthorn, aloe vera, myrrh, tea tree, etc.), herbal decoctions and infusions.
  3. Viral lesions require both local and general treatment with antiviral drugs. Only a doctor can prescribe them.
  4. Injuries caused by dental reasons (poorly polished filling, incorrectly installed prosthesis or plate, braces) can only be resolved in the dentist’s office and do not require independent intervention.
  5. Most diseases require following a diet: exclude alcohol, coffee, smoking tobacco from the diet, limit the consumption of irritating foods (sour, spicy, vigorous), especially seasonings.
  6. In case of any inflammatory processes, wipe the area with a swab soaked in chlorhexidine or potassium permanganate to prevent infection and increase inflammation.

What is tongue inflammation

This is a fairly common and at the same time unpleasant illness that brings a lot of inconvenience to a person’s life. Any person can develop pathology, regardless of gender and age. It is enough to simply damage the tongue with some object or prick it with a fish bone.

The disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms. The transition to a chronic form is possible due to a decrease in the body’s defenses or improper treatment of a newly emerging pathology.

Causes of tongue inflammation

Inflammatory processes in the tongue can be both a consequence of infection and symptoms of a more serious, systemic disease. There are acute and chronic courses of the disease. When the tongue becomes inflamed, its color and structure change. This can lead to the formation of papillomas - mushroom-shaped growths on the tissue of the tongue.

In local infections, inflammation of the tongue is caused by bacteria and viruses (including the herpes virus), and the development of the infectious process is especially facilitated by burns, mechanical injuries of the tongue and oral cavity. It has been proven that risk factors that provoke the development of inflammation of the tongue are:

  • nicotine,
  • alcohol,
  • hot food,
  • hot spices,
  • allergic reactions to toothpaste, rinses, mouth fresheners, caramel.

Diseases in which the tongue becomes inflamed

Inflammation of the tongue can be a symptom of the following diseases:

In addition, inflammation of the tongue also occurs in some systemic diseases:

In rare cases, the exact cause of the disease cannot be determined.

Symptoms of tongue inflammation

The tongue becomes bright red or burgundy. With anemia, the tongue becomes covered with a pale coating. The tongue may increase in size and become soft. There are difficulties in chewing, swallowing, and speaking.

If you experience one or more of the above symptoms and they do not disappear within 24 hours, you should definitely see a doctor.

Consultation with a specialist is also necessary if you have difficulties with the processes of inhaling air, swallowing or speaking. If you have symptoms of tongue inflammation, you should consult a doctor.

The dentist will examine the area of ​​inflammation of the tongue, determine the presence or absence of papillomas, ask the necessary questions to identify the causes of the infection, or prescribe the necessary tests to identify a systemic disease.

Treatment of tongue inflammation

In case of inflammation of the tongue caused by infectious and inflammatory processes, it is necessary, if possible, to eliminate the causative agent of the infection. Modern medicine has a sufficient number of effective drugs for successful therapy.

As a rule, treatment of inflammation of the tongue does not imply hospitalization of the patient, except in particularly severe cases. First of all, you need to pay special attention to oral hygiene.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a quality toothpaste as recommended by your doctor. In addition to observing the rules of oral hygiene, it is often necessary to resort to special means, not only to treat the acute phase of the disease, but also to slow down or stop the development of serious complications.

Various drugs are used: antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, local immunocorrectors. Anti-inflammatory steroids (prednisolone, hydrocortisone) are used to eliminate symptoms of inflammation and facilitate eating, speech and breathing.

This group of medications has strict indications and contraindications and is prescribed only by a doctor. After identifying the causative agent of the disease, the doctor will prescribe you an antibiotic or antifungal drug that affects this group of microbes.

One of the modern, pathogenically justified methods of treatment is the immunological way of solving the problem, which allows not only to obtain a therapeutic effect, but also to help prevent the development of relapses. For this purpose, immunocorrectors are used. Drugs in this group activate the protective forces of the oral mucosa.

Acting through a system of immunological mechanisms, they contribute to increased phagocytic activity (phagocytosis - capture and neutralization of bacteria by cells of the immune system), an increase in the content of a special enzyme in saliva - lysozyme, known for its bactericidal activity, stimulation and increase in the number of immunocompetent cells responsible for the production of antibodies.

Prevention of tongue inflammation

As you know, a disease is easier to prevent than to cure, so doctors recommend the following preventive measures:

  • maintain oral and dental hygiene;
  • Get regular dental checkups;
  • avoid eating aggressive foods and hot spices;
  • do not abuse smoking and alcohol.

Questions and answers on the topic “Inflammation of the tongue”

Question: Hello! Can there be a burning sensation of the tongue with esophagitis?

Answer: Hello! Esophagitis may be accompanied by a burning sensation of the tongue. But often this symptom can be a sign of another disease, for example, inflammation of the tongue. A burning sensation of the tongue may occur with chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis. With gastritis, the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract, including vitamins, may be impaired. Due to a lack of vitamin B12, B12 deficiency anemia develops, in which the papillae of the tongue often atrophy. In this case, pain and burning occur, the tongue becomes bright red and very smooth. To diagnose the disease, you need to take a blood test and contact your doctor for help.

Question: Hello! For a week I took antibiotics flemoxin and clarithromycin (with Enterol and Linex, respectively) to treat Helicobacter pylori infection and cervical lymphadenitis. On the penultimate day of taking antibiotics, the coating that was constantly on the tongue completely disappeared and the tongue became smooth and bright burgundy in color. Inflammation has appeared and the tongue is constantly stinging. It looks like it's a little swollen, but I'm not sure. If you don’t eat anything, then the tongue seems closer to pink, but smooth and without the slightest coating. After any meal it becomes bright burgundy and hurts (burning and stinging). The food is completely dietary, nothing spicy, salty, etc. (not allowed according to gastroenterology). I visited the dentist and they said that it looked more like an allergic reaction and they prescribed suprastin and a sage rinse. I already started taking Suprastin along with antibiotics, but rinsing doesn’t help yet. Eating is very painful. What can you recommend in this situation?

Answer: Hello! Your condition is most likely caused by taking a lot of antibiotics. The microflora of the oral mucosa is probably disrupted. I think that after stopping the drugs everything will return to normal. At this stage, use dental ointments and gels that are sold in pharmacies.

Question: Hello! In the morning I discovered a thick white coating on my tongue and my tongue was very inflamed. The plaque was removed, small hemorrhages formed under it (the tongue began to bleed slightly). The papillae on the tongue have enlarged and are very annoying. When eating food I feel bitterness in my mouth. When examining the tongue, all papillae are visible as red grains. I drink suprastin and rinse my mouth with soda and chlorhexidine. The third day and no improvement. What it is? Which doctor should I contact first?

Answer: Hello, You need to consult a gestroenterologist.

Question: Hello! About a month ago inflammation appeared on the tongue. I went to the doctor and said it was a stomach problem. Prescribed Linex and Ultop. There was no pain and there was no discomfort. Now, after the treatment, the inflammation has not gone away and red dots have appeared and the tip of the tongue stings a little. And it seems to me that there are rashes on the palate too. Who is better to contact and what to do? The doctor said that it is not contagious, but I am still worried. Thank you!

Answer: Hello. Consultation with a dentist, ultrasound OBP, FGDS, OBC, biochemistry (liver tests).

Inflammation of the tongue - causes, symptoms and treatment. How to avoid severe manifestations of tongue inflammation

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the tongue is the mirror of the gastrointestinal tract, and not only.

Language is a mirror of human health.

Often the disease proceeds for a long time without obvious signs and symptoms, and then suddenly a detailed picture of clinical symptoms appears.

In fact, you need to learn to carefully observe your body, and then the impending painful condition can be seen much earlier than the entire clinical picture. Direct help in determining health is, of course, language. Its color, shape and coating on the surface of the tongue will indicate acute pathology and help identify chronic diseases.

The tongue performs many important functions in the body: from recognizing the taste of food and pushing it into the esophagus to the formation of sounds and speech. Despite its small size, the tongue consists of 16 muscles, and its surface is covered with papillae of four groups involved in determining taste and touch. The papillae contain 10 thousand taste, heat, and biochemical analyzers that are connected to certain internal organs.

In a healthy person, the tongue is pink with an even fold in the middle, with well-defined papillae, soft, and does not cause discomfort when moving. The tongue belongs to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and is actually the beginning of digestion.

Often we have to deal with such an unpleasant pathology as inflammation of the tongue - glossitis. Glossitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the tissues of the tongue and is accompanied by a change in its color and structure. It can be either an independent disease or a manifestation of some serious general disease.

Inflammation of the tongue - causes

Causes of tongue inflammation: there are many and they are different. Glossitis can be: - of an infectious nature, when the cause of inflammation is conditionally pathogenic, pathogenic microorganisms, viruses and fungi;

— non-infectious - provoked by general diseases of the body;

- caused by other reasons of a mechanical, thermal, chemical nature.

There are various risk factors, when exposed to which, after a certain time, inflammation of the tongue develops:

- nicotine and alcohol;

— failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;

- trauma (sharp edge of a tooth, impact, prosthesis), i.e., mechanical damage.

A number of serious diseases can cause inflammation of the tongue:

— hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency (this applies to deficiency of vitamins A, E, C, B12, folic acid);

— autoimmune diseases in which the body perceives its own cells as foreign (for example, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.);

- lichen planus, characterized by itchy rashes on the skin and mucous membranes;

- severe infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets: measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria;

Inflammation of the tongue - symptoms

Symptoms of inflammation of the tongue cause severe discomfort, a lot of unpleasant sensations, they are pronounced and easily recognizable.

1. An unpleasant, irritating burning sensation appears that interferes with life, which is replaced by pain, as a result of which the diet and usual way of life are disrupted.

2. The sense of taste is impaired; food may seem tasteless or have unpleasant aftertastes.

3. The tongue swells, its mobility is limited, and the sensation of a foreign body in the mouth may be disturbing.

4. Speech quality may change.

5. The color of the tongue changes: it becomes burgundy or bright red, dry due to disruption of the salivary glands, and may become covered with plaque, erosions and ulcers.

6. Bad breath occurs.

7. In severe cases, there is an increase in temperature and other signs of intoxication (general weakness, sweating, fatigue, poor sleep, headaches, various discomfort, chills).

If no measures are taken and treatment is not undertaken, the problem will worsen over time, and an irreversible structural change in the tissues of the tongue may occur.

Infectious inflammation of the tongue:

1. Candidiasis. Fungal inflammation of the tongue develops in people with reduced immunity or after a long course of antibiotic therapy. The symptoms are very unpleasant: dry tongue, severe pain, redness.

2. Herpetic inflammation of the tongue occurs during hypothermia, stress, and during menstruation. Symptoms of inflammation of the tongue in this case: a large number of rashes and erosions, pain, hyperemia of damaged mucous membranes.

3. Herpes must be differentiated from another infectious disease: streptococcal impetigo. The symptoms are quite unpleasant: blisters with liquid that transform into painful erosions.

Acute inflammation of the tongue immediately manifests itself with all the symptoms of inflammation: hyperemia, swelling, pain. The cause of acute inflammation of the tongue is an infection or pathology, the source of which is another disease, for example, an allergy.

Chronic inflammation of the tongue is characterized by more restrained symptoms, there are no clear signs of inflammation, there is no intoxication, the clinic is blurred. But changes in the structure of the organ itself are determined, their severity depends on the duration of the disease and the cause of glossitis. Treatment for chronic inflammation of the tongue is long-term and persistent; it is often necessary to treat the underlying disease that caused the development of glossitis.

Tongue inflammation treatment

Treatment of inflammation of the tongue begins only after the cause of glossitis has been established and, accordingly, the diagnosis has been clarified. But in any case, you must immediately pay close attention to oral hygiene: be sure to thoroughly brush your teeth at least twice a day and rinse your mouth after every meal. The next important step: review your diet. During treatment, avoid spicy, very hot and cold drinks and dishes, as this irritates the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, reduces the effectiveness and prolongs the treatment process.

Since inflammation of the tongue can be either an independent disease or a manifestation of any disease of a certain organ or system, first of all, during treatment, medications are prescribed aimed at eliminating the cause that caused glossitis. These can be antibiotics, antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, “stomach” drugs, depending on what needs to be treated.

In parallel, drugs for local treatment are used:

- antiseptics for mouth rinsing (chlorhexidine, furatsilin solution);

— if necessary, anesthetic compresses to relieve pain (novocaine, trimecaine, lidocaine);

- preparations to accelerate tissue regeneration (rosehip oil, sea buckthorn, vitamin A, solcoseryl gel);

- in advanced forms and severe complications (phlegmon, abscess) - it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention;

— all patients with reduced immunity are prescribed immunomodulators and restorative therapy (including vitamin therapy).

An important point of treatment is diet. It implies not only the exclusion of spicy, hot and cold foods, but also the consistency of the prepared food: pureed, semi-liquid, mushy or pureed, so that it can be swallowed painlessly.

If the pain is severe, you can switch to baby food. If you have problems swallowing, you can drink through a straw. All food and drinks should be lukewarm.

Folk remedies in case of inflammation of the tongue, they can be used as an additional treatment in parallel with the prescribed medication.

Traditional decoctions and infusions for rinsing the mouth from chamomile, sage, oak bark, calendula and other plants are used. Aloe juice and fresh potato juice are effective.

Decoctions of mint and eucalyptus help relieve pain.- they are also used for rinsing. Tea tree oil has proven antibacterial properties: add three drops of tea tree oil to two tablespoons of olive oil and lubricate the tongue. These procedures must be repeated as often as possible.

With timely treatment and adequate treatment of inflammation of the tongue, started on time, the prognosis is favorable, despite all the severe symptoms. But some advanced forms, under a certain set of circumstances, can transform into a cancerous disease that requires other treatment methods, or be complicated by even more serious inflammation, or give frequent relapses.

In many cases, the symptoms of tongue inflammation may not be severe enough to warrant seeing a doctor.

In order not to become a surgeon’s patient in the future due to complications and advanced disease (cellulitis, abscesses, cancer), you must be attentive to your feelings and carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, and do not ignore preventive measures.

An important point of prevention- giving up smoking and alcohol abuse, regular dental examinations, which reduces the risk of developing inflammation of the tongue. These simple rules will significantly reduce the risk of the appearance and development of such an unpleasant pathology as inflammation of the tongue.

Inflammation of the tongue - how to deal with glossitis

Inflammation of the tongue is an infectious pathological condition called glossitis, characterized by disturbances in the tissue structure of the tongue and changes in color.

The development of the inflammatory process entails a lot of negative symptomatic manifestations that complicate the normal functioning of this muscular organ.

List of emerging “troubles” associated with glossitis:

  • loss of sense of taste
  • increased blood supply to the vascular system
  • the tongue turns red and stings, burns and swells
  • the resulting painful discomfort provokes difficulties while eating (problematic swallowing, chewing food)
  • increased salivation
  • difficult to have a conversation

The disease, which is a variant of stomatitis, can develop against the background of other inflammatory problems of the oral cavity.

At the same time, the inflammatory process can become a consequence of systemic pathology present in the body.

The onset of inflammatory phenomena in the tissues of the tongue is due to the following causative factors:

  • Mechanical damage (minor trauma) of the tongue opens the “doors” wide open for the invasion of pathogenic microflora ( bacteria, viruses), which provokes the development of glossitis. It is possible to injure after an injection with a sharp fish bone, illiterate selection of dentures, and finally the sharp edges of destroyed teeth and fillings.
  • The risk of damage increases in people who abuse alcohol and are heavy smokers.
  • Ignoring the basics of oral hygiene - brushing with someone else's toothbrush, excessive use of mouth rinses, inadequate reaction of the body to toothpaste.
  • Hot food, drinks - burn.
  • Weakened immunity, dysbacteriosis.

Clinical manifestations of glossitis

The primary symptomatic pattern is characterized by a burning sensation and a slight discomfort in the mouth. Further, the pathology development scenario is aggravated by a change in color, the tongue becomes burgundy. Swelling occurs, which leads to problems when talking, difficulties with eating food.

To minimize the resulting pain syndrome, the patient tries to put less strain on the tongue; the speech of such a person becomes slurred.

In the absence of timely treatment, the problem turns out to be chronic, the swollen area increases.

Growths form on the tongue: warty, papillomatous, papillary.

When glossitis is caused by the penetration of bacteria, then among the fundamental signs indicating the disease are:

In the case of a viral nature, bubbles form on the surface, which after themselves (opened) leave noticeably painful erosive formations.

The inflammatory process is rapid; if treatment is delayed, the affected area will expand, and the pathology will invade the oral mucosa.

With a fungal infection, the appearance of a white coating is noted.

Advanced stages of the disease are fraught with serious complications:

  • Abscesses are warning signs: acute throbbing pain, slurred speech, distinct swelling, increased salivation.
  • Cellulitis is significant swelling and severe pain. It is difficult to chew, the zone of purulent melting extends beyond the “limits” of the tongue. Attacks of suffocation are likely, the temperature rises, and enlarged lymph nodes are recorded.


Diamond-shaped - the appearance is due to chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Characteristic clinical signs:

  • thickening of the epithelial layer
  • formation of diamond-shaped zones
  • the color of the affected area ranges from red to dark blue

With this option, the following scenarios are possible:

  • formation of tuberous growths on the surface of the tongue
  • the appearance of warty or papillomotous whitish growths
  • the affected area atrophies, becoming smooth

The disease can “get a foothold” on a chronic basis, and there is a high probability of relapses.

Villous form - caused by a fungal infection, or systematic minor damage to the surface of the tongue.

As a result, thread-like clusters of taste buds located inside visible elevations (bulges) on the surface of the mucous membrane of the tongue increase in size and become dark.

Later they harden and keratinization is detected.

In addition to the above mentioned causal factors, catalysts for development can become:

  • addiction to alcohol
  • “friendship” with a cigarette
  • taking medications

Geographic - the affected areas of the epithelial layer alternate with foci of swollen lingual papillae that have grown from inflammation. This set of pathological disorders is similar to the geographical outlines of the continents on the globe.

The medical name for this form of glossitis is desquamative, and among the causes that provoke its development are:

  • chronic gastrointestinal pathologies
  • pregnancy

The following were found guilty of formation:

The development of the geographical type of glossitis is caused by focal destruction (violation of the integrity) of the epithelium. As a result, bright red spots appear on the side of the tongue. There is a burning sensation and moderate pain.

The Gunter form is evidence of a deficiency in the body of B vitamins (9, 12), which leads to smoothing. The surface of the tongue is comparable to a polished crimson hue.

Interstitial - a bell (symptom) indicating the possible presence of a sexually transmitted disease called syphilis.

The affected areas are replaced by connective tissue, which tightens the tongue. The lack of adequate therapy results in oncological problems. Diseased cells acquire the properties of a malignant tumor and become cancerous.

How to deal with glossitis

A list of diagnostic procedures prescribed by the dentist that help determine the nature and depth of the lesion:

  • cytological studies
  • bacteriological techniques
  • anticardiolipin testing
  • analysis for Treponema pallidum - the causative agent of syphilis
  • infectious diseases are detected using polymerase chain reaction

The therapy is complex; pathological disorders caused by primary diseases are necessarily corrected (treated):

Plaque that occurs when the tongue becomes inflamed is removed with a cotton swab soaked in trypsin. When erosive and ulcerative formations create pain, then applications with Iruksol will be the best option to combat plaque.

At the end of the procedure, treatment with an antiseptic solution is required to avoid re-entry of infectious agents and further complications.

Among medical prescriptions: vitamin A, rosehip oil. The combined use of these components accelerates the recovery of cells affected by glossitis and reduces pain.

In addition, systematic rinsing throughout the day with a weak solution of furacilin and potassium permanganate helps minimize pain. In case of severe pain, antiseptic application procedures (Lidocaine) are added to therapy.

In case of weak immunity, immunomodulatory drugs are indicated.

Possible difficulties with breathing (difficulty) are an argument for prescribing hormonal medications. At a short interval, in order not to provoke the “death” of tongue cells, Prednisolone and Hydrocortisone ointments are allowed for therapy.

The problem of glossitis can be solved if the therapeutic process starts on time. Adequate correction of the primary disease, which served as a catalyst for inflammatory phenomena in the tissue structures of the tongue, will avoid possible negative consequences:

Preventive measures: systematically (twice a year) visit the dental office, maintain hygiene. The risks of tongue inflammation will decrease after quitting smoking. It is necessary to exclude spicy foods and strong alcohol, which will reduce the chances of developing glossitis. Mashed potatoes, slimy porridges, pureed soups are welcome.

Glossitis: forms, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

The tongue, with which a person speaks, swallows, chews and tastes food, consists of muscles and mucous membrane. On the surface of its mucous membrane there are small elevations or papillae that sense the temperature and taste of food, hold it, and contain tactile receptors. If the tongue is exposed to various unfavorable factors, inflammation may occur and develop.

What is glossitis?

The inflammatory process affecting the tissues of the tongue is called glossitis. This term refers to all pathologies of the tongue, including those that are not inflammatory in nature. Glossitis can manifest itself independently, but basically it is a sign of some disease in the body.

With glossitis, discomfort is felt in the mouth, swallowing and chewing are impaired. In some cases, the tongue becomes enlarged and, as a result, the airway is obstructed.

Causes of glossitis

The most common causes of tongue inflammation are:

  1. Allergic reactions to toothpaste or other oral care products, denture materials, or medications.
  2. Viral and bacterial infections.
  3. Dryness in the oral cavity, which contributes to the emergence and proliferation of pathogenic microflora.
  4. Injuries from teeth or briquettes.
  5. Lack of iron in the body.
  6. Burn of the oral mucosa.
  7. Injury from sharp objects or any irritants.
  8. Helminthic infestations.
  9. Fungal infections (candida).
  10. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, blood.
  11. The use of ganglion blockers.
  12. Deficiency of B vitamins.
  13. Incorrect use of antibiotics.

There are many reasons on which the form of glossitis depends and its symptoms. In order to select treatment, an accurate diagnosis must be established. Therefore, it is necessary to know the features of the manifestation of various forms of glossitis.

Desquamative glossitis has several forms:

  • With the superficial form, stripes with clear boundaries and red spots appear on the tongue, which are surrounded by mucous membrane of normal color. After desquamation of the epithelial layer, itching and burning of the tongue appears, which becomes smooth and shiny.
  • With the hyperplastic form of glossitis, the filiform papillae become denser and white, yellow, and gray lesions appear.
  • In the lichenoid form, areas of desquamation with enlarged fungiform papillae are visible. There is a burning sensation of the tongue in the mouth. This form occurs in the case of endocrine disorders and with increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the tongue to metals that are used in orthopedics.

Diamond-shaped glossitis in which the papillae of the tongue atrophy and a diamond-shaped lesion forms in its center. Its length is about five centimeters and its width is up to two centimeters.

Causes: lack of vitamin C, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, smoking, candidiasis (fungal infection).

Diamond-shaped glossitis has several forms:

  • In the smooth form, small areas that are pink or red in color are affected. There are no papillae in these areas. A feeling of a foreign body appears on the tongue; upon palpation, lumps are felt. There may be a burning and tingling sensation that gets worse when eating.
  • Lumpy glossitis is characterized by lesions that consist of bumps separated by folds. The bumps can be of different sizes. There are no papillae on the folds and tubercles. The affected areas become red with a bluish tint.
  • In the hyperplastic form, papillary formations grow on the tongue, having flat tops and wide bases.

Black hairy tongue. With this disease, filiform papillae grow and become keratinized in the posterior and middle third of the tongue.

Predisposing factors are: lack of vitamins, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypervitaminosis, infectious diseases, physicochemical factors, disruption of metabolic processes in tissues.

Most often this disease occurs in men.

Symptoms characteristic of hyperplasia of filiform papillae:

  1. The papillae thicken, elongate and change color to black or brown.
  2. The lesion is located in the center of the tongue and has an oval shape.
  3. Upon examination, it appears that hair has grown on the tongue.
  4. Sometimes the following may occur: itching, gag reflex or foreign body sensation.

Catarrhal form. This glossitis is manifested by the appearance of a white coating, redness and swelling of the tongue. It does not apply to deep layers.

Ulcerative glossitis. With this form of the disease, bleeding small ulcers appear. The tongue swells and hurts. The causes may be diseases of the internal organs or gums.

Purulent-phlegmonous. With this severe form of glossitis, the entire oral cavity, deep layers of the tongue and even the nearest lymph nodes are affected. Therefore, its treatment must be carried out by a specialist.

Atrophic form The disease is characterized by a bright red spot that occupies the entire smooth tongue. Sometimes the tongue may shrink in size. The cause of atrophic glossitis is a lack of vitamins A and E.

Candidal glossitis occurs most often after antibacterial therapy and is manifested by swelling of the tongue and a whitish coating on it.

Gunter uniform. A disease in which the entire surface of the tongue becomes a bright crimson color. This occurs due to atrophy of the papillae. The cause is a lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid in the body.

Some forms of glossitis can be seen in the photo.

Glossitis is usually detected during a routine examination of the oral cavity. However, it is not enough to simply make such a diagnosis; it is necessary identify the cause of the disease. For this, patients are prescribed diagnostic tests: general and biochemical blood tests, gastroscopy, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, colonoscopy.

Glossitis of the tongue, treatment

To eliminate symptoms and treatment, the following manipulations must be used:

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of glossitis at home should be local and general.

Local treatment with folk remedies:

  • Irrigations, baths and rinses of the mouth with decoctions and infusions of herbs. The following have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects: chamomile, calendula, oak bark, sage, willow leaves, aloe juice, plantain, sea buckthorn, kalanchoe.
  • Rinsing the mouth with warm soda water, to which a few drops of iodine are added.
  • You can treat with honey, which should be kept in your mouth until it is completely absorbed. It regenerates cells, improves immunity and fights infection.
  • Lubricate the oral cavity with propolis, which has wound-healing properties.
  • Carrot and potato juices, as well as rosehip oil, will help heal wounds and normalize oral flora.
  • Lubricate your tongue with tea tree oil, which has an antibacterial effect.
  • Decoctions of eucalyptus and mint will help reduce pain for a while. They should be used warm.

General treatment for glossitis:

  1. You can use decoctions or infusions of plants internally, which have anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. For example, ginseng, echinacea, ginger. They will help restore damaged tissues of the tongue, increase immunity, and restore the body's strength.
  2. To normalize the intestinal microflora, you should consume lactic acid bacteria. However, instead of them, you can also drink herbal infusions with chamomile, St. John's wort, lemon balm, and eucalyptus.

Before you begin treatment for glossitis of the tongue, you should first identify reasons its occurrence, since most often it is a consequence of internal diseases. By identifying and treating the source of the problem, you can get rid of glossitis forever, preventing it from becoming chronic.

The mouth is a reflection of the state of the body, so many inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity pose a serious danger. It is necessary to carefully and regularly perform oral hygiene to prevent dangerous complications of diseases such as stomatitis and glossitis.

Glossitis is an inflammatory process in the tongue. The causes of this condition may be different. Sometimes the disease develops against the background of a viral or bacterial infection. In this case, we can talk about it as an independent pathology.

Local inflammation is caused by various microorganisms. The herpes virus often provokes classic symptoms complicated by stomatitis and glossitis. Glossitis can also be a sign of another disease.

Risk factors:

  1. Mechanical damage. Chronic injury to the tongue or oral cavity opens the way for infectious agents that provoke inflammation.
  2. Injuries from sharp edges of teeth, fillings, dentures, braces.
  3. Thermal, chemical burns. Such conditions develop with frequent and prolonged exposure to chemical irritants on the tongue.
  4. Electrical impact on the tongue provokes the development of chronic glossitis.
  5. Poisoning with salts of heavy metals. In this case, inflammation becomes a sign of poisoning.
  6. Exposure to nicotine, alcohol abuse.
  7. Eating excessively spicy and hot foods, caramel.
  8. Using low-quality toothpaste or having a specific reaction to high-quality cleansers.
  9. Passion for mouth fresheners, mouth rinses.
  10. Ignoring hygiene rules, using other people's objects to clean the mouth.
  11. Dysbacteriosis, weakening of general and local immunity, formation of autoantibodies. These pathologies most often make inflammation of the tongue chronic.

Types of inflammation of the tongue

There are acute and chronic glossitis. Acute glossitis is an inflammation of the tongue, in which its structure and color change. Chronic glossitis can manifest itself in different ways. The doctor assesses the condition by the presence or absence of papillomas (fungal growths in the tissues of the tongue).

Sometimes the causes of glossitis can only be identified through a comprehensive medical examination. This happens only in the presence of congenital diseases of a hereditary nature. This is a fairly rare occurrence with glossitis.

Common types of glossitis

Catarrhal glossitis

The symptoms of catarrhal glossitis are characteristic: swelling, redness, plaque. However, this condition is not expressed in the penetration of inflammation into the deep layers of the tongue.

Causes of catarrhal glossitis:

  • injuries;
  • burns (chemical, thermal);
  • candidiasis (failure of microflora balance);
  • stomatitis and its various forms;
  • infectious disease (viral or bacterial);
  • anemia;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • diseases of the digestive system.

Ulcerative or aphthous glossitis

The condition is characterized by the appearance of single ulcers (ulcers) or many on the tongue. The development of ulcers is accompanied by bleeding, severe swelling, and acute pain. The patient’s general condition often worsens.

Ulcerative glossitis can be a complication of catarrhal disease, or result from neglected disease of the oral cavity, gums, or pathologies of internal organs.

Purulent-phlegmonous glossitis

This type is a severe form of glossitis. The disease affects the deep layers of the tongue, oral tissues and nearby lymph nodes.

Purulent-phlegmonous glossitis is characterized by a strong deterioration in the general condition, symptoms of intoxication are present, and the temperature rises. Surgery and antibiotic therapy are often required.

Rare types of glossitis

In addition to the listed types, there are other forms of inflammation of the thickness of the tongue. They are special because they are characterized by specific changes.

Desquamative glossitis

A characteristic feature of this type of glossitis is the so-called pinkish-red color, which resembles the outlines of the continents on the map.

Desquamative glossitis is also called wandering glossitis. This is due to the fact that when cleared of plaque, thin areas can change shape and position (in 2-4 days). Such changes are diagnosed in exudative diathesis, helminthic infestation, diseases of the digestive system, metabolic disorders, blood diseases, and pregnancy.

This condition requires treatment according to a standard regimen. The tongue is gradually cleansed and, accordingly, the symptoms of glossitis are eliminated.

Median rhomboid glossitis

This pathology is characterized by thickening of the epithelium, most often this occurs in the middle region of the back of the tongue. The thickened area usually has a diamond or oval shape. Sometimes it takes on a red or bluish tint.

Most often, the cause of median rhomboid glossitis is chronic pathology of the digestive organs. The disease often becomes chronic and often recurs. Treatment is selected depending on the form of the inflammatory process.

Atrophic glossitis

Often, the pathology develops against the background of a deficiency of vitamins A and E. The symptoms of atrophic glossitis are as follows: a single bright red spot that has a smooth surface and occupies the entire surface of the tongue.

The atrophic state in most patients persists for a long time, but progression does not occur. The tongue may decrease in size.

Histological analysis of atrophic glossitis shows a significant dilation of blood and lymphatic vessels, swelling, and an inflammatory process in the papillary layer. Often the atrophic form of glossitis is a symptom of damage to the mucous membrane of the tongue due to gonorrhea.

Gunter's glossitis

The pathology is diagnosed with a lack of vitamins B12 and B9 (folic acid). This condition is often accompanied by a blood disease (anemia, based on the problem of hematopoiesis).

Gunter's glossitis is characterized by the coloring of the tongue in a bright crimson hue. Atrophy of the papillae gives it a certain varnished appearance. A therapist or hematologist should treat this type of glossitis by eliminating the underlying disease.

Mycotic glossitis

This condition develops with prolonged and aggressive antibacterial therapy. As a result, the natural microflora is disrupted. This pathology is also called candidiasis or yeast.

Among the symptoms of mycotic glossitis are severe swelling of the tongue, a white coating with transverse and longitudinal grooves.

Most often, mycotic glossitis is diagnosed in children and the elderly. Often the pathology affects people with severely weakened immune systems. Antimycotic agents are used to treat candidal glossitis.

Symptoms of glossitis

Signs of glossitis are very diverse. Their features and quantity depend on the cause and stage of the disease.

In most cases, the following symptoms are diagnosed:

  • uneven spots of plaque on the tongue;
  • ulcers in the oral cavity with different depths and sizes;
  • change in natural color (spots or general);
  • swelling;
  • teeth marks on the walls of the tongue;
  • limited mobility of the tongue;
  • salivation disorders;
  • bad breath.

Less commonly, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the tongue, a burning sensation, pain when moving the tongue (when eating, during a conversation).

As inflammation increases, health deteriorates and body temperature rises. Severe glossitis is characterized by enlargement of the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes.

Diagnosis of glossitis

The specificity and severity of the symptoms of inflammation of the tongue often make it possible to identify the disease during a visual examination. To diagnose glossitis, you need to see a dentist.

Before treatment, the depth and nature of the lesion, the causes of glossitis and the disease that became the basis of the inflammation should be determined. To do this, cytological, histological, bacteriological, biochemical and serological tests are carried out.

To exclude syphilis, microscopy of the scraping is performed for Treponema pallidum and RPR analysis. PCR diagnostics and enzyme immunoassay can identify other pathogens of glossitis.

Treatment of tongue inflammation

Therapy for glossitis consists of correcting the disease that caused inflammation of the tongue. Often this is syphilis, pathology of the digestive organs, anemia.

  1. Clean the mouth thoroughly, excluding the affected area.
  2. After eating, treat your mouth with antiseptics. It is best to rinse.
  3. Food should be as crushed or pureed as possible.
  4. It is worth giving up too cold and hot dishes.
  5. If pain occurs, you can treat your tongue with painkillers of a suitable release form.
  6. Plaque can be removed using a cotton swab soaked in antiseptic.
  7. To speed up the healing process of ulcers, you can treat them with healing ointments, rosehip or peach oil.
  8. For glossitis, you can only take medications that have been prescribed by your doctor. Often these are antibiotics or antivirals.
  9. When pustules appear, surgical opening is often required.
  10. To consolidate the effect, drugs that help the immune system, immunomodulators and general health-improving drugs will help.

To avoid pain when eating food, you need to limit yourself to pureed soups, purees, and porridges with a mucous consistency. You also need to rinse your mouth with a solution of furatsilin or chlorhexidine (0.05%) before and after meals. Rinse should be repeated throughout the day.

If severe dryness of the tongue occurs and, accordingly, pain, you need to treat the mucous membrane with a mixture of glycerin and anesthesin. To heal wounds with glossitis, jelly-like and gel-like products are used. Regeneration can be accelerated with medications containing vitamin C. To speed up healing and relieve pain, use a mixture of rosehip oil and vitamin A.

Necrotic and fibrin plaque in case of inflammation of the tongue can be removed with cotton swabs previously soaked in proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin). To remove plaque from painful erosions and ulcers, it is better to use an application (applying a layer of substances). After application, the cavity should be treated with an antiseptic, which will help avoid secondary infection and complications.

Antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed according to symptoms. Hormones for glossitis are needed only for difficulty breathing. In case of immunosuppression, it is necessary to add immunomodulators and restorative drugs to therapy. Severe hyperkeratosis requires surgical intervention.

With proper correction of the underlying disease, glossitis is also treated. In most cases, the prognosis is favorable. Negative consequences can occur when inflammation is complicated by an abscess or phlegmon. Without treatment of inflammation and its causes, tongue cancer sometimes develops.

Antibiotic therapy

One of the reasons that requires you to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of inflammation of the tongue is that some forms of it do not require antibiotics, while in others they are required. It is impossible to independently determine the need and choose medications.

Most often, antibiotic therapy is needed for purulent-phlegmous inflammation, when the pathology goes deeper into the layers of the tongue and affects other tissues of the oral cavity and nearby lymph nodes.

Antibiotics are needed when the temperature rises and symptoms of intoxication appear (muscle pain, headache, severe weakness). Often this condition requires surgical intervention, which is fixed with antibiotics.

What is prescribed for glossitis:

  1. Suprax is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the cephalosporin group. Adults are prescribed 400 mg once a day or 200 mg twice. The course of treatment should be 8-10 days.
  2. Doxycycline is a semisynthetic tetracycline antibiotic. Prescribed 200 mg on the first day, then 100-200 mg once or twice a day. Contraindications: age under 8 years, pregnancy, tendency to allergic reactions.
  3. Tetracycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic; it effectively fights against many bacteria; it is not used to eliminate fungi and viruses. Adults are prescribed 250-300 mg every six hours. For local use, apply 3-5 times a day.
  4. Rocephin is a cephalosporin antibiotic. Has a wide spectrum of action. Adults need to use 1-2 g per day. The solution is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. The drug is needed to normalize the patient’s condition and relieve symptoms of inflammation.

Postoperative therapy for glossitis involves a combination of different antibiotics, often using two at once. The doctor must choose the medications using test results. The main goal of antibiotic therapy is the destruction of microorganisms through manipulation of their sensitivity.

Folk remedies for the treatment of glossitis

Doctors strongly recommend not to self-medicate for any form of glossitis. No folk remedies will be effective against this pathology. If you notice any symptoms that do not disappear within 1-2 days, you should consult a doctor.

Glossitis is treated by a dentist. Only he can correctly determine the cause of the disease and prescribe all the necessary diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. For glossitis, treatment prescribed by a doctor can be carried out at home. It is very important that the doctor can control the process and evaluate the results.

Glossitis is dangerous due to its consequences. Traditional methods of treatment can aggravate the situation, so they can only be used after consultation with a dentist or therapist (and only as additional therapy).

After the doctor’s encouragement, you can use the following folk remedies:

  1. When the tongue becomes inflamed, irrigating and rinsing the mouth with herbal decoctions and infusions often helps. For these purposes, take chamomile, oak bark, sage, calendula, aloe juice, plantain, Kalanchoe, sea buckthorn, and willow leaves. These herbs provide wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. It is allowed to rinse your mouth with a warm soda solution with added iodine (a few drops).
  3. You can try honey treatment. You need to keep it on your tongue until it is completely absorbed. The product promotes cell regeneration, strengthens the immune system and eliminates infection.
  4. Propolis is used to lubricate the tongue. The product has strong wound healing properties.
  5. Carrot and potato juice, as well as rosehip oil, help normalize the microflora of the oral cavity.
  6. To achieve an antibacterial effect, the tongue is lubricated with tea tree oil.
  7. You can relieve pain with warm decoctions of eucalyptus and mint.
  8. For internal use, decoctions with anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties are recommended. These are ginger, ginseng, echinacea. They restore the tongue after damage, help strengthen the immune system, and restore the body’s natural strength.
  9. To normalize the intestinal microflora, you can use lactic acid bacteria or decoctions with chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort and lemon balm.

When treating glossitis, it is very important to first find out its cause. Since the condition is often a reflection of internal pathology, additional therapy may be required. Timely and complete diagnosis, as well as comprehensive treatment, will help get rid of glossitis forever and prevent its transformation into a chronic form.

Treatment of glossitis in children

Prescribing therapy for inflammation to a child on your own is strictly prohibited. The doctor must choose drugs depending on the patient’s age, cause of the disease, form, severity, tendency to allergies, and concomitant pathologies.

Treatment must be comprehensive. You need to change your diet, take medications, and, if necessary, provide bed rest. It is important to eat only warm, pureed or boiled foods. Food should not be salted, fried or smoked.

The child needs to drink plenty of fluids during treatment. Warm herbal teas without sugar, still mineral water, and fermented milk products are allowed.

Children's glossitis requires the following remedies:

  1. Antiseptics. Herbal remedies are allowed (chamomile infusion, oak bark), lozenges. Such drugs to eliminate bacterial or viral infections are approved for children over 6 years of age.
  2. Antibiotics. Needed for moderate and complex inflammation. Antibiotics are prescribed for fever, ulcer formation, and severe intoxication.
  3. Antihistamines. Used to eliminate swelling.
  4. Immunomodulators. Recommended for strengthening the immune system.
  5. Analgesics. To relieve pain.

When a child is sick, it is very important to seek help from a pediatrician in time. Timely treatment will reduce symptoms and prevent the development of complications.

Prevention of inflammatory processes in the tongue

To never suffer from glossitis, it is enough to regularly practice oral hygiene. You need to brush your teeth for at least three minutes twice a day, and also brush your tongue. It is recommended to undergo preventive examinations with a dentist every three months.

You can reduce the risk of inflammation of the tongue mucosa by giving up alcohol and cigarettes, and limiting the amount of spicy and hot foods and spices.

Glossitis is an inflammatory process affecting the tissues of the oral cavity, namely the tongue, and is caused by infection, but may not be of an infectious nature. We will look at this disease in detail, find out what glossitis is, symptoms, treatment, its types, causes, as well as how to treat glossitis in adults and children.


Translated from Greek, glossa is language. Glossitis of the tongue is an inflammation of non-infectious and infectious origin, causing inflammation on the surface of the tongue, or in its deep layers.

Glossitis of the tongue very rarely develops as an independent disease. In most clinical cases, this is a clear manifestation of some inflammatory disease, for example, stomatitis. Therefore, if glossitis bothers you, treatment may be associated with other diseases.

According to statistics, glossitis occurs more often in men, mainly over 40 years of age. However, if burns occur, injuries to the tongue, or exposure to various harmful chemicals occurs on the tongue, glossitis can develop in a person at any age.

We can identify a group of people who are most at risk of developing this disease:

  • smokers;
  • people who often eat spicy or too salty foods;
  • excessive use of mouth rinses.

Glossitis is a symptom of certain diseases and conditions of the body:

  • lack of vitamins (A, E, B12 and folic acid);
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • allergy;
  • stomatitis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • rheumatism, etc.

Is glossitis of the tongue contagious?

Having encountered the problem under consideration at least once, every person tries to learn more about the causes and consequences of the disease. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether glossitis is contagious due to the fact that there are a great many causes of this disease.

Therefore, if the cause of the pathology is established, and it is not associated with infectious tissue damage, then there is no need to talk about the transmission of the disease from a carrier to a healthy person.

Symptoms of glossitis

In terms of its symptoms, inflammation of the tongue is almost identical to stomatitis. But complications, in this case, can be much more serious. At the initial stage of development of the disease, the patient may be bothered by the following symptoms and signs:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the mouth;
  • burning;
  • increased salivation;
  • the tongue may become bright red and swollen;
  • taste sensations change.

Based on the nature of the symptoms of the disease, the following are distinguished:

  • Acute glossitis of the tongue– occurs for the first time, as an independent disease, or against the background of another disease.
  • Chronic glossitis– occurs when the cause of acute glossitis is not eliminated (incorrectly selected dentures, insufficient oral hygiene, spicy and excessively hot food) and immune failure.

As the disease progresses, symptoms become more pronounced:

  • taste sensations may be completely absent; ulcers form on the tongue;
  • the slightest movement of the tongue causes severe pain;
  • local temperature increase.

Types of disease

Subsequent treatment for glossitis will directly depend on its type. There are several varieties of this disease. Each of them has its own distinctive symptoms. It is from them that the doctor will be able to determine what kind of glossitis is observed in the patient. It is very important to determine the specific type, as treatment may vary slightly. The main types are:

Catarrhal glossitis

Develops in various diseases (stomatitis, anemia, superficial burns and injuries, etc.). It is characterized by the appearance of tissue swelling and plaque on the mucous membrane of the tongue. The lesion affects the upper layers of the tongue and is not deep.


The focus of its development is the very bottom of the oral cavity. In this case, inflammation often also affects the area of ​​the chin and even the neck. If this form of the disease is not treated, then over time an abscess appears in which a large amount of pus accumulates. This is an extremely unpleasant and painful complication.

Desquamative glossitis

Refers to symptomatic diseases. Desquamative glossitis of the tongue develops against the background of:

  • hypovitaminosis,
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • during pregnancy,
  • helminthic infestations and other diseases.

It is often called “geographic language” (see photo above). Striations, areas of redness, burning and pain (especially when eating) appear on the mucous membrane of the back of the tongue. The affected areas resemble a geographical map in their outline.


Villous glossitis is manifested by the proliferation of filiform papillae followed by keratinization. As a result, the papillae become villi-like. This course of glossitis is observed with candidiasis and constant trauma to the tongue. Smoking and taking certain medications can also trigger the development of villous glossitis.

Benign wandering glossitis

This is desquamative glossitis, in which areas of mucosal lesions change their shape and location on the back of the tongue over a short period of time.

Gunterovsky subspecies

Gunter's glossitis is a sign of the development of an underlying disease - folate deficiency anemia. Unlike other subtypes of the disease, in this case the surface of the tongue does not have any ulcers or damage. On the contrary, the surface is shiny, smooth, often bright red. Elimination of Gunter's glossitis is completely possible only when the underlying disease is eliminated.

Interstitial glossitis of the tongue

Interstitial glossitis is a symptom of tertiary syphilis. The muscle tissue of the tongue is transformed into connective tissue, the tongue tightens, becomes uneven and grooved. It is necessary to begin treatment for syphilis as soon as possible, otherwise malignancy of the cells and the development of cancerous tumors of the tongue are possible.

Diamond-shaped glossitis

A chronic inflammatory process in which the papillae of the tongue atrophy is called “diamond-shaped glossitis.” In the center of the tongue, a diamond-shaped or oval-shaped lesion is formed, no more than 2 cm wide and no more than 5 cm long. Rhomboid glossitis in rare cases can become malignant, but most often it is a benign formation. There are three forms of rhomboid glossitis:

  1. Flat - characterized by the absence of papillae in the area of ​​the outbreak, and a smooth surface - as if varnished;
  2. Tuberculate - occurs when there are dense tubercles on the surface of the lesion;
  3. Hyperplastic - characterized by the appearance of flat growths on a wide, whitish base in the area of ​​the lesion.


Speaking about atrophic glossitis, the main factors leading to its appearance are fungal (thrush), streptococcal and viral (HIV, herpes) infections, as well as tongue cancer or injury to it. In rare cases, the affected organ itself may shrink - another distinctive manifestation of atrophy, because with other types of glossitis it usually increases due to edema.

Folded tongue

This pathology is a congenital anomaly and in most cases does not cause any problems to the owner. In rare cases, surgery is performed for aesthetic correction.


If this disease is not treated, dangerous complications can occur. We are talking about abscesses that need to be removed surgically. In this case, the patient will complain of local painful sensations of a pulsating nature. Also, with abscesses, the photo shows an uneven enlargement of the organ.

The appearance of glossitis in children

photo A child’s habit of trying objects on the tooth increases the likelihood of developing glossitis.

Unfortunately, children are very susceptible to this disease and are frequent patients of pediatricians and dentists with this diagnosis. Most often they suffer from catarrhal inflammation, which occurs from constant biting of the tongue, traumatizing it on the edges of the plate for straightening teeth, or burns.

Such a wound is an entry point for infection, which will cause pain, which young patients will complain about. No less often, children suffer from desquamative glossitis, as well as candidiasis, which most often occurs in the youngest.

In the photo, candidal glossitis of the tongue

Glossitis during pregnancy

The high need of a pregnant woman's body for vitamins in the absence of a balanced diet can provoke the development of vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamin B 12 and concomitant pathology - glossitis. Also, the development of glossitis is caused by exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, damage to the mucous membrane of the tongue due to frequent vomiting during pregnancy.

Expectant mothers suffer from two types of glossitis:

  • Desquamative, the so-called “geographic tongue”, which is characterized by the presence of whitish areas of various shapes.
  • The Gunter form, called “lacquered tongue,” occurs when there is a deficiency of vitamin B12. In this case, the tongue has a crimson color.

Glossitis has characteristic symptoms - pain in the tongue and changes in its appearance. Increased salivation will also be an indicative symptom. The pain may be present while eating or be constant. Pain accompanying swallowing or other movements indicates a deep inflammatory process.

Treatment of glossitis during pregnancy is based on classical medicine, that is, the main principle of therapy is the absence of harm to the body. In this regard, the selection of effective and at the same time the safest drugs is required. As a rule, topical preparations are used - lozenges and lozenges, as well as solutions for rinsing the mouth.


If there are bumps or grooves on the tongue, or a change in the color of the tongue, you should consult a dentist. After an initial examination of the oral cavity, the doctor can make a diagnosis. Further diagnosis of glossitis is aimed at identifying possible causes of inflammation of the tongue.

The standard program includes the following:

  • general blood analysis;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • scraping from the affected area.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor can make a final diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Self-administration of medications can only bring temporary improvement, which does not exclude relapse of the disease.

Treatment of glossitis

Before you begin treatment for glossitis, there are several important factors to note:

  1. Drugs and treatment procedures directly depend on the form and type of disease, because of this the role of diagnostics in the treatment process increases significantly.
  2. Some types of glossitis are symptoms of more serious diseases, so it is much more important to correctly diagnose and treat the disease that triggered its appearance. In this case, the role of doctors who will deal with the underlying disease greatly increases. This could be an ENT specialist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and other specialists.

Treatment of glossitis requires correction of underlying diseases: syphilis, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. With effective correction of the underlying disease, glossitis responds well to treatment. An unfavorable outcome with complications in the form of phlegmon, abscesses and cancer of the tongue is observed in the absence of treatment for glossitis and diseases that were the main cause.

Nutrition for glossitis

Great importance in the question of how to treat glossitis of the tongue is given to diet.

  1. Since some types of food can irritate the mucous membranes, thereby exacerbating the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, during treatment doctors recommend avoiding the use of hot spices and dishes, sour and salty foods, marinades and smoked meats, soda and alcohol.
  2. It is advisable to increase the volume of fluid consumed. Warm herbal teas from chamomile, mint or sage, rosehip decoction and unsweetened fruit drinks are suitable for drinking.
  3. To normalize digestion and restore intestinal microflora, it is recommended to include fermented milk products in your daily diet - kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt and fermented baked milk, yogurt and whey.

How to treat glossitis with folk remedies

Remember that the use of folk remedies is permissible only after consulting a doctor. Therapy at home is carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Folk remedies include anti-inflammatory decoctions with the addition of herbs such as chamomile, sage and calendula. Also, for glossitis, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with water with the addition of a small amount of soda.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide - to prepare, add 2 teaspoons of a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide to a glass of boiled warm water, rinse your mouth several times a day after meals. The product has a strong antibacterial effect.
  2. Steam 15 grams of dried crushed chamomile flowers with boiled water - 300 milliliters. Leave the mixture to sit for several hours. Rinse your mouth with the strained infusion after each meal and before going to bed.
  3. Tea tree oil - the product must be mixed with sea buckthorn oils or regular vegetable oil in equal quantities. Several times a day, this mixture should be kept in the mouth on the damaged area of ​​the tongue. Tea tree oil has an antibacterial effect
  4. Sage has a powerful disinfectant effect. Brew 10 grams of dried crushed leaves of the plant in boiled water - 200 milliliters. It is preferable to infuse the composition in a thermos for at least two hours. Strain the mixture and use to rinse the mouth three times a day.
  5. Take a few medium-sized potatoes, peel them and chop them finely. Wrap the resulting pieces in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. It is worth noting that when treating glossitis with potatoes, do not crush the potatoes with a press. Rinse your mouth with juice after every meal. After the procedure, wait 30 minutes. interval, and then start rinsing again.


If the diagnosis is made on time and adequate treatment is carried out, the prognosis for glossitis is favorable and recovery occurs fairly quickly. But if this is aphthous, villous, deep or similar in severity of the pathology inflammation and the patient is admitted to the doctor with an advanced form of the disease, then the doctor cannot predict anything specific, because under a certain set of circumstances the pathological change can transform into a cancerous disease that requires other methods of relief. In some forms of the disease, frequent relapses are possible.


Glossitis is a disease whose prevention is not particularly difficult. Following the suggested recommendations allows you to minimize the risk of developing inflammation of the tongue. Necessary:

  • Correctly and promptly observe the rules of oral hygiene: brushing your teeth at least twice a day, rinsing your mouth after meals.
  • General hygiene is equally important. Therefore, washing your hands after going outside, using the toilet, and before eating should be made automatic.
  • Visit your dentist regularly.
  • Avoid vitamin deficiency and anemia.
  • Don't have bad habits.
  • Treat all infections, including chronic ones.

It is also important to visit the dentist at least a couple of times a year. These preventive examinations will help you avoid dangerous diseases. If you have been diagnosed with any infectious disease, do not delay its treatment.